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由于不同时期各观测系统所用震级标度、仪器性能和测量方法的不同,各种中国地震目录中所列震级值常不一致。本文在收集和整理1900—1948年间,中国地震的仪器观测资料的基础上,采用统一的震级标度修定震级,以期给出该时期的均一震级目录。为此,采用古登堡-里克特1945年面波震级公式和1956年体波震级公式,作为基本震级标度,并将1962年的莫斯科-布拉格公式用于较短周期面波的面波震级测定,以作补充。统计表明,在这段时期内,两者之间是比较一致的。 根据这种标度,重新核算了《全球地震活动性及有关现象》一书的手稿资料,并用所有能收集到的台站振幅、周期资料计算了震级;建立了徐家汇台的量规函数和应用观测到P波的最大距离估计震级的计算公式;统计出各种震级目录中的震级值对古登堡-里克特震级标度的归算关系。从而得到了1900—1948年间中国地震的修订震级。文中列出6.5级以上的中国地震目录。 修订后的震级与国内外已有目录的统计对比结果表明,修订后的震级与阿部的全球大震目录中我国地震的震级相近,而与1983年编《中国地震目录》(未计入直接引用徐明同震级的部分)所列震级平均偏差虽小,但离散较大。 本文根据修订后的震级目录,探讨了《全球地震活动性及有关现象》一书中震级的含意,结果与盖勒-金森的结  相似文献   

引言在将近50年以前里克特引入地震震级的概念,在地震学的领域内,已取得了不平凡的成功。地震震级满足了按强度把地震加以分类这个明确的需要。随着时间的前进,提出了几种震级标度。按年代顺序为,第一是由美国加利福尼亚南部地震产生的近震震级 M_L(里克特,1935).为了把震级标度应用于远震事件,引入了20秒面波的震级 M_S,称为面波震级(古登堡和里克特,1936)。最后,为使震级标度适用于任意震源深度,定义了体波震级 M_b(古登堡,1945a、b)。不辛,由于这个不一致的发展,立刻出现了困难。明显的问题是如何使得三个震级标度彼此相连系,始终没有一个满意的解  相似文献   

为测量地震强度所做的努力已有100多年了。1935年,里克特用伍德-安德森地震仪记录的南加州地震建立了地方震震级标度M_L,所用地震波的周期范围为0.1~2s。1945年,古登堡(1945a)根据远震记录周期为(20±3)s的水平向面波建立了面波震级标度M_s;古登堡(1945b)还分别用平均周期为5s和10s的P波和S波引进了体波震级标度m_b。所有这些标度都是基于某些特定的周  相似文献   

B.古登堡和C.F.李克特的《全球地震活动性》(1954)一书未公开发表的地震资料手稿中,收集了1896年至1958年间的全球强震仪器记录资料,其中涉及我国境内的强震资料有一百余个。这些资料中有些是书中未公开发表的,为了研究的需要,现将手稿缩微胶卷中1902年以来未曾公开发表的有关我国强震的仪器记录资料分期连载。为便于读者了解资料中所列的各种震级标度,本文先对各震级标度作一介绍。  相似文献   

西方的通讯社在报道破坏性地震时,常常引用“里克特震级”几级几级,本文叙述了在不同时期所谓“里克特震级”具有不同的含义。在1945年以前主要是指M_L—里克特原始震级,系用乌德—安德森氏标准地震仪测定者;1954年古登堡—里克特合著《地球地震活动性》一书大量发行之后,所谓里克特震级在大多数情况是折合为面波震级M_s;1958年里克特著“地震学基础一书所附震级系以M_s与体波震级m用加权平均的办法求得的,比  相似文献   

我们综合地质和地震数据获得了坎特伯雷地震序列的震级—频度分布模型。在确定分布曲线时,借机用新的数据解决了文献中的一个长期争议:对于断层或断裂带的地震活动性,究竟是古登堡—里克特关系还是特征地震模型描述得更好。结果表明,对于坎特伯雷地震序列的整个复合断裂带而言,若综合考虑古登堡—里克特曲线(拟合仪器目录数据)误差和格林代尔断层上大(主)震根据古地震推断的复发周期界限,震级—频度分布可用古登堡—里克特关系很好地描述。相反,对于格林代尔断层的较小区域,震级—频度分布用特征地震模型描述得更好。不同的就是尺度,因为坎特伯雷地震序列所代表的复合断裂带表现为古登堡—里克特分布,而该断裂带内的单个断层表现为特征地震分布。因此,地震风险模拟中震级—频度分布的确定必须考虑尺度因素,而不能简单地认为一条震级—频度分布曲线适用于所有断层情形。  相似文献   

依据所关心地区的地震目录,建立起古登堡-里克特关系,并据此而推断该地区未来的缺震数,是一种常用的做法。然而,如果该地区的震级-频度关系是非古登堡-里克特的,或者即使是但由于地震目录不全(指历史地震目录的中小地震缺失和现代仪器记录的弱小地震缺失)而使震级-频度曲线呈系统性上凸,都将严重影响对未来缺震数的估计。本文指出,无论是哪一种情况,甚至是两种情况的耦合,折线型震级-频度关系都是合乎逻辑的处理方法。本文侧重于概念、实例,而在下文中则致力于算法推导和理论试验。  相似文献   

本文通过对中国台网记录到的全球1966—1980年期间面波5.3级以上地震资料的统计及计算,求出中国地震台网测定面波震级与部分国际地震机构面波震级的相关公式,给出拟合直线及相关简表。  相似文献   

ISC-GEM地震目录是ISC发布和管理的一份全新的、基于仪器记录的全球中强震地震目录,于2013年首次发布.截至2018年2月,该目录从1900—2014年,跨越115年的时间尺度,共计28000余条地震,其中中国陆地区域的地震近千条.ISC-GEM地震目录的产出过程中,收集了1900年以后共百余年的观测数据,截至2018年6月,可用的地震波到时数据达20000000余条,振幅数据达6000000余条.目录中的所有地震经过两步法重新定位:EHB方法确定震源深度,ISCloc修定震中和发震时间.矩震级是唯一的震级标度,采用直接计算或由其他震级(M_S和m_b)转换的方式而获得.  相似文献   

面波震级和它的台基校正值   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
郭履灿  庞明虎 《地震学报》1981,3(3):312-320
本文叙述了我国现行的北京地震台面波震级 Ms 公式的由来, 所使用的公式为Ms=log(A/T)max+(△)系以古登堡-里克特(Gutenberg-Richter)对帕萨迪纳(Pasadena)地震台测定的面波震级为标准, 由国际上与该标准一致的六个著名地震台的面波平均震级制定出北京地震台测定面波震级的起算函数(△).当震中距离△=8-130得到公式(△)=(1.660.09)log△+(3.500.14)对于△=130-180之间的公式, 我们结合中国地震观测的实际情况将吸收系数项作了改进, 求得半经验半理论公式为(△)=6.775+1/2[(2.147e-0.04465△+1.325)(△-90)10-2logsin△+1/3(log△-1.954)]为了提高面波定震级的精确度, 将北京地震台的面波震级标准推广到全国十二个基准台, 利用360个地震的数据算出了各台的台基校正值, 提高了测定面波震级的一致性.   相似文献   

In previous research, trace amplitudes of surface wave maxima recorded by undamped Milne seismographs were used to determine the surface-wave magnitudes Ms of large shallow earthquakes which occurred prior to 1912. For this purpose, the effective gain of these instruments was calibrated by using the surface-wave magnitudes Ms(GR) which were calculated from the unpublished worksheets for Seismicity of the Earth of Gutenberg and Richter. In this paper, the real quality of Ms(GR) is critically re-evaluated by using independent sets of data. It is found that Ms(GR) for the period 1904–1909 is considerably overestimated. The average excess from the real Ms is 0.5 units for 1904–1906, 0.4 for 1907, 0.3 for 1908–1909 and 0.0 for 1910–1912. This overestimation is so systematic and large that the previous results are all redetermined. The average effective gain of Milne instruments is revised to be 21.9; previously, the gain depended on Ms. This revision results in systematic reduction in the previously assigned magnitudes. The revised values of Ms for 264 shallow earthquakes, with Ms=6.8 and over in the period 1897–1912 inclusive, are listed. The present revision is large enough to preclude the possibility of the high activity of large shallow earthquakes around the turn of the century. The present results have a direct effect on all the magnitude catalogues of shallow earthquakes which occurred prior to 1909.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):269-278
The project “Seismic Hazard Assessment for Almaty” has a main objective to improve existing seismic hazard maps for the region of northern Tien Shan and especially for the surroundings of Almaty and to generate a new geodynamic model of the region.In the first step a composite seismic catalogue for the northern Tien Shan region was created, which contains about 20,000 events and is representative for strong earthquakes for the period back to the year 500. For the period of instrumental observation 1911–2006 the catalogue contains data for earthquakes with a body wave magnitude larger than 4. For smaller events with magnitudes up to 2.2 the data are only available since 1980. The composite catalogue was created on the basis of several catalogues from the United States Geologic Survey (USGS), local catalogues from the Kazakh National Data Centre (KNDC) and the USSR earthquake catalogue. Due to the different magnitudes used in several catalogues a magnitude conversion was necessary.Event density maps were created to rate the seismicity in the region and to identify seismic sources. Subsurface fault geometries were constructed using tectonic model which uses fault parallel material flow and is constrained by GPS data. The fault geometry should improve the estimation of the expected seismic sources from seismic density maps.First analysis of the earthquake catalogue and the density maps has shown that nearly all large events are related to fault systems. Annual seismicity distribution maps suggest different processes as the cause for the seismic events. Apart from tectonics, also fluids play a major part in triggering of the earthquakes.Beneath the Issyk-Kul basin the absence of strong seismic activity suggests aseismic sliding at the flat ramp in a ductile crust part and low deformation within the stable Issyk-Kul micro-continent which underthrust the northern ranges of Tien Shan. First results suggest a new partition of the region in tectonic units, whose bounding faults are responsible for most of the seismic activity.  相似文献   

Many catalogues, agency reports and research articles have been published on seismicity of Turkey and its surrounding since 1950s. Given existing magnitude heterogeneity, erroneous information on epicentral location, event date and time, this past published data however is far from fulfilling the required standards. Paucity of a standardized format in the available catalogues have reinforced the need for a refined and updated catalogue for earthquake related hazard and risk studies. During this study, ~37,000 earthquakes and related parametric data were evaluated by utilizing more than 41 published studies and, an integrated database was prepared in order to analyse all parameters acquired from the catalogues and references for each event. Within the scope of this study, the epicentral locations of M ≥ 5.0 events were firstly reappraised based on the updated Active Fault Map of Turkey. An improved catalogue of 12.674 events for the period 1900–2012 was as a result recompiled for the region between 32–45N° and 23–48E° by analyzing in detail accuracy of all seismological parameters available for each event. The events consist of M ≥ 4.0 are reported in several magnitude scales (e.g. moment magnitude, Mw; surface wave magnitude, MS; body-wave magnitude mb; local magnitude ML and duration magnitude Md) whereas the maximum focal depth reaches up to 225-km. In order to provide homogenous data, the improved catalogue is unified in terms of Mw. Fore-and aftershocks were also removed from the catalogue and completeness analyses were performed both separately for various tectonic sources and as a whole for the study region of interest. Thus, the prepared homogenous and declustered catalogue consisting of 6573 events provides the basis for a reliable input to the seismic hazard assessment studies for Turkey and its surrounding areas.  相似文献   

In order to obtain a uniform magnitude catalogue, surface-wave magnitudes Ms and broad-band body-wave magnitudes mB have been determined for large shallow earthquakes from 1904 to 1980. In making the catalogue homogeneous, the author consistently adheres to the original definitions of Ms and mB given by Gutenberg (1945) and Gutenberg and Richter (1956). The determinations of Ms and mB are all based on the amplitude and period data listed in Gutenberg and Richter's unpublished notes, bulletins from stations worldwide, and other basic information. mB is measured on broad-band instruments in periods of ~8 s. Consistency of the magnitude determinations from these different sources is carefully checked in detail. More than 900 shallow shocks of magnitude 7 and over are catalogued. The meaning of the magnitude scales in various catalogues is examined in terms of Ms and mB. Most of the magnitudes listed by Gutenberg and Richter (1954) in their “Seismicity of the Earth” are basically Ms for large shocks shallower than 40 km, but are basically mB for large shocks at depths of 40–60 km. The surface-wave magnitudes given by “Earthquake Data Reports” are higher than Ms by 0.2 unit whether the combined horizontal amplitude or the vertical amplitude is used. mB and the currently used 1 s body-wave magnitude are measured at different periods and should not be directly compared.  相似文献   

The main objective of the research work isthe homogenisation of the two recentAlgerian earthquake catalogues for thecommon covered period of time, from 1900 to1990, for the region under considerationlimited by [33°N–38°N,4°E-9.5°E] and the updatingof the catalogue for the twentieth century(1900–2000). To mitigate the deficiencyof the incompleteness of catalogue, aneffort was made to establish a correlationbetween surface-wave magnitude Ms andbody-wave magnitude mb in the form ofMs = a + b (mb). A complete, exact andhomogeneous earthquake catalogue as much aspossible, comprising 870 seismic events,has been compiled. Seismicity analysis ofthe region shows a strong concentration ofseismicity along a band of no more than400 km width oriented mainly in theeast-west direction parallel to the coast.Moreover, earthquakes in this zone arerather associated to strike-slip mechanism.The focal mechanism show a regional stressregime that corresponds to horizontalcompression in NW-SE to N-S direction. As aresult of the review of the seismicity ofnorth-eastern Algeria from the compilationof checked and corrected data and itscorrelation with other geologic andgeophysical investigations based ondocumentary sources, it was possible toconstruct a most complete seismotectonicmap. It leads also to delineate fourseismogenic zones in the Tellian Atlas, aless important zone in the Saharan Atlas, asixth zone at the boundary of both Atlasand finally, a seventh one along thecoastal zone. The seismicity-active faultscorrelation of some of these defined zonesis examined in details with a specialattention to the Saharan Atlas zone, theHodna and Biban zone as well as Soummam andBabor zone where further research workallowed to find some neotectonic featuresconsidered as a significant sign of recenttectonic activity.  相似文献   

本文从地震观测数据的利用角度出发,讨论世界范围内远震震级的测定问题。笔者认为,现震级标度存在的弊病是:震级饱和,测值偏差大,过分依赖频率的变动以及需要各种校正等。体波震级的问题大于面波;周期较短的震相问题大于周期较长的震相问题。矩震级标度将逐渐取代依据变幻不定的各种地震波的观用的各种标度。对于远震,长周期地震仪记录的面波震级Ms将得以发展,成为矩震级的一种辅助标度。本文最后提出了矩震级标度实行后,历史地震震级和区域地震震级如何与之衔接的初步设想。  相似文献   

地震震级是地震三要素之一,如何准确测定震级对于地震速报与应急工作至关重要。选取赤峰中心地震台2016年1月1日到2019年5月31日测定的674个地震事件的面波震级进行分析,并与中国地震台网中心发布的正式目录进行比较,并根据不同的震中距和方位角,给出面波震级偏差及校正值。结果表明:随着震级和震中距增大,震级偏差增大;赤峰中心地震台以北地区的不同方位角范围内,地震面波震级偏差分别为0.15、-0.13,以南地区的不同方位角范围内,地震面波震级偏差分别为0.22、0.16;根据参考校正值重新计算震级,通过震级对比结果表明校正效果较好。  相似文献   

杜广宝  刘杰  孙丽 《地震》2019,39(2):19-27
目前震级新国标拟在中国地震震级测定中开始使用。 为系统评估震级新国标对中强浅源地震的速报震级影响, 基于2001—2017年中国大陆发布的5级以上浅源地震速报目录, 本文系统分析了新国标宽频带面波震级与原速报震级的差异, 并与国外面波震级结果以及国、 内外矩震级的结果进行了对比研究。 结果表明: 采用新国标, 国内、 外面波震级对6级以上地震测定结果基本一致, 但5、 6级以上地震的频次分别为原来的80%、 60%左右, 而6.5级以上地震频次差异不大。 国内、 外矩震级测定结果比较一致, 由于国际上目前采用矩震级发布, 而矩震级与面波震级之间存在系统偏差, 因此, 为保持与国际结果一致, 应加快矩震级在地震速报中的应用, 这可能会导致6、 7级地震频次进一步降低。 由于速报震级在实际工作中既有可能采用面波震级, 也有可能采用矩震级, 或两者的结合; 因此, 速报震级仅用于地震信息发布、 地震应急、 科普宣传等社会应用, 如果使用震级进行科学研究、 地震活动性统计等专业应用研究, 最好统一使用一种标度, 即面波震级或矩震级。  相似文献   

IllustrationAll the data in this catalog are chosen from the (Preliminary Seismological Report of Chinese Seismic Stations( (Its abbreviation is (Monthly Report(). The catalog includes the events of M(4.7 in and near China and M(6 all over the world. The (Monthly Report( is monthly compiled by the Ninth Section of Institute of Geophysics, CSB.The origin times of earthquakes in the catalog adopt coordinated universal time (UTC) in accordance with international convention. The location…  相似文献   

A homogeneous and internally consistent body of regional magnitudes is needed not only for the statistical study of seismicity but also for the modelling of seismic sources and for the hazard assessment of engineering sites. Also the assessment of the design ground motions for engineering projects requires homogeneous magnitude estimates. The nature of the available data for U.K. and Northwestern European earthquakes, and of the events themselves, is such that we are concerned with the assessment of magnitudes at the lower end of the scale, and thus great importance focuses on the uniform calculation of magnitudes within a relatively narrow range of M values. The purpose of this study is to present the uniform re-assessment of magnitudes for British and Northwestern European earthquakes for the period 1900 to 1984. It is shown that, for the larger events, surface-wave magnitudes can be estimated uniformly and that neither a period constraint at 20 seconds nor distance effects for the regional conditions considered appear to play an important role. For smaller events, crustal phases at short distances have been used to derive calibration curves for a magnitude which, at larger distances and longer periods would fit the magnitude scale of surface waves.  相似文献   

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