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为不断发展和完善现阶段我国现代气象业务体系,针对省级气象信息综合数据库建设面临的诸多问题,结合2006年湖北省气象信息与技术保障中心成功开发的湖北省气象信息综合数据库系统(HBMDBS),描述了省级综合气象数据库的设计目标和技术路线.在阐明HBMDBS总体结构与功能的基础上.从总体数据流程、数据采集、数据存储、数据库管理界面、质量控制、可扩展性等方面,综合介绍了HBMDBS的相关特性。  相似文献   

江西省气象部门的目标管理工作起步于20世纪80年代,目前形成了有江西特色的目标管理考核体系和工作运行机制,对促进江西省气象事业发展取到了很好的积极作用。目标管理虽不是气象工作的全部,考核的项目和内容虽然不能涵盖气象工作全部内容,但目标管理工作包含了气象工作的重要内容,考核项目毕竟是定量可比的,能比较客观的反映一个部门、一个单位的实际。抓好目标管理工作,如同牵了牛鼻子,抓住了重点和中心,要把目标管理工作和总体工作紧密联系起来,达到相互促进、全面发展、共同提高的效果。  相似文献   

分析了国内外闪电监测业务现状和闪电定位技术发展趋势,阐述了青海省闪电监测系统工程设计和建设的基本思路和目标,介绍了计划建设的青海省闪电监测应用系统规划的总体结构和主要建设内容。  相似文献   

科学的体系是进行目标管理的前提,也是推动各项工作顺利开展的保障。在设置目标体系时,青岛市气象局坚持了以下原则:一致性、可操作性、挑战性、创新性和一岗双责。一致性原则要求目标的制定坚持局部目标与全局目标相一致、近期任务与长远目标相一致、对上级负责与对群众负责相一致。  相似文献   

加强科学管理发挥气象现代化建设的总体效益山东省气象局副局长刘可先十余年来,我省气象现代化建设取得了很大的成绩,但也有不少教训和问题,影响了现代化建设总体效益的发挥。在现代化建设的管理上,存在着管理水平不高,管理人才缺乏,管理法规体系不健全,标准化、规...  相似文献   

加强县级综合气象观测能力建设的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加强综合气象观测能力建设是新时期县级气象部门改革发展的重要任务,是提高气象事业可持续发展能力,更好地服务经济社会发展的重要抓手。深刻认识并切实提高县级综合气象观测改革发展的使命感和紧迫感,准确定位发展目标和重点任务,科学设计并稳妥推进县级观测能力的建设,是当前和今后一个时期发展现代气象业务体系的重要任务。深入分析浙江省综合气象观测系统建设发展面临的形势和任务,对今后一段时间的发展总体要求、目标和主要任务进行了较系统的思考与探讨,为浙江省气象观测体系改革与发展提出了针对性、建设性的意见。  相似文献   

目标管理是当代科学管理的重要组成部分,被社会各类管理部门广泛使用。学习中国气象事业发展战略,落实科学发展观,结合工作实际,从实施目标管理重要性和迫切性出发,总结内蒙古气象部门开展目标管理工作的经验和体会,对进一步建立科学的目标体系、考核体系、激励约束机制和上下联动、落实督察工作机制进行思考,以此发挥目标管理最大效益,推进事业优质快速发展。  相似文献   

系统总结和分析了中国气象局对省(区、市)气象局实施的目标管理工作,认为中国气象局目标管理体系比较好地把握了理论和实践的结合点,在不断权衡重要常规工作和一般日常工作、重点工作和全面工作、可量化工作和弹性工作、创新工作和常规工作、各项常规工作之间(权重)关系的基础上,逐步推行了以常规工作目标、重点工作目标和政策目标为架构的目标体系。  相似文献   

目标管理是当代科学管理的重要组成部分,在世界经济迅猛发展、科学技术Ft新月异的今天,这种行之有效的管理方式,已被社会各类管理部门广泛使用。目标管理是根据一个组织的奋斗目标和任务,依据管理单位性质、业务特点,在一定期限内确定工作目标、建立与之相适应的科学监督体系、考核体系和奖惩体系,调动全体成员为之努力,以期达到完成工作任务,实现奋斗目标的系列管理过程。  相似文献   

结合工作实践,阐述了运用目标管理促进工作圆满完成的重要性以及目标管理实施过程中应重点把握的环节,即:抓好目标任务的制定分解、动态管理和客观评审,形成完善的目标任务考核体系和齐抓共管、上下齐动的运行机制。同时阐述了将管理理念运用到实际工作中取得的实际效果和体会。  相似文献   

李泽椿  泰祥士 《气象》1995,21(3):17-22
公众气象服务是国家中心的重点工作,中期数值预报业务先进的计算机自动化通信系统的建立国家气象中心初步形成了以数值天气预报为基础,以人机交互工作站为主要手段,综合应用多种气象信息的业务服务系统,使天气预报服务水平不断提高,取得显著社会经济效益,气象服务的总体经济效益已达到国家对气象事业投资的40倍。  相似文献   

针对安徽省山岳型景区旅游气象服务的需求和特点,以旅游气象观测网为基础,基于短时临近预报系统(INCA系统)、云海景观预报技术、雷电监测预警技术、旅游气象条件综合评级等,开发了安徽省山岳型景区旅游气象服务业务系统,实现了旅游气象服务产品的高效加工制作和快速分发传递.目前,系统已在黄山景区、九华山景区投入业务运行,为当地旅游气象服务工作的开展提供了重要支撑.  相似文献   

A cloud-detection algorithm for METEOSAT first generation data has been developed. The algorithm utilizes solely infrared data from the METEOSAT thermal infrared window channel at around 11.5 μm. The developed algorithm estimates an assumed clear-sky brightness temperature from time series analysis on pixel bases. Land-/sea-depending dynamic thresholds are then utilized discriminating the infrared images in cloudy, undecided, and cloud free pixels. The cloud-detection algorithm has been validated against synoptic observations. The developed cloud-detection scheme has been applied to 10 years (1992–2001) of METEOSAT data, extracting cloud coverage statistics for the Baltic Sea catchment area. These have been compared to corresponding cloud coverage statistics derived from the BALTIMOS coupled model system. Building overall averaged values of the cloud coverage in the period from 1999 to 2001 gives results with very good agreement between simulation and observation: the total METEOSAT-derived cloud coverage amounts to 0.65 compared to 0.63 for BALTIMOS. In contrast, large discrepancies in the phase of the diurnal cycle of cloud coverage have been observed. A significant trend in total cloud amount was observed neither from the model nor from the satellite.  相似文献   

Four accelerated sea level rise scenarios, 30 and 100 cm by the year 2100, and 10 and 30 cm by the year 2030, have been assumed as boundary conditions (along with some wind climate changes) for the entire Polish coast, under two recent programmes completed in 1992 and 1995. Three adaptation strategies, i.e., retreat, limited protection and full protection have been adopted and compared in physical and socio-economic terms. Over 2,200 km2 and 230,000 people are found vulnerable in the most severe case of 100-cm rise by 2100. The total cost of land at loss in that case is estimated at nearly 30 USD billion (plus some 18 USD billion at risk of flooding), while the cost of full protection reaches 6 USD billion. Particular features of vulnerability and adaptation schemes have been examined as well, including specific sites and the effects of not only sea level rise but also other climate change factors, and interactions with other climate change studies in Poland. Planning of coastal zone management facing climate change can be facilitated by the use of a GIS-supported coastal information and analysis system. An example of the application of such a system for a selected Polish coastal site is shown to illustrate the most recent smaller-scale research activities undertaken in the wake of the overall assessment of the vulnerability to climate change for the entire Polish coastal zone.  相似文献   

近年来移动气象服务需求快速增长,而气象信息的辅助决策功能在现代气象服务体系中的作用越发凸显,如何快速建立一个性能可靠、易于扩展、自主可控的移动气象服务系统成为当前各级气象部门重点关注内容之一。本文介绍了基于Hybrid模式构建精细化移动气象服务系统的总体设计,并通过Hybrid、插件化开发、MVC框架、HTML5融合等关键技术实现了气象信息在移动端的展示交互,体现了Hybrid开发模式在功能复用性高、迭代升级方便等方面的技术优势。经过近5年的持续迭代升级,目前系统产品已经广泛应用在山东省各级气象部门、政府决策部门以及重点服务行业中,在气象服务社会防灾减灾过程中发挥出重要作用。  相似文献   

鲍婷婷  陈鹏  李玉涛 《气象科技》2018,46(6):1124-1129
本文针对新的资料传输流程建立后江苏省气象数据实时共享需求,基于消息中间件技术,设计并实现了一种省市气象数据同步系统。提出数据同步系统的总体架构和实现方案,基于业务需求设计了数据库表和消息模型,开发了数据同步状态信息查询Web页面。目前系统已在全省多个地市部署应用,为省市县3级气象业务提供稳定、及时有效的数据支撑,取得较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2001,1(2):189-210
Two different mitigation scenarios for stabilising carbon dioxide concentration at 450 ppmv by 2100 have been developed, based on the recently developed B1 baseline scenario (part of the IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios). In both mitigation scenarios, a global uniform carbon tax has been applied as a proxy of pressure on the system to induce a variety of mitigation measures — assuming the presence of some international mechanism for globally cost-efficient implementation of such measures. The two scenarios differ in the timing of mitigation action: early action versus delayed response. Analysis of the scenarios has led to the following findings. First, stabilisation at a carbon dioxide concentration of 450 ppmv from the B1 baseline scenario is technically feasible. In the first quarter/second quarter of this century most of the reduction will come from energy-efficiency and fuel switching options; later on the introduction of carbon-free supply options will account for the bulk of the required reductions. Second, postponing measures foregoes the benefits of learning-by-doing, and, as a result, an early action strategy will at low discount rates lead to reduced mitigation costs compared to delayed response. The most difficult period for the mitigation scenarios is the 2010–2040 period (exact timing depends on early action or delayed response), when ‘bending the curve’ towards a lower carbon emission system will have to be initiated. Finally, while overall costs seems to be limited, there are large differences in costs and benefits for individual regions and sectors for instance in terms of redirection of investments, changing fuel trade patterns and changing energy expenditures.  相似文献   

The conventional piecemeal approach to environmental treaty-making has resulted in a ‘maze’ of international agreements. However, little is known empirically about its overall structure and evolutionary dynamics. This study reveals and characterizes the evolving structure of the web of international environmental treaty law. The structure was approximated using 1001 cross-references among 747 multilateral environmental agreements concluded from 1857 to 2012. Known network analysis measures were used to answer the following questions: has a complex system of international environmental treaty law emerged? If so when, and what does it look like? What are its topological properties? To what extent is the institutional complex fragmented? The network analysis suggested that multilateral environmental agreements have self-organized into an interlocking system with a complex network structure. Furthermore, the system has defragmented as it coevolved with the increasing complexity and interconnectivity of global environmental challenges. This study demonstrates the need to approach multilateral environmental agreements in the context of a complex networked system, and recommends against assuming the overall institutional structure is fragmented. Proposals for global environmental governance reform should pay attention to this network's emergent polycentric order and complexity and to the implications of these features for the functioning of the multilateral environmental agreement system.  相似文献   

基于观测约束的地基犌犘犁三维水汽层析技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球定位系统(GPS)卫星信号穿过大气层时发生的偏折和延迟,可以用来反演信号传播路径上的大气水汽总量。为获取区域高精度的大气水汽三维分布,借助分布密集的地基GPS观测网及其斜路径水汽观测,建立新的观测约束层析模型,提出以高斯函数为水平约束,区域逐月多年探空观测为垂直约束,即以平均量为先验值,以标准偏差为权重矩阵的新方法;并在层析算法中引入地面观测,以提高整体尤其是低层反演精度。三维水汽层析网格模型基于长江中游鄂东区域的22站地基GPS加密网搭建,实时解算系统可逐时输出三维水汽产品。三维湿折射度和水汽密度可以分别由斜路径的湿延迟总量和水汽总量观测反演获得。以2010年开展的汛期联合加密探空观测为参照,对三维层析的总体反演精度、低层反演精度、层析区域中心与边缘反演精度进行了对比和分析。结果显示:整体样本检验三维水汽密度平均偏差为-0.63 g/m~3,标准偏差为1.22 g/m~3,与探空相关系数为0.98;水汽密度与探空资料的相关比湿折射度与探空资料的相关好;对于不同层析区域,中心区域观测元数量较为丰富,使得位于中心的层析精度好于整体和边缘;加入低层观测的层析结果与探空的相关比未加低层观测时的好,低层观测的加入提高了层析与探空的相关,减小了低层层析标准差、区域中心和2 km以上层析的均差,有效提高了反演精度;低层观测的加入对整体标准差的影响,可能与加剧观测方程中长度矩阵元素间的量级差异有关。  相似文献   

自动气象站风速传感器自动化检定系统设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
敖振浪  李国森 《气象科技》2007,35(3):429-431
主要介绍了如何对省、市气象计量检定部门原来配置的500型风洞检定系统进行升级改造。总体方案和设计思想是以计算机为核心,开发研制数据采集器和电机控制电路将检定过程中的物理量全部数字化,计算机从采集器的串行异步口读人数据,实现自动气象站风速传感器室内检定过程全自动化,同时具备常规测风仪器的半自动检定能力。检定数据传入局域网服务器,实现数据远程处理、打印和共享。软件基于Windows平台,采用VB6.0编写。系统已成功投入使用,一年多的检定实践证明,该系统运行稳定可靠,使用方便,操作简单,计划在全国气象计量检定单位推广应用。  相似文献   

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