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Two suites of ultramafic xenoliths have been found in ultrapotassic lavas from the 0.9 Ma old Torre Alfina volcano sited at the northern border of the Vulsinian district (Central Italy). One group of Xenoliths consists of spinel-bearing lherzolites, harzburgites, minor wherlites and dunites with a maximum size of 3–4 cm. Some samples contain discrete laths of phlogopite. A second class consists of phlogopite-rich, glass-bearing peridotites. The first suite displays textural characteristics such as triple points, deformed olivine with well developed kink banding and porphyroclastic textures indicating equilibration at high pressure. Pressure estimates give values in the range 1.3–2.5 GPa, corresponding to mantle depths in the area, where the present-day Moho is about 25 km deep. Equilibration temperatures have been estimated in the range between 950–1000°C. The chemical composition of some phases, such as the very high Fo contents of olivines (up to Fo94 in harzburgites), Mg content of orthopyroxenes and Cr/Cr+Al ratios of clinopyroxenes and spinels, suggest that these xenoliths represent peridotites which suffered different degrees of partial melting before being incorporated into the Torre Alfina magma. On the other hand, the occurrence of phlogopite speaks for metasomatic events. The phlogopite-rich, glass-bearing xenoliths consist of phlogopite, olivine, clinopyroxene, rare orthopyroxene and glass. Apatite is the most common accessory. Olivine is present in both euhedral and strained crystals. A few relics of protogranular textures are also observed. Textural and chemical evidence suggests that these xenoliths represent mica-rich peridotites which have undergone phlogopite breakdown during rapid rise to the surface with the development of a K-rich liquid which reacted with mafic phases producing a rapid growth of olivine and, to a lower extent, pyroxene. Originally, these xenoliths may have represented intensively metasomatized upper mantle. However, a cumulitic origin from previous potassic magmatic events cannot be excluded. The host lavas have compositions intermediate between high-silica lamproite and Roman-type ultrapotassic rock. They have high abundances of incompatible elements and radiogenic Sr, coupled with high Mg content, MgO/CaO, Ni and Cr. These features support a genesis in a residual upper mantle which has suffered partial melting with the extraction of basaltic liquids, followed by metasomatic events which caused an enrichment in incompatible elements and radiogenic Sr. The presence of mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths in the torre Alfina lavas testifies for a rapid uprise of the magma which reached the surface without suffering fractional crystallization and significant interaction with the upper crust. Accordingly, the Torre Alfina lavas represent an unique example of primitive potassic liquid in Central Italy.  相似文献   

Chlorite peridotites from Almklovdalen in southwest Norway were studied to understand the deformation processes and seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle. The lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine and chlorite was determined using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD)/scanning electron microscopy. A sample with abundant garnet showed [100] axes of olivine aligned sub-parallel to lineation, and [010] axes aligned subnormal to foliation: A-type LPO. Samples rich in chlorite showed different olivine LPOs. Two samples showed [001] axes aligned sub-parallel to lineation, and [010] axes aligned subnormal to foliation: B-type LPO. Two other samples showed [100] axes aligned sub-parallel to lineation, and [001] axes aligned subnormal to foliation: E-type LPO. Chlorite showed a strong LPO characterized by [001] axes aligned subnormal to foliation with a weak girdle subnormal to lineation. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of the specimens revealed that the olivines with A-type LPO contain a small amount (170 ppm H/Si) of water. In contrast, the olivines with B-type LPOs contain a large amount (340 ppm H/Si) of water.

The seismic anisotropy of the olivine and chlorite was calculated. Olivine showed Vp anisotropy of up to 3.8% and a maximum Vs anisotropy of up to 2.7%. However, the chlorite showed a much stronger Vp anisotropy, up to 21.1%, and a maximum Vs anisotropy of up to 31.7%. A sample with a mixture of 25% of olivine and 75% of chlorite can produce a Vp anisotropy of 14.2% and a maximum Vs anisotropy of 22.9%. Because chlorite has a wide stability field at high pressure and high temperature in the subduction zone, the strong LPO of chlorite can be a source of the observed trench-normal or trench-parallel seismic anisotropy in the mantle wedge as well as in subducting slabs depending on the dipping angle of slab in a subduction zone where chlorite is stable.  相似文献   

REE abundances in minerals from spinel peridotite xenoliths from West Germany, the south-western U.S. and Mongolia decrease in the order clinopyroxene > orthopyroxene > olivine > spinel. While clinopyroxenes are similar in absolute chondrite-normalized concentrations to those known from other studies, orthopyroxenes and olivines are significantly lower in LREE although comparable in HREE. Spinels are much lower in all REE than any previously reported values and are completely negligible for the REE budget of peridotites.Partition coefficients for most orthopyroxene/clinopyroxene pairs increase systematically from La to Lu. Olivine/clinopyroxene and spinel/clinopyroxene partition coefficients increase from the intermediate rare earth elements to Lu and normally are higher for La compared to Sm.The application of Nagasawa's (1966) elastic lattice model suggests that all heavy but only minor amounts of the light REE substitute into structural positions of orthopyroxene and olivine.Significant differences between orthopyroxene/clinopyroxene partition coefficients for various xenoliths may be assigned to dependences upon equilibration temperature and bulk chemistry.Apart from grain surface contaminations, fluid inclusions which are practically always present in mantle minerals, can highly concentrate light rare earth elements and thus may be responsible for unexpectedly high concentrations of incompatible elements frequently reported for mantle olivines or orthopyroxenes.  相似文献   

We present a petrophysical analysis of upper mantle xenoliths, collected in the Quaternary alkali basalt fields (Series III and IV) from the island of Lanzarote. The samples consist of eight harzburgite and four dunite nodules, 5 to 15 cm in size, and exhibit a typical protogranular to porphyroclastic texture. An anomalous foliation resulting from strong recovery processes is observed in half of the specimens. The lattice preferred orientations (LPO) of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene were measured using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). In most samples, olivine exhibits LPOs intermediate between the typical single crystal texture and the [100] fiber texture. Occasionally, the [010] fiber texture was also observed. Simultaneous occurrence of both types of fiber textures suggests the existence of more than one deformation regime, probably dominated by a simple shear component under low strain rate and moderate to high temperature. Orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene display a weaker but significant texture. The LPO data were used to calculate the seismic properties of the xenoliths at PT conditions obtained from geothermobarometry, and were compared to field geophysical data reported from the literature. The velocity of P-waves (7.9 km/s) obtained for a direction corresponding to the existing seismic transect is in good agreement with the most recent geophysical interpretation. Our results are consistent with a roughly W–E oriented fastest P-wave propagation direction in the uppermost mantle beneath the Canary Islands, and with the lithosphere structure proposed by previous authors involving a crust–mantle boundary at around 18 km in depth, overlaid by intermediate material between 11 and 18 km.  相似文献   

Basaltic rocks of the Cima volcanic field in the southern Basinand Range province contain abundant gabbro, pyroxenite, andperidotite xenoliths. Composite xenoliths containing two ormore rock types show that upper-mantle spinel peridotite wasenriched by multiple dike intrusions in at least three episodes;the mantle was further enriched by intergranular and shear-zonemelt infiltration in at least two episodes. The oldest dikes,now metamorphosed, are Cr-diopside websterite. Dikes of intermediateage are most abundant at Cima and consist of igneous-texturedwebsterite and two-pyroxene gabbro and microgabbro of tholeiiticor calcalkalic parentage. The youngest dikes are igneous-texturedclinopyroxenite, gabbro, and olivine microgabbro of alkalicparentage. The dikes in peridotite are interpreted as partsof a system of conduits through which tholeiitic (or calcalkalic)and alkalic magmas fed lower-crustal intrusions, which are representedby abundant xenoliths of the same igneous rock types as observedin the dikes. Mineral assemblages of dikes in peridotite indicatethat an enriched uppermost mantle zone no thicker than 15 kmcould have been sampled. Because of their high densities, thegabbros and pyroxenites can occupy the zone immediately abovethe present Moho (modeled on seismic data as 10-13 km thick,with Vp 6.8 km/s) only if their seismic velocities are reducedby the joints, partial melts, and fluid inclusions that occurin them. Alternatively, these xenoliths may have been derivedentirely from beneath the Moho, in which case the Moho is notthe local crust-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Structural and fabric analysis of the well-exposed Hilti mantlesection, Oman ophiolite, suggests that shear zone development,which may have resulted from oceanic plate fragmentation, wasinfluenced by pre-existing mantle fabric present at the paleo-ridge.Detailed structural mapping in the mantle section revealed agently undulating structure with an east–west flow direction.A NW–SE strike-slip shear zone cuts across this horizontalstructure. The crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of olivinewithin the foliation is dominated by (010) axial patterns ratherthan more commonly observed (010)[100] patterns, suggestingthat the horizontal flow close to the Moho involved non-coaxialflow. Olivine CPO within the shear zone formed at low temperatureis characterized by (001)[100] patterns and a sinistral senseof shear. The olivine CPO becomes weaker with progressive mylonitizationand accompanying grain size reduction, and ultimately developsinto an ultra-mylonite with a random CPO pattern. The olivine[010]-axis is consistently sub-vertical, even where the horizontalfoliation has been rotated to a sub-vertical orientation withinthe shear zone. These observations suggest that the primarymechanical anisotropy (mantle fabric) has been readily transformedinto a secondary structure (shear zone) with minimum modification.This occurred as a result of a change of the olivine slip systemsduring oceanic detachment and related tectonics during cooling.We propose that primary olivine CPO fabrics may play a significantrole in the subsequent structural development of the mantle.Thus, the structural behavior of oceanic mantle lithosphereduring subduction and obduction may be strongly influenced byinitial mechanical anisotropy developed at an oceanic spreadingcenter. KEY WORDS: mantle lithosphere; anisotropy; shear zone; olivine CPO; Oman ophiolite  相似文献   

Mantle peridotites entrained as xenoliths in the lavas of Ngao Bilta in the eastern branch of the continental Cameroon Line were examined to constrain mantle processes and the origin and nature of melts that have modified the upper mantle beneath the Cameroon Line.The xenoliths consist mainly of lherzolite with subordinate harzburgite and dunite.They commonly contain olivine,orthopyroxene,clinopyroxene and spinel although the dunite is spinel-free.Amphibole is an essential constituent in the lherzolites.Mineral chemistry differs between the three types of peridotite:olivines have usual mantle-like Mg#of around 90 in lherzolites,but follow a trend of decreasing Mg#(to 82)and NiO(to 0.06 wt.%)that is continuous in the dunites.Lherzolites also contain orthopyroxenes and/or clinopyroxenes with low-Mg#,indicating a reaction that removes Opx and introduces Cpx,olivine,amphibole and spinel.This is attributed to reaction with a silica-undersaturated silicate melt such as nephelinite or basanite,which originated as a low-degree melt from a depleted source as indicated by low Al2O3 and Na2O in Cpx and high Na2O/K2O in amphibole.Thermobarometric estimates place the xenoliths at pressures of 11–15 kbar(35–50 km)and temperatures of 863–957C,along a dynamic rift geotherm and shallower than the region where carbonate melts may occur.The melt/rock reactions exhibited by the Ngao Bilta xenoliths are consistent with their peripheral position in the eastern branch of the Cameroon Volcanic Line in an area of thinned crust and lithosphere beneath the Adamawa Uplift.  相似文献   

Patterns in the hydrogen and trace element compositions of mantle olivines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The concentrations of hydrogen and the other trace elements in olivines from mantle xenoliths have been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for clarifying the incorporation mechanism and the behavior of the hydrogen. The hydrogen contents in olivines from mantle xenoliths range from 10 to 60 ppm wt. H2O and the concentration range is consistent with the previous infrared (IR) spectroscopic data. IR spectra of the olivine crystals show no effects of the weathering or secondary alteration. The hydrogen is distributed homogeneously among olivine grains in each mantle xenolith. However, the hydrogen contents of the olivine crystals are less than those for the olivine phenocrysts crystallized from the host magma. Olivine inclusions in diamonds also show similar hydrogen contents to the xenolithic olivines. Thus the hydrogen content of xenolithic olivines does not attain equilibrium with water in the host magma during the transportation from the Earth's mantle to the surface, and is taken as a reflection of the hydrogen condition in the mantle. Correlations of hydrogen with trivalent cation contents in garnet peridotitic olivines indicate the incorporation of hydrogen into mantle olivines by a coupled substitution mechanism, with the hydrogen present in the form of hydroxyl in oxygen positions adjacent to the M site vacancies. The hydrogen content of xenolithic olivines increases with pressure but decreases with increasing temperature, suggesting importance of olivine as a water reservoir at low temperature regions such as in subducting slabs. Received August 15, 1995/Revised, accepted November 19, 1996  相似文献   

Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle provides important constraints on mantle dynamics, continental evolution and global tectonics and is believed to be produced by the flow-induced lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine. Recent experimental studies at high pressure and temperature have suggested that the LPO of olivine is affected by pressure in addition to water and stress. However, there has been no report yet for the pressure-induced LPO of natural olivine because samples from the deep upper mantle are rare and often unsuitable for study due to ambiguous foliation and lineation. Here we show evidence of the pressure-induced LPO of natural olivine in diamond-bearing garnet peridotites from Finsch, South Africa. We found that the [010] axes of olivine are aligned subnormal to foliation and that the [001] axes are aligned subparallel to lineation, which is known as B-type LPO of olivine. The equilibrium pressure of the samples, as estimated using geobarometer, was greater than 4 GPa, indicating that the samples originated from a depth greater than ∼120 km. In addition, FTIR spectroscopy of the olivine showed that the samples are dry, with a water content of less than 90 ± 20 ppm H/Si (5.5 ± 1.2 ppm wt. H2O). These data suggest that the samples are the first natural examples of olivine displaying B-type LPOs produced due to high pressure under dry condition. Our data indicate that the trench-parallel seismic anisotropy observed in many subduction zones in and below subducting slabs at depths greater than ∼90 km under dry condition may be attributed to the pressure-induced olivine fabrics (B-type LPO) and may be interpreted as the entrainment of the sub-lithospheric mantle in the direction of subduction rather than anomalous trench-parallel flow.  相似文献   

Automated electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) was applied using a scanning electron microscope to obtain lattice preferred orientation (LPO) data for olivine in garnet peridotites of the Central Alps. As a reference frame, the LPOs of enstatite were also investigated. In the garnet peridotite at Cima di Gagnone (CDG), a weak foliation carrying a distinct lineation is present. The lineation is characterized by elongated enstatite, olivine and poikiloblastic garnet. Olivine shows a very unusual LPO with [100] normal to foliation and [001] parallel to lineation. Achsenverteilungsanalyse (AVA) maps demonstrate that [001] of olivine grains corresponds quite well to their maximum length axes which are preferentially parallel to the lineation. Numerous planar hydrous defects within (001) planes of olivine are marked by palisades of ilmenite rods and show a preferred orientation normal to lineation. Calculated P-wave velocities for CDG are fastest (8.32 km sу) normal to foliation with a relatively low anisotropy (2.9%). Compared to mantle peridotites with the usual (010)[100] LPO where the fastest Vp direction is towards the lineation, the relationship between flow geometry and seismic anisotropy is significantly different at CDG. Several mechanisms for the formation of the LPO type at CDG are considered, with glide possible on (100)[001] of olivine. On the basis of field data as well as petrographic and petrologic evidence, it has been demonstrated that the CDG garnet peridotite formed by prograde metamorphism from a hydrous protolith at pressures and temperatures of about 3.0 GPa and 750 °C, respectively. The CDG LPO is interpreted to have formed during hydrous subduction zone metamorphism. The same interpretation may hold for the previously investigated olivine LPO at Alpe Arami, which is similar to that at the nearby CDG. The observed anomalous LPO is no proof for ultradeep (>3.0 GPa) conditions.  相似文献   

A rare composite xenolith and abundant cumulative pyroxenites obtained from the Mesozoic Fangcheng basalts on the eastern North China Craton record a complex history of melt percolation and circulation in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. The composite xenolith has a dunite core and an olivine clinopyroxenite rim. The dunite is of cumulative origin and has a granular recrystallized texture and extremely low Mg# [100 Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 81–82] contents in olivines. The olivine clinopyroxenite contains larger clinopyroxene and/or orthopyroxene with a few fine-grained olivine and tiny phlogopite, feldspar, and/or carbonate minerals interstitial to clinopyroxene. The clinopyroxene has low Mg# (83–85). Compositional similarity between dunitic olivine and pyroxenitic one indicates a sequential crystallization of dunite and pyroxenite from a precursor melt. Pyroxenite xenoliths include olivine websterites and clinopyroxenites, both are of cumulative origin. Estimation of the melt from major oxides in olivines and REE concentrations in clinopyroxenes in these composite and pyroxenite xenoliths suggests a derivation from subducted crustal materials, consistent with the highly enriched EMII-like Sr and Nd isotopic ratios observed in the pyroxenites. Occurrence of phlogopite, feldspar and carbonate minerals in some xenoliths requires the melt rich in alkalis (K, Na), silica and volatiles (water and CO2) at the latest stage as well, similar to highly silicic and potassic melts. Thus, the occurrence of these composite and pyroxenite xenoliths provides an evidence for voluminous injection of recycled crustal melts into the lithosphere beneath the southeastern North China Craton at the Late Mesozoic, a reason for the rapid lithospheric enrichment in both elemental and isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

Primitive magmas provide critical information on mantle sources, but most Martian meteorites crystallized from fractionated melts. An olivine-phyric shergottite, Yamato 980459 (Y-980459), has been interpreted to represent a primary melt, because its olivine megacrysts have magnesian cores (Fo84-86) that appear to be in equilibrium with the Y-980459 whole-rock composition based on Fe-Mg partitioning. However, crystal size distribution (CSD) plots for Y-980459 olivines show a size gap, suggesting a cumulus origin for some megacrysts. Because melting experiments using the Y-980459 whole-rock composition have been used to infer the thermal structure and volatile contents of the Martian mantle, the interpretation that this rock is primitive should be scrutinized.We report major, minor and trace element compositions of Y-980459 olivines and compare them with results from melting experiments (both hydrous and anhydrous) and thermodynamic calculations. Cores of the olivine megacrysts have major and minor element contents identical to those of the most magnesian olivines from the experiments, but they differ slightly from those of thermodynamic calculations. This is probably because the Y-980459 whole-rock composition lies near the limit of the range of liquids used to calibrate these models. The megacryst cores (Fo80-85) exhibit minor and trace element (Mn-Ni-Co-Cr-V) characteristics distinct from other olivines (megacryst rims and groundmass olivines, Fo < 80), implying that the megacryst cores crystallized under more reduced conditions (∼IW + 1).Y-980459 contains pyroxenes with orthopyroxene cores mantled by pigeonite and augite. We also found some reversely zoned pyroxenes that have augite cores (low-Mg#) mantled by orthopyroxenes (high-Mg#), although they are uncommon. These reversely zoned pyroxenes are interpreted to have grown initially as atoll-like crystals with later crystallization filling in the hollow centers, implying disequilibrium crystallization at a moderate cooling rate (3-7 °C/h). The calculated REE pattern of a melt in equilibrium with normally zoned pyroxene is parallel to those of glass and the Y-980459 whole-rock as well as other depleted olivine-phyric shergottites, suggesting that Y-980459 was derived from a depleted mantle reservoir.Considering the CSD patterns of Y-980459 olivines, we propose that the olivine megacrysts are cumulus crystals which probably formed in a feeder conduit by continuous melt replenishment, and the parent melt composition was indistinguishable from the Y-980459 whole-rock with 0-2 wt% of H2O and 0-5 wt% of CO2. The final magma pulse entrained these cumulus olivines and then crystallized groundmass olivines and pyroxenes. Although Y-980459 contains small amounts of cumulus olivine (<∼6 vol%), we conclude that the Y-980459 whole-rock composition closely approximates a Martian primary melt composition.  相似文献   

To understand the deformation mechanism and seismic anisotropy in the uppermost mantle beneath Spitsbergen, Svalbard, in the Arctic, the deformation microstructures of olivine in the peridotite of Spitsbergen were studied. Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle can be explained mainly by the lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine. The LPOs of the olivine in the peridotites were determined using electron backscattered diffraction patterns. Eight specimens out of 10 showed that the [100] axis of the olivine was aligned subparallel to the lineation and that the (010) plane was subparallel to the foliation, showing a type A LPO. In the other two specimens the [100] axis of olivine was aligned subparallel to the lineation and both the [010] and [001] axes were distributed in a girdle nearly perpendicular to the lineation, showing a type D LPO. The dislocation density of the olivine in the samples showing a type D LPO was higher than that in the samples showing a type A LPO. The result of an Fourier transformation infrared study showed that both the types A and D samples were dry. These observations were in good agreement with a previous experimental study ( Tectonophysics , 421 , 2006, 1 ): samples showing a type D LPO for olivine were observed at a high stress condition and samples showing both types A and D LPO were deformed under dry condition. Observations of both strong LPOs and dislocations of olivine indicate that the peridotites studied were deformed by dislocation creep. The seismic anisotropy calculated from the LPOs of the olivine could be used to explain the seismic anisotropy of P - and S -waves in the lithospheric mantle beneath Spitsbergen, Svalbard.  相似文献   

Patches of glass with a second generation of small crystals of olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel are abundant in hydrous peridotite mantle xenoliths with tabular equigranular textures from two maar-type volcanoes, Meerfelder Maar and Dreiser Weiher (West Eifel, Germany). The patches are similar in size to the main phases of the hosting peridotite. Their central part is often occupied by relics of pargasitic amphibole. Mass-balance calculations show that the patches were formed by surface controlled incongruent thermal breakdown of amphibole according to the reaction: amphibole olivine + clinopyroxene + spinel + melt. Simultaneously with the decomposition of amphibole, small crystals of olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel grew radially from the patch/peridotite interface toward the centre of the patch. Apart from sector zoning of clinopyroxene, the crystals are virtually homogeneous and are separated from the amphibole by a seam of melt (glass). Secondary olivines reveal higher Mg-numbers, secondary clinopyroxenes higher Cr2O3 concentrations than olivines and clinopyroxenes, respectively, of the host peridotite. The silica contents of melts produced by the above breakdown reaction range from 48 to 52% SiO2 as a function of the composition of the parent amphiboles. Patches surrounded by primary olivines only reveal no reaction with the host peridotite. The variation of SiO2, MgO and CaO in melts from these patches is the result of minor precipitation of olivine and clinopyroxene during fast cooling. If patches are in contact with primary olivine and orthopyroxene, melts are additionally modified by the reaction liquid 1 + orthopyroxene liquid 2 + olivine + clinopyroxene resulting in more silica-rich compositions between 54 and 58%. For the rare glasses richer in silica, a more complex formation is required. Veinlets along grain boundaries are filled with glasses which are chemically identical to those from nearby patches. This suggests that the veinlets were filled by melts formed by amphibole breakdown during entrainment of the xenoliths to the host magmas.  相似文献   

M.G. Kopylova  J. Lo  N.I. Christensen 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):493-510
Modes and compositions of minerals in Slave mantle xenoliths, together with their pressures and temperatures of equilibrium were used to derive model depth profiles of P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs) for composites equivalent to peridotite, pyroxenite and eclogite. The rocks were modeled as isotropic aggregates with uniform distribution of crystal orientations, based on single-crystal elastic moduli and volume fractions of constituent minerals. Calculated seismic wave velocities are adjusted for in situ pressure and temperature conditions using (1) experimental P- and T- derivatives for bulk rocks' Vp and Vs, and (2) calculated P- and T- derivatives for bulk rocks' elastic moduli and densities. The peridotite seismic profiles match well with the globally averaged IASP91 model and with seismic tomography results for the Slave mantle. In peridotite, an observed increase of seismic wave velocities with depth is controlled by lower degrees of chemical depletion in the deeper upper mantle. In eclogite, seismic velocities increase more rapidly with depth than in peridotite. This follows from contrasting first-order pressure derivatives of bulk isotropic moduli for eclogite and peridotite, and from the lower compressibility of eclogite at high pressures. Our calculations suggest that depletion in cratonic mantle has a distinct seismic signature compared to non-cratonic mantle. Depleted mantle on cratons should have slower Vp, faster Vs and should show lower Poisson's ratios due to an orthopyroxene enrichment. For the modelled Slave craton xenoliths, the predicted effect on seismic wave velocities would be up to 0.05 km/s.  相似文献   

Antigorite (Atg) is stable throughout large parts of the wedge mantle of most subduction zones. Atg shows strong acoustic anisotropy and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) patterns of this mineral may contribute significantly to seismic anisotropy in convergent margins. Atg CPO patterns from the Higashi-Akaishi (HA) forearc mantle body of southwest Japan adds to the data set suggesting the most common Atg CPO pattern has a c-axis perpendicular to the foliation and a b-axis parallel to the stretching lineation. Statistical analysis using the eigenvector method of Atg CPO from two mutually perpendicular directions in the same sample (YZ-section and XZ-section) shows no significant differences implying sample preparation has no significant affect on the resulting Atg CPO. Reuss (uniform stress) averages of anisotropy for the Higashi-Akaishi samples are approximately treble the values for Voigt (uniform strain) averages. When comparing calculated anisotropy of hydrated mantle peridotite samples—such as the Higashi-Akaishi unit—with observed S-wave delay times in convergent margins, the appropriate averaging method needs to be considered.  相似文献   

大别山碧溪岭和山东荣成分别发育壳源和幔源的石榴二辉橄榄岩。它们在扬子板块向华北板块的俯冲过程中与俯冲板片一起经历了超高压变质作用。这两种原岩来源不同的石榴橄榄岩中的橄榄石具有相似的结晶学优选方位(LPO):[100]轴主板密垂直于面理面,[010]轴主极密平行于线理,这种橄榄石结晶学优选方位明显不同于高温地幔橄榄岩包体中的橄榄石组构,也不同于最近在超高压变质地体中发现的水导致的橄榄石组构。我们认为碧溪岭和荣成石榴二辉橄榄岩中的这种橄榄石组构可能是在相对较干的超高压变质条件下形成的。本研究为大陆深俯冲超高压变质石榴橄榄岩橄榄石组构特征提供了第一手资料。  相似文献   

The Coyote Lake basalt, located near the intersection of the Hayward and Calaveras faults in central California, contains spinel peridotite xenoliths from the mantle beneath the San Andreas fault system. Six upper mantle xenoliths were studied in detail by a combination of petrologic techniques. Temperature estimates, obtained from three two-pyroxene geothermometers and the Al-in-orthopyroxene geothermometer, indicate that the xenoliths equilibrated at 970–1100 °C. A thermal model was used to estimate the corresponding depth of equilibration for these xenoliths, resulting in depths between 38 and 43 km. The lattice preferred orientation of olivine measured in five of the xenolith samples show strong point distributions of olivine crystallographic axes suggesting that fabrics formed under high-temperature conditions. Calculated seismic anisotropy values indicate an average shear wave anisotropy of 6%, higher than the anisotropy calculated from xenoliths from other tectonic environments. Using this value, the anisotropic layer responsible for fault-parallel shear wave splitting in central California is less than 100 km thick. The strong fabric preserved in the xenoliths suggests that a mantle shear zone exists below the Calaveras fault to a depth of at least 40 km, and combining xenolith petrofabrics with shear wave splitting studies helps distinguish between different models for deformation at depth beneath the San Andrea fault system.  相似文献   

揭示地质现象的本质与核心   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
青藏高原的形成与演化是举世瞩目的现代地学前缘 ,岩石圈结构及其演变对于探讨高原隆升及其资源环境效应具有重要意义。多年来 ,对于青藏高原岩石圈结构的认识主要基于地球物理探测结果和地质研究 ,尚未发现深达地幔的物质。我们在西昆仑地区康西瓦新生代火山岩中首次发现了以含金云母方辉橄榄岩为主的深源包体 ,其主要组成矿物为橄榄石和斜方辉石 ,含有少量单斜辉石、尖晶石和金云母。橄榄岩具有平衡粒状变晶结构 ,部分橄榄石颗粒仍保留有扭折带。电子探针分析结果表明 ,尖晶石的x(Cr) /x(Cr +Al)变化为 2 5%~ 8% ,属于尖晶石铬铁矿系列。根据CarrollWebb和Wood(1986 )提出的温压图解 ,橄榄岩形成压力大致为16 0 0MPa ,约相当于深度 56km。据此 ,认为康西瓦新生代玄武岩中产出的橄榄岩包体系岩浆活动过程中从岩石圈地幔携带上来的幔源物质 ,对于探讨青藏高原北部的岩石圈结构及其演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

S. S. Schmidberger  D. Francis 《Lithos》1999,48(1-4):195-216
The recently discovered Nikos kimberlite on Somerset Island, in the Canadian Arctic, hosts an unusually well preserved suite of mantle xenoliths dominated by garnet–peridotite (lherzolite, harzburgite, dunite) showing coarse and porphyroclastic textures, with minor garnet–pyroxenite. The whole rock and mineral data for 54 Nikos xenoliths indicate a highly refractory underlying mantle with high olivine forsterite contents (ave. Fo=92.3) and moderate to high olivine abundances (ave. 80 wt.%). These characteristics are similar to those reported for peridotites from the Archean Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons (ave. olivine Fo=92.5), but are clearly distinct from the trend defined by oceanic peridotites and mantle xenoliths in alkaline basalts and kimberlites from post-Archean continental terranes (ave. olivine Fo=91.0). The Nikos xenoliths yield pressures and temperatures of last equilibration between 20 and 55 kb and 650 and 1300°C, and a number of the peridotite nodules appear to have equilibrated in the diamond stability field. The pressure and temperature data define a conductive paleogeotherm corresponding to a surface heat flow of 44 mW/m2. Paleogeotherms based on xenolith data from the central Slave province of the Canadian craton require a lower surface heat flow (40 mW/m2) indicating a cooler geothermal regime than that beneath the Canadian Arctic. A large number of kimberlite-hosted peridotites from the Kaapvaal craton in South Africa and parts of the Siberian craton are characterized by high orthopyroxene contents (ave. Kaapvaal 32 wt.%, Siberia 20 wt.%). The calculated modal mineral assemblages for the Nikos peridotites show moderate to low contents of orthopyroxene (ave. 12 wt.%), indicating that the orthopyroxene-rich mineralogy characteristic of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons is not a feature of the cratonic upper mantle beneath Somerset Island.  相似文献   

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