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在IONESS系统中浮游介形类的昼夜垂直移动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据IONESS系统对浮游动物的分层采样结果,研究浮游介形动物的昼夜垂直移动.浮游介形类存在着整个类群的昼夜垂直移动,白天其丰度最大值记录于200~300m层,并往上层水域递减,而夜间则明显往上层密集,丰度最大值提升至50~100m层;就物种多样性而言,由于工作水层(0~1000m)以深水层的众多种类于夜间上升至1000m以浅水层,导致工作水层内总种数由白天的49种剧增至夜间的78种,增幅达60%,各分层的种类数都有较明显的增加,750~1000m层的增幅最大,达150%,其次为50~100m层(增幅达125%);各种浮游介形类有不同的昼夜垂直移动模式,但绝大多数种类属于夜间上升型,少数种类属于不敏感类型,极少数种类却具夜间下降的移动特点.浮游介形类虽具明显的昼夜垂直移动,但这一变动往往局限于一定水深范围,从而反映出介形类的层状分布特点,可划分为广深分布型、上层分布型、中层分布型和下层分布型.  相似文献   

台湾海峡西部海域浮游介形类的生态特征   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
林景宏  陈瑞祥 《海洋学报》1989,11(5):638-644
本文记述台湾海峡西部海域浮游介形类的种类组成、数量变动和分布规律,分析它们与环境因子的关系,并讨论其昼夜垂直分布。  相似文献   

黑潮源地与台湾海峡西侧浮游介形类的分布   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
本文记述黑潮源地浮游介形类的种类组成及数量分布的3个纵行量值带,并分析介形类的生态类群以及介形类的分布与黑潮暖流、明达瑙海流、南太平洋中层水、菲律宾海沟和深层上升流等环境因子的相关性.此外,还讨论了黑潮对台湾海峡中线以西海域浮游介形类分布的影响.  相似文献   

南海中部海域浮游介形类的生态研究   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
阐述南海中部海域浮游介形类的数量变动、生态类群、群落属性及其特征、垂直分布状况及各生态类群在不同层次水域中配比关系的变化,并着重分析介形类与水团的关系以及下层高盐水体的涌升和局部密度环流对介形类的影响.  相似文献   

台湾海峡西部沿岸浮游介形类的分布   总被引:6,自引:11,他引:6  
陈瑞祥 《海洋学报》1982,4(5):617-626
本文研究台湾海峡西部沿岸浮游介形类Ostracoda的分布规律和数量变动与海区环境因素,尤其是与几个不同的水系的运动、消长和相互推移的关系.对于台湾海峡浮游介形类的研究,过去,国内、外已有若干研究者著文论述[1-4],但对海峡两侧介形类的生态学上的研究,尚未见过报道.  相似文献   

海洋浮游介形类(Ostracods)是一类分布较广的小型甲壳动物, 在海洋碳循环中起重要作用。目前国内海洋浮游动物采样常使用505μm网目孔径的浮游生物网, 从而导致个体较小的介形类被忽略。文章根据2006年7—8月(夏季)和2006年12月—2007年1月(冬季)在南海西北部海域分别使用网目孔径为505μm和160μm浮游生物网采集的样品, 比较不同网目所获浮游介形类种类和丰度的差异, 分析介形类种类和丰度的分布特征, 探讨环境因素对其时空分布的影响。160μm网目采集的浮游介形类种类和丰度均高于505μm。基于160μm网目数据分析浮游介形类群落结构: 1) 鉴定浮游介形类32种, 其种数由近岸向外海递增, 等深线100m以浅海域的种数显著高于100m以深海域(p<0.01); 2) 夏季浮游介形类的丰度高于冬季, 夏季丰度高值区主要出现在雷州半岛东部和琼东近岸, 显著高于外海(p<0.05), 冬季介形类丰度分布较为均匀; 3) 优势种针刺真浮萤(Euconchoecia aculeata)是近岸高丰度的主要贡献种; 4) 介形类种数与温度和水深呈显著正相关, 丰度与叶绿素a浓度呈正相关, 而与温度和盐度呈负相关。夏季琼东沿岸上升流和粤西沿岸流有助于浮游介形类在雷州半岛和海南岛东部近岸海域形成较高的丰度, 最高达1252个·m-3。同时, 建议今后研究浮游介形类采用网目孔径小的浮游生物网进行采集以便全面评估其群落结构特征。  相似文献   

南海西沙群岛的永乐龙洞(16°31′30″N,111°46′05″E)目前是世界上最深的海洋蓝洞,深达300.89m,具有特殊的水文、地质、化学等生态环境特征,存在大厚度无氧层等特殊现象。为了解这一特殊生境浮游动物的组成和分布特征,于2017年3月在永乐龙洞及其邻近水域开展了多学科综合调查。浮游动物采样使用浅水II型浮游生物网在洞内垂直分层拖网(昼夜各1次),并在潟湖(昼夜各1次)和毗邻外礁坡进行底表垂直拖网,分析浮游动物种类组成、丰度、优势种、生物多样性和垂直分布特征。结果显示,龙洞内共记录浮游动物41种(含未定种)和14类浮游幼虫;澙湖内有15种(含未定种)浮游动物和7类浮游幼虫;外礁坡有124种(含未定种)浮游动物和20类浮游幼虫。龙洞与澙湖浮游动物种类组成相似,但香农-威纳指数、均匀度和丰富度差别较大;外礁坡物种组成与龙洞内差异明显。细长腹剑水蚤(Oithona attenuata)在昼夜都是龙洞内占据绝对优势的物种,坚长腹剑水蚤(O.rigida)和长刺小厚壳水蚤(Scolecithricella longispinosa)也有较高丰度。洞内浮游动物表现出明显的昼夜垂直移动现象,日间丰度最大层在60—90m,夜间上移至20—40m。龙洞内更高的空间异质性,可能是其浮游动物生物多样性和丰度相较潟湖更高的原因。浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动主要表现在90m以浅的水层中,80—90m的强烈跃层可能是浮游动物上下跨越的障碍。90—150m的无氧水环境中尚有丰度较高的桡足类生存。  相似文献   

东海浮游介形类生态适应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐兆礼 《海洋学报》2007,29(5):123-131
根据1997~2000年东海23°30'~33°N,118°30'~128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,用浮游介形类物种丰度和同步表层温、盐度数据进行曲线拟合,构造数学模型,计算介形类分布最适温度和盐度值,并参考其地理分布和生态适应特征分析,确定东海浮游介形类主要物种的生态类型.结果表明:在浮游介形类优势种中,后圆真浮萤(Euconchoecia maimai)、短棒真浮萤(E.Chierchiae)、针刺真浮萤(E.aculeata)、细长真浮萤(E.elongata)和齿形海萤(Cypridina dentata)等为亚热带外海种.这些种具有广泛的分布,如果冬、春季在较低水温出现,与东海北部外海暖流带入有密切的关系.腹突拟浮萤(Paraconchoecia decipiens)、猬刺拟浮萤(P.echinata)、棘刺拟浮莹(P.spinifera)、长拟浮萤(P.oblonga)、大浮萤(Conchoecia magna)和葱萤(Porroecia porrecta)等是热带大洋种,这些种主要分布在黑潮暖流、台湾暖流和台湾海峡水域.同心假浮萤(Pseudocon-choecia concentrica)和Paraconchoecia sp.最适温度较低,但地理分布特征显示前者是亚热带外海种,后者是暖温带外海种.所提到介形类其他物种最适盐度大多超过34,但最适温度在15~20℃之间.依据有关文献,这些种在我国从东海到南沙海域都有分布,分布虽广但数量稀少,难有证据表明这些种分布与暖流有密切的关系,是亚热带外海种.  相似文献   

陈瑞祥  林景宏 《海洋学报》1998,20(1):94-100
以中国近海为一研究单元,从总体水平上分析浮游介形类的数量变动规律,阐述不同季节个体密度的差异并进行地理上的比较.此外,揭示了浮游介形类平面分布的特点,指出除汕头邻近水域外,其余沿岸区为丰度贫乏区,200m等深线以深海域为低量值的均匀分布区,50~200m等深线之间海域的数量明显增加,同时表明中国近海终年存在3个数量密集区.  相似文献   

厦门港浮游甲壳动物昼夜垂直移动的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
厦门港浮游甲壳动物的昼夜垂直移动可分为移动显著和不显著二种类型。前者还可分为“白天下降、夜晚上升”,“黎明黄昏上升、白天午夜下降”及“白天上升、夜晚下降”三种类型;后者可分为上层分布、下层分布及上下层均匀分布三种类型,其中以“白天下降、夜晚上升”及上层分布两种类型最为常见。大部分不同性别的个体昼夜垂直移动无明显差别。昼夜垂直移动随年龄而增加并具有明显的季节变化。影响浮游甲壳动物昼夜垂直移动的外界因素中,光最为主要,盐跃层有明显阻碍作用。  相似文献   

On the basis of seasonal investigations at 23°30'~33°00'N,118°30'~128°00'E of the East China Sea during 1997~2000,dynamics on the density and diversity of Ostracoda was discussed.Results showed that totally 26 species were identified.The Ostracoda diversity was opposite to the change of its density in most seasons which reflected an uneven assignment of Ostracoda density among its different species.The Ostracoda density was 0.70 ind./m3 in spring,1.72 ind./m3 in summer,2.57 ind./m3 in autumn and 0.90 ind./m3 in winter.Euconchoecia chierchiae in spring and winter,Euconchoecia maimai in summer and Cypridina dentata in autumn were main dominant species in each season.The Ostracoda density did not show an obvious linear relationship with the hydrologic factors in summer and autumn,but was related to the surface salinity in spring and the surface temperature in winter.Its high density areas mainly distributed in the north offshore in all the seasons while in the south offshore in winter and in spring,and the south nearshore in summer and autumn,implied the zooplankton was a typical warm water animal,whose high density distribution in autumn were located in a similar position to Todarodes pacificus,Navodon Septentrionalis,Scomber japonicus and other fishes in the sea,so as to be an important indicator for fishing ground.The main species dominating in Ostracoda now are different from the species twenty years ago probably attributes to global warming.  相似文献   

EcologicalstudyonOstracodainthecentralSouthChinaSea¥ChenRuixiangandLinJinhong(ThirdInstituteofOceanograply,StateOceanicAdmini...  相似文献   

Abstract. The dependence of the vertical distribution of sessile macrobenthos upon environmental physical factors was studied in a community inhabiting rocky substrata at 2 to 15 m depth near the Rimsky‐Korsakov Islands (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). Three separate groups of species were distinguished within this community. The main dominant species are the anthozoan Metridium senile and the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus. Water movement, bottom inclination and topographic position of the studied sites in respect to prevailing water flows influence the spatial structure of sessile invertebrates. No vertical zonation in the scale of the studied sublittoral area below the 2 m depth level was observed. The studied factors are believed to condition the observed mosaic of patches characterized by specific composition, with a single species being dominant.  相似文献   

Patterns of vertical distribution in marine invertebrate larvae interact with coastal hydrodynamics to determine cross-shore distributions, dispersal ranges, and scales of connectivity among populations. We present observations on the vertical distribution of barnacle larvae from southern California, collected from 3 depth intervals every 2 h and over a 48-h period at a fixed nearshore station. Larvae were identified to species and stage of development, and their vertical distributions were tested for day/night and between-stage differences within each species, as well as for correlations with environmental variability. Stage-specific patterns of vertical distribution were distinct and consistent across species. Nauplii were most abundant near the surface at all times, and were numerically dominated by Chthamalus spp. (78% of Nn = 1835). Cyprids were substantially less abundant than nauplii in our samples (Nc = 146) and corresponded mostly to the subtidal barnacle Balanus nubilus (84%). Despite the lower counts and different species composition, our data suggest that cyprids remain within the mid-depth and bottom layers, and that changes in their mean depth of distribution (MDD) may track changes in pycnocline depth. Temporal changes in nauplii MDD were not correlated with water-column variability, wind forcing, or tidal height. The apparent vertical segregation of nauplii and cyprids may be related to previously documented differences in the cross-shore distribution of these stages.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vertical profiles of temperature, nutrients (silicate, phosphate, and nitrate), chlorophyll a and phytoplankton abundance are given for six stations located in the Gulf of California, June 1982, above 1 % of light intensity. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton was related to the water column structure: stratified stations had a defined nutricline and subsurface chlorophyll and phytoplankton abundance maxima were present, which were found to be related to the depth of the principal thermocline; vertical distribution of taxa was not uniform and low affinity values (< 0.5) were calculated among depths at these stations. Despite the irregular vertical distribution of chlorophyll and cell number, there was a great affinity in the species composition throughout the euphotic zone at well-mixed or weakly stratified stations. Nanoplankton organisms, mainly coc-colithophorids, were the most important numerical contributors at the chlorophyll maxima, except when this was superficial, in which case diatoms were the most numerous group. Some patterns of the vertical distribution of the main phytoplankton groups ( e.g. , diatoms, dinoflagellates, and microflagellates) are shown. The spectrum of diversity in the water column was useful only for mixed-waters. The relationship between stability, nutrients, and phytoplankton - regarding their vertical distribution - and the importance of physical and biological processes on phytoplankton ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

陈家炜  张海滨 《海洋通报》2017,36(6):601-610
随着海洋深度的增加,压力逐渐升高而温度逐渐降低。因此,应对压力和温度变化的能力直接影响着海洋动物的垂直分布模式。本文综述了近年来国际上关于压力及温度对海洋动物生理影响的研究进展,概述了3种常用的研究方法,包括直接比较不同深度近缘海洋动物的差异、使用加压装置培养海洋动物、在常压及原位温度下培养深海动物;然后归纳了压力及温度对海洋动物生理的影响,包括有机渗透调节物质浓度及蛋白质序列、胚胎及幼体发育速率和畸变率、行为模式及代谢速率、基因表达水平;最后讨论了海洋动物适应高压环境的生理机制,压力对海洋动物垂直分布的限制能力,以及浅海动物和深海动物的起源关系。  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of 30 species of benthic infauna from continental slope (583–3000 m) sediments off Cape Lookout, North Carolina was closely correlated with feeding types. Carnivores, omnivores, filter feeders, and surface deposit feeders were mostly concentrated in the upper 0–2 cm of the cores. The depth distribution of subsurface deposit feeders was more variable, even among related taxa.  相似文献   

Field observations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Bohai Bay, China have not been widely reported. The aim of this paper is to describe the horizontal and vertical distribution of mass and volume concentrations of SPM, respectively, based on observed data at 312 stations in the northern Bohai Bay during summer of 2006. A numerical model ECOMSED coupled with a sediment transport module was also established to further discuss the mechanism of the thermocline effect on the vertical distribution of SPM. The mass concentrations of SPM exhibited high inshore values and low offshore values in the horizontal distribution; while in the vertical direction, characteristics of the volume concentration of SPM can be divided into two types: one with a sharp peak at depth of 10–15 m and another without. The peak value at the depth of the thermocline was resulted from concentrated phytoplankton. A numerical experiment further displayed that the thermocline can also prevent particles from being resuspended upward.  相似文献   

EcologicalcharacteristicsofOstracodaintheSouthHuanghaiSeaandEastChinaSea¥ChenRuixiangandLinJinghong(ThirdInstituteofOceanogra...  相似文献   

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