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The seismically active Macquarie Ridge complex forms the Pacific-India plate boundary between New Zealand and the Pacific-Antarctic spreading center. The Late Cenozoic deformation of New Zealand and focal mechanisms of recent large earthquakes in the Macquarie Ridge complex appear consistent with the current plate tectonic models. These models predict a combination of strike-slip and convergent motion in the northern Macquarie Ridge, and strike-slip motion in the southern part. The Hjort trench is the southernmost expression of the Macquarie Ridge complex. Regional considerations of the magnetic lineations imply that some oceanic crust may have been consumed at the Hjort trench. Although this arcuate trench seems inconsistent with the predicted strike-slip setting, a deep trough also occurs in the Romanche fracture zone.Geoid anomalies observed over spreading ridges, subduction zones, and fracture zones are different. Therefore, geoid anomalies may be diagnostic of plate boundary type. We use SEASAT data to examine the Macquarie Ridge complex and find that the geoid anomalies for the northern Hjort trench region are different from the geoid anomalies for the Romanche trough. The Hjort trench region is characterized by an oblique subduction zone geoid anomaly, e.g., the Aleutian-Komandorski region. Also, limited first-motion data for the large 1924 earthquake that occurred in the northern Hjort trench suggest a thrust focal mechanism. We conclude that subduction is occurring at the Hjort trench. The existence of active subduction in this area implies that young oceanic lithosphere can subduct beneath older oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

A subset of 2660 shallow earthquakes (0–50 km) that occurred from 1988 to 1996 in south central Alaska between 155°W and 145°W and 59°N and 63°N was relocated using the joint hypocenter determination (JHD) method. Both P- and S-wave observations recorded by the regional seismic network were used. Events were relocated in twenty different groups based on their geographic location and depth using two velocity models. As a result of the relocation, the majority of the hypocenters shifted downward, while the epicenter locations did not change significantly. The distribution of the shallow subduction zone earthquakes indicates the existence of two seismically independent blocks, with one block occupying the northeastern part and the other occupying the central and western parts of the study area. The boundary between the blocks is marked by a 15 to 20 km wide seismicity gap to the southeast of 149.5°W and 62°N. The analysis of the fault plane solutions for shallow subduction zone earthquakes shows that an overwhelming majority of the solutions represent normal, oblique-normal or strike-slip faulting with predominant WNW-ESE orientation of T-axes. This indicates a down-dip extensional regime for the subducting slab at shallow depths. Very few earthquakes yielded fault plane solutions consistent with thrusting on a contact zone between the overriding and subducting plates. This result may be an indication that currently either the strain energy is not released at the contact zone or it is associated with aseismic motion.  相似文献   

2015年3月30日至5月15日,巴布亚新几内亚-新不列颠地区发生了一系列地震.为研究该地区的构造应力环境及孕震背景,本文基于Global CMT目录,对新不列颠区域浅部进行构造应力场反演,拟得到高精度的应力图像.反演结果显示:(1)沿着南、北俾斯麦块体边界的区域构造应力场呈走滑体系,最大主压应力轴方位呈SWW-NEE向.(2)所罗门海的NW和NE走向的海沟处于压缩状态,所罗门海块体向新不列颠和所罗门群岛俯冲的板块弯曲部分是局部拉张.(3)受俯冲带的北向推挤,南俾斯麦板块顺时针旋转的挤压,太平洋板块向西部运动汇聚作用,新不列颠岛东北部与新爱尔兰岛南部交汇区域呈现明显非均匀应力状态.(4)此次地震序列的大多数走滑型和逆冲型地震,可能是所罗门海块体俯冲运动,和南俾斯麦块体与太平洋板块的近EW向挤压作用共同引发.  相似文献   

— The Indo-Burma (Myanmar) subduction boundary is highly oblique to the direction of relative velocity of the Indian tectonic plate with respect to the Eurasian plate. The area includes features of active subduction zones such as a Wadati-Benioff zone of earthquakes, a magmatic arc, thrust and fold belts. It also has features of oblique subduction such as: an arc-parallel strike-slip fault (Sagaing Fault) that takes up a large fraction of the northward component of motion and a buttress (the Mishmi block) that resists the motion of the fore-arc sliver. In this paper, I have examined the seismicity, slip vectors and principal axes of the focal mechanisms of the earthquakes to look for features of active subduction zones and for evidence of slip partitioning as observed in other subduction zones. The data set consists of Harvard CMT solutions of 89 earthquakes (1977–1999 with 4.8≦̸Mw≦̸7.2 and depths between 3–140 km). Most of these events are shallow and intermediate depth events occurring within the Indian plate subducting eastward beneath the Indo-Burman ranges. Some shallow events within the fore-arc region have arc-parallel Paxes, reflecting buttressing of the fore-arc sliver at its leading edge. Some of the shallowest events have nearly E-W oriented P axes which might account for recent folding and thrusting. Examination of earthquake slip vectors in this region shows that the slip vector azimuths of earthquakes in the region between 20°–26°N are rotated towards the trench normal, which is an indication of partial partitioning of the oblique convergence. It is seen that all aspects of seismicity, including the paucity of shallow underthrusting earthquakes and the orientation of P axes, are consistent with oblique convergence. The conclusions of this paper are consistent with recent geological studies and interpretations such as the coexistence of eastward subduction, volcanic activity and transcurrent movement through mid-Miocene to Quaternary period.  相似文献   

Subduction earthquakes along the Pacific Coast of Central America generate considerable seismic risk in the region. The quantification of the hazard due to these events requires the development of appropriate ground-motion prediction equations, for which purpose a database of recordings from subduction events in the region is indispensable. This paper describes the compilation of a comprehensive database of strong ground-motion recordings obtained during subduction-zone events in Central America, focusing on the region from 8 to 14° N and 83 to 92° W, including Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. More than 400 accelerograms recorded by the networks operating across Central America during the last decades have been added to data collected by NORSAR in two regional projects for the reduction of natural disasters. The final database consists of 554 triaxial ground-motion recordings from events of moment magnitudes between 5.0 and 7.7, including 22 interface and 58 intraslab-type events for the time period 1976–2006. Although the database presented in this study is not sufficiently complete in terms of magnitude–distance distribution to serve as a basis for the derivation of predictive equations for interface and intraslab events in Central America, it considerably expands the Central American subduction data compiled in previous studies and used in early ground-motion modelling studies for subduction events in this region. Additionally, the compiled database will allow the assessment of the existing predictive models for subduction-type events in terms of their applicability for the Central American region, which is essential for an adequate estimation of the hazard due to subduction earthquakes in this region.  相似文献   

Fault plane solutions for earthquakes in the central Hellenic arc are analysed to determine the deformation and stress regimes in the Hellenic subduction zone in the vicinity of Crete. Fault mechanisms for earthquakes recorded by various networks or contained in global catalogues are collected. In addition, 34 fault plane solutions are determined for events recorded by our own local temporary network on central Crete in 2000–2001. The entire data set of 264 source mechanisms is examined for types of faulting and spatial clustering of mechanisms. Eight regions with significantly varying characteristic types of faulting are identified of which the upper (Aegean) plate includes four. Three regions contain interplate seismicity along the Hellenic arc from west to east and all events below are identified to occur within the subducting African lithosphere. We perform stress tensor inversion to each of the subsets in order to determine the stress field. Results indicate a uniform N-NNE direction of relative plate motion between the Ionian Sea and Rhodes resulting in orthogonal convergence in the western forearc and oblique (40–50) subduction in the eastern forearc. There, the plate boundary migrates towards the SE resulting in left-lateral strike-slip faulting that extends to onshore Eastern Crete. N110E trending normal faulting in the Aegean plate at this part is in accordance with this model. Along-arc extension is observed on Western Crete. Fault plane solutions for earthquakes within the dipping African lithosphere indicate that slab pull is the dominant force within the subduction process and responsible for the roll-back of the Hellenic subduction zone.  相似文献   

While most aspects of subduction have been extensively studied, the process of subduction initiation lacks an observational foundation. The Macquarie Ridge complex (MRC) forms the Pacific-Australia plate boundary between New Zealand to the north and the Pacific-Australia-Antarctica triple junction to the south. The MRC consists of alternating troughs and rises and is characterized by a transitional tectonic environment in which subduction initiation presently occurs. There is a high seismicity level with 15 large earthquakes (M>7) in this century. Our seismological investigation is centered on the largest event since 1943: the 25 MAY 1981 earthquake. Love, Rayleigh, andP waves are inverted to find: a faulting geometry of right-lateral strike-slip along the local trend of the Macquarie Ridge (N30°E); a seismic moment of 5×1027 dyn cm (M w=7.7) a double event rupture process with a fault length of less than 100km to the southwest of the epicenter and a fault depth of less than 20km. Three smaller thrust earthquakes occurred previous to the 1981 event along the 1981 rupture zone; their shallow-dipping thrust planes are virtually adjacent to the 1981 vertical fault plane. Oblique convergence in this region is thus accommodated by a dual rupture mode of several small thrust events and a large strike-slip event. Our study of other large MRC earthquakes, plus those of other investigators, produces focal mechanisms for 15 earthquakes distributed along the entire MRC; thrust and right-lateral strike-slip events are scattered throughout the MRC. Thus, all of the MRC is characterized by oblique convergence and the dual rupture mode. The true best-fit rotation pole for the Pacific-Australia motion is close to the Minster & Jordan RM2 pole for the Pacific-India motion. Southward migration of the rotation pole has caused the recent transition to oblique convergence in the northern MRC. We propose a subduction initiation process that is akin to crack propagation; the 1981 earthquake rupture area is identified as the crack-tip region that separates a disconnected mosaic of small thrust faults to the south from a horizontally continuous thrust interface to the north along the Puysegur trench. A different mechanism of subduction initiation occurs in the southernmost Hjort trench region at the triple junction. newly created oceanic lithosphere has been subducted just to the north of the triple junction. The entire MRC is a soft plate boundary that must accommodate the plate motion mismatch between two major spreading centers (Antarctica-Australia and Pacific-Antarctica). The persistence of spreading motion at the two major spreading centers and the consequent evolution of the three-plate system cause the present-day oblique convergence and subduction initiation in the Macquarie Ridge complex.  相似文献   

We have relocated 259 inland earthquakes in northern Egypt using the double-difference hypocenter technique. Among this dataset we are able to determine source mechanisms of 200 events using P-wave polarities and amplitude ratios as well. The studied earthquakes have been recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network from October 1997 to December 2006 with local magnitude (ML) varies between 1.5 and 5.0. Three earthquake dislocations have been defined namely: Dahshour, southeast Beni-Suef, and Cairo-Suez district. Earthquake activities tend to occur in clusters along the first dislocation (Dahshour) however, relatively scattered along the second (southeast Beni-Suef) and the third (Cairo-Suez district) dislocations. At Dahshour dislocation three distinct clusters have been distinguished. Source mechanism solutions of Dahshour earthquakes displayed normal faulting with a strike-slip component to strike-slip faulting with a minor normal dip-slip component. Most of earthquake focal mechanism orientations are varying from NE-SW to NW-SE. The fault plane solutions of Beni-Suef earthquakes represented normal faulting with a strike-slip component. If the NNW-SSE striking plane has been chosen to be the actual fault plane, some solutions would indicated normal faulting with a sinistral strike-slip motion and other reflect normal faulting with a dextral strike-slip component. The fault plane solutions of Cairo-Suez district earthquakes are compatible with E-W to ENE-WSW striking normal fault with a dextral strike-slip motion.  相似文献   

—The plate boundary along the north-central Caribbean margin is geologically complex. Our understanding of this complexity is hampered by the fact that plate motions are relatively slow (1 to 2 cm/yr), so that recent seismicity often does not provide a complete picture of tectonic deformation. Studies of the faulting processes of instrumentally recorded earthquakes occurring prior to 1962 thus provide important information regarding the nature and rate of seismic deformation within the region, and are essential for a comprehensive assessment of seismic hazard. We have conducted body waveform modeling studies of eight earthquakes which occurred along the north-central Caribbean plate margin, extending from southeastern Cuba to the Swan Island fracture zone (75 to 83°W). None of these earthquakes has been previously studied and several occurred in regions where no recent (post-1962) seismicity has been recorded. The plate margin in the western portion of our study area is characterized by a transform fault-spreading center system. In the central and eastern portions of our study area the plate margin is a complex, diffuse region of deformation that couples transform motion in the Cayman trough to subduction along the Lesser Antilles arc. Our results show that the western portion of the study area has only experienced large strike-slip earthquakes. Off southeastern Cuba two earthquakes appear to have occurred on high angle, northward dipping, reverse faults with south to southeastward directed slip vectors. An earthquake in northern Jamaica in 1957 shows pure strike-slip faulting, most likely along an east-west trending fault. Finally, an unusual sequence of events located in the Pedro Bank region ~70 km southwest of Jamaica has a mainshock with a reverse-oblique mechanism, suggesting continuity of the plate interface stress field well south of the northern Caribbean margin.  相似文献   

Introduction Whether static stress change generated by earthquakes can trigger subsequent earthquakes heretofore is still in debate. Some researchers believe that seismic Coulomb failure stress change generated by earthquake can affect the seismicity nearby (King, et al, 1994; Toda, et al, 1998; Stein, 1999; Seeber, Armbruster, 2000). However, some researchers believe that this model is wrong. For example, Beroza and Zoback (1993) found that stress change generated by the 1989 Loma Prieta …  相似文献   

From an analysis of a limited number of strong-motion data recorded in northeast Indian region, the in-slab earthquakes along the Indo-Burmese subduction zone are found to be characterized by much larger ground motion amplitudes than that for the earthquakes along other subduction zones around the world. Specific type of source, propagation path and site geologic condition may perhaps simultaneously be responsible for such anomalous behaviour. The empirical attenuation relations developed by Atkinson and Boore [3] using a global database for subduction zone earthquakes have been therefore suitably modified to be more appropriate for the northeast India. The modified relationships are developed by combining the data for both horizontal and vertical components of motion. The response spectra of the accelerograms recorded in northeast India from earthquakes with widely varying magnitude and distance are, in general, found to match very well with the predictions from the modified attenuation model. The proposed model can thus be used to obtain more realistic estimate of the contribution of in-slab subduction zone earthquakes to seismic hazard in the northeast Indian region.  相似文献   

俯冲带地震动特征及其衰减规律探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
随着我国南海不断开发建设,海洋工程的抗震问题日益受到重视.我国南海东部区域位于大陆板块与海洋板块共同作用的俯冲带地区,地震活动频繁,震级较大,潜在地震对南海开发建设有重要影响.为了研究俯冲带地震的地震动特征及其衰减规律,本文基于实际俯冲带地震数据,并结合数值模拟方法,分析和探讨了俯冲带板内、板缘地震与浅地壳地震的地震动特征和衰减规律的差异.研究结果表明:俯冲带地震动存在区域性差异,在地震动衰减特征方面,同一区域的俯冲带板缘地震要比浅地壳地震衰减慢,俯冲带板内地震要比浅地壳地震衰减得快;数值模拟分析不同深度海水对海底地震动的影响表明,海底地震动水平分量几乎不受海水介质的影响,但是竖向分量随海水深度的增加有减小的趋势.最终,基于数值模拟和经验关系的混合方法建立了南海俯冲带地震动衰减关系模型,其结果可为海域区划等相关研究和海域工程建设提供参考.  相似文献   

刘鎏  魏东平 《地震学报》2012,34(6):727-740
中国大陆位于欧亚板块的东南部, 受到印度板块、太平洋板块和菲律宾海板块的碰撞挤压与俯冲作用, 其构造应力场形态和动力学机制相当复杂. 本文采用伪三维有限元方法, 以世界应力图2008年版本数据(WSM2008)的应力方向和应力型两类指标作为主要约束, 对中国大陆及邻区的动力驱动机制进行数值模拟, 给出了中国大陆周边地区板块边界力的大小和方向估计. 同时对3个典型情况的数值模型进行了分析. 结果显示, 软流层静压推力对该区域构造应力场影响相对较小, 板块边界力作用则起主导作用; 印度板块在喜马拉雅造山带对欧亚板块的碰撞控制了中国大陆地区应力场的基本形态, 是形成川滇地区走滑型地震为主的重要原因; 琉球海沟——南海海槽俯冲带边界力显示了挤压-张性的分段特性, 贝加尔裂谷表现为拉张作用. 进一步的分析表明, 中国大陆大部分区域内最大水平剪应力分布图像与该地区地震辐射能量密度的分布存在较好的空间正相关性.   相似文献   

本研究基于Global CMT提供的1196个1976年11月—2017年1月MW4.6地震矩心矩张量解,对西北太平洋俯冲带日本本州至中国东北段的应力场进行反演计算,得到了从浅表到深部俯冲带应力状态的完整分布.结果显示:俯冲带浅表陆壳一侧应力场呈现水平挤压、垂向拉伸状态,洋壳一侧的应力状态则相反,即近水平拉张、近垂向压缩.沿着俯冲板片向下,应力主轴逐渐向俯冲板片轮廓靠拢,其中位于双地震层(120km深度附近)之上的部分,主张应力轴沿俯冲板片轮廓展布而又比其更为陡倾;双地震层内的应力模式同典型I型双层地震带内的应力模式一致,即上层沿俯冲板片轮廓压缩、下层沿俯冲板片轮廓拉伸;双地震层之下,应力模式逐步转变为主压应力轴平行于俯冲板片轮廓.通观所研究的整个俯冲系统,水平面内主压和主张应力轴基本保持了与西北太平洋板片俯冲方向上的一致性,同经典俯冲板片的应力导管模型所预言的俯冲带应力模式相符;而主张应力轴在俯冲板片表面之下的中源地震深度范围内转向海沟走向,或许同研究区域横跨日本海沟与千岛海沟结合带,改变的浅部海沟形态致使完整俯冲板片下部产生横向变形有关.  相似文献   

A province of alkaline volcanism has developed over the last 10 m.y. in the northwestern part of the Caribbean plate. Most of the volcanism is Quaternary in age and follows an apparent halving of the spreading rate at the Cayman Rise spreading center 2.4 m.y. ago. Intraplate deformation in Central America and the Nicaraguan Rise has produced a series of north-south orientated grabens. This extensional tectonism is associated temporally and spatially with some of the alkaline magmatism. Strontium isotopic ratios of rocks from sixteen of these centers of volcanism enable three separate areas with different isotopic characteristics to be identified. The largest area corresponds to the Nicaraguan Rise and is characterized by low87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7026–0.7031). A more concentrated area of alkaline magmatism in northeastern Costa Rica has intermediate87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7036–0.7038) which are within the range shown by the adjacent calc-alkaline volcanoes. In central Hispaniola high87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7047–0.7063) are found in strongly alkalic rocks and in rocks that are transitional to calc-alkaline in nature. In both Costa Rica and Hispaniola the increased radiogenic strontium may have come from volatile-rich fluids escaping from adjacent subducting slabs of oceanic crust. The isotopic differences between the two areas may be related to the relative longevity and high rate of subduction in Costa Rica compared to Hispaniola. The Costa Rican alkaline rocks overlie a segment of the Cocos plate which is being subducted at a smaller angle (~ 35°) than at the rest of the Central American arc.  相似文献   

南迦巴瓦构造结周边地区主要断裂现今运动特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本文基于南迦巴瓦构造结周边16个宽频带地震台的观测波形数据,对地震事件进行相关分析,使用MSDP软件进行多台定位,编制了研究区内的地震目录,并利用CAP方法获得了研究区内主要断裂带两侧10km范围内M 3.0以上地震的震源机制解,用于分析主要断裂带的现今运动特征。研究结果表明:研究区内的地震活动受主要断裂带的控制;墨脱断裂带现今运动主要为左旋逆冲运动;米林断裂带以左旋正断运动为主;嘉黎断裂带以右旋逆冲为主,兼有左旋和正断运动;阿帕龙断裂带以右旋逆冲运动为主;边坝-达木新生断裂带运动以右旋逆冲运动为主,兼有正断和左旋运动;各主要断裂带的现今运动特征与地质和GPS观测结果相同,表明南迦巴瓦构造结周边地区主要断裂带的现今运动主要受阿萨姆构造结俯冲作用的控制。  相似文献   

In seismological literature, there exist two competing theories (the so-calledW model andL model) treating earthquake scaling relations between mean slip and rupture dimension and between seismic moment and rupture dimension. The core of arguments differentiating the two theories is whether the mean slip should scale with the rupture width or with the rupture length for large earthquakes. In this paper, we apply the elastic theory of dislocation to clarify the controversy. Several static dislocation models are used to simulate strike-slip earthquakes. Our results show that the mean slip scales linearly with the rupture width for small earthquakes with a rupture length smaller than the thickness of the seismogenic layer. However, for large earthquakes with a rupture length larger than the thickness of the seismogenic layer, our models show a more complicated scaling relation between mean slip and rupture dimension. When the rupture length is smaller than a cross-over length, the mean slip scales nearly linearly with the rupture length. When the rupture length is larger than a cross-over length, the mean slip approaches asymptotically a constant value and scales approximately with the rupture width. The cross-over length is a function of the rupture width and is about 75 km for earthquakes with a saturated rupture width of 15 km. We compare our theoretical predictions with observed source parameters of some large strike-slip earthquakes, and they match up well. Our results also suggest that when large earthquakes have a fixed aspect ratio of rupture length to rupture width (which seems to be the case for most subduction earthquakes) the mean slip scales with the rupture dimension in the same way as small earthquakes.  相似文献   

Slip partitioning along major convergent plate boundaries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Along plate boundaries characterized by oblique convergence, earthquake slip vectors are commonly rotated toward the normal of the trench with respect to predicted plate motion vectors. Consequently, relative plate motion along such convergent margins must be partitioned between displacements along the thrust plate interface and deformation within the forearc and back-arc regions. The deformation behind the trench may take the form of strike-slip motion, back-arc extension, or some combination of both. We observe from our analysis of the Harvard Moment Tensor Catalog that convergent arcs characterized by back-arc spreading, specifically the Marianas and New Hebrides, are characterized by a large degree of slip partitioning. However, the observed rates, directions, and location of back-arc spreading are not sufficient to account for degree of partitioning observed along the respective arcs, implying that the oblique component of subduction is also accommodated in part by shearing of the overriding plate. In the case of the Sumatran arc, where partitioning is accommodated by strike-slip faulting in the overriding plate, the degree of partitioning is similar to that observed along the Marianas, but the result is viewed with caution because it is based on a predicted plate motion vector that is based on locally derived earthquake slip vectors. In the case of the Alaskan-Aleutian arc, where back-arc spreading is also absent, the degree of partitioning is less and rotation of slip vectors toward the trench normal appears to increase linearly as a function of the obliquity of convergence. If partitioning in the Alaskan-Aleutian arc is accommodated by strike-slip faulting within the upper plate, the positive relationship between obliquity of convergence and the rotation of earthquake slip vectors to the trench normal may reflect that either (1) the ratio of the depth extent of strike-slip faults behind the trenchZ s to the subduction thrustZ t increases westward along the arc, (2) the dip of the subduction thrust increases westward along the arc, or (3) the strength of the subduction thrust decreases westward along the arc.  相似文献   

对海域地震区划中涉及的我国海域有影响的俯冲带地震动参数预测模型研究进展与阶段性成果进行介绍,基于资料、回归方法等,对地震动参数预测模型建立过程进行说明.依托可靠的强震加速度记录与宽频带速度记录,采用使结果更稳定的分步回归方法,考虑俯冲带深大地震断层尺度与震源深度影响选取新的预测模型.针对我国海域实际地震环境,新的预测模...  相似文献   

The 28 February, 2006 Tiab earthquake (Mw 6.0), is the first earthquake to have occurred in the transition zone between the Zagros continental collision and the Makran subduction zone for which the aftershock sequence is recorded by a temporary local seismic network. The epicentral distribution of the aftershocks is diffuse and we cannot define a simple alignment at the surface. The depth of the aftershocks increases gently northward and they are primarily concentrated between 15 and 21 km depth, implying a deeper seismogenic layer than the Zagros. Very low-angle thrust faulting deduced from this local study supports thrusting of the Arabian plate beneath central Iran at the southeastern end of the Zagros as suggested previously based on teleseismic data. The focal mechanism of the main shock indicates a thrust mechanism similar to that of other strong earthquakes in this region, while most of the focal mechanisms of the aftershocks are dominantly strike-slip. We propose that the strike-slip mechanisms belong to right-lateral fault systems that accommodate differential motion at the transition between the Zagros collision zone and the Makran subduction zone. If so, this suggests that the convergence between Arabia and central Iran is at present accommodated along the transition zone by a partitioning process.  相似文献   

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