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正地理教育是一门科学,有别于教育经验,然而在地理教育的教学研究中,很多教师凭借自己积累的教育经验开展地理教学研究活动,使地理教学研究的科学性、准确性受到质疑。如何才能预防地理教学研究中的经验主义呢?需要地理教师具备以下教学研究意识。  相似文献   

单秀红 《地理教学》2014,(5):45-46,34
正目前,地理课程改革已进入关键性、实质性的阶段,作为一线的中学地理教师始终在思考我们所进行的日复一日的地理教学是否有效?怎样做才能切切实实地提高地理教学的有效性,打造真正的高效地理课堂?许多研究教学有效性的专家认为,教学是否有效主要表现为学生是否感兴趣、是否掌握了知识与技能、是否能从学习过程中学会有利于终身发展的方法、是否有情感体验等。在笔者看来,高中地理教学存在以下问题:知识有余而能力不足、应试技巧有余而地理素养不足、注重成绩有余而情感体验不足、着眼当下发展有余而放眼终身发展不足等。一言以蔽之,高中地理教学缺乏"厚重感"。如何提升高中地理教学的"厚重感"成为我们当今急需研究的课题。  相似文献   

高考改革从"知识立意"向"能力立意"的转变对教学提出了新要求.如何整合高中系统地理和初中区域地理,使两者有机结合?高三地理该如何复习?作者受MBA案例教学的启发,多年来一直在进行这方面的探索,实践证明"原理加实例"进行高三地理复习是一种切实可行的新模式.  相似文献   

目前中学地理教育.尤其是农村中学地理教育的状况究竟如何?本文作者对其所在县进行的调查表明,问题是严重的,困难是大的。特别是初级中学地理教育的情况更应引起我们的关注。我们希望各地从事地理教育的同志、特别是县地理教研员.对本地地理教育状况进行认真调查分析,找出问题.总结经验.并寻求解决问题的办法。地理是中学教育的必修课,对于培养“四有”人才具有重要意义。对加强爱国主义教育.培养学生树立正确的人口观、资源观、环境观,地理学科更有其独特的优势。让我们共同为振兴地理教育而努力。  相似文献   

上海市二期课改指出:地理课程不仅要向学生传授基本的地理事实、概念、原理等,更重要的是要使学生具备一定的地理能力,并将提出地理问题和解决地理问题的能力作为地理能力培养的核心。美国的地理课程也把提出地理问题的技能作为五项核心地理技能之一。  相似文献   

在“澳大利亚”一节的教学中,我十分注意运用一条特殊的纬线来引导学生探索地理问题,这条特殊的纬线就是南回归线。如何将这条特殊的纬线贯穿在教学过程之中,并做到“一线”多用呢?  相似文献   

每学年伊始,当你带上地理教材,走进教室,面对一张张可爱而陌生的面孔,一张张热切而企盼的面孔,一张张信赖而猜测的面孔,站在讲台上的地理教师,你将会如何处理这第一堂地理绪论课呢?如果能够处理好这关键的第一堂地理课,就能牢牢地吸引住学生,让学生轻松下来并一下子记住和喜欢  相似文献   

如何在中学地理教育中开展研究性学习是地理教育界的一个热门话题。目前,有关地理研究性学习目标定位、实施策略和评价方法的研究已经成熟,但如何设计地理研究性学习活动等涉及实际操作层面的研究却比较少。本文拟对如何设计地理研究性学习活动以及需要注意的基本问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

王碧玮 《地理教学》2013,(11):43-44
正地理学科的核心价值是什么?中学地理教育应该教给学生什么?地理学习能够给学生留下些什么?近几年来,笔者一直试图从自己的地理课堂教学实践中寻找这些问题的答案。一、培养学生的地理学科修养人类的文化根植于地理环境,一方水土养一方人,不同的地方孕育了不同的文化。初中地理教材开篇就是"景观地图"篇,旨在引导学生从不同地区的地  相似文献   

李英南 《地理教学》2014,(11):32-35
新课改下的地理教学理念发生了巨大变化,现在中学生普遍存在地理学习兴趣不浓及地理实践能力较弱等问题,教师如何实施教学面临严峻的挑战。阐述了如何有效地进行地理课外活动设计来反哺新课程地理教学,强调了如何进行地理课前、课后和实践活动的有效性设计。  相似文献   


Substantial changes in a core idea of geography, integration, have occurred since Alexander von Humboldt published Kosmos (1845-1862). These changes are part of a larger shift in Western civilization to mechanistic reasoning. This shift led to the strengthening of system-based analysis, central to the development of geographic information systems (GIS). The duality of holism and the systems approach has led to an apparent contradiction in geography. R. Hartshorne in The Nature of Geography described this contradiction, but as did Alfred Hettner and Emil Wisotzki before, moved to partial systems as the core concept of geographic integration. Hartshorne's concept of vertical integration is the antecedent for the ubiquitous GIS layer model. The reduction of geographic relationships and processes to mechanistic components (layers) aids the systematic approach, but may lessen geographic understanding of a place's interrelationships. Although the partiality of the system approach was already acknowledged by Finch and Hartshorne in the 1930s, the tension between holistic and system approaches in geography remains. Holism and system-based approaches are indeed complementary methods for developing geographic understanding. Using holistic approaches to understand geographic phenomena, before we teleologically (following a purpose) analyze phenomena as a system, extends GIS to include broader interrelationships of geography in specific locations.  相似文献   

Substantial changes in a core idea of geography, integration, have occurred since Alexander von Humboldt published Kosmos (1845-1862). These changes are part of a larger shift in Western civilization to mechanistic reasoning. This shift led to the strengthening of system-based analysis, central to the development of geographic information systems (GIS). The duality of holism and the systems approach has led to an apparent contradiction in geography. R. Hartshorne in The Nature of Geography described this contradiction, but as did Alfred Hettner and Emil Wisotzki before, moved to partial systems as the core concept of geographic integration. Hartshorne's concept of vertical integration is the antecedent for the ubiquitous GIS layer model. The reduction of geographic relationships and processes to mechanistic components (layers) aids the systematic approach, but may lessen geographic understanding of a place's interrelationships. Although the partiality of the system approach was already acknowledged by Finch and Hartshorne in the 1930s, the tension between holistic and system approaches in geography remains. Holism and system-based approaches are indeed complementary methods for developing geographic understanding. Using holistic approaches to understand geographic phenomena, before we teleologically (following a purpose) analyze phenomena as a system, extends GIS to include broader interrelationships of geography in specific locations.  相似文献   


Since the period of bank deregulation in the 1980s, deferred deposit loan operations, better known as payday lenders, have become commonplace in the landscapes of many American cities. At the same time, traditional banking facilities have become less common, especially in the inner city. Growing disparities in the type of and accessibility to credit in the inner city has generated calls for greater regulation to curb practices by payday lenders that critics claim disproportionately affect poor and minority consumers. Payday lenders argue that they serve communities neglected by traditional banks. This article analyzes the site-location strategies of banks and payday lenders in metropolitan Louisiana, and in Cook County, Illinois, and finds that disenfranchised neighborhoods are simultaneously targeted by payday lenders and neglected by traditional banks. The implications these findings have for public policy and for ongoing discourses on the urban condition, race, and class are briefly discussed.


《The Journal of geography》2012,111(9):520-525

In our teaching of Geography we have implied concepts, leaving the student to structure them for himself. The article focuses upon an experiment in a class designed specifically to teach geographic concepts. Attention is placed on the degree certain concepts can be learned and some factors which affect the degree of learning.  相似文献   


The classic American novel, Herman Melville's Moby-Dick, can be used in geography and English classes at the high school and college levels to explore five themes that have a geographic component or are of interest to geography students: (1) the journey, (2) human/ environment interactions, (3) social relationships in space, (4) acquiring knowledge, and (5) ambiguities and their resolution. Included are detailed discussions of the themes with specific references to critical literature and passages in the novel, suggestions for background reading, and suggestions for classroom discussions and assignments.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):333-338

The diagrammatic climate key presented here was developed in an attempt to simplify the teaching of climate classification at the secondary and college levels. The chart emphasizes four critical temperatures involved in the Koppen classification, and shows their relationships to the various climate types. It is hoped that use of this key will give students a better understanding of the role of critical temperatures such as 64.4° or 71.6°, symbols such as Aw or BSk, and the overall scheme of climate classification. The chart has been developed for the Köppen climatic classification as modified by Ackerman and Van Royen and popularized by Trewartha.1 Because the modified Koppen system is widely used and accepted, that system—along with Fahrenheit temperatures—will be utilized in the following discussion. Figure 1 represents the working skeleton, which may be drawn upon the chalkboard, presented by use of transparent overlay, or handed out on individual laboratory exercise sheets.  相似文献   

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