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Variations in deposition of terrigenous fine sediments and their grain-size distributions from a high-resolution marine sediment record offshore northwest Africa (30°51.0′N; 10°16.1′W) document climate changes on the African continent during the Holocene. End-member grain-size distributions of the terrigenous silt fraction, which are related to fluvial and aeolian dust transport, indicate millennial-scale variability in the dominant transport processes at the investigation site off northwest Africa as well as recurring periods of dry conditions in northwest Africa during the Holocene. The terrigenous record from the subtropical North Atlantic reflects generally humid conditions before the Younger Dryas, during the early to mid-Holocene, as well as after 1.3 kyr BP. By contrast, continental runoff was reduced and arid conditions were prevalent at the beginning of the Younger Dryas and during the mid- and late Holocene. A comparison with high- and low-latitude Holocene climate records reveals a strong link between northwest African climate and Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation throughout the Holocene. Due to its proximal position, close to an ephemeral river system draining the Atlas Mountains as well as the adjacent Saharan desert, this detailed marine sediment record, which has a temporal resolution between 15 and 120 years, is ideally suited to enhance our understanding of ocean-continent-atmosphere interactions in African climates and the hydrological cycle of northern Africa after the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

The terrigenous fraction of seabed sediments recovered along the north‐west African continental margin illustrates spatial variability in grain size attributed to different transport mechanisms. Three subpopulations are determined from the grain‐size analyses (n = 78) of the carbonate‐free silt fraction applying an end‐member modelling algorithm (G. J. Weltje, 1997). The two coarsest end‐members are interpreted as representing aeolian dust, and the fine‐grained end‐member is related to fluvial supply. The end‐member model thus allows aeolian fallout to be distinguished from fluvial‐sourced mud in this area. The relative contributions of the end‐members show distinct regional variations that can be related to different transport processes and pathways. Understanding present‐day sediment dispersal and mixing is important for a better understanding of older sedimentary records and palaeoclimate reconstructions in the region.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of modern climate and environmental changes in east Asia using inland natural climate archives can provide valuable insights on decadal–multidecadal climate and environmental patterns that are probably related to both natural and anthropogenic forcing. Here we investigated an 89‐cm‐long sediment core (TH1) from Tian Lake, southeastern China, for sedimentological, physical and geochemical parameters in order to understand climate and environmental changes for the latest two centuries. 137Cs‐ and 210Pb‐based age models show that the fine sand–coarse silt‐dominated core contains ~170 years (c. AD 1842–2011) of continuous sedimentation. Sediments with fine sands, low MS values, high water content, high TOC content and a high C:N ratio from c. AD 1842 to 1897 suggest intense hydrological conditions and strong runoff in the catchment, probably because of a humid climate. From AD 1897 to 1990, sediments with very fine sand and coarse silt, high MS values, low water content and unchanged TOC and C:N ratios indicate normal hydrological conditions and in‐lake algae‐derived organic matter. During this interval, the chemical weathering indicators show stronger weathering conditions compared with sediments deposited during AD 1842–1897, supporting the dominance of weathered surface soil input in the earlier interval and physical erosion dominance in the later period, respectively. Since AD 1990, the continuous decrease of geochemical proxies suggests human‐interacted Earth surface processes in the catchment of Tian Lake. A PCA revealed four dominant geochemical controlling factors – detrital input, trophic status, grain size and early diagenesis –, accounting for 26, 20, 18 and 16% of total variance, respectively. This study for the first time provides lacustrine geochemical evidence for the most recent two centuries of climate and environmental changes in coastal southeastern China, a region that is currently undergoing an inversion of critical zone, i.e. an overturning of its soil profile, owing to swift modernization.  相似文献   

We combine environmental magnetism, geochemical measurements and colour reflectance to study two late Quaternary sediment cores: GeoB 4905‐4 at 2° 30′ N off Cameroon and GeoB 4906‐3 at 0° 44′ N off Gabon. This area is suitable for investigating precipitation changes over Central and West Africa because of its potential to record input of aeolian and fluvial sediments. Three magnetozones representing low and high degree of alteration of the primary rock magnetic signals were identified. The magnetic signature is dominated by fine‐grained magnetite, while residual haematite prevails in the reduced intervals, showing increase in concentration and fine grain size at wet intervals. Our records also show millennial‐scale changes in climate during the last glacial and interglacial cycles. At the northern location, the past 5.5 ka are marked by high‐frequency oscillations of Ti and colour reflectance, which suggests aeolian input and hence aridity. The southern location remains under the influence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and thus did not register aeolian signals. The millennial‐scale climatic signals indicate that drier and/or colder conditions persisted during the late Holocene and are synchronous with the 900 a climatic cycles observed in Northern Hemisphere ice core records. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of a 3.2-m deep sedimentary profile cored from the Dabaka Swamp, Nagaon District, Lower Brahmaputra flood plain, Assam has revealed persistent fluvial activity during 14,120–12,700 cal years BP which may be attributed to the paucity of pollen and spores with encounterance of fluvial marker taxa like Ludwigia octavalvis and Botryococcus. Later, fluvial activity was succeeded by the tropical tree savanna under cool and dry climate between 12,700 and 11,600 cal years BP corresponding to that of global Younger Dryas. Between 11,600 and 8310 cal years BP, relatively less cool and dry climate prevailed with inception of tropical mixed deciduous taxa like Shorea robusta and Lagerstroemia parviflora. This phase is further followed by a fluvial activity between 8310 and 7100 cal years BP as evidenced by trace values of pollen and spores. Fluvial activity was further succeeded by enrichment of tropical mixed deciduous forest under warm and humid climatic regime between 7100 and 1550 cal years BP which is well-matched with the peak period of the Holocene climatic optimum. However, during 1550–768 cal years BP, final settlement of tropical mixed deciduous forest occurred under increased warm and humid climate followed by deterioration in tropical mixed deciduous forest under warm and relatively dry climatic regime since 768 cal years BP onwards due to acceleration in human settlement as evidenced by Cerealia. Increase in Melastoma, Ziziphus and Areca catechu imply forest clearance at this phase. The occurrence of degraded pollen-spore along with adequate fungal elements especially, Xylaria, Nigrospora and Microthyriaceous fruiting body is suggestive of aerobic microbial digenesis of rich organic debris during sedimentation.  相似文献   

Tectonics and climate are the major extrinsic upstream controls on both the external and internal architectures of fluvial channels. While the role of tectonics has been well‐documented, the role of climate has received less attention. Because both tectonics and climate can produce similar stratigraphic architectures, the ability to recognize and differentiate these has major ramifications for the interpretation of fluvial stratigraphy. The Pennsylvanian to Permian succession of the Maritimes Basin complex on Cape Breton Island is ca 5 km thick, and is composed of predominantly non‐marine strata deposited within a series of depocentres characterized by different subsidence regimes. Basins in the west are transtensional depocentres characterized by episodic fault movement. In contrast, basins in the east were formed during prolonged periods of passive thermal subsidence. The stratigraphy is composed of four second‐order sequences (A to D), each 5 to 10 Myr in duration. These sequences are composed of amalgamated fluvial channel deposits that fine upwards into extensive mud‐dominated floodplain deposits with isolated fluvial channel bodies. A spectrum of fluvial styles is recorded within the study area including perennial, perennial/intermittent and ephemeral. Four stratigraphic intervals (E1 to E4) are recognized in which the deposits of strongly seasonal perennial/intermittent fluvial deposits are predominant. These intervals, 2 to 6 Myr in duration, are correlated across the study area between basins with differing tectonic regimes and do not correlate with a particular position in second‐order sequences. This suggests that climate exerted the dominant influence on the formation of these intervals and can be differentiated from tectonic imprints. While the tectonic regime of a particular basin exerted a fundamental control on the external architecture, a coherent record of climate change is recognized in the internal architecture of fluvial units. This study demonstrates that tectonic and climatic controls can be recognized and differentiated in vertical successions by evaluating the changes in fluvial architecture.  相似文献   

This study presents an almost complete Middle Miocene to Pleistocene sequence of synrift sediments in the western branch of the East African Rift. The studied succession is exposed in several patches on an eastward tilted block between the northern tip of the Rwenzori Block and the eastern shoulder of the Albert Rift. In this position, it reaches a maximum thickness of 600 m of which 350 m have been logged systematically by analysing lithofacies and sediment architecture. Stratigraphic subdivision of the succession relies on published biostratigraphic data of endemic mollusc associations and their correlation across East Africa. The synrift sediments encountered are siliciclastics ranging from clay to coarse gravel with gypsum and ferrugineous interlayers or impregnations. Lithofacies and architectural analysis indicate alluvial plain, delta plain, nearshore, delta front, or lacustrine depositional environments. Based on the vertical stacking pattern, prograding and retrograding trends of the depositional environments, and climatic indicators (e.g. conservation of feldspar, gypsum, and/or iron hydroxide precipitation), four evolutionary phases can be distinguished: (i) a first phase between ca. 14.5 and 10.0 Ma is characterised by bedload-dominated fluvial environment with massive sandy to gravelly bedforms, feldspar-rich sands, rare iron impregnations and relatively low accommodation space. This phase is interpreted as pre- and early synrift sedimentation under a semiarid climate. (ii) From ca. 10.0 to 4.5 Ma predominantly fine-grained siliciclastics were deposited in a distal fluvial plain to lacustrine setting characterised by limited accommodation space. Fluctuation of thin beds, dominance of clay and frequent iron impregnations point to a more humid climate with seasonality and weak tectonic activity. (iii) During the third phase between 4.5 and 2.0 Ma delta plain and nearshore deposits with frequent ferrugineous impregnations and rich mollusc associations occurred, indicating a humid period with lake-level highstands and accelerated subsidence. (iv) During the final sedimentary interval between 2.0 and 1.5 Ma gravel units reoccurred with less iron- but more carbonate and gypsum impregnations, and arkosic sandstones. This phase recorded a general aridisation trend most probably caused by the upcoming rain barrier of the Rwenzori Mountains together with accelerated rift-flank uplift and strong subsidence of the rift floor. The results of this study are of particular importance for delineating key controls on sedimentation in the Albert Rift.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and benthic foraminifera analyses carried out on a core (length 4.15 m, collected at 22°56′31″S and 41°58′48″W, at a water depth of 43 m) sampled from the inner shelf of Cabo Frio, southeastern Brazilian continental margin, allowed identification of different hydrodynamic and productivity regimes related to sea-level fluctuations and/or climatic changes, during the last 9.4 ka cal BP. Prior to 7.0 ka cal BP, a less intense hydrodynamic and lower productivity regime occurred at lower sea levels and under drier climatic conditions. Between 7.0 and 5.0 ka cal BP, relatively stronger local oceanic circulation and relatively high productivity were observed, in a scenario of rising sea levels and more humid conditions. From 5.0 to 3.0 ka cal BP, bottom currents weakened and input of nutrients increased, with productivity levels similar to the previous phase at lower sea level and in a drier climate. From 3.0 ka cal BP up to the present, stronger hydrodynamic conditions and a higher productivity regime are linked to the establishment of the upwelling process in Cabo Frio. From 2.5 ka cal BP to the present, upwelling enhancement has been recognized, resulting from the combined action of NE winds and the intensification of the meandering pattern of the Brazil Current (BC).  相似文献   

Aggradation and fluvial incision controlled by downstream base-level changes at timescales of 10 to 500 kyr is incorporated in classic sequence stratigraphic models. However, upstream climate control on sediment supply and discharge variability causes fluvial incision and aggradation as well. Orbital forcing often regulates climate change at 10 to 500 kyr timescales while tectonic processes such as flexural (un)loading exert a dominant control at timescales longer than 500 kyr. It remains challenging to attribute fluvial incision and aggradation to upstream or downstream processes or disentangle allogenic from autogenic forcing, because time control is mostly limited in fluvial successions. The Palaeocene outcrops of the fluvial Lebo Shale Member in north-eastern Montana (Williston Basin, USA) constitute an exception. This study uses a distinctive tephra layer and two geomagnetic polarity reversals to create a 15 km long chronostratigraphic framework based on the correlation of twelve sections. Three aggradation–incision sequences are identified with durations of approximately 400 kyr, suggesting a relation with long-eccentricity. This age control further reveals that incision occurred during the approach of – or during – a 405 kyr long-eccentricity minimum. A long-term relaxation of the hydrological cycle related to such an orbital phasing potentially exerts an upstream climate control on river incision. Upstream, an expanding vegetation cover is expected because of an increasingly constant moisture supply to source areas. Entrapping by vegetation led to a significantly reduced sediment supply relative to discharge, especially at times of low evapotranspiration. Hence, high discharges resulted in incision. This study assesses the long-eccentricity regulated climate control on fluvial aggradation and incision in a new aggradation–incision sequence model.  相似文献   

A nearshore core (LT03-05) from the north basin of Lake Tanganyika provides diatom, pollen, and sedimentary time series covering the last ca. 3800 yr at 15-36 yr resolution. A chronology supported by 21 AMS dates on terrestrial and lacustrine materials allows us to account for ancient carbon effects on 14C ages and to propose refinements of the region's climatic history. Conditions drier than those of today were followed after ca. 3.30 ka by an overall wetting trend. Several century-scale climate variations were superimposed upon that trend, with exceptionally rainy conditions occurring 1.70-1.40 ka, 1.15-0.90 ka, 0.70-0.55 ka, and 0.35-0.20 ka. Around 0.55-0.35 ka, during the Spörer sunspot minimum, drier conditions developed in the northern Tanganyika basin while more humid conditions were registered at Lakes Victoria and Naivasha. This indicates significant variability in the nature and distribution of near-equatorial rainfall anomalies during much of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Field, micromorphological, pollen, whole soil (XRF), and stable isotope geochemical methods were used to evaluate the latest Pleistocene to Holocene climate record from a floodplain-terrace system in southeastern West Virginia. A late Pleistocene (22,940 ± 150 14C yr B.P.) silt paleosol with low-chroma colors formed from fluviolacustrine sediment deposited during the last glacial maximum (Wisconsinan) and records a cooler full-glacial paleoclimate. Fluvial gravel deposited between the latest Pleistocene and earliest Holocene (prior to 6360 ± 40 14C yr B.P.) was weathered in the middle Holocene under warmer, drier climate conditions, possibly correlated with the Hypsithermal and Altithermal Events of the eastern and southwestern United States, respectively. The glacial to interglacial climate shift is recorded by: (1) changes from a poorly drained landscape with fine-textured soil, characterized by high organic C and redoximorphic features related to Fe removal and concentration, to a well-drained, coarse-textured setting without gley and with significant argillic (Bt) horizon development; (2) changes from a high Zr and Ti silt-dominated parent material to locally derived, coarse fluvial gravels lower in Zr and Ti; (3) a shift from dominantly conifer and sedge pollen in the paleosol to a modern oak/hickory hardwood assemblage; and (4) a shift in δ13C values of soil organic matter from −28‰ to −24‰ PDB, suggesting an ecosystem shift from cooler, C3-dominated flora to one that was mixed C3 and C4, but still predominantly composed of C3 plants. A root-restrictive placic horizon developed between the late Pleistocene silt paleosol and the overlying fluvial gravel because of the high permeability contrast between the two textures of soil materials. This layer formed a barrier that effectively isolated the Pleistocene paleosol from later Holocene pedogenic processes.  相似文献   

New pollen, micro-charcoal, sediment and mineral analyses of a radiocarbon-dated sediment core from the Serra Sul dos Carajás (southeast Amazonia) indicate changes between drier and wetter climatic conditions during the past 25,000 yr, reflected by fire events, expansion of savanna vegetation and no-analog Amazonian forest communities. A cool and dry last glacial maximum (LGM) and late glacial were followed by a wet phase in the early Holocene lasting for ca. 1200 yr, when tropical forest occurred under stable humid conditions. Subsequently, an increasingly warm, seasonal climate established. The onset of seasonality falls within the early Holocene warm period, with possibly longer dry seasons from 10,200 to 3400 cal yr BP, and an explicitly drier phase from 9000 to 3700 cal yr BP. Modern conditions with shorter dry seasons became established after 3400 cal yr BP. Taken together with paleoenvironmental evidence from elsewhere in the Amazon Basin, the observed changes in late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation in the Serra Sul dos Carajás likely reflect large-scale shifts in precipitation patterns driven by the latitudinal displacement of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone and changes in sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic.  相似文献   

The Qarun Lake in the Faiyum Oasis (Egypt) provides a unique record of Holocene environmental and climate change in an arid area largely devoid of fossil proxy records. Multiple lithological, palaeontological and geochemical proxies and 32 radiocarbon dates from the 26‐m‐long core FA‐1 provide a time series of the lake's transformation. Our results confirm that a permanent lake appeared in the Holocene at c. 10 cal. ka BP. The finely laminated lake sediments consist of diatomite, in which diatoms and ostracods together with lower concentrations of ions indicate a freshwater environment at the end of the early and middle Holocene. This freshwater supply was closely associated with regular inflows of the Nile water during flood seasons, when the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migrated northwards in Africa, although it has probably never reached the Faiyum Oasis. Local rainfall, possibly connected with a northern atmospheric circulation, may have been important during winter. Several phases in the lake's evolution are recognized, represented by oscillations between deep open freshwater conditions during more humid climate and shallow fresh to brackish water during drier episodes. After a long freshwater phase, the lake setting has become more brackish since c. 6.2 cal. ka BP as indicated by diatoms and increasing contents of evaporite ions in the sediment. This clearly shows that since that time the lake has occasionally become partly desiccated. This is a result of reduced discharge of the Nile. In the late Holocene the lake was mostly brackish and then gradually turned into a saline lake. This natural process was interrupted about 2.3 cal. ka BP when a man‐made canal facilitated water inflow from the Nile. The examined FA‐1 core can be used as a reference age model of climate change in the Holocene and its impact on the development and decline of ancient civilizations in northeastern Africa.  相似文献   

Sediment data from the Bahamian Santaren carbonate drift reveal the variability of trans‐Atlantic Saharan dust transport back to about 100 ka bp (Marine Isotope Stage 5·3) and demonstrate that carbonate drifts are a valuable pelagic archive of aeolian dust flux. Carbonate drift bodies are common around tropical carbonate platforms; they represent large‐scale accumulations of ocean‐current transported material, which originates from the adjacent shallow‐water carbonate factory as well as from pelagic production, i.e. periplatform ooze. Subordinately, there is a clay‐size to silt‐size non‐carbonate fraction, which typically amounts to less than 10% of the sediment volume and originates from aeolian and fluvial input. Sedimentation rates in the 5·42 m long core GeoHH‐M95‐524 recovered 25 km west of Great Bahama Bank in the Santaren Channel ranges from 1·5 to 24·5 cm ka?1 with lowest values during the last glacial lowstand and highest values following platform re‐flooding around 8 ka bp . These sedimentation rates imply that carbonate drifts have not only the potential to resolve long‐term environmental changes on orbital timescales, but also millennial to centennial fluctuations during interglacials. The sediment core has been investigated with the aim of characterizing the lithogenic dust fraction. Laboratory analyses included X‐ray fluorescence core scanning, determination of carbonate content and grain‐size analyses (of bulk and terrigenous fraction), as well as visual inspections of the lithogenic residue; the age model is based on oxygen isotopes and radiocarbon ages. Data show that the input of aeolian dust in the periplatform ooze as indicated by Ti/Al and Fe/Al element ratios abruptly increases at 57 ka bp , stays elevated during glacial times, and reaches a Holocene minimum around 6·5 ka bp , contemporary to the African Humid Period. Subsequently, there is a gradual increase in dust flux which almost reaches glacial levels during the last centuries. Grain‐size data show that the majority of dust particles fall into the fine silt range (below 10 μm); however, there is a pronounced coarse dust fraction in the size range up to 63 μm and individual ‘giant’ dust particles are up to 515 μm in size. Total dust flux and the relative amounts of fine and coarse dust are decoupled. The time‐variable composition of the grain‐size spectrum is interpreted to reflect different dust transport mechanisms: fine dust particles are delivered by the trade winds and the geostrophic winds of the Saharan Air Layer, whereas coarse dust particles travel with convective storm systems. This mode of transport ensures continuous re‐suspension of large particles and results in a prolonged transport. In this context, grain‐size data from the terrigenous fraction of carbonate drifts provide a measure for past coarse dust transport, and consequently for the frequency of convective storm systems over the dust source areas and the tropical Atlantic.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):431-446
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions and climatic modelling allow us to investigate the influence of water and sediment supply on the preservation of fluvial systems within a given geodynamic context. To simulate climate, we need global-scale paleoenvironmental and paleotopographic reconstructions. However, the present study only covers the West-Tethys domain, where sedimentological and stratigraphic data allow us to check climate simulation results against geological data. We focus our modelling on the Olenekian, with the aim of characterizing the impact of climate on fluvial sedimentation in the West-Tethys domain. The climatic simulations show that paleoclimates differ between Western Europe and North Africa. A more humid climate is simulated over North Africa, whereas a rather arid climate prevails over Western Europe. In Western Europe, the sediments are preserved for the most part in endoreic basins and the presence of rivers in an arid environment suggests that these rivers are mainly fed by precipitation falling on the North Africa Variscan Mountains. In North Africa, sedimentation is exclusively preserved in exoreic basins (coastal plain sediments). Consequently, the lack of preserved fluvial systems in endoreic basins in North Africa either could be due to a shortage of accommodation space in this area, or is linked to the climatic conditions that controlled the water and sediment supply.  相似文献   

Investigation of chemical and physical weathering of bedrock and alluvial sediment in the Anza Borrego Desert, California, sheds light on weathering processes in hot‐arid systems and clarifies interpretations of climate from alluvial sediment. All of the alluvial sediment in the study area emanates from Cretaceous tonalite of the Peninsular Range, enabling exploration of the effects of external variables – climate, transport distance and tectonics – on the physical and chemical properties of the sediment. Chemical weathering in this area is dominated by plagioclase alteration observed in both bedrock outcrops and sediment, evinced most clearly by changes in the Eu anomaly. Biotite chemical weathering, manifested by interlayer K+ loss, is not evident in bedrock, but clearly observed in the sediment. Despite the weak intensity of chemical weathering (Chemical Index of Alteration = 56 to 62), fine‐grained (<63 μm) sediment displays a clear weathering trend in A–CN–K space and contains up to 25% clay minerals. Physical abrasion and grain‐size reduction in biotite during transport predominates in the sediment, whereas physical (insolation) weathering affecting bedrock is inferred from estimates of differential thermal expansion of mineral phases in response to extreme temperature changes in the study area. Chemical alteration and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area both increase within the active Elsinore fault zone at the distal end of the depositional transect, reflecting tectonic‐induced fracturing and associated accelerated weathering. Extensive fracturing, together with a more humid Pleistocene climate, probably facilitated in situ bedrock weathering, preceding arid alluvial deposition in the Holocene. This study demonstrates that both climate and tectonic processes can affect chemical and physical weathering, resulting in alteration of plagioclase, leaching of K+ from biotite in the sediment and formation of clay minerals, even in hot, arid systems.  相似文献   

对河北平原中部保定西伯章厚20.74 m的剖面进行实测,系统采集粒度和光释光(OSL)样品进行分析,以期获得其沉积特征及环境演变信息。光释光测年显示该剖面为102~8.69 ka的沉积,时代属于晚更新世到早全新世。岩性和粒度分析表明该剖面为曲流河冲积沉积,可以进一步划分为河道沉积和河漫滩沉积。河道沉积以含云母碎片的中粗砂为主,发育斜层理,频率曲线以正偏双峰频率曲线为主,分选中等到较差,概率累积曲线以跳跃组分为主的两段式为主。河漫滩沉积以黏土质粉砂为主,含保存良好的腹足类化石和钙质结核,频率曲线以负偏双峰为主,分选差,概率累积曲线以悬浮组分占比大的两段式为主。C-M图显示该剖面以均匀悬浮沉积为主,属典型曲流河沉积。实测剖面与黄土剖面对比分析显示西伯章剖面可以分为三个阶段,下部20.74~16.14 m为末次间冰期晚期沉积,气候温暖湿润,以粉砂质沉积为主;中部16.14~3.18 m为末次冰期沉积,气候干冷,沉积物显示细—粗—细的特征,与末次冰期早冰阶—间冰阶—盛冰阶一一对应;上部3.18~0.2 m为冰后期沉积,与末次间冰期晚期沉积环境类似,以黏土和黏土质粉砂沉积为主。粒度成因分析揭示了河北平原中部保定凹陷区晚第四纪沉积环境主要为河流冲积环境,粒度阶段性分布特征是晚第四纪以来冰期-间冰期气候的物质响应。   相似文献   

The regional landscape of the Salado depression is related to weathering, eolian and fluvial processes generated under different climatic conditions. Although during most of the Holocene the climatic conditions were warm and humid, previously, a vast plain dominated by deflation processes and enhanced by weathering processes was developed in an arid environment. Fluvial deposits produced afterwards are continuous and lithologically homogeneous, which allows differentiation and characterization of the entire stratigraphic sequence. The stratigraphic units of this area, closely related to the paleoclimatic conditions, are recognized and characterized. Three lithostratigraphic units of fluvial origin (Members) and two paleosols have been differentiated. The first ones were grouped in the Luján Formation. Some of the units are related to other ones previously recognized in this area (La Chumbiada Member and La Pelada Geosol), but others have no similarity or relationship with previously known units (Gorch and Puente Las Gaviotas Members, and Frigorífico Belgrano Geosol). Radiocarbon ages suggest that the fluvial sequences were deposited after the glacial maximum, corresponding to MIS 1, except for the basal levels of the lower member which is late Late Pleistocene. Although the general paleoclimatic conditions were related to warm and humid climate, events related to water deficits were also recognized, which could be related to the Younger Dryas, the middle Holocene and the late Holocene.  相似文献   

洱海沉积物粒度记录与气候干湿变迁   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
通过对洱海现代沉积物的精细采样,将放射性核素精确计年与沉积物粒度研究相结合,重建了600多年来洱海区域气候的干湿变迁,为恢复百年尺度的气候干湿变化提供了一条新途径。研究结果表明,15世纪是洱海地区最为湿润的一个世纪;洱海区域存在100a、200a两种时间尺度的气候干湿准周期波动;自19世纪末以来洱海区域气候整体上向干旱化方向发展,目前正处于干旱期末期,预计气候将由干旱转向湿润。  相似文献   

Glaciations took place in five long intervals of the geologic history, called glacioeras: Kaapvaal (Late Archean), Huronian (Early Proterozoic), African (Late Proterozoic), Gondwanan (Paleozoic), and unfinished Antarctic (Late Cenozoic). The glacioeras were similar in structure, duration, and dynamics of evolution. They consisted of three to six glacioperiods including several discrete glacio-epochs. The glacioeras lasted ~ 200 Myr. They started with small regional glaciations, which expanded, reached intercontinental sizes, and then quickly degraded. There were serious differences between the Precambrian and Phanerozoic glacioeras. A series of ecologic crises related to numerous glacial events led first to abiotic and then to biotic factors. Glaciations caused extinction and stagnation of the Earth’s biota, the appearance of bionovations and new biota, and acceleration of evolution processes. Thus, the glacioeras were the turning intervals of the biosphere evolution.  相似文献   

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