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The effects of small amounts of H2O (<4 wt % in the melt)on the multiply saturated partial melting of spinel lherzolitein the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ±Na2O ± CO2 have been determined at 1·1 GPa inthe piston-cylinder apparatus. Electron microprobe analysisand Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to analysethe experimental products. The effects of H2O are to decreasethe melting temperature by 45°C per wt % H2O in the melt,to increase the Al2O3 of the melts, decrease MgO and CaO, andleave SiO2 approximately constant, with melts changing fromolivine- to quartz-normative. The effects of CO2 are insignificantat zero H2O, but become noticeable as H2O increases, tendingto counteract the H2O. The interaction between H2O and CO2 causesthe solubility of CO2 at vapour saturation to increase withincreasing H2O, for small amounts of H2O. Neglect of the influenceof CO2 in some previous studies on the hydrous partial meltingof natural peridotite may explain apparent inconsistencies betweenthe results. The effect of small amounts of H2O on multiplysaturated melt compositions at 1·1 GPa is similar tothat of K2O, i.e. increasing H2O or K2O leads to quartz-normativecompositions, but increasing Na2O produces an almost oppositetrend, towards nepheline-normative compositions. KEY WORDS: H2O; CO2; FTIR; hydrous partial melting; mantle melting; spinel lherzolite; system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ± H2O ± CO2 ± Na2O  相似文献   

We report the first estimates of primary kimberlite melt compositionfrom the Slave craton, based on samples of aphanitic kimberlitefrom the Jericho kimberlite pipe, N.W.T., Canada. Three samplesderive from the margins of dykes where kimberlite chilled againstwall rock (JD51, JD69 and JD82) and are shown to be texturallyconsistent with crystallization from a melt. Samples JD69 andJD82 have geochemical characteristics of primitive melts: theyhave high MgO (20–25 wt %), high mg-numbers (86–88),and high Cr (1300–1900 ppm) and Ni (800–1400 ppm)contents. They also have high contents of CO2 (10–17 wt%). Relative to bulk macrocrystal kimberlite, they have lowermg-numbers and lower MgO but are enriched in incompatible elements(e.g. Zr, Nb and Y), because the bulk kimberlite compositionsare strongly controlled by accumulation of mantle olivine andother macrocrysts. The compositions of aphanitic kimberlitefrom Jericho are similar to melts produced experimentally bypartial melting of a carbonate-bearing garnet lherzolite. Onthe basis of these experimental data, we show that the primarymagmas from the Jericho kimberlite could represent 0·7–0·9%melting of a carbonated lherzolitic mantle source at pressuresand temperatures found in the uppermost asthenosphere to theSlave craton. The measured CO2 contents for samples JD69 andJD82 are only slightly lower than the CO2 contents of the correspondingexperimental melts; this suggests that the earliest hypabyssalphase of the Jericho kimberlite retained most of its originalvolatile content. As such these samples provide a minimum CO2content for the primary kimberlite magmas from the Slave craton. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; melt; primitive; primary magma; Slave craton  相似文献   

The compositions of multiply saturated partial melts are valuablefor the thermodynamic information that they contain, but aredifficult to determine experimentally because they exist onlyover a narrow temperature range at a given pressure. Here wetry a new approach for determining the composition of the partialmelt in equilibrium with olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxeneand spinel (Ol + Opx + Cpx + Sp + Melt) in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2(CMAS) at 1·1 GPa: various amounts of K2O are added tothe system, and the resulting melt compositions and temperatureare extrapolated to zero K2O. The ‘sandwich’ experimentalmethod was used to minimize problems caused by quench modification,and Opx and Cpx were previously synthesized at conditions nearthose of the melting experiments to ensure they had appropriatecompositions. Results were then checked by reversal crystallizationexperiments. The results are in good agreement with previouswork, and establish the anhydrous solidus in CMAS to be at 1320± 10°C at 1·1 GPa. The effect of K2O is todepress the solidus by 5·8°C/wt %, while the meltcomposition becomes increasingly enriched in SiO2, being quartz-normativeabove 4 wt % K2O. Compared with Na2O, K2O has a stronger effectin depressing the solidus and modifying melt compositions. Theisobaric invariant point in the system CMAS–K2O at whichOl + Opx + Cpx + Sp + Melt is joined by sanidine (San) is at1240 ± 10°C. During the course of the study severalother isobaric invariant points were identified and their crystaland melt compositions determined in unreversed experiments:Opx + Cpx + Sp + An + Melt in the system CMAS at 1315 ±10°C; in CMAS–K2O, Opx + Cpx + Sp + An + San + Meltat 1230 ± 10°C and Opx + Sp + An + San + Sapph +Melt at 1230 ± 10°C, where An is anorthite and Sapphis sapphirine. Coexisting San plus An in three experiments helpdefine the An–San solvus at 1230–1250°C. KEY WORDS: feldspar solvus; igneous sapphirine; mantle solidus; partial melting; systems CMAS and CMAS–K2O  相似文献   

Olivine is the principal mineral of kimberlite magmas, and isthe main contributor to the ultramafic composition of kimberliterocks. Olivine is partly or completely altered in common kimberlites,and thus unavailable for studies of the origin and evolutionof kimberlite magmas. The masking effects of alteration, commonin kimberlites worldwide, are overcome in this study of theexceptionally fresh diamondiferous kimberlites of the Udachnaya-Eastpipe from the Daldyn–Alakit province, Yakutia, northernSiberia. These serpentine-free kimberlites contain large amountsof olivine (50 vol.%) in a chloride–carbonate groundmass.Olivine is represented by two populations (olivine-I and groundmassolivine-II) differing in morphology, colour and grain size,and trapped mineral and melt inclusions. The large fragmentalolivine-I is compositionally variable in terms of major (Fo85–94)and trace element concentrations, including H2O content (10–136ppm). Multiple sources of olivine-I, such as convecting andlithospheric mantle, are suggested. The groundmass olivine-IIis recognized by smaller grain sizes and perfect crystallographicshapes that indicate crystallization during magma ascent andemplacement. However, a simple crystallization history for olivine-IIis complicated by complex zoning in terms of Fo values and traceelement contents. The cores of olivine-II are compositionallysimilar to olivine-I, which suggests a genetic link betweenthese two types of olivine. Olivine-I and olivine-II have oxygenisotope values (+ 5·6 ± 0·1 VSMOW, 1 SD)that are indistinguishable from one another, but higher thanvalues (+ 5·18 ± 0·28) in ‘typical’mantle olivine. These elevated values probably reflect equilibriumwith the Udachnaya carbonate melt at low temperatures and 18O-enrichedmantle source. The volumetrically significant rims of olivine-IIhave constant Fo values (89·0 ± 0·2 mol%),but variable trace element compositions. The uniform Fo compositionsof the rims imply an absence of fractionation of the melt'sFe2+/Mg, which is possible in the carbonatite melt–olivinesystem. The kimberlite melt is argued to have originated inthe mantle as a chloride–carbonate liquid, devoid of ‘ultramafic’or ‘basaltic’ aluminosilicate components, but becameolivine-laden and olivine-saturated by scavenging olivine crystalsfrom the pathway rocks and dissolving them en route to the surface.During emplacement the kimberlite magma changed progressivelytowards an original alkali-rich chloride–carbonate meltby extensively crystallizing groundmass olivine and gravitationalseparation of solids in the pipe. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; olivine; partial melting; carbonatitic melt; oxygen isotopes; H2O  相似文献   

Chromium as Cr3+ substitutes for octahedrally coordinated Alin upper-mantle minerals, thereby reducing the activity of Al2O3in the system and hence the concentration of Al2O3 in partialmelts. The effect of Cr2O3 on melt compositions multiply saturatedwith the spinel lherzolite phase assemblage has been quantifiedin the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–Cr2O3at 1·1 GPa as a function of 100 Cr/(Cr + Al) in the spinel(Cr#sp). The decrease of Al2O3 in the melt with increasing Cr#spis accompanied by increasing MgO and SiO2, whereas CaO remainsalmost constant. Consequently, the CaO/Al2O3 ratio of the meltincreases with Cr#sp, and the melt becomes richer in normativediopside, hypersthene and quartz. The effect may explain certainmantle melts with unusually high CaO/Al2O3 ratios. The concentrationof Cr2O3 in the melt remains low even at high Cr#sp, which meansthat the strong effect of Cr2O3 on partial melting equilibriais not readily apparent from its concentration in the melt itself.The existence of a highly refractory major component such asCr2O3 nullifies simplified conclusions from the ‘inverseapproach’ in the experimental study of basalt petrogenesis,as there is insufficient information in the composition of thepartial melt to reconstruct the conditions of melting. KEY WORDS: basalt petrogenesis; partial melting; reversal experiment; spinel lherzolite; system CMAS–Cr2O3; CaO/Al2O3 of melt; effect of Cr2O3  相似文献   

The spinel–garnet transition in Cr/Al-enriched peridotiticbulk compositions is known from experimental investigationsto occur at 20–70 kbar, within the pressure range sampledby kimberlites. We show that the Cr2O3–CaO compositionsof concentrate garnets from kimberlite have maximum Cr/Ca arrayscharacterized by Cr2O3/CaO 0·96–0·81, andinterpret the arrays as primary evidence of chromite–garnetcoexistence in Cr-rich harzburgitic or lherzolitic bulk compositionsderived from depth within the lithosphere. Under Cr-saturatedconditions on a known geotherm, each Cr/Ca array implicitlydelineates an isobar inside a garnet Cr2O3–CaO diagram.This simplification invites a graphical approach to calibratean empirical Cr/Ca-in-pyrope barometer. Carbonaceous chromite–garnetharzburgite xenoliths from the Roberts Victor kimberlite tightlybracket a graphite–diamond constraint (GDC) located atCr2O3 = 0·94CaO + 5·0 (wt %), representing a pivotalcalibration corresponding to 43 kbar on a 38 mW/m2 conductivegeotherm. Additional calibration points are established at 14,17·4 and 59·1 kbar by judiciously projecting garnetcompositions from simple-system experiments onto the same geotherm.The garnet Cr/Ca barometer is then simply formulated as follows(in wt %):
if Cr2O3 0·94CaO + 5, then P38 (kbar) = 26·9+ 3·22Cr2O3 – 3·03CaO, or
if Cr2O3 <0·94CaO + 5, then P38 (kbar) = 9·2+ 36[(Cr2O3+ 1·6)/(CaO + 7·02)].
A small correction to P38 values, applicable for 35–48mW/m2 conductive geotherms, is derived empirically by requiringconventional thermobarometry results and garnet concentratecompositions to be consistent with the presence of diamondsin the Kyle Lake kimberlite and their absence in the Zero kimberlite.We discuss application of the P38 barometer to estimate (1)real pressures in the special case where chromite–garnetcoexistence is known, (2) minimum pressures in the general casewhere Cr saturation is unknown, and (3) the maximum depth ofdepleted lithospheres, particularly those underlying Archaeancratons. A comparison with the PCr barometer of Ryan et al.(1996, Journal of Geophysical Research 101, 5611–5625)shows agreement with P38 at 55 ± 2 kbar, and 6–12%higher PCr values at lower P38. Because the PCr formulationsystematically overestimates the 43 kbar value of the GDC by2–6 kbar, we conclude that the empirical Cr/Ca-in-garnetbarometer is preferred for all situations where conductive geothermsintersect the graphite–diamond equilibrium. KEY WORDS: Cr-pyrope; chromite; P38 barometer; mantle petrology; lithosphere thickness  相似文献   

Olivine + clinopyroxene ± amphibole cumulates have beenwidely documented in island arc settings and may constitutea significant portion of the lowermost arc crust. Because ofthe low melting temperature of amphibole (1100°C), suchcumulates could melt during intrusion of primary mantle magmas.We have experimentally (piston-cylinder, 0·5–1·0GPa, 1200–1350°C, Pt–graphite capsules) investigatedthe melting behaviour of a model amphibole–olivine–clinopyroxenerock, to assess the possible role of such cumulates in islandarc magma genesis. Initial melts are controlled by pargasiticamphibole breakdown, are strongly nepheline-normative and areAl2O3-rich. With increasing melt fraction (T > 1190°Cat 1·0 GPa), the melts become ultra-calcic while remainingstrongly nepheline-normative, and are saturated with olivineand clinopyroxene. The experimental melts have strong compositionalsimilarities to natural nepheline-normative ultra-calcic meltinclusions and lavas exclusively found in arc settings. Theexperimentally derived phase relations show that such naturalmelt compositions originate by melting according to the reactionamphibole + clinopyroxene = melt + olivine in the arc crust.Pargasitic amphibole is the key phase in this process, as itlowers melting temperatures and imposes the nepheline-normativesignature. Ultra-calcic nepheline-normative melt inclusionsare tracers of magma–rock interaction (assimilative recycling)in the arc crust. KEY WORDS: experimental melting; subduction zone; ultra-calcic melts; wehrlite  相似文献   

Using experimental results at 1·0 GPa for the systemsCaO–SiO2, MgO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4,and all the currently available phase equilibria and thermodynamicdata at 1 bar, we have optimized the thermodynamic propertiesof the liquid phase at 1·0 GPa. The new optimized thermodynamicparameters indicate that pressure has little effect on the topologyof the CaO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2, and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4systems but a pronounced one on the MgO–SiO2 binary. Themost striking change concerns passage of the MgSiO3 phase fromperitectic melting at 1 bar to eutectic melting at 1·0GPa. This transition is estimated to occur at 0·41 GPa.For the CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries,the size of the field clinopyroxene + liquid increases withincreasing pressure. This change is related to the shift ofthe piercing points clinopyroxene + silica + liquid (from 0·375mol fraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·414 at 1·0 GPa)and clinopyroxene + olivine + liquid (from 0·191 molfraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·331 at 1·0 GPa) thatbound the clinopyroxene + liquid field in the CaMgSi2O6·SiO2and CaMgSi2O6·Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries, respectively. KEY WORDS: CaO–SiO2; CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4; CaMgSi2O6–SiO2; experiments; MgO–SiO2  相似文献   

A localized dehydration zone, Söndrum stone quarry, Halmstad,SW Sweden, consists of a central, 1 m wide granitic pegmatoiddyke, on either side of which extends a 2·5–3 mwide dehydration zone (650–700°C; 800 MPa; orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene–biotite–amphibole–garnet)overprinting a local migmatized granitic gneiss (amphibole–biotite–garnet).Whole-rock chemistry indicates that dehydration of the graniticgneiss was predominantly isochemical. Exceptions include [Y+ heavy rare earth elements (HREE)], Ba, Sr, and F, which aremarkedly depleted throughout the dehydration zone. Systematictrends in the silicate and fluorapatite mineral chemistry acrossthe dehydration zone include depletion in Fe, (Y + HREE), Na,K, F, and Cl, and enrichment in Mg, Mn, Ca, and Ti. Fluid inclusionchemistry is similar in all three zones and indicates the presenceof a fluid containing CO2, NaCl, and H2O components. Water activitiesin the dehydration zone average 0·36, or XH2O = 0·25.All lines of evidence suggest that the formation of the dehydrationzone was due to advective transport of a CO2-rich fluid witha minor NaCl brine component originating from a tectonic fracture.Fluid infiltration resulted in the localized partial breakdownof biotite and amphiboles to pyroxenes releasing Ti and Ca,which were partitioned into the remaining biotite and amphibole,as well as uniform depletion in (Y + HREE), Ba, Sr, Cl, andF. At some later stage, H2O-rich fluids (H2O activity >0·8)gave rise to localized partial melting and the probable injectionof a granitic melt into the tectonic fracture, which resultedin the biotite and amphibole recording a diffusion profile forF across the dehydration zone into the granitic gneiss as wellas a diffusion profile in Fe, Mn, and Mg for all Fe–Mgsilicate minerals within 100 cm of the pegmatoid dyke. KEY WORDS: charnockite; fluids; CO2; brines; localized dehydration; Söndrum  相似文献   

To investigate eclogite melting under mantle conditions, wehave performed a series of piston-cylinder experiments usinga homogeneous synthetic starting material (GA2) that is representativeof altered mid-ocean ridge basalt. Experiments were conductedat pressures of 3·0, 4·0 and 5·0 GPa andover a temperature range of 1200–1600°C. The subsolidusmineralogy of GA2 consists of garnet and clinopyroxene withminor quartz–coesite, rutile and feldspar. Solidus temperaturesare located at 1230°C at 3·0 GPa and 1300°C at5·0 GPa, giving a steep solidus slope of 30–40°C/GPa.Melting intervals are in excess of 200°C and increase withpressure up to 5·0 GPa. At 3·0 GPa feldspar, rutileand quartz are residual phases up to 40°C above the solidus,whereas at higher pressures feldspar and rutile are rapidlymelted out above the solidus. Garnet and clinopyroxene are theonly residual phases once melt fractions exceed 20% and garnetis the sole liquidus phase over the investigated pressure range.With increasing melt fraction garnet and clinopyroxene becomeprogressively more Mg-rich, whereas coexisting melts vary fromK-rich dacites at low degrees of melting to basaltic andesitesat high melt fractions. Increasing pressure tends to increasethe jadeite and Ca-eskolaite components in clinopyroxene andenhance the modal proportion of garnet at low melt fractions,which effects a marked reduction in the Al2O3 and Na2O contentof the melt with pressure. In contrast, the TiO2 and K2O contentsof the low-degree melts increase with increasing pressure; thusNa2O and K2O behave in a contrasted manner as a function ofpressure. Altered oceanic basalt is an important component ofcrust returned to the mantle via plate subduction, so GA2 maybe representative of one of many different mafic lithologiespresent in the upper mantle. During upwelling of heterogeneousmantle domains, these mafic rock-types may undergo extensivemelting at great depths, because of their low solidus temperaturescompared with mantle peridotite. Melt batches may be highlyvariable in composition depending on the composition and degreeof melting of the source, the depth of melting, and the degreeof magma mixing. Some of the eclogite-derived melts may alsoreact with and refertilize surrounding peridotite, which itselfmay partially melt with further upwelling. Such complex magma-genesisconditions may partly explain the wide spectrum of primitivemagma compositions found within oceanic basalt suites. KEY WORDS: eclogite; experimental petrology; mafic magmatism; mantle melting; oceanic basalts  相似文献   

The Solubility of Sulphur in Hydrous Rhyolitic Melts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Experiments performed at 2 kbar, in the temperature range 800–1000°C,with fO2 between NNO–2·3 and NNO+2·9 (whereNNO is the nickel–nickel oxide buffer), and varying amountsof sulphur added to hydrous metaluminous rhyolite bulk compositions,were used to constrain the solubility of sulphur in rhyolitemelts. The results show that fS2 exerts a dominant control onthe sulphur solubility in hydrous silicate melts and that, dependingon fO2, a rhyolitic melt can reach sulphur contents close to1000 ppm at high fS2. At fO2 below NNO+1, the addition of ironto a sulphur-bearing rhyolite magma produces massive crystallizationof pyrrhotite and does not enhance the sulphur solubility ofthe melt. For a given fO2, the melt-sulphur-content increaseswith fS2. For fixed fO2 and fS2, temperature exerts a positivecontrol on sulphur solubilities, at least for fO2 below NNO+1.The mole fraction of dissolved sulphur exhibits essentiallylinear dependence on fH2S at low fO2 and, although the experimentalevidence is less clear, on fSO2 at high fO2. The minimum insulphur solubility corresponds to the redox range where bothfH2S and fSO2 are approximately equal. A thermodynamic modelof sulphur solubility in hydrous rhyolite melts is derived assumingthat total dissolved sulphur results from the additive effectsof H2S and SO2 dissolution reactions. The model reproduces wellthe minimum of sulphur solubility at around NNO+1, in additionto the variation of the sulphide to sulphate ratio with fO2.A simple empirical model of sulphur solubility in rhyoliticmelts is derived, and shows good correspondence between modeland observations for high-silica rhyolites. KEY WORDS: sulphur; solubility; rhyolite; thermodynamics; fO2; fS2  相似文献   

We explore the partial melting behavior of a carbonated silica-deficienteclogite (SLEC1; 5 wt % CO2) from experiments at 3 GPa and comparethe compositions of partial melts with those of alkalic andhighly alkalic oceanic island basalts (OIBs). The solidus islocated at 1050–1075 °C and the liquidus at 1415 °C.The sub-solidus assemblage consists of clinopyroxene, garnet,ilmenite, and calcio-dolomitic solid solution and the near solidusmelt is carbonatitic (<2 wt % SiO2, <1 wt % Al2O3, and<0·1 wt % TiO2). Beginning at 1225 °C, a stronglysilica-undersaturated silicate melt (34–43 wt % SiO2)with high TiO2 (up to 19 wt %) coexists with carbonate-richmelt (<5 wt % SiO2). The first appearance of carbonated silicatemelt is 100 °C cooler than the expected solidus of CO2-freeeclogite. In contrast to the continuous transition from carbonateto silicate melts observed experimentally in peridotite + CO2systems, carbonate and silicate melt coexist over a wide temperatureinterval for partial melting of SLEC1 carbonated eclogite at3 GPa. Silicate melts generated from SLEC1, especially at highmelt fraction (>20 wt %), may be plausible sources or contributingcomponents to melilitites and melilititic nephelinites fromoceanic provinces, as they have strong compositional similaritiesincluding their SiO2, FeO*, MgO, CaO, TiO2 and Na2O contents,and CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Carbonated silicate partial melts fromeclogite may also contribute to less extreme alkalic OIB, asthese lavas have a number of compositional attributes, suchas high TiO2 and FeO* and low Al2O3, that have not been observedfrom partial melting of peridotite ± CO2. In upwellingmantle, formation of carbonatite and silicate melts from eclogiteand peridotite source lithologies occurs over a wide range ofdepths, producing significant opportunities for metasomatictransfer and implantation of melts. KEY WORDS: carbonated eclogite; experimental phase equilibria; partial melting; liquid immiscibility; ocean island basalts  相似文献   

Bulk-rock geochemical compositions of hypabyssal kimberlites,emplaced through the Archaean Kaapvaal craton and ProterozoicNamaqua–Natal belt, are used to estimate close-to-primarymagma compositions of Group I kimberlites (Mg-number = 0·82–0·87;22–28 wt % MgO; 21–30 wt % SiO2; 10–17 wt% CaO; 0·2–1·7 wt % K2O) and Group II kimberlites(Mg-number = 0·86–0·89; 23–29 wt %MgO; 28–36 wt % SiO2; 8–13 wt % CaO; 1·6–4·6wt % K2O). Group I kimberlites are distinguished from GroupII by their lower Ba/Nb (<12), Th/Nb (<1·1) andLa/Nb (<1·1) but higher Ce/Pb (>22) ratios. Thedistinct rare earth element patterns of the two types of kimberlitesindicate a more highly metasomatized source for Group II kimberlites,with more residual clinopyroxene and less residual garnet. Thesimilarity of Sr and Nd isotope ratios and diagnostic traceelement ratios (Ce/Pb, Nb/U, La/Nb, Ba/Nb, Th/Nb) of Group Ikimberlites to ocean island basalts (OIB), but more refractoryMg-numbers and Ni contents, are consistent with derivation ofGroup I kimberlites from subcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) that has been enriched by OIB-like melts or fluids. Sourceenrichment ages and plate reconstructions support a direct associationof these melts or fluids with Mesozoic upwelling beneath southernAfrica of a mantle plume(s), at present located beneath thesouthern South Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, the geochemicalcharacteristics of both on- and off-craton Group II kimberlitesshow strong similarity to calc-alkaline magmas, particularlyin their Nb and Ta depletion and Pb enrichment. It is suggestedthat Group II kimberlites are derived from both Archaean andProterozoic lithospheric mantle source regions metasomatizedby melts or fluids associated with ancient subduction events,unrelated to mantle plume upwelling. The upwelling of mantleplumes beneath southern Africa during the Mesozoic, at the timeof Gondwana break-up, may have acted as a heat source for partialmelting of the SCLM and the generation of both Group I and GroupII kimberlite magmas. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; geochemistry; petrogenesis; mantle plumes; South Africa  相似文献   

In the Ranmal migmatite complex, non-anatectic foliated graniteprotoliths can be traced to polyphase migmatites. Structural–microtexturalrelations and thermobarometry indicate that syn-deformationalsegregation–crystallization of in situ stromatic and diatexiteleucosomes occurred at 800°C and 8 kbar. The protolith,the neosome, and the mesosome comprise quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase,hornblende, biotite, sphene, apatite, zircon, and ilmenite,but the modal mineralogy differs widely. The protolith compositionis straddled by element abundances in the leucosome and themesosome. The leucosomes are characterized by lower CaO, FeO+MgO,mg-number, TiO2 , P2O5 , Rb, Zr and total rare earth elements(REE), and higher SiO2 , K2O, Ba and Sr than the protolith andthe mesosome, whereas Na2O and Al2O3 abundances are similar.The protolith and the mesosome have negative Eu anomalies, butprotolith-normalized abundances of REE-depleted leucosomes showpositive Eu anomalies. The congruent melting reaction for leucosomeproduction is inferred to be 0·325 quartz+0·288K-feldspar+0·32 plagioclase+0·05 biotite+0·014hornblende+0·001 apatite+0·001 zircon+0·002sphene=melt. Based on the reaction, large ion lithophile element,REE and Zr abundances in model melts computed using dynamicmelting approached the measured element abundances in leucosomesfor >0·5 mass fraction of unsegregated melts withinthe mesosome. Disequilibrium-accommodated dynamic melting andequilibrium crystallization of melts led to uniform plagioclasecomposition in migmatites and REE depletion in leucosome. KEY WORDS: migmatite; REE; trace element; partial melting; P–T conditions  相似文献   

Experimental Melting of Carbonated Peridotite at 6-10 GPa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Partial melting of magnesite-bearing peridotites was studiedat 6–10 GPa and 1300–1700°C. Experiments wereperformed in a multianvil apparatus using natural mineral mixesas starting material placed into olivine containers and sealedin Pt capsules. Partial melts originated within the peridotitelayer, migrated outside the olivine container and formed poolsof quenched melts along the wall of the Pt capsule. This allowedthe analysis of even small melt fractions. Iron loss was nota problem, because the platinum near the olivine container becamesaturated in Fe as a result of the reaction Fe2SiO4Ol = FeFe–Ptalloy + FeSiO3Opx + O2. This reaction led to a gradual increasein oxygen fugacity within the capsules as expressed, for example,in high Fe3+ in garnet. Carbonatitic to kimberlite-like meltswere obtained that coexist with olivine + orthopyroxene + garnet± clinopyroxene ± magnesite depending on P–Tconditions. Kinetic experiments and a comparison of the chemistryof phases occasionally grown within the melt pools with thosein the residual peridotite allowed us to conclude that the meltshad approached equilibrium with peridotite. Melts in equilibriumwith a magnesite-bearing garnet lherzolite are rich in CaO (20–25wt %) at all pressures and show rather low MgO and SiO2 contents(20 and 10 wt %, respectively). Melts in equilibrium with amagnesite-bearing garnet harzburgite are richer in SiO2 andMgO. The contents of these oxides increase with temperature,whereas the CaO content becomes lower. Melts from magnesite-freeexperiments are richer in SiO2, but remain silicocarbonatitic.Partitioning of trace elements between melt and garnet was studiedin several experiments at 6 and 10 GPa. The melts are very richin incompatible elements, including large ion lithophile elements(LILE), Nb, Ta and light rare earth elements. Relative to theresidual peridotite, the melts show no significant depletionin high field strength elements over LILE. We conclude fromthe major and trace element characteristics of our experimentalmelts that primitive kimberlites cannot be a direct productof single-stage melting of an asthenospheric mantle. They rathermust be derived from a previously depleted and re-enriched mantleperidotite. KEY WORDS: multianvil; carbonatite melt; peridotite; kimberlite; element partitioning  相似文献   

We document compositions of minerals and melts from 3 GPa partialmelting experiments on two carbonate-bearing natural lherzolitebulk compositions (PERC: MixKLB-1 + 2·5 wt% CO2; PERC3:MixKLB-1 + 1 wt% CO2) and discuss the compositions of partialmelts in relation to the genesis of alkalic to highly alkalicocean island basalts (OIB). Near-solidus (PERC: 1075–1105°C;PERC3: 1050°C) carbonatitic partial melts with <10 wt%SiO2 and 40 wt% CO2 evolve continuously to carbonated silicatemelts with >25 wt% SiO2 and <25 wt% CO2 between 1325 and1350°C in the presence of residual olivine, orthopyroxene,clinopyroxene, and garnet. The first appearance of CO2-bearingsilicate melt at 3 GPa is 150°C cooler than the solidusof CO2-free peridotite. The compositions of carbonated silicatepartial melts between 1350 and 1600°C vary in the rangeof 28–46 wt% SiO2, 1·6–0·5 wt% TiO2,12–10 wt% FeO*, and 19–29 wt% MgO for PERC, and42–48 wt% SiO2, 1·9–0·5 wt% TiO2,10·5–8·4 wt% FeO*, and 15–26 wt% MgOfor PERC3. The CaO/Al2O3 weight ratio of silicate melts rangesfrom 2·7 to 1·1 for PERC and from 1·7 to1·0 for PERC3. The SiO2 contents of carbonated silicatemelts in equilibrium with residual peridotite diminish significantlywith increasing dissolved CO2 in the melt, whereas the CaO contentsincrease markedly. Equilibrium constants for Fe*–Mg exchangebetween carbonated silicate liquid and olivine span a rangesimilar to those for CO2-free liquids at 3 GPa, but diminishslightly with increasing dissolved CO2 in the melt. The carbonatedsilicate partial melts of PERC3 at <20% melting and partialmelts of PERC at 15–33% melting have SiO2 and Al2O3 contents,and CaO/Al2O3 values, similar to those of melilititic to basaniticalkali OIB, but compared with the natural lavas they are moreenriched in CaO and they lack the strong enrichments in TiO2characteristic of highly alkalic OIB. If a primitive mantlesource is assumed, the TiO2 contents of alkalic OIB, combinedwith bulk peridotite/melt partition coefficients of TiO2 determinedin this study and in volatile-free studies of peridotite partialmelting, can be used to estimate that melilitites, nephelinites,and basanites from oceanic islands are produced from 0–6%partial melting. The SiO2 and CaO contents of such small-degreepartial melts of peridotite with small amounts of total CO2can be estimated from the SiO2–CO2 and CaO–CO2 correlationsobserved in our higher-degree partial melting experiments. Thesesuggest that many compositional features of highly alkalic OIBmay be produced by 1–5% partial melting of a fertile peridotitesource with 0·1–0·25 wt% CO2. Owing to verydeep solidi of carbonated mantle lithologies, generation ofcarbonated silicate melts in OIB source regions probably happensby reaction between peridotite and/or eclogite and migratingcarbonatitic melts produced at greater depths. KEY WORDS: alkali basalts; carbonated peridotite; experimental petrology; ocean island basalts; partial melting  相似文献   

Ultra-calcic ankaramitic magmas or melt inclusions are ubiquitousin arc, ocean-island and mid-ocean ridge settings. They areprimitive in character (XMg > 0·65) and have highCaO contents (>14 wt %) and CaO/Al2O3 (>1·1). Experimentson an ankaramite from Epi, Vanuatu arc, demonstrate that itsliquidus surface has only clinopyroxene at pressures of 15 and20 kbar, with XCO2 in the volatile component from 0 to 0·86.The parental Epi ankaramite is thus not an unfractionated magma.However, forcing the ankaramite experimentally into saturationwith olivine, orthopyroxene and spinel results in more magnesian,ultra-calcic melts with CaO/Al2O3 of 1·21–1·58.The experimental melts are not extremely Ca-rich but high inCaO/Al2O3 and in MgO (up to 18.5 wt %), and would evolve tohigh-CaO melts through olivine fractionation. Fractionationmodels show that the Epi parent magma can be derived from suchultra-calcic experimental melts through mainly olivine fractionation.We show that the experimental ultra-calcic melts could formthrough low-degree melting of somewhat refractory mantle. Thelatter would have been depleted by previous melt extraction,which increases the CaO/Al2O3 in the residue as long as someclinopyroxene remains residual. This finding corrects the commonassumption that ultra-calcic magmas must come from a Ca-richpyroxenite-type source. The temperatures necessary for the generationof ultra-calcic magmas are  相似文献   

We have determined the near-solidus melt compositions for peridotiteMM-3, a suitable composition for the production of mid-oceanridge basalt (MORB) by decompression partial melting, at 1 and1·5 GPa. At 1 GPa the MM-3 composition has a subsolidusplagioclase-bearing spinel lherzolite assemblage, and a solidusat 1270°C. At only 5°C above the solidus, 4% meltis present as a result of almost complete melting of plagioclase.This melting behaviour in plagioclase lherzolite is predictedfrom simple systems and previous experimental work. The persistenceof plagioclase to > 0·8 GPa is strongly dependenton bulk-rock CaO/Na2O and normative plagioclase content in theperidotite. At 1·5 GPa the MM-3 composition has a subsolidusspinel lherzolite assemblage, and a solidus at 1350°C.We have determined a near-solidus melt composition at 2% meltingwithin 10°C of the solidus. Near-solidus melts at both 1and 1·5 GPa are nepheline normative, and have low normativediopside contents; also they have the highest TiO2, Al2O3 andNa2O, and the lowest FeO and Cr2O3 contents compared with higherdegree partial melts. Comparison of these near-solidus meltswith primitive MORB glasses, which lie in the olivine-only fieldof crystallization at low pressure, indicate that petrogeneticmodels involving aggregation of near-fractional melts formedduring melting at pressures of 1·5 GPa or less are unlikelyto be correct. In this study we use an experimental approachthat utilizes sintered oxide mix starting materials and peridotitereaction experiments. We also examine some recent studies usingan alternative approach of melt migration into, and entrapmentwithin ‘melt traps’ (olivine, diamond, vitreouscarbon) and discuss optimal procedures for this method. KEY WORDS: experimental petrology; mantle melting; near-solidus; fertile peridotite; MORB  相似文献   

Sediment Melts at Sub-arc Depths: an Experimental Study   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The phase and melting relations in subducted pelites have beeninvestigated experimentally at conditions relevant for slabsat sub-arc depths (T = 600–1050°C, P = 2·5–4·5GPa). The fluid-present experiments produced a dominant paragenesisconsisting of garnet–phengite–clinopyroxene–coesite–kyanitethat coexists with a fluid phase at run conditions. Garnet containsdetectable amounts of Na2O (up to 0·5 wt%), P2O5 (upto 0·56 wt%), and TiO2 (up to 0·9 wt%) in allexperiments. Phengite is stable up to 1000°C at 4·5GPa and is characterized by high TiO2 contents of up to 2 wt%.The solidus has been determined at 700°C, 2·5 GPaand is situated between 700 and 750°C at 3·5 GPa.At 800°C, 4·5 GPa glass was present in the experiments,indicating that at such conditions a hydrous melt is stable.In contrast, at 700°C, 3·5 and 4·5 GPa, asolute-rich, non-quenchable aqueous fluid was present. Thisindicates that the solidus is steeply sloping in PT space.Fluid-present (vapour undersaturated) partial melting of thepelites occurs according to a generalized reaction phengite+ omphacite + coesite + fluid = melt + garnet. The H2O contentof the produced melt decreases with increasing temperature.The K2O content of the melt is buffered by phengite and increaseswith increasing temperature from 2·5 to 10 wt%, whereasNa2O decreases from 7 to 2·3 wt%. Hence, the melt compositionschange from trondhjemitic to granitic with increasing temperature.The K2O/H2O increases strongly as a function of temperatureand nature of the fluid phase. It is 0·0004–0·002in the aqueous fluid, and then increases gradually from about0·1 at 750–800°C to about 1 at 1000°C inthe hydrous melt. This provides evidence that hydrous meltsare needed for efficient extraction of K and other large ionlithophile elements from subducted sediments. Primitive subduction-relatedmagmas typically have K2O/H2O of 0·1–0·4,indicating that hydrous melts rather than aqueous fluids areresponsible for large ion lithophile element transfer in subductionzones and that top-slab temperatures at sub-arc depths are likelyto be 700–900°C. KEY WORDS: experimental petrology; pelite; subduction; UHP metamorphism; fluid; LILE  相似文献   

Dehydration melting experiments of alkali basalt associatedwith the Kenya Rift were performed at 0·7 and 1·0GPa, 850–1100°C, 3–5 wt % H2O, and fO2 nearnickel–nickel oxide. Carbon dioxide [XCO2 = molar CO2/(H2O+ CO2) = 0·2–0·9] was added to experimentsat 1025 and 1050°C. Dehydration melting in the system alkalibasalt–H2O produces quartz- and corundum-normative trachyandesite(6–7·5 wt % total alkalis) at 1000 and 1025°Cby the incongruent melting of amphibole (pargasite–magnesiohastingsite).Dehydration melting in the system alkali basalt–H2O–CO2produces nepheline-normative tephriphonolite, trachyandesite,and trachyte (10·5–12 wt % total alkalis). In thelatter case, the solidus is raised relative to the hydrous system,less melt is produced, and the incongruent melting reactioninvolves kaersutite. The role of carbon dioxide in alkalinemagma genesis is well documented for mantle systems. This studyshows that carbon dioxide is also important to the petrogenesisof alkaline magmas at the lower pressures of crustal systems.Select suites of continental alkaline rocks, including thosecontaining phonolite, may be derived by low-pressure dehydrationmelting of an alkali basalt–carbon dioxide crustal system. KEY WORDS: alkali basalt; alkaline rocks; carbon dioxide; dehydration melting; phonolite  相似文献   

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