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金宣宗兴定三年(公元1219年),在今宁夏回族自治区南部发生强烈地震,现有文献给出的地震次数、地震时间、震中位置差异很大.本文根据我国地震史料和近年固原发现的碑文和地方志记载,考证该强震时间在六月十八日巳时(公历格列历8月6日10时前后);震中在固原南(35.6°N,106.2°E);震级为61/2级;震中烈度为Ⅷ至Ⅸ度.  相似文献   

公元849年10月20日(唐宣宗大中三年十月辛巳),在内蒙古包头附近发生了一次大地震,造成城堡、军营和民房破坏等严重震害和数千人死亡。目前对本次地震的震中位置、烈度和震级等基本参数认识尚存疑。通过对相关史料的系统梳理,重点对位置存疑的云伽关或云伽镇等进行进一步分析论证,重新核定了主要破坏地点及其地震烈度,修绘了地震等震线图,校核了地震震级、震中位置等基本参数。结果表明,公元849年地震等震线呈不对称的纺锤形,长轴方向为近东西向,短轴呈近南北向,极震区烈度可达X~X+度,震中位置大约在今内蒙古包头市附近,即40.6°N、110.3°E,震级达(7.8±0.3)级或7级。其中,等震线南侧地震影响范围大(包括河套盆地及其以南较大区域)、震害重、烈度衰减慢,而北侧几乎无震害记载,地震烈度衰减快,影响范围小。本次地震烈度等震线属于典型的正断层地震类型,其发震构造为大青山山前断裂中西段。文章依据历史地震史料校核结果与前人基于活动断裂研究结果所确定的震中位置和震级大致相当。综合研究认为鄂尔多斯北缘发生的公元849年地震震级约为7级,该区未来地震震级上限及其大震风险值得继续深入研...  相似文献   

756年张掖-酒泉地震考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据现有历史地震资料和新补充史料的综合考证,认为现行地震目录所给的公元756年张掖-酒泉地震参数不确切,应做如下修正:震级应由现在的6级修订为7级左右,震中烈度由Ⅶ~Ⅷ度修订为Ⅸ~X度,极震区介于张掖、酒泉之间的高台北罗城一带.  相似文献   

2021年8月26日甘肃省酒泉市阿克塞哈萨克族自治县(38.88°N, 95.50°E)发生5.5级地震,震源深度15 km,震中烈度为Ⅶ度,震区总面积为1 352 km2,距震中30 km处存在烈度异常点。本次地震震害较轻,未造成人员伤亡,经济损失较轻。本文从地震应急响应、现场震害调查、建筑物破坏情况调研、烈度评定、灾害损失评估等方面对本次地震震害特点进行分析总结,对造成震害的致灾因素进行深入分析,得出震害经验和相应的防震减灾启示,以便本地区查找防震减灾不利因素,进而采取属地化措施,尽可能减轻未来地震灾害损失。  相似文献   

史载公元849年10月20日,内蒙古河套地区发生大地震.对这次地震的震中位置、震级、烈度的认识目前存在较大分歧.作者在大青山山前断裂带活断层填图和古地震研究过程中,在大青山山前断裂中、西段,发现多处距今1000多年的地震形变遗迹;结合公元849年地震史料的进一步考证,表明大青山山前断裂带为公元849年地震的发震构造.宏观震中位置应在活动断裂变位量最大的包头铝厂至永富一带,地理坐标约为北纬40.4°,东经110.2°.震中烈度为Ⅹ度,震级为7.7.  相似文献   

根据历史资料对公元138年陇西郡地震进行了考证,认为该次地震的震中应在青海省民和县与甘肃省临洮县之间,震中位置为北纬35.9°,东经103.3°.震中烈度为Ⅸ,震级为634.对该次地震的区域构造背景也进行了讨论.据史料记载,张衡地动仪曾记录到了这次地震.  相似文献   

史载公元849年10月20日,内蒙古河套地区发生大地震.对这次地震的震中位置、震级、烈度的认识目前存在较大分歧.作者在大青山山前断裂带活断层填图和古地震研究过程中,在大青山山前断裂中、西段,发现多处距今1000多年的地震形变遗迹;结合公元849年地震史料的进一步考证,表明大青山山前断裂带为公元849年地震的发震构造.宏观震中位置应在活动断裂变位量最大的包头铝厂至永富一带,地理坐标约为北纬40.4deg;,东经110.2deg;.震中烈度为Ⅹ度,震级为7.7.   相似文献   

1590年7月7日甘肃永靖东南地震考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公元1590年7月,在甘肃临洮附近有破坏性历史地震记载"……坏城廓庐舍,压死人畜无算"。同月,青海东部的冰沟城(今乐都县东北)也因地震而城崩。在过去出版的地震目录中,均按两次地震列出,分别称为甘肃临洮51/2级地震,震中烈度Ⅶ度;青海乐都5级地震,震中烈度Ⅵ度。根据史料考证和现场调查结果,综合分析认为,上述两次地震很有可能为同一次地震,其震中位于甘肃永靖东南的马衔山区,震中烈度达Ⅷ—Ⅸ度,震级61/2级左右,其发震构造很可能为兰州马衔山北缘断裂带的中西段。  相似文献   

对143年甘谷西7级地震史料的新见解   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
根据地震历史资料的考证分析,143年甘谷西地震可能由2次地震组成,其中陇西、汉阳(今甘谷)、武都三郡地震有感区为一次地震,称为南区;张掖、武威、北地(今吴忠)三郡地震有感区为另一次主震,称为北区。南区地震震中大致位于甘谷西,与原定震中位置大体相当,仍称为甘谷西地震,震级达714级左右,震中烈度约Ⅸ~Ⅹ度,发震构造为西秦岭北缘断裂带中段;北区的143年地震震中位于武威以东的腾格里沙漠边缘,震级达712级左右,震中烈度约Ⅹ度,推测其发震构造为祁连山-河西走廊活动断裂系东端的主干活动断裂之一。  相似文献   

辽宁彰武4.8级地震的烈度与震害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988年2月25日13时59分辽宁彰武发生Ms:4.8级的地震,宏观震中位于彰武县马尾村(42°15′N、122°31′E)震中烈度为Ⅵ度。本文叙述了这次地震的烈度分布与震害。这次地震震害总的特点是房屋破坏不严重,但有裂缝的房屋在Ⅴ度和Ⅵ度区内广泛分布,震害有一定的隐蔽性。  相似文献   

According to historical records,in July of 1590 A.D.,a destructive earthquake occurred near Lintao county in Gansu Province,in which "… city walls and houses collapsed,and countless people and domestic animals were killed".In the same month,Binggou town in eastern Qinghai Province(now northeastern Ledu county),was also damaged by an earthquake.These two earthquakes were listed as two different cases in the published earthquake catalogues,recorded separately as the Lintao M_S5.5 earthquake with epicentral intensity Ⅶ in Gansu Province and the Ledu M_S5.0 earthquake with epicentral intensity Ⅵ in Qinghai Province.However,based on comprehensive analysis of research on historical records and field investigations,it is concluded in this paper that these two earthquakes could be the same one with magnitude 6.5 and epicentral intensity Ⅷ~Ⅸ.Its epicenter was in the Maxian Mt.,which is located in southeastern Yongjing and its seismogenic structure might be the mid-western segments of the north fringe fault zone of Maxian Mt.of Lanzhou.  相似文献   

A query regarding the now commonly accepted epicentral location of the 1216 Mahu earthquake in Leibo County, Sichuan Province is proposed after examination of local historical records of earthquakes, field investigation of the Mahu barrier lake, study of geological environment for the earthquake and the available data then a relocation of the earthquake epicenter is suggested in the paper.  相似文献   

1837年甘肃岷县北6级地震考证与发震构造分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对1837年甘肃岷县北6级地震的历史资料考证、 发震构造的综合研究表明:在1837年地震中遭破坏最为严重的地区位于今岷县堡子乡武旗及临潭县陈旗一带(当时的洮州厅以东约15 km)。 由此确定1837年甘肃岷县地震极震区位于甘肃岷县-临潭-卓尼三县交界, 极震区烈度为Ⅷ度, 震中位于北纬34.7°, 东经103.9°, 误差在10 km以内。 该地区构造位于东昆仑断裂带和西秦岭北缘断裂带的应变传递和构造转换的中间过渡区, 其中临潭-宕昌断裂带活动特性差异明显, 只有部分地段表现出全新世活动特征, 地震极震区一带分布有不同程度的滑坡和基岩崩塌等。 综合分析认为, 临潭-宕昌断裂带的岷县-宕昌段的前缘分支断裂是甘肃岷县1837年6级地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

公元1831年安徽凤台地震宏观震中考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
公元1831年(清道光十一年)安徽凤台曾发生一次破坏性地震,史料记载情况基本一致,但现有各版地震目录所确定的震中位置存在分歧,震中位置竟多达4处.在分析已有资料的基础上,作者对该地震进行了实地考察.经综合分析认为,应当对此次地震的宏观震中进行调整,震中位置应改为32.88°N、116.89°E,名称相应变更为"安徽怀远西南地震".同时认为此次地震原来所确定的震级(614)偏大.  相似文献   

A magnitude 7(3/4) earthquake happened in Linfen, Shanxi, on May 18, 1965(the 34th year of Qing Emperor Kangxi). In the Catalogue of Chinese Historical Strong Earthquakes, the epicenter of this earthquake is located at the northwest of Zhangli Village of Xiangfen County and Dongkang Village of Yaodu District, Linfen City(36.0°N, 111.5°E), and the epicentral intensity is Ⅹ. It was inferred by previous studies that Guojiazhuang Fault is the seismogenic structure of the earthquake. In this paper, in cooperation with the Archives of Linfen City and Earthquake Administration of Linfen, the author looked up in details the first-hand materials of the earthquake damage to the ancient town of Linfen and its surrounding areas, and based on this, drew the isoseismals of the earthquake. Through discussions with relevant experts, we consider that it would be more appropriate that the location of the macroscopic epicenter of this earthquake is in Donguan area of the ancient town of Linfen, the epicentral intensity is Ⅺ, and the major axis of the isoseismals is in NWW. Later, in the implementation of "Linfen city active fault detection and seismic risk evaluation", we found two earthquake fault outcrops near the macroscopic epicentral area of the 1695 Linfen earthquake. Shallow seismic exploration lines and drill rows perpendicular to the strike of the fault outcrops were arranged to implement the exploration. The results demonstrate that the right-lateral stepover composed of Guojiazhuang Fault and Liucun Fault, together with the Luoyunshan Fault(Longci segment), were involved in the 1695 Linfen earthquake, the intersection of the faults is the microscopic epicenter of the earthquake, and the above-mentioned three faults are the seismogenic structure of the earthquake. In addition, the seismic geological remains in this region(landslides, earthquake ground cracks, sand emitting channels, etc.) are mainly distributed on the hanging wall of the Guojiazhuang Fault, this proves from another perspective that the earthquake remains is the product of activity of Guojiazhuang Fault in 1695.  相似文献   

1856年黔江-咸丰地震在不同版本的目录中,震级和震中烈度均存在不小的差异。本文通过对1856年黔江-咸丰地震史料的收集,查阅更大范围的史志、地方志,详细分析了史料中此次地震造成的震害情况。对黔江-咸丰地震进行实地考查,并通过对西南山区近年来几次地震的对比分析,从震害角度、地震烈度图不同烈度面积的角度,进一步讨论震中烈度的可能性。采用多种方法对地震震级进行估算。但黔江-咸丰地震的震中烈度和震级确定依然是个难题,还需进行进一步研究。  相似文献   

On the basis of textual research on the historical earthquake data and the field investigation of 1219 A.D.Guyuan earthquake,we suggest that there is only one strong earthquake occurred in Guyuan area in 1219 A.D.,instead of two or three strong earthquakes.We further suggest that the earthquake parameters recorded in the present earth-quake catalogs are not definite and should be modified.The occurrence time of this earthquake should be about 11 am,August 7,1219 A.D.and the heavily-damaged area of this earthquake,the VIII intensity area,should be lo-cated among the regions of Guyuan,Pingliang and Longde county cities.The epicenter area should be near Gu-yuan city.The magnitude of this earthquake is about 7 and it has intensity about larger than or equal to IX within the epicenter area.The major axis direction of the heavily-damaged area strikes in north-northwest that is ap-proximately consistent with the strike of the Liupan Shan thrust fault zone.The new tectonic activity of the Liupan Shan thrust fault zone resulted in the M7 Guyuan earthquake in 1219 A.D.  相似文献   

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