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This paper argues that whilst fieldwork continues to make an important contribution to the learning and teaching of geography, analysis of the present-day practice of UK universities taking students on long-distance overseas trips remains apolitical and, by and large, concerned with practicalities. If this practice is analysed by locating it within a postcolonial theoretical framework of 'whiteness' it is then possible to look at the differing standpoint and positionality of those doing the viewing and those being viewed, and to also see the connections between the imperialist history of geographical exploration and present-day overseas field trips, in particular to developing countries. Using personal experience of taking UK undergraduates to visit historic slave trading sites in The Gambia as an example, the paper argues that the potential of field study to contribute to the critical pedagogy of geographical fieldwork within UK institutions of higher education requires stronger political analysis.  相似文献   

Given the importance of fieldwork in Latin Americanist geography, it is intriguing to note the absence of a dialogue about the politics of fieldwork within the subdiscipline. Drawing from feminist theories about the production of knowledge, this article suggests that the silence about fieldwork is rooted in masculinist epistemologies that predominate in Latin Americanist geography. After analyzing the epistemological and pedagogical implications of masculinism, I argue for increased attention to the nexus of power and knowledge and in particular, to how the researcher's geographic location, social status, race, and gender fundamentally shape the questions asked, the data collected, and the interpretation of the data. Dialogue about these issues in our teaching and writing not only will better prepare students for fieldwork, but also has the potential to foster research that subverts rather than reproduces power inequalities.  相似文献   

地理信息技术在高中地理教育中的作用越来越重要,根据2017年《普通高中地理课程标准》提出的具体内容要求和学业要求,对地理信息技术在高中地理教育中的重要性作了具体的论证;教学中的具体应用案例表明,将遥感、全球定位系统、地理信息系统应用于普通高中地理教学,不仅可以极大的增强学生的学习兴趣,还可以培养学生的地形解读和空间思维能力;同时结合中国普通高中的实际情况,对地理信息技术在高中地理教学中面临的问题也进行了一定的探究,并给出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

This article reports on a problem-based learning (PBL) fieldwork activity carried out by geography education students on the Mooi River in the North West province of South Africa. The value of doing practical fieldwork using a PBL approach in the training of geography teachers was researched by means of an interpretative multimethods approach. Findings indicated that students experienced this approach positively as a teaching and learning strategy and expanded their view on the complexity of environmental issues. PBL fieldwork should be part of the training program of geography teachers and can add to the growth of ecologically literate citizens.  相似文献   

Fieldwork has long been fundamental to human geography; however, increasingly unreceptive institutional environments have led to a decline in fieldwork in undergraduate human geography programs. We argue that mobility research presents an opportunity to reinvigorate the undergraduate field trip in human geography. We report on a second-year field course to Noosa, Australia, that blends new technologies with conventional survey techniques to capture data on a spectrum of human spatial behaviour. Over the course of a single weekend, students collect GPS traces of tourist mobility, survey businesses on the journey to work, collect residential migration histories and trace population dynamics on Noosa beach. Over the three years the course has been running, students have constructed a large repository of data on this Australian mobility hotspot, of which we report highlights. Results from standardised student course evaluations confirm the pedagogical value of these initiatives for human geography undergraduates.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper considers three questions: Why are fieldtrips used in geography? How does this mesh with the geographers’ own understandings of geography? What do lecturers hope to achieve on fieldtrips? Understandings are gleaned from interviews with those who run fieldtrips. There has been a tradition of fieldtrips in New Zealand and this very tradition helps to maintain them. Fieldtrips are shaped by geographers’ particular philosophical approaches to geography and take different approaches according to their aims.  相似文献   

The spatial nature of learning is increasingly a focus of geographic inquiry. I argue that the spatiality of education, which is where formal learning occurs, has the potential to shape students’ spatial imaginaries. I analyze the role the spatiality of agronomic education plays in the historical construction of the social and physical landscape in southeastern Pará, Brazil. In opposing ways, the first Green Revolution, and agrarian social movements’ more recent agroecological Green Revolution are found to structure agronomic education and spatial imaginaries. The perspectives of agricultural extension agents trained in traditional agronomic programs are compared with teachers from an agroecological school located in an Amazonian agrarian reform settlement of Brazil's Landless Workers’ Movement. I collected these data over 17 months of ethnographic fieldwork. To analyze these data, I employ a political ecology of education perspective, which highlights how education and political economy interact to mediate relations with, access to, and contestations over natural resources. The geography of education and the education of geography exist in a complicated feedback cycle: Education is not neutral but ideologically charged and affects conceptions of productive landscapes, providing students intellectual and economic power to put their visions of landscape into effect.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):156-164
After nearly ten years of implementation of the first junior high school geography standards, Chinese geography educators have been increasingly incorporating fieldwork into their geography teaching. This study examined student perceptions of fieldwork from an international perspective by reviewing student fieldwork reports and administering a questionnaire to 337 junior high school students aged approximately fifteen years. The results demonstrate that the students' perceptions of fieldwork were primarily positive and that they found field experience to be interesting. Fieldwork provided the students with deepened understanding of issues, cognitive and affective benefits, transferable skills and knowledge, social skills, demonstration, and memorable experience. In addition, some factors for improving geographic fieldwork were identified.  相似文献   

Australian higher education has experienced substantial change since the early 1980s, with a transition to mass higher education, closer alignment to national political objectives, increasing Federal Government control, a growing emphasis on ‘quality’ and ‘value for money’, and organisational restructuring with manifestations ranging from the creation of the Unified National System to the merger or closure of individual departments. At the same time, evolving conceptions of learning and new patterns of demand, with growing emphasis on lifelong learning and flexible access to education, pose new challenges for educators. Now, the policies of the new Federal Coalition Government are likely to engender further change, with growing differentiation of universities a probable outcome. Information technology has so far played a relatively peripheral role in teaching and learning in higher education, but important changes there, including rapid shifts in the relationship between cost and computing power, and the explosive emergence of the World Wide Web, are now providing the basis on which information technology can become increasingly central to teaching and learning. Higher education is close to the limits of incremental adjustment to pressures for change and it seems likely that it will experience major restructuring, with its eventual reconstruction around the capabilities of information technology. Geography has already been much affected by restructuring pressures, including above‐average growth in teaching loads and threats to its disciplinary identity because of internal reorganisation of many universities. Despite a tradition of innovative, high‐quality teaching, geography has not generally been a leader in the development and application of information technology. Nevertheless, a case study of an experimental use of the World Wide Web provides an example of directions that teaching and learning in the discipline might take.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the state of higher education human geography in contemporary Malaysia in relation to four main challenges: defending the unity of identity of higher education geography as a coherent and distinct discipline; ensuring the institutional survival of geography in higher education; enhancing the visibility of geographers as public intellectuals; and fostering the internationalization of human geography in Malaysia. It also suggests possible measures in responding to these. Moreover, while sharing the problems of developing higher education human geography experienced in other countries, Malaysia suffers most from national education policies that place lesser importance on the teaching of geography in schools, that stipulate a non‐English (Malay) medium of instruction, and that have been late in espousing an outward looking research university concept. In summing up the prevailing conditions as depicting a mixed bag of benign contentment, hard‐nosed pragmatism and continuing frustrations, it is uncertain whether recent policy changes to advance research environments in public universities can appreciably alleviate the fourfold challenges mentioned above.  相似文献   

袁振杰  周健好  谢宇琳  朱竑 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1684-1699
新冠疫情背景下,全国乃至全球各地学校纷纷开展“停课不停学”的线上教学,造就了“以家为校”的特殊教育现象。但疫情背景下居家学习引起的人地矛盾和协商问题尚未被充分认识。从替代性学习空间建构的视角切入,采用半结构深度访谈和问卷调查法,对疫情期间大学生居家建构学习空间的行为、过程和“矛盾–协商”影响因素等展开研究,发现:① 居家学习不仅是学习场所在地理空间上的位移,更蕴含着丰富的社会内涵和时代意义,其空间机制是教育空间与家空间的互嵌,从而赋予了教育行为新的空间过程和意义。② 居家替代性学习空间建构的过程是学习空间与家庭物理–生计空间和社区–家庭生活空间相互嵌套的复杂动态过程。其中,学习空间的大小和质量与家庭和社区的经济社会情况紧密相关;学习行为嵌入家庭日常生活后,学习空间与家庭生活空间的边界被模糊化,为居家学习带来干扰;③ 学生拥有居家建构学习空间的能动性和自主权,并灵活运用空间、时间、身份策略诠释家空间与学习空间的时空关系,也协调“家人”与“学生”的身份表达。研究在理论上探索教育和学习行为与空间的互嵌关系,在实践上反映和反思新冠背景下居家学习引起的教育人地矛盾和协商问题,服务于构建有序高效的居家教学。  相似文献   

This article investigated the pedagogical potential of the SimCity simulation game in an urban geography course. University students used SimCity to build their own cities and applied a wide range of theories to support their urban structures. Moreover, the students critically evaluated the logic and functioning of the SimCity simulation compared to real-world contexts and urban geography principles. The students believed the SimCity activity provided them with opportunities to promote their geographic creativity, resulting in diverse, unique, and interesting cities. The findings demonstrate that the use of SimCity can be an effective tool for geography education.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):97-102

Coyote teaching emphasizes learning community, long term mentoring, a need for learning, ownership of learning, heightened sensory awareness, storytelling, purposefully designed tricks, and the Socratic method to promote lifelong learning and a new generation of coyote teachers. Many of these methods are found in other educational philosophies but seem to be fully integrated in the coyote teaching method. Because geography is integrative, it seems a logical discipline in which to apply this method. Each of the characteristics of coyote teaching has its unique place in geography education. This article demonstrates how each of these components of coyote teaching can be readily employed, enhanced, and, more importantly, integrated into geographic education and inculcated into multiple generations of geography educators.  相似文献   

Whereas the global march towards the professional development of geography teachers in schools was, perhaps, the major achievement in geography education of the twentieth century, promoting the professional development of faculty teaching geography in higher education is one of the major challenges that faces us in geography education for the twenty‐first century. What little educational development is currently provided for faculty teaching in universities is largely generic. There is a need for a disciplinary specific component in educational development, both for the initial training of faculty and for their continuing professional development. This article explores how the professional development of faculty is related to the international debate about developing the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. It reviews some recent initiatives, particularly from the United States and the United Kingdom, and examines the role of national associations and international networks in supporting faculty teaching geography in higher education. Some of the challenges involved in professionalizing teaching geography in higher education are discussed. The article ends with some suggestions for promoting lifelong professional development in geography in higher education nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

Professional geographers are paying increasing attention to the development of a research agenda concerning geographic education. In doing so, it is essential that geographers pay close attention to fundamental changes in the structure of education itself. Traditional educational methods and procedures associated with industrial society are being replaced by new and innovative modes of education that are linked to post-industrial social organization. This article explores the implications of these changes for understanding the teaching and learning of geography in the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Recent attempts by U.S. politicians to reform the nation'sschools have shifted the goal of education to school accountability as assessed in standardized testing. Such an emphasis undermines geographical education in schools because of geography'ssuperficial representation in tests and in the social studies curriculum. Fieldwork done in the classroom can point to means of circumventing this dilemma. Collaborative fieldwork between college faculty members and public‐school teachers has the potential for adding geography to the social studies curriculum in a substantive way. Work conducted jointly by Hartwick College and the Oneonta (New York) Middle School exemplifies such a partnership.  相似文献   


Inquiry-based learning has a long tradition in geography education, and many faculty members are using inquiry to tap the constructivist potential of the World Wide Web. This paper reports on the development of a scoring guide that assesses the degree to which teaching materials support issues-based geographic inquiry. The scoring guide was tested in a content analysis of geographers7 Web-based teaching materials. The results of the preliminary analysis suggest that relatively few geography teaching materials on the Web bear the characteristics of inquiry. Additional research is needed to determine whether teaching materials on the Web are facilitating a shift toward constructivist practice in the discipline.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):427-433

Research presented in this paper addresses two fundamental questions: how effective have state geographic alliance summer geography institutes (ASGIs) been in changing the classroom teaching behaviors of participants, and to what extent do the institutes reflect characteristics of effective inservice training? Both questions are grounded in Shulman's concept of pedagogical content knowledge—the notion that effective teaching requires knowledge of how specific ideas and procedures in a particular content domain can best be taught. On-site evaluations and four follow-up evaluations provided data regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the institutes as well as evidence regarding the institutes' long-term effectiveness in promoting change in geography instruction. Results of the study indicate that ASGI graduates not only make substantive changes in how they teach geography, but also conduct high-quality inservices that lead to changes in the teaching practices of their colleagues.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):513-518

Preservice teacher education based on content, skills, and perspectives specified in Geography for Life: National Geography Standards 1994 is essential for dissemination of the Standards to classrooms all across the country. Curricular materials are often structured around the five fundamental themes of geography; however, it is essential that teacher preparation courses integrate the content of the Standards into the themes of location, place, human—environment interaction, and region. One model of this approach to preservice education, as summarized here, provides future teachers with a conceptual basis for learning and teaching geography, enhancing opportunities for disseminating solid geography content to all grade levels nationwide.  相似文献   

王铮  朱艳硕 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1069-1076
本文回顾并且评述了过去80年《地理学报》的载文历史,发现它刻画了中国地理学经历了4个发展阶段,即:1934-1948年的艰难探索的近现代地理学的形成阶段,1949-1966年的地理学发展中的科学化和应用化兴起阶段,1978-2000年的地理学繁荣的百花齐放阶段,2000年后的地理学自主创新突出的大发展阶段。《地理学报》当前的载文反映,中国地理学日益国际化,今后的发展是不仅需要融入世界地理学的发展,而且应该成为具有中国文化引导国际地理学发展的期刊。  相似文献   

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