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为研究三峡蓄水对湖北巴东黄土坡滑坡地震稳定性的影响,基于流固耦合理论建立二维有限差分数值模型。在计算无水(蓄水前)及有水(175 m实验性蓄水)条件下滑坡体场地地震动、应力响应及孔隙水压力差异特征的基础上,进一步给出滑坡体安全系数时程,探讨在蓄水与水库地震共同作用下的滑坡体稳定性及成因机理。结果表明:1)无水条件下滑坡体上硬层与下硬层的地震动峰值加速度放大系数约为1.33及3.31,具有显著的场地放大效应及软弱夹层消能减震作用;2)瞬时地震荷载下,由于滑坡体上下硬层之间非协调性变形与非快速排水的共同作用,软弱层超孔隙水压力快速形成,并呈现出阶段性积累上升趋势,伴有瞬时放大特征。  相似文献   

为研究三峡蓄水对湖北巴东黄土坡滑坡地震稳定性的影响,基于流固耦合理论建立二维有限差分数值模型。在计算无水(蓄水前)及有水(175 m实验性蓄水)条件下滑坡体场地地震动、应力响应及孔隙水压力差异特征的基础上,进一步给出滑坡体安全系数时程,探讨在蓄水与水库地震共同作用下的滑坡体稳定性及成因机理。结果表明:1)无水条件下滑坡体上硬层与下硬层的地震动峰值加速度放大系数约为1.33及3.31,具有显著的场地放大效应及软弱夹层消能减震作用;2)瞬时地震荷载下,由于滑坡体上下硬层之间非协调性变形与非快速排水的共同作用,软弱层超孔隙水压力快速形成,并呈现出阶段性积累上升趋势,伴有瞬时放大特征。  相似文献   

利用三峡工程地震监测台网记录的2003~2014年地震振幅比和P波初动数据,对三峡水库重点监视区蓄水后地震的震源机制进行解析。结果表明,这些地震震源的基本特征是大仰角的主压应力轴和近于正断的震源错动。在库水的循环加卸载及其水岩的理化作用下,浅表岩层软弱结构面(体)失稳,是蓄水后小微地震活动的主要诱因。 值得注意的是,2010年以后,逆冲走滑类型地震的比例显著增多,显示了区域构造应力场的控制作用。  相似文献   

库岸滑坡体分布广泛,在库水位升降和降雨条件下极易失稳。三板溪水电站东岭信滑坡堆积体总方量2 000×104 m3,最大厚度150 m,2006年水电站蓄水后滑坡体开始出现大变形,每年雨季加剧。首先经野外地质勘察和十余年监测数据整理,探明了地质条件和变形规律;其次使用SEEP/W模块对不同库水位升降速率、2019年库水位结合实测降雨条件下的饱和-非饱和流进行模拟,并采用SLOPE/W分别计算不同时刻的稳定系数。分析认为东岭信为超深层滑坡,其变形过程深受库水位升降和降雨影响;滑坡体具有明显的滞水特征,渗流过程复杂;在库水位上升过程中稳定系数不断下降,而在库水位消落过程中稳定性逐渐增强;在库水位上升和强降雨量共同作用下稳定性下降很快,汛后10 d左右达到最低值,此时的稳定性最差。本研究可用于指导库水位升降和降雨条件下大型滑坡体稳定性评价。   相似文献   

本文通过分析用莫尔-库仑准则判断软弱结构面的破坏及滑动问题,明确提出较为完善的判断依据和方法步骤,归纳出α值域法和应力比较法,并引出破坏度和滑动度等量,进而对软弱结构面的强度判断同岩体稳定性的关系作了综合分析。  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法是一种成熟的工程物探方法,广泛应用于地质灾害调查。废弃矿山在不良天气条件下容易产生滑坡地质灾害。对由废弃渣石、杂填土人工堆积形成的滑坡体进行勘察,研究高密度电阻率法在该环境下的勘察效果。通过对视电阻率反演断面图分析,推断滑动面深度、滑床起伏形态等滑坡体地质结构信息,为废弃矿山滑坡灾害治理设计提供依据。钻探验证表明,高密度电阻率法有效的推断出滑坡体滑动面深度、滑床起伏形态信息,可用于废弃矿山滑坡灾害勘察。  相似文献   

运用优势面理论层次分析法。确定岩坡的控稳优势面.通过对太湖度假区休体公园渔洋山边坡的研究得出F1和软弱夹层是控稳优势面。通过优势面组合分析.得出4组优势分离体。其中F1、软弱夹层和边坡临空面组合为试算安全系数最小优势分离体。最后用Sarma法进行稳定性计算.得出各种优势分离体组合模型在考虑地下水和地震加速度为0.15g的情况下均是不稳定的。结果表明,采用层次分析法对岩坡稳定性进行评价的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

基于恩施境内一水库滑坡体的地质构造、工程地质、水文地质及滑坡特征,从地质环境角度分析该滑坡体的形成机制,并在此基础上对该滑坡体的稳定性进行了定性和定量分析,从本源上确定了滑坡体稳定性的特征,为后期治理提供依据。  相似文献   

软硬互层结构的顺层岩质边坡破坏类型复杂、难于防治, 针对此类边坡地质灾害易发、多发的问题, 从坡面角度、岩层倾向及组合形式、节理分布等方面进行了研究。边坡物理模型试验是揭示边坡变形破坏机理的重要手段, 基于相似理论, 以重庆市万州区孙家滑坡为工程依托, 根据滑坡区地质勘探报告设计了室内边坡物理模型试验; 试验通过顶升模型箱模拟重力加载来探究顺层岩质边坡发生破坏时, 前缘坡角和软弱夹层倾角之间的关系; 结合有限元分析软件Plaxis 2D对物理模型进行了多组数值模拟试验, 以验证软硬互层顺层岩质边坡破坏机制。试验结果表明: 对于顺层岩质边坡, 当软弱夹层的倾角在22°左右, 前缘开挖坡角58°左右时, 顺层岩质边坡容易发生滑动, 滑动面为后缘节理面和软弱夹层的贯通面。因此, 顺层岩质边坡稳定性受层面和节理面密度的控制, 当边坡含多层软弱层面时, 易沿层面和后缘节理贯通面发生破坏, 随着软弱面层数增加, 边坡稳定系数逐渐降低。研究成果可以为公路开挖切坡导致的顺层岩质边坡失稳机理研究及其稳定性评价提供理论依据, 为顺层岩质边坡失稳的预测预报提供支撑。   相似文献   

三峡库区青干河桥东头高切坡稳定性评价及治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青干河桥东头高切坡地处秭归县沙镇溪镇,为移民建镇时修建居民点道路、桥粱及居民点场地平整时形成的人工高切坡。坡体高陡,且主要由粉砂岩、泥岩组成,属不利岩组,局部存在松散碎块石土,在构造裂隙、软弱外倾结构面、卸荷裂隙带等因素共同作用下,稳定性较差。采用地质分析和定量分析方法对高切坡进行了稳定性评价。该高切坡主要的破坏形式有崩塌、平面滑移、圆弧滑动、折线滑移4种。防治对策采用地表截排水、清除危岩体、锚杆加固、挂网喷砼护面、浆砌块石护脚、削坡与浆砌石格构护坡、裂缝回填等相结合的综合治理措施,方法合理,可供类似工程参考。  相似文献   

Stability analysis of the dam is important for disaster prevention and reduction. The dam's geometry plays an important role in understanding its stability. This study develops a rapid landslide dam geometry assessment method for both earthquake-induced and rainfall-induced landslide dams based on nine real cases collected in Chinese Taipei and 214 cases collected worldwide. For simplification purposes, a landslide dam is classified into triangular or trapezoidal. The rapid landslide dam geometry assessment method in this paper uses only satellite maps and the topographic maps to get landslide area, and then analyze the dam geometry. These maps are used to evaluate the area of the landslide and the slope of the river bed. Based on the evaluation information, the proposed method can calculate dam height, the length of the dam, and the angles of the dam in both upstream and downstream directions. These geometry parameters of a landslide dam provide important information for further dam stability analysis. The proposed methodology is applied to a real landslide dam case at Hsiaolin Village. The result shows that the proposed method can be used to assess the landslide dam geometry.  相似文献   

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三峡工程建设期库区耕地的时空变化及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过三峡工程建设前后15年三峡库区耕地的遥感动态监测和耕地变化分析,揭示出耕地变化的影响因子。2007年三峡库区耕地垦殖指数为0.25,三峡工程建设期,耕地资源减少4%,平均每年递减3 977hm2。耕地占补比例为26:1,占补不平衡,土地承载能力不足;减少耕地中优质耕地占61%,耕地质量总体下降;库区2007年人...  相似文献   

By using the landslide risk evaluating model and the advantages of GIS technology in image processing and space analysis, the relative landslide hazard and risk evaluating system of the new county site of Badong is built up. The system is mainly consisted of four subsystems: Information management subsystem, hazard assessment subsystem, vulnerability evaluation subsystem and risk prediction subsystem. In the system, landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability evaluation, risk predictions are carried out automatically based on irregular units. At last the landslide hazard and risk map of the study area is compiled. During the whole procedure, Matter-Element Model, Artificial Neural Network, and Information Model are used as assessment models. This system provides an effective way for the landslide hazard information management and risk prediction of each district in the Reservoir of Three Gorge Project. The result of the assessment can be a gist and ensure for the land planning and the emigration project in Badong.  相似文献   

By using the landslide risk evaluating model and the advantages of GIS technology in image processing and space analysis, the relative landslide hazard and risk evaluating system of the new county site of Badong is built up. The system is mainly consisted of four subsystems: Information management subsystem, hazard as- sessment subsystem, vulnerability evaluation subsystem and risk prediction subsystem. In the system, landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability evaluation, risk predictions are carried out automatically based on irregular units. At last the landslide hazard and risk map of the study area is compiled. During the whole procedure, Matter-Element Model, Artificial Neural Network, ancl Information Model are used as assessment models. This system provides an effective way for the landslide hazard information management and risk prediction of each district in the Reservoir of Three Gorge Project. The result of the assessment can be a gist and ensure for the land planning and the emigration project in Badong.  相似文献   

The precision modeling of dam break floods can lead to formulation of proper emergency action plan to minimize flood impacts within the economic lifetime of the assets.Application of GIS techniques in integration with hydrological modeling for mapping of the flood inundated areas can play a momentous role in further minimizing the risk and likely damages.In the present study,dam break analysis using DAMBRK model was performed under various likely scenarios.Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)calculated for a return period of 1000 years using deterministic approach was adopted for dam break analysis of the proposed dam under various combinations of breach dimensions.The available downstream river cross-sections data sets were used as input in the model to generate the downstream flood profile.Dam break flow depths generated by the DAMBRK model under various combinations of structural failure are subsequently plotted on Digital Elevation Model(DEM)of the downstream of dam site to map the likely affected area.The simulation results reveals that in one particular case the flood without dam may be more intense if a rainfall of significant intensity takes place.  相似文献   

Analysis of landslide dam geometries   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The geometry of a landslide dam is an important component of evaluating dam stability. However, the geometry of a natural dam commonly cannot be obtained immediately with field investigations due to their remote locations. A rapid evaluation model is presented to estimate the geometries of natural dams based on the slope of the stream, volume of landslides, and the properties of the deposit. The proposed model uses high resolution satellite images to determine the geometry of the landside dam. These satellite images are the basic information to a preliminary stability analysis of a natural dam. This study applies the proposed method to two case studies in Taiwan. One is the earthquake-induced Lung-Chung landslide dam in Taitung, and the second is the rainfall-induced Shih-Wun landslide dam in Pingtung.  相似文献   

The Lamuajue landslide is located in Lamuajue village on the right bank of the Meigu River,Sichuan Province, China. This landslide is an ancient landslide with an extremely wide distribution area,covering an area of 19 km~2 with a maximum width of5.5 km and an estimated residual volume of 3×10~8 m~3.The objectives of this study were to identify the characteristics and failure mechanism of this landslide. In this study,based on field investigations,aerial photography, and profile surveys, the boundary,lithology, structure of the strata, and characteristics of the landslide deposits were determined. A gently angled weak interlayer consisting of shale was the main factor contributing to the occurrence of the Lamuajue landslide. The deposition area can be divided into three zones: zone A is an avalanche deposition area mainly composed of blocks,fragments, and debris with diameters ranging from0.1 m to 3 m; zone B is a residual integrated rock mass deposition area with large blocks,boulders and "fake bedrock"; and zone C is a deposition zone of limestone blocks and fragments. Three types of failure mechanism were analyzed and combined to explain the Lamuajue landslide based on the features of the accumulation area. First, a shattering-sliding mechanism caused by earthquakes in zone A. Second,a sliding mechanism along the weak intercalation caused by gravity and water in zone B. Third,a shattering-ejection mechanism generated by earthquakes in zone C. The results provide a distinctive case for the study of gigantic landslides induced by earthquakes, which is very important for understanding and assessing ancient earthquakeinduced landslides.  相似文献   

汶川地震触发的最大滑坡——大光包滑坡是受控于斜坡先期层间构造错动带(软弱层)的大型地震滑坡, 该软弱层不但遭受了强烈的历史构造碎裂, 还在地震中产生了大面积新生震裂, 其成因及对大光包滑坡启动的贡献一直是国内外研究焦点。以大光包滑坡为地质原型, 将层间构造错动带概化为含软弱层单元地质体模型, 基于地震波射线理论, 建立了垂直P波入射过程考虑软弱层顶底界面波场转换和时间延迟的动力响应理论模型, 开展了垂直振动作用下含软弱层单元地质体振动台模型试验, 获得了软弱层应力放大特征及受地震强度和频率的影响规律, 揭示振动波在软弱层顶底界面的波场转换和能量分配产生了振幅衰减, 以及因软弱层与上下硬层介质属性差异造成的时间延迟, 共同导致应力分异和叠加, 促使软弱层应力放大; 从而认为, 强震过程中大光包滑坡先期层间构造错动带应力放大导致了带内岩体碎裂, 降低了滑带岩体抗剪强度, 从而促使强震过程中滑坡快速启动。   相似文献   

以奉节新铺下二台滑坡为例, 基于GPS位移监测数据、裂缝数据、降雨量及库水位等多源数据, 总结分析了大型古滑坡的复活规律, 引入滑坡中长期预报模型, 实现了以季度或月份为时间单位的跨水文年滑坡位移预测, 并通过岩土体蠕变压缩模型, 验证了推移式滑坡后缘裂缝形成机理。结果表明: ①降雨是下二台滑坡变形的主导因素, 滑坡变形使得滑体产生裂缝并成为降雨入渗通道, 加剧了岩体破碎与软弱层软化, 降低了滑坡稳定性, 集中持续降雨可使滑坡失稳破坏; ②通过模型预测值与地表监测数据的比较, 将年降雨量作为滑坡中长期预报模型中的主控因素具有实际可操作性且有助于提高滑坡中长预报精度; ③推移式滑坡后缘裂缝由滑坡推移式位移和岩土体压缩形成, 引入蠕变压缩模型计算的裂缝宽度并和监测数据的比较说明, 蠕变压缩模型非常适合该类边坡, 同时应用岩土体蠕变压缩模型反推得到岩土体平均变形模量, 判断岩体破碎程度, 可以为滑坡稳定性分析及后续工程治理提供参考。   相似文献   

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