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Extensive passive seismic prospecting has been conducted in the historical center of Venice (North Italy) aimed to map subsoil impedance contrast. Venice represents an emblematic study site of the challenging characteristics that can be encountered in historical sites, both stratigraphic and logistical, limiting the application of common microzonation techniques. A total of 82 single station passive HVSR acquisitions and passive surface wave arrays analysis have been performed to estimate the main impedance contrasts of the first subsoil, capable of interaction in terms of resonance with the monumental buildings. The results of the geophysical analysis have been integrated with available stratigraphic information derived from published researches and from hundreds of boreholes stored in an institutional database. The results have been then analyzed by means of a geostatistical approach based on cokriging interpolation, which permitted to map the impedance contrast beneath the ancient historical center. The adopted interpolation algorithm permitted to map the impedance contrast with an integrated use of existing information based on HVSR acquisitions and stratigraphic data. The map of impedance contrast is congruent with the literature geo-engineering evidences such as subsidence and geological reconstructions. The achieved results open new perspectives for the use and analysis of passive seismic techniques in challenging environments as historical urban centers characterized by high subsoil heterogeneity. Moreover, an improved knowledge of the shallow stratigraphy would permit to shed light on the complex interactions between anthropic activities and geoenvironmental processes, including climate change that characterized the long history of Venice.  相似文献   

The texture and three-dimensional framework of geologic materials should be considered in assessments of groundwater's vulnerability to contamination because geology controls the movement of contaminants and groundwater and influences groundwater quality. Contaminants are introduced into, transmitted through, and stored by geologic materials. We present a model that identifies aquifers and ranks sequences of geologic materials by their relative potential for transmitting water and contaminants from land surface. With this basis, the model can be used to assess the potential for contamination of aquifers by surface activities such as landfitling of wastes or application of agricultural chemicals. A regional map of aquifer contamination potential can be generated from the model; it retains the geologic map information intact and available for reinterpretation or other uses.The model was developed using broad, regional map information and is intended to be a general tool for assessing the regional vulnerability of aquifers to contamination. It is not intended for local, site-specific use, but for prioritizing local areas where contamination potential and/or land-use history warrant more detailed assessment or monitoring. Because it provides a regional view of contamination potential, regional patterns or trends of map units should be evaluated, rather than using the map information literally to assess local areas. Methods of applying this model and contamination potential map to groundwater protection and management are currently being studied; research includes an attempt to statistically validate the model with water-quality data, and to identify natural groupings of the ranked contamination potential map units.  相似文献   

Land use changes in peri-urban areas are usually associated with significant impacts on groundwater resources due to alteration of the recharge regime as well as through the establishment of pollution sources. Quantifying the aforementioned impacts and assessing the vulnerability of the groundwater resources is an important step for the better management and protection of the aquifers. In the present study, a physically based, distributed hydrologic model has been used to identify the impacts from specific land use change scenarios in the protected area of Loutraki catchment. A vulnerability assessment method has been also implemented to provide a decision support tool to the land planning authorities and also hydrologic mitigation measures for the sustainable development of the area have been proposed. The hydrologic impacts of the land use scenarios include a 5% reduction in the annual recharge of the study aquifer for scenario 1 (doubling of the current urban areas) and 7% decrease for scenario 2 (tripling of the current urban areas). Nevertheless, these impacts can be minimised if small-scale artificial recharge infrastructure is developed and the land planning measures suggested through the vulnerability and recharge maps will be followed.  相似文献   

Water quality data from 56 wells, aquifer characteristics, soil types and land use in the city suburb of Dakar were compared to assess the effects of land use on the Thiaroye groundwater quality. The study area encompassed an unsewered densely populated zone, agricultural land, low density villages, and undeveloped land located in the sand dunes. A method similar to GIS technologies was applied to evaluate the degree of vulnerability of the different parts of the aquifer in relation to urban development, land use and aquifer characteristics. The aquifer parameters (hydraulic conductivity, groundwater level depth, recharge, soil type) were re-evaluated qualitatively into three class rankings (high, moderate and low), depending on the likelihood for contaminants reaching the water table, then combined using the two matrix Boolean logic based approaches to identify the nine classes of vulnerability assessed in the aquifer domain. An attempt was made to explain the distribution of nitrate concentration with the assessed vulnerability. In the area assessed, in the densely populated zone running from Pikine, to Thiaroye and Yeumbeul, very high nitrate concentrations correspond with the highest vulnerability index (H1). Nitrate contamination in this area is a consequence of point-source seepage from individual septic systems improperly built in this area. In the eastern part of the aquifer, high nitrate concentrations at Deni B. Ndao, Mbawane and Golam localities coincide with a moderate vulnerability assessment. The major source of nitrate in these areas is induced by agricultural activities.  相似文献   

Coastal aquifer of northern Sfax (Tunisia) suffers from the high risk to seawater intrusion and the water quality degradation due to the overexploitation. Hence, assessing the study area vulnerability to pollution is highly crucial so as to protect the groundwater resources. The assessment has been performed by applying the GALDIT method using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and multi-criteria evaluation techniques, and the sensitivity analysis approach to evaluate the effect of each GALDIT parameter on the vulnerability assessment. The GALDIT vulnerability map classifies the study area into three vulnerability classes: low vulnerability (30–50), moderate vulnerability (50–70), and high vulnerability (70–90), which represent 5, 30, and 65 % of the study area, respectively. The map illustrates that the coastal zones of the aquifer are the most threatened areas. The sensitivity analysis results show that the aquifer hydraulic conductivity (A) and the thickness of the aquifer (T) represent the determining factors in the modified vulnerability model. The real weight was used to elaborate the modified GALDIT model which was correlated with resistivity values for validation. This study could serve as a scientific basis for sustainable land planning and groundwater management in the study area.  相似文献   

Jordan Valley is one of the important areas in Jordan that involves dense agricultural activities, which depend on groundwater resources. The groundwater is exploited from an unconfined shallow aquifer which is mainly composed of alluvial deposits. In the vicinity of the Kafrein and South Shunah, the shallow aquifer shows signs of contamination from a wide variety of non-point sources. In this study, a vulnerability map was created as a tool to determine areas where groundwater is most vulnerable to contamination. One of the most widely used groundwater vulnerability mapping methods is SINTACS, which is a point count system model for the assessment of groundwater pollution hazards. SINTACS model is an adaptation for Mediterranean conditions of the well-known DRASTIC model. The model takes into account several environmental factors: these include topography, hydrology, geology, hydrogeology, and pedology. Spatial knowledge of all these factors and their mutual relationships is needed in order to properly model aquifer vulnerability using this model. Geographic information system was used to express each of SINTACS parameters as a spatial thematic layer with a specific weight and score. The final SINTACS thematic layer (intrinsic vulnerability index) was produced by taking the summation of each score parameter multiplied by its specific weight. The resultant SINTACS vulnerability map of the study area indicates that the highest potential sites for contamination are along the area between Er Ramah and Kafrein area. To the north of the study area there is a small, circular area which shows fairly high potential. Elsewhere, very low to low SINTACS index values are observed, indicating areas of low vulnerability potential.  相似文献   

The subsurface data are a basic requirement for the set up of hydrogeological framework. Geographic information systems (GIS) tools have proved their usefulness in hydrogeology over the years which allow for management, synthesis, and analysis of a great variety of subsurface data. However, standard multi-layered systems are quite limited for modeling, visualizing, and editing subsurface data and geologic objects and their attributes. This paper presents a methodology to support the implementation of hydrogeological framework of the multi-layered aquifer system in Nabeul–Hammamet (NH) coastal region (NE, Tunisia). The methodology consists of (1) the development of a complete and generally accepted hydrogeological classification system for NH aquifer system (2) the development of relational databases and subsequent GIS-based on geological, geophysical and hydrogeological data, and (3) the development of meaningful three-dimensional geological and aquifer models, using GIS subsurface software, RockWorks 2002. The generated 3-D geological models define the lithostratigraphy and the geometry of each depositional formation of the region and delineate major aquifers and aquitards. Where results of the lithologic model revealed that there is a wide range of hydraulic conductivities in the modeled area, which vary spatially and control the groundwater flow regime. As well, 17 texturally distinct stratigraphic units were identified and visualized in the stratigraphic model, while the developed aquifer model indicates that the NH aquifer system is composed of multi-reservoir aquifers subdivided in aquifers units and separated by sandy clay aquitards. Finally, this study provides information on the storing, management and modeling of subsurface spatial database. GIS has become a useful tool for hydrogeological conceptualization and groundwater management purposes and will provide necessary input databases within different groundwater numerical models.  相似文献   

An extension to the DRASTIC model is proposed in order to assess aquifer vulnerability to pollution. In contrast to the DRASTIC model, which considers the unsaturated and saturated zones together and computes a global intrinsic vulnerability index, the suggested approach discriminates between the aquifer vertical vulnerability (a concept related to the pollutant percolation) and the groundwater susceptibility (a concept that depends on the behaviour and uses of the groundwater). This approach is applied to the Haouz aquifer (Morocco) that supplies water to the Marrakech area. This aquifer is widely overexploited and there is evidence that the groundwater quality is threatened by various sources of pollution. Evaluation of the vertical vulnerability indicates that the aquifer mainly presents a moderate-to-weak vertical vulnerability. The zones potentially most favourable to pollutant percolation are mainly located in Central Haouz, along or near the surface wadis. The aquifer susceptibility is high in places located near the N’Fis, Baaja and Issil wadis. Everywhere else, low-to-moderate susceptibility is observed. This new approach therefore enables areas of vertical vulnerability and areas of susceptibility to be delineated separately. As a result, it constitutes a valuable decision-making tool for optimising the management of aquifer water resources and land-use planning.  相似文献   

Depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of the vadose zone media, and hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer (DRASTIC) model based on a geographic information system (GIS) is the most widely adopted model for the evaluation of groundwater vulnerability. However, the model had its own disadvantages in various aspects. In this work, several methods and the technologies have been introduced to improve on the traditional model. The type of the aquifer was replaced by the thickness of the aquifer, and the index of topography was removed. The indexes of the exploitation of the groundwater and the type of land use that reflected the special vulnerability were added to the system. Furthermore, considering the wideness of the study area, the fixed weights in the DRASTIC model were not suitable. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and an entropy weight (Ew) method were introduced to calculate the weights of parameters. Then, the Spearman Rho correlation coefficients between IVI and the Nemerow synthetical pollution index (NI) of the groundwater quality were significantly improved, after the four steps of modification. The level differences with little gaps between Nemerow comprehensive pollution indexes and groundwater vulnerability occupied the proportion of the area from 75.68 to 84.04%, and finally, a single-parameter sensitivity analysis for the two models was used to compute the effective weights of these parameters. By comparison, the DRMSICEL model seems to perform better than the DRASTIC model in the study area. And the results show discrepancies between the vulnerability indices and groundwater quality as indicated by existence of vulnerable areas with bad water quality and vice versa.  相似文献   

The coastal alluvial plain of Sarno River (Campania Region, southern Italy) is a very rich environment that has experienced a long history of changes due to both natural phenomena such as eustatic sea-level variations and deposition of volcanoclastic sediments, and human civilizations who populated this area since historical times. As a result, it is characterized by complex stratigraphic sequences and groundwater flow systems. The architecture of the multi-layered aquifer system in a sample area, located in a densely urbanized sector at the mouth of Sarno River, was reconstructed. Starting from the analysis of stratigraphic log data and laboratory geotechnical measurements, the lithostratigraphical-unit sequence was retrieved and a realistic three-dimensional (3D) model of the hydrogeological heterogeneity was obtained. The results of a detailed 2D electrical resistivity tomography survey were used to support the analysis of the spatial heterogeneity of the aquifer system in a sector characterized by lack of log data. The integration of hydrogeological and geophysical data allowed for the reconstruction of a 3D hydrogeophysical model of the multi-layered system, which electrically characterizes and geometrically identifies two aquifers. Finally, piezometric-level measurements validated the hydrogeological–geophysical model and showed the effectiveness of the methodology.  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability has been subject of much research due to the valuable information it provides concerning groundwater protection and exploitation potential. Up to now, most groundwater vulnerability studies adopt subjective systems of rating the various factors and subsequently, their results are often ambiguous and contradicting. Within the present study a methodology for the estimation of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability at the aquifer scale is presented. The methodology is based on travel time estimation from specified sources of pollution to the aquifer. Besides the deterministic calculation of travel times, the methodology provides a rating system for each pollution source, based on its relative severity and the estimated threat that it poses to the aquifer. Therefore, it can be regarded as a hybrid method that couples the advantages provided by the physically based methods with those of the subjective rating systems. The methodology is applied to the Neon Sidirochorion aquifer, Northeastern Greece, an overexploited aquifer where river waters, sea waters and lake waters interact, causing groundwater quality deterioration to the aquifer. The results indicated that the proposed groundwater vulnerability assessment methodology is well capturing pollution related to saltwater intrusion and agricultural activities, while it is concluded that the conceptual model is significantly affecting the vulnerability assessment results and therefore has to be previously developed.  相似文献   

Groundwater is inherently susceptible to contamination from anthropogenic activities and remediation is very difficult and expensive. Prevention of contamination is hence critical in effective groundwater management. In this paper an attempt has been made to assess aquifer vulnerability at the Russeifa solid waste landfill. This disposal site is placed at the most important aquifer in Jordan, which is known as Amman-Wadi Sir (B2/A7). The daily-generated leachate within the landfill is about 160 m3/day and there is no system for collecting and treating this leachate. Therefore, the leachate infiltrates to groundwater and degrades the quality of the groundwater. The area is strongly vulnerable to pollution due to the presence of intensive agricultural activity, the solid waste disposal site and industries. Increasing groundwater demand makes the protection of the aquifer from pollution crucial. Physical and hydrogeological characteristics make the aquifer susceptible to pollution. The vulnerability of groundwater to contamination in the study area was quantified using the DRASTIC model. The DRASTIC model uses the following seven parameters: depth to water, recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact on vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. The water level data were measured in the observation wells within the disposal site. The recharge is derived based on precipitation, land use and soil characteristics. The aquifer media was obtained from a geological map of the area. The topography is obtained from the Natural Resources Authority of Jordan, 1:50,000 scale topographic map. The impact on the vadose zone is defined by the soil permeability and depth to water. The hydraulic conductivity was obtained from the field pumping tests. The calculated DRASTIC index number indicates a moderate pollution potential for the study area.  相似文献   

A need exists for a reliable and long-term water supply for the 285,000 inhabitants of the Turku area in southwestern Finland. In response to this need, there are plans to replace the present water supply from the surface sources with artificially infiltrated groundwater from a Quaternary esker aquifer called the Virttaankangas aquifer. New sedimentological studies of the Virttaankangas area have revealed the complexities of the esker system and its surrounding glacial, glaciofluvial, and glaciolacustrine geology. This led to the characterization of the hydrogeological units of the aquifer, the result of which has been a three-dimensional (3-D) truly integrated solids model that represents the geometry, interrelationships, and hydrostratigraphy of the study area. The 3-D model was made with EarthVision geologic modeling software. The 3-D geological model of the Virttaankangas aquifer can be used for planning the infiltration of river water into the aquifer and to understand the geologic and geographic boundaries of the hydrogeologic units hosting the groundwater reserve and the geologic relationships between the units. Another major outcome of this study is a powerful visualization tool that will be provided to municipal and government authorities who must understand the geologic complexities involved with water-resource planning prior to their decision making. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

通化地区珍珠门组并非老岭群的顶部层位,其上确实存在花山(大栗子)组、临江组.并且与珍珠门组呈平行不整合接触。这一发现,为重新厘定集安岩群、老岭群的地层层序以及区域地层对比.提供了直接的地质依据,也为老岭群的古地理再造以及地质构造演化研究提供了新资料;同时也为在这一地区寻找古岩溶型矿产提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

The >25 ka volcaniclastic ring-plain succession in south-west Taranaki has been remapped to establish a much more detailed understanding of the older stratigraphic record of Mt. Taranaki. Coastal cliff exposures show a range of volcaniclastic lithofacies, including debris-avalanche and lahar deposits, and allow a detailed chronological reconstruction of past volcanic and sedimentary events. Five new debris-avalanche deposits were identified, and their distribution in coastal cross-sections mapped. In addition, four previously described units were renamed and their stratigraphic position and lateral extent redefined. Chronostratigraphic control of the younger (<50 ka) sequence was obtained by radiocarbon dating of wood found within, or peat interbedded with, the deposits. Emplacement ages of the older units were estimated from their stratigraphic position and underlying marine wave-cut surfaces. Overall, at least 14 widespread debris-avalanche deposits occur within the <200 ka ring-plain record of Mt. Taranaki, suggesting one major edifice failure on average every 14,000 years, with an increase in frequency since 40 ka. The stratigraphic reconstruction of the ring-plain succession showed that the same pattern of deposition was repeatedly produced throughout the existence of Mt. Taranaki. Depending on their sedimentological characteristics, the different volcanic and sedimentary lithofacies can be related to phases of edifice-construction or collapse events. Based on the identified cyclic sedimentation pattern, we present a new episodic stratigraphy that integrates existing and new lithostratigraphic units into a coherent chronostratigraphic framework that can be applied to the entire volcanic and volcaniclastic succession at Mt. Taranaki. This model takes into account the complex geological processes that have taken place on the volcano and provides a more uniform stratigraphic terminology that could be applied to repeatedly collapsing stratovolcanoes elsewhere.  相似文献   

Groundwater plays a key role in arid regions as the majority of water is supplied by it. Groundwater pollution is a major issue, because it is susceptible to contamination from land use and other anthropogenic impacts. A study was carried out to build a vulnerability map for the Ordos Plateau using the DRASTIC model in a GIS environment. The map was designed to show the areas of the highest potential for groundwater pollution based on hydrogeological conditions. Seven environmental parameters, such as depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of the vadose zone media, and hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, were incorporated into the DRASTIC model and GIS was used to create a groundwater vulnerability map by overlaying the available data. The results of this study show that 24.8 % of the study area has high pollution potential, 24.2 % has moderate pollution potential, 19.7 % has low pollution potential, and the remaining 31.3 % of the area has no risk of groundwater pollution. The regional distribution of nitrate is well correlated with the DRASTIC vulnerability index. In contrast to this, although the DRASTIC model indicated that the western part had no risk, nitrate concentrations were higher in some of these areas. In particular, higher nitrate concentrations were recorded along river valleys and around lakes, such as the Mulin River valley. This is mainly caused by the intensive agricultural development and favorable conditions for recharge along river valleys.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a very important natural resource in Khanyounis Governorate (the study area) for water supply and development. Historically, the exploitation of aquifers in Khanyounis Governorate has been undertaken without proper concern for environmental impact. In view of the importance of quality groundwater, it might be expected that aquifer protection to prevent groundwater quality deterioration would have received due attention. In the long term, however, protection of groundwater resources is of direct practical importance because, once pollution of groundwater has been allowed to occur, the scale and persistence of such pollution makes restoration technically difficult and costly. In order to maintain basin aquifer as a source of water for the area, it is necessary to find out, whether certain locations in this groundwater basin are susceptible to receive and transmit contamination. This study aims to: (1) assess the vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination in Khanyounis governorate, (2) find out the groundwater vulnerable zones to contamination in the aquifer of the study area, and (3) provide a spatial analysis of the parameters and conditions under which groundwater may become contaminate. To achieve that, DRASTIC model within geographic information system (GIS) environment was applied. The model uses seven environmental parameters: depth of water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity to evaluate aquifer vulnerability. Based on this model and by using ArcGIS 9.3 software, an attempt was made to create vulnerability maps for the study area. According to the DRASTIC model index, the study has shown that in the western part of the study area the vulnerability to contamination ranges between high and very high due to the relatively shallow water table with moderate to high recharge potential, and permeable soils. To the east of the previous part and in the south-eastern part, vulnerability to contamination is moderate. In the central and the eastern part, vulnerability to contamination is low due to depth of water table. Vulnerability analysis of the DRASTIC Model indicates that the highest risk of contamination of groundwater in the study area originates from the soil media. The impact of vadose zone, depth to water level, and hydraulic conductivity imply moderate risks of contamination, while net recharge, aquifer media, and topography impose a low risk of aquifer contamination. The coefficient of variation indicates that a high contribution to the variation of vulnerability index is made by the topography. Moderate contribution is made by the depth to water level, and net recharge, while impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity, soil media, and Aquifer media are the least variable parameters. The low variability of the parameters implies a smaller contribution to the variation of the vulnerability index across the study area. Moreover, the “effective” weights of the DRASTIC parameters obtained in this study exhibited some deviation from that of the “theoretical” weights. Soil media and the impact of vadose zone were the most effective parameters in the vulnerability assessment because their mean “effective” weights were higher than their respective “theoretical” weights. The depth of water table showed that both “effective” and “theoretical” weights were equal. The rest of the parameters exhibit lower “effective” weights compared with the “theoretical” weights. This explains the importance of soil media and vadose layers in the DRASTIC model. Therefore, it is important to get the accurate and detailed information of these two specific parameters. The GIS technique has provided an efficient environment for analysis and high capabilities of handling large spatial data. Considering these results, DRASTIC model highlights as a useful tool that can be used by national authorities and decision makers especially in the agricultural areas applying chemicals and pesticides which are most likely to contaminate groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Barind Tract, located north western part of Bangladesh, is one of the most diversified physiographic units of the country. The surface water supply in this part is particularly limited, so the irrigation is almost entirely depends on groundwater. However, over exploitation indicates falling groundwater heads in this area. The objective of present study is to examine the nature of the aquifer system Barind Tract of Bangladesh in order to assess the sustainability of groundwater yield. Borehole lithology data were collected, processed and analyzed for this purpose. Representative panel diagram, 3-D stratigraphic and cross-sectional views were also prepared for necessary assessment of the variation of individual subsurface stratum in different locations. The study identified three subsurface geologic formations namely, a top clay layer, sand layer of different grain size and at the bottom an impermeable clay zone. Maps of formation thickness and index revealed that aquifer thickness is low in the north-western corner and in some places of middle of south-western corner. The thickness of sand formation in other places is recorded above 20 m. It is expect that the finding of the study will help groundwater resources development, planning and management in the area.  相似文献   

The present work attempts to interpret the groundwater vulnerability of the Melaka State in peninsular Malaysia. The state of groundwater pollution in Melaka is a critical issue particularly in respect of the increasing population, and tourism industry as well as the agricultural, industrial and commercial development. Focusing on this issue, the study illustrates the groundwater vulnerability map for the Melaka State using the DRASTIC model together with remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS). The data which correspond to the seven parameters of the model were collected and converted into thematic maps by GIS. Seven thematic maps defining the depth to water level, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity were generated to develop the DRASTIC map. In addition, this map was integrated with a land use map for generating the risk map to assess the effect of land use activities on the groundwater vulnerability. Three types of vulnerability zones were assigned for both DRASTIC map and risk map, namely, high, moderate and low. The DRASTIC map illustrates that an area of 11.02 % is low vulnerability, 61.53 % moderate vulnerability and 23.45 % high vulnerability, whereas the risk map indicates that 14.40 % of the area is low vulnerability, 47.34 % moderate vulnerability and 38.26 % high vulnerability in the study area. The most vulnerability area exists around Melaka, Jasin and Alor Gajah cities of the Melaka State.  相似文献   

Three vulnerability index models were applied to assess the pollution potential of Nabeul-Hammamet shallow aquifer, Tunisia: DRASTIC, Pesticide DRASTIC and the Susceptibility Index (SI). An output map layer of each one was obtained using a geographic information system (GIS). The SI layer was overlain with DRASTIC and Pesticide DRASTIC and the percentage areas of agreement and divergence in vulnerability categories were extracted. DRASTIC results suggest the aquifer has mostly low vulnerability. Pesticide DRASTIC and SI identify three vulnerability categories (low, moderate, high) in the aquifer. Published data on current chemical groundwater composition indicate that parts of the aquifer are highly contaminated, revealing that DRASTIC underestimates the risk of pollution; Pesticide DRASTIC and SI reflect this risk better. Agreement in vulnerability categories between the two last models is found for 64 % of the aquifer area. To help manage land-use allocation and prevent Nabeul-Hammamet-aquifer contamination, DRASTIC is not recommended. Pesticide DRASTIC and SI are recommended but for slightly different applications. SI helps in the monitoring of current vulnerable areas and, thus, in contamination prevention. Pesticide DRASTIC could better intervene as a criterion in a multi-criteria analysis to select the best sites for specific on-the-ground practice or future land use.  相似文献   

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