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FENG Yan  HE Daming 《地理学报》2006,16(3):271-276
With the regional population growth, socioeconomic development, more and more attention has been paid to issues on the shared water allocation and the transboundary eco-security conservation during the development of water resources in the international rivers. In this paper, the existing major problems on transboundary waters in different sub-regions of Asia, such as water shortage, transboundary waters pollution, fragile eco-environment are discussed. Then, the key scientific issues to be concerned in the next study progress on the basis of the analyses of the new research directions and focus fields are raised: (1) unpredicted changes of the hydrologic and water system, and their impacts on the allocation of the sharing waters by global changes; (2) models of the international cooperation on the international rivers on the studies of international and national water laws or regulations, policies, the relative experiences and the case studies; (3) quantificational assessment on environmental flow, available water, and the comprehensive functions and values of the international watercourse system; (4) studies on transboundary aquatic bio-diversity maintenance, transboundary pollution supervision and treatment under the rules and principles accepted by the riparian states; (5) issues on transboundary compensation at the rules of “payments for using”, “payments for harm” and “compensation for benefit”; (6) using advanced 3S techniques to promote the integrated watershed development and management; and so on.  相似文献   

亚洲国际河流研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 General situation Entering the 21st century, resource and environmental diplomacy is regarded as a new element for establishing future international patterns of cooperation. Transboundary resources and environmental issues in international river basins …  相似文献   

邓铭江 《干旱区地理》2012,35(3):365-376
哈萨克斯坦是中亚地区的“大国”,与四周比邻的国家均存在跨界水体联系,有44%的地表水来自邻国。跨界河流水资源开发利用与生态环境保护问题,是涉及国家政治、经济、安全、外交大局的重大战略问题。通过分析哈国地表水分布特点,简要回顾总结了与其邻国在跨界河流方面的合作情况;对哈国所担忧的水安全问题及采取的主要对策,进行了深入剖析,并就跨界河流管理未来的合作路径、跨界河流利用未来的分水原则、哈俄跨界河流水污染未来的解决途径、中亚国家间解决咸海危机的前提条件等问题,进行了分析讨论;指出对共享水资源的管理既可以成为中亚地区和平的力量,也可能成为冲突的因素,管理这种相互依存的资源是当今国际社会面临的一项关系人类发展的重大挑战。研究哈萨克斯坦跨界河流国际合作及其对核心利益问题的观点、认识、所采取的不同策略,对于处理好中哈跨界河流问题具有积极现实意义。  相似文献   

李芳  吴凤平  陈柳鑫  许霞  赵越 《地理科学》2021,41(4):728-736
基于公平合理利用视角,将多准则决策模型与破产理论相结合探讨跨境水资源分配问题.通过梳理国际水法,设计了跨境流域水资源公平合理分配的指标体系,采用投影法解决这一多准则决策问题,并依此加权调整流域国用水需求.在加权调整用水需求和考虑议价能力的基础上,基于破产博弈模型探讨跨境流域水资源分配问题,以提高分配方案的公平合理性和可...  相似文献   

以水利益共享代替分水的理念有利于充分发挥水资源效益和减少区域矛盾冲突,但由于缺乏具体可实施的分配模式一直停留在设想阶段。基于水利益共享理念,建立跨境流域水资源多目标分配指标体系,并结合澜沧江-湄公河流域跨境水资源利用现状及需求,提出澜沧江-湄公河流域跨境水资源多目标分配模型。为基于水利益共享的跨境水资源多目标分配提供了具有充分可操作性的指标体系和分配模型,有助于推进跨境流域水利益共享的实施,实现区域双边或多边在水资源利用上的共赢和发展目标。  相似文献   

《国际水道非航行使用法公约》被认可的区域差异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余世维  冯彦  王文玲 《地理学报》2017,72(2):303-314
《国际水道非航行使用法公约》是第一个生效、旨在实现跨境水资源公平合理利用的全球公约,但《公约》原则与条款争议造成缔约国数量有限,综合影响力受到削减。利用《全球跨境流域》、《国际淡水条约数据库》、《世界环境协定》等数据库信息等,确定《公约》缔约国的国际河流地理位置,结合各缔约国水资源及利用现状、跨境水资源分布及区域合作开发状况、《公约》原则和争议条款等,分析、判断缔约国的区域及目标差异特征,结果表明:① 缔约国仅分布于欧洲、亚洲和非洲3个地区36国家,《公约》被认可程度低、影响力有限;② 《公约》在平衡上下游权利与义务中对下游国谋求水开发利益更为有利,下游国缔约意愿更强、对其认可度最高;《公约》对中游、边界及上下游均衡及支流地区的流域国有制衡作用,影响着流域国的缔约愿意;③ 缺水状况和位居下游、国际河流地位重要及对跨境水资源的依赖驱使相关国家不断寻求增强对跨境水资源管控能力的途径,缔结《公约》成为一项重要选择;④ 区域性水法的发展与实践是流域国缔结《公约》的基础,绝大多数国家的缔约意愿多源于对水资源合作开发实践,而流域下游及中游国家则源于跨境水资源合作机制建设和水资源合作开发两个方面的经验。  相似文献   

China possesses over 110 international rivers and lakes, among which 41 are major ones and 15 are of great importance. With the highest concentration of international rivers, the northeast, northwest and southwest regions of China enjoy abundant transboundary resources and pose complicated ecological security issues. Following the 1950s, relevant studies on international rivers fall into three periods: 1) the planned economy period of the 1950s–1980s when border development and basic research were scant; 2) the reform and opening-up period from 1980 to the end of 20th century. Along with the drive of economic globalization and regional cooperation, development of international rivers was thriving, which filled blanks in the research and narrowed gaps with international standards. Relevant studies also provided national and local governments with important scientific grounds for making decisions; 3) since the start of the 21st century, China has integrated its international river studies across sectors and across international borders. Now both government and scientific institutions pay great attention to transboundary environmental issues.  相似文献   

中国国际河流研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1IntroductionThe increasing momentum of economic globalization and regional geopolitical cooperation no longer stand as the major drivers of a new world order. Resource and environmental diplomacy are now regarded as new elements establishing future international patterns. Transboundary resources and environmental issues in international river basins have attracted increasing global concern and professional attention. The impact of such issues penetrates into national security, international e…  相似文献   

中国国际河流研究进展及展望   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
我国因发育了亚洲大陆的主要国际河流而成为全球最重要的上游水道国。近30年来,在全球化趋势下,国际河流的合理利用与保护、生态变化与跨境影响、地缘合作与安全维护等,广受国际关注,成为地理、生态和地缘政治等学科交叉研究的热点。本文按“国际河流”、“跨境水资源”、“跨境生态安全”等关键词,从《地理学报》及其英文版J. Geographical Sciences中检索近30年来发表的相关文献,以此为主要依据,回顾地理学对我国国际河流研究取得的主要进展,判识存在的问题和所面临的挑战;在此基础上,结合科学发展的趋势和我国地缘合作等重大需求,展望研究前景。  相似文献   

王萍  杜德斌  胡志丁 《地理学报》2023,78(1):214-229
随着气候变化、人口增长和经济发展,全球水资源供需矛盾日益突出,国际河流跨境水冲突不断加剧。地处中东的约旦河是世界上跨境水冲突最严重的河流。1948—2008年约旦河跨境水冲突事件数量占全球总量的1/5,战争性跨境水冲突数量占同级别总量的2/3。本文以地缘价值、地缘关系和地缘结构为模块构建国际河流跨境水冲突地缘环境分析框架,考察约旦河跨境水冲突事件的时空演化及其形成的地缘机制。研究发现,约旦河跨境水冲突的地缘目标集中于水资源战略要地,且按水资源地“主要→核心→次要”空间转移;跨境水冲突事件在时序上呈现从以色列争夺水权为主向域内阿拉伯国家讨还水权为主演化;跨境水冲突地缘体结构中以色列主动发起的跨境水冲突占六成多,域内阿拉伯国家和域外地缘体发起的各约占二成。基于地缘环境分析框架的研究得出以下结论:约旦河流域区位的地缘价值吸引域外大国直接介入,促成跨境水冲突向有利于美国—以色列利益的方向发展;域内地缘体的“水资源地”竞争地缘关系强于“水量”竞争地缘关系,对约旦河跨境水冲突具有强化作用;以色列作为约旦河地缘结构中的水霸权,对该流域跨境水冲突的基本态势和时空分布格局具有主导作用。  相似文献   

全球地缘政治竞争回潮与资源环境危机推动国际河流水资源开发利用成为影响国家地缘安全的关键变量。通过对既有文献的梳理,发现国际河流水资源开发利用在“稀缺-冲突”范式下激化流域各国的矛盾,引发的水资源冲突联合域外势力进一步作用于国家地缘安全;在地缘安全视角下,中国国际河流的水资源开发利用经历了从“弱安全化”到“强安全化”再到“去安全化”的演进;水环境治理、水量分配及水开发利益协调是水资源开发利用中的核心议题,涉及的跨境水资源污染、水权分配以及水电开发争议等问题与国家地缘安全密切相关;东北、西北及西南三大国际河流密集区水资源开发利用方式地域分异明显,在差异化的地缘环境下带来多元的地缘安全威胁;最后基于“一带一路”及“人类命运共同体”等背景对中国未来外交提出建议。  相似文献   

Tensions over freshwater resources may become more frequent as pressures on water resources grow due to increased demand and variability of rainfall. Conflicts may take place between or within countries or between competing sectoral users. This paper focuses on institutional approaches for enhancing cooperation between countries for sustainable development of transboundary freshwater bodies and contributing basins. It is assumed that instead of being zones of conflict, shared water resources can provide a basis for cooperation and benefit–sharing provided that threats to the international waters are recognized and collaborative structures are created. The paper draws upon experiences gained within the international waters focal area of the Global Environment Facility, the main funding mechanism for countries to support the environmental management of transboundary water resources. Lessons for promoting peaceful cooperation for environmental management, benefit–sharing and sustainable use of transboundary freshwater resources are highlighted through examples from Africa, Central Asia and Latin America. Experience shows the importance of processes that bring together all sectors and actors whose actions affect the transboundary waterbody at regional, national and local levels. The development of a science–based diagnostic analysis is essential to identify the threats to the transboundary ecosystem and to break down the issues into manageable parts with the aim of developing a strategic action programme. Ensuring political commitment that can result in institutional, policy and legal reforms in the countries concerned is the key to sustainable development of the transboundary resource.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Recently, some important international institutions, like the World Bank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank, have pointed out that there will exist water crises, water conflicts, and even water wars in the 21st century. The equitable utilisation and co-ordinated management of the shared freshwater resources in international watercourses (sharing rivers, lakes, and underground water layers) were particularly emphasised and are turning out to be the international hot point an…  相似文献   

Western China includes 12 provincial divisions (the 7 provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and; 5 autonomous regions of Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Guangxi; and one city of Chongqing), which comprise 71.4% of the national land area, 28.5% of the national population and produce 17.5% of the national GDP in China. There are 17 countries that have riparian relationships with western China, most of which are water-short countries. All are listed by UN ESCAP as countries with potential water crisis. The co-operative development and coordinated management of international rivers in western China is an important step toward the implementation of the national Great Western Development program. Taking into account of the national strategy and object hierarchy, as well as the development demand of the western region, it is necessary to pursue the multi-disciplinary study of the equitable allocation, utilisation, and ecoenvironment protection of transboundary water resources in the region. Such efforts will undoubtedly provide scientific evidence and support for the decision-making of the environmental protection and ecological construction and management in the western regions, the enforcement of the sub-regional economic co-operation, mitigation of trans-boundary conflicts, and enhancing bio-diversity conservation.  相似文献   

冯彦  何大明 《地理研究》2014,33(10):1807-1816
水与能源安全是全球可持续发展最为核心的问题,其在国际河流区尤为复杂和敏感。中国作为亚洲乃至全球最为重要的上游国,国际河流水资源变化、水电开发影响及跨境水安全维护等,虽受关注,但研究基础较为薄弱。判识出1937-2010年全球国际河流水电合作开发的32个案例,综合分析其开发方式,揭示其投资—效益分配模式与特征。结果表明:① 水电合作开发以河段和双边合作开发为主,缺乏流域层面的合作,形成了投资—效益等比分配、平均分配和差异分配三种模式。② 跨境型河流水电合作的投资—效益分配以等比分配为主,上游国通过向下游国提供发电用水分享其发电效益,下游国则通过补偿上游国的方式推动合作;界河(含界河段)的水电合作开发以平均分配为主。③ 不同发展时期的分配模式差异较明显: 1950年代前以平均分配和等比分配为主;1950-1980年代以平均分配为主;1990年代以后,因案例太少,主要分配模式难以确定。④ 经济发展水平相当的合作国家间主要采用平均分配模式;经济发展水平存在差异的国家间则兼顾采用等比分配和差异分配模式,并实施了更多的补偿措施。  相似文献   

张文雅  刘晓凤  王雨 《地理研究》2022,41(11):2963-2978
国际河流因涉及国家间的资源归属和主权事务而具有强烈的政治属性。尽管国际水政治相关的权力和空间议题已成为国际学界的热点之一,但尚未在国内政治地理学者中得到充分关注。结合质性系统性综述与文献计量学方法,对1990—2020年Web of Science核心合集中235篇与CNKI数据库中158篇国际水政治文章进行回顾。结果表明,国际水政治研究呈现多学科介入的特点,中文研究侧重国际关系和国际法议题,英文研究则以政治地理学和政治生态学为主要理论基础。总体而言,在水冲突与合作、话语批判、水-社会关系三大研究主题下,既有研究不仅通过多元主体和话语建构回应“领域陷阱”的局限性,还从辩证和关系视角丰富水的本体论和认识论,从而推进了国际水政治的研究议程。本文认为,政治地理学者可从空间、领域、尺度等角度进一步深化国际水政治研究,为全球治理和可持续发展贡献地理学的理论和思考。  相似文献   

基于河流健康及国际法的跨境水分配关键指标及阈值   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
冯彦  何大明  王文玲 《地理学报》2015,70(1):121-130
基于前期研究中获得的8个河流健康主要评价指标、3个主要跨境水分配指标的结果以及指标之间的相关性,确定了河流健康和跨境水分配的关键指标:多年平均水量、最大取用水量和最小维持水量。跟踪查询《国际淡水条约数据库》内1864-2002年应用3个关键指标的38个国际条约及其所涉及28条国际河流的主要水文信息,通过对条约中水分配指标的标准化计算和分析,得到各指标阈值及其区域性特征:① 最小维持水量指标得到普遍应用,其次是多年平均水量指标,而最大取用水量指标应用率明显低于前两个指标。② 应用多年平均水量指标,在界河上基本确定了平均分配方案,阈值为50%;“内河”属性支流的阈值为100%;跨境河流上产生了较多的差额分配方案和较多的上游国用水多于下游国的方案。③ 最小维持水量指标,其应用有从发达地区向发展中地区扩展、从保证用水向维持生态用水发展的特点;当该指标在跨境和界河的河流尺度上用于保证供水时,该指标阈值平均分别为41.7%和50%,且流域国家实力对其影响极为明显,而在跨境河流河段尺度上阈值平均为36.1%;用于维持河道生态水量时,阈值平均为14.7%,并有逐步增长的趋势。  相似文献   

Benefit sharing on transboundary rivers is an approach to address equitable and reasonable development and utilization of transboundary water resources (TWR). Through analyzing a few typical benefit sharing cases, this paper provides a systematic discussion of the theory of TWR benefits sharing. TWR features a kind of common pool resources (CPRs). Its benefit sharing subjects are the riparian countries. The shared benefits usually include flood prevention, power generation, navigation, irrigation, contributions to society and culture, etc. The benefit sharing modes mainly include shared benefits and responsibilities, reciprocal rights and obligations, equal benefit distribution, cost proportion-based benefit sharing, and demand-based benefit sharing. The first step in the realization process of benefit sharing is the sharing of data and information. Second is the benefit identification and evaluation. Third is the establishment of a mechanism to guarantee the benefit sharing. The conditions for realizing benefit sharing depends on, first, if the riparian countries are willing to cooperate with each other; second, whether the cooperation can bring incremental benefit or cost reduction in comparison with unilateral operation; and third, if the benefit distribution is equitable and reasonable and can stand the test of time.  相似文献   

FENG Yan  HE Daming 《地理学报》2009,19(2):189-199
Competitive use of transboundary freshwater resources is becoming one of the key factors influencing regional peace and political relationship among states. In China, 18 major international river basins are concentrated in three regions, of which the total annual outflow at the border is 7320×108 m3, occupying 26.8% of the total annual runoff of China, and the inflow at the border is only 172×108 m3. In this paper, we analyzed the major drivers affecting shared water vulnerability in China, namely: (1) changes in physical conditions affecting the availability of water; (2) competing objectives between economic development and ecological conservation; (3) lack of emergency response mechanisms; (4) unsound administrative institutions; and (5) shortcomings in the development of regional cooperation based on transboundary waters. We concluded by identifying four pathways for reducing vulnerability: (1) encouraging scientific research cooperation; (2) constructing information-sharing channels; (3) establishing early-warning mechanisms; and (4) promoting further coordination and negotiation.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化及淡水资源紧张,国际河流逐渐成为国际社会关注的热点和焦点。为探寻中国学者对国际河流问题的研究热点与前沿方向,基于CNKI数据库中1957—2019年的2391篇中文文献,运用CiteSpaceⅤ等工具进行文献分析和数据挖掘。结果表明:近60年来中国学者在国际河流领域的研究经历了探索起步、较快发展、全面增长、成熟发展四个阶段,研究规模和学术影响力呈现良好发展态势;主体研究力量集中于少数优势机构,跨地域、跨机构间的合作较少,机构间的联合攻关和合作网络有待加强;发文期刊从自然科学向综合社科领域扩散,国际河流问题研究的多学科、多维度、多视角特征日益明显;从地域范围上,中国西南、东北、西北三大地区的国际河流普遍受到关注,西南地区为持续重点关注区,西北地区关注热度明显上升。研究热点和前沿呈现“水电开发—次区域合作—气候变化与生态环境—一带一路—澜湄合作”的演进特征,最近十年研究热点为气候变化影响下的国际河流水资源和水生态及“一带一路”背景下的涉水合作问题。  相似文献   

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