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空间与经济地理学理论构建   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
空间是地理学的核心概念之一,长期以来在地理学的研究中占据核心地位。地理学对于空间的认识由于受到多学科的影响和启示也在不断演变和发展,其中哲学和社会学对空间的理解对地理科学的影响极为深刻。经济地理学作为地理学的重要分支学科之一,短短百年历史就经历了数次研究思潮的变迁和学科地位的崛起。这一切都离不开经济地理扎根于空间。空间是经济地理理论创新的源泉。本文通过对地理学中的空间概念与经济地理发展脉络的对应阐释,进一步印证了上述观点。同时,本文指出空间不能被沦落到和地方、区位、区域等概念并列的地位,空间包含着后者,须进一步强化空间的第一位性。但是也不能忽略经济地理学中的方法论的创新,每一次空间理解的突破都伴随着研究方法的创新,但是方法的创新始终是第二位的。因为方法创新的背后隐含着空间理解的改变。  相似文献   

路径依赖理论及其地方经济发展隐喻   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
路径依赖是理解经济社会系统演化的重要概念,同时也有着明显的地理学涵义。但相对于在经济管理等领域的研究,路径依赖理论在经济地理学和区域经济领域的研究还相对较少。本文系统梳理了路径依赖理论的起源及其在技术变迁、制度变化与社会政治文化等领域的扩展;回顾了该理论在经济地理学中的引入及其发展;并重点探讨了如何运用路径依赖理论分析区域经济演化的机理。本文认为地方经济发展过程中存在着两种路径依赖效应:一种是以企业衍生、聚集经济为驱动力的路径依赖;一种是由于过度专业化、忽略外部联系而导致的路径依赖,即锁定。最后文章还分析了现有经济地理里路径依赖研究的不足以及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

知识经济与21世纪中国人文地理学发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章由总结前知识经济时代人文地理学发展特点入手,分析了知识经济时代人文地理学学科发展困境;知识经济向人文地理学学科建设提出了信息化,综合化,决策化和持续化的要求;最后重点展望了知识经济时代中国人文地理学学科建设与发展趋向。  相似文献   

Michael Campbell 《Area》2009,41(2):139-148
Animal behaviour is vital for livestock choices, but is less researched in West Africa than economic considerations. An animal geography framework is applied to the socio-economic context of livestock behaviour in coastal Ghana, assessing the shared 'actant' behaviour of people and animals, and the contribution of such a study to animal geography and agricultural knowledge. Data were gathered on cattle, sheep and goat behaviour and the impact of these on human livelihoods, perceptions and the socio-environmental context. Animal behaviour was more important in the choice of livestock species, but economic considerations were more important in the decision to acquire animals. Goats had more incidents with people in village centres than sheep and cattle. Cattle had more incidents in farmland and grassland than goats and sheep. Women and young people were more affected by livestock behaviour. These findings increase the understanding of livestock zoogeography and livelihood decisionmaking, and contribute to animal geography by documenting the relevance of individualised gender- and age-based human behaviour, as well as intra- and inter-species animal behaviour to a shared actancy perspective, and a more dynamic zoogeography.  相似文献   

袁超  陈品宇  孔翔  吴栋 《地理研究》2021,40(2):583-596
行动者网络理论(ANT)被用于诸多学科,对突破地理学中的二元思维具有重要意义。通过梳理和比较ANT与人文地理学的相关理论,发现其时空观具有相通之处。广义对称性原则将ANT与人文地理学链接,使得人文地理学中描述的方法论、自然和物质的重要性及网络被重新认识。地理学者对ANT的批判主要围绕社会解释与网络解释、传统批判的合法性、人与非人对称的真实性与有效性等方面展开。一些地理学者试图使用拼装(assemblage)思维来弥补ANT的不足,将欲望、虚拟、流等概念补充进来,使之更为贴近现实世界。由于扇贝实验的案例研究对人文地理学者理解与运用ANT影响较大,文章解析了该案例中蕴含的转译逻辑。最后,阐明ANT在经验研究中需要反思之处,并讨论了可进一步研究的方向及对人文地理学的启示。  相似文献   

Dialogue, metaphors of dialogue and understandings of geography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
David Demeritt  & Sarah Dyer 《Area》2002,34(3):229-241
Increasingly, human and physical geographers alike describe their research practices as involving dialogue of some kind. However, the widespread popularity of the term belies some very different understandings of its meaning and methodological implications. In this paper we reflect on these different conceptions of 'dialogical' geography as a way, first, of illustrating the broad range of understandings of research methodology now current in the discipline and, second, of identifying their implications for three long–standing controversies in the discipline: relativism and the truth of geographical knowledge, the associated dualisms between subject/object, nature/society, and realism/constructionism, and the potential for unity between human and physical geography. We argue that, while dialogue is a potentially fruitful way of understanding and practising geography, that the defence of it, like the attacks on it, is often misconceived.  相似文献   

行为地理学的学科特色与拓展路径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
行为地理学是人文地理学的一门重要的分支学科,因其独特的分析视角和对人地关系的深入阐释而在20世纪70年代快速发展。但是,目前缺少关于行为地理学学科框架的系统界定,对于行为地理学在人文地理学中的独特性和学科分工的讨论尚不够深入,这既不利于人文地理学其他子学科的研究者正确认识行为地理学研究的价值,也不利于行为地理学者之间凝聚共识、构建学术共同体。恰逢中国行为地理学专业委员会成立之际,论文尝试进一步厘清行为地理学的学科特色与定位,在回应当前行为地理学面临的一些学科属性和理论路径选择方面的困惑的基础上,指出行为地理学的一些拓展路径。行为地理学兼具研究对象和研究方法论的定位,其核心价值在于提供了理解人地关系的个体视角、主观视角和过程视角;未来行为地理学应该在坚持自身特色的基础上,立足尺度理论推动微观尺度研究与宏观尺度研究的对话整合,进一步拓展对行为的心理机制解释和相关因果机制的检验,并立足中国的地理背景加强中国行为地理学研究的原创性和应用价值。期待更多学者积极投身行为地理学研究之中,共同推动中国行为地理学的发展。  相似文献   

时间地理学研究最新进展   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
近10年来,伴随着GIS技术的结合及对虚拟空间行为的研究,时间地理学在经历了一段低迷发展期后,又进入了全新的发展阶段.时间地理学不仅对早期的理论假设、空间表达方式进行了修正,以至于有人提出"新时间地理学"的概念,而且其实践应用领域也得到扩展,在城市交通规划、女性研究、城市空间结构及通讯技术使用的应用范围逐步扩大.  相似文献   

Recent viewpoints concerning the state of research in transport geography have touched on the issue of insularity and the need to bridge the divide between the largely spatial–analytical or quantitative research in transport geography and the critical or qualitative research prevalent in urban, economic, and most other subfields of human geography. Transport geography has been criticized by some for being a quiet corner of our discipline that has lost its centrality largely because it remains within the analytical framework of the 1960s. This article explores these sentiments by reexamining recent transport-oriented research in highly cited geography journals to assess the degree to which the qualitative–quantitative divide exists within transport geography and between transport and other subfield in human geography, as well as to explore issues of productivity and centrality of transport-oriented research in geography. Results indicate that geographical research involving transport topics is much more prevalent and reflects a wider range of epistemological and methodological approaches than is frequently assumed. Nevertheless, there is still a considerable divide between “mainstream” transport geography and other human geographical research that necessitates much more interaction between transport and other subfields and greater incorporation of alternative research approaches within the mainstream of transport geography. To that end, we propose a preliminary critical transport geography research agenda that is open to a variety of methodological approaches, including quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

区域地理与系统地理二元论的演变及其透析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叶超  蔡运龙 《地理研究》2012,31(5):771-781
地理学是一门追求普适性的学科,还是强调其独特性,这个"普适"与"例外"的问题曾引起地理学史上最大的方法论争论。它反映出系统地理学与区域地理学的二元论。系统地理学家强调地理学追求一般法则,区域学派则认为研究独特的区域是地理学的核心。这种二元论争论在古希腊时代就初见端倪,"舍费尔—哈特向之争"则使其达到顶点。对争论的历史根源和发展演变的分析表明:虽然两个学派的代表人物哈特向和舍费尔都至少在形式上反对只强调系统和区域中的一个而忽视另一个的做法,但是他们的兴趣、价值观导致的偏好和地理学史观的重大分歧,使他们最终对区域地理和系统地理的倾向不一样。20世纪80年代的"哈特—格里奇之争"只是这种二元论的一个余波。其后,多元主义方法论的兴起使得这种二元论争论逐渐淡出人们的视野,但后现代地理学聚焦于"批判的区域研究",实质上仍是这种争论在新时代的变种。中国地理学界缺乏此种争论,原因可能在于"实用主义"的学术导向、学术环境、学术评价体制、折中调和的理论构建方式等。这不利于中国地理学自立于世界学术之林。  相似文献   

本文基于1912-2015年的中国人文地理学出版图书,分析中国人文地理学发展的一些基本脉络,发现:①根据出版总量可划分为1912-1940、1941-1980、1981-2015年3个时期,其中第二个时期著作出版极少;②从出版结构变化来看,在研究期内出版的图书中以政治地理学最为稳定,其他领域均存在明显的波动;③出版的著作具有明显的“基础先行、社会影响、应用助推”阶段性特征;④1981年以来,各分支领域出版的图书平衡增长,其中以历史人文地理、文化地理、旅游地理、GIS在人文地理学中的应用方面增长迅速并与其它学科交叉形成了系列新兴领域,但民族和边疆领域略显弱势;⑤当前中国人文地理学图书出版存在一些结构失衡。基于以上脉络文章讨论了中国人文地理学与科学和社会的关联,认为:①中国人文地理学体现了地理学的跨学科特征,不同分支领域具有与自然科学、社会科学、哲学人文学科不同的交叉倾向,与这些学科交叉形成的新兴领域有望在未来进一步提升中国人文地理学对科学的贡献;②中国人文地理学的发展一直受社会因素的影响,应用研究倾向明显,由此也导致部分领域被弱化及分支领域内研究主题失衡的问题,未来研究在注重社会贡献的同时也当考虑学科内领域间的平衡。  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China’s urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China's urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

解芳芳  孙洁  刘风豹 《热带地理》2020,40(6):1039-1050
以台湾中和社区为案例,采用访谈法与介入式观察法,通过社会建构与人文主义两种视角,关注宏观社会结构与个体行动者两种力量对地方性形成的影响,探讨了社区营造的地方性特征及其建构机制。研究表明:中和社区营造的地方性表现在都市近郊的区位、社区营造实践地点及活动、参与者与观光者的地方感3个方面;中和地方性建构过程则经历3个阶段:首先,弱地方性引起了社区营造参与者与广大社会的反身性;其次,在社区营造政策的推动下,社区营造参与者在日常生活中推动社区营造,促进地方性的生产与再生产;最后,地方性的营造结果吸引了社会资本与人力资本的再投入,强化了地方性的持续生产,并创造了进步的地方性,也间接强化了乡村自治能力。  相似文献   


This article examines the use of concept mapping for formative and summative assessment of northeast Florida middle school students’ knowledge of human geography. The students were participants in an afterschool, academic, college reach-out program that provided opportunities to test concept mapping strategies that support spatial thinking and stimulate interest in human geography. The study documents the use of concept mapping for assessment of seventh graders’ achievement of a specific lesson and for students’ human geography achievement across all implementation grades. Concept mapping results provided insight into aspects of the curriculum and instruction where appropriate modifications could better facilitate meaningful learning.  相似文献   

王敏  林铭亮  朱竑 《地理科学进展》2020,39(7):1182-1195
“神经转向”是在后现代语境下提出的,运用神经机制诠释人的心智与空间的关系,超越“社会文化”与“生物神经”的边界,强调情感、身体、“非理性”等的主体特征,为人文地理学研究提供了新的认识论和方法论。同时,人文地理学研究的“空间传统”有益于对批判神经科学关于“心智—大脑—环境”的理解产生知识溢出,实现学科交叉的良性循环。论文梳理了国内外涉及神经科学理论与方法的人文地理学研究,基于具身认知和非表征理论分析人文地理学中“神经转向”研究的理论基础,并围绕空间感知、情感认知、行为实践等主题进行介绍。另外,神经科学技术手段为人文地理学研究提供了新的方法,大脑成像、眼动追踪技术已经在地理学科中得到应用,呈现可期的未来愿景。最后,论文提出“神经转向”对中国人文地理学研究的理论创新和实践路径的启示。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the current tendencies of the advancement of science, primarily as regards integration and synthesis of knowledge of territorial organization. Within this context, the focus is on the principles of developing an understanding of partial systems, the advancement of research in the field of paleoreconstructions and geographical forecasting, novel techniques of landscape and atlas mapping, and applied geography. A natural phenomenon, Siberia, and the main avenues of its inquiry are highlighted; it is concluded that there is a need for substantial modernization of the theoretical and methodological constructs.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the main statements of V.B. Sochava’s theoretical legacy which are currently central to the advancement of modern cultural geography. Among them are the geographical science studies: metageography and geographical tectology, structural-dynamical approach to culture and landscape, and the concept of the geosystem and its invariant. The study brings out the importance of systems approach to culture and landscapes as well as the significance of the theory of geosystems, a catalyst for the emergence of new cultural-geographical knowledge. The problem of geographical tectology as stated by V.B. Sochava is implemented by adjusting the methods and knowledge of related disciplines for the particular purposes of geographical investigation. An outline is given of the specific character of methodological development of cultural geography in circumstances where the postmodernism world outlook platform is dominant as well as of the “drift” of the interests of the scientific community from the material aspect of man–environment interaction to the postmodern “dematerialization” of social geography. These processes which are progressing more intensely in Western science have influence on national geocultural research. Furthermore, the key characteristics of postmodernization, i.e. recognition of the equivalence and uniqueness of cultural-geographical phenomena, the equality of research standpoints, and refusal from the search for a “metanarrative” unfairly push to the methodological periphery the issues related to evolution, hierarchy, and interobjective connections of culture and landscape. The dominant emphasis on the nonmaterial aspects of cultural-geographical phenomena and processes does not imply that their systems side has lost value. V.B. Sochava’s theoretical developments provide a meaningful potential source for a further advancement of cultural geography. Moreover, even the international science has recently shown an enhancement in the tendency toward the “restoration of materialism” in cultural geography. This paper is built upon an integral approach to demonstrate an avenue for a harmonious combination of the “material” and “nonmaterial” sides of the discipline.  相似文献   

行动者网络理论在人文地理领域应用研究述评   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘宣  王小依 《地理科学进展》2013,32(7):1139-1147
行动者网络理论以一种结构化的方式来构建行为主体之间的关系, 并将要素流动和网络化互动形态纳入分析范畴, 为各学科研究提供了全新的视角, 在人文地理领域的应用也日渐增多。本文在总结行动者网络理论主要内容的基础上, 分类归纳评述了行动者网络理论在不同分支研究领域的应用主题和方式, 并就研究的深度、广度、影响力进行国内外对比。研究表明, 行动者网络理论对人与非人行动者的一致看待及其通过转译过程解析网络关系的研究模式, 除强化了经济地理等领域的理论建构之外, 也为乡村地理、城市地理、经济地理、旅游地理等领域的地方发展、政策实践研究提供了一种有效的分析方法。引入该理论的人文地理研究引用频次高, 有较大的学术影响。目前国内研究多停留在行动者网络理论分析框架的直接套用, 极少涉及分析框架改进和理论思考, 在广度和深度上与国际研究仍有差距。  相似文献   

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