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目的:探讨结合迭代重建算法的低剂量CT在颈部应用价值。方法:172例疑头颈部病变患者行CT检查,随机分为常规剂量组(86例,管电流125 mAs)和低剂量组(86例,40~110 mAs),分别采用滤波反投影和三维自适应迭代剂量降低(AIDR3D)重建。在下颌角及上纵隔水平分别测量不同组织的CT均值及标准差,由两位CT影像医师采用4分法标准对图像盲法评分;比较图像质量差异和不同扫描方式下患者的辐射剂量。结果:下颌角水平,低剂量组颈内静脉噪声高于常规剂量组(P<0.05),两组间胸锁乳突肌噪声、信噪比、对比噪声比及背景噪声无明显差异(P>0.05);上纵隔水平,低剂量组上腔静脉、胸大肌及胸壁皮下脂肪噪声低于常规剂量组(P<0.05),信噪比更高(P<0.05),对比噪声比相仿(P>0.05)。常规剂量和低剂量组图像质量的评分一致性均良好,下颌角水平低剂量组图像质量评分与常规剂量组图像无明显差异(P>0.05);上纵隔水平低剂量组图像评分优于常规剂量组(P<0.05);与常规剂量组相比,低剂量组有效辐射剂量显著降低(P<0.05),剂量指数减低63.34%,有效辐射剂量减低63.16%。结论:结合三维自适应迭代剂量降低重建的低剂量CT技术可以用于颈部CT扫描,可以减少辐射剂量并提供优质的图像。   相似文献   

对于CT扇束扫描,射线源焦点与被测工件旋转中心的连线不垂直于探测器所在直线时,采用标准的滤波反投影重建算法重建出的图像会存在伪影,降低图像质量。本文基于经典滤波反投影重建算法理论,分析了此类伪影形成的原因,给出了利用投影原始数据(正弦图)计算校正算法所必需的几何参数的方法。本方法无需专用模体,不必进行二次扫描,方便、快捷并有效。计算机仿真及实验结果证明本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同扫描参数及重建算法对在体胸部各组织CT值的影响。方法:在不同CT扫描条件下测量人体胸部的气管、血管、肺、椎体与肌肉的CT值。分别设定6组不同扫描参数及重建算法:S1层厚5 mm、50%多模型自适应迭代重建技术(ASIR-V)、低剂量;S2层厚5 mm、滤波反投影(FBP)、常规剂量;S3层厚1.25 mm、50%ASIR-V、低剂量;S4层厚1.25 mm、50%ASIR-V、常规剂量;S5层厚1.25 mm、FBP、低剂量;S6层厚1.25 mm、FBP、常规剂量。扫描的辐射剂量采用两种噪声指数(NI)来进行控制,包括低剂量(NI=40)和常规剂量(NI=10)。采用t检验或秩和检验分析比较不同的两个组之间CT值的差异。结果:扫描剂量仅对气管CT值的影响具有统计学意义,对其他组织CT值无影响;扫描层厚与重建算法对胸部各个组织CT值的影响均未见统计学差异。结论:人体胸部组织CT值受CT层厚、重建算法和CT剂量的影响小,具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

2008年11月10日在青海大柴旦地区发生Ms6.3级地震。运用甘、青区域数字地震台网观测资料,采用震源扫描方法对此次地震进行亮度函数归一化扫描分析研究,得到研究区域内分层归一化亮度函数的空间成像结果,最大亮度空间分布与青海省野外考察结果基本吻合。震源扫描方法不需要计算理论地震图,利用包括相对振幅和到时在内的波形信息,无需事先假定震源的几何参数,最大限度地利用波形数据信息,得到地震的整个空间分布,提高了获取中强地震震源运动空间分布信息的速度为震后快速趋势判定、应急救援提供技术支持。  相似文献   

任意扫描轨迹下三维Shepp-Logan体模的投影方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图像重建是将二维投影数据转换为三维体数据的数学过程。分析图像重建算法性能的常用手段是数值仿真,而获取数字体模的投影数据是仿真实验的第一步。Shepp-Logan体模应用最为广泛,本文首先介绍三维Shepp-Logan体模及其改进形式。重点讨论在任意扫描轨迹下三维Shepp-Logan体模的投影方法。并运用该方法模拟了工业CT中常用的圆轨迹与螺旋轨迹成像过程。数值分析结果显示,两种扫描轨迹得到的重建图像均方误差均小于2‰,本文的方法可以达到较高的精度。  相似文献   

目的:探讨基于KARL 3D迭代重建算法双低检查技术在支气管动脉成像中的临床价值。方法:回顾性分析2020年7月至9月武汉市肺科医院收治的60例咯血患者的临床影像资料,随机抽取采用A方案患者30例,采用B方案患者30例。A组采用120 kV,对比剂80 mL,FBP重建图像;B组采用100 kV,对比剂65 mL,分别进行KARL 3D 5级和FBP重建图像。比较两组图像质量主观评分,客观评价及辐射剂量差异。结果:B组KARL 3D 5级重建图像质量与A组差异无统计学意义,两者均满足CTA诊断要求。B组KARL 3D 5级重建图像较FBP重建图像相比,图像噪声下降,图像质量提高,差异有统计学意义。B组有效剂量低于A组差异有统计学意义。结论:基于KARL 3D迭代重建算法采用低管电压和低对比剂用量所获支气管动脉图像可以满足诊断要求,同时也能降低患者自身所受辐射剂量和对比剂用量。   相似文献   

针对目前CT的X射线电离辐射危害,提出了一种基于低剂量CT投影数据进行稀疏角度重建的方法来降低辐射剂量。本方法首先对低剂量CT的投影数据采用惩罚加权最小二乘(PWLS)方法进行去噪处理,然后对去噪后的投影数据进行稀疏角度的CT图像重建。对Shepp-Logan模体仿真实验及真实实验数据重建结果表明:本文提出的基于低剂量CT的稀疏重建方法可有效地抑制重建图像噪声和条形伪影,实现稀疏角度的低剂量CT图像重建。  相似文献   

采用CT进行心脏成像是CT临床应用中最前沿的进展,心脏扫描中采用较低的螺距使得病人的辐照剂量较高,我们提出一种不同的数据采集和图像重建技术,使病人的辐照剂量减少了50%~89%.该方法的使能技术是64排CT的大容积覆盖范围(40㎜),相对于心脏的平均尺寸是120~140㎜,新的容积CT在3~4步就能够覆盖整个器官.伴随新的数据采集方式,我们也提出了对应的重建算法,克服了不完全投影采样的问题,还进行了广泛的模体和临床实验来阐明所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

CT空间分辨率自动检测的研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的利用MTF方法实现CT空间分辨率的自动测量。方法阐述了自动测量原理,采用Catphan体模和自制体模对CT空间分辨力进行了测量。结果主观法和客观法测试结果相近。结论可以用自制体模对CT的空间分辨率进行自动测量。  相似文献   

目的:探讨iDose4迭代重建技术在学龄前儿童胸部CT低剂量平扫中的应用研究。方法:连续选取150例行胸部CT平扫26岁患儿,随机分为常规剂量组(50 mAs)、低剂量25 mAs组和低剂量10 mAs组。常规剂量组采用FBP重建作为常规对照组,低剂量扫描组分别采用FBP及iDose4-5对图像进行重建。2名放射科副主任医师对图像主观质量行盲法阅片,比较不同毫安秒和重建算法组图像主客观质量及辐射剂量并行统计学分析。结果:25 mAs iDose4组较25 mAs FBP组图像主客观质量增高,10 mAs iDose4组较10 mAs滤波反投影(FBP)组图像主客观质量增高。与常规剂量组比较,25 mAs FBP组图像主客观质量降低,25 mAs iDose4组图像主客观质量增高,10 mAs FBP组图像主客观质量降低,10 mAs iDose4组图像主客观质量差异无统计学意义。低剂量25 mAs、10 mAs组有效剂量较常规剂量组分别降低52.6%和78.2%。结论:行学龄前儿童胸部CT低剂量平扫时,采用25 mAs、10 mAs联合iDose4-5技术,能在降低辐射剂量的同时,获得与常规剂量更优或相当的图像质量。   相似文献   

Many dating techniques include significant error terms which are not independent between samples to date. This is typically the case in Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating where the conversion from characteristic equivalent doses to the corresponding ages using the annual dosimetry data includes error terms that are common to all produced datings. Dealing with these errors is essential to estimate ages from a set of datings whose chronological ordering is known. In this work, we propose and we study a Bayesian model to address this problem. For this purpose, we first consider a multivariate model with multiplicative Gaussian errors in a Bayesian framework. This model relates a set of characteristic equivalent doses to the corresponding ages while taking into account for the systematic and non-systematic errors associated to the dosimetry. It thus offers the opportunity to deal properly with stratigraphic constraints within OSL datings, but also with other datings possessing errors which are independent from systematic errors of OSL (e.g. radiocarbon). Then, we use this model to extend an existing Bayesian model for the assessment of characteristic equivalent doses from Single Aliquot and Regenerative (SAR) dose measurements. The overall Bayesian model leads to the joint estimation of all the variables (which include all the dose–response functions and characteristic equivalent doses) of a sequence of, possibly heterogeneous, datings. We also consider a more generic solution consisting in using directly the age model from a set of characteristic equivalent dose estimates and their associated standard errors. We finally give an example of application on a set of five OSL datings with stratigraphic constraints and observe a good adequacy between the two approaches.  相似文献   

谷伟  董婧蒙 《地震工程学报》2019,41(4):1086-1091
震后危险建筑倾斜度的移动测量过程较为复杂,常规测量方法会存在对称偏差。为了提高震后危险建筑倾斜度测量的准确性,设计三维测量光流恢复算法结合BIM的震后建筑倾斜度测量方法。采用BIM技术采集并整合全部建筑倾斜度信息,构建危险建筑信息模型;采用三维测量光流恢复算法获取所构建建筑信息模型内多个目标特征点,设计震后危险建筑倾斜度的三维测量模型。仿真实验说明,所提方法测量震后危险建筑三维坐标值误差率均小于0.4%,平均评估时间仅为2.5 s,说明该方法可提高建筑倾斜度评估效果。  相似文献   

三维CT成像的数学模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三维CT成像广泛应用于放疗模拟定位等临床实践。当扫描运动物体时三维图像存在的位移和形变,与扫描参数设置和被扫描物体的运动状态等关系密切。本文通过理论分析CT扫描过程,建立三维成像的数学模型,计算三维图像的时间分辨率、位移和形变等指标,并分析其变化规律,为将来进一步的实验研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

A pilot study used eleven excavated sites in the Limpopo Province of South Africa to test the application of OSL dating for Iron Age ceramic shards. The culture-history sequences of Iron Age is well established by pottery style and the sites had already been radiocarbon dated. Because the excavations were part of various research projects, rather than a specific OSL study, the sites have been destroyed and hence, local environmental radioactivity was unknown. To reconstruct the environmental dose rate, we used data from three sources: (1), a worldwide survey, (2), radionuclides in the pottery and (3) recent geological surveys. The geological surveys yielded the most dates that are reasonably close to the known chronology, reproducing the correct chronological order in most cases. Some dates, however, are 200 years too recent and some standard deviations too high. To evaluate further the potential of OSL dating in Iron Age research, dosimetry data need to be collected in situ.  相似文献   

先进的计算机技术及软件设计使虚模拟(Virtual simulation, VSIM)这一最早由George Sherouse提出的技术得以实现.VSIM主要是利用医学影像数据创建三维虚拟病人模型并将之应用于肿瘤放射治疗的设计和实施.以CT图像为基础的照射模拟已经成为当代放射治疗中VSIM应用的主要方法.质子治疗的高精度要求更加凸显CT模拟技术的重要性.本文结合质子治疗实际工作阐明CT 模拟的过程和方法并讨论其优越性和缺点.  相似文献   

Distributed acoustic sensing uses an optical fibre together with an interrogator unit to perform strain measurements. The usage of distributed acoustic sensing in geophysics is attractive due to its dense spatial sampling and low operation cost if the optical fibre is freely accessible. In the borehole environment, optical fibres for distributed acoustic sensing are often readily available as a part of other sensing tools, such as for temperature and pressure. Although the distributed acoustic sensing system promises great potential for reservoir monitoring and surface seismic acquisition, the single axial strain measurement of distributed acoustic sensing along the fibre is inadequate to fully characterise the different wave modes, thus making reservoir characterisation challenging. We propose an acquisition system using five equally spaced helical optical fibres and a straight optical fibre to obtain six different strain projections. This system allows us to reconstruct all components of the 3D strain tensor at any location along the fibre. Analysing the condition number associated with the geometry of the optical fibre, we can systematically search for the optimum design parameters for our configuration. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method to successful reconstruction of the full strain tensor from elastic wavefields of arbitrary complexity.  相似文献   

目的:探讨128层螺旋CT头颈部血管成像(CTA)应用CARE Dose 4D技术联合低剂量对比剂优化扫描方案的可行性及价值。方法:前瞻性选取接受头颈部血管成像检查的60例患者,随机分为对照组(A组)和双低剂量组(B组),每组各30例。对照组(A组)管电压120 kV,采用CARE Dose 4D技术参考管电流120 mA,对比剂用量65 mL;双低剂量组(B组)管电压80 kV,采用CARE Dose 4D技术参考管电流120 mA,对比剂用量45 mL。测量双侧颈总动脉、双侧颈内动脉及双侧大脑中动脉M1段CT值、噪声、信噪比(SNR)进行客观图像质量评价。由两名高年资主治医师采用双盲法进行图像质量评分评价。对比A组与B组间辐射剂量。结果:两名主治医师对动脉图像量质评分的一致性较高(Kappa=0.782,P<0.05)。两组动脉图像质量评分、SNR比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。双低剂量组各动脉强化CT值均高于对照组;双低剂量组容积CT剂量指数、剂量长度乘积和有效剂量均明显低于对照组;差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:128层MSCT头颈血管成像应用低kV及CARE Dose 4D技术联合低剂量对比剂扫描方案,不仅辐射剂量降低68%,同时造影剂用量降低30.7%,降低对比剂危害风险并节省费用,保证诊断图像质量值得临床推广。   相似文献   

Radiative properties of cirrus clouds are one of the major unsolved problems in climate studies and global radiation budget. These clouds are generally composed of various ice-crystal shapes, so we tried to evaluate effects of the ice-crystal shape on radiative fluxes. We calculated radiative fluxes of cirrus clouds with a constant geometrical depth, composed of ice crystals with different shapes (hexagonal columns, bullets, bullet-rosettes), sizes and various concentrations. We considered ice particles randomly oriented in space (3D case) and their scattering phase functions were calculated by a ray-tracing method. We calculated radiative fluxes for cirrus layers for different microphysical characteristics by using a discrete-ordinate radiative code. Results showed that the foremost effect of the ice-crystal shape on radiative properties of cirrus clouds was that on the optical thickness, while the variation of the scattering phase function with the ice shape remained less than 3% for our computations. The ice-water content may be a better choice to parameterize the optical properties of cirrus, but the shape effect must be included.  相似文献   

The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals from quartz have been widely used to estimate the equivalent dose (De) of environment radiation after the deposition of mineral grains. However, the usage of quartz is often limited due to the lower saturation behavior compared with feldspar. Saturation limits among quartz (defining the upper dating range) vary significantly. It is important to better understand the reason for various dose saturation behaviors of the quartz OSL signals. In this study, coarse quartz grains were extracted from the Taklimakan Desert and the Hunshandake sandy land in north China and the dose saturation behavior of quartz OSL signals were studied. Our results suggest that the quartz grains produce very different aliquot-specific dose response curves, showing the significant variability in dose saturation characteristics for OSL signals. Laboratory dosing, optical bleaching and heating experiments were designed to simulate their effects on the dose saturation behavior for the quartz OSL. The results demonstrate that cycles of dosing and optical bleaching have insignificant impact on the OSL dose growth curves, while the heating to high temperature (above 400 °C) can significantly change the dose saturation characteristics for the quartz OSL. Such results suggest that the different heating history of quartz might be an important factor for the variability in dose saturation characteristics for OSL signals. Additionally, the quartz grains from the Hunshandake sandy land exhibit lower dose saturation level for OSL signals, compared with that from the Taklimakan Desert. This can be explained that the quartz grains from Hunshandake sandy land are mainly of igneous origin, while the quartz grains from Taklimakan Desert are mainly of metamorphic origin.  相似文献   

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