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This study investigates the behaviour of the geochronometers zircon, monazite, rutile and titanite in polyphase lower crustal rocks of the Kalak Nappe Complex, northern Norway. A pressure–temperature–time–deformation path is constructed by combining microstructural observations with P–T conditions derived from phase equilibrium modelling and U–Pb dating. The following tectonometamorphic evolution is deduced: A subvertical S1 fabric formed at ~730–775 °C and ~6.3–9.8 kbar, above the wet solidus in the sillimanite and kyanite stability fields. The event is dated at 702 ± 5 Ma by high‐U zircon in a leucosome. Monazite grains that grew in the S1 fabric show surprisingly little variation in chemical composition compared to a large spread in (concordant) U–Pb dates from c. 800 to 600 Ma. This age spread could either represent protracted growth of monazite during high‐grade metamorphism, or represent partially reset ages due to high‐T diffusion. Both cases imply that elevated temperatures of >600 °C persisted for over c. 200 Ma, indicating relatively static conditions at lower crustal levels for most of the Neoproterozoic. The S1 fabric was overprinted by a subhorizontal S2 fabric, which formed at ~600–660 °C and ~10–12 kbar. Rutile that originally grew during the S1‐forming event lost its Zr‐in‐rutile and U–Pb signatures during the S2‐forming event. It records Zr‐in‐rutile temperatures of 550–660 °C and Caledonian ages of 440–420 Ma. Titanite grew at the expense of rutile at slightly lower temperatures of ~550 °C during ongoing S2 deformation; U–Pb ages of c. 440–430 Ma date its crystallization, giving a minimum estimate for the age of Caledonian metamorphism and the duration of Caledonian shearing. This study shows that (i) monazite can have a large spread in U–Pb dates despite a homogeneous composition; (ii) rutile may lose its Zr‐in‐rutile and U–Pb signature during an amphibolite facies overprint; and (iii) titanite may record crystallization ages during retrograde shearing. Therefore, in order to correctly interpret U–Pb ages from different geochronometers in a polyphase deformation and reaction history, they are ideally combined with microstructural observations and phase equilibrium modelling to derive a complete P–T–t–d path.  相似文献   

The Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) has commonly been treated as a large coherently deforming high‐grade tectonic package, exhumed primarily by simultaneous thrust‐ and normal‐sense shearing on its bounding structures and erosion along its frontal exposure. A new paradigm, developed over the past decade, suggests that the GHS is not a single high‐grade lithotectonic unit, but consists of in‐sequence thrust sheets. In this study, we examine this concept in central Nepal by integrating temperaturetime (T–t) paths, based on coupled Zr‐in‐titanite thermometry and U–Pb geochronology for upper GHS calcsilicates, with traditional thermobarometry, textural relationships and field mapping. Peak Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures are 760–850°C at 10–13 kbar, and U–Pb ages of titanite range from c. 30 to c. 15 Ma. Sector zoning of Zr and distribution of U–Pb ages within titanite suggest that diffusion rates of Zr and Pb are slower than experimentally determined rates, and these systems remain unaffected into the lower granulite facies. Two types of T–t paths occur across the Chame Shear Zone (CSZ). Between c. 25 and 17–16 Ma, hangingwall rocks cool at rates of 1–10°C/Ma, while footwall rocks heat at rates of 1–10°C/Ma. Over the same interval, temperatures increase structurally upwards through the hangingwall, but by 17–16 Ma temperatures converge. In contrast, temperatures decrease upwards in footwall rocks at all times. While the footwall is interpreted as an intact, structurally upright section, the thermometric inversion within the hangingwall suggests thrusting of hotter rocks over colder from c. 25 to c. 17–16 Ma. Retrograde hydration that is restricted to the hangingwall, and a lithological repetition of orthogneiss are consistent with thrust‐sense shear on the CSZ. The CSZ is structurally higher than previously identified intra‐GHS thrusts in central Nepal, and thrusting duration was 3–6 Ma longer than proposed for other intra‐GHS thrusts in this region. Cooling rates for both the hangingwall and footwall of the CSZ are comparable to or faster than rates for other intra‐GHS thrust sheets in Nepal. The overlap in high‐T titanite U–Pb ages and previously published muscovite 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages imply cooling rates for the hangingwall of ≥200°C/Ma after thrusting. Causes of rapid cooling include passive exhumation driven by a combination of duplexing in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence, and juxtaposition of cooler rocks on top of the GHS by the STDS. Normal‐sense displacement does not appear to affect T–t paths for rocks immediately below the STDS prior to 17–16 Ma.  相似文献   

Hornblende from the Lone Grove Pluton, Llano Uplift, Texas, has served as an irradiation reference material in 40Ar/39Ar studies for decades. In order to evaluate the apparent age bias that currently exists between the U‐Pb and 40Ar/39Ar systems, zircon and titanite were dated by isotope dilution‐thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (ID‐TIMS) from the same rock from which the hornblende 40Ar/39Ar reference material HB3gr is derived. Zircon U‐Pb data indicate initial crystallisation at 1090.10 ± 0.16 Ma (2s), a date that is 1.7% older than the accepted K‐Ar date (1072 ± 14 Ma, 2s) for HB3gr; an offset that exceeds the typical 0.5–1% bias between the two systems, though remaining within uncertainty due to the large uncertainties in the 40K decay constant. Zircon data are presented using both EARTHTIME tracers ET535 and ET2535 and are statistically indistinguishable. Single grain titanite analyses range between 1082 ± 0.75 and 1086 ± 0.81 Ma (2s) and are interpreted to record the subsequent cooling following crystallisation at rates between 30 and 50 °C Ma?1. This is supported by the observation that hornblende 40Ar/39Ar dates corrected for decay constant bias are resolvably younger than the zircon U‐Pb date and in good agreement with titanite U‐Pb dates, permitting the conclusion that both titanite U‐Pb and hornblende 40Ar/39Ar systems provide a record of cooling.  相似文献   

The petrogenetic relations among Ti‐rich minerals in high‐grade metabasites is illuminated here through a detailed petrological investigation of an anatectic garnet–clinopyroxene granulite from the Grenville Province, Ontario, Canada containing rutile, titanite and ilmenite in distinct microtextural settings. Garnet porphyroblasts exhibit zoned Ti concentrations (up to 0.15 wt% TiO2 in their cores), as well as a variety of rutile inclusion types, including clusters of small, variably elongate grains and thin (≤1 μm) oriented needles. Calcite inclusions in garnet, commonly observed surrounding garnet cores containing quartz and clinozoisite, indicate the presence of evolving C–O–H fluids during garnet growth and suggest that the rutile clusters may have formed from subsequent Ti diffusion and rutile precipitation within existing fluid inclusions. Titanite forms large subhedral crystals and typically occurs where the primary garnet–clinopyroxene assemblage is in contact with leucosome containing megacrystic hornblende, silvialitic scapolite and calcic plagioclase. Many titanite crystals exhibit marginal subgrains that correspond with sharp changes in their major and trace element composition, likely related to a dissolution–precipitation or recrystallization process following primary crystallization. Clinopyroxene–ilmenite symplectite coronas surround titanite in most locations, likely forming from reaction with the hornblende‐plagioclase matrix (±fluids/melt). Integration of multi‐equilibria thermobarometry and Zr thermometry in rutile and titanite with phase equilibrium modelling allows definition of a clockwise P–T path evolving to peak pressures of ~1.5 GPa at ~750°C during garnet and rutile growth, followed by peak temperature conditions of ~1.2 GPa and ~820–880°C associated with melt‐present titanite growth, and finally cooling and decompression to regional amphibolite facies conditions (~1.0 GPa and ~750°C) associated with the formation of clinopyroxene–ilmenite symplectites surrounding titanite. P–T pseudosections calculated for the pristine (leucosome‐ and titanite ‐free) metabasite bulk composition reproduce much of the prograde phase relations, but predict rutile as the stable Ti‐rich mineral at the peak thermal conditions associated with melt‐present titanite growth. The PM(CaO) and TM(CaO) models show that bulk CaO concentrations have a significant effect on the stability ranges of titanite and rutile. Increased bulk CaO tends to stabilize titanite to higher pressure and temperature at the expense of rutile, with a ≥15% increase in CaO producing the observed titanite‐bearing assemblage at high‐P granulite facies conditions. Thus, the model results are consistent with the textural observations, which suggest that titanite stability is associated with a chemical exchange between the host metabasite and a Ca‐rich melt.  相似文献   

Linking ages to metamorphic stages in rocks that have experienced low‐ to medium‐grade metamorphism can be particularly tricky due to the rarity of index minerals and the preservation of mineral or compositional relicts. The timing of metamorphism and the Mesozoic exhumation of the metasedimentary units and crystalline basement that form the internal part of the Longmen Shan (eastern Tibet, Sichuan, China), are, for these reasons, still largely unconstrained, but crucial for understanding the regional tectonic evolution of eastern Tibet. In situ core‐rim 40Ar/39Ar biotite and U–Th/Pb allanite data show that amphibolite facies conditions (~10–11 kbar, 530°C to 6–7 kbar, 580°C) were reached at 210–180 Ma and that biotite records crystallization, rather than cooling, ages. These conditions are mainly recorded in the metasedimentary cover. The 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained from matrix muscovite that partially re‐equilibrated during the post peak‐P metamorphic history comprise a mixture of ages between that of early prograde muscovite relicts and the timing of late muscovite recrystallization at c. 140–120 Ma. This event marks a previously poorly documented greenschist facies metamorphic overprint. This latest stage is also recorded in the crystalline basement, and defines the timing of the greenschist overprint (7 ± 1 kbar, 370 ± 35°C). Numerical models of Ar diffusion show that the difference between 40Ar/39Ar biotite and muscovite ages cannot be explained by a slow and protracted cooling in an open system. The model and petrological results rather suggest that biotite and muscovite experienced different Ar retention and resetting histories. The Ar record in mica of the studied low‐ to medium‐grade rocks seems to be mainly controlled by dissolution–reprecipitation processes rather than by diffusive loss, and by different microstructural positions in the sample. Together, our data show that the metasedimentary cover was thickened and cooled independently from the basement prior to c. 140 Ma (with a relatively fast cooling at 4.5 ± 0.5°C/Ma between 185 and 140 Ma). Since the Lower Cretaceous, the metasedimentary cover and the crystalline basement experienced a coherent history during which both were partially exhumed. The Mesozoic history of the Eastern border of the Tibetan plateau is therefore complex and polyphase, and the basement was actively involved at least since the Early Cretaceous, changing our perspective on the contribution of the Cenozoic geology.  相似文献   

As is common in suture zones, widespread high‐pressure rocks in the Caribbean region reached eclogite facies conditions close to ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism. Besides eclogite lenses, abundant metapelitic rocks in the Chuacús complex (Guatemala Suture Zone) also preserve evidence for high‐pressure metamorphism. A comprehensive petrological and geochronological study was undertaken to constrain the tectonometamorphic evolution of eclogite and associated metapelite from this area in central Guatemala. The integration of field and petrological data allows the reconstruction of a previously unknown segment of the prograde P–T path and shows that these contrasting rock types share a common high‐pressure evolution. An early stage of high‐pressure/low‐temperature metamorphism at 18–20 kbar and 530–580°C is indicated by garnet core compositions as well as the nature and composition of mineral inclusions in garnet, including kyanite–jadeite–paragonite in an eclogite, and chloritoid–paragonite–rutile in a pelitic schist. Peak high‐pressure conditions are constrained at 23–25 kbar and 620–690°C by combining mineral assemblages, isopleth thermobarometry and Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry. A garnet/whole‐rock Lu‐Hf date of 101.8 ± 3.1 Ma in the kyanite‐bearing eclogite indicates the timing of final garnet growth at eclogite facies conditions, while a Lu‐Hf date of 95.5 ± 2.1 Ma in the pelitic schist reflects the average age of garnet growth spanning from an early eclogite facies evolution to a final amphibolite facies stage. Concordant U‐Pb LA‐ICP‐MS zircon data from the pelitic schist, in contrast, yield a mean age of 74.0 ± 0.5 Ma, which is equivalent to a U‐Pb monazite lower‐intercept age of 73.6 ± 2.0 Ma in the same sample, and comparable within errors with a less precise U‐Pb lower‐intercept age of 80 ± 13 Ma obtained in post‐eclogitic titanite from the kyanite‐bearing eclogite. These U‐Pb metamorphic ages are interpreted as dating an amphibolite facies overprint. Protolith U‐Pb zircon ages of 167.1 ± 4.2 Ma and 424.6 ± 5.0 Ma from two eclogite samples reveal that mafic precursors in the Chuacús complex originated in multiple tectonotemporal settings from the Silurian to Jurassic. The integration of petrological and geochronological data suggests that subduction of the continental margin of the North American plate (Chuacús complex) beneath the Greater Antilles arc occurred during an Albian‐Cenomanian pre‐collisional stage, and that a subsequent Campanian collisional stage is probably responsible of the amphibolite facies overprint and late syncollisional exhumation.  相似文献   

Titanite can be found in rocks of wide compositional range, is reactive, growing or regrowing during metamorphic and hydrothermal events, and is generally amenable to U–Pb geochronology. Experimental evidence suggest that titanite has a closure temperature for Pb ranging from 550 to 650°C, and thus titanite dates are commonly interpreted as cooling ages. However, this view has been challenged in recent years by evidence from natural titanite which suggests the closure temperature may be significantly higher (up to 800°C). Here, we investigate titanite in an enclave of migmatitic gneiss included within a granite intrusion. The titanite crystals exhibit textural features characteristic of fluid‐mediated mass transfer processes on length scales of <100 µm. These textural features are associated with variation in both Pb concentrations and distinct U–Pb isotopic compositions. Zr‐in‐titanite thermometry indicates that modification of the titanite occurred at temperatures in excess of 840°C, in the presence of a high‐T silicate melt. The Pb concentration gradients preserved in these titanite crystals are used to determine the diffusivity of Pb in titanite under high‐T conditions. We estimate diffusivities ranging from 2 × 10?22 to 5 × 10?25 m2/s. These results are significantly lower than experimental data predict yet are consistent with other empirical data on natural titanites, suggesting that Pb diffusivity is similar to that of Sr. Thus our data challenge the wide‐held assumption that U–Pb titanite dates only reflect cooling ages.  相似文献   

Abstract Concordant U–Pb ages of c. 530–510 Ma and c. 470–420 Ma on titanite from calcsilicate, orthogneiss and amphibolite rocks constrain the age of high‐T metamorphism in the Early Palaeozoic mobile belt at the western margin of Proterozoic Gondwana (Argentina, 26–29°S). The U–Pb ages document the time of titanite formation at high‐T conditions according to the stable mineral paragenesis and occurrence of titanite in the metamorphic fabric. The presence of migmatite at all sample sites indicates temperatures were > c. 650 °C. Titanite formed at similar metamorphic conditions at different times on the regional and on the outcrop scale. The titanite crystals preserved their U–Pb isotopic signatures and chemical composition under ongoing upper amphibolite to granulite facies temperatures. Different thermal peaks or deformations are only detected by the different U–Pb ages and not by changes in the mineral paragenesis or metamorphic fabric of the samples. The range of U–Pb ages, e.g. in the Ordovician and Silurian (c. 470, 460, 440, 430, 420 Ma), is interpreted as the effect polyphase deformation with deformation‐enhanced recrystallization of titanite and/or different thermal peaks during a long‐standing, geographically fixed, high‐T regime in the mid‐crust of a continental magmatic arc. A clear correlation of the different ages with distinct tectonic events, e.g. collision of terranes, is not possible based on the present knowledge of the region.  相似文献   

Dating ultra‐high–pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks provides important timing constraints on deep subduction zone processes. Eclogites, deeply subducted rocks now exposed at the surface, undergo a wide range of metamorphic conditions (i.e. deep subduction and exhumation) and their mineralogy can preserve a detailed record of chronologic information of these dynamic processes. Here, we present an approach that integrates multiple radiogenic isotope systems in the same sample to provide a more complete timeline for the subduction–collision–exhumation processes, based on eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt in eastern China, one of the largest UHP terranes on Earth. In this study, we integrate garnet Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages with zircon and titanite U–Pb ages for three eclogite samples from the Sulu UHP terrane. We combine this age information with Zr‐in‐rutile temperature estimates, and relate these multiple chronometers to different P–T conditions. Two types of rutile, one present as inclusions in garnet and the other in the matrix, record the temperatures of UHP conditions and a hotter stage, subsequent to the peak pressure (‘hot exhumation') respectively. Garnet Lu–Hf ages (c. 238–235 Ma) record the initial prograde growth of garnet, while coupled Sm–Nd ages (c. 219–213 Ma) reflect cooling following hot exhumation. The maximum duration of UHP conditions is constrained by the age difference of these two systems in garnet (c. 235–220 Ma). Complementary zircon and titanite U–Pb ages of c. 235–230 Ma and c. 216–206 Ma provide further constraints on the timing of prograde metamorphism and the ‘cold exhumation' respectively. We demonstrate that timing of various metamorphic stages can thus be determined by employing complementary chronometers from the same samples. These age results, combined with published data from adjacent areas, show lateral diachroneity in the Dabie–Sulu orogeny. Three sub‐blocks are thus defined by progressively younger garnet ages: western Dabie (243–238 Ma), eastern Dabie–northern Sulu (238–235 Ma) and southern Sulu terranes (225–220 Ma), which possibly correlate to different crustal slices in the recently proposed subduction channel model. These observed lateral chronologic variations in a large UHP terrane can possibly be extended to other suture zones.  相似文献   

Prograde P–T–t paths of eclogites are often ambiguous owing to high variance of mineral assemblages, large uncertainty in isotopic age determinations and/or variable degree of retrograde equilibration. We investigated these issues using the barroisite eclogites from the Lanterman Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, which are relatively uncommon but free of retrogression. These eclogites revealed three stages of prograde metamorphism, defining two distinctive P–T trajectories, M1–2 and M3. Inclusion minerals in garnet porphyroblasts suggest that initial prograde assemblages (M1) consist of garnet+omphacite+barroisite/Mg‐pargasite+epidote+phengite+paragonite+rutile/titanite+quartz, and subsequent M2 assemblages of garnet+omphacite+barroisite+phengite+rutile±quartz. The inclusion‐rich inner part of garnet porphyroblasts preserves a bell‐shaped Mn profile of the M1, whereas the inclusion‐poor outer part (M2) is typified by the outward decrease in Ca/Mg and XFe (=Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)) values. A pseudosection modelling employing fractionated bulk‐rock composition suggests that the eclogites have initially evolved from ~15 to 20 kbar and 520–570°C (M1) to ~22–25 kbar and 630–650°C (M2). The latter is in accordance with P–T conditions estimated from two independent geothermobarometers: the garnet–clinopyroxene–phengite (~25 ± 3 kbar and 660 ± 100°C) and Zr‐in‐rutile (~650–700°C at 2227 kbar). The second segment (M3A–B) of prograde P–T path is recorded in the grossular‐rich overgrowth rim of garnet. Apart from disequilibrium growth of the M3A garnet, ubiquitous overgrowth of the M3B garnet permits us to estimate the P–T conditions at ~26 ± 3 kbar and 720 ± 80°C. The cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of zircon grains separated from a barroisite eclogite revealed three distinct zones with bright rim, dark mantle and moderately dark core. Eclogitic phases such as garnet, omphacite, epidote and rutile are present as fine‐grained inclusions in the mantle and rim of zircon, in contrast to their absence in the core. The sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb dating on metamorphic mantle domains and neoblasts yielded a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 515 ± 4 Ma (), representing the time of the M2 stage. On the other hand, overgrowth rims as well as bright‐CL neoblasts of zircon were dated at 498 ± 11 Ma (), corresponding to the M3. Average burial rates estimated from the M2 and M3 ages are too low (<2 mm/year) for cold subduction regime (~5–10°C/km), suggesting that an exhumation stage intervened between two prograde segments of P–T path. Thus, the P–T–t evolution of barroisite eclogites is typified by two discrete episodes with an c. 15 Ma gap during the middle Cambrian subduction of the Antarctic Ross Orogeny.  相似文献   

High‐precision 232Th–208Pb dates have been obtained from allanite porphyroblasts that show unambiguous microstructural relationships to fabrics in a major syn‐metamorphic fold in the SE Tauern Window, Austria. Three porphyroblasts were analysed from a single garnet mica schist from the Peripheral Schieferhülle in the core of the Ankogel Synform, one of a series of folds which developed shortly before the thermal peak of Alpine epidote–amphibolite facies metamorphism: allanite grain 1 provided two analyses with a combined age of 27.7 ± 0.7 Ma; grain 2, which was slightly bent and fractured during crenulation, provided two analyses with a combined age of 27.7 ± 0.4 Ma; a single analysis from grain 3, which overgrew an already crenulated fabric, gave an age of 28.0 ± 1.4 Ma. The five 232Th–208Pb ages agree within error and define an isochron with an age of 27.71 ± 0.36 Ma (95% confidence level; MSWD = 0.46). The results imply that the crenulation event was in progress in a short interval (<1 Ma) c. 28 Ma, and that the Ankogel Synform was forming at this time. The thermal peak of regional metamorphism in the SE Tauern Window was probably attained shortly after 28 Ma, only c. 5 Ma after eclogite facies metamorphism in the central Tauern Window. Metasediment may contain allanite porphyroblasts with clear‐cut microstructural relationships to fabric development and metamorphic crystallization; for such rocks, 232Th–208Pb dating on microsamples offers a powerful geochronological tool.  相似文献   

In the Chinese southwestern Tianshan (U)HP belt, former lawsonite presence has been predicted for many (U)HP metamorphic eclogites, but only a very few lawsonite grains have been found so far. We discovered armoured lawsonite relicts included in quartz, which, on its part, is enclosed in porphyroblastic garnet in an epidote eclogite H711‐14 and a paragonite eclogite H711‐29. H711‐14 is mainly composed of garnet, omphacite, epidote and titanite, with minor quartz, paragonite and secondary barroisite and glaucophane. Coarse‐grained titanite occasionally occurs in millimetre‐wide veins in equilibrium with epidote and omphacite, and relict rutile is only preserved as inclusions in matrix titanite and garnet. H711‐29 shows the mineral assemblage of garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, paragonite, quartz, dolomite, rutile and minor epidote. Dolomite and rutile are commonly rimed by secondary calcite and titanite respectively. Porphyroblastic garnet in both eclogites is compositionally zoned and exhibits an inclusion‐rich core overgrown by an inclusion‐poor rim. Phase equilibria modelling predicts that garnet cores formed at the P‐peak (490–505 °C and 23–25.5 kbar) and coexisted with the lawsonite eclogite facies assemblage of omphacite + glaucophane + lawsonite + quartz. Garnet rims (550–570 °C and ~20 kbar) grew subsequently during a post‐peak epidote eclogite facies metamorphism and coexisted with omphacite + quartz ± glaucophane ± epidote ± paragonite. The results confirm the former presence of a cold subduction zone environment in the Chinese southwestern Tianshan. The P–T evolution of the eclogites is characterized by a clockwise P–T path with a heating stage during early exhumation (thermal relaxation). The preservation of lawsonite in these eclogites is attributed to isolation from the matrix by quartz and rigid garnet, which should be considered as a new type of lawsonite preservation in eclogites. The complete rutile–titanite transition in H711‐14 took place in the epidote eclogite facies stage in the presence of an extremely CO2‐poor fluid with X(CO2) [CO2/(CO2 + H2O) in the fluid] <<0.008. In contrast, the incomplete rutile–titanite transition in H711‐29 may have occurred after the epidote eclogite facies stage and the presence of dolomite reflects a higher X(CO2) (>0.01) in the coexisting fluid at the epidote eclogite facies stage.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):969-983
The Ediacaran–Cambrian Petermann Orogeny, central Australia, is an exceptional example of intraplate orogenesis. It involved sub-eclogite facies metamorphism and extreme basin inversion during the exhumation of Musgrave Province basement from beneath the formerly contiguous Centralian Superbasin. Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb geochronology of zircon, titanite and rutile, along with Ti-in-zircon thermometry from meta-igneous samples, have been used to determine the timing and duration of high-pressure metamorphism and subsequent cooling associated with this orogenic event. Peak metamorphic temperatures of 720–760 °C were attained at 544 ± 7 Ma (U–Pb zircon). Subsequent cooling to 600–660 °C by ~ 521 Ma occurred at a rate of ~ 2.6–7.0 °C Myr 1, as recorded by the closure of Pb diffusion in titanite. Further cooling to 585–560 °C by 498–472 Ma occurred at a rate of 0.9–4.8 °C Myr 1, as recorded by Pb closure in rutile. The duration of tectonism was long-lived (> 40 Myr) across the central and western parts of the orogenic system, and deformation occurred in a comparatively warm and weak portion of crust, characterised by regional thermal gradients of 17–26 °C km 1. This proposed duration of tectonism is much longer than that permitted by a shear heating mechanism, which requires an exceptionally short duration of tectonism, and additionally, an overall cold lithosphere characterised by geothermal gradients of ~ 9 °C km 1.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria modelling, laser‐ablation split‐stream (LASS)‐ICP‐MS petrochronology and garnet trace‐element geochemistry are integrated to constrain the P–T–t history of the footwall of the Priest River metamorphic core complex, northern Idaho. Metapelitic, migmatitic gneisses of the Hauser Lake Gneiss contain the peak assemblage garnet + sillimanite + biotite ± muscovite + plagioclase + K‐feldspar ± rutile ± ilmenite + quartz. Interpreted P–T paths predict maximum pressures and peak metamorphic temperatures of ~9.6–10.3 kbar and ~785–790 °C. Monazite and xenotime 208Pb/232Th dates from porphyroblast inclusions indicate that metamorphism occurred at c. 74–54 Ma. Dates from HREE‐depleted monazite formed during prograde growth constrain peak metamorphism at c. 64 Ma near the centre of the complex, while dates from HREE‐enriched monazite constrain the timing of garnet breakdown during near‐isothermal decompression at c. 60–57 Ma. Near‐isothermal decompression to ~5.0–4.4 kbar was followed by cooling and further decompression. The youngest, HREE‐enriched monazite records leucosome crystallization at mid‐crustal levels c. 54–44 Ma. The northernmost sample records regional metamorphism during the emplacement of the Selkirk igneous complex (c. 94–81 Ma), Cretaceous–Tertiary metamorphism and limited Eocene exhumation. Similarities between the Priest River complex and other complexes of the northern North American Cordillera suggest shared regional metamorphic and exhumation histories; however, in contrast to complexes to the north, the Priest River contains less partial melt and no evidence for diapiric exhumation. Improved constraints on metamorphism, deformation, anatexis and exhumation provide greater insight into the initiation and evolution of metamorphic core complexes in the northern Cordillera, and in similar tectonic settings elsewhere.  相似文献   

LAICPMS in situ U–Pb monazite geochronology and P–T pseudosections are combined to evaluate the timing and physical conditions of metamorphism in the SE Anmatjira Range in the Aileron Province, central Australia. All samples show age peaks at c. 15801555 Ma, with three of five samples showing additional discrete age peaks between c. 1700 and 1630 Ma. P–T phase diagrams calculated for garnetsillimanitecordieriteK‐feldsparilmenite–melt bearing metapelitic rocks have overlapping peak mineral assemblage stability fields at ~870920 °C and ~6.57.2 kbar. P–T modelling of a fine‐grained spinelcordieritegarnetbiotite reaction microstructure suggests retrograde P–T conditions evolved down pressure and temperature to ~3–5.5 kbar and ~610–850 °C. The combined geochronological and P–T results indicate the SE Anmatjira Range underwent high‐temperature, low‐pressure metamorphism at c. 15801555 Ma, and followed an apparently clockwise retrograde path. The high apparent thermal gradient necessary to produce the estimated P–T conditions does not appear to reflect decompression of high‐P assemblages, nor is there syn‐metamorphic magmatism or structural evidence for extension. Similar to previous workers, we suggest the high‐thermal gradient P–T conditions could have been achieved by heating, largely driven by high heat production from older granites in the region.  相似文献   

LA‐ICP‐MS U–Pb detrital zircon studies typically analyse 50–200 grains per sample, with the consequent risk that minor but geologically important age components (e.g., the youngest detrital zircon population) are not detected, and higher abundance age components are misrepresented, rendering quantitative comparisons between samples impossible. This study undertook rapid U–Pb LA‐ICP‐MS analyses (8 s per 18–47 μm diameter spot including baseline and ablation) of zircon, apatite, rutile and titanite using an aerosol rapid introduction system (ARIS). As the ARIS resolves individual single pulses at fast sampling rates, spot analyses require a high repetition rate (> 50 Hz) so the signal does not return to baseline and mass sweep times (> 80 ms) that span several laser pulses (i.e., major undersampling of the signal). All rapid U–Pb spot analyses employed 250–300 pulses, repetition rates of 53–65 Hz (total ablation times of 4.1–5.7 s) and low fluence (1.75–2.5 J cm?2), resulting in pit depths of ca. 15 μm. Zircon, apatite, rutile and titanite reference material data yield an accuracy and precision (2s) of < 1% for pre‐Cenozoic reference materials and < 2% for younger reference materials. We present a detrital zircon data set from a Neoproterozoic tillite where > 1000 grains were analysed in < 3 h with a precision and accuracy comparable to conventional LA‐ICP‐MS analytical protocols, demonstrating the rapid acquisition of huge detrital data sets.  相似文献   

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses of U–Pb isotopes and trace elements in zircon and titanite were carried out on epoxy mounts and thin sections for ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite in association with paragneiss in the Dabie orogen. The results provide a direct link between metamorphic ages and temperatures during continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. Zircon U–Pb dating gives two groups of concordant ages at 242 ± 2 to 239 ± 5 Ma and 226 ± 2 to 224 ± 6 Ma, respectively. The Triassic zircon U–Pb ages are characterized by flat heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns typical of metamorphic growth. Ti‐in‐zircon thermometry for the two generations of metamorphic zircon yields temperatures of 697 ± 27 to 721 ± 8 °C and 742 ± 19 to 778 ± 34 °C, respectively. We interpret that the first episode of zircon growth took place during subduction prior to the onset of UHP metamorphism, whereas the second episode in the stage of exhumation from UHP to HP eclogite facies regime. Thus, the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism of sedimentary protolith is temporally associated with two episodes of fluid activity, respectively, predating and postdating the UHP metamorphic phase. The significantly high Ti‐in‐zircon temperatures for the younger zircon at lower pressures indicate the initial ‘hot’ exhumation after the peak UHP metamorphism. There are two types of titanite. One exhibits light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, steep MREE–HREE patterns and no Eu anomalies, and yields Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 551 to 605 °C at 0.5 GPa, and the other shows LREE depletion and flat MREE–HREE patterns, and gives Zr‐in‐titanite temperatures of 782–788 °C at 2.0 GPa. The former is amenable for U–Pb dating, yielding a discordia lower intercept age of 252 ± 3 Ma. Thus, the first type of titanite is interpreted to have grown in the absence of garnet and plagioclase and thus in the early stage of subduction. In contrast, the second one occurs as rims surrounding rutile cores and thus grew in the presence of garnet during the ‘hot’ exhumation. Therefore, there is multistage growth of zircon and titanite during the continental subduction‐zone metamorphism. The combined studies of chronometry and thermobarometry provide tight constraints on the P–T–t path of eclogites during the continental collision. It appears that the mid‐T/UHP eclogite facies zone would not only form by subduction of the continental crust in a P–T path slightly below the wet granite solidus, but also experience decompression heating during the initial exhumation.  相似文献   

U–Pb analyses of rutile and titanite commonly yield ages that constrain the timing of cooling rather than the timing of their crystallization. Rutile which grew at or close to peak temperature conditions in a mafic granulite, intermediate granulite and mafic amphibolite within juxtaposed litho/tectonostratigraphic units in the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) of NW Bhutan yield LA–MC–ICP–MS U–Pb lower intercept cooling ages of 10.1 ± 0.4, 10.8 ± 0.1 and 10.0 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively. Numerical finite‐difference diffusion models constrained by previously published temperature–time and Pb diffusion data suggest that these ages are best explained by rapid cooling from peak temperature conditions of ~800 °C at 14 Ma in the granulite‐bearing unit and ~650 °C at 12 Ma in the amphibolite‐bearing unit. The good fit between the model and analysed ages confirms the relatively high retention of Pb in rutile suggested by the experimental data. Titanite that grew during an exhumation‐related amphibolite facies overprint on an eclogite facies mineral assemblage from the neighbouring Jomolhari Massif yields a U–Pb lower intercept cooling age of 14.6 ± 1.2 Ma. Diffusion modelling suggests that this age is too old to be consistent with the temperature–time paths inferred for the rutile‐bearing samples. Instead, the titanite age suggests cooling from ~650 °C at an earlier time of 17–15 Ma, implying that the high‐grade rocks in the Jomolhari Massif experienced a different cooling history from the rest of the GHS in NW Bhutan. Together these data show that high‐grade rocks from three apparently different structural levels of the GHS in NW Bhutan experienced rapid cooling at >40 °C Ma?1 at varying times. The highest grade granulite facies rocks were exhumed from deeper structural levels that are not exposed, not preserved, or not yet recognized west of eastern Nepal. A progressive along‐strike change in tectonic regime, metamorphic history and/or exhumation mechanism across the orogen is implied by these thermochronologic data.  相似文献   

We report SHRIMP U–Th–Pb monazite, conventional U–Pb titanite, Sm–Nd garnet and Rb–Sr muscovite and biotite ages for metamorphic rocks from the Danba Domal Metamorphic Terrane in the eastern Songpan‐Garzê Orogenic Belt (eastern Tibet Plateau). These ages are used to determine the timing of polyphase metamorphic events and the subsequent cooling history. The oldest U–Th–Pb monazite and Sm–Nd garnet ages constrain an early Barrovian metamorphism (M1) in the interval c. 204–190 Ma, coincident with extensive Indosinian granitic magmatism throughout the Songpan‐Garzê Orogenic Belt. A second, higher‐grade sillimanite‐grade metamorphic event (M2), recorded only in the northern part of the Danba terrane, was dated at c. 168–158 Ma by a combination of U–Th–Pb monazite and titanite and Sm–Nd garnet ages. It is suggested that M1 was a thermal event that affected the entire orogenic belt while M2 may represent a local thermal perturbation. Rb–Sr muscovite ages range from c. 138–100 Ma, whereas Rb–Sr biotite ages cluster at c. 34–24 Ma. These ages document regional cooling at rates of c. 2–3 °C Myr?1 following the M1 peak for most of the terrane. However, those parts of the terrane affected by the higher‐temperature M2 event (e.g. the migmatite zone) experienced initially more rapid (c. 8 °C Myr?1) cooling after peak M2 before joining the regional slow cooling path defined by the rest of the terrane at c. 138 Ma. Regional slow cooling between c. 138 and c. 30 Ma is thought to be the result of post‐tectonic isostatic uplift after extensive crustal thickening caused by collision of the South and North China Blocks. The clustering of biotite Rb–Sr ages marks the onset of rapid uplift across the entire terrane commencing at c. 30–20 Ma. This cooling history is shared with many other regions of the Tibet Plateau, suggesting that uplift of the Tibet Plateau (including the Songpan‐Garzê Orogenic Belt) occurred predominantly in the last c. 30 Myr as a response to the continuing northwards collision of India with Eurasia.  相似文献   

The South Tien Shan (STS) belt results from the last collision event in the western Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Understanding its formation is of prime importance in the general framework of the CAOB. The Atbashi Range preserves high‐P (HP) rocks along the STS suture, but still, its global metamorphic evolution remains poorly constrained. Several HP units have been identified: (a) a HP tectonic mélange including boudins of mafic eclogites in a sedimentary matrix, (b) a large (>100 km long) high‐P metasedimentary unit (HPMU) and (c) a lower blueschist facies accretionary prism. Raman Spectroscopy on carbonaceous material combined with phengite and chlorite multiequilibria and isochemical phase diagram modelling indicates that the HPMU recorded homogeneous P–T conditions of 23–25 kbar and 560–570°C along the whole unit. 40Ar/39Ar dating on phengite from the HPMU ranges between 328 and 319 Ma at regional scale. These ages are interpreted as (re‐) crystallization ages of phengite during Tmax conditions at a pressure range of 20–25 kbar. Thermobarometry on samples from the HP tectonic mélange provides similar metamorphic peak conditions. Thermobarometry on the blueschist to lower greenschist facies accretionary prism indicates that it underwent P–T conditions of 5–6 kbar and 290–340°C, highlighting a 17–20 kbar pressure gap between the HPMU‐tectonic mélange units and the accretionary prism. Comparison with available geochronological data suggests a very short time span between the prograde path (340 Ma), HP metamorphic peak (330 Ma), the Tmax (328–319 Ma) and the final exhumation of the HPMU (303–295 Ma). Extrusion of the HPMU, accommodated by a basal thrust and an upper detachment, was driven by buoyant forces from 70–75 km up to 60 km depth, which directly followed continental subduction and detachment of the HPMU. At crustal depths, extrusion was controlled by collisional tectonics up to shallow levels. Lithological homogeneity of the HPMU and its continental‐derived character from the North Tien Shan suggest this unit corresponds to the hyper‐extended continental margin of the Kazakh continent, subducted southward below the north continental active margin of the Tarim craton. Integration of the available geological data allows us to propose a general geodynamic scenario for Tien Shan during the Carboniferous with a combination of (a) N‐dipping subduction below the Kazakh margin of Middle Tien Shan until 390–340 Ma and (b) S‐dipping subduction of remaining Turkestan marginal basins between 340 and 320 Ma.  相似文献   

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