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The Adak volcanic center is located in the central part of the Aleutian arc and consists of three main volcanic vents. Andrew Bay Volcano, the oldest center, has been mostly removed by erosion. The next youngest vent, Mount Adagdak, was built in three major volcanic stages whereas Mount Moffett, the largest volcanic edifice, consists of a main cone and a parasitic cone each with several magmatic phases. Adak is unique compared to other modern Aleutian volcanic centers in that it contains two xenolith suites (Conrad and Kay, 1984; Debari et al., 1987). One suite consisting predominantly of mafic xenoliths occurs on Mount Moffett whereas an assemblage of ultramafic and mafic xenoliths is found on Mount Adagdak. Lavas erupted at Adak span the compositional range from 48.4 to 65.0 wt.% SiO2 and are characterized by significant variations in Al2O3, MgO, Sr, Ni and Cr. On Harker diagrams, this variability produces compositional trends with significant scatter. The Adak suite has total REE contents that vary from 32 to 154 ppm but do not correlate systematically with silica. ( )n ratios range from 2.41 to 21.72 with the majority of lavas between 2.41 and 6.06. On process identification diagrams, the Adak suite plots as steeply sloping trends that contrast with the horizontal patterns of most other Aleutian centers. Measured isotopic ranges are large and nearly equal to those for the entire arc. Although they span similar silica ranges, subtle geochemical and isotopic differences distinguish the different volcanic vents of Adak. On Mount Moffett, a geochemically and isotopically distinct group of andesites (55.5–57.9 SiO2), the mafic andesites, occur on its NE flank. These lavas have elevated MgO, Ni and Cr but are depleted in Al2O3 relative to other Mount Moffett andesites with similar silica. They also have more heterogeneous REE abundances and isotopic ratios than most of the other andesites. Significant compositional differences exist between Adak and the other volcanic centers of the central Aleutian arc. Although these differences are characteristic of all geochemical systems, they are greatest for major and rare-earth elements and isotopic ratios. The lack of coherent relationships on major- and trace-element Harker diagrams, the isotopic variability, as well as the steeply sloping trends on REE process identification diagrams suggest that the Adak volcanic suite was not formed predominantly by closed-system crystal fractionation, but must be the product of a complex open-system process(es). The significant isotopic variability displayed by the suite suggests that contamination by an isotopically distinct contaminant must also have been an important petrologic component in the evolution of the suite. REE data are also suggestive of a role for magma mixing. Such a complex petrologic evolution is consistent with an immature lithospheric plumbing system. Based on REE systematics, the xenolith suites of Adak cannot, as previously proposed, be related to the host lavas or the rest of the Adak suite through crystal fractionation schemes. Rather they are probably accidental fragments derived from various depths along lithospheric conduits. In light of their relation to xenolith-bearing units, the mafic andesites of Adak presumably represent hybrid magmas formed during the interaction of ascending magmas with lithospheric wall rock. They are, therefore, characteristic of immature volcanic centers and unlikely to be related directly to the magmatic processes responsible for the generation of primary arc magmas. Because of the close proximity of the vents and the subtle compositional differences between their lavas, the Adak volcanic center was probably supplied by a single, deep lithospheric plumbing system that fed separate crustal magma chambers. The absence of historic volcanic activity on Adak suggests this plumbing system was abandoned before complete conduit development. This decline in magmatism may reflect a re-adjustment of volcano spacing within this part of the Aleutian arc.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic volcanism in Baja California records the effects of cessation of subduction at a previously convergent, plate margin. Prior to 12.5 m.y., when subduction along the margin of Baja ceased, the predominant volcanic activity had a calc-alkaline signature, ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite. Acidic pyroclastic activity was common, and possibly represented the westermost, distal edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental province. After 12.5 m.y., however, the style and composition of the magmatic products changed dramatically. The dominant rock type within the Jaraguay and San Borja volcanic fields is a magnesian andesite, with up to 8% MgO at 57% SiO2, low Fe/Mg ratios, and high Na/K ratios. These rocks have unusual trace-element characteristics, with high abundances of Sr (up to 3000 ppm), low contents of Rb; K/Rb ratios are very high (usually over 1000, and up to 2500), and Rb/Sr ratios are low (less than 0.01). Furthermore, Lan/Ybn ratios are high, consistent with derivation from a mantle source with fractionated REE patterns. 87Sr/86Sr ratios are less than 0.7048, and usually less than 0.7040, whereas the pre-12.5 m.y. lavas have 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.7038 and 0.7063. We have previously termed these rocks bajaites, in order to distinguish them from other magnesian andesites. Bajaites also occur in southernmost Chile and the Aleutian Islands, areas which also have histories of attempted or successful ridge subduction.It is proposed that the bajaite series is produced during the unusual physico-chemical conditions operating during the subduction of young oceanic lithosphere, or subduction of a spreading centre. During normal subduction, the oceanic crust dehydrates, releasing volatiles (water, Rb and other large-ion lithophile elements) into the overlying wedge. Subduction of younger crust will result in a progressive decrease, and eventual cessation of the transfer of volatiles when subduction stops. Thermal rebound of the mantle may cause the slab to melt, perhaps under eclogitestable conditions. The resulting melt will be heavy-REE-depleted, perhaps dacitic, but will otherwise inherit MORB-like Rb/Sr and K/Rb ratios. The ascending melt will react with the mantle to form the source of the bajaitic rocks. Furthermore, any amphibole in the mantle, stabilised during the higher PH2O conditions of earlier subduction, will break down and contribute a high-K/Rb ratio component.The implications of this study are that firstly, the subducted slab does not contribute a highly fractionated REE component in most modern arcs (i.e. the slab does not melt); secondly, Rb has a very short residence time in the mantle, and its abundance in arc rocks is a direct reflection of the input from the dehydrating slab; and thirdly, bajaitelike rocks may provide recognition of attempted or successful ridge subduction in the geologic past.  相似文献   

The Caledonian North Qilian orogenic belt lies between the North China plate and the Qaidam mi-croplates, and resulted from the collision among the Qaidam microplate, mid-Qilian block and the North China plate. The orogen initiated from the rifting of the Late Proterozoic Rodinia, and then it experi-enced stages of Cambrian rift basin and Ordovician archipelagic oceanic basin, and foreland basin during Silurian to Early-Middle Devonian. The average ratios of Al/(Al Fe Mn), Al/(Al Fe), δ Ce, Lan/Ybn and Lan/Cen from cherts of Cambrian Heicigou Formation are 0.797, 0.627, 1.114, 0.994 and 1.034 re-spectively. In the NAS standardized REE distribution pattern, the cherts from Xiangqianshan is slightly HREE enriched, and the cherts from Ganluci and Shiqingdong are plane. All of these features indicated that Cambrian cherts of the Heicigou Formation originated from a continental margin rift background. On the contrary, the average ratios of Al/(Al Fe Mn), Al/(Al Fe), δ Ce, Lan/Ybn, Lan/Cen of the Ordovician chert from Dakecha, Cuijiadun, Shihuigou, Laohushan, Heicigou, Maomaoshan, Bianmagou, Da-chadaban, Baiquanmen, Jiugequan and Angzanggou, are respectively 0.72, 0.58, 0.99, 1.09 and 0.96 respectively. Their NAS standardized REE distribution patterns of most Ordovician cherts are plane mode or slightly HREE enriched. The REE distribution pattern of few samples of cherts are slightly LREE enriched. Characteristics of sedimentary geochemistry and tectonic evolution demonstrated that the Cambrian-Ordovician cherts, associated with rift, oceanic, island arc and back-arc volcanic rocks, was not formed in a typical abyssal oceanic basin or mid-oceanic ridge. On the contrary, they formed in a deepwater basin of continental margin or a archipelagic ocean tectonic setting. Several Early Paleo-zoic ophiolite belts in North Qilian and adjacent periphery Qaidam microplate imply that an archipelagic ocean during Ordovician existed in the east of Pro-Tethys.  相似文献   

The extinct Pleistocene volcano Muriah, situated behind the main Pleistocene—Recent Sunda magmatic arc in north-central Java, has erupted at least two contrasted groups of lavas. One group forms a well-defined compositional series (Anhydrous Series) from leucite basanite to tephritic phonolite, with olivine and tschermakitic clinopyroxene the main phenocrysts. The other group, the “Hydrous Series”, includes compositionally variable tephrites and high-K andesites with common plagioclase, biotite and amphibole. Lavas of the Anhydrous Series are much richer in LIL trace elements than the most potassic lavas of neighbouring active volcanoes, but relative HFS element enrichment is less pronounced. REE patterns have almost constant slopes from La (250–600 times chondrites) to Yb (5–10 times chondrites), while those of lavas of active centres are less light-enriched, and show flattening in the heavy REE. Anhydrous Series initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7043–0.7046) are lower than those of active centres (0.7047–0.7053). Hydrous Series lavas are intermediate in all these geochemical characteristics.The most mafic A-series leucite basanite, with Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) 0.69, 140 ppm Ni and 620 ppm Cr was probably derived from the primary magma for the series by fractionation of only 5 wt.% olivine. Its REE pattern suggests derivation from a garnet-bearing source. Experiments on this basanite, with up to 10% olivine and 20% orthopyroxene added, and in the presence of H2O and H2O/CO2 mixtures, have shown that for all but very high magma water contents, the olivine and garnet liquidus fields are widely separated by fields of phlogopite and clinopyroxene. There is no liquidus field of orthopyroxene. Hence, if magma production involved an equilibrium melting process alone, the most probable sources are of garnet-bearing phlogopite clinopyroxenite type. Alternatively, this magma may represent the end-product of interaction between a low-K basanite magma from a garnet lherzolite source in the asthenosphere and a phlogopite-bearing lherzolite zone in the lower lithosphere. Its production was probably related to crustal doming and extension superimposed on the dominant subduction regime. Hydrous Series magmas may have resulted from mixing between Anhydrous Series magmas and high-K calc-alkaline basaltic to andesitic magmas more directly related to subduction processes.  相似文献   

The Philippine islands are situated between two oppositely dipping zones of seismicity. With the exception of a few areas, such as in the west central Philippines where the North Palawan continental terrane (NPCT) has collided with the archipelago, these seismic zones are well defined to depths of 200 km. Active volcanic chains overlay segments in each of these zones, suggesting that subduction is presently taking place both east and west of the islands. Lavas we have studied are thus divided between what has been termed the West Philippine arc and the East Philippine arc.West Philippine arc volcanic rocks which were extruded before the Philippine archipelago collided with the NPCT, or which are younger than the collision but crop out hundreds of kilometers from the collision zone, and all but one of the rocks from the East Philippine arc fall in the MORB field on207Pb/204Pb versus206Pb/204Pb covariation diagrams. This is surprising considering the frequency with which arc materials have207Pb/204Pb ratios higher than those of MORB, the highBa/REE and Sr/REE ratios in the lavas and the possibility of sediment subduction given the small accretionary prisms. All of these rocks have high208Pb/204Pb ratios with respect to Pacific and Atlantic Ocean MORB, but are similar to Indian Ocean MORB and IOB. Thus the Philippines consist of island arcs with the peculiar Dupal isotopic anomaly documented between 0° and 60°S in the southern hemisphere and particularly in the Indian Ocean region. This demonstrates that the Dupal isotopic anomaly is not restricted to the southern hemisphere, or to MORB and OIB.Post-collision rocks cropping out near the NPCT, in the West Philippine arc, have elevated208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb ratios that could be attributed to assimilation of the newly introduced continental crust (NPCT) by mantle-derived magmas or to the addition of a sedimentary component to mantle-derived magmas.  相似文献   

Field observation showed that there are many irregular leucocratic intrusive rocks in pillow lavas in the Danfeng Group in the Xiaowangjian area, north Qinling orogenic belt. Photomicrographs indicated that the protoliths of those altered leucocratic intrusive rocks are dioritic rocks. Geochemical analyses showed that pillow lavas have a range of SiO2 from 47.35% to 51.20%, low abundance of TiO2 from 0.97% to 1.72%, and percentages of MgO (MgO#=41―49). Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of pillow lavas are even, indicative of a weak differentiation between LREE and HREE (La/YbN=1.52―0.99). N-MORB-normalized trace element abundances showed that pillow lavas are enriched in incompatible elements (e.g., K, Rb, and Ba). Leucocratic intrusive rocks in pillow lavas have a wide range of SiO2 from 53.85%―67.20%, low abundances of TiO2 from 0.51%―1.10%, and MgO (MgO#=40―51), and higher percentages of Al2O3 (13.32%―16.62%) and concentration of Sr (342-539 μg/g), ratios of Na2O/K2O (2―7) and Sr/Y (17―28). Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of leucocratic intrusive rocks showed highly differentiation between LREE and HREE (La/YbN=12.26―19.41). N-MORB-normalized trace element abundances showed that leucocratic intrusive rocks are enriched in incompatible elements (e.g., K, Rb, and Ba), and significantly depleted in HFSE (e.g., Nb, Ta, Zr and Ti), indicative of a relationship to subduction. Isotopically, leucocratic intrusive rocks have a similar εNd(t) ( 7.45― 13.14) to that of MORB ( 8.8― 9.7), which indicates that those leucocratic intrusive rocks sourced from depleted mantle most likely. SHRIMP U-Pb analyses for zircon showed that those leucocratic intrusive rocks were formed at 442±7 Ma, yielding an age of subduction in the early Paleozoic in the north Qinling orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The Aegean volcanic arc is the result of a lithosphere subduction process during the Quaternary time. Starting from the Soussaki area, from west to east, the arc proceeds through the islands of Egina, Methana, Milos, Santorini, the Columbus Bank, Kos and Nisyros. Volcano-tectonic activities are still pronounced at Santorini and Nisyros in form of seismic activity, craters of hydrothermal explosions, hot fumaroles and thermal springs. A significant number of cold water springs emerge in the vicinity of hot waters on these islands.Chemical and isotopic analyses were applied on water and fumaroles samples collected in different areas of the volcanic arc in order to attempt the assessment of these fluids. Stable isotopes of water and carbon have been used to evaluate the origin of cold and thermal water and CO2.Chemical solute concentrations and isotopic contents of waters show that the fluids emerging in Egina, Soussaki, Methana and Kos areas represent geothermal systems in their waning stage, while the fluids from Milos, Santorini and Nisyros proceed from active geothermal systems.The δ2H–δ18O–Cl? relationships suggest that the parent hydrothermal liquids of Nisyros and Milos are produced through mixing of seawater and Arc-Type Magmatic Water (ATMW), with negligible to nil contribution of local ground waters and with very high participation of the magmatic component, which is close to 70% in both sites. A very high magmatic contribution to the deep geothermal system could occur at Santorini as well, perhaps with a percentage similar to Nisyros and Milos, but it cannot be calculated because of steam condensation heavily affecting the fumarolic fluids of Nea Kameni before the surface discharge.The parent hydrothermal liquid at Methana originates through mixing of local groundwaters, seawater and ATMW, with a magmatic participation close to 19%. All in all, the contribution of ATMW is higher in the central–eastern part of the Aegean volcanic arc than in the western sector. This difference, which is spotted in the variable isotopic composition of the sampled fluids from west to east along the arc, is probably due to several causes, including the tectonic regime, the depth of the deep reservoir below sea level, the age of volcanic activity and in general the geomorphologic state of each island.  相似文献   

One of the most prominent tectonic features of the Eastern Mediterranean region is the Hellenic volcanic arc in the Southern Aegean Sea, with the Santorini Island being one of the most active volcanic centers. Recent seismic studies show that the main seismic activity of the Santorini volcanic center is strongly associated with the volcanic processes, as well as with the seismo-tectonic regime of the broader Southern Aegean Sea area. The main cluster of local seismicity is located near the northeastern edge of the Santorini Island, beneath the Coloumbo Reef, which is a submarine volcanic seamount of the Santorini Island volcanic system.  相似文献   

High precision trace element data obtained by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and Sr–Nd isotope analyses are presented for mafic volcanic rocks from Gough Island, South Atlantic. The new data reveal negative Ce anomalies, with Ce/Ce? values in Gough lavas extending down to ~ 0.92. Ce is only fractionated from other rare earth elements (REE) due to formation of Ce4+ under oxidizing conditions of near-surface environments while other REE remain trivalent. Ce anomalies in convergent margin magmas have been shown to indicate a contribution of a subducted sediment component. In contrast, Ce anomalies in intra-plate basalts have been attributed to weathering processes, but can be excluded here based on element–element systematics indicating magmatic trends rather than weathering-induced element mobility. Shallow-level contamination by local marine sediments with negative Ce anomaly inherited from seawater can be excluded because Gough lavas with increasingly negative Ce anomalies do not trend towards low Ce/Pb ratios characterizing such sediments. Rather, it is argued that the negative Ce anomalies in Gough Island lavas are consistent with variable amounts of a sediment component in the mantle plume source. Mixtures between estimates of subducting sediment columns with negative Ce anomaly and mantle capable of giving rise to Gough Island magmas without Ce anomalies reproduce the Gough compositional array with the exception of highly fluid-mobile elements. The calculated trace element composition of the deeply recycled sediment in the Gough plume source is depleted in fluid-mobile elements such as Ba and Pb relative to the composition of some present-day subducting sediments. This loss is attributed to the dehydration or flushing of sediment in the subduction factory, consistent with constraints from arc magmas.  相似文献   

87Sr/86Sr and143Nd/144Nd ratios, REE and selected minor and trace elements are presented and compared for present-day volcanic rocks in the Scotia Sea.Tholeiitic basalts from the South Sandwich Islands show widely ranging contents of some lithophile elements, e.g. K2O (0.09–0.55%) and Rb (1.55–14.2 ppm), but fairly constant Na2O and Sr. Total REE contents range from about 4–20 times chondritic abundances with significant light-REE depletion and both positive and negative Eu anomalies. The variations in minor and trace element abundances are consistent with low-pressure fractional crystallization of plagioclase and clinopyroxene but only minor amounts of olivine. The87Sr/86Sr and143Nd/144Nd ratios of the parental magmas are thought be 0.7038–0.7039 and 0.51301–0.51314 respectively, and indicate derivation of at least some87Sr from subducted ocean crust.The back-arc tholeiites in the Scotia Sea have lower87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7028–0.7033), similar143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.51305) and are variably light-REE-enriched(CeN/YbN= 1.0–1.6). Total REE contents are comparable to those of the South Sandwich Islands tholeiites.  相似文献   

The Aegean volcanic arc is one of the most important geological structure of the Mediterranean area. It is a belt of volcanic centers consisting of products ranging from basaltic, andesitic, dacitic to rhyolitic in composition, all of them displaying a typical calc-alkaline chemical character. The most abundant rock types are represented by andesites and dacites. Minor amounts of basalts and rhyolites occur mainly in the central-eastern sector of the arc. The REE, Rb, Sr, Ba, Th, Ta, Hf, Zr, Ni, Co, V and Cr abundances determined in 27 representative samples from different centers suggest that: 1) the intermediate and acidic terms are products of crystal/liquid fractionation processes starting from basic parent magmas: 2) large variations in incompatible elements occur in the most basic samples that are interpreted as evidence for heterogeneously LIL element-enriched mantle source; 3) plagioclase played a role in the evolution of the volcanic centers of the eastern and central arc different from that played in the volcanoes of the western sector. Along the arc, the differences in the distribution of lithological types, in the volumes of erupted material, in the volcanological characteristics of the different centers as well as in the patterns of trace element distribution in the volcanites are considered to be connected with the prevailing tectonic regime affecting the various sectors of the arc.  相似文献   

New rare earth element (REE) data, Rb and Sr analyses and Sr isotope measurements are presented for pumice clasts collected from some North Chilean ignimbrites of dacite and rhyolite composition. The samples are light-REE enriched with chondrite-normalised Ce (CeN) of 17–98, YbN of 4–14 and CeN/YbN of 2.6–15. While some samples have no Eu anomalies, others do have anomalies with inferred Eu/Eu* values of down to ca. 0.4. Eleven samples have present-day87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.7053 and 0.7100, and noting that some samples are up to 12 Ma old, initial87Sr/86Sr ratios are below ca. 0.709. These trace element and Sr isotope characteristics resemble those of contemporaneous andesite and dacite lavas, suggesting a common origin for all these rock types. The higher Rb/Sr ratios and larger Eu anomalies in most of the dacitic and rhyolitic ignimbrites are consistent with an origin by plagioclase-dominated fractional crystallization of mantle-derived andesite magma.  相似文献   

Extensive lava flows were erupted during the Upper Cretaceous in the Wadi Natash of southern Egypt. The lavas are mainly of alkaline (sodium dominated) composition and include alkali olivine basalt (AOB), hawaiite, mugearite, and benmoreite that intruded with acidic volcanics of trachytic to rhyolitic composition. Abundances of major oxides and trace elements including the REE vary systematically through this compositional spectrum. The gradual decrease of CaO with decreasing MgO is consistent with the dominance of phenocrysts of labradoritic plagioclase (An75–62) and Mg-rich olivine (Fo84–80) in the AOB and hawaiite. Olivine phenocrysts are normally zoned with cores consistent with crystallization from a magma having the bulk-rock composition. The sharp decrease of alkalis at low MgO contents (∼0.4% MgO) indicates significant alkali feldspar fractionation during the evolution of trachytes and rhyolites. All Natash lavas show steep chondrite-normalized REE patterns with considerable LREE/HREE fractionation and a regular decrease in La/Lu ratios from the least to the most evolved lavas (La/Lun=12.5−9.5). The low absolute abundances of HREE in basic members reflects residual garnet in the source. The basic lavas have experienced compositional modifications after they segregated from the source as evidenced by lower averages of Mg# (51), Ni (134) and Cr (229) in the AOB. Much of this variation can be explained by variable degrees of polybaric fractional crystallization. Petrographic and geochemical data supported by quantitative modelling suggest the evolution of the Natash Lavas from a common AOB parent in multiple, short-lived magma chambers. In agreement with the phenocryst mineralogy of the Natash lavas, the geochemical models suggest that with increasing degree of differentiation, Mg-rich olivine, calcic plagioclase, and augite are joined and progressively substituted by ferrohedenbergite, alkali feldspars and magnetite. The OIB (ocean island basalt)-like nature of the AOB and hawaiite lavas suggests that the volumetrically dominant source component is the asthenospheric mantle. A mantle-plume source is suggested for the Natash basaltic lavas, with the lavas being generated by partial melting of a garnet peridotite in the asthenosphere.  相似文献   

In contrast to most other arcs with oceanic plate subduction, the Aegean arc is characterized by continent–continent subduction. Noble gas abundances and isotopic compositions of 45 gas samples have been determined from 6 volcanoes along the arc, 2 islands in the back-arc region and 7 sites in the surrounding areas. The 3He/4He ratios of the samples ranged from 0.027RA to 6.2RA (RA denotes the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.4×10−6), demonstrating that even the maximum 3He/4He ratio in the region is significantly lower than the maximum ratios of most oceanic subduction systems, which are equal to the MORB value of 8±1 RA. Regional variations in the 3He/4He ratio were observed both along and across the arc. The maximum 3He/4He ratio was obtained from Nisyros volcano located in the eastern end of the arc, and the ratio decreased westward possibly reflecting the difference in potential degree of crustal assimilation or the present magmatic activity in each volcano. Across the volcanic arc, the 3He/4He ratio decreased with an increasing distance from the arc front, reaching a low ratio of 0.063RA in Macedonia, which suggested a major contribution of radiogenic helium derived from the continental crust. At Nisyros, a temporal increase in 3He/4He ratio due to ascending subsurface magma was observed after the seismic crisis of 1995–1998 and mantle neon was possibly detected. The maximum 3He/4He ratio (6.2RA) in the Aegean region, which is significantly lower than the MORB value, is not probably due to crustal assimilation at shallow depth or addition of slab-derived helium to MORB-like mantle wedge, but inherent characteristics of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Aegean arc.  相似文献   

Kozo  Uto Yoshmjki  Tatsumi 《Island Arc》1996,5(3):250-261
Abstract Quaternary volcanism of the Japanese Islands is examined from the perspective of experimental petrology, geographic distribution of volcanoes and spatial geochemical variations. The dehydration of amphibole and chlorite at a 110 km depth and of phlogopite at ∼180 km in the downdragged hydrous mantle layer would result in the occurrence of two volcanic chains parallel to the trench axis. Long-term subduction of the old Pacific plate and recent subduction of the young Philippine Sea plate beneath East Japan and West Japan volcanic belts respectively, would be critical for the significant difference in intensity, style and geochemistry of Quaternary volcanism between the two volcanic belts. The geochemistry of volcanic rocks in Northeast Japan and those in the Ryukyu arc is typical of 'island-arcs' having low LIL/HFS element ratios, while alkalic basalts along the Japan Sea coast side in Southwest Japan have high LIL/HFS ratios similar to intra-continental or oceanic island basalts. Across-arc variations in eruptive volume and distributional density of volcanoes and in geochemistry are documented in Northeast Japan and are well explained by the decreasing degrees of partial melting toward back-arc side, and the difference in geochemistry of fluids supplied by the downdragged hydrous layer.  相似文献   

Three composite cones have grown on the southern edge of the previously existing Atitlán Cauldron, along the active volcanic axis of Guatemala. Lavas exposed on the flanks of these cones are generally calc-alkaline andesites, but their chemical compositions vary widely. Atitlán, the largest and most southerly of the three cones, has recently erupted mainly pyroclastic basaltic andesites, while the flanks of San Pedro and Tolimán are mantled by more silicic lava flows. On Tolimán, 74 different lava units have been mapped, forming the basis for sequential sampling. Rocks of all three cones are consistently higher in K2O, Rb, Ba and REE than other Guatemalan andesites. Atitlán’s rocks and late lavas from Tolimán have high Al2O3 content, compared to similar andesites from other nearby cones. All major and trace element data on the rocks are shown to be consistent with crystal fractionation involving phases observed in the rocks. If such models are correct, significant differences in the relative proportions of fractionation phases are necessary to explain the varied compositions, in particular higher Al2O3 rocks have fractionated less plagioclase. We speculate that inhibition of plagioclase fractionation could occur in chambers where PH2O is greater and when repose intervals are shorter. The distribution of volcanic vents throughout Guatemala which show this postulated «inhibition of plagioclase fractionation» is systematic with such vents lying just to the south of the main axis. The andesites of the three cones cannot be simply related to the late-Pleistocene rhyolites which are apparently associated with cauldron formation, because unlike the andesites, the rhyolites have markedly depleted heavy REE abundances. Recent dacitic lavas from vents south of San Pedro volcano and silicic pyroclastic rocks which mantle the slopes the San Pedro may reflect residual post-cauldron rhyolitic volcanism.  相似文献   

The Aeolian volcanic arc displays a wide range of magmatic products. Mafic lavas range from hypersthene normative calc-alkaline basalts to silica-undersaturated potassic absarokites, although the former are spatially and temporally dominant, consistent with the subduction-zone tectonic setting. In addition, intermediate and acidic members of the various fractionation series may be recognised. Large variations in trace element and isotope ratios accompany the rapid calc-alkaline to potassic transition, and it is argued that these may be largely explained in terms of subduction-zone mantle enrichment involving components derived from both basaltic ocean crust and subducted sediments. In addition, it seems that the mantle wedge itself was substantially heterogeneous prior to the onset of subduction zone processes. Not only are these subduction components similar to those proposed in a number of island arcs, but they also resemble those recognised in the ultra-potassic lavas of the Roman province, supporting recent subduction-related petrogenetic models of the Roman magmatism. Although subducted sediment plays an important role in the generation of some potassic magmatism, it is not uniquely responsible for K2O-rich lavas, which are also produced without a large sediment contribution.  相似文献   

Glass separates from 115 ash layers derived from the Kamchatkan (DSDP Site 192; 34 layers), the eastern Aleutian (DSDP Site 183; 56 layers) and the Alaska Peninsula (DSDP Site 178; 25 layers) volcanic arcs have been analyzed for up to 28 elements. In addition, the abundance and diversity of associated mafic phenocrysts have been evaluated. The resulting data set has made possible an evaluation of the late Miocene to Recent changes in composition of ashes derived from North Pacific volcanic arcs and of the factors controlling the evolution of highly siliceous magmas.We find no evidence for a general transition from arc tholeiite to calc-alkalic magma parentage of ashes derived from the volcanic arcs during the last 10 m.y., but instead find 0.1- to 0.5-m.y. intervals during which particular types of volcanism are prevalent. Most convincing is the transition from arc tholeiite to calc-alkalic for ashes derived from Kamchatka during the last 0.8 m.y., a change believed to be associated with a landward shift in the site of magma generation. Considered together, ashes derived from North Pacific volcanic arcs have been becoming more siliceous during the last 1.5 m.y. and may be associated with accelerated subduction during the same time interval.Hydrous phenocrysts (e.g., biotite) are typically associated with low-silica deep-sea ashes, but not with terrestrial volcanic rocks of comparable silica contents, suggesting the important role of water in the evolution of siliceous magma. REE patterns and relative abundances of mafic phenocrysts demonstrate the importance of fractional crystallization in controlling the evolution of highly siliceous arc magmas. REE increase with increasing silica, but become less concentrated in ashes with SiO2 > 64%. Eu anomalies increase throughout the SiO2 range. Initial fractionation is dominated by clinopyroxene and plagioclase with amphibole strongly influencing fractionation above 64% SiO2.  相似文献   

Lower Carboniferous lavas from the Midland Valley and adjacent regions of Scotland are mildly alkaline and intraplate in nature. The sequence is dominated by basalt and hawaiite, although mugearite, benmoreite, trachyte and rhyolite are also present. Basic volcanic rocks display the LIL element and LREE enrichment typical of intraplate alkali basalt terrains. Low initial87Sr/86Sr (0.7029–0.7046), high εNd (−0.4 to +5.6) and moderately radiogenic206Pb/204Pb (17.77–18.89) ratios are also comparable with alkali basalts from other continental rifts and oceanic islands.When the Carboniferous lavas are compared with subduction-related lavas of Old Red Sandstone age, erupted in and around the Midland Valley ca. 50 Ma earlier (at 410 Ma) remarkable similarities are apparent. Significant overlap occurs in Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. Sr isotopic compositions are, however, more radiogenic in the older subduction-related lavas. This, combined with high K and Rb concentrations in ORS lavas may be explained by the incorporation of a sediment component derived from the subducted slab, which by Lower Carboniferous times had been lost from the mantle source region by convection. A pronounced negative Nb anomaly in the ORS subduction-related lavas may be explained by the retention of a Nb-bearing phase in the mantle during hydrous melting of the mantle wedge above the subduction zone.Allowing for the effects of the added component from the subducted slab, there appears to be no necessity to invoke separate mantle source regions for the two suites of lavas: both may have been derived from chemically similar portions of mantle. If volcanic arc lavas are derived from the mantle wedge, the implication is that such a source lies at relatively shallow depth within the upper mantle: the same may therefore apply to the Carboniferous continental rift basalts. This evidence, combined with the fact that there is no evident hot-spot trail across the Midland Valley despite a long period of within-plate volcanism and rapid plate movements during the Carboniferous, suggests that the alkali basalt magmatism is not the product of a deep-seated mantle plume. Rather, the volcanism appears to owe more to passive rifting and to diapiric upwelling from a source region within the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

The REE geochemistry of accessory allanites, sphenes. apatites and zircons from a range of granitic, sedimentary and hydrothermally altered rocks from Skye has been investigated using the electron microprobe. Allanites and sphenes in Skye Tertiary granites are extremely LREE enriched (CeN/YN= 40–100) and may contain up to 50% of whole rock LREE (La-Nd). These phases are late crystallisation products of redidual magmatic fluids. Earlier-formed apatites (CeN/YbN = 7.33) and zircons (CeN/YbN = 0.05) contain insufficient REE to have influenced the REE geochemistry of the Western Red Hills granites by crystal fractionation. However, Y-, Th- and HREE-rich zircons (CeN/YbN = 0.03–0.12, ΣREE + Y = 16,500–49,500ppm) occur both as detrital grains in Skye Torridonian sediments and in the Coire Uaigneich Granophyre (CUG), suggesting bulk involvement of these sediments in CUG petrogenesis. Hydrothermal allanites in altered Tertiary igneous rocks from Skye are LREE enriched (CeN/YN = 16–920), whilst allanites formed during alteration of Torridonian arkoses have less fractionated REE patterns (CeN/YN = 4.4–1.0), as the instability of metamict HREE-rich detrital zircons buffered the hydrothermal fluids in these rocks to more HREE-rich compositions. This buffering indicates that within unveined rocks the scale of REE mobility during hydrothermal alteration was small, even though the occurrence of allanite in hydrothermal veins on Skye suggests that LREE may have been transported for some distance by meteoric-hydrothermal fluids. Zoning of the REE within individual hydrothermal and metamorphic allanites (e.g. coreCeN/YN = 97.56, rim CeN/YN = 0.22) suggests evolution of their parent geological fluids to more HREE-rich compositions during allanite growth.  相似文献   

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