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We compared the genetic diversity of three dominant myctophid fishes in the North Pacific Ocean that have different diel vertical migration patterns on the basis of the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial gene for cytochrome b. No genetic structure was detected for each of these three species. The genetic diversity progressively increased for Diaphus theta, a diel migrant species showing clear diel vertical migration; Stenobrachius leucopsarus, a semi-diel migrant, in which only part of the population migrates vertically; S. nannochir, a non-diel migrant. All three species were suggested to have experienced a recent, sudden population expansion. Interspecific differences in genetic diversity might be attributable to differences in the degree of population size reduction during the glacial periods; this degree in turn corresponds to the energy demand of the fishes.  相似文献   

Zooplankton diel vertical migration is evident on the mixed isothermal side of the western Irish Sea frontal system but is often influenced by large tides and persistent geostrophic currents. On the stratified side of the front, temperature acts as a controlling factor with most of the zooplankton occurring above the thermocline and carrying out pronounced vertical migration when chlorophyll a levels are low and diffuse. At higher chlorophyll levels, when discrete chlorophyll a maxima form, zooplankton vertical movement may be greatly modified with a large number of species and stages concentrating within these maxima at all times of the diel light cycle.  相似文献   

We investigated the diel vertical migration of Euphausia pacifica in relation to molt and reproductive processes and feeding activity in April and September 2001 at fixed stations off northeastern Japan. The vertical distribution of this species was shallower in April than in September during both day and night, which was partly explained by a high surface temperature (19°C) and the existence of a subsurface chlorophyll maximum in September. It has been demonstrated for the first time that diel vertical migration of this species is influenced by molt processes because upward migration of molting individuals was restricted compared with non-molting ones. Feeding activity of molting individuals was reduced throughout the day, being lower than or similar to the daytime feeding activity of non-molting ones. The percentage of molting individuals was least (2–4%) among the gravid females, which suggests that gravid females molt less frequently than other stages of females and males. Molt and reproductive processes therefore seemed to be coupled in this species.  相似文献   

徐亚军  赵亮  原野 《海洋学报》2016,38(8):124-131
浮游动物的昼夜迁移活动与其种群变动和摄食节律紧密联系,浮游动物昼夜移动的研究已经成为种群动力学研究的一个重要组成部分。2013年夏季在浙江东部近海,结合声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)和激光粒径分析仪(LISST-100)等仪器进行了一次定点周日连续观测。通过声学反演方法,得到后向散射强度剖面的时间变化,结合LISST-100得到的水体悬浮物粒径谱,研究了浮游动物垂直迁移及其习性。分析发现了可能是精致真刺水蚤的一次昼夜垂直迁移过程,其在夜间进入跃层附近进食,白天蛰伏于底层低温高盐的台湾暖流水中,垂向迁移速度达到了0.05 m/s。LISST-100观测还发现在夜间跃层边界处大粒径颗粒聚集和100~150 μm大小的颗粒物的减少,水体中不同粒径的悬浮颗粒物有明显的昼夜变化节律,推测水体中不同层次生物群落结构存在昼夜差异。  相似文献   

Acoustic volume backscattering strength data were collected and Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) measur e m e n t s were conducted in the southern Yellow Sea in summer 2005 and 2006. The high temporal and vertical resolution acoustic data measured with a 307 kHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and a 250 kHz acoustic Doppler profile (ADP) had dominant diel variation, which resulted from vertical migration of sound scatterers. Some scatterers congregating in the bottom layer in the daytime migrated upward at dusk, and migrated downward into the bottom layer at dawn. The migration speeds were estimated. More than 33 days data show that the diel migration varies with time. The feature of migration measured with ADCP and ADP is consistent to some extent with what is described in the study on vertical migration of zooplankton in the southern Yellow Sea with conventional net samples.  相似文献   

EcologyofthemarinecladoceranPeniliaavirostrisDanainToloHarbour,HongKong¥WongChongKim;ChanLai-chunandChenQingchao(ReceivedApri...  相似文献   

基于声学方法的南黄海浮游动物垂直迁移季节变化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究南黄海浮游动物垂直迁移的季节变化, 分析了2006 年至2007 年4 个季节布放潜标中声学测流仪的观测数据。结果是: 声学测流仪测量的后向散射强度呈现显著的日变化特征, 这是由浮游动物垂直迁移造成的; 在4 个季节中都出现这一凌晨向下、黄昏向上的垂直迁移, 但是垂直迁移发生的时间有季节变化。利用南黄海辐射通量的直接观测数据, 讨论了垂直迁移发生时间与光照的关系,结果表明垂直迁移的季节变化主要受光照的影响。这对于研究浮游动物垂直迁移机制有一定意义。  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and diel vertical migration of fish larvae were studied in relation to the environmental conditions off NW Iberia during May 2002. Larvae from 23 families were identified, the most abundant were the Clupeidae, Gobiidae, Callionymidae, Blenniidae, Sparidae and Labridae. Sardina pilchardus was the most abundant species, mean concentrations 1 order of magnitude higher than the other fish larvae species. Larval horizontal distribution was mainly related to upwelling-driven circulation, resulting in an offshore increase of larval abundance while the vertical distribution was closely associated to the Western Iberia Buoyant Plume. Despite this general trend, taxon-specific relationships between the distribution of larvae and environmental variables were observed, and temperature was an important regressor explaining the distribution of most taxa. A comparison between ichthyoplankton samples collected alternatively with the LHPR and Bongo nets resulted in captures of larvae ≈1 order of magnitude higher for the LHPR, probably related to its higher towing speed. The spatial distribution and relative composition of larvae were also different for both nets, although the most frequent/abundant groups were the same. A fixed station sampled for 69-h showed diel vertical migrations performed by the larvae, with the highest larval concentrations occurring at surface layers during the night and most larvae being found in the neuston layer only during that period.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the gonostomatid fish,Vinciguerria nimbaria (Jordan andWilliams), from off southern Japan were studied in relation to its food organisms, process of digestion, and diel vertical migration. Food organisms were composed mainly of small- to moderate-sized copepods which live almost entirely in the 0–200 m epipelagic zone.V. nimbaria appears to feed twice a day; after having migrated to the epipelagic zone in the evening, all individuals fed intensively from 6 to 8 p.m. They then spent the remainder of the night in digestion. Many, but not all, of the individuals foraged again in the morning.  相似文献   

We describe the day–night vertical distribution patterns of 18 species or types of myctophid fish larvae at the transforming stage based on discrete depth sampling from the surface down to 1000-m depth in the subtropical–tropical western North Pacific. A total of 551 transforming stage larvae were collected at the 19 sampling stations. Except for the Diaphus species and Notolychnus valdiviae, all of the transforming stage larvae (including genera Benthosema, Bolinichthys, Centrobranchus, Ceratoscopelus, Diogenichthys, Hygophum, Lampanyctus, Lobianchia, Myctophum, Symbolophorus, and Triphoturus) were collected in the lower mesopelagic zone from 600- to 900-m depth during both day and night, showing no diel vertical migration (DVM). On the contrary, the Diaphus species and N. valdiviae larvae undergo DVM during the transforming stage, occurring below 200-m layer during the daytime and migrating up to the upper 150-m layer at night, i.e., they show earlier adaptation to juvenile–adult behaviors. Most myctophid fish larvae are known to undertake substantial ontogenetic vertical migration (OVM) from the epipelagic to mesopelagic zones during their early life stage. Although considerable sampling effort was carried out in this study, transforming larvae, except for the above two migratory ones, were not collected in the epipelagic and upper mesopelagic zones, strongly suggesting that their sinking speed would be high. It would be advantageous for survival to spend their highly vulnerable transforming stage in the lower mesopelagic zone, where predation pressures are lower and physical conditions are more stable than in the upper layers.  相似文献   

The least known component of the “biological pump” is the active transport of carbon and nutrients by diel vertical migration of zooplankton. We measured CO2 respiration and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) excretion by individual species of common vertically migrating zooplankton at the US JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) station. The inclusion of DOC excretion in this study builds on published research on active transport by respiration of inorganic carbon and allows a direct assessment of the role of zooplankton in the production of dissolved organic matter used in midwater microbial processes. On average, excretion of DOC makes up 24% (range=5–42%) of the total C metabolized (excreted+respired) and could represent a significant augmentation to the vertical flux that has already been documented for respiratory CO2 flux by migrant zooplankton. Migratory fluxes were compared to other transport processes at BATS. Estimates of combined active transport of CO2 and DOC by migrators at BATS averaged 7.8% and reached 38.6% of mean sinking POC flux at 150 m, and reached 71.4% of mean sinking POC flux at 300 m. DOC export by migrator excretion averaged 1.9% and reached 13.3% of annual DOC export by physical mixing at this site. During most of the year when deep mixing does not occur, diel migration by zooplankton could provide a supply of DOC to the deeper layers that is available for use by the microbial community. A carbon budget comparing migrant zooplankton transport to the balance of fluxes in the 300–600 m depth strata at BATS shows on average that the total migrant flux supplies 37% of the organic carbon remineralized in this layer, and that migrant DOC flux is more than 3 times the DOC flux gradient by diapycnal mixing. New estimates of active transport of both organic and inorganic carbon by migrants may help resolve observed imbalances in the C budget at BATS, but the magnitude is highly dependent on the biomass of the migrating community.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and migration of the Cape horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus capensis were investigated on the basis of midwater and bottom trawl collections taken over diel cycles at two sites on South Africa's south coast. Attempts were also made to investigate the relationship between bottom trawl catch rates and acoustic abundance estimates. During the first cycle, horse mackerel were dispersed in midwater during the night, and towards sunrise they coalesced into schools and migrated to the seabed where they remained throughout the day. During that cycle, horse mackerel did not appear to feed, despite the prevalence of potential food, mainly Calanus copepods and euphausiid larvae, in the water column. In contrast, during the second cycle, horse mackerel remained near the seabed during the 24-h experiment, but they exhibited a marked feeding periodicity, with most feeding taking place in the late afternoon. They appeared to select for larger copepods in the water column. Several reasons are advanced to explain the difference in the vertical migratory behaviour of horse mackerel between the two sites, on the basis of the vertical distribution of their potential prey. Diel differences in acoustic estimates of horse mackerel abundance were significantly reduced after applying an acoustic deadzone correction factor. Trawl catches, however, could not be reconciled with acoustic estimates during the day, when horse mackerel were too close to the bottom for effective echo-integration.  相似文献   

Temporal variability of acoustically estimated zooplankton biomass at the Bermuda Testbed Mooring (BTM) site in the Sargasso Sea (at 31°43′N, 64°10′W) is described for time scales from less than an hour to the seasonal cycle primarily using data obtained between August 1996 and November 2000, and from May 10 to November 13, 2003. Concurrent high frequency BTM observations of meteorological, physical, and bio-optical variables are used to interpret processes contributing to the zooplankton variability. Zooplankton biomass estimates are derived from regressions of backscatter intensity data measured with an upward looking 153-kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and zooplankton net tow data collected near the BTM site as part of the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS). Our data show clear event-scale variations. Peaks are associated with annual spring blooms involving mixed layer shoaling and in some cases passages of mesoscale eddy features. Biomass peaks are often coincident with maxima seen in BTM chlorophyll fluorescence measurements (inferred phytoplankton biomass). Some storm events do not appear to manifest in significant perturbations of zooplankton distributions; however, Hurricane Fabian (2003) greatly impacted these distributions. Estimates of zooplankton biomass and relative vertical velocity show the vertical structure of daily migration patterns. Seasonal variations in migration patterns are also evident, with diel changes in zooplankton biomass most pronounced in spring and least pronounced in winter. In summary, our high temporal resolution time series of estimated zooplankton biomass in the open ocean provide information on scales inaccessible through conventional monthly ship-based sampling. These data have implications for upper ocean ecology and the vertical transport of carbon and nitrogen through the diel migration of zooplankton.  相似文献   

Over a diel cycle, the concentration in Waikato River water of negatively buoyant seston and of some animals from the littoral of Lake Taupo was significantly correlated with the velocity of wind over the lake. Riverine abundance of several littoral, lacustrine animals was significantly correlated with the weight of negatively buoyant seston. A significant negative correlation existed between the densities of negatively buoyant and positively buoyant seston in the river. In qualitative comparisons, eulimnetic species were sometimes over‐represented and sometimes under‐represented in river water, with no consistent pattern. Concentrations of eulimnetic species in river water were usually greatly less (down to 10‐2) than those in the lake. The range of densities of zooplankters (> 160 μm in size) in the river was c. 20–2000 ind. m‐3. Significant differences in the density of eulimnetic species in the river occurred at different times of the day, but on only 1 occasion was this probably linked to diel vertical migration in the lake. An increased rate of discharge from the lake may cause an increase in the density of some taxa in the river. The mean daily export of Botryococcus from the lake was at least 230 kg dry weight Forty‐five animal taxa derived from the littoral region of the lake were collected from the river including many not hitherto recorded from Lake Taupo.  相似文献   

基于2013年8月琼东海域两个连续站的观测资料,对比分析了近岸站位和陆架站位的营养盐和叶绿素a浓度周日变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:在垂直分布上,近岸站位S1与陆架站位S2的温跃层减弱了营养盐的向上输运;在时间变化上,S1站底层硅酸盐、硝酸盐和磷酸盐浓度具有半日波动的特点,而S2站的营养盐则不具有周日波动的现象,这说明近岸站位的营养盐受到潮汐作用的影响更显著。S1站的叶绿素a分层不明显,夜间的低值可能体现浮游动物的摄食作用,S2站位的叶绿素a分层明显,夜间没体现浮游动物的摄食作用。总体上,琼东海域近岸站位S1和陆架区站位S2叶绿素a和营养盐周日波动都受到温跃层、潮汐、生物作用和光照的影响,但S1站受潮汐作用影响更显著,且S1站叶绿素a浓度还受到浮游动物摄食作用影响。由于叶绿素a和营养盐受到多种环境要素的影响,使得两者相关性不显著。  相似文献   

The position of meroplanktonic larvae in the water column with depth-dependent current velocities determines horizontal transport trajectories. For those larvae occurring in inner shelf waters, little is known about how combined diel and tidally-synchronized vertical migration patterns shift ontogenetically. The vertical migration of larvae of Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassidae) was investigated in mesotidal, inner shelf waters of western Kyushu, Japan in July–August 2006. The larval sampling at seven depth layers down to 60 m was conducted every 3 h for 36 h in a 68.5-m deep area 10 km off a major coastal adult habitat. Within a 61–65-m deep area 5–7.5 km off the adult habitat, water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a concentration, and photon flux density were measured, and water currents there were characterized from harmonic analysis of current meter data collected in 2008. The water column was stratified, with pycnocline, chlorophyll a concentration maximum, and 2% of photon flux density at 2 m, recorded at around 22–24 m. The stratified residual currents were detected in their north component, directed offshore and onshore in the upper and lower mixed layers, respectively. More than 87% of larvae occurred between 20 m and 60 m, producing a net onshore transport of approximately 1.3 km d−1. At the sunset flooding tide, all zoeal-stage larvae ascended, which could further promote retention (1.4-km potential onshore transport in 3 h). The actual onshore transport of larvae was detected by observing their occurrence pattern in a shallow embayment area with the adult habitat for 24 h in October 1994. However, ontogenetic differences in the vertical migration pattern in inner shelf waters were also apparent, with the maximum mean positions of zoeae deepening with increasing stages. Zoeae I and II performed a reverse diel migration, with their minimum and maximum depths being reached around noon and midnight, respectively. Zoeae IV and V descended continuously. Zoeae III had behaviors that were intermediate to those of the earlier- and later-stage zoeae. Postlarvae underwent a normal diel migration (nocturnal ascent) regardless of tides, with the deepest position (below 60 m and/or on the bottom) during the day. These findings give a new perspective towards how complex vertical migration patterns in meroplanktonic larvae enable their retention in inner shelf waters before the final entry of postlarvae into their natal populations.  相似文献   

Myctophids are among the most abundant fishes in the world׳s ocean and occupy a key position in marine pelagic food webs. Through their significant diel vertical migrations and metabolism they also have the potential to be a significant contributor to carbon export. We investigated the feeding ecology and contribution to organic carbon export by three myctophid species, Benthosema glaciale, Protomyctophum arcticum, and Hygophum hygomii, from a structurally and ecologically unique ecosystem- the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Similar to the results of previous studies, the diet of these fishes was primarily copepods and euphausiids, however, gelatinous zooplankton was identified in the diet of B. glaciale for the first time. Ridge section and time of day were significant explanatory variables in the diet of B. glaciale as determined by canonical correspondence analysis, while depth was the only significant explanatory variable in the diet of P. arcticum. Daily consumption by MAR myctophids was less than 1% of dry body weight per day and resulted in the removal of less than 1% of zooplankton biomass daily. Although lower than previous estimates of carbon transport by myctophids and zooplankton in other areas, MAR myctophid active transport by diel vertical migration was equivalent to up to 8% of sinking particulate organic carbon in the North Atlantic. While highly abundant, myctophids do not impart significant predation pressure on MAR zooplankton, and play a modest role in the active transport of carbon from surface waters.  相似文献   

The mesozooplankton in both epipelagic and mesopelagic zones is essentially important for the study of ecosystem and biological carbon pump. Previous studies showed that the diel vertical migration(DVM) pattern of mesozooplankton varied among ecosystems. However, that pattern was largely unknown in the Western Pacific Warm Pool(WPWP). The vertical distribution, DVM and community structure of mesozooplankton from the surface to 1 000 m were compared at Stas JL7K(WPWP) and MA(North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, NPSG). Two sites showed similarly low biomass in both epipelagic and mesopelagic zones, which were in accordance with oligotrophic conditions of these two ecosystems. Stronger DVM(night/day ratio) was found at JL7K(1.31) than that at MA(1.09) on surface 0–100 m, and an obvious night increase of mesopelagic biomass was observed at JL7K, which was probably due to migrators from bathypelagic zone. Active carbon flux by DVM of zooplankton was estimated to be 0.23 mmol/(m2·d) at JL7K and 0.16 mmol/(m~2·d) at MA. The community structure analysis showed that calanoid copepods, cnidarians and appendicularians were the main contributors to DVM of mesozooplankton at both sites. We also compared the present result with previous studies of the two ecosystems,and suggested that the DVM of mesozooplankton was more homogeneous within the WPWP and more variable within the NPSG, though both ecosystems showed typically extremely oligotrophic conditions. The different diel vertical migration strength of mesozooplankton between NPSG and WPWP implied different efficiency of carbon pump in these two ecosystems.  相似文献   

海洋生物声散射层全球分布广泛,其昼夜垂直迁移机制与周围海水的物理特性息息相关,对海洋内部碳的循环具有重要作用。文章收集整理了海洋生物声散射层的昼夜垂直迁移现象在各领域上的研究方法及研究成果,包括国内外研究现状,散射层的声学探测手段、全球范围内的分布变化情况等。海洋生物声散射层渔业资源丰富,研究和探索散射层有助于我们了解海洋物理环境和当地海洋渔业资源分布,对渔业资源的开发和利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

南海永乐龙洞位于西沙群岛永乐环礁,是迄今为止发现的最深的海洋蓝洞,水文环境及理化因素特殊,90 m以下水体为无氧环境。为研究永乐龙洞浮游植物的群落组成及其昼夜变化,于2017年3月在龙洞、潟湖及外礁坡进行浮游植物样品采集。研究结果表明:龙洞内叶绿素a浓度呈现随深度先增大后减小的趋势,日间浓度最大值层出现在40 m层(0.42μg/L),夜间则出现在20 m层(0.59μg/L)。永乐龙洞微微型浮游植物丰度介于1.1×10^3~5.1×10^4 cells/mL。聚球藻在上层水体占优势(0~20 m),40 m以下水层原绿球藻丰度对微微型浮游植物丰度贡献率最大(90%以上),微微型真核浮游植物丰度在整个水体都较低(除20 m层)。微微型浮游植物昼夜存在明显差异,夜间其丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则上移至表层。本研究共记录微型和小型浮游植物5门41属55种(含未定种)。其中,硅藻门25属34种、甲藻门12属15种、金藻门1属1种、蓝藻3属、隐藻1属。微型和小型浮游植物丰度介于3.3×10^2~9.8×10^4 cells/L。甲藻丰度对浮游植物总丰度贡献率最大,其次是硅藻,隐藻和蓝藻丰度仅在少数水层占优势。微型和小型浮游植物昼夜变化明显,夜间丰度最大值层为20 m层,日间则出现在40 m层。微微型、微型和小型浮游植物垂直分布与叶绿素a浓度垂直分布一致性高。龙洞浮游植物的种类数和丰度高于潟湖和外礁坡。  相似文献   

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