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古环境DNA(ancient environmental DNA,简称ancient eDNA)指保存于古环境样品中的生物古DNA(ancient DNA,简称aDNA).与直接从古代生物遗存内获取的单一物种古DNA不同,古环境DNA为多种生物的混合DNA,常常以小片段DNA分子形式吸附在腐殖质和矿物颗粒上,主要从粪化石、牙结石、肠道残留物、冰川、冻土、泥炭、湖泊、海洋、洞穴和遗址沉积物等环境样品中获得.古环境DNA研究自1998年开始兴起,经历了早期的DNA条形码(DNA barcoding)古代物种鉴定,到DNA宏条形码(DNA metabarcoding)古代生物类群恢复,再到近期的鸟枪法宏基因组(shotgun metagenomic)古生态系统重建等发展历程,目前已形成了完善的研究体系,可以完成对古环境样品中大部分动物、植物和微生物物种的检测.相比于传统的动植物化石形态鉴定手段,古环境DNA研究具有样品用量少、方法简单快捷、不依赖于化石、一次实验可以确定大量物种信息等优势.目前,国际上的古环境DNA研究在古生态环境重建、古代农业发展、古代人类食性、人类扩散历史和人类活动对环境影响等环境考古领域的应用都取得了良好的进展并发表了大量成果,但国内相关研究还少有报道.本文综述了古环境DNA技术的发展、研究方法、应用方向及存在的问题等内容,认为随着古环境DNA研究技术的日趋完善,其在环境考古学中的应用前景也将更加广阔.  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的发展,DNA技术的应用逐渐从生物学研究拓展到进化、环境和气候变化等研究领域。因为DNA容易受到水解、氧化、紫外辐射、酶解等过程的破坏,所以人们认为DNA很容易降解,保存时间不长,但是近年来的研究成果显示,古生物和古人类的化石或骨骼、冻土、湖泊海洋沉积物等样品中包含已保存数千年甚至长达数百万年以来的古DNA。古DNA作为重要的信息载体,可以诠释人类、动植物和微生物进化和迁移过程及它们对环境和气候变化的响应。反过来,古DNA在古环境、古气候重建方面也起着重要作用,沉积物样品的古DNA往往保存了历史时期的水体和水体周围环境以及气候变化等信息。通过对沉积物中古DNA的研究,可以获得历史时期的水生生物(包括藻类、水生动植物等)的群落演化,和水体周围岸基生活的动植物群落(植物落叶、动物毛发冲带到水体并沉积下来)演替,进而反演水体和水体周围气候环境以及气候变化信息。通过研究古人类和动物化石中保存的DNA,可以探讨人类的迁徙和进化过程,溯源家畜的驯化历史。本文将介绍环境古DNA的保存和可靠性评价,重点探讨古DNA在古生态以及古环境、古气候重建研究中的优势及应用,并展望古DNA在生物进化和环境研究等领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

深时源-汇系统古地理重建方法评述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
源-汇系统根据侵蚀、搬运及沉积作用的显著程度可划分为物源区、过渡区和沉积区,根据研究的时间尺度可划分为现代系统、第四纪系统和深时系统。洋陆边缘源-汇系统根据地貌单元的空间配置可划分为"陡—短—深"、"宽—深"及"宽—浅"3种空间分布类型,这3种类型在沉积体积分布及沉积记录保存潜力上存在差异。完整的源-汇系统古地理重建包括沉积区古地理重建和物源区古地理重建。深时尺度下沉积区古地理重建方法随着岩相古地理、构造古地理、生物古地理及层序地层学的发展已趋完善,而物源区古地理重建则更具挑战性,尤其是在物源区遭受侵蚀而不复存在的情况下更具难度。在源-汇分析方法体系中,物源区古流域水系形态、面积范围、地貌地势等古地理要素可通过构造要素分析、碎屑矿物分析、沉积体积回填、地貌学参数比例关系、古水力学参数比例关系和河流沉积通量模型等方法获得。总之,深时源-汇系统古地理重建能够通过盆地沉积记录揭示出物源区古地理演化特征,为沉积盆地充填过程提供沉积供给的信息,对能源矿产勘探和深时古环境研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

叶缘分析法是一种利用现代植被木本双子叶植物全缘叶物种百分比与年均温的函数关系,定量重建化石植物群古年均温的方法。该方法在新生代植物群的古年均温定量重建研究中得到了广泛的应用。目前基于世界不同地区现代植被的研究表明,尽管全缘叶物种百分比与年均温存在很好的相关性,但其相关性具有地区差异性。本文旨在总结叶缘分析法的研究进展,并介绍基于中国植被建立的叶缘—年均温中国模型;同时,采用该模型重建了中国新生代不同时期植物群的古年均温,且与前人采用其它模型得到的年均温重建值相比较。结果表明,叶缘—年均温中国模型能够有效地重建中国新生代植物群的古年均温值。  相似文献   

元素碳碳同位素在古环境研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘恋  周鑫  葛俊毅 《地质论评》2012,58(3):526-532
元素碳几乎完全来源于植被的燃烧,长期广泛地分布于大气、土壤、沉积物、岩石、水体和冰体等自然界载体中,记录了大量的古环境信息。利用元素碳碳同位素(δ13CEC)指标来反映古气候、古植被信息是将元素碳应用到古环境研究的一个重要方面,本文通过总结国内外学者利用δ13CEC指标进行古环境研究的现状,总结出对于"直接利用δ13CEC指标进行古环境恢复"这一关键问题还存在不同认识。燃烧前后物质的碳同位素是否发生变化是利用δ13CEC进行古环境研究时需要考虑的一个重要问题,国内外学者近20年来对C3、C4植物开展了大量燃烧实验,主要结论是C3植物燃烧前后物质的碳同位素变化(Δδ13C)较小,在±1‰以内,而C4植物变化范围较大,在0‰~-9‰之间;此外,文中还讨论了元素碳外源输入等可能影响δ13CEC指标的因素。建议在利用δ13CEC指标进行古环境重建之前,有必要对δ13CEC进行详细的基础研究工作,进一步研究表土δ13CEC与地表植被相关性以及元素碳外源输入等问题。  相似文献   

“模拟技术”是当今科学研究的主要手段之一,把它应用于地质学的某些方面,能取得很好的效果,如盆地模拟已经发展到了比较成熟的阶段。但在古地理和古地形再造方面,国内外在这方面的研究甚少,尤其是在三维模拟方面。根据Hay等(1989)提出的物质平衡理论,在给定时间间隔内,作用在研究区表面的构造、侵蚀和沉积过程所赞成的沉积物的侵蚀总量与沉积总量之间物质守恒,与古地形再行喀古地理重建相结合,用三维数值模型来模拟研究区域的变化过程,用GIS技术把这个变化过程的动态显示出来,是一项具有理论意义和实践意义的工作。  相似文献   

近20年来, 古DNA研究技术和方法已迅猛发展.目前从古人类残骸中获取DNA序列, 进而讨论人类的演化、亲缘关系和迁移成为分子人类学的一个重要方向.本研究对采自陕西临潼仰韶文化6 000多年前的姜寨遗址第一期和第二期文化层中的古人类残骸进行古DNA提取、扩增和测序, 获得了169 bp的线粒体高变控制区Ⅰ的古DNA片段, 与现代西安人同源性序列有2个位点的突变.另外, 通过在不同实验室进行重复性实验和系统发育分析等方法详细地论证了所获得的DNA序列的可靠性.在所研究的6个姜寨遗址样品中有3个样品获得古DNA序列, 古DNA的提取成功率为50%, 高于一般的古DNA研究材料的提取率, 说明姜寨遗址的人类残骸是研究古DNA的理想材料, 为今后从分子水平上研究姜寨遗址及其他同地区仰韶文化遗址的古人类墓葬及中国古人类分子演化关系奠定了基础.   相似文献   

西南极乔治王岛发育有一套高钾低铝的拉斑玄武岩,夹火山碎屑岩,属于岛弧火山岩系列。该岛还保存了南极最长的冰川沉积记录,是研究南极冰盖演化历史的重要证据。乔治王岛出露的新生代陆相地层中含有丰富的植物叶、孢粉、茎干、无脊椎动物化石及鸟类足印的痕迹化石等,从始新世到早中新世,化石逐渐减少,表明植物多样性呈明显下降趋势,幸存的稀疏植被被严格限制在冰川周缘的苔原物种上。冰海相地层与古生物研究表明,晚渐新世海相地层主要对应高能环境,早中新世海相地层对应低能环境。对乔治王岛新生代古生物特征及古环境的探讨,不仅理解了古生物及多样性的变化趋势,也为重建南极古环境提供证据。   相似文献   

活动古地理重建的实践与思考——以青藏特提斯为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
由于石油工业的推动,特提斯构造域一直作为活动古地理重建的重点研究地区,并取得大量研究成果,直接推动了全球古地理研究工作的深入。近年来对位于该构造域东部的青藏高原地区进行了活动古地理重建的研究工作实践,其主要思路是:在古地理重建数据库和古地理重建模拟系统开发的基础上,依据古地磁学运动轨迹研究古大陆位置,结合古构造和古生物对青藏高原喜马拉雅(印度北缘)、拉萨、东和西羌塘地体的古大陆位置进行复位;利用深部地球物理、地表地质断裂证据,借助生物古地理资料,对古大陆和盆地的边界、规模予以限制;利用变形缩短率、构造平衡剖面恢复技术等对原型盆地进行复原;在沉积和生物环境识别划分基础上,编绘基于古大陆重建的岩相和生物古地理图;进一步通过沉积学、沉积地球化学、古生物有关方法和技术,对古海洋海水参数特征、海洋气候参数进行分析研究,探讨古地理和古构造格局控制下的古海洋、古气候条件与盆地、储集岩和烃源岩的形成环境。通过活动古地理重建的研究趋势分析和青藏特提斯的实践认为,古地理重建是现代地质科学的集成,是一项复杂的系统工程。它的研究不仅具有从过去走向未来,从固定走向活动,从古大陆再造到古地理重建,从示意性的小比例尺到大比例尺,以及模拟技术、信息技术、全球定位技术(GPS)等特点;而且具有从单一沉积学要素到古环境、古气候、古海洋等多种要素,可以表现地质历史中各种地质作用及其结果(如古构造和地貌、岩浆和变质作用与各种岩体的剥露)的优势。我们相信,活动古地理重建研究将会成为未来我国沉积地质学重点研究领域之一。  相似文献   

文中扼要介绍了植物硅酸体在古环境分析中的应用基础,详细研究了洛川黑木沟黄土剖面晚更新世以来植物硅酸体的组合特点、古植被及其演替规律,探讨了植物硅酸体分析在研究高分辨率气候事件及古气候空间格局中的意义。  相似文献   

Plant-derived terpenoids, long recognized as biomarkers, can help reveal the major taxonomic groups of land plants present in ancient environments, even if rocks and sediments do not preserve plant macro- or microfossils. Previous studies have used simple di- to triterpenoid ratios to reconstruct floral changes in the geologic past, but few have compared terpenoid ratios with estimates of floral composition from fossils. Further, reconstructions have not taken into account differences in biomarker production (i.e. concentration relative to leaf biomass) between different types of plants. Here, we have examined terpenoids from early Cenozoic fluvial rocks from the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, USA), where fossil flora has been studied in detail. We analyzed the distributions of diterpenoids, triterpenoids and n-alkanes from leaf wax in a total of 43 samples from 15 stratigraphic horizons of late Paleocene (63 Ma) to early Eocene (53 Ma) in age. In nearly all samples, triterpenoids, derived from angiosperms, were significantly lower in abundance than conifer-specific diterpenoids, a finding that contrasted with plant fossil evidence for the same rocks. This suggests that di- to triterpenoid ratios severely underestimate the abundance of angiosperms in paleovegetation. Angiosperms dominated n-alkane production among modern plants, and we propose a new paleovegetation proxy based on the ratio of diterpenoids (conifers) to n-alkanes (angiosperms), corrected for lipid production estimated from extant vegetation. Using diterpenoids and alkanes, we infer the composition of paleovegetation to be similar to that inferred from plant fossils. Although the approach works well for the Bighorn Basin, we stress the new paleovegetation proxy will need to be evaluated for other time periods, communities, paleogeography and depositional environments with pollen or megafossil data available.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》1992,94(3):183-192
The Siwalik Sequence of northern Pakistan contains a 16-Ma record of paleosol carbonate and fossil teeth from which a record of paleovegetation can potentially be reconstructed and compared. The carbon isotopic composition of paleosol carbonate and organic matter from Siwalik strata reflects a major paleoecological change on the floodplains of major rivers beginning7.3 Ma ago. By 6 Ma C3-dominated plant communities, probably composed of mostly trees and shrubs, were displaced by nearly continuous C4 grassland. We find that the carbon isotopic ratios in herbivore tooth enamel reflect this dramatic ecologic shift. Carbonate in enamel older than 7 Ma averages −11‰ in δ13CPDB, consistent with a largely C3 diet. Enamel from the Plio-PIeistocene averages +1.9‰ in δ13C, similar to the value displayed by modern C4 grazers. Analysis of post-burial carbonate cements, and the concordance with isotopic evidence from paleosols argues strongly against major isotopic alteration of the enamel, while coexisting bone may have been altered early in burial. This study confirms that enamel apatite is useful for paleodietary reconstruction much further back in the geologic record than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Arnold, L. J., Roberts, R. G., MacPhee, R. D. E., Haile, J. S., Brock, F., Möller, P., Froese, D. G., Tikhonov, A. N., Chivas, A. R., Gilbert, M. T. P. & Willerslev, E. 2010: Paper II – Dirt, dates and DNA: OSL and radiocarbon chronologies of perennially frozen sediments in Siberia, and their implications for sedimentary ancient DNA studies. Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 417–445. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00181.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 The sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) technique offers a potentially invaluable means of investigating species evolution and extinction dynamics in high‐latitude environments. An implicit assumption of the sedaDNA approach is that the extracted DNA is autochthonous with the host deposit and that it has not been physically transported from older source deposits or reworked within the sedimentary profile by postdepositional mixing. In this paper we investigate whether these fundamental conditions are upheld at seven perennially frozen wetland sites across the Taimyr Peninsula and coastal lowlands of north‐central Siberia. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon (14C) dating are used to constrain the ages of both the inorganic and organic fractions of perennially frozen deposits from which sedaDNA of extinct and extant species have been recovered. OSL and 14C age/depth profiles, as well as single‐grain equivalent dose (De) distribution characteristics, are used to assess the stratigraphic integrity of these sedaDNA sequences by (i) identifying the presence of primary or reworked organic and inorganic material, and (ii) examining the types of depositional and postdepositional processes that have affected specific sedimentary facies. The results of this study demonstrate that even though DNA preservation and stratigraphic integrity are commonly superior in perennially frozen settings, this does not, in itself, guarantee the suitability of the sedaDNA approach. The combined OSL and 14C chronologies reveal that certain perennially frozen sites may be poorly suited for sedaDNA analysis, and that careful site selection is paramount to ensuring the accuracy of any sedaDNA study – particularly for ‘latest appearance date’ estimates of extinct taxa.  相似文献   

Paleolake sediment, constrained by tephrochronology, from Onepoto basin volcanic crater in Auckland, Northern New Zealand (36° 48′S), provides one of the few uninterrupted records of paleovegetation for marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 4 and 3 (76,000–26,000 yr B.P.) in the region. This period was characterized by cool temperate conifer-hardwood forest that lacked some of the warmer taxa typical of the Holocene. The period 64,400–60,500 yr B.P. was marked by opening of forest canopy and expansion of small trees and shrubs, and correlates to the thermal minima of MIS 4. However, the landscape was never as open as the forest-shrubland mosaic of the MIS 2. The beginning of MIS 3 (60,500–50,500 yr B.P.) was marked by the dramatic expansion and then decline of conifer-hardwood forest dominated by Dacrydium cupressinum, a species that prefers wetter conditions. This forest was succeeded by the typically montane Nothofagus at 50,500 yr B.P., corresponding to a thermal decline. Thus, MIS 3 began with an abrupt change to moist cool conditions that lasted about 5000 yr, followed by gradual cooling and dryer conditions. This supports some interpretations from other parts of the southwest Pacific region, that MIS 3 was a period of increased precipitation. The widespread and stratigraphically important Rotoehu tephra, erupted from Okataina Volcanic Centre, has been variously dated at 45,000–65,000 yr B.P. At Onepoto, sedimentation rate and paleovegetation reconstruction imply an age of c. 44,300 yr B.P. The tephra provides a correlation horizon in the marine and terrestrial realms during a period (MIS 3) difficult to date by radiometric methods.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地荒漠植物与表土碳同位素组成研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
表土有机质碳同位素组成(δ13Corg)反映了来自于地表各种植物δ13Corg的一个混合信息.要从沉积物δ13Corg中提取可靠的植被信息,需要系统研究现代表土有机质δ13Corg与地表植被δ13Corg的差异.初步研究了塔里木盆地主要现代植被及土壤碳同位素组成,对比不同地区土壤和地表植被δ13Corg的差异.结果表明:塔里木盆地柽柳属种群中植物与表土碳同位素组成之间存在显著相关关系,说明在干旱地区土壤中微生物和水生生物等的干扰因素可以忽略,其现代土壤的同位素组成只与地表相应的主要植被类型有关.塔里木盆地柽柳属种群中表土有机质δ13Corg值比地表植被δ13Corg值平均偏正1.71‰左右,不同于其它地区表土和地表植被δ13Corg差异(2.2‰,1‰,0.5‰)的结果,反映不同地区表土和地表植被有机质δ13Corg值差异不同.在利用沉积物δ13Corg值提取古生态植被信息时,应考虑到不同地区土壤有机质与地表植被δ13Corg值的不同差异会影响植被中C3、C4植物组成情况.  相似文献   

中国黄土-古土壤序列记录了距今约2.6 Ma以来的环境变迁。孢粉作为恢复植被演替的敏感指标,被广泛用于古植被重建,但是针对高原中部地区长时间尺度植被演替历史的孢粉学研究还较缺乏。通过对黄土高原洛川剖面S5以来的黄土-古土壤序列开展较高分辨率的孢粉学工作,揭示出该区约0.6 Ma以来的植被演化历史。孢粉谱分析表明,洛川地区0.6 Ma以来以温带草原植被为主,不支持塬区历史时期存在大范围落叶阔叶林的观点。现代黄土高原缺少森林植被主要是由自然原因引起,因此塬区的现代生态恢复应以退耕还草为主。  相似文献   

通过对中纬区完全孢粉植被动态组合规律的分析,可以推导出某一地区沉积剖面中第四纪冷暖气候旋回的孢粉植被动态组合,其方式是:冷期孢粉动态组合,以比该区更北(平原)或更高位(山地)的孢粉植被为中间层,其上下依次对称出现比中间层更南(平原)或更低位(山地)的孢粉植被组合;暖期孢粉植被动态组合,以比该区更南(平原)或更低位(山地)的孢粉植被为中间层,其上下依次对称出现比中间层更北(平原)或更高位(山地)孢粉植被组合。  相似文献   

The present study tests the usefulness of SoLIM software and GIS techniques for the reconstruction of large vegetation formations from the mid-Holocene period in Romania. We used current reference climate data (temperature, precipitation) and the current extent of ecological regions in Romania to derive climate optimality functions for each vegetation formation. The optimality functions were used to simulate current and past distributions of vegetation. The results showed that the current and mid-Holocene simulated spatial distributions of vegetation are quite similar. Changes were found for about 14% of the Romanian territory (33 946 km2), the most important being the retreat of coniferous forests in favor of mixed forests and of mixed forests in favor of forest steppe. The former is validated by previous pollen-based studies showing the transition from coniferous forests to mixed forests that occurred in several areas of the country after the mid-Holocene. The study demonstrates the potential of this methodological approach to reconstruct past vegetation formations, and at the same time that it is a straightforward and expert knowledge-based method. Although our application uses only climate factors, the results can be further refined by incorporating additional drivers (soil and landform information, site-specific pollen and fossil data, wildfire data) for a more accurate inference of paleovegetation.  相似文献   

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