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A detailed study of orbital-period variations was performed for TY Del and RY Cnc, which are both Algol-type eclipsing binaries with late-type second aries; for RY Cnc, this is the first study of this kind. The period variations of both stars can be considered a superposition of a secular period increase and cyclic changes of this period. The secular period increase can be explained as the effect of a uniform transfer of mass from the lower-mass to the higher-mass component, with the total angular momentum conserved. The mass-transfer rate is about 1.25 × 10 M /year for TY Del and (0.68?1.02) × 10?8 M /year for RY Cnc. The cyclic period variations of the eclipsing binaries TY Del and RY Cnc could be due to either the presence of a third body in the system or the influence of magnetic activity of the secondary.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the orbital-period variations of the Algol-type eclipsing binaries with earlyspectral- type primary components U CrB and RW Tau has been performed. The period variations in both systems can be described as a superposition of secular and cyclic variations of the period. A secular period increase at a rate of 2.58d × 10?7/year is observed for U CrB, which can be explained if there is a uniform flow of matter from the lower-mass to the higher-mass component, with the total angular momentum conserved. RW Tau features a secular period decrease at a rate of ?8.6d × 10?7/year; this could be due to a loss of angular momentum by the binary due to magnetic braking. The cyclic orbital-period variations of U CrB and RWTau can be explained by the motion of the eclipsing binary systems along their long-period orbits. In U CrB, this implies that the eclipsing binary moves with a period of 91.3 years around a third body with mass M3 > 1.13M; in RW Tau, the period of the motion around the third body is 66.6 years, and the mass of the third body is M3 > 1.24M. It also cannot be ruled out that the variations are due to the magnetic cycles of the late-type secondaries. The residual period variations could be a superposition of variations due to non-stationary ejection of matter and effects due to magnetic cycles.  相似文献   


Variations of the orbital periods of the eclipsing binaries RY Aur, GG Cas, RS Lep, and RV Tri are analyzed. The period variations in all of these systems can be represented as a superposition of a secular period decrease and cyclic variations that can be explained with the light-time effect due to the presence of a third body in the system. The secular period decrease could be due to magnetic braking.


We have studied the time behavior of the orbital period and the primary’s pulsation period for the eclipsing binary system Y Cam, whose secondary fills its Roche lobe and whose primary is a δ Scuti star. The times of minima available for this eclipsing binary cover 120 years. δ Scuti pulsations of the primary have been observed over the last 50 years, with the period of these pulsational brightness variations remaining virtually unchanged during the entire observed time interval. The large-amplitude cyclic variations of the orbital period of Y Cam cannot be explained solely by the presence of a third body in the system. It is possible to explain the period variations of Y Cam with magnetic oscillations or a superposition of a stationary matter flow from the lower-mass to the higher-mass component together with magnetic oscillations, similar to the case of AB Cas. A good agreement with observations is provided by a model assuming a stationary matter flow from the secondary filling its Roche lobe to the primary, at the rate of 2.85 × 10?7 M /year, superposed with irregular period jumps that can be explained by instabilities in the matter flow. We have detected cyclic variations of the orbital period of Y Cam with an amplitude of 0.011d, which can be understood if the binary moves in a long-period orbit (with a period of 38.6 years) around a third body with mass M 3 s> 0.30M . These cyclic period variations of the eclipsing binary agree with the observed small period variations of the δ Scuti pulsations.  相似文献   

Cyclic variations of the orbital period superposed on a secular period decrease have been found for the Algol-type eclipsing binaries TU Her, TY Peg, and Y Psc. A superposition of two kinds of cyclic variations is observed for TU Her and Y Psc: with periods of 69.4 years and 30.0 years for TU Her, and 34.4 and 23.2 years for Y Psc. One type of oscillation, with a period of 74.3 years, was detected for TY Peg. The cyclic orbital-period variations of TY Peg and Y Psc can be successfully fitted using the light-time effect, and also with magnetic oscillations. In the case of TU Her, the light-time effect is able to explain only one of the cyclic variations, the one with the shorter period.  相似文献   

A detailed study of variations of the orbital periods of the Algol-type eclipsing binary systems RZ Cas and Z Dra is presented. The fairly complex variations of the periods of both systems can be represented as a superposition of a secular increase of the period, slow periodic fluctuations, and quasiperiodic oscillations with a small amplitude occurring on timescales of decades. The secular increase of the period can be explained by the steady mass transfer from the less massive to the more massive component with conservation of the total angular momentum. The mass-transfer rate is 5.7 × 10?9M/yr for RZ Cas and 3.0×10?8M/yr for Z Dra. To explain the long-period cyclic variations of the orbital periods of RZCas and Z Dra, it must be assumed that the eclipsing binaries move in long-period orbits. RZ Cas moves with a period of 133 yr around a third body withmass M3 > 0.55M, while Z Dra moves with a period of 60 yr around a third body with mass M3 > 0.7M. The residual fluctuations of the periods may be due to a superposition of variations due to magnetic cycles and non-stationary ejections of matter.  相似文献   

Orbital-period variations of the Algol-type eclipsing binaries RW CrB and AO Ser are analyzed. It is shown that the period variations of these systems are due mainly to the light-time effect due to the eclipsing binary’s motion in its long-period orbit. The period variations of RW CrB are reproduced by motion of the eclipsing binary with a period of 55.8 years around a third body with the mass M 3 > 0.36M⊙. The period variations of AO Ser can be reproduced either solely with the light-time effect, or by a superposition of the light-time effect and a slow secular decrease in the period. In the former case, the period of the long-period orbit is 111.5 years; in the latter case, it is 108 years. Both cases imply the same mass for the third body in the AO Ser system: M 3 > 0.35M⊙. The residual small-amplitude orbitalperiod variations of the two systems can be due to magnetic cycles.  相似文献   

The results of many-year photometric observations of the weak-line T Tauri star V715 Per in the optical (V RI) and infrared (JHK) photometric bands are presented. The period of the star’s lowamplitude brightness variations in the V RI bands detected earlier, 5.23d, is confirmed. This period persists during the entire 14-year time interval of the observations, but its amplitude varies with time. The same period was found in the variations of JHK infrared fluxes, with the brightness variations in the two ranges being almost synchronous. The most probable origin of these variations is periodic eclipses of the star by its own disk, perturbed by its interaction with the magnetosphere (AA Tau-type variations). In addition to the periodic brightness variations, the star also displayed sporadic Algol-like minima characteristic of UX Ori stars during several years (2005–2011). The amplitude of these variations increasedmonotonically, reaching approximately 1m in the V band by the end of 2010, after which the deep fadings ended. During this entire time interval, the amplitude of the periodic variations was observed to decrease. After 2011, the periodic component began to become stronger again. These changes of the photometric activity of V715 Per can be explained by an increasing rate of gas accretion onto the star, decreasing the radius of warped regions of the disk and leading to accompanying Algol-like fadings. This model assumes a low inclination of the circumstellar disk in V715 Per to the line of sight.  相似文献   

Variations of the orbital periods of the eclipsing binaries TU Cnc, VZ Leo, and OS Ori are analyzed. Secular period decreases were earlier believed to occur in these systems. It is demonstrated that the period variations of TU Cnc can be represented using the light-time effect corresponding to the orbital motion of the eclipsing binary with a period of 78.6 years around the center ofmass of the triple system, with the mass of the third body being M 3 > 0.82M . With the same accuracy, the period variations of VZ Leo and OS Ori can be represented either solely using the light-time effect, or a superposition of a secular period decrease and the light-time effect. For VZ Leo, the period of the long-term orbit is 63.8 years in the former case and 67.9 years in the latter case. Similar masses for the third body are indicated in both cases: M 3 > 0.55M and M 3 > 0.61M . For OS Ori, the period of the long-term orbit is 46 years and M 3 > 0.5M in the former case, and the period is 36 years and M 3 > 0.6M in the latter case.  相似文献   

Magnetic secular variation is recorded as a quasi-rhythmical process of uncertain origin. Rhythmic changes recorded in the Scisti a Fucoidi in the central Apennines of Italy, pelagic sediments of Mid-Cretaceous (Late Albian) age, show strong correspondence to patterns of orbital variation. In the same strata cyclic magnetic variations are found with peaks in the same range (105, 40, 26,19 kyr). These results appear to support earlier suggestions that secular variations may be related to these astronomical patterns.  相似文献   

Between 1994 and 2006, we obtained uniform spectroscopic observations of SS 433 in the region of Hα. We determined Doppler shifts of the moving emission lines, Hα + and Hα ?, and studied various irregularities in the profiles for the moving emission lines. The total number of Doppler shifts measured in these 13 years is 488 for Hα ? and 389 for Hα +. We have also used published data to study possible long-term variations of the SS 433 system, based on 755 Doppler shifts for Hα ? and 630 for Hα + obtained over 28 years. We have derived improved kinematic model parameters for the precessing relativistic jets of S S 433 using five-and eight-parameter models. On average, the precession period was stable during the 28 years of observations (60 precession cycles), at 162.250d ± 0.003d. Phase jumps of the precession period and random variations of its length with amplitudes of ≈6% and ≈1%, respectively, were observed, but no secular changes in the precession period were detected. The nutation period, P nut = 6.2876d ± 0.00035d, and its phase were stable during 28 years (more than 1600 nutation cycles). We find no secular variations of the nutation cycle. The ejection speed of the relativistic jets, v, was, on average, constant during the 28 years, β = v/c = 0.2561 ± 0.0157. No secular variation of β is detected. In general, S S 433 demonstrates remarkably stable long-term characteristics of its precession and nutation, as well as of the central “engine” near the relativistic object that collimates the plasma in the jets and accelerates it to v = 0.2561c. Our results support a model with a “slaved” accretion disk in S S 433, which follows the precession of the optical star’s rotation axis.  相似文献   

The results of ~15 years of photometric observations of the UX Ori star SV Cep in the near-infrared (JHKL) are presented. They demonstrate the presence of a cyclic component with a period of ~7 years in the variations of the IR fluxes. This is clearly seen in all four IR bands, but is absent in the optical. The variation amplitude is highest in the K band: ΔK ≈ 0.68 m . The shape of the variations differs slightly in the transition from J to L. However, it is reproduced with good accuracy during two cycles, suggesting a periodic process is observed. If the periodic perturbations in the circumstellar disk of SV Cep are due to a companion’s orbitalmotion, the orbital semi-major axis should be ~5AU, foramass of SVCep of 2.6M . The absence of a seven-year period in the optical light curve of SV Cep means that the observed period cannot be due to variations in the circumstellar extinction. The IR brightness variations could be due to the companion’s motion along an eccentric orbit, resulting in a periodic modulation of the rate of accretion onto the star.  相似文献   

The results of infrared observations of the two Be stars X Per and V725 Tau, which are the optical components of X-ray binary systems, obtained in 1994–2016 are presented. The observations cover Be-star phases as well as shell phases. The data analysis shows that the radiation observed from the binaries at 1.25, 3.5, and 5 μm can be explained as the combined radiation from the optical components and variable sources (shells/disks) that emit as blackbodies (BBs). Emission from a source with the color temperature T c ~1000?1500 K was detected for X Per at λ ≥ 3.5 μm. The highest IR-brightness variation amplitudes for X Per were 0.9?1.2 m (JHK magnitudes) and ~1.45 m (LM magnitudes); for V725 Tau, they were 1.1?1.4 m and ~1.7 m (L magnitudes). The parameters of the optical components and interstellar extinction during the Be phases were estimated: the color excesswasE(B?V) = 0.65±0.08 m and 0.77 ± 0.03 m for X Per and V725 Tau, respectively. Light from the variable sources (disks/shells) was distinguished and their color temperatures, radii, and luminosities estimated for different observation epochs in a BB model. The variations of the binaries’ IR brightness and colors are shown to be due to changing parameters of the variable sources. The mean color temperature of the cool source (disk/shell) and the mean radius and mean luminosity of X Per are 9500± 2630 K, (35 ± 10) R, and (9100± 540) L. For V725 Tau, these parameters are 6200 ± 940 K, (27 ± 6) R, and (980 ± 420) L. The 1.25–5 μm radiation from X Per at different epochs can be represented as a sum of contributions from at least three sources: the optical component and two objects emitting as BBs. To reproduce the 1.25–3.5 μm radiation from V725 Tau, two components are sufficient: the optical component and a single variable BB object. For both binary systems, orbital variations of the IR brightness can be noted near the Be-star phase. The amplitudes of the J-band variations of X Per and V725 Tau are about 0.3 m and 0.1 m , respectively.  相似文献   

A series of precisely repeated magnetic surveys has been carried out over a five year period, during the filling of Lake Gordon, Tasmania, following construction of a dam. After subtraction of the secular variation gradient over the region, a mean decrease of 1.6 nT in total field intensity is found over the survey area, which exceeds 600 km2, corresponding to the expected form of a tectonomagnetic anomaly due to ground loading. During the survey period there were several local magnetic events, coinciding with more rapid, local changes in benchmark levels, that may be attributed to aseismic movements on faults in the area.  相似文献   

研究了1948-2001年南、北半球及欧亚大陆、非洲大陆、澳洲大陆、北美大陆、南美大陆、南极大陆和中国 7个大尺度区域 6~8月降水的长期趋势变化和年代际变化。结果表明,南、北半球 6~8月的降水都为负趋势,但南半球降水的负趋势在统计上不显著。在54年的时间段内,南半球 6~8月降水的递减速度为 0.12 mm/a,仅为北半球同期降水减幅(0.24 mm/a)的一半。南、北半球 6~8月降水量年代际尺度的振荡都非常明显,但是,南、北半球年代际变化的特征明显不同。目前北半球仍是在少雨时间段,而南半球处在降水量正常或多雨的时间段。分析还表明,非洲大陆 6~ 8月降水的年代际特征最明显,降水的负趋势也最为显著;欧亚大陆 6~8月降水也有着明显的年代际变化与明显的负趋势变化;澳洲大陆 6~8月降水的年际变化明显,年代际变化相对来说要小得多;北美大陆 6~8月降水的年际变化明显,但无明显的趋势变化。此外,分析了大尺度区域 6~ 8月降水之间的相关关系,发现部分区域大尺度降水量之间有明显的联系;分析了中国夏季降水的长期变化,发现中国夏季降水的年代际变化明显,但无明显的趋势变化。  相似文献   

Photographic plates of the Harvard Observatory stacks have been used to obtain 1261 brightness estimates for the low-amplitude Cepheid FF Aql (P = 4.47 days). Combined with published visual, photoelectric, and CCD observations, these data enable the construction of an O-C diagram spanning 122 years. The resulting O-C diagram is parabola-shaped, enabling the determination of quadratic brightness elements for the first time. The evolutionary rate of increase of the period, dP/dt = 0.072 ± 0.011 s/year, is in agreement with theoretical computations for the third crossing of the instability strip. The available data, reduced using the technique of by Eddington and Plakidis, reveal the presence of small, random period fluctuations, ? = 0.0061d ± 0.0044d, that do not distort the evolutionary trend of the O-C residuals.  相似文献   

Wang  Jun  Wu  Lei  Cai  Yuanqiang  Guo  Lin  Du  Yunguo  Gou  Changfei  Ni  Junfeng  Gao  Ziyang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(4):1161-1174

In certain field conditions such as offshore projects under wave loads or embankments under traffic loads, both the vertical and horizontal stresses are variable. However, previous investigations rarely considered the variation in horizontal stress. To better understand the characteristics of natural saturated soft clay, a series of monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests with a K0-consolidation state were carried out under a variable confining pressure (VCP) stress path. The development of axial strain, pore water pressure and effective stress path is analysed. The results show that with the increase in η (the ratio of the variation in the mean effective principal stress to that of the deviatoric stress), the undrained shear strength (qf) decreases continuously. The pore water pressure generation is slightly improved under a stress path with increasing confining pressure. Based on the test results, a unified formula was established to predict the pore water pressure under VCP stress paths. The unique pqe relationship of normally consolidated clay in monotonic VCP triaxial tests was also demonstrated. Under VCP stress paths, the amplitude of the pore pressure increases, and the effective stress path tilts more sharply to the right. Moreover, a unified formula was established that can provide a good reference for predicting effective stress paths under cyclic VCP triaxial tests.


He  Jun  Yang  Xiao-Hua  Li  Jian-Qiang  Jin  Ju-Liang  Wei  Yi-Ming  Chen  Xiao-Juan 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):199-217

Meteorological droughts can affect large areas and may have serious environmental, social and economic impacts. These impacts depend on the severity, duration, and spatial extent of the precipitation deficit and the socioeconomic vulnerability of the affected regions. This paper examines the spatiotemporal variation of meteorological droughts in the Haihe River basin. Meteorological droughts events were diagnosed using daily meteorological data from 44 stations by calculating a comprehensive drought index (CI) for the period 1961–2011. Based on the daily CI values of each station over the past 50 years, the drought processes at each station were confirmed, and the severity, duration and frequency of each meteorological drought event were computed and analyzed. The results suggest the following conclusions: (1) the use of the CI index can effectively trace the development of drought and can also identify the duration and severity of each drought event; (2) the average drought duration was 57–85 days in each region of the Haihe River basin, and the region with the highest average values of drought duration and drought severity was Bohai Bay; (3) drought occurred more than 48 times over the study period, which is more than 0.95 times per year over the 50 years studied. The average frequencies of non-drought days, severe drought days and extreme drought days over the study period were 51.2, 3.2 and 0.4 %, respectively. Severe drought events mainly occurred in the south branch of the Hai River, and extreme drought events mainly occurred in the Shandong Peninsula and Bohai Bay; (4) the annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration of the Haihe River basin show decreasing trends over the past 50 years. The frequency of severe drought and extreme drought events has increased in the past 20 years than during the period 1961–1990. The results of this study may serve as a reference point for decision regarding basin water resources management, ecological recovery and drought hazard vulnerability analysis.


We report the results of monitoring the H2O maser in NGC 7538, which is associated with a star-forming region. The observations were carried out on the 22-meter telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. Two intervals of long-term variability of the integrated flux that reflect the cyclic activity of the maser have been distinguished (1981–1992 and 1993–2003); the data for the earlier activity cycle, 1981–1992, have been analyzed. The period of the long-time-scale variations is about 13–14 years. Flares of individual spectral features and of two groups of features with mean radial velocities of ?60 and ?46.6 km/s have been observed. The flares lasted from 0.3 to 1 year. The emission features observed during the 1984–1985 flare at radial velocities between ?62 and ?58 km/s probably form a spatially compact group of spots (<1015 cm) in NGC 7538 IRS 1. The triplet structure of the spectra can be traced. The observed anticorrelations and correlations of the fluxes of the triplet components suggest that the maser spots may be located either in a protoplanetary disk or in a high-velocity gaseous outflow.  相似文献   

Metazoan fossils in the Gaojiashan Biota are famous for being well preserved and may provide new insights into the early evolution and skeletonization of Metazoans. We are studying the isotopic compositions of organic and carbonate carbon from a sequence of sedimentary rocks at the Gaojiashan section, northern Yangtze Platform, Shaanxi Province of China. Organic carbon isotope values display a range between –30.8‰ and –24.7‰ with clear stratigraphic variations. Carbonate carbon isotope data vary between 0.1‰ and +6‰. Positive δ13C values from sediments with Gaojiashan biota reflect temporal variations in carbon turnover, i.e. an increasing in photosynthetic carbon fixation followed by an increasing subsequent fractional organic carbon burial, and that related to bio-radiation such as increasing algae, bacteria, and original creatures productivity in biomass. These secular variations are interpreted to reflect perturbations of the regional carbon cycle, specifically changes in the fractional burial of organic carbon, and discuss the relationship between Gaojiashan biota and paleoenvrionmental variation.  相似文献   

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