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新疆地处欧亚大陆中心,自然环境复杂,生业经济形式多样,东西方文化交流频繁,是了解欧亚大陆古代人类活动和文化发展的重要区域.从新石器时代至青铜时代在该区域出土了丰富的石制品,但对其功能的研究较少,尤其是一些中国内地不常见,而与中亚、欧亚草原类型相似的石器.本文对新疆伊犁地区青铜时代吉仁台沟口遗址(82.77°E,43.84°N;3600~3000 cal.a B.P.)出土的具有安德罗诺沃文化特征的长条形石磨盘、石杵和饼形石器的表层残留物进行了淀粉粒和植硅体分析,为这些石器的功能研究提供了直接证据.分析结果显示,石器表面的淀粉粒来自禾本科小麦族(the tribe Triticeae)和某些块根块茎类植物,而石器表面发现的775粒植硅体中,粟类作物稃片植硅体占9%,其他类型的植硅体以早熟禾亚科(Pooideae)型和棒型为主,另在石杵上发现栝楼属(Trichosanthes)植物果皮植硅体及植物组织.结合遗址中大植物遗存证据,研究结果表明:石磨盘曾用于研磨麦类作物种子和某些块根块茎类植物,石杵亦用于麦类作物研磨,但也对粟类作物进行脱壳以及加工栝楼属植物果实.用于分析的饼形石器有两种类型,第一类为打制饼形石器,残留物中的植物遗存显示可能与石磨盘组合用于加工植物的块根块茎;第二类为磨制饼形石器,其表面发现极少量粟类稃片植硅体,推测其可能用于粟类作物脱粒.研究结果为新疆伊犁地区考古遗址出土安德罗诺沃文化石器的功能、农作物加工过程,以及古代社会生计模式的认识提供了依据;石器残留物中块根块茎类淀粉粒以及农作物植硅体的发现,是对已有大植物遗存分析结果的进一步补充.  相似文献   

对来自中国北方不同区域的9个粟(Setaria italica)样品及其野生祖本青狗尾草(Setaria viridis)的7个样品,9个黍(Panicum miliaceum)样品及其近缘野生种糠稷(Panicum bisulcatum)和野黍(Eriochloa villosa)样本各 1个,共27个样品进行了淀粉粒分析。针对每个样品,统计100~200颗淀粉粒粒径数据,100颗形态特征数据,在此基础上初步明确了5种植物淀粉粒如下判别特征: 1)5种淀粉粒中,除野黍淀粉粒为小粒径(X=4.8±0.8μm)的椭球形和球形外,其余4种淀粉粒都以多面体为主,球形或近球形为辅,脐点居中开放,黍、粟、青狗尾草和糠稷淀粉的平均粒径分别为X=7.3±1.4μm,X=9.9±2.3μm,X=7.7±1.4μm和X=6.9±1.2μm。2)粒径大于12μm的淀粉粒一般不是黍的淀粉粒。3)粒径大于14μm的淀粉粒99.9%来自粟。3)粒径小于11μm的淀粉粒,如果超过40%的淀粉粒表面无裂隙,极有可能为黍属的淀粉粒;  如果有超过30%的淀粉粒表面具有裂隙,则非常有可能来自狗尾草属。4)近乎45%的粟淀粉粒粒径处于11~14μm,而只有约4%的青狗尾草淀粉粒粒径位于这一区间。如果粒径在11~14μm的淀粉粒含量超过获得淀粉粒总量的4%,则其中很可能包含有粟的淀粉粒。以上标准在鉴定时还需要综合考虑。高粱(Sorghum bicolor)与薏米(Coix chinensis)在粒径和形态上与狗尾草属和黍属有部分重合,但大部分高粱的淀粉粒具有层纹,薏米则有30%的粒径大于14μm,与粟只有5%的淀粉粒位于这一粒径范围有很大的区别。通过研究发现,在现阶段,典型黍亚科(Panicoideae)种类淀粉形态在统计上的区别是明显的,但仅依靠少量颗粒特征进行区分是困难的,如何把现代淀粉特征准确应用到考古样品的鉴定中,还有待更多的淀粉埋藏学研究。目前,针对粟、黍及其野生近缘种的鉴别,植硅体分析的效果明显好于淀粉粒分析。  相似文献   

A small concentration of Acheulian cleavers and handaxes within the driest region on Earth adds to the increasing evidence that the eastern Sahara was considerably more verdant during the Middle Pleistocene than it is today. The similarities to stone artifact assemblages of Acheulian sites in sub-Saharan Africa and in the Levant support the evidence for the movement of hominids, utilizing the Kombewa lithic technology, between Africa and the Middle East during the Middle Pleistocene. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

中国北方主要坚果类淀粉粒形态对比   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
近年,考古学家发现坚果类植物在农业起源中曾占有很重要的地位。为了对考古器物上附着的淀粉粒进行鉴定,我们对中国北方现代主要坚果类栗属(Castanea)中的板栗(C.mollisima)、栎属(Quercus)中的槲树(Q.dentata)、槲栎(Q.aliena)、麻栎(Q.acutissima)、栓皮栎(Q.viriabilis)、蒙古栎(Q.mongolicus)和胡桃属(Juglans)中的胡桃楸(J.mandshurica)共7个样品进行了淀粉粒形态对比分析,以求为建立北方坚果类淀粉粒的鉴定标准积累资料。实验结果发现,除胡桃楸未发现淀粉物质以外,其他6个样品的淀粉粒不仅可以与其他科、属进行区分,甚至在一定程度上还可以进行种间的区分。板栗的脐点是闭合的,有层纹,无裂隙;   麻栎脐点是偏心的;   槲树栓皮栎的淀粉粒近乎80%都具有裂隙特征,但栓皮栎的淀粉粒中会出现横裂隙和相当数量的星形裂隙而只有槲树的淀粉粒才具有相当数量的纵向裂隙;   蒙古栎的淀粉也大多具有裂隙(70%)而且纵向型裂隙占主要地位,但是蒙古栎淀粉粒表面有细密的放射线;   60%的槲栎淀粉粒不具有裂隙特征。所有样品的淀粉粒均由大小不一的各种卵圆形组成,而且6个样品的长轴最大值(约20μm)和6个样品的平均值(约10μm)都非常接近。  相似文献   

The Jingshuiwan Paleolithic site lies in the second terrace of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and has a complete geomorphological section. Archaeological materials from early Late Pleistocene fluvial deposits of silt and sand are dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to ca. 70 ka. The stone assemblage from layer 7 includes retouched tools (118), cores (304), flakes (281), flake fragments (101), stone hammers (four) and chunks (102). Artifacts were made from lithic sources locally available from the former riverbed. The main type used was silicarenite; quartzite, hypabyssal intrusive rock, extrusive rock and volcanic breccia were also used. The principal flaking technique was direct hammer percussion without prepared striking platforms. Major blanks for tool fabrication were complete flakes (67.0%), followed by cores and incomplete flakes. Most tools were large. Chopper-chopping tools and scrapers were the dominant tool types, followed by points and notches. Modified tools were mostly retouched unifacially on the surface of blanks by direct hammer percussion. Jingshuiwan provides evidence that South China was occupied during MIS 4. Because of the similarity of the stone tool assemblage with earlier ones associated with Homo erectus, it may also provide indirect evidence that H. erectus persisted into the early Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Quartz sand grains obtained from a deeply gullied topography along the banks of two tributaries of River Pravara in Godavari Basin, Maharashtra have been examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in order to make the environmental interpretations of these deposits. The sediments reveal features resulting from mechanical grinding as well as from chemical alteration. Conchoidal fractures, cleavage planes, grooves, v-shaped indentations etc are the mechanical features documented on the grains whereas solution pits of varying sizes and intensity, precipitation surfaces, oriented v-pits, solution crevasses and etching are the features of diagenetic origin. Few sand grains show the evidence of wind transported sediments. Several evidence indicate that the samples have undergone digenetic changes. Few grains exhibit the features of intense chemical breakdown. The overall assemblages of the grain surface features suggest that the samples have been subjected to subaqueous transport for a considerable period of time. The chemical features such as etching, solution pits or semi circular arcuate steps that are found in abundance in these grains are due to the dissolution of the sediments in a low energy fluviatile environment, such as in floodplain region.  相似文献   

The dating of the Stone Age sequence in southern Africa has been considerably revised over the last decade, and one of the anomalies which has resulted is that the Middle Stone Age, now dated to beyond 30,000 B.P., does not immediately precede the Later Stone Age sensu stricto. The excavation and analysis of occupation horizons dating between the most recent Middle Stone Age assemblages and the Holocene is therefore of particular interest. Nelson Bay Cave, situated on the southern coast of South Africa, contains deposits which partly fill the “gap” between the Middle and Later Stone Ages, and the occupation horizons dating between about 18,000 and 5000 years ago are described in this paper. Changes in the habitat in the vicinity of the site caused by sea-level and vegetation changes coincident with the amelioration of temperatures at the end of the Pleistocene are clearly marked in the faunal remains at the site. Largely correlated with the faunal changes (which includes the introduction of marine resources to the cave at about 12,000 B.P.) are changes in the stone artifact assemblages. Three industries are recognized in the sequence: the Robberg, characterized by microbladelets produced from bladelet cores and a few small scrapers and backed tools; the Albany, characterized by large scrapers and an absence of backed tools; and the Wilton, characterized by a variety of Formal Tools including relatively large numbers of small scrapers and backed tools. These changes in artifact-manufacturing traditions are interpreted as signaling adjustments to changing environmental conditions. An explanation for these adjustments is not sought in a simple cause-and-effect relationship between the environment and the cultural response; artifact changes are seen instead as the result of a twofold process, with the environment acting as an external stimulus to change, and the direction of the artifact change governed by the selection of a range of possibilities offered by the technology of the Later Stone Age sensu lato that was widespread in subequatorial Africa during the last 20,000 years.  相似文献   

为了区分农作物与野生草类的淀粉粒形态,对现代粟(Setariaitalica)、黍(Panicummiliaceum)和狗尾草(Setariaviridis)的淀粉粒形态进行了比较。观察结果表明,粟的淀粉粒以圆球形单粒为主,脐点位于中央,大部分由脐点向外有1~3条放射线,表面光滑,淀粉粒平均长度约19m。黍的淀粉粒以多角形单粒为主,脐点位于中央,但很多淀粉粒的脐点不是很明显。在一些脐点形成1~3条射线,表面光滑,淀粉粒平均长度约为19m。狗尾草淀粉粒以卵形为主,脐点位于中央,表面可见层纹,边缘凹凸不平且常有裂隙形成,淀粉粒平均长度约为18m。研究证明,利用粟、黍和狗尾草的淀粉粒形态特征,可以有效地对考古遗存中的这几种禾本科植物遗迹进行区分。  相似文献   

In contrast to well-studied paleoenvironments of Plio-Pleistocene hominin sites in East Africa, little is known about the ecology of the earliest North African human occupation sites. The recent studies at Ain Hanech and El-Kherba in northeastern Algeria have broadened the range of Plio-Pleistocene hominin ecology to include the earliest known archaeological sites documented in North Africa. Ain Hanech and El-Kherba are significant for yielding savanna-like faunas associated with Oldowan stone tools dated back to approximately 1.8 million years ago. This paper focuses on reconstructing the ecology of Ain Hanech and El-Kherba based on excavated faunas and stable carbon isotope of pedogenic carbonates from El-Kherba stratigraphic profile. The results point out to an overall open paleolandscape and a C3 predominantly paleovegetation both woody and grasses. In addition, the stable-carbon-isotopic evidence shows a clear environmental change through time at El-Kherba, which likely impacted hominin foraging activities in level A.  相似文献   

Early Acheulian assemblages in fluviolacustrine contexts at the Early Pleistocene site of ‘Ubeidiya (Jordan Valley, Israel) have been described as “living floors.” A study of variation in the surface abrasion of stone tools from several such “living floors” suggest a mixture of cultural and geological factors were involved in the formation of these assemblages. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

FxJj43 differs from most other archaeological sites preserved in the Okote Member of the Koobi Fora Formation in ways that make it especially suited to the problem of clarifying the behavioral information encapsulated in fine time‐lines. At this site in northern Kenya, a continuous strip of outcrops, preserving a set of interlocking landforms, can be traced around the modern erosion front for more than half a kilometer. The characteristics and three‐dimensional geometries of the beds making up these outcrops show that they have preserved the southern bank, levee, and floodplain of a westerly flowing sandy channel. Both stone tools and animal bones are strewn across the eroding surfaces of these outcrops, and excavations show that they are derived from a narrow stratigraphic horizon immediately overlying the volcanic ash at the base of the sequence. The blue tuff, and the archaeological horizon that overlies it, have been dated using the 40Ar‐39Ar method on single crystals of alkali feldspar. Although there is no direct measure of how long it took the archaeological horizon to accumulate, it probably accumulated over a time span of 102–103 years. Thus the locality may be used to test the proposition that the analysis of archaeological debris from fine‐time lines will help to resolve ambiguities in the interpretation of early Pleistocene archaeological assemblages. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study shows how the occurrence of lithic raw-materials articulate with hunter gatherer technological organization. Three archaeological data sets representing 109 different sites and one ethnographic data set from Australia are examined to show that lithic raw-material size, shape, quality, and availability play a major role in hunter gatherer decisions to make various kinds of stone tools. These characteristics of lithic material occurrence are used to help explain why expedient technologies such as bipolar tool production are sometimes used, and why formalized technologies such as bifacial production may be selected as a tool production strategy. Stone tool morphological variability and technological variability are shown to be directly related to the geological occurrence of stone tool raw materials. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Accretionary desert pavements on the eastern Libyan Plateau of central Egypt support a rich Middle and Upper Paleolithic artifact assemblage exhibiting intensive blank production and minimal tool production. These assemblages appear to be in primary context with numerous examples of lithic refits showing on‐site lithic production. However, the smallest (length ≤2.5 cm) archaeological fragments are recovered at a much lower rate on this desert pavement surface than expected given comparable data from lithic assemblages in cave and shelter contexts in France. Excavation of archaeological contexts on the Libyan Plateau reveals the loss of small artifact fragments into the subsurface due to aeolian accumulation of silts, whereas geomorphic examination of desert pavement surfaces suggests a potential for relatively isolated bioturbation as a source of lateral and vertical disturbance of desert pavement surfaces over small areas. Archaeologists should be aware of the potential for long‐term assemblage stability as well as small artifact burial in surficial desert pavement contexts.  相似文献   

Current models of Pleistocene fluvial system development and dynamics are assessed from the perspective of European Lower and Middle Palaeolithic stone tool assemblages recovered from fluvial secondary contexts. Fluvial activity is reviewed both in terms of Milankovitch‐scale processes across the glacial/interglacial cycles of the Middle and Late Pleistocene, and in response to sub‐Milankovitch scale, high‐frequency, low‐magnitude climatic oscillations. The chronological magnitude of individual phases of fluvial activity is explored in terms of radiocarbon‐dated sequences from the Late Glacial and early Holocene periods. It is apparent that fluvial activity is associated with periods of climatic transition, both high and low magnitude, although system response is far more universal in the case of the high magnitude glacial/interglacial transitions. Current geochronological tools do not permit the development of high‐resolution sequences for Middle Pleistocene sediments, while localised erosion and variable system responses do not facilitate direct comparison with the ice core records. However, Late Glacial and early Holocene sequences indicate that individual fluvial activity phases are relatively brief in duration (e.g. 102 and 103 yr). From an archaeological perspective, secondary context assemblages can only be interpreted in terms of a floating geochronology, although the data also permit a reinvestigation of the problems of artefact reworking. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

石器生产是一个动态的生产系统,而石料是石器生产和研究的前提。通过对大辛庄遗址周围考古与地质调查和对出土商代石器标本的细致分析表明,该遗址商代石器原料使用种类丰富,石料的利用率与遗址周围石质类型分布有着极为密切的关系。原料分布广泛,具有高含量、低质量的特点,明显影响着当地石器工业的面貌和开发与利用自然的策略。大辛庄石料应当来源于当地,主要有两种途径:一种是就地取材;另一种主要来源于南部山区和鲍山一带,主要通过水路运输,陆路运输条件具备。在利用与开发石料的战略上,大辛庄人充分认识到石料特性,尤其对沉积岩的认识与利用,重视选材,考虑石器功能和使用方式,并很好地实施到石器制作过程中,制定相应的应对策略。通过对大辛庄商代石料来源地和开发策略的考察,有利于认识当时人地关系和大辛庄人认识自然、开发自然的认知水平。  相似文献   

文章记述并分析了20世纪90年代后期重庆巫山龙骨坡遗址出土于第7水平层的16件石制品,包括若干各具特色的工具类型,如原型手镐、原型薄刃斧、大型尖刃器、直刃砍砸器、凸刃砍砸器、长刃石刀、短刃石刀、刮削器、凿刃器等,反映出石器制作者明确的工作目标和为了达到目标所经历的一个又一个中间过程;说明了当时的人类对工具制作的具体需求和适当利用自然环境的事实。研究证据还体现了大约200万年前华南早期人类工具类型的多样性与特殊性,标志着中国早期人类在当时阶段所达到的技术发展水平。龙骨坡遗址很可能是东亚早期人类文化的一个发祥地。  相似文献   

Pollen was collected from modern alluvium and from the atmosphere to document the nature and amount of paleoenvironmental information reflected by alluvial pollen chronologies. Results indicate that pollen in alluvium is a homogeneous mixture derived almost entirely from the floodplain itself. The few pollen grains derived from nonfloodplain plant communities and preserved in alluvial sediments are so well mixed that their frequencies no longer reflect the geographic distribution of the specific plant communities in which they originated. In contrast, the abundance of alluvial pollen grains, derived from the major floodplain taxa (Chenopodiineae, Ambrosia type), varies with summer and winter climate. This annual variation is preserved in alluvial pollen assemblages through a combination of processes within sedimentation basins involving discontinuous deposition events and mechanical pollen degradation. The high-frequency, wide-amplitude pollen variance in alluvial pollen assemblages contrasts with the low-frequency, narrow-amplitude pollen variance in sediments of lakes and ponds. The slight geographic variance in alluvial pollen assemblages, in contrast to the large variance in soil pollen, allows use of alluvial pollen to infer climate throughout the watershed in which pollen is sampled.  相似文献   

湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类石器技术与生存行为探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类遗址自2004年发现以来已进行过3次系统发掘,出土了距今约10万年的晚期智人牙齿化石、哺乳动物化石和38件石制品。文章从类型、原料、剥片技术、加工技术等方法对石制品进行综合分析。结果表明,黄龙洞古人类选择围岩内部的石英质岩脉和洞外河流形成的河卵石进行剥片和加工石器,类型包括石锤、石核、石片、石器、断块和碎屑等,个体以中小型居多;锤击法为剥片基本方法,砸击法被少量使用;石器多为片状毛坯制作而成,刮削器是石器的主要类型,此外还有手镐、砍砸器、石锥和雕刻器等,石器为锤击法单向简单加工而成。另外,结合洞穴自然环境、动物化石埋藏及考古分析等证据,探讨了古人类于更新世晚期对黄龙洞的利用方式和生存行为。  相似文献   

近20年来中国旧石器考古学的进展与思考   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
本文记述近20年来中国旧石器考古学研究的主要成果,着重论述早期人类扩散的速度和中国旧石器工业的基本框架:北、南方各存在一个主工业,并存若干区域工业;同时对试验考古研究以及东西文化比较研究等的现状和问题提出孔见。  相似文献   

华北平原冲积物孢粉沉积相研究   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
华北平原孢粉沉积相研究表明,洪积扇和三角洲平原区沉积的花粉较多。花粉沉积浓度多在3000粒/g以上。冲积平原区沉积下来的花粉较少,花粉浓度多在1000粒/g以下。冲积物的花粉浓度可以作为划分不同地貌单元的指标。不同的沉积相存在着不同的孢粉组合。主流相一般沉积的花粉粒很少或不合花粉,花粉植物类型也较少。漫滩、心滩沉积的花粉较多,花粉植物类型也较丰富。边滩沉积的花粉较少,花粉浓度也低。自然堤和泛滥相以含有较多的松、卷柏孢子和当地花粉植物为特征。这些特征可以作为识别沉积相的指标。  相似文献   

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