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Landscape values are a type of place value and are identified and mapped using public participation GIS (PPGIS). PPGIS engages nonexperts to identify important spatial information for environmental or natural resource planning. In 1998, we used PPGIS to identify landscape values for the Chugach National Forest (Alaska) plan revision process. In 2012, we conducted a longitudinal study of the same national forest using Internet PPGIS to identify changes in landscape values. The empirical results indicate stability in landscape values both in importance and spatial distribution. However, the use of different PPGIS methods (paper map vs. Internet) in the longitudinal study also introduced challenges in interpreting and explaining the spatial results. We discuss trade-offs in conducting longitudinal PPGIS research using mixed methods. PPGIS appears well suited for public lands planning, and national forest planning in particular, but barriers to use, such as regulatory approval, remain formidable.  相似文献   

Participatory mapping in social research is characterized by methodological pluralism, with two common methods being qualitative mapping using stakeholder interviews and quantitative methods that engage larger public samples through digital, internet mapping. To date, there has been no systematic evaluation of the extent to which mixed methods in participatory mapping yield valid results when applied to the same research setting and research questions. A mixed methods research design (combined exploratory sequential and convergent parallel) was implemented in a large research project to identify marine and coastal values in the Kimberley region of Australia. Qualitative interviews (n = 167) were completed with stakeholders to identify place-based values using polygon mapping methods and internet-based public participation GIS (PPGIS) methods (n = 578). We defined and operationalized the concepts of concurrent, commensurate, and convergent validity to assess mixed methods research outcomes. We found that qualitative and quantitative methods resulted in moderate to high concurrent validity when assessing the importance of place values in the study area. Convergent validity (spatial) was highly variable by place value, with stronger convergent validity found with mapped aesthetic, recreational fishing, tourism, biodiversity, and Aboriginal culture values, and weakest with existence, therapeutic, and commercial fishing values. Convergent validity was influenced by weak commensurate validity through the use of different geometric features (polygons versus points) for mapping values across a large study area. The utility of mixed methods for planning decision support in a convergent parallel design depends on demonstrating convergence in construct meaning, spatial location, and consistency in values in the sampling populations.  相似文献   

Many communities are challenged with balancing growing demands for energy and residential development with the protection of places having cultural or biological importance. Incorporating the preferences and values of local residents early in decision-making processes through public participation GIS (PPGIS) data may help to limit land use conflicts. We used a PPGIS dataset from three counties in Wyoming to determine 1) if there are spatial relationships among mapped cultural or biological values and preferences for new energy or residential development that indicate compatibility or conflict and 2) if there is evidence of geographic discounting or a not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) pattern associated with development preferences. We found strong overlap, or compatibility, between mapped cultural and biological values and little or no overlap among mapped biological or cultural values and energy development siting preferences. These relationships could identify opportunities for conservation initiatives and inform siting of new developments. Where people live influenced their mapping patterns. Participants mapped perceived positive environmental conditions closer to home than negative conditions, demonstrating geographic discounting. We observed NIMBYism for wind development, as participants mapped wind preferences further from their homes than where development is anticipated. We also observed NIMBYism for residential development, but at a reduced spatial discounting rate compared to wind development. Participants mapped their preferences for oil and gas development further from home than existing or anticipated wells but tended to place them near a large oil and gas field, which may reflect a preference for concentrated development, rather than NIMBYism. We noted distinct preferences for contrasting values in different locations, and this consistency among participants shows that PPGIS datasets have potential to communicate a useful collective vision to inform development siting.  相似文献   

The management of multiple-use public lands such as national forests in the U.S. is controversial because of the wide range of potential uses and contested public values for these lands. Previous research on national forest values and management preferences examined these relationships non-spatially. The development of public participation GIS (PPGIS) and volunteered geographic information (VGI) systems provide new opportunities to assess spatial relationships between perceived national forest values and preferred uses. This research used empirical data collected from a PPGIS/VGI study for three national forests in California to examine spatial and non-spatial relationships between place-based forest values and preferred uses. The relationships suggest public participants translated some of their non-spatial forest values and preferences into behavioral choices when mapping place-specific values and preferred uses. The empirical relationships between place-based forest values and uses were generally consistent with previous survey research results. Positive, non-spatial attitudes toward extractive uses of national forests were correlated with participant mapping of economic values and related extractive uses, while nonmaterial forest attitudes were correlated with participant mapping of amenity values and conservation-related uses. Further, spatial preferences for extractive forest uses such as timber harvesting were mapped proximate to economic values, while nonmaterial spatial preferences were mapped proximate to amenity-related forest values. PPGIS offers the potential to translate philosophical and ideology-based national forest preferences into place-specific discourse about forest management activities where public accommodation may be more achievable.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have applied public participation GIS (PPGIS) approaches to the spatial assessment of ecosystem services, few have considered the associations between the spatial distribution of ecosystem services and the context-specific nature of self-reported well-being. In this study, we engage the general public to identify and map a range of ecosystem services that originate in place-based, local knowledge and explore the context-dependent nature of subjective well-being. We conducted a PPGIS survey with 219 local residents in a Spanish agroforestry (dehesa) landscapes and analysed the spatial patterns of mapped ecosystem services, their relation to land cover, protected area and common land patterns. In addition, we explored the landscape values contributing to people’s well-being; and the relationships between ecosystem services in different land covers, landscape values and socio-demographic characteristics. A mosaic of landscape types (i.e., the landscape) provided more ecosystem services (especially cultural and provisioning) to people compared with the individual land system of agroforestry. However, land tenure and public access significantly guided the spatial practices and values of the people beyond the preferred landscape types. The contribution of the landscape to well-being is largely related to values based on interactions among people and the landscape, as tranquillity/relaxation and people-people interactions such as being with family and friends. We discuss the specific contribution of agroforestry landscapes to the provision of ecosystem services and human well-being. We conclude that the integration of the applied methods of social-cultural assessment on the one hand links to ecosystem services frameworks but on the other hand represents a more holistic conceptualisation of people’s benefits from landscapes.  相似文献   

褚玉杰  赵振斌  张铖  陈诚  陈幺 《地理学报》2016,71(6):1045-1058
随着乡村旅游的快速发展,乡村旅游社区逐步成为多群体竞争与冲突的场所,其内部多群体的态度差异成为指示社区冲突的重要指标。本文以西安汤峪镇为例,采用参与式制图(Participatory Mapping)和半结构访谈方法对当地居民、度假购房业主和游客3类群体的旅游开发态度和景观价值感知进行调查,最终获得315套访谈表与填图,共提取空间信息点5518个。基于对Brown等土地利用冲突倾向指标模型的修订,并结合地理空间分析方法探讨旅游社区态度差异和冲突倾向的空间特征。结论显示:① 旅游开发态度及其差异具有明显的地点指向性,并与景观价值的空间感知相关联。旅游开发冲突倾向空间上并非均匀分布,而是呈斑状格局,高值集中于社区旅游开发核心区域,且强度由开发的核心区域向外围区域减弱;② 潜在冲突地点的形成既有传统冲突因素的影响,又有特殊空间因素的作用,旅游开发要素的空间结构、多人群景观价值的空间感知、社区旅游发展阶段和相关人群的涉入程度都会影响冲突空间的形成;③ 参与式制图与深度访谈结合的方法能够帮助获得多人群主观数据,为认识态度和旅游开发冲突的空间特征提供了新的技术支撑。  相似文献   

刘阳  赵振斌  李小永 《地理科学》2021,41(2):328-339
景观价值是人对环境的主观感知和效用评价,景观价值变化的研究能够帮助理解旅游社区的社会现象.以丽江束河古镇为例,采用参与式制图与半结构化访谈方法调查当地居民对旅游开发前后的感知景观价值,最终获取的有效问卷与填图为293份,提取空间数据点658个.通过对访谈结果进行编码和归纳得到旅游开发前后各7种景观价值类型.采用质性分析...  相似文献   

吴丽敏  黄震方  王坤  张郴 《热带地理》2015,35(2):275-283
通过对国内外旅游地地方依恋文献资料的梳理,发现研究主要集中在对旅游地地方依恋的概念界定、影响因素、形成机制及影响效应等方面;在方法上,定量研究明显多于定性研究;其理论体系、影响机理及应用领域仍有待深入探讨。国外对旅游地地方依恋研究比国内起步早,主题更为丰富,且在时间与空间尺度均有涉及;今后国内相关研究应注重对旅游地地方依恋的理论体系构建、影响机理剖析及深入挖掘应用领域等方面的探讨,同时还应考虑旅游地的独特性和典型性,兼顾时空尺度对研究可能产生的影响,综合运用定性和定量方法,结合具有中国不同地域文化特质的各类对象,以体现旅游地地方依恋研究的时代性、历史性及动态性。  相似文献   

The present study aims to use landscape heterogeneity as a predictor of plant species richness in a tropical dry landscape area in the coast of Michoacán, Mexico. To understand the relationship between species richness and landscape, a three-step approach was followed: first, landscape spatial heterogeneity was measured by classifying landscape types according to their attributes (i.e., environmental, soil and topographic variables). Second, several diversity standard indices were used to explore biological diversity and to select the best one explaining the relationship between landscape heterogeneity and plant species richness, for this study area. Third, from the obtained results it was possible to calculate biodiversity values on the basis of landscape heterogeneity. The results indicate that it is possible to predict more than 61% of species richness through an indicator of landscape heterogeneity (H′; Shannon–Weaver diversity index). This procedure may be useful in terms of land use, conservation, and management of protected areas, mainly in areas with high biodiversity but with limited biological data, since it allows to obtain an approximation of the spatial distribution of species richness, even with scarce biological information.  相似文献   

Parks and protected areas provide a wide range of benefits, but methods to evaluate their importance to society are often ad hoc and limited. In this study, the quality of crowdsourced information from Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) sources (Flickr, OpenStreetMap (OSM), and Wikipedia) was compared with visitor counts that are presumed to reflect social importance. Using the state of Victoria, Australia as a case study, secondary crowdsourced VGI data, primary crowdsourced (PPGIS data) and visitor statistics were examined for their correspondence and differences, and to identify spatial patterns in park popularity. Data completeness—the percent of protected areas with data—varied between sources, being highest for OSM (90%), followed by Flickr (41%), PPGIS (24%), visitation counts (5%), and Wikipedia articles (4%). Statistically significant correlations were found between all five measures of popularity for protected areas. Using stepwise multiple linear regression, the explained variability in visitor numbers was greater than 70%, with PPGIS, Flickr and OSM having the largest standardized coefficients. The social importance of protected areas varied as a function of accessibility and the types of values (direct or indirect use) expressed for the areas. Crowdsourced data may provide an alternative to visitor counts for assessing protected area social importance and spatial variability of visitation. However, crowdsourced data appears to be an unreliable proxy for the full range of values and importance of protected areas, especially for non-use values such as biological conservation.  相似文献   

Migration research has traditionally centered on tracing movement; however, the experience of staying in place has begun to capture scholarly attention. Drawing on data from an online residential decision-making survey, this article focuses specifically on the reasons that contented Vermonters cite for remaining in their home state. A statistical analysis of responses reveals the dominance of place-based factors and family ties in stayers' residential decision making. Contented stayers highly value landscape and community, as well as living near family. Biographical sketches of individual respondents show the emotional dimensions of choosing to stay, as well as the diverse forms of mobility that contented stayers exercise to remain happy at home. In its focus on stayers, this research situates itself within new geographic inquiries into place attachment and studies of “immobile” populations.  相似文献   

以2013年6月列入世界文化景观遗产的红河哈尼梯田文化景观区内的乡村聚落景观--云南省红河州元阳县全福庄中寨为研究对象,通过实地调查、访谈和GIS制图分析等方法,分析了哈尼聚落景观的组成要素与内部结构、景观空间格局及其演变。结果表明:1)哈尼聚落景观的边界以实际存在的树带和树门来分离精神世界里人和鬼魂的地域空间;聚落内部受地形和血缘关系影响形成组团式结构,传统民居以蘑菇房为代表;2)聚落具有独特的文化景观要素--用于祭祀和祈福的寨神林、用于娱乐和晾晒粮食的磨秋场以及用于生活取水和祭祀的水井,它们体现了哈尼族崇拜自然的宗教文化体系;3)哈尼聚落景观的空间格局具有森林在上、村落居中、梯田在下、水系贯穿其中的特点,聚落的选址正是基于景观空间格局与适宜人居和便于到达梯田耕作的特点选定;4)哈尼聚落景观在空间演变方面具有独特的分寨和“地名连名”制特点,聚落用地在50 a间扩大了近10倍,而蘑菇房的周边和内部结构则出现了多向演变的趋势,其中现代砖混房屋的比例正呈急剧增加趋势;5)哈尼聚落景观作为哈尼梯田文化景观遗产的组成要素之一,在维系遗产稳定性方面具有重要作用。因此,如何传承与保护哈尼聚落景观成为当务之急,未来应注重聚落空心化等的研究。  相似文献   

在地理学的文化转向思潮中,记忆研究逐渐受到地理学者的重视。在全球化时代,不同地方的文化将突破时空界限,在广域范围内形成全方位的沟通、交流与互动。本研究对1990至2017年国内外有关乡村记忆的研究文献进行梳理和评述。结果发现:①记忆是多学科的研究议题,近年来逐渐受到地理学者的关注。不同于国外重视对地方、景观等记忆的空间感知研究,国内更关注人对曾经生活过的地方的情感依恋。②乡村记忆作为一种地方性表达,在理性语境中与全球互动融合的同时也逐渐消解,急需进行保护与传承。③本文尝试从范式、视角、尺度、理论、内容和方法层面初步建立乡村记忆地理的研究体系,未来研究应从服务国家战略、推动地理学主导的学科交叉、构建理论体系、拓展全球-地方视阈内容集成、运用多元分析方法等方面加以深化,以期为乡村理论研究和实践发展提供有力的支撑。  相似文献   

Public participatory geographic information systems (PPGIS) have been advanced as a means to include those who have been traditionally excluded from numerous place-specific governance activities, including planning and policymaking and as a way to resolve some of the long-standing tensions between critical traditions in human geography and the ever-expanding field of GIS. Despite the rapid adoption of participatory GIS by academics, government officials, and planning professionals, there are few guidelines of best practices for PPGIS researchers and practitioners to draw on and little effort has been made to understand how and in what ways PPGIS efforts are (or perhaps are not) effective. This article contributes to these important debates by evaluating the geography of participation in a recent participatory planning project undertaken in Muncie, Indiana. Using the mapped information that was generated from a series of public meetings, we have identified the presence of significant spatial bias in the process of participation that affected the resulting plan. This was an unexamined source of bias during this process and an example of why any emerging conversations about the best practices for PPGIS must include a consideration of the geography of participation.  相似文献   

Tools that support public engagement with sustainability are essential for local sustainability planning. This research investigates the ability of two geographic information system (GIS)-based tools to promote discussion of sustainability in a suburban context. A local ecological footprint tool and a community environmental atlas (an environmentally themed online mapping system) were created for seven suburban boroughs of Montreal. Variations of both tools have been used to support sustainability efforts, but their use has not been widely evaluated. Working from a public participation GIS (PPGIS) framework that recognizes the powerful influence of data representation, this research uses focus groups to evaluate how well these tools address three criteria that have emerged from the literature on public engagement in sustainability: interdependency across systems, reflexivity about personal and social decision making, and interactions across spatial scales. Whereas the atlas remains advantageous for discussing local spatial specifics, it was found that the ecological footprint helped people see the interconnections among systems, integrate local and global aspects of sustainability, and reflect on the values and assumptions underlying current social and economic structures.  相似文献   

A suitable spatial scale needs to be selected in geographical and landscape ecological research, and this requires great consideration as different scales have profound effect on derived landscape spatial patterns. Numerous studies have investigated the effects of different scales on landscape metrics using simulated patterns, but few have been conducted to compare different data sources with variable scale for regional- and landscape-scale assessments. Possibly this has occurred because researchers have been prone to use the best available source, a well-known standard, and easiest to use. This study was conducted to assess the impact of input data resolution on values of landscape pattern metrics in four landscapes at scales 1:10 000, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000. The aim was to determine the applicability of three data sources for thematic models in landscape pattern analyses in the Eastern Baltic region. We found that the utility of CORINE Land Cover data for comprehensive structural assessment in mosaic-type landscapes was very limited, as the level of cartographic generalization excluded many small and linear landscape structure elements with potentially high importance for landscape functioning, such as habitat continuity. We also found that actual area harvested using clearcuts was considerably higher than shown in CORINE data, due to clearcuts size being much smaller than the minimum mapping unit. In the light of this, we suggest using data with spatial resolution corresponding to a cartographic scale of at least 1:50 000, in cases when spatial patches have size up to 25 ha.  相似文献   

孙骜  张海峰  王彬  张璟  谢森锴 《地理研究》2021,40(5):1280-1294
高原文化景观作为高原文化的重要表现形式,是国内外学者关注的重点.为探究国内外高原文化景观的研究进展,本文以高原文化景观为切入点,在梳理文化景观发展脉络的基础上,对2000年后国内外有关高原文化景观的文献进行梳理和评述.国外相关研究聚焦于文化景观历史性、身份认同、行为以及流动性四个方面,中国研究呈现出以分析高原文化景观空...  相似文献   

庐山森林景观美学质量与景观格局指数的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
森林景观美学价值和生态可持续价值是森林景观系统中两种主要的价值。采集一系列典型森林景观照片,将这些景观照片对公众进行审美评价,并判别他们的景观生态特征,最后进行景观美学质量与景观格局指数之间相互关系的研究。本文得出了以下主要结论:(1)美景度值(SBE值)与景观组分指数中的水域所占面积比存在很强的正相关(r=0.472,P<0.01),与自然性指数也有较强的正相关(r=0.368,P<0.05);而与建筑所占面积比存在很强的负相关(r=-0.422,P<0.01)。(2)SBE值与景观格局指数中的斑块密度(r=-0.489,P<0.01)存在显著的负相关,而与边界密度(r=0.481,P<0.01)、多样性指数(r=0.602,P<0.01)存在显著的正相关。(3)SBE值与开放性指数、最大斑块面积比和形状指数之间并没有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

湿地景观变化对水禽生境影响研究进展   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
湿地是自然界重要的生态系统和景观类型,具有巨大的资源潜力和环境功能,是水禽赖以生存的重要繁殖地和越冬地。几十年来,由于人类活动影响造成的湿地景观巨大变化,不仅改变了湿地景观原有的功能,而且在景观或区域水平对水禽的生存环境产生重要影响。湿地景观变化主要在湿地大面积丧失、湿地景观异质性变化和湿地景观破碎化等方面对水禽需求的生境类型和生境要素产生重要影响。我们从湿地景观变化的特征出发,概述了国内外湿地景观变化对水禽生境的影响。发现该方面的研究在研究思路方面发生了方向性的变化。随着对水禽保护的重视,研究和保护战略从过去的研究和保护物种途径转到保护物种所生存的生态系统和景观——即水禽生境的研究和保护受到高度重视;另一方面的变化是研究方法的进步。主要表现为结合野外调查,利用遥感和GIS技术研究水禽生境时空变化及其对水禽种类和种群数量的影响。最后应用累积效应的原理和方法,对深入研究的科学问题进行了展望,提出一些需要深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

以拉萨为案例,对古城区居民地方依恋及其影响因素进行解读。研究发现:居民地方依恋水平整体较高,居民对古城的情感性依恋要大于功能性依恋;但由于依赖类型、居住时间、文化背景、宗教信仰以及"家"的归属感不同,原住居民的地方依恋水平要高于非原住居民;从地方因素来看,宗教信仰、环境状况、活动参与和社交关系是影响居民地方依恋的关键因素,原住居民排在第一位的影响因素是环境状况,而非原住居民排在第一位的则是宗教信仰,这为提升拉萨古城居民地方依恋水平提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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