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对于半潜式钻井平台浮箱,裂纹的扩展不仅影响结构的水密性甚至可能对结构的安全产生巨大威胁,并直接决定平台的整体使用寿命。以南海某平台为研究对象,对浮箱板壳椭圆形表面裂纹前沿应力强度因子的分布规律,以及裂纹形状系数对裂纹前沿应力强度因子分布规律的影响等进行了研究。在此基础上,基于BS7910规范中‘合于使用’原则,对裂纹的临界状态进行了分析和评定,为海洋环境条件下半潜式钻井平台浮箱表面裂纹的极限尺寸研究提供了一种科学的方法。  相似文献   

压弯载荷下焊趾表面裂纹工程萌生寿命预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先定义焊趾处从无裂纹到检测到表面裂纹长度达到 1.5mm时对应的循环次数为裂纹“工程萌生寿命”。给出了基于修正Neuber法并考虑焊接残余应力等影响的焊接结构焊趾裂纹工程萌生寿命计算方法。用成一定角度对接焊板试件和轴向加载获得压弯组合应力 ,以 980钢板焊接件为试件 ,在压弯组合应力的作用下 ,对焊趾表面裂纹萌生寿命进行了实验研究 ,确定了焊趾处的疲劳缺口系数。该结果可用于疲劳热点部位的受力特征为压弯组合应力的潜艇耐压壳、压力容器等的某些重要焊接结构疲劳计算  相似文献   

张剑利  王昊  方辉 《海洋工程》2018,36(3):76-83
大型海洋结构长期服役中构件裂纹不可避免,结构承载性能必然随之弱化。针对含非均匀分布裂纹的薄板,以有限元方法对小变形状态下其极限承载能力进行计算,得到裂纹数量、长度、分布等因素对薄板屈曲临界应力的影响规律。发现裂纹不仅改变截面的有效承载面积,同时改变局部结构的变形状态,多种因素共同作用使板的承载性能非单调变化,即多裂纹对板承载性能的影响具有一定的"群体"效应。  相似文献   

针对传统无损检测方法对自升式海洋平台检测工作量大、费时费力等问题,提出了一种金属磁记忆(MMM)与交流电磁场(ACFM)联合检测的新方法。在简介MMM和ACFM检测机理之后,将其应用到自升式海洋平台关键部位的无损检测中。分别以齿条座板与桩腿之间的T型焊缝和桩腿环焊缝为例,首先通过MMM快速全面扫描待检测表面,基于磁场分布及梯度值确定应力集中部位;在此基础上,利用ACFM方法重点对应力集中部位进行裂纹缺陷的定量化检测,结果表明MMM对应力集中或微观缺陷非常敏感,而ACFM方法可精确给出裂纹缺陷的深度信息,为平台结构的安全可靠运行和维修方案制定提供了方法参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

陈晨  尤云祥  陈科 《海洋工程》2018,36(4):28-38
针对半潜式平台的立柱群和沉箱群,设计了两套独立的载荷测量系统,利用大型重力式密度分层水槽,在不同来波方向下对孤立波中半潜式平台载荷进行了系列模型试验。研究表明,对平台立柱部分,其内孤立波载荷可以用Morison公式进行计算,基于试验结果建立了Morison公式中其拖曳力系数以及惯性力系数的经验公式;对于半潜式平台的沉箱部分,当来波方向与其中纵剖面不平行时,其水平内孤立波载荷同样可以使用Morison公式进行计算,并建立了Morison公式中其拖曳力系数以及惯性力系数的经验公式;当来波方向与半潜式平台中纵剖面平行时,沉箱群的水平内孤立波载荷可以采用Froude-Krylov公式进行计算;同时,在不同来波方向下沉箱群的垂向载荷同样可以采用Froude-Krylov公式进行计算。  相似文献   

张剑波 《海洋通报》2006,25(5):50-56
海洋等工程结构物在服役过程中的受载历程是一个随机过程。研究裂纹在谱载荷作用下的扩展规律对可靠预报平台等结构物的疲劳寿命具有十分重要的意义。提出了一个由应力比和裂纹尖端约束及塑性区尺寸为主要参数计算裂纹张开比,来考查载荷相互作用下疲劳裂纹扩展寿命的计算模型。用该模型对几种谱载荷作用下疲劳实验结果进行了预测,将预测结果与不考虑裂纹闭合的线性损伤模型及疲劳计算程序FASTRAN的预测结果进行了比较,表明本模型能较好地预测谱载荷作用下的疲劳裂纹扩展。  相似文献   

本文利用蒙特卡洛法模拟分析海洋平台E36Z35钢表面疲劳裂纹扩展速率,并确定了算式中的参数分布规律及相关性。通过计算数据与试验数据的对比分析,表明蒙特卡洛法模拟结果合理、可靠。  相似文献   

提出了一种确定海洋平台钢裂纹扩展曲线的快速方法。该方法可以综合利用以往的经验数据和当前试验数据确定表面疲劳裂纹扩展速率曲线。与传统的只能利用当前试验数据确定表面疲劳裂纹扩展速率曲线相比。其可利用信息量大幅度增加,所以在精度相同的情况下,可以节省大量试件;而且在试样数一定的情况下。又可大大提高预测精度。文中还给出了海洋平台钢试验对比实例。  相似文献   

随机波浪荷载下海洋重力式建筑物的位移反应,是工程设计中考虑的一个重要因素,基于对我国某海砂所进行的循环三轴试验成果的分析和研究,文中通过建立起一个考虑了不同初始固结应力状态及不同振次效应的土的综合归一化数学模型,提出了一个分析计算重力式海洋建筑物地基位移反应的拟静力方法.与一般的动力分析方法相比较,这一方法具有简捷方便之特点,文中最后还通过一重力式海洋平台地基位移反应分析的具体算例,表明了文中建议方法的实用性.  相似文献   

本文主要对流体-重力式单腿平台结构-土相互作用体系在地震荷载作用下的动力响应问题进行了研究。分析了考虑土-结构相互作用及不考虑相互作用效应对体系动力响应的影响,同时研究了沉箱基础半径和海水深度变化对体系动力响应的影响,并结合一个简单实例进行了数值分析。  相似文献   

Corrosion and fatigue cracks are major threats to the structural integrity of aging offshore platforms.For the rational estimation of the safety levels of aging platforms,a global reliability assessment approach for aging offshore platforms with corrosion and fatigue cracks is presented in this paper.The base shear capacity is taken as the global ultimate strength of the offshore plaffoms,it is modeled as a random process that decreases with time in the presence of corrosion and fatigue crack propagation.And the corrosion and fatigue crack growth rates in the main members and key joints are modeled as random variables.A simulation method of the extreme wave loads which are applied to the structures of offshore platforms is proposed too.Furthermore,the statistics of global base shear capacity and extreme wave loads are obtained by Monte Carlo simulation method.On the basis of the limit state equation of global failure mode,the instantaneous reliability and time dependent reliability assessment methods are both presented in this paper.Finally the instantaueous reliability index and time dependent failure probability of a jacket platform are estimated with different ages in the demonstration example.  相似文献   

During severe storms, evacuation systems for offshore rigs and platforms currently in use have proven themselves to be inadequate. Typically, during deployment of a lifeboat, it is often damaged to the point of not being seaworthy before it reaches the ocean surface. This is especially the case for cable-launched boats where a pendulum-like motion of the craft on its cables is often set up. It is less of a problem for free-fall lifeboats. Even when a craft reaches the ocean surface intact, high winds and waves can drive it back against the rig/platform structure. This paper describes the state-of-the-art of evacuation. It focuses on two new systems being developed by the authors in Newfoundland, Canada.  相似文献   

The present study deals with numerical experiments performed using the doublesine Fourier expansion and the Ritz method to determine natural frequencies of vibration of simply supported rectangular plates with free rectangular holes parallel to the plate sides.The problem is of basic structural interest in naval and ocean engineering systems since holes are frequently practiced in plate-type structural elements to allow for the passage of ducts, elevators, etc…  相似文献   

海洋空间资源开发中,海上观光旅游平台具有较广的应用前景。浮式观光平台可设计为圆环形结构,环形内部区域可以为游艇停泊和亲水场所提供掩护。此类结构与船舶月池结构类似,有内域半封闭水体,也存在水体共振问题。为分析此类结构水体共振响应,评估内域水体掩护条件,对以圆环形为基础增加弦与所截圆弧围成区域平台模型(观光平台)的内域水体共振模态进行模拟。观光平台共有6个特征模态,分布在0.2~0.6 rad/s之间。模态峰值主要分布在中轴线附近位置。平台圆弧和直边界组合导致共振模态分布包括圆形水体环向模态特征和矩形水体模态特征;不同弦心距对应不同内域水体尺寸。随着内域水体尺寸减小,模态响应频率向高频移动;通过增加环形宽度和设置主迎浪面在突出平台位置,可降低波浪透射,从而减弱内域水体共振响应幅值。工程设计中可调整上述参数降低内域水体共振幅值,达到较好的泊稳条件。  相似文献   

对表层海洋动力学及其调控机制的认识对准确认识海洋自然变化过程及其未来对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。志愿观测船作为自动观测系统的载体和样品采集平台的优势使其在提升人类对于表层海洋的观测能力方面具有极大优势。本文系统性地回顾了志愿观测船的概念、发展历史、现状和未来发展趋势。基于志愿观测船的诸多海洋观测项目的成功显示了,随着快速发展的传感器技术,志愿观测船能够以经济有效的方式显著地提升表层海洋现场观测的时间和空间分辨率。未来的海洋观测系统应该综合利用包括志愿观测船在内的多种海洋观测平台的优势。  相似文献   

本文以表层漂流浮标、漂流式波浪浮标和漂流式海气界面浮标为代表介绍了无动力海面移动观测平台的观测需求、特点、最新进展和发展趋势。无动力海面移动观测平台除具备重量轻、体积小、随波性好等特点外,相比其他观测平台最大的优势在于成本低、实时性强,可有效弥补定点观测在全球大洋空间分辨率的不足。随着海洋与气象环境观测传感器的自动化、小型化和低功耗化,尤其是在可再生能源供应和卫星数据通讯技术的支撑下,这一类型平台观测能力的可拓展性非常强。除可直接开展海洋环境声学、光学和电磁学要素的观测外,还可成为海洋化学、海洋生物、海洋地质等海洋学科的专属平台,并具备海上目标探测识别能力。随着无动力海面移动平台观探测能力的不断提高、使用成本的降低和快速投放技术的发展,此类平台在海洋观探测领域尤其是深远海区域观探测快速响应方面将有非常广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

The radiation and diffraction problems are considered in the frequency domain for a thin elastic plate of rectangular planform floating in an irrotational, incompressible ocean of infinite depth. The inner potential field inside a hemisphere surrounding the plate is represented using a spherical harmonic expansion which suits the geometry and zero-draft nature of the plate. Problems associated with distributing sources in the free surface are avoided. The Chen and Mei variational principle is used to weakly match this inner solution and its normal derivative to an outer field described by distributing sources on the exterior of the hemisphere. The validity of the procedure is first illustrated by considering a heaving circular disk. Numerous hydrodynamic coefficients are presented as benchmark data for floating flexible structures. The transient motion of the plate is simulated using rational approximations (in the frequency domain) to the radiation impedance and diffraction mapping which are implemented as ODE's in the time domain.  相似文献   

现有服役海洋平台正逐步走向老龄化,海洋平台拆除成为海洋工程新的经济增长点。针对达到服役年限的导管架平台,基于数值分析方法模拟拆除过程,开展平台在不同拆除阶段和环境载荷等参数下的稳定性及影响规律研究。基于钢结构整体稳定性理论,以导管架平台拆除过程中顶点位移为参考,定义导管架平台拆除作业稳定性指标,提出拆除作业阶段划分方法,通过分析导管架平台在不同影响因素作用下拆除过程稳定性响应,给出拆除作业建议。选取我国南海某4裙12腿进行实例分析,结果表明:主桩腿对导管架平台起决定性承载作用,拆除部分主桩腿后需要引入外部支撑力,以保证拆除作业安全进行;拆除构件越多,来浪方向和环境载荷大小对平台影响越加显著。研究结果可为导管架平台拆除作业提供参考。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the exact solution of the title problem in the case where a uniformly distributed p0 cos ωt-type force acts over a rectangular portion of the plate. The problem is of interest in naval and ocean engineering systems where a motor or an engine mounted on a plate or slab induces a dynamic excitation over a finite area. Mechanical designers commonly consider the problem from the point of view of a concentrated dynamic or static force. On the other hand, modelling the structural system as an orthotropic element is of considerable interest in ocean and naval design in view of the ever-increasing use of composite materials and also of the anisotropic characteristics often induced by metallurgical processes.  相似文献   

When studying the low-cycle fatigue crack initiation life of notched plates, the effects of fatigue short crack and accumulative plastic damage in the vicinity of the notch should be considered. The low-cycle fatigue crack initiation life of notched plates has been revised in the analysis process by considering the short crack initiation and expansion of notch stress concentration area. By determining the accumulative plastic deformation in the vicinity of a notch under low-cycle fatigue loads, a predictive model of low-cycle fatigue crack initiation life was presented for notched plates, and the relative influence factors were quantitatively analyzed. A comparison study verified that the results obtained from the presented calculation model correlate quite well with those from the existing experiments. Some important conclusions were drawn from the study on considering the effects of short crack and accumulative plastic damage. The presented method may be used for predicting the low-cycle fatigue crack initiation life of ship plate.  相似文献   

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