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The hydraulic integrity of aquitards is generally assumed and relies on a few core-scale permeability measurements, drill-stem tests, or textbook values. This approach is because hydraulic data across the full aquitard thickness is generally lacking. Proper assessment of aquitard integrity should be studied at the formation (spanning its entire thickness at a single point) or regional (formation properties at multiple locations throughout the basin) scale. One formation-scale approach uses environmental tracers and advection-dispersion modeling to constrain fluid flow rates. This study demonstrates the use of helium concentrations in quartz as a method of constraining the rate of fluid flow in a 520-m thick aquitard in the Gunnedah Basin, NSW, Australia. Quartz was separated from existing core samples in the Watermark and Porcupine Formations at depths from 750 to 1200 m. The helium was released from these samples by heating and select samples were impregnated with helium to determine the rate of helium diffusion through the quartz. One-dimensional advection-dispersion modeling of the helium profile accounting for diffusive helium exchange between quartz and pore water revealed, that (1) vertical fluid velocity has been on the order of 0.02 mm/year or less for tens to thousands of years, (2) helium is in equilibrium between quartz and pore water, and (3) the helium profile is transient indicating that helium concentrations in the underlying Maules Creek Formation has varied over geological time. Further modeling identified aquitard conditions (thickness and temperature) for which equilibrium exists, a precondition for deriving formation-scale permeability.  相似文献   

The sequence-of-bifurcations approach for the analysis of transitionsfrom simple to complex forms of fluid flow is described.Formulated for fluid systemswith external conditions that are homogeneous in two spatial dimensionsand in time,this approach determines bifurcations through theirsymmetry breaking properties.Solutions that are periodic in the homogeneous dimensionsand in time are generatedin this way. While the secondary solution induced by theinstability of the basichomogeneous state generically assumes the form of rolls orstripes, higher bifurcationsintroduce solutions exhibiting structures specific for thephysical system underconsideration. These structures often persist in the formof coherent structures inthe turbulent state of the system. Examples from the caseof thermal convection in alayer heated from below are used to illustrate thesequence-of-bifurcations approach.  相似文献   

Rock deformation has an important effect on the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of permeability in the Earth’s crust. Hydromechanical coupling is of fundamental significance to natural fluid–rock interaction in porous and fractured hydrothermal systems, and in the assessment and production of hydrocarbon resources and geothermal energy. Shearing and fracturing of rocks can lead to the creation or destruction of permeability when fractures or faults form, or when existing structures are reactivated. Changes in stress orientation or fluid pressure can drive rock failure and create dilating fault zones that have the potential to focus fluid flow, or to breach seals above overpressured fluid compartments. Here, numerical models of deformation and fluid flow related to Mesoproterozoic copper mineralisation at Mount Isa, Australia, are presented that show how changes in deformation geometry in multiply deformed geological architectures relate to changes in dilation patterns, fluid pathways and flow geometry. Coupled numerical simulations of deformation and fluid flow can be useful tools to better understand structural control on fluid flow in hydrothermal mineral systems.  相似文献   

—The "dynamic" permeability k(ω) of heterogeneous networks of cracks, tubes and spheres, was determined by numerically simulating the harmonic flow of an interstitial fluid for a wide range of frequencies. For comparison with previous works, this procedure was applied to the 100 network realizations used in Bernabé (1995). In most cases, the calculated frequency dependence of the real and imaginary parts of k(ω) was consistent with the JKD model (Johnson et al., 1987), showing a transition from "viscous", macroscopic flow at low frequencies to "inertial" flow at high frequencies. The viscous skin depth δ c at the transition was found to be proportional to the critical capillary radius r c from a capillary invasion (Katz and Thompson, 1986). A simple explanation is that these two length scales arise from the same percolation problem. On the other hand, δ c was not well correlated with the JKD parameter Λ. The conclusion is that Λ and δ c (or r c ?) are two independent parameters, derived from two unrelated approaches (i.e., weighted averaging and percolation theory). Finally, an attempt was made to relax the initial assumptions of a rigid solid matrix and an incompressible fluid. It was observed that the effect of the fluid compressibility could occasionally be very large, especially when networks with large amounts of storage pore space were considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, fluid flow is examined for a mature strike‐slip fault zone with anisotropic permeability and internal heterogeneity. The hydraulic properties of the fault zone were first characterized in situ by microgeophysical (VP and σc) and rock‐quality measurements (Q‐value) performed along a 50‐m long profile perpendicular to the fault zone. Then, the local hydrogeological context of the fault was modified to conduct a water‐injection test. The resulting fluid pressures and flow rates through the different fault‐zone compartments were then analyzed with a two‐phase fluid‐flow numerical simulation. Fault hydraulic properties estimated from the injection test signals were compared to the properties estimated from the multiscale geological approach. We found that (1) the microgeophysical measurements that we made yield valuable information on the porosity and the specific storage coefficient within the fault zone and (2) the Q‐value method highlights significant contrasts in permeability. Fault hydrodynamic behavior can be modeled by a permeability tensor rotation across the fault zone and by a storativity increase. The permeability tensor rotation is linked to the modification of the preexisting fracture properties and to the development of new fractures during the faulting process, whereas the storativity increase results from the development of micro‐ and macrofractures that lower the fault‐zone stiffness and allows an increased extension of the pore space within the fault damage zone. Finally, heterogeneities internal to the fault zones create complex patterns of fluid flow that reflect the connections of paths with contrasting properties.  相似文献   

Geothermal fields and hydrothermal mineral deposits are manifestations of the interaction between heat transfer and fluid flow in the Earth’s crust. Understanding the factors that drive fluid flow is essential for managing geothermal energy production and for understanding the genesis of hydrothermal mineral systems. We provide an overview of fluid flow drivers with a focus on flow driven by heat and hydraulic head. We show how numerical simulations can be used to compare the effect of different flow drivers on hydrothermal mineralisation. We explore the concepts of laminar flow in porous media (Darcy’s law) and the non-dimensional Rayleigh number (Ra) for free thermal convection in the context of fluid flow in hydrothermal systems in three dimensions. We compare models of free thermal convection to hydraulic head driven flow in relation to hydrothermal copper mineralisation at Mount Isa, Australia. Free thermal convection occurs if the permeability of the fault system results in Ra above the critical threshold, whereas a vertical head gradient results in an upward flow field.  相似文献   

Similarly to blood pulse propagation in the artery system, oscillating flow can propagate as a wave in fluid-saturated pipes, networks of pipes or, by extension, in porous media, if the fluid is compressible and/or the pipes are elastically deformable. First, propagation of flow waves generated in a semi-infinite pipe by harmonic pressure oscillations at the pipe entrance is analyzed. The dispersion equation is derived, allowing determination of the phase velocity and quality factor as functions of frequency. Wave reflections at the end of a finite-length pipe and ensuing interferences between forward and backward traveling waves are then examined. Because of fluid storage in the pipe, the amplitude of the AC volumetric fluxes entering and exiting the pipe at its upstream and downstream ends are not equal. Thus, two different, upstream and downstream, frequency-dependent, AC hydraulic conductivities are introduced. Superposed on the classic viscous-inertial flow transition (controlled by the value of the pipe radius), these complex-valued parameters show another transition between an interference-free regime at low frequencies and a strong interference regime above a critical frequency that roughly scales as the pipe length. Because of attenuation, the flow wave interferences tend to gradually weaken with increasing frequencies. Finally, the single pipe model is used to investigate fluid flow waves through pipe networks with results very similar to those described above. The flow waves analyzed here are akin to the Biot’s slow P waves and their propagation properties could affect seismic soundings in some geological settings.  相似文献   

Fluid infiltration into fault zones and their deeper-level counterparts, brittle-ductile shear zones, is examined in diverse tectonic environments. In the 2.7 Ga Abitibi greenstone belt, major tectonic discontinuities, with lateral extents of hundreds of kilometres initiated as listric normal faults accommodating rift extension and acted as sites for komatiite extrusion and locally intense metasomatism. During reverse motion on the structures, accommodating shortening of the belt, these transcrustal faults were utilised as a conduit for the ascent of trondhjemitic magmas from the base of the crust and of alkaline magmas from the asthenosphere and for the discharge of thousands of cubic kilometres of hydrothermal fluids. Such fluids were characterised by 18O=+6±2, D=–50±20, 13C=–4±4, and temperatures of 270 to 450°C, probably derived from devolatilisation of crustal rocks undergoing prograde metamorphism. Hydrothermal fluids were more radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr=0.7010 to 0.7040) and possessed higher than did contemporaneous mantle, komatiites or tholeiites, and thus carried a contribution from older sialic basement. A provinciality of87Sr/86Sr and 13C is evident, signifying that fault plumbing sampled lower crust which was heterogeneous at the scale of tens of kilometres. Mineralised faults possess enrichments of large ion lithophile (LIL), LIL elements, including K, Rb, Ba, Cs, B, and CO2, and rare elements, such as Au, Ag, As, Sb, Se, Te, Bi, and W. Fluids were characterised by XCO 20.1, neutral to slightly acidic pH, low salinity 3 wt-%, K/Na=0.1, they carried minor CH4, CO, and N2, and they underwent transient effervescence of CO2 during decompression. Clastic sediments occupy graben developed at fault flexures. The40Ar/39Ar release spectra indicate that fault rocks experienced episodic disturbance on time scales of hundreds of millions of years.At the Grenville front, translation was accommodated along two mylonite zones and an intervening boundary fault. The high-temperature (580°C) and low-temperature (430 to 490°C) mylonite zones, formed in the presence of deep-level crust-equilibrated fluids of metamorphic origin. Late brittle faults contain quartz veins precipitated from fluids with extemely negative 18O (–14 per mil) at 200 to 300°C. The water may have been derived from downward penetration into fault zones of precipitation of low18O on a mountain range induced by continental collision, with uplift accommodated at deep levels by the mylonite zones coupled with rebound on the boundary faults.Archean gneisses overlie Proterozoic sediments along thrust surfaces at Lagoa Real, Brazil; the gneisses are transected by brittle-ductile shear zones locally occupied by uranium deposits. Following deformation at 500 to 540°C, in the presence of metamorphic fluids and under conditions of low water-to-rock ratio, shear zones underwent local intense oxidation and desilication. All minerals undergo a shift of –10 per mil, indicating discharge of meteoric-water-recharged formation brines in the underlying Proterozoic sediments up through the Archean gneisses, during overthrusting; 1000 km3 of solutions passed through these structures. The shear zones and Proterozoic sediments are less radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr=0.720) than contemporaneous Archean gneisses (0.900), corroborating the transport of fluids and solutes through the structure from a large external reservoir.Major crustal detachment faults of Tertiary age in the Picacho Cordilleran metamorphic core complex of Arizona show an upward transition from undeformed granitic basement through mylonitic to brecciated and hydrothermally altered counterparts. The highest tectonic levels are allochthonous, oxidatively altered Miocene volcanics. This transition is accompanied by an increase of 12 per mil in 18O, from +7 to +19, and a 400°C decrease in temperature. Lower tectonic levels acted as aquifers for the expulsion of large volumes of higher-temperature reduced metamorphic fluids and/or evolved formation brines. The Miocene allochthon was influenced by a lower-temperature reservoir inducing oxidative potassic alteration; mixing occurred between cool downward-penetrating thermal waters and the hot, deeper aqueous reservoir.In general, flow regimes in these fault and shear zones follow a sequence, from conditions of high temperature and pressure with locally derived fluids at low water-to-rock ratios, during initiation of the structures, to high fluxes of reduced formation or metamorphic fluids along conduits as the structures propagate and intersect hydrothermal reservoirs. Later in the tectonic evolution and at shallower crustal levels there was incursion of oxidising fluids from near-surface reservoirs into the faults. In general, magmatism, tectonics, and fluid motion are intimately related.  相似文献   

 Two geochemical surveys carried out in March 1991 and September 1992 revealed the existence of a hydrothermal system in the southern portion of Montserrat Island, below Soufrière Hills Volcano. This conclusion is supported by the presence of: (a) the thermal springs of Plymouth which are fed by deep Na–Cl waters (Cl concentration ∼25 000 mg/kg, temperature ca. 250  °C) mixed with shallow steam-heated waters; (b) the four fumarolic fields of Galway's Soufrière, Gages Upper Soufrière, Gages Lower Soufrière, and Tar River Soufrière, where acid to neutral, steam-heated waters are present together with several fumarolic vents, discharging vapors formed through boiling of hydrothermal aqueous solutions. Involvement of magmatic fluids in the recharge of the hydrothermal aquifers is suggested by: (a) the high 3He/4He ratios of fumarolic fluids, i.e., 8.2 RA at Galway's Soufrière and 5.9 RA at Gages Lower Soufrière; (b) the δD and δ18O values of Na–Cl thermal springs and steam condensates, indicating the involvement of arc-type magmatic water in the formation of deep geothermal liquids; and (c) the CH4/CO2 ratios of fumarolic fluids, which are lower than expected for equilibrium with the FeO–FeO1.5 hydrothermal rock buffer, but being shifted towards the SO2–H2S magmatic gas buffer. Received: 26 March 1996 / Accepted: 19 July 1996  相似文献   

Refractive flow and treatment (RFT) systems are designed for passive or low-maintenance in situ ground water remediation for rock or soil of low to moderate permeability. An RFT system captures and refracts contaminated ground water and conveys it to an in situ permeable treatment zone without the need for pumping. Flow to the treatment zone is through one or more high-permeability collection cells, and flow from the treatment zone back into the adjacent native media is through one or more high-permeability dispersal cells.
Conceptual, analytical, and numerical modeling demonstrates the potential for RFT systems to be successful. Analytical modeling shows that the most important factor for this success is that RFT system components be engineered to have comparatively high hydraulic conductivities. A numerical model, capable of representing site-specific conditions, is required for actual RFT system design.  相似文献   

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