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目前,全球各主要大陆区域都利用各种地质材料和代用指标开展了晚中新世以来陆地植被当中C3/C4植物相对丰度变化研究[1~3],其中来自青藏高原南部巴基斯坦Siwalik地层的研究结果最为引人注目,来自成壤碳酸盐[2]、动物化石[3~5]、土壤有机质[6]、陆生高等植物来源正构烷烃碳同位素[7]的研究结果均表明该区域7 ~5Ma期间存在一个由C3植物占据优势地位到由C4植物占优势地位的明显生态转型.驱动机制方面,印度次大陆7~5Ma之间发生的从C3植物占据优势地位到由C4植物占据优势地位的生态转型,最初被认为是由于青藏高原隆升所导致的亚洲季风开始或者一次显著加强所驱动的[2];随后,Cerling等[3,4]的研究结果认为这一显著的生态转型事件可能具有全球意义,因此认为一个全球性因素,如在此期间的大气CO2浓度的显著下降,可能是其驱动因素;最新的研究结果[14]则表明大尺度的水文条件变化可能是其最主要的驱动因素.  相似文献   

相对黄土高原东部地区而言,处于六盘山以西的陇西黄土高原,其末次冰期以来陆地生态系统中C3/C4植物相对丰度变化的研究,不仅已开展研究工作的剖面数量相对较少,所得到的结果也不如黄土高原东部地区那样一致.本文对陇西黄土高原东南部边缘区的张家川剖面末次冰期以来的黄土/古土壤地层进行总有机质碳同位素的分析测试,得到的结果表明该剖面全新世古土壤的总有机质碳同位素相对末次冰期马兰黄土更为偏正,这一结果与黄土高原东部地区数个剖面的研究结果是一致的,表明该区域末次冰期向全新世转化过程中,C4植物相对丰度有一定程度的上升.进一步将张家川剖面的研究结果与陇西黄土高原其他几个研究剖面进行了对比,发现陇西黄土高原末次冰期以来陆地生态系统中C3/C4植物相对丰度变化情况要比黄土高原东部地区更加复杂,很可能在该区域内部还存在一些地区之间的差异,该区域东部和南部地区全新世相对于末次冰期C4植物相对丰度有一定程度的增加,而该区域西北部地区则很可能末次冰期至全新世都以C3植物占绝对优势.由于大量现代C3植物的研究结果表明,其碳同位素组成的变化主要响应于降水量的变化,因此,来源于C3植物为绝对优势植被的黄土有机质碳同位素很可能是一个潜在的古降水量的指示器,陇西黄土高原黄土/古土壤序列的有机碳同位素研究还值得进一步加强.  相似文献   

晚新生代C4植物扩张是地球环境-生态系统演化的霞要事件,重建C4植物地质演化历史是认识新生代地球气候变化、全球植被演化和大气CO2演化历史及区域陆地生态系统转变模式的关键环节.通过最近20多年来对全球不同区域地质剖面中的植物化石、动物牙釉质及成土碳酸盐碳同位素等的分析,研究者认识到晚新生代C4植物在全球成规模出现和扩张...  相似文献   

文章利用黄土高原西缘代表性的塬堡剖面有机碳同位素数据,估算了末次冰期以来地表植被中C3/C4植 物的相对丰度,指示出研究区域末次冰期几乎为纯粹的C3植物,而全新世为C3植物占优势的C3和C4混合植被类 型。温度是控制中国黄土高原C4植物是否发生的关键性气候因素,末次冰期向全新世转化过程中存在的某“阈值 温度”控制了两种植被类型的存在。全新世土壤有机碳同位素偏正于末次冰期,符合前人研究得到的认识。末次 冰期间冰段(MIS3)至盛冰期,土壤有机碳同位素为偏正变化趋势,符合现代C3植物本身随气候条件改变的碳同位 素组成变化。研究表明,利用黄土-古土壤有机碳同位素进行古气候变化研究,不能只将有机碳同位素简单的解 释为C3/C4植物相对丰度的变化,在单一植被类型下,还需要考虑植物本身碳同位素组成随气候条件的变化;另外, 研究还说明,我国黄土高原不同地区同时段土壤有机碳同位素值可以不同,其变化可以不具有相同的趋势,因此, 简单将有机碳同位素偏正归因于夏季风增强是值得商榷的。  相似文献   

黄土有机质稳定碳同位素研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
有关黄土高原历史时期原生植被类型的研究不仅具有重要的理论意义,也具有现实的指导意义。土壤有机质稳定碳同位素(δ13Corg)是区域植被中C4/C3植物相对丰度的灵敏指示器,对黄土有机质稳定碳同位素的研究可以部分地重建过去的植被类型变化历史,并可探讨与此有关的气候、环境问题。已有的研究结果表明:黄土高原古土壤发育阶段δ13Corg偏正于黄土沉积阶段,表明随气候由冷干向暖湿转变黄土高原C4植物相对丰度上升,然而在C4植物相对丰度上升的主要驱动因素上仍存在夏季风和温度两种观点。相应的在空间上,C4植物的相对丰度无论冰期还是间冰期都是由黄土高原东南向西北递减。而基于黄土δ13Corg的研究认为黄土高原历史时期一直以草原为主,不存在大面积的森林。尽管已有的研究对黄土有机质稳定碳同位素分布和变化的一般性规律取得了共识,但在研究中还存在一些问题,在黄土δ13Corg变化机制上还存在争议,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

干旱化对成土碳酸盐碳同位素组成的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
土壤碳酸盐的碳同位素组成可以作为古环境变化的指标.本文对黄土高原地区S1以来成土碳酸盐和红粘土中碳酸盐的碳同位素进行了研究.根据渭南、吉县、长武和会宁4个剖面末次间冰期以来土壤碳酸盐的碳同位素分析结果,探讨了不同气候条件下成土碳酸盐碳同位素组成的特征及其环境意义,指出气候的干湿程度可能是影响黄土地区成土碳酸盐δ13C值的主要原因;西峰红粘土序列碳酸盐的碳同位素记录表明,δ13C值在4.0Ma B.P.前后有一个明显增加的趋势,反映了我国西北地区上新世干旱化的发展,可能与青藏高原在这一时期发生较大规模的隆升有关.  相似文献   

文章从表土总有机碳同位素和现代植被间的关系入手,研究C4/C3植物与气候要素的关系,以期能更好的理解影响C4、C3植物生物量的主要因素.研究区域位于黄土高原塬面,我们计算了共67个采样点的C4植物的生物量,估算出草本植物中C4植物的比例.结果表明,黄土高原塬面上最主要的C4植物是白羊草(Bothriochloaischaemum),C3植物主要由草类植物和灌木组成,如长芒草(Stipa bungeana)、胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)和禾叶嵩草(Kobresia graminifolia)等,它们主要分布在研究区域的阴坡和山谷.表土的总有机碳同位素组成是反映C3和C4相对生物量贡献的可靠指标.在黄土高原地区,夏季降水量的增加会引起C4植物比例上升,同时C4植物生物量的变化也反映了降水的变化.本文的研究有助于理解亚洲季风气候下黄土高原地区C4/C3植物的变化机制.  相似文献   

当前气候变暖是一个全球面临的重大问题,它对人类赖以生存的植被生态系统造成的影响已经在全球各地逐步显现出来。为了深入了解植物生态系统对环境和气候变化的响应机制,我们需要更好地借鉴地质历史时期气候环境和植物协同演化的重要事件。C4植物作为陆地生产力较强的植物,在植物生态演化中占举足轻重的地位。目前研究表明C4植物可能最晚起源于始新世-渐新世之交,但从它早期起源到随后在生态系统中的大规模扩张时间间隔长达20多个百万年。是什么因素导致了C4植物的起源和扩张是一个悬而未决的重要问题,需要开展大量的调查研究来评估和重建C4植物在过去生态系统中的相对生物量变化。重建C4植物的含量目前主要的方法是建立在C3/C4植物碳同位素和植物内部结构形态差异基础之上。最常运用的研究材料包括(古)土壤有机质、成壤碳酸盐、陆地食草动物体组织、沉积物生物标志物、孢粉、植硅体等。这些方法在重建现代以及地质历史时期C4植物相对生物量变化的研究中发挥了重要作用,但同时也存在很多无法避免的问题。本文介绍了C4植物起源和扩张机制的主流观点以及不同研究材料的碳同位素所推算C4植物生物量的基本原理,并以柴达木盆地大红沟剖面为例,针对新生代湖泊沉积物中陆生高等植物的长链正构烷烃特征和单体烃碳同位素的研究结果,详细讨论C4植物含量重建的方法与缺点,为探讨C4植物起源、演化及控制因素提供参考。我们通过分析前人研究的大红沟剖面长链正构烷烃及单体烃 δ13Calk 值特征,推测在30~24 Ma、20~17 Ma和13~7 Ma期间δ13Calk值显示相对正偏的原因,可能是干旱和C4植物在当地生态系统中出现的双重因素叠加造成的。但这一推断还需要借助于新的研究方法,即单颗粒孢粉碳同位素的方法来提供C4植物的确凿证据。  相似文献   

光合作用酶Rubisco出现于太古代,对于以后地质时期里大气的CO2降低并不适应。晚中新世大幅度扩展的C4植物,就是光合作用演化的一种途径,适应于CO2浓度较低的大气,也适应于温暖而季节性干旱的季风气候。C4与C3植物碳同位素的重大差异,又为利用古土壤和哺乳类牙齿珐琅质的δ13C分辨C3、C4植物在植被中的比例提供了条件。自从发现巴基斯坦晚中新世古土壤层δ13C突变以来的10余年,围绕着C4植物扩展究竟反映季风气候,CO2浓度下降,还是干旱化,国内外学术界展开了热烈的讨论,至今尚属未解之谜,但从中可以吸取研究地球系统演变的经验教训。  相似文献   

土壤次生碳酸盐碳氧稳定同位素古环境意义及应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
土壤次生碳酸盐碳氧稳定同位素特征是反映古气候与古环境的重要代用指标,其碳氧稳定同位素组成分别受土壤CO2中C同位素组成和大气水的O同位素控制。在一定深度的土壤中,土壤次生碳酸盐δ^13C就主要受当地植物类型(C3植物和C4植物等)控制。土壤次生碳酸盐样预处理中剔除土壤中原生碳酸盐以及有机物污染尤为重要。土壤中次生碳酸盐C、O稳定同位素地球化学在土壤发生学、古气候恢复、古生态重建以及全球变化研究中应用日益广泛,但解译时可能受应用年代范围、成岩作用、原生和次生碳酸盐混杂、土壤碳酸盐多元发生等因素影响,其应用机理和范围还需进一步探讨。  相似文献   

4000aB.P.前后降温事件与中华文明的诞生   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:50       下载免费PDF全文
4000aB.P.前后降温事件是世界上许多地区全新世人类演化史上的重要转折点之一,也是导致古埃及、两河流域和印度河流域等地区世界古文明衰落的主要原因.在中国,该降温事件导致了中原周围地区五大新石器文化的衰落和终结,但却加速和促进了中原地区以夏朝建立为标志的中华文明的诞生.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃西峰赵家川6.2~2.4MaB.P.红粘土地层的孢粉学研究,建立了3个孢粉组合带。孢粉组合特征显示该区在此阶段总体为干旱的草原环境,6.2~5.8MaB.P.为灌丛草原;5.8~4.2MaB.P.是稀疏森林草原,植被由大量中生性草本植物和少量喜湿性的乔木植物组成,反映当时气候相对湿润;4.2~2.4MaB.P.植被中旱生植物藜科和麻黄明显增多,反映典型草原-荒漠草原。分析认为研究区自6.2MaB.P.干旱草原环境的格局就已经形成。红粘土中孢粉记录的植被演化信息与青藏高原隆升有时代上的耦合性,也与北极冰盖的起源和演化历史有着密切的联系。  相似文献   

We compared the stable carbon isotopic records from a loess transect of the Jiaochang in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, spanning the last ~21,000 years, with multiproxy data for pedogenesis, including magnetic susceptibility, clay fraction, Fed/Fet ratio, carbonate and total organic carbon content, in order to probe the mechanisms of δ13C values of organic matter and Late Quaternary climate variations in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Our results indicate that there is no simple relationship between δ13C of organic matter and summer monsoon variations. The change in δ13C values of organic matter (in accordance with the ratios of C3 to C4 plants) results from the interaction among temperature, aridity and atmospheric pCO2 level. Drier climate and lower atmospheric pCO2 level contribute to positive carbon isotopic excursion, while negative carbon isotopic excursion is the result of lower temperature and increased atmospheric pCO2 level. Additionally, our results imply that the Tibetan monsoon may play an important role in climate system in the eastern Tibet Plateau, which specifically reflects frequently changing climate in that area. The results provide new insights into the forcing mechanisms on both the δ13C values of organic matter and the local climate system.  相似文献   

Calcite-rich soils (calcrete) in alluvium and colluvium at Solitario Wash, Crater Flat, Nevada, USA, contain pedogenic calcite and opaline silica similar to soils present elsewhere in the semi-arid southwestern United States. Nevertheless, a ground-water discharge origin for the Solitario Wash soil deposits was proposed in a series of publications proposing elevation-dependent variations of carbon and oxygen isotopes in calcrete samples. Discharge of ground water in the past would raise the possibility of future flooding in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, site of a proposed high-level nuclear waste repository. New geochemical and carbon, oxygen, strontium, and uranium-series isotopic data disprove the presence of systematic elevation-isotopic composition relations, which are the main justification given for a proposed ground-water discharge origin of the calcrete deposits at Solitario Wash. Values of δ13C (−4.1 to −7.8 per mil [‰]), δ18O (23.8–17.2‰), 87Sr/86Sr (0.71270–0.71146), and initial 234U/238U activity ratios of about 1.6 in the new calcrete samples are within ranges previously observed in pedogenic carbonate deposits at Yucca Mountain and are incompatible with a ground-water origin for the calcrete. Variations in carbon and oxygen isotopes in Solitario Wash calcrete likely are caused by pedogenic deposition from meteoric water under varying Quaternary climatic conditions over hundreds of thousands of years.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes were measured in the carbonate and organic matter of palaeosols in the Somma–Vesuvius area, southern Italy in order to test whether they are suitable proxy records for climatic and ecological changes in this area during the past 18000 yr. The ages of the soils span from ca. 18 to ca. 3 kyr BP. Surprisingly, the Last Glacial to Holocene climate transition was not accompanied by significant change in δ18O of pedogenic carbonate. This could be explained by changes in evaporation rate and in isotope fractionation between water and precipitated carbonate with temperature, which counterbalanced the expected change in isotope composition of meteoric water. Because of the rise in temperature and humidity and the progressive increase in tree cover during the Holocene, the Holocene soil carbonates closely reflect the isotopic composition of meteoric water. A cooling of about 2°C after the Avellino eruption (3.8 ka) accounts for a sudden decrease of about 1‰ in δ18O of pedogenic carbonate recorded after this eruption. The δ13C values of organic matter and pedogenic carbonate covary, indicating an effective isotope equilibrium between the organic matter, as the source of CO2, and the pedogenic carbonate. Carbon isotopes suggest prevailing C3 vegetation and negligible mixing with volcanogenic or atmospheric CO2. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

8Ma以来黄土高原风尘堆积的物源变化与上地壳演化的关系   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
第三纪的红粘土和第四纪黄土同为风成沉积,二者是否有相同的物质来源?长尺度风尘的加积与上地壳演化之间有怎样的联系?二者均是非常重要的科学问题.由于Sr, Nd同位素可以有效示踪沉积岩的物质来源,我们近年研究了8Ma以来黄土高原泾川剖面红粘土-黄土序列《20靘的细粒硅酸盐组分的Sr, Nd同位素变化.结果表明:1)黄土高原的黄土与北太平洋中部的硅酸盐组分的Nd同位素组成非常接近,二者应在一定程度上具有相似的物质来源,即来自蒙古国南部及中国境内的戈壁、沙漠地区,所不同的是前者由近地面风搬运,而后者为远距离输送的风尘;2)Sr同位素在8.00~2.58Ma期间呈现略为增加的趋势,应当与红粘土的来源物质经受了较长时间的化学风化有关,而Sr同位素自2.58Ma以来的显著降低趋势与第四纪时期黄土-古土壤的物质来源和第三纪红粘土不同有关,新构造运动使更多相对年轻的造山带褶皱成山,第四纪冰期来临使更多高海拔的年轻造山带遭受剥蚀而成为黄土的来源物质,这是导致黄土、红粘土物源不同的重要原因.  相似文献   

稳定碳同位素在第四纪古环境研究中的应用   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26  
王国安 《第四纪研究》2003,23(5):471-484
文章对陆相沉积物、湖沼相沉积物以及脊椎动物牙齿中的δ13C研究作了系统的综述,特别对存在的问题提出了一些看法,认为黄土-古土壤序列中有机质δ13C与碳酸盐δ13C变化趋势相反的原因是CO2与碳酸盐交换平衡时的分馏系数在古土壤堆积时和黄土发育时不一致造成的;陆相沉积物的有机质δ13C较碳酸盐δ13C能更加直接地反映沉积时地表植被状况,陆相沉积物的碳酸盐δ13C在古生态中的应用还有待于对它的形成机制和形成过程进行进一步的研究;我国黄土高原末次冰期的气候不利于C4的生长.文章强调古环境、古生态研究应该从现代过程入手,了解现代植物δ13C与气候参数的关系以及现代C4植物的分布规律.同时还认为分子化石的稳定同位素研究这一新研究手段将会给第四纪研究带来更新的活力.  相似文献   

Investigations into the most plausible causes which triggered the Late Miocene global expansion of C4 grasslands have reached no consensus and are still being debated. The global decline in CO2 levels in the Late Miocene has been thought to be the most common driver. Although C4 grassland expansion was largely confined to the Late Miocene, their first appearance varied significantly in different parts of the Old and New world and therefore emphasizes role of local and/or regional factors may or may not be in combination with one or more global factors. The dynamic Himalayan orogen constitutes a significant global tectonic event that is believed to have affected global climate. Hence, a study of the Himalayan foreland basin sediments could help in gleaning out possible causes behind this major paleoecologic event, which could perhaps be directly or indirectly related. Stable carbon isotope analyses of a total of 141 pedogenic carbonates in the Mio-Pleistocene Siwalik paleosols of the Ramnagar sub-basin are coherent, providing a better insight into paleovegetational changes across the sub-basin on temporal and spatial scales. Furthermore, paleovegetational history during Oligocene is reconstructed from Dagshai paleosols exposed in the Subathu sub-basin. The isotopic results show dominance of C3 vegetation pre-7 Ma and dominance of C4 vegetation post-5 Ma. Percentage abundance of C4 vegetation was less than 20 % pre-7 Ma but increased to more than 40 % post-5 Ma, reaching up to 100 % in the youngest analyzed sediments. There is exclusive dominance of C3 vegetation during Oligocene. These results conform to the pattern of change in vegetation documented in other parts of the Himalayan belt. The global expansion of C4 grasslands largely during Late Miocene have long been linked with then climate changes, particularly brought by declining atmospheric CO2 level, large-scale fires, intensification of monsoon, seasonality, and aridity as demonstrated by various researchers. These major hypotheses explaining expansion of C4 grasslands during Late Miocene are not very convincing due to significant shortcomings associated with them, for example, expansion of C4 grasslands in non-monsoonal regions put serious constraints on the monsoonal intensification hypothesis. Likewise, aridity as being the primary driver of C4 grassland expansion seems hard to support since there is no substantial evidence that could suggest global onset of arid conditions at about same geologic time, and some most arid periods, like the Triassic, show no evidence of C4 plants. We suggest that the initial lowering of CO2 below 450 ppmV created an environment for the beginning of C4 vegetation, but the persistence of this threshold value for a considerable time during Late Miocene appears to be the probable cause of the Late Miocene global expansion of C4 grasslands irrespective of their time of first appearance. It has been deduced through the correlation of Himalayan tectonic events with atmospheric CO2 levels and paleovegetational changes since Upper Miocene times that it was indeed the Late Miocene continuous, intense tectonic instability of the Himalayas that significantly decreased atmospheric CO2 levels and which perhaps played a key role in changing the nature of photosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

Isotope geochemistry of caliche developed on basalt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Enormous variations in oxygen and carbon isotopes occur in caliche developed on < 3 Ma basalts in 3 volcanic fields in Arizona, significantly extending the range of δ18O and δ13C observed in terrestrial caliche. Within each volcanic field, δ18O is broadly co-variant with δ13C and increases as δ13C increases. The most 18O and 13C enriched samples are for subaerial calcite developed on pinnacles, knobs, and flow lobes that protrude above tephra and soil. The most 18O and 13C depleted samples are for pedogenic carbonate developed in soil atmospheres. The pedogenic caliche has δ18O fixed by normal precipitation in local meteoric waters at ambient temperatures and has low δ13C characteristic of microbial soil CO2. Subaerial caliche has formed from 18O-rich evapoconcentrated meteoric waters that dried out on surfaces after local rains. The associated 13C enrichment is due either to removal of 12C by photosynthesizers in the evaporating drops or to kinetic isotope effects associated with evaporation. Caliche on basalt lava flows thus initially forms with the isotopic signature of evaporation and is subsequently over-layered during burial by calcite carrying the isotopic signature of the soil environment. The large change in carbon isotope composition in subsequent soil calcite defines an isotopic biosignature that should have developed in martian examples if Mars had a “warm, wet” early period and photosynthesizing microbes were present in the early soils. The approach can be similarly applied to terrestrial Precambrian paleocaliche in the search for the earliest record of life on land. Large variations reported for δ18O of carbonate in Martian meteorite ALH84001 do not necessarily require high temperatures, playa lakes, or flood runoff if the carbonate is an example of altered martian caliche.  相似文献   

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