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In 2005, six major eruptions of four Kamchatka volcanoes (Bezymyannyi, Klyuchevskoy, Shiveluch, and Karymskii) occurred and the Avachinskii, Mutnovskii, and Gorelyi Kamchatka volcanoes and the Ebeko and Chikurachki volcanoes in northern Kurils were in a state of increased activity. Owing to a close collaboration between the KVERT project, Elizovo airport meteorological center, and volcanic ash advisory centers in Tokyo, Anchorage, and Washington (Tokyo, Anchorage, and Washington VAACs), all necessary measures for safe airplane flights near Kamchatka were taken and fatal accidents related to volcanic activity did not occur.  相似文献   

This work presents the project of the first stage of implementation of the integrated instrumental system of volcanic activity monitoring in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. The system of monitoring was designed for the purpose of ensuring public safety, aviation safety, and reducing economic losses caused by volcanic eruptions. The most active and dangerous volcanoes in Kamchatka (North and Avacha groups of volcanoes) and the Kuril Islands (volcanoes on the islands of Kunashir and Paramushir) are of first priority for monitoring. For this purpose, special observation points are planned to be installed on the volcanoes. The system of monitoring will include a complex of observations (broadband seismic station with a large dynamic range, tiltmeter, devices for gas, acoustic, and electromagnetic observations, and video camera). All the data will be passed to information processing centers in real time. New methods and algorithms of automatic and automated identification of the volcanic activity level and the probabilistic volcano hazard assessment have been developed.  相似文献   

An increase in cumulative seismic strain release from volcanic earthquakes prior to eruptions of Bezymyanniy Volcano in 1955–1961 and Sheveluch Volcano in 1964 in Kamchatka, and of Tokachi-dake Volcano on Hokkaido Island in 1962 occurred in accordance with a hyperbolic law. The relationship obtained may be universal for andesite volcanoes. Knowing the law of the increase of cumulative seismic strain and carrying out continueus observations of the seismic regime of andesite voleanoes makes it possible to prediet time and energy of eruptions. By observation of volcanic earthquakes it is also possible to predict the place and time of the occurrence of lateral craters.  相似文献   

Seismological Observations in Kamchatka were significantly improved due to the installation of new telemetered seismic stations near active volcanoes and the implementation of modern digital technologies for data transmission, acquisition, and processing in 1996–1998. This qualitative leap forward made it possible, not only to create an effective system for monitoring Kamchatka volcanoes and for timely and reliable assessment of the state of these volcanoes, but also to draw conclusions about volcanic hazard. The experience that was gained allowed us to make successful short-term forecasts for eight moderate explosive eruptions on Bezymyannyi Volcano of the ten that have occurred in 2004–2010, successful intermediate-term forecasts of evolving activity on Klyuchevskoi Volcano in three cases, as well as providing a successful forecast of an explosive eruption on Kizimen Volcano.  相似文献   

The Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Service (KB GS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) has been observing the activity of Kamchatka volcanoes since 2000 in near real time using three methods: (1) seismicity monitoring (2) visual and video observations, and (3) satellite monitoring of thermal anomalies and ash discharges. The joint use of these data provides objective information on the state of the volcanoes from which to predict possible eruptions. During the period of time investigated, which culminated in the eruptions of March 10, 2003 to February 27, 2004 and January 12, 2005 to April 28, 2005, two active periods of Klyuchevskoi Volcano were identified. The results from our study of the first of these periods helped define an approximate scenario for the activity of the volcano before a summit eruption. The use of this experience in combination with an analysis of the literature enabled us to produce a successful short-term forecast of the January 2005 eruption.  相似文献   

We provide data concerning a weak phreatic eruption of Ekarma Volcano on Ekarma Island, in the Kurils, in June 2010. The ash plumes did not rise higher than 3 km above sea level. A preliminary estimate of the volume of erupted resurgent material (mostly tephra) is on order 2 × 105 m3. Reconstruction of the volcano??s history and the dynamics of its eruptive activity for the last 4500?C5000 years suggests that a larger eruption can occur during the next few decades that will discharge juvenile pyroclastics and/or lava.  相似文献   

Unusual (for this location) events occurred near Karymskii Volcano, Kamchatka in early January of 1996: a magnitude 6.9 earthquake, the simultaneous eruptions of two volcanoes, and the generation of extensive ground breakage. This paper is concerned with the breaks, specifically, their positions, structure, and the character of the displacements. The breaks were studied with the help of trenches that were dug across them to expose their internal structure. Crosswise profiles were constructed on some of the breaks to analyze the variation of their geometry along the strike. This work revealed the specific features of the displacement episodes and whether these episodes were multiple ones, established their sequence, and suggested a mechanism of their generation and the overall mechanism responsible for the deformation observed.  相似文献   

The data on geology, petrography, mineralogy and petrochemistry for Kamen volcano in the Central Kamchatka Depression are presented. A study of the volcano??s rocks and comparison with rocks of neighboring active volcanoes of the Klyuchevskoy group allow the establishment of some relationships. The rocks and minerals of Kamen and Ploskie Sopky volcanoes show systematic differences in the chemistry of rocks and minerals such that they obviously could not be formed from the same primary melts. The rocks of dykes and Kamen stratovolcano on one hand and the rocks of the Klyuchevskoy Volcano on the other hand form differently directed trends on petrochemical diagrams and differ in their compositions of rock-forming minerals, such they also could not originate from the same primary melts. The lavas of the monogenetic cones of Kamen volcano and moderately magnesian basalts of Klyuchevskoy volcano are derivates of the same melts, i.e., the cones situated on the slopes of Kamen are cones of Klyuchevskoy. The rocks of Kamen and Bezymianny stratovolcanoes form a single narrow trend in all petrochemical diagrams in which the lavas of Bezymianny volcano show a silica-rich part, thus indicating a genetic relationship between these two volcanoes.  相似文献   

 Virtually all the seismicity within Ruapehu Volcano recorded during a 2-month deployment in early 1994, with 14 broadband seismographs around the Tongariro National Park volcanoes in the North Island of New Zealand, was associated with the active vent and occurred within approximately 1 km of Ruapehu Crater Lake. High-frequency volcano-tectonic earthquakes and low-frequency events (similar to bursts of 2 Hz volcanic tremor) were both found to have sources in this region. The high-frequency events, which often consisted of a smaller precursor event followed approximately 2 s later by the main event, had sharp onsets and were locatable using standard techniques. The depth of these events ranged from the surface down to approximately 1500 m below Crater Lake. The low-frequency events did not have sharp onsets and were located by phase-correlation methods. Nearly all occurred under a small region on the east side of Crater Lake, at depths from 200 to 1000 m below the surface. This low-frequency earthquake source region, in which no high-frequency events occurred, may be the steam zone within the actual vent of Ruapehu Volcano. Received: 30 June 1996 / Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with eruptions, seismicity, and deformation on Klyuchevskoi Volcano during the summit eruptions of 2012–2013, with the condition of the central crater during the eruptions, and with the effect that is exerted by the height of the lava in the crater on the start of the eruptions. The recurrence of eruptions in the North Volcanic Cluster (NVC), Kamchatka showed that all the four volcanoes in the cluster (Klyuchevskoi, Tolbachik, Shiveluch, and Bezymyannyi) become active during definite phases that were identified in the 18.6-year lunar cycle. This relationship of the NVC eruptions to the active phases in the 18.6-year lunar cycle, as well as the relationship to the 11-year solar activity, showed that eruptions can be predicted, yielding long-term estimates of activity for the NVC volcanoes. The short-term prediction of volcanic eruptions requires knowledge of seismicity and deformation that occur during the precursory period and during the occurrence of eruptions. Seismic activity during the summit eruptions of 2003–2013 took place in the depth range 20–25 km during repose periods of the volcano and at depths of 0–5 km in the volcanic edifice during the eruption. One notes an almost complete absence of any earthquakes at great depths during the summit eruptions. Volcanic tremor (VT) was recorded from the time that the eruptions began and continued to occur until the end. Geodetic measurements showed that the center of the magma pressure beneath the volcano during the parasitic and summit eruptions of 1979–1989 moved in the 4–17 km depth range, while during the summit eruptions of 2003–2013 the center moved in the 15–20 km range. These changes in the depth of the center of magma pressure may have been related to evacuation from shallow magma chambers.  相似文献   

Volcano monitoring and volcanic-hazards studies have received greatly increased attention in the United States in the past few years. Before 1980, the Volcanic Hazards Program was primarily focused on the active volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa, Hawaii, which have been monitored continuously since 1912 by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. After the reawakening and catastrophic eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980, the program was substantially expanded as the government and general public became aware of the potential for eruptions and associated hazards within the conterminous United States. Integrated components of the expanded program include: volcanic-hazards assessment; volcano monitoring; fundamental research; and, in concert with federal, state, and local authorities, emergency-response planning.In 1980 the David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory was established in Vancouver, Washington, to systematically monitor the continuing activity of Mount St. Helens, and to acquire baseline data for monitoring the other, presently quiescent, but potentially dangerous Cascade volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest. Since June 1980, all of the eruptions of Mount St. Helens have been predicted successfully on the basis of seismic and geodetic monitoring.The largest volcanic eruptions, but the least probable statistically, that pose a threat to western conterminous United States are those from the large Pleistocene-Holocene volcanic systems, such as Long Valley caldera (California) and Yellowstone caldera (Wyoming), which are underlain by large magma chambers still potentially capable of producing catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions. In order to become better prepared for possible future hazards associated with such historically unpecedented events, detailed studies of these, and similar, large volcanic systems should be intensified to gain better insight into caldera-forming processes and to recognize, if possible, the precursors of caldera-forming eruptions.  相似文献   

Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands are home to 36 active volcanoes with yearly explosive eruptions that eject ash to heights of 8 to 15 km above sea level, posing hazards to jet planes. In order to reduce the risk of planes colliding with ash clouds in the north Pacific, the KVERT team affiliated with the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IV&S FEB RAS) has conducted daily satellite-based monitoring of Kamchatka volcanoes since 2002. Specialists at the IV&S FEB RAS, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SRI RAS), the Computing Center of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CC FEB RAS), and the Far East Planeta Center of Space Hydrometeorology Research (FEPC SHR) have developed, introduced into practice, and were continuing to refine the VolSatView information system for Monitoring of Volcanic Activity in Kamchatka and on the Kuril Islands during the 2011–2015 period. This system enables integrated processing of various satellite data, as well as of weather and land-based information for continuous monitoring and investigation of volcanic activity in the Kuril–Kamchatka region. No other information system worldwide offers the abilities that the Vol-SatView has for studies of volcanoes. This paper shows the main abilities of the application of VolSatView for routine monitoring and retrospective analysis of volcanic activity in Kamchatka and on the Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

Volcano spreading, with its characteristic sector grabens, is caused by outward flow of weak substrata due to gravitational loading. This process is now known to affect many present-day edifices. A volcano intrusive complex can form an important component of an edifice and may induce deformation while it develops. Such intrusions are clearly observed in ancient eroded volcanoes, like the Scottish Palaeocene centres, or in geophysical studies such as in La Réunion, or inferred from large calderas, such as in Hawaii, the Canaries or Galapagos volcanoes. Volcano gravitational spreading and intrusive complex emplacement may act simultaneously within an edifice. We explore the coupling and interactions between these two processes. We use scaled analogue models, where an intrusive complex made of Golden syrup is emplaced within a granular model volcano based on a substratum of a ductile silicone layer overlain by a brittle granular layer. We model specifically the large intrusive complex growth and do not model small-scale and short-lived events, such as dyke intrusion, that develop above the intrusive complex. The models show that the intrusive complex develops in continual competition between upward bulging and lateral gravity spreading. The brittle substratum strongly controls the deformation style, the intrusion shape and also controls the balance between intrusive complex spreading and ductile layer-related gravitational spreading. In the models, intrusive complex emplacement and spreading produce similar structures to those formed during volcano gravitational spreading alone (i.e. grabens, folds, en échelon fractures). Therefore, simple analysis of fault geometry and fault kinetic indicators is not sufficient to distinguish gravitational from intrusive complex spreading, except when the intrusive complex is eccentric from the volcano centre. However, the displacement fields obtained for (1) a solely gravitational spreading volcano and for (2) a gravitational spreading volcano with a growing and spreading intrusive complex are very different. Consequently, deformation fields (like those obtained from geodetic monitoring) can give a strong indication of the presence of a spreading intrusive complex. We compare the models with field observations and geophysical evidence on active volcanoes such as La Réunion Island (Indian Ocean), Ometepe Island (Nicaragua) and eroded volcanic remnants such as Ardnamurchan (Scotland) and suggest that a combination between gravitational and intrusive complex spreading has been active.  相似文献   

Variation in the geochemical characteristics of basalts has been found within the Karymskii Volcanic Center (KVC). The concentrations of potassium, titanium, phosphorus, large-cation, high-charge, rare and rare-earth elements increase from the frontal zone (Pribrezhnyi Yuzhnyi, Stena, Paleo-Semyachik and Malyi Semyachik, and Ditmara volcanoes) toward the backarc zone (Odnobokii, Pra-Karymskii, and Akademii Nauk volcanoes). High ratios of fluid-mobile elements to non-mobile ones in the basalts of the frontal zone provide evidence of low-temperature aqueous fluids being involved in magma generation, with these fluids separating from the subducted oceanic plate at low pressures. The backarc zone typically shows higher Th/Nd and Th/Yb ratios, suggesting high-temperature fluids that take part in magma generation with increasing depth (and increasing temperature) as far down as the top of the subducted plate. The variation in the geochemical characteristics of the KVC basalts from the frontal to the backarc zone is less pronounced than that in the lavas of Mutnovskii and Gorelyi volcanoes in southern Kamchatka. These differences may be related to the geodynamic parameters of the subduction zone in the East Kamchatka and the South Kamchatka segments of the Kamchatka island arc, primarily to the dip angle of the Benioff zone, the distance to the trench axis, the subduction age, and possibly to heterogeneities in the mantle wedge beneath the KVC.  相似文献   

This paper presents new data on the upper mantle characteristics, and on seismicity and volcanism in Kamchatka. It is shown that the seismic activity in the Pacific focal layer decreases sharply below that narrow line on which the foci of the active volcanoes are situated. A map of longitudinal wave velocitiesV p in the mantle upper layers under Kamchatka is given. The lowest values ofV p (7.3–7.6 km/sec) are found near the volcanic belt. The graphs Θ=lg (Es/Ep) (h) for the Kamchatka earthquakes indicate that Θmin at the depths of 120–250 km may be caused by a concentration of magmatic melts. A map of bodies (magma chambers?) screening S- and P-waves at the depths of 30–100 km under Kamchatka has been compiled. These bodies are mainly located under the belt of active volcanoes.  相似文献   

Studies of ERT Satellite photographic documents and of acrial photographs with complementary lield work reveal the presence of recent very large nuée ardente deposits north-west of Socompa Volcano (Andean Cordillera of Atacama, northern Chile). Three zones are distinguishable from the bottom of Socompa Volcano to the front of the nuée ardente deposits: 1) pumice blocks are covered with parallel ridges of debris (lava blocks) from the north-western flank of Socompa Volcano, 2) pumice blocks lie upon small cones and flows from El Negrillar volcanoes located inside the graben of Negros de Aras, 3) pumice flow threads its way between cones and flows from El Negrillar volcanoes and stops more than 40 km away from the base of Socompa Volcano. The calculated thermal energy of this cruption is 7.9 × 1025 ergs, being in the range of of the most important recorded eruptions on earth. The pumice is almost aphyric (rare plagioclase, hypersthene and hornblende phenocrysts) and is of dacite composition lying pertectly on the K2O-SiO2 trend of the Socompa Volcano. Trace and major element data of the pumice are similar to those of two dacites from a pre-nuée lava flow and a post-nuée lava dome of Socompa Volcano and support a common magmatic origin with the Socompa Volcano lavas. A relative chronology is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper considers volcanogenic exhalation mineralization using data from 35 years of observation of fumarole activity during an earlier phase of the posteruptive activity of the Second Cone, which is one of the New Tolbachik volcanoes that were formed during the eruption at the North Vent of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption (Kamchatka, 1975–1976). We describe the main types of mineral associations, identify the key mineral species and the secondary and accessory minerals, as well as the sequence of mineral generation. We provide a summary of minerals and compounds that have been identified in ejecta of fumaroles on the Second Cone.  相似文献   

Sediment yield of Kamchatka Krai rivers into the Pacific Ocean and the seas of Bering and Okhotsk, is evaluated, including that from the drainage basins that are not covered by regular observations. Regression dependences of specific suspended sediment yield (SSSY) on factors determining it were constructed for erosion regions identified in Kamchatka Krai. The total average many-year yield of suspended sediments of Kamchatka Krai rivers into the Pacific is 11.4 × 106 t/year, 73.9% of which is transported by rivers of the eastern coast and 26.1%, by those of the western coast. Among other factors, such distribution is attributed to the location of the majority of volcanoes on Kamchatka eastern coast. About one third of all sediments transported from Kamchatka Krai territory is discharged by the two largest rivers in the region, i.e., the Penzhina and Kamchatka.  相似文献   

Abstract Tyatya Volcano, situated in Kunashir Island at the southwestern end of Kuril Islands, is a large composite stratovolcano and one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril arc. The volcanic edifice can be divided into the old and the young ones, which are composed of rocks of distinct magma types, low‐ and medium‐K series, respectively. The young volcano has a summit caldera with a central cone. Recent eruptions have occurred at the central cone and at the flank vents of the young volcano. We found several distal ash layers at the volcano and identified their ages and sources, that is, tephras of ad 1856, ad 1739, ad 1694 and ca 1 Ka derived from three volcanoes of Hokkaido, Japan, and caad 969 from Baitoushan Volcano of China/North Korea. These could provide good time markers to reveal the eruptive history of the central cone, which had continued intermittently with Strombolian eruptions and lava flow effusions since before 1 Ka. Relatively explosive eruptions have occurred three times at the cone during the past 1000 years. We revealed that, topographically, the youngest lava flows from the cone are covered not by the tephra of ad 1739 but by that of ad 1856. This evidence, together with a report of dense smoke rising from the summit in ad 1812, suggests that the latest major eruption with lava effusion from the central cone occurred in this year. In 1973, after a long period of dormancy, short‐lived phreatomagmatic eruptions began to occur from fissure vents at the northern flank of the young volcano. This was followed by large eruptions of Strombolian to sub‐Plinian types occurring from several craters at the southern flank. The 1973 activity is evaluated as Volcanic Explosivity Index = 4 (approximately 0.2 km3), the largest eruption during the 20th century in the southwestern Kuril arc. The rocks of the central cone are strongly porphyritic basalt and basaltic andesite, whereas the 1973 scoria is aphyric basalt, suggesting that magma feeding systems are definitely different between the summit and flank eruptions.  相似文献   

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