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Clinochlore, which is, within the limits of error, the thermally most stable member of the Mg-chlorites, breaks down at = P tot to the assemblage enstatite+forsterite+spinel+H2O along a univariant curve located at 11 kb, 838 ° C; 15kb, 862 ° C; and 18 kb, 880 ° C (±1 kb ±10 ° C). At water pressures above that of an invariant point at 20.3 kb and 894 ° C involving the phases clinochlore, enstatite, forsterite, spinel, pyrope, and hydrous vapor, clinochlore disintegrates to pyrope+forsterite+spinel+H2O. The resulting univariant curve has a steep, negative dP/dT slope of –930 bar/ °C at least up to 35 kb.Thus, given the proper chemical environment, Mg-chlorites have the potential of appearing as stable phases within the earth's upper mantle to maximum depths between about 60 and 100 km depending on the prevailing undisturbed geotherm, and to still greater depths in subduction zones. However, unequivocal criteria for mantle derived Mg-chlorites are difficult to find in ultrabasic rocks.  相似文献   

The assemblage paragonite + quartz is encountered frequently in low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks. With rising grade of metamorphism they react mutually to yield the condensed assemblage albite + Al2SiO5.The univariant curve pertaining to the equilibrium paragonite + quartz=albite + andalusite + H2O has been located experimentally. The reversed P H 2 O-T data are: 1 kb: 470–490° C 2 kb: 510–530° C 3 kb: 540–560° C 4 kb: 560–580° C 5 kb: 590–600° C The univariant curve pertaining to the equilibrium paragonite + quartz=albite + kyanite + H2O runs through the following P H 2 O-T-intervals: 5 kb: 570–625° C 6 kb: 600–630° C 7 kb: 620–640° C Thermodynamic calculations of S 298 0 , H f,298 0 and G f,298 0 of the phase paragonite from the experimental data presented above and those obtained from the equilibria of the reaction paragonite=albite + corundum + H2O (Chatterjee, 1970), agree within the limits of uncertainty. This prompts the idea that Zen's (1969) suggestion of a possible error of approximately 7 kcal in G f,298 0 of the Al2SiO5 polymorphs may in fact be due to an error of similar magnitude in G f,298 0 of corundum.A best estimate of S 298 0 , H f,298 0 and G f,298 0 of paragonite based on these considerations yield: S 298 0 : 67.61±3.9 cal deg–1 gfw–1 H f,298 0 : –1411.4±2.7 kcal gfw–1 G f,298 0 : –1320.9±4.0 kcal gfw–1 These numbers will be subject to change when better thermochemical data on corundum and albite are available.In medium-grade metamorphic rocks the assemblage paragonite + quartz is commonly found in stable coexistence with such other phases as muscovite, staurolite, andalusite, kyanite, but not with cordierite or sillimanite. However, the assemblage paragonite-sillimanite has been reported to be stable in the absence of quartz. All these petrologic observations can be explained on the basis of the stability data of the phases and phase assemblages concerned.  相似文献   

The exchange equilibrium between plagioclase and amphibole, 2 albite+tschermakite=2 anorthite+glaucophane, has been calibrated empirically using data from natural amphibolites. The partition coefficient, K D, for the exchange reaction is (X an/X ab)plag ·(Na, M4/Ca, M4)amph.. Partitioning is systematic between plagioclase and amphibole in suites collected from single exposures, but the solid solutions are highly non-ideal: values of In K D range from –3.0 at X an=0.30 to –1.0 at X an=0.90 in samples from a single roadcut. Changes in both K D and the topology of the ternary reciprocal exchange diagram occur with increasing metamorphic grade. Temperature dependence of In K D is moderate with ¯H35 to 47 kcal at X an=0.25; pressure dependence is small with ¯V –0.24 cal/bar. Usefulness of this exchange equilibrium as a geothermometer is restricted by uncertainties in the calculation of the amphibole formula from a microprobe analysis, especially with regard to Na, M4 in amphibole, to approximately ±50 ° C.  相似文献   

The high-pressure schist terranes of New Caledonia and Sanbagawa were developed along the oceanic sides of sialic forelands by tectonic burial metamorphism. The parent rocks were chemically similar, as volcanic-sedimentary trough or trench sequences, and metamorphic temperatures in both belts were 250° to 600° C. From phase equilibria curves, total pressures were higher for New Caledonia (6–15 kb) than for Sanbagawa (5–11 kb) and the estimated thermal gradients were 7–10° C/km and 15° C/km respectively.PT paths identify the higher pressure in New Caledonia (P differences 2 kb at 300° C and 4 kb at 550° C) with consequent contrast in progressive regional metamorphic zonation for pelites in the two areas: lawsonite-epidote-omphacite (New Caledonia) and chlorite-garnet-biotite (Sanbagawa). In New Caledonia the Na-amphibole is dominantly glaucophane and Na-pyroxenes associated with quartz are Jadeite (Jd95–100) and omphacite; in Sanbagawa the amphibole is crossite or riebeckite and the pyroxene is omphacite (Jd50). For both areas, garnet rims show increase in pyrope content with advancing grade, but Sanbagawa garnets are richer in almandine. Progressive assemblages within the two belts can be equated by such reactions as:New Caledonia Sanbagawa glaucophane+paragonite+H2Oalbite+chlorite+quartz glaucophane+epidote+H2Oalbite+chlorite+actinolite and the lower pressure Japanese associations appear as retrogressive phases in the New Caledonia epidote and omphacite zones.The contrasts inPT gradient, regional zonation and mineralogy are believed due to differences in the tectonic control of metamorphic burial: for New Caledonia, rapid obduction of an upper sialic plate over an inert oceanic plate and sedimentary trough; and for Sanbagawa, slower subduction of trench sediments beneath a relatively immobile upper plate.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted at 6–30 kb and 875–1200°C on two garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from the Bullenmerri and Gnotuk Maars of western Victoria, Australia. The (garnet + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + spinel) assemblage of DR9734 was stable between 10 and 12.5 kb, and 950 and 1,050°C. The compositions of its natural mineral phases were most closely approximated in experiments at 12.5 kb and 1,000–1,050°C. The (garnet + spinel + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + amphibole) assemblage of DR10165 was stable at pressures > 8 kb and temperatures > 950°C. However, differences between natural and experimental mineral compositions indicate that the mineral assemblage of this xenolith persisted metastably after cooling below 950°C with chemical exchange continuing down to approximately 850–900°C. When the experimental data for DR9734 and DR10165 are applied to mineralogical data for other mafic and ultramafic xenoliths from the Bullenmerri and Gnotuk Maars, they indicate that previous pressure and temperature estimates for individual xenoliths are 2–3 kb and 50°C too high. These corrections increase average temperatures for the geotherm beneath western Victoria by about 50°C over a depth range of 30–45 km and confirm its perturbed (high-temperature) character.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304 (Lower Crustal Processes)  相似文献   

Several petrologic experiments have demonstrated that in igneous and metamorphic reactions amphibole minerals can break down by a subsolidus dehydration reaction, but evidence for the reaction in natural rocks has been lacking. Evidence for the breakdown of an edenite-pargasite amphibole by a subsolidus dehydration reaction has now been found in an andesite flow from Garner Mountain, southern Cascase Range. The andesite contains one modal percent of crystal clots formed of crystallites of opx, cpx, plag, K-spar, opaque and quartz. The crystal clots retain the original amphibole morphology and intra-clot pyroxenes are aligned with crystallographic c parallel to c in the amphibole precursor; these conditions would not be duplicated by a melting reaction.Microprobe analyses of the bulk clot and the intra-clot minerals suggest the solid-state reaction: 100 amph+10 SiO2=>55 cpx+33 plag+22 opx+ 1 opq+1 ksparPyroxene thermometry of the andesite groundmass pyroxenes and the intra-clot pyroxenes demonstrates that the amphibole dehydration reaction occurred in the xenocrystic amphiboles as a result of heating by the near-solidus andesite magma.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Grad der frühalpinen Metamorphose im Schneebergerzug und angrenzenden Altkristallin ist charakterisiert durch die beginnende Stabilität von posttektonisch gewachsenem Staurolith und Disthen am Nordrand des Schneebergerzuges. Das erste Auftreten von Staurolith ist durch erhöhten ZnO-Gehalt im Gestein kontrolliert, der im Staurolith mit maximal 5,6 Gew.% konzentriert ist. Erst südlich des Schneebergerzuges werden die Temperaturbedingungen der disk ontinuierlichen Mineralreaktion Granat + Chlorit + Muskovit = Staurolith + Biotit + Quarz + H2O überschritten. Die Staurolithbildung in paragonitreichen Schiefern wird der Mineralreaktion Paragonit + Chlorit + Quarz = = Staurolith + Albit + H2O zugeschrieben.Die häufige stabile Paragenese Paragonit + Quarz im chemisch reinen System limitiert die Maximaltemperaturen der frühalpinen Metamorphose mit einer thermodynamisch berechneten Temperatur von 570°C (5 kb). Mischkristallbildung, die im Albit stärker ist als im Paragonit und Verdünnung der Gasphase in Graphit-haltigen Gesteinen führte zur Instabilität von Paragonit und Quarz bei deutlich tieferen Temperaturen. Der Mg/Fe-Verteilungskoeffizient zwischen Granat und Biotit in bivarianten Paragenesen des Schneebergerzuges wird um einen Wert von 0,003 pro Mol.% Grossularkomponente im Granat erniedrigt.Die Verteilungskoeffizienten werden für diese Beeinflussung korrigiert und ergeben Gleichgewichtstemperaturen zwischen 548° und 577°C (5 kb). Eine weitere Erniedrigung des Verteilungskoeffizienten von Mg/Fe zwischen Granat und Biotit ist in Paragenesen mit zinkreichem Staurolith zu beobachten. Das Auftreten von Disthen läßt auf einen Mindestdruck während der frühalpinen Metamorphose von 5 kb bei 570°C schließen.
Mineral reactions and conditions of metamorphism in metapelites of the Western Schneebergerzug and the Adjacent Altkristallin (Ötztal Alps)
Summary Conditions of metamorphism of the Schneebergerzug and adjacent Altkristallin are characterised by a posttectonic staurolite- and kyanite-microblastesis in the northernmost Schneebergerzug-rocks.Formation of staurolite is favoured by high ZnO-contents, which rise to 5.6 wt.% in staurolite. With increasing grade of metamorphism towards the south, the zone of continuous staurolite formation is limited by the reaction: garnet + chlorite + muscovite = = staurolite + biotite + quartz + H2O in Altkristallin rocks south of the Schneebergerzug. Staurolite-formation in paragonite-rich micaschists is due to the reaction: chlorite + + paragonite + quartz = staurolite + albite + H2O.Maximum conditions of metamorphism are limited by the occurrence of the stable assemblage paragonite + quartz with a calculated temperature of 570°C (5 kb). Breakdown of paragonite + quartz occurred at lowr temperatures due to solid solution, which is more dominant in albite than in paragonite, and a CH4-rich fluid in graphitic schists. Mg/Fe-exchange geothermometry between garnet and biotite gives temperature between 548°C and 577°C (5 kb). Partition coefficients in divariant AFM-assemblages of the Schneebergerzug rocks are affected by–0.003 per mol.% Ca/(Ca+Mg+Fe+Mn) in garnet andK D-values have been corrected before computing the temperatures. An additional lowering ofK D-values is observed in mineral assemblages containing zinc-rich staurolite.Pressure conditions of 5 kb are minimum values due to the presence of kyanite in the Schneebergerzug rocks.

Symbole G P,T Änderung der freien Enthalpie der Reaktion bei Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen - G 0 Änderung der freien Enthalpie der Reaktion bei Standardbedingungen (reine Minerale und ideale Gase bei 1 b Druck und allen Temperaturen - V s Änderung des Volumens der festen Phasen der Reaktion - R Gaskonstante - T Temperatur - P Druck Abkürzungen der Mineralnamen Alb Albit - Bio Biotit - Chl Chlorit - Dis Disthen - Gra Granat - Mar Margarit - Mus Muskovit - Par Paragonit - Plg Plagioklas - Qua Quarz - Sta Staurolith Herkunft der Proben aufgrund der Bezeichnung LT Langtal - PL, PO Pfelderertal - PR, P, PF Pfossental - R Rotmoostal - S Schrottner - SW Seebertal - T Timmelsjoch - O Gaisbergtal Mit 9 Abbildungen  相似文献   

The mineral paragonite, NaAl2[AlSi3O10 (OH)]2, has been synthesized on its own composition starting from a variety of different materials. Indexed powder data and refined cell parameters are given for both the 1M and 2M1 polymorphs obtained. The upper stability limit of paragonite is marked by its breakdown to albite + corundum + vapour. The univariant equilibria pertaining to this reaction have been established by reversing the reaction at six different pressures, the equilibrium curve running through the following intervals: 1 kb: 530°–550° C 2 kb: 555°–575° C 3 kb: 580°–600° C 5kb: 625°–640° C 6 kb: 620°–650° C 7 kb: 650°–670° C.Comparison with the upper stability limit of muscovite (Velde, 1966) shows that paragonite has a notably lower thermal stability thus explaining the field observation that paragonite is absent in many higher grade metamorphic rocks in which muscovite is still stable.The enthalpy and entropy of the paragonite breakdown reaction have been estimated. Since intermediate albites of varying structural states are in equilibrium with paragonite, corundum and H2O along the univariant equilibrium curve, two sets of data pertaining to the entropy of paragonite (S 298 0 ) as well as the enthalpy ( H f,298 0 ) and Gibbs free energy ( G f,298 0 ) of its formation were computed, assuming (1) high albite and (2) low albite as the equilibrium phase. The values are: (1) (2) S 298 0 67.8±3.9 cal deg–1 gfw–1 63.7±3.9 cal deg–1 gfw–1 H f,298 0 –1417.9±2.7 kcal gfw–1 –1420.2±2.6 kcal gfw–1 G f,298 0 –1327.4±4.0 kcal gfw–1 –1328.5±4.0 kcal gfw–1.Adapted from a part of the author's Habilitationsschrift accepted by the Ruhr University, Bochum (Chatterjee, 1968).  相似文献   

Deerite, Fe 12 2+ Fe 6 3+ [Si12O40](OH)10, thus far known from ten localities in glaucophane schist terranes, was synthesized at water pressures of 20–25 kb and temperatures of 550–600 °C under the of the Ni/NiO buffer. The X-ray powder diagram, lattice constants and infrared spectrum of the synthetic phase are closely similar to those of the natural mineral. A solid solution series extends from this ferri-deerite end member to some 20 mole % of a hypothetical alumino-deerite, Fe 12 2+ Al 6 3+ [Si12O40](OH)10. The upper temperature breakdown of ferri-deerite to the assemblage ferrosilite +magnetite+quartz+water occurs at about 490 °C at 15 kb, and 610 °C at 25 kb fluid pressure for the of the Ni/NiO buffer. Extrapolation of these data to lower water pressures indicates that deerite can be a stable mineral only in very low-temperature, high-pressure environments.  相似文献   

Pyrope and quartz are stable with respect to aluminous enstatite and sillimanite at 1400 °C, 20 kb and at 1100 °C, 16 kb. The phase boundary limiting the coexistence of pyrope and quartz towards lower pressures is probably slightly curved. A slope of 15 bars/°C at 1400° and of 10 bars/°C at 1000 °C has been estimated from the experimental data. Between 1050 and 1100 °C the curve is intersected by the kyanite-sillimanite phase boundary. The calculated slope of the reaction aluminous enstatite + kyanite pyrope + quartz is negative (ca. 18–25 bars/°C). The existence of a negative slope has been demonstrated experimentally. Experimental evidence indicates that the assemblage aluminous enstatite and sillimanite is metastable with respect to sapphirine + quartz at high temperature. The invariant point involving the phases pyrope-sapphirine-aluminous enstatite-sillimanite-quartz is estimated to occur at 1125°±25 °C and 16±1 kb. A model phase diagram for the silicasaturated part of the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 has been constructed. The position of three invariant points in this system has been estimated on the basis of presently available data.  相似文献   

The transition from feldspar amphibolite to eclogite is a very wide P-T field that extends from some-where close to 5 kbar where the garnet-amphibole pair starts to appear, to 10–20 kbar at albite-out reaction, then up to 25–30 kbar where an hydrated phase such as amphibole can be stable with pyroxene and garnet. Thus the assemblage garnet (py)+ amphibole (tr)+epidote (cz)±plagioclase (ab)±clinopyroxene (di)±quartz (qz)±fluid is commonly reported in a large number of metamorphic terrains. These mineral phases are complex solid-solutions which adapt to variations in environmental conditions mainly by means of continuous reactions. The reaction space, introduced by. Thompson in 1982a, provides a very elegant and powerful tool to approach these high-variance assemblages. The reactions:

Sapphirine occurs in the orthopyroxene-cordierite and feldspar-sillimanite granulites in the Sipiwesk Lake area of the Pikwitonei granulite terrain, Manitoba (97°40W, 55°05N). The orthopyroxene-cordierite granulites have extremely high Al2O3 (24.5 wt%) and MgO (24.6 wt%) contents and contain sapphirine (up to 69.2 wt% Al2O3), aluminous orthopyroxene (up to 8.93 wt% Al2O3), cordierite, spinel, phlogopite, and corundum. Sapphirine forms coronas mantling spinel and corundum. Corona sapphirine is zoned and its composition varies through the substitution (Mg, Fe, Mn) Si=2 Al as a function of the phases with which it is in contact. Textural and chemical relationships of sapphirine with coexisting phases indicate that spinel + cordierite reacted to form orthopyroxene + sapphirine under conditions of increasing pressure. Moreover, decreasing core to rim variation of Al2O3 in orthopyroxene porphyroblasts suggests decreasing temperature during sapphirine formation. On the basis of experimentally determined P-T stability of the assemblage enstatite + sapphirine + cordierite, and the Al content of hypothetical Fe2+-free orthopyroxene associated with sapphirine and cordierite, metamorphic temperatures and pressures are estimated to be 860–890° C and 3.0–11.2 kbar.In the feldspar-sillimanite granulites, sapphirine occurs as a relict phase mantled by sillimanite and/or by successive coronas of sillimanite and garnet. These textural relations suggest the reaction sapphirine + garnet + quartz = orthopyroxene + sillimanite with decreasing temperature. Compositions of minerals in the assemblage garnet-orthopyroxene-sillimanite-plagioclase-quartz, indicate metamorphic P-T conditions of 780–880° C and 9±1 kb.The metamorphic conditions estimated in this study suggest that the sapphirine bearing granulites in the Sipiwesk Lake area represent Archean lower crustal rocks. Their formation might be related to the crustal thickening processes in this area as suggested by Hubregtse (1980) and Weber (1983).  相似文献   

This work reports the synthesis of ferri-clinoholmquistite, nominally Li2(Mg3Fe3+2)Si8O22(OH)2, at varying fO2 conditions. Amphibole compositions were characterized by X-ray (powder and single-crystal) diffraction, microchemical (EMPA) and spectroscopic (FTIR, Mössbauer and Raman) techniques. Under reducing conditions ( NNO+1, where NNO = Nickel–Nickel oxide buffer), the amphibole yield is very high (>90%), but its composition, and in particular the FeO/Fe2O3 ratio, departs significantly from the nominal one. Under oxidizing conditions ( NNO+1.5), the amphibole yield is much lower (<60%, with Li-pyroxene abundant), but its composition is close to the ideal stoichiometry. The exchange vector of relevance for the studied system is M2(Mg,Fe2+) M4(Mg,Fe2+) M2Fe3+–1 M4Li–1, which is still rather unexplored in natural systems. Amphibole crystals of suitable size for structure refinement were obtained only at 800 °C, 0.4 GPa and NNO conditions (sample 152), and have C2/m symmetry. The X-ray powder patterns for all other samples were indexed in the same symmetry; the amphibole closest to ideal composition has a = 9.428(1) Å, b = 17.878(3) Å, c = 5.282(1) Å, = 102.06(2)°, V = 870.8(3) Å3. Mössbauer spectra show that Fe3+ is strongly ordered at M2 in all samples, whereas Fe2+ is disordered over the B and C sites. FTIR analysis shows that the amount of CFe2+ increases for increasingly reducing conditions. FTIR data also provide strong evidence for slight but significant amounts of Li at the A sites.  相似文献   

Iron chlorites with compositions intermediate between the two end-members daphnite (Fe5Al2Si3O10(OH)8) and pseudothuringite (Fe4Al4Si2O10(OH)8) were synthesized from mixtures of reagent chemicals. The polymorph with a 7 Å basal spacing initially crystallized from these mixtures at 300 °C and 2 kb after two weeks. Conversion to a 14 Å chlorite required a further 6 weeks at 550 °C. Shorter conversion times were required at higher water pressures. The products contained up to 20% impurities.The maximum equilibrium decomposition temperature for iron chlorite, approximately 550 °C at 2kb, is at an between assemblages (1) and (2) listed below. Synthetic iron chlorite will break down by various reactions with variable P, T, and fugacity of oxygen. For the composition FeAlSi = 523, the sequence of high temperature breakdown products with increasing traversing the magnetite field for P total = =2kb is: (1) corierite+ fayalite+hercynite; (2) cordierite+fay alite+magnetite; (3) cordierite+magnetite+quartz; (4) magnetite+mullite+quartz. Almandine should replace cordierite in assemblages (1) and (2) but it did not nucleate. The significance of the relationship between iron cordierite and almandine in this system is discussed.At water pressures from 4 to 8.5 kb and at the nickel-bunsite buffer, iron chlorite+quartz break down to iron gedrite+magnetite with temperature 550 to 640 °C along the curve. At temperatures 50 °C greater and along a parallel curve, almandine replaces iron gedrite. For on this buffer curve, almandine is unstable below approximately 4 kb for temperatures to approximately 750 °C.  相似文献   

The reaction chlorite+muscovite=staurolite+biotite+quartz+vapor has been experimentally determined and reversible equilibrium has been demonstrated. At an oxygen fugacity corresponding to that of the FMQ buffer and using a starting mixture with a Mg/Mg+Fe ratio of 0.4, the equilibrium conditions of the reaction are 565±15°C at 7 kb and 540±15°C at 4 kb. The preliminary maximum stability of staurolite in the presence of quartz, muscovite, and biotite has been established at the following conditions: 675±15°C at 5.5 kb and 575±15°C at 2 kb. The results of both investigations are in good agreement with other experimental data and with petrographical observations. Furthermore, equilibria between minerals in medium-grade pelitic rocks are deduced from theoretical considerations and the effect of T, P solid, , on some dehydration reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

High pressure experimental studies of the melting of lherzolitic upper mantle in the absence of carbon and hydrogen have shown that the lherzolite solidus has a positive dP/dT and that the percentage melting increases quite rapidly above the solidus. In contrast, the presence of carbon and hydrogen in the mantle results in a region of ‘incipient’ melting at temperatures below the C,H-free solidus. In this region the presence or absence of melt and the composition of the melt are dependent on the amount and nature of volatiles, particularly the CO2, H2O, and CH4 contents of the potential C-H-O fluid. Under conditions of low (IW to IW + 1 log unit atP ∼ 20–35kb), fluids such as CH4+H2O and CH4+H2 inhibit melting, having a low solubility in silicate melts. Under these conditions, carbon and hydrogen are mobile elements in the upper mantle. At slightly higher oxygen fugacity (IW+2 log units,P∼20–35 kb) fluids in equilibrium with graphite or diamond in peridotite C-H-O are extremely water-rich. Carbon is thus not mobile in the mantle in this range and the melting and phase relations for the upper mantle lherzolite approximate closely to the peridotite-H2O system. Pargasitic amphibole is stable to solidus temperatures in fertile lherzolite compositions and causes a distinctive peridotite solidus, the ‘dehydration solidus’, with a marked change in slope (a ‘back bend’) at 29–30kb due to instability of pargasite at high pressure. Intersections of geothermal gradients with the peridotite-H2O solidi define the boundary between lithosphere (subsolidus) and asthenosphere (incipient melt region). This boundary is thus sensitive to changes in [affecting CH4:H2O:CO2 ratios] and to the amount of H2O and carbon (CO2, CH4) present. At higher conditions (IW + 3 log units), CO2-rich fluids occur at low pressures but there is a marked depression of the solidus at 20–21 kb due to intersection with the carbonation reaction, producing the low temperature solidus for dolomite amphibole lherzolite (T∼925°C, 21 to >31kb). Melting of dolomite (or magnesite) amphibole lherzolite yields primary sodic dolomitic carbonatite melt with low H2O content, in equilibrium with amphibole garnet lherzolite. The complexity of melting in peridotite-C-H-O provides possible explanations for a wide range of observations on lithosphere/asthenosphere relations, on mantle melt and fluid compositions, and on processes of mantle metasomatism and magma genesis in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The polymorphic transformation between synthetic pyroxmangite and rhodonite of MnSiO3 composition has been reversibly bracketed in the presence of water at 3 kbar (between 425 ° and 450 ° C), 6 kbar (between 475 ° and 525 ° C), 20 kbar (between 500 ° and 900 ° C), 25 kbar (between 800 ° and 900 ° C) and 30 kbar (between 900 ° and 1,000 ° C), using standard cold-seal pressure vessels and piston cylinder apparatus. Oxygen fugacities buffered by the bomb walls and piston-cylinder cell assemblies sufficed to keep manganese in the divalent state. Pyroxmangite of MnSiO3 composition is shown to be the high-pressure, low-temperature polymorph with respect to rhodonite of the same composition. It is a stable phase at atmospheric pressure below 350–405 ° C.X-ray data for synthetic pyroxmangite are presented. The unit-cell parameters (a0=6.717(2) Å, b0=7.603(1)Å, c0=17.448(5) Å, =113 °50(1), = 82 °21(2), =94 °43(1); space group P-1) give a unit-cell volume (807.5(0.3) Å3) which, in accordance with other recent least squares lattice refinements of hydrothermally synthesized material, is slightly smaller than that obtained by single-crystal work on anhydrously synthesized material.Application of the present results to natural rocks is severely restricted due to the great variety and extent of cationic substitutions observed in natural pyroxenoids. The univariant polymorphic transformation determined for the MnSiO3 composition is thus replaced in natural systems by a divariant field in which pyroxmangite and rhodonite of differing composition will stably coexist.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of the Di50CaTs50 clinopyroxene Ca(Mg0.5Al0.5) (Al0,5Si1.5)O6, synthesized at T=1 100°C andP=14 kb, was refined in the C 2/c space group. Cell parameters are:a=9.655,b=8.771,c= 5.278 Å, =106.22°. The finalR value is: 2.1%. Comparison with the Di and CaTs structures shows that the variation of the M 2-0, M 1-0 and T-0 bond lengths is continuous and almost linear in the clinopyroxene solid solutions along the Di-CaTs join. The modifications caused in M 2 and M 1 polyhedra by shifting in tetrahedral chains along z are significant. The different values of shifts with composition account for the anomalous trend for the angle in the DiCaTs solid solution.
La structure cristalline du clinopyroxène synthétique CaMgo0.5AlSil1.5O6 (Di50CaTs50). La cristallochime le long du joint Di-CaTs
Résumé La structure cristalline du clinopyroxáne Ca(Mg0.5Al0.5)(Al0.5Si1.5)O6 (Di50CaTs50), cristallisé á T= 1100° etP=14 kb, a été affinée dans le groupe spatial C 2/c. Les paramétres de la maille sont:a=9.655,b=8.771,c=5.278 Å, =106.22°. La valeur finale deR est 2.1%. La comparaison avec les structures de Di et de CaTs montre que le variation des longueures de liaison M 2-0, M 1-0 et T-0 est continue et presque linéaire pour les clinopyroxénes le long du joint Di-CaTs. Le déplacement des chaines tétraédriques le long de l'axe z cause de remarquables modifications dans les polyèdres M 2 et M 1. Les différentes valeurs du déplacement le long de l'axe z avec la composition expliquent la tendance anomale du paramétre de la maille le long du joint.

The stability and partial melting of synthetic pargasite in the presence of enstatitic orthopyroxene (opx), forsterite, diopsidic clinopyroxene (cpx), plagioclase (An50), and water has been studied in the range of 0.4–6.0 kb and 750–1000°C in the system Na2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O with a fixed bulk composition of pargasite+5 opx. The addition of orthopyroxene effectively reduces the stability field of pargasite by approximately 200°C at 1 kb. The invariant point involving pargasite coexisting with water-saturated liquid and anhydrous phase shifts from about 0.85 kb and 1025°C to 2.5±0.5 kb and 925±25°C with the addition of opx. Based on the solidus mineral assemblage and direct chemical analysis of quenched glass, the vapor-saturated liquid has a composition close to that of intermediate plagioclase. A layered silicate, interpreted to be Na-phlogopite, has an upper-thermal stability that nearly equals that of pargasite in the field of partial melting and coexists with liquid, pargasite, cpx, and forsterite at 6 kb, 1000°C. These results support the hypothesis that mantle metasomatism could involve formation of pargasitic amphibole from a silicate melt at depths as shallow as 8–10 km.  相似文献   

Feldspathic hornblende granulites from Doubtful Sound, New Zealand with the assemblage plagioclase+hornblende+clinopyroxene+orthopy-roxene +oxide+apatite are criss-crossed by a network of garnetiferous anorthosite veins and pegmatites. The feldspathic gneiss in contact with anorthosite has a reaction zone containing the assemblage plagioclase +garnet+clinopyroxene+quartz+rutile+apatite. The garnet forms distinctive coronas around clinopyroxene. The origin of these rocks is discussed in the light of mineral and whole rock chemical analyses and published experimental work.It is thought that under conditions leading up to 750 °C, 8 kb load pressure and 5 kb H2O pressure, partial melting occured in feldspathic hornblende granulites. The melt migrated into extensional fractures and eventually crystallised as anorthosite pegmatites and veins. The gneisses adjacent to the pegmatites from which the melt was extracted changed composition slightly, by the loss of H2O and Na2O, so that plagioclase reacted simultaneously with hornblende, orthopyroxene, and oxide to form garnet, clinopyroxene, quartz and rutile.  相似文献   

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