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激光驱动亥姆霍兹电容线圈靶的磁重联实验已经提出并进行了多年.当实验中的金属板被强激光照射时产生自由电子,这些自由电子的运动在连接两金属板的两个平行线圈中产生电流,由两个平行线圈内部电流产生的磁场之间随即发生重联.该实验不同于其他直接由Biermann电池效应所产生高β(等离子体热压与磁压的比值)环境下的磁重联实验.对该类实验进行了3维磁流体动力学数值模拟,首次展示了亥姆霍兹电容器线圈靶如何驱动磁重联的过程.数值模拟结果清楚地表明,磁重联的出流等离子体在线圈周围发生与实验结果相一致的堆积现象.线圈电流产生的磁场可高达100 T,使得磁重联区域周围的等离子体β值达到10^-2.与实验室结果进行比较,数值模拟重复了实验展示的大多数特征,可有助于深入认识和理解实验结果背后的物理学原理.  相似文献   

由于锶原子光钟两级冷却对磁光阱磁场有不同的要求,为减少磁场转换时原子的逃逸,需在短时间内以一定的时序控制变换磁场。对反赫姆霍兹线圈设计的一般理论进行了讨论,为锶原子光钟的两级冷却设计了相应的磁场,并制作了转换磁场的发生控制装置。该装置主要包括控制电路、保护电路2部分。测量得到通过线圈的电流受控于输入信号,符合实验要求。  相似文献   

研究用于锶原子光钟的永磁体塞曼减速器,根据实验条件计算88Sr原子束塞曼减速器的磁场分布,将起始速度为410 m/s的锶原子减速至50 m/s,经过横向磁场的原子通量为7.9×105.基于永磁体制作的塞曼减速器,可靠性高、体积小、重量轻,磁场分布可调,而且无需高电流和水冷装置,实现了永磁体塞曼减速器的小型化.  相似文献   

随着中国航天技术的发展,对小型化的氢原子钟的需求越来越迫切。在减小体积和重量的前提下为保持氢钟现有的工作指标,对现有的氢钟物理条件提出了更高的要求,其中包括在氢钟屏蔽层数减少时保持磁屏蔽系数不变。原理分析、计算仿真了高磁导材料和磁场线圈2种屏蔽方法在氢钟上使用的优劣性,并通过对比实验验证了在氢钟上使用磁场线圈代替磁屏蔽材料产生磁屏蔽效果的可行性。  相似文献   

铯原子喷泉钟均匀C场的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C场均匀度是影响铯原子喷泉钟性能的重要因素。为了消除漏磁等对磁场均匀度的影响,加入补偿线圈,通过用最小二乘法计算,逐次得出补偿线圈的个数、位置与电流。实验表明:计算数据与实验结果吻合,得到c场不均匀性小于2nT、长度达48cm的均匀区。  相似文献   

为降低氢脉泽由C场不均匀导致的跃迁频率相对变化率,提出了三段螺线管和四组线圈两种C场组件设计方式。利用轴线上磁场的高阶展式计算了L=0.05~0.5的三段螺线管构造匀强磁场时的安匝比以及螺线管间距,并选择L=0.2~0.45的三段螺线管进行了磁场的有限元分析,给出了不同宽度的三段螺线管磁场非均匀度分布。其中L=0.45的三段螺线管在储存泡区域的最大非均匀度为0.105%,相应的跃迁频率相对变化率为1.02×10-13。采用相同的方法计算了四组线圈以及五组线圈构造匀强磁场时线圈间的安匝比和间距,并对线圈内的磁场进行了有限元仿真,给出了非均匀度分布,四组线圈式C场筒内磁场在储存泡区域的非均匀度最大值为0.066%,相应的跃迁频率相对变化率为6.42×10-14。  相似文献   

星载氢原子钟具有频率稳定度高、频率漂移率低的优点,在卫星导航定位和频率计量中得到了广泛应用。星载氢原子钟的腔泡系统用于实现氢原子的量子跃迁及其信号采集,原子跃迁信号幅度直接决定了系统的信噪比,进而影响整机性能指标,所以腔泡系统是星载氢原子钟的核心组件。目前,星载氢原子钟腔泡系统主要采用直螺线管来产生原子跃迁所需的C场。由于星载氢原子钟物理部分的结构限制,直螺线管的磁场均匀度有进一步提高的空间。探讨使用多段线圈代替直螺线管用于产生C场的可行性。首先对多段线圈产生的磁场进行理论分析计算,同时使用ANSYS电磁场仿真软件对多段线圈的各项参数进行仿真和优化,包括各段长度、段数、间距以及匝数、内径和总长度等。然后优选磁场均匀度较好的线圈配置参数,可将C场的非均匀度由直螺线管约10%降低到多段线圈约1%。根据仿真优化结果建立了试验九段线圈,对比测试了原子跃迁信号增益,同时结合电路部分进行闭环测试,对频率稳定度指标进行了对比。实验结果表明,原子跃迁信号可有效提升,阿伦方差在中短稳(1~1 000 s)表现更好。此项工作为星载氢原子钟整机性能指标的进一步提升打下了基础。  相似文献   

利用Hinode卫星观测的单色像和磁图,对出现在黑子半影内的35对偶极运动磁特征进行形态特征、运动速度以及低层太阳大气响应3方面的研究,得出以下结论:(1)偶极运动磁特征正负两极成对出现在黑子半影较垂直的磁场之间并向着半影外边界运动,间接验证了偶极运动磁特征起源于黑子半影水平磁场,在2-8小时的时间间隔内,同一位置上会反复出现形态特征和运动速度相似的偶极运动磁特征,为海蛇状磁力线模型提供了证据支持. (2)光球和色球在偶极运动磁特征向外运动过程中会出现增亮,说明偶极运动磁特征会加热中低层太阳大气.(3)偶极运动磁特征的出现位置和半影磁场结构分布符合非梳子状黑子半影结构特征.  相似文献   

磁场重联是空间等离子体和实验室等离子体中的常见现象,被认为是太阳耀斑和磁层亚暴的重要机制。实验室磁场重联的模拟研究已经有二十余年的历史,并且取得了一系列重要的结果。对几个主要的磁场重联实验装置进行了介绍,给出了各个装置的等离子体参数以及产生重联的方法,回顾了实验室研究中和太阳射电密切相关的几个问题。另外,以中国科技大学的线性磁化等离子体装置为基础,建立了国内首个磁场重联的实验装置,研制了实验中需要的诊断工具,并开展了初步的磁场重联实验。  相似文献   

阐述了磁流体发电机实验的发展过程并介绍了发电机实验的主要结果。磁流体发电机实验基于磁流体发电机理论,利用液态金属钠作为导电流体,在多种速度场和不同雷诺系数情况下,探测到发电机效应,得到自激发磁场、磁场饱和及磁场反转现象。但磁场强度与实验参数之间的具体相关关系还有待进一步验证。  相似文献   

铷原子频标中微波功率频移的研究及其控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对铷原子频标中微波功率频移的传统解释与实验现象不相符合的矛盾,曾提出以ACZeeman效应为核心的新解释.本文以实验检验了该解释,尤其是ACZeeman效应频移公式的正确性,实验结果与理论相符合;最后探讨了控制微波功率频移的方法。  相似文献   

We describe the TRAnsportable Flbre COupled échelle Spectrograph (TRAFICOS) equipped with a Zeeman analyzer and manufactured mainly for the observation of stellar magnetic fields. The spectrograph, designed at the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam and constructed at the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, is laid out in a quasi-Littrow configuration. The part attached to the Nasmyth focus of the 2 m telescope contains the telescope adapter for the fibre input and output of the star and calibration light, the cases for the flatfield and the wavelength calibration, and the Zeeman analyzer. The optical scheme and the reduction software are mentioned in some details and the first results of the determination of the magnetic field and radial velocity of several stars are given showing the performance of the device in comparison with existing data.  相似文献   

Summary The Sun provides us with a unique astrophysics laboratory for exploring the fundamental processes of interaction between a turbulent, gravitationally stratified plasma and magnetic fields. Although the magnetic structures and their evolution can be observed in considerable detail through the use of the Zeeman effect in photospheric spectral lines, a major obstacle has been that all magnetic structures on the Sun, excluding sunspots, are smaller than what can be resolved by present-day instruments. This has led to the development of indirect, spectral techniques (combinations of two or more polarized spectral lines), which overcome the resolution obstacle and have revealed unexpected properties of the small-scale magnetic structures. Indirect empirical and theoretical estimates of the sizes of the flux elements indicate that they may be within reach of planned new telescopes, and that we are on the verge of a unified understanding of the diverse phenomena of solar and stellar activity.In the present review we describe the observational properties of the smallscale field structures (while indicating the diagnostic methods used), and relate these properties to the theoretical concepts of formation, equilibrium structure, and origin of the surface magnetic flux.On leave from Institute of Astronomy, ETH-Zentrum, CH-8092 Zürich, SwitzerlandThe National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

Observations of AGNs and microquasars by ASCA, RXTE, Chandra and XMM-Newton indicate the existence of broad X-ray emission lines of ionized heavy elements in their spectra. Such spectral lines were discovered also in X-ray spectra of neutron stars and X-ray afterglows of GRBs. Recently, Zakharov et al. [MNRAS 342 (2003) 1325] described a procedure to estimate an upper limit of the magnetic fields in regions from which X-ray photons are emitted. The authors simulated typical profiles of the iron Kα line in the presence of magnetic field and compared them with observational data in the framework of the widely accepted accretion disk model. Here we further consider typical Zeeman splitting in the framework of a model of non-flat accretion flows, which is a generalization of previous consideration into non-equatorial plane motion of particles emitting X-ray photons. Using perspective facilities of space borne instruments (e.g., Constellation-X mission) a better resolution of the blue peak structure of iron Kα line will allow to evaluate the magnetic fields with higher accuracy.  相似文献   

We have independently investigated water masers associated with the star-forming region W3 IRS5 with the VLBA. Imai et al., found that the maser 3-D motions exhibit outflows, which likely originate from two of the hyper-compact HII regions in this source. Sarma et al., have detected the Zeeman effect in water masers toward W3 IRS5 and measured line-of-sight magnetic field strengths of between 14 and 42 mG. The directions of maser linear polarization are well aligned in the whole maser region and perpendicular to the estimated magnetic field. These polarimetric results are consistent with an hourglass model of the magnetic field in W3 IRS5. Imai et al., also have analyzed the microstructures found in the individual maser features (1AU), which exhibit the fractal fashion and express turbulence on very small scales. Together, we have demonstrated that observations of water masers enable us to comprehensively enhance our understanding of the early stages of the formation of massive stars in clusters.  相似文献   

OH maser emission from the circumstellar envelope of the M-type supergiant VX Sagittarii has been mapped at 1612 MHz in both hands of circular polarization using MERLIN, with an angular resolution of 0.4 arcsec and a velocity resolution of 0.3 km s−1. Four likely Zeeman pairs of maser components are identified, each with a similar Zeeman splitting. The inferred magnetic field strength is approximately −1 mG in each case, with the field directed towards us. The Zeeman components lie ∼ 1400 au from the star. The data lend support to the dipole magnetic field model which has recently been suggested for this circumstellar envelope.  相似文献   

ALMA observations of circular (Zeeman) and linear (Goldreich–Kylafis) polarization in spectral lines will significantly enhance sensitivity and angular resolution over currently available data, and should lead to major breakthroughs in our understanding of the role of magnetic fields in the star formation process. This work was partially supported by NSF grants AST 0540459 and 0606822.  相似文献   

The formation of Zeeman lines in Gaussian microturbulent magnetic fields is considered assuming LTE. General formulae are derived for the local mean values of the transfer matrix elements. The cases of one-dimensional (longitudinal), isotropic, and two-dimensional (transversal) magnetic microturbulence are studied in some detail. Asymptotic formulae are given for small mean as well as for small microturbulent magnetic fields. Characteristic effects of magnetic microturbulence on the transfer coefficients are: (i) the broadening of the frequency contours, although only for the case of longitudinal Zeeman effect and longitudinal magnetic microturbulence this effect can be described analogous to Doppler broadening, (ii) the appearance of a pseudo-Zeeman structure for nonlongitudinal magnetic microturbulence, (iii) the reduction of maximal values of circular polarization, and (iv) the appearance of characteristic linear polarization effects due to the anisotropy of the magnetic microturbulence.Line contours and polarization of Zeeman triplets are computed for Milne-Edddington atmospheres. It is shown that magnetic intensification due to microturbulent magnetic fields may be much more efficient than that due to regular fields. The gravity center of a Zeeman line observed in circularly polarized light remains a reasonable measure of the line of sight component of the mean magnetic field for a line strength47-1. For saturated lines, the gravity center distance depends significantly on the magnetic microturbulence and its anisotropy. The influence of magnetic microturbulence on the ratio of longitudinal field magnetographic signals shows that unique conclusions about the magnetic microstructure can be drawn from the line ratio measurement only in combination with further spectroscopic data or physical reasoning.  相似文献   

We have discovered that the white dwarf PG 2329+267 is magnetic, and, assuming a centred dipole structure, has a dipole magnetic field strength of approximately 2.3 MG. This makes it one of only approximately 4 per cent of isolated white dwarfs with a detectable magnetic field. Linear Zeeman splitting, as well as quadratic Zeeman shifts, is evident in the hydrogen Balmer sequence and circular spectropolarimetry reveals ∼10 per cent circular polarization in the two displaced σ components of Hα. We suggest from comparison with spectra of white dwarfs of known mass that PG 2329+267 is more massive than typical isolated white dwarfs, in agreement with the hypothesis that magnetic white dwarfs evolve from magnetic chemically peculiar Ap and Bp type main-sequence stars.  相似文献   

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