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Crystal size distribution (CSD) theory has been applied to drill core samples from Makaopuhi lava lake, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide size distribution spectra were measured and population densities (n)were calculated and analyzed using a steady state crystal population balance equation: n=n 0 exp(-L/G). Slopes on ln(n) versus crystal size (L) plots determine the parameter G, a. product of average crystal growth rate (G) and average crystal growth time (). The intercept is J/G where J is nucleation rate. Known temperature-depth distributions for the lava lake provide an estimate of effective growth time (), allowing nucleation and growth rates to be determined that are independent of any kinetic model. Plagioclase growth rates decrease with increasing crystallinity (9.9–5.4×10–11 cm/s), as do plagioclase nucleation rates (33.9–1.6×10–3/cm3 s). Ilmenite growth and nucleation rates also decrease with increasing crystallinity (4.9–3.4 ×10–10 cm/s and 15–2.2×10–3/cm3 s, respectively). Magnetite growth and nucleation rates are also estimated from the one sample collected below the magnetite liquidus (G =2.9×10–10 cm/s, J=7.6×10–2/cm3 s). Moments of the population density function were used to examine the change in crystallization rates with time. Preliminary results suggest that total crystal volume increases approximately linearly with time after 50% crystallization; a more complete set of samples is needed for material with <50% crystals to define the entire crystallization history. Comparisons of calculated crystallization rates with experimental data suggests that crystallization in the lava lake occurred at very small values of undercooling. This interpretation is consistent with proposed thermal models of magmatic cooling, where heat loss is balanced by latent heat production to maintain equilibrium cooling.  相似文献   

The mineral paragonite, NaAl2[AlSi3O10 (OH)]2, has been synthesized on its own composition starting from a variety of different materials. Indexed powder data and refined cell parameters are given for both the 1M and 2M1 polymorphs obtained. The upper stability limit of paragonite is marked by its breakdown to albite + corundum + vapour. The univariant equilibria pertaining to this reaction have been established by reversing the reaction at six different pressures, the equilibrium curve running through the following intervals: 1 kb: 530°–550° C 2 kb: 555°–575° C 3 kb: 580°–600° C 5kb: 625°–640° C 6 kb: 620°–650° C 7 kb: 650°–670° C.Comparison with the upper stability limit of muscovite (Velde, 1966) shows that paragonite has a notably lower thermal stability thus explaining the field observation that paragonite is absent in many higher grade metamorphic rocks in which muscovite is still stable.The enthalpy and entropy of the paragonite breakdown reaction have been estimated. Since intermediate albites of varying structural states are in equilibrium with paragonite, corundum and H2O along the univariant equilibrium curve, two sets of data pertaining to the entropy of paragonite (S 298 0 ) as well as the enthalpy ( H f,298 0 ) and Gibbs free energy ( G f,298 0 ) of its formation were computed, assuming (1) high albite and (2) low albite as the equilibrium phase. The values are: (1) (2) S 298 0 67.8±3.9 cal deg–1 gfw–1 63.7±3.9 cal deg–1 gfw–1 H f,298 0 –1417.9±2.7 kcal gfw–1 –1420.2±2.6 kcal gfw–1 G f,298 0 –1327.4±4.0 kcal gfw–1 –1328.5±4.0 kcal gfw–1.Adapted from a part of the author's Habilitationsschrift accepted by the Ruhr University, Bochum (Chatterjee, 1968).  相似文献   

Summary The erný Dl mineralization (Giant Mts., Czechoslovakia) consists of calcite veins cross-cutting metamorphic rocks and exhibiting a complex paragenesis of Ni-, Fe-, (Co)- and Cu-, Ag-arsenides associated with native arsenic. Several new minerals belonging to Cu–As and Cu–Ag–As systems were described from this deposit (koutekite, novakite, paxite, kutinaite). New data on paxite, novakite and kutinaite were obtained. Paxite, CuAs2, is monoclinic,P21/c,a=5.830,b=5.111,c=8.084 Å, =99.7°,Z=4,D calc=5.97 g/cm3, polysynthetically twinned along (010). Novakite belongs to the Cu–Ag–As system. It is monoclinic,C2/m,Cm orC2,a=16.269,b=11.711,c=10.007 Å, -112.7°,Z=4,D calc=8.01 g/cm3. The ideal formula is Cu20+x Ag1–x As10,x0.16. New microprobe analyses of kutinaite indicate a cell-content of 4 [Cu14Ag6As7],D calc=8.37 g/cm3.
Résumé La minéralisation du gisement de erný Dl (Monts des Géants, Tchécoslovaquie) se distingue par une paragenèse complexe d'arséniures de Ni, Fe, (Co), Cu et Ag associés à l'arsenic natif, et apparaissant dans des filons de calcite qui recoupent une série de roches métamorphiques. Plusieurs minéraux nouveaux appartenant aux systèmes Cu–As et Cu–Ag–As ont été découverts dans ce gisement (koutekite, novakite, paxite, kutinaïte). De nouvelles données sur la paxite, la novakite et la kutinaïte ont été obtenues. La paxite, CuAs2, est monoclinique,P21/c,a=5,830,b=5,111,c=8,084 Å, =99,7°,Z=4,D calc=5,97 g/cm3; elle est polysythétiquement maclée suivant (010). La novakite est une phase du système Cu–Ag–As. Elle est monoclinique,C2/m,Cm ouC2,a=16,269,b=11,711,c=10,007 Å, =112,7°,Z=4,D calc=8,01 g/cm3. Saformule idéale s'écrit Cu20+x Ag1–x As10,x0,16. Des analyses de la kutinaïte conduisent à 4 [Cu14Ag6As7] par maille,D calc=8,37 g/cm3.L'étude paragénétique a permis de voir que le système hydrothermal à erný Dl couvre un interval de température large, s'étalant de500° à 100°C environ. Une très forte activité d'arsenic au cours des épisodes minéralisants tardifs a abouti à la cristallisation des arséniures de Cu riches en arsenic, stables à basse température. Cinq épisodes minéralisants ont été reconnus: le dépôt des arséniures de Ni, Fe, (Co) (löllingite, nickéline, pararammelsbergite, chloentite) était suivi de: kutinaïte, koutekite, arsenic natif et arséniures de cuivre riches en arsenic (novakite, Cu2As, paxite). L'abondance des carbonates laisse entrevoir un rôle de composés ou de complexes de carbone dans l'évolution de ce système hydrothermal fortement réducteur.The study of mineral associations showed that the erný Dl hydrothermal system extended over a large temperature interval from 500° to 100°C. An extremely high arsenic activity during the late mineralization periods lead to the precipitation of low-temperature, As-rich copper arsenides. Five mineralization periods were distinguished: the precipitation of Ni-, Fe-, (Co)-arsenides (löllingite, nickeline, pararammelsbergite, chloanthite) was followed by kutinaite, koutekite, native arsenic and As-rich copper arsenides (novakite, Cu2As, paxite). The abundance of carbonates suggests a possible role of carbon compounds or complexes in the evolution of this highly reducing hydrothermal system.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous, granitic pegmatite-aplite dikes in southern California have been known for gem-quality minerals and as a commercial source of lithium. Minerals, whole-rock samples, and inclusion fluids from nine of these dikes and from associated wall rocks have been analyzed for their oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope compositions to ascertain the origins and thermal histories of the dikes. Oxygen isotope geothermometry used in combination with thermometric data from primary fluid inclusions enabled the determination of the pressure regime during crystallization.Two groups of dikes are evident from their oxygen isotope compositions (18Oqtz+10.5 in Group A, and +8.5 in Group B). Prior to the end of crystallization, Group A pegmatites had already extensively exchanged oxygen with their wall rocks, while Group B dikes may represent a closer approximation to the original isotopic composition of the pegmatite melts. Oxygen isotope fractionations between minerals are similar in all dikes and indicate that the pegmatites were emplaced at temperatures of about 730 ° to 700 ° C. Supersolidus crystallization began with the basal aplite zone and ended with formation of quench aplite in the pocket zone, nearly to 565 ° C. Subsolidus formation of gem-bearing pockets took place over a relatively narrow temperature range of about 40 ° C (approximately 565–525 ° C). Nearly closed-system crystallization is indicated.Hornblende in gabbroic and noritic wall rocks (Dw.r. = –90 to –130) in the Mesa Grande district crystallized in the presence of, or exchanged hydrogen with, meteoric water (D –90) prior to the emplacement of the pegmatite dikes. Magmatic water was subsequently added to the wall rocks adjacent to the pegmatites.Groups A and B pegmatites cannot be distinguished on the basis of their hydrogen isotope compositions. A decrease in D of muscovite inward from the walls of the dikes reflects a decrease in temperature. D values of H2O from fluid inclusions are: –50 to –73 (aplite and pegmatite zones); –62 to –75 (pocket quartz: Tourmaline Queen and Stewart dikes); and –50 ± 4 (pocket quartz from many dikes). The average 13C of juvenile CO2 in fluid inclusions in Group B pegmatites is –7.9. In Group A pegmatities, 13C of CO2 is more negative (–10 to –15.6), due to exchange of C with wall rocks and/or loss of 13C-enriched CO2 to an exsolving vapor phase.Pressures during crystallization of the pockets were on the order of 2,100 bars, and may have increased slightly during pocket growth. A depth of formation of at least 6.8 km (sp. gr. of over burden = 3.0, and P fiuid=P load) is indicated, and a rate of uplift of 0.07 cm/yr. follows from available geochronologic data.  相似文献   

Thermal treatments of anorthite carried out at up to 1,547° C show that the unit cell parameter changes as a function of the treatment temperature. The best fit curve found by non-linear least squares analysis is: =91.419-(0.327·10-6)T 2+(0.199·10-12)T 4-(0.391·10)T 6. The results obtained support significant Al,Si disorder (Al0.10, where Al=t 1(0)-1/3 [t 1(m)+t 2(0)+t 2(m)], Ribbe 1975), in anorthite equilibrated near the melting point and confirm a high temperature series differentiated from the low temperature series for calcic plagioclases in the An85–An100 range also. In the plot vs. An-content the high and low temperature curves intersect at An85 composition and progressively diverge in the An85–An100 range. The trends of the high and low temperature curves in this range are interpretable on the basis of the degree of Al, Si order in the average structures of calcic plagioclases.  相似文献   

Fluoride-hydroxyl exchange equilibria between phlogopite-pargasite and phlogopite-tremolite mineral pairs were experimentally determined at 1,173K, 500 bars and 1,073–1,173 K, 500 bars respectively. The distribution of fluorine between phlogopite and pargasite was found to favor phlogopite slightly, G ex . (1,173 K)=–1.71 kJ anion–1, while in the case of phlogopite-tremolite, fluorine was preferentially incorporated in the mica, G ex . (1,073)=– 5.67 kJ anion–1 and G ex . (1,173K)=–5.84 kJ anion–1. These results have yielded new values of entropy and Gibbs energy of formation for fluortremolite, S f =–2,293.4±16.0JK–1 mol–1 and G f = –11,779.3±25.0 kJ mol–1, respectively. In addition, F-OH mineral exchange equilibria support a recent molten oxide calorimetric value for the Gibbs energy of fluorphlogopite, G f =–6,014.0±7.0 kJ mol–1, which is approximately 40 kJ mol–1 more exothermic than the tabulated value.This work performed in part at Sandia National Laboratories supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, DOE, under contract number DE-AC04-76DP00789  相似文献   

The 18O and D values in mud-volcanic waters of the Taman Peninsula and Kakhetia vary from +0.7 to +10.0 and from –37 to –13 , respectively. These values increase as the Greater Caucasus is approached. The increase in 18O and D also positively correlates with fluid generation temperatures based on hydrochemical geothermometers. This is accompanied by changes in the chemical composition of waters, in which contents of alkali metals, HCO 3 ion, and boron increase, while the content of halogen ions (Cl, Br, J) decreases. Changes in the isotopic composition of water are also accompanied by the increase of 13 in methane and decrease of 11 B in clays. Analysis of formal models of the evolution of isotopic composition of mud-volcanic waters showed that mud volcanoes are recharged by freshened water from the Maikop paleobasin with an inferred isotopic composition of D –40 and 18 O –6. Based on this assumption, the 18O and D values observed in mud-volcanic waters can be explained not only by processes of distillation and condensation in a closed system, but also by combined processes of isotopic reequilibration in the water-illite-methane system.Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, No. 2, 2005, pp. 143–158.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Lavrushin, Dubinina, Avdeenko.  相似文献   

The unit-cell and atomic parameters of perdeuterated brushite have been extracted from Rietveld analysis of neutron powder diffraction data within the temperature range 4.2 to 470 K. The thermal expansion of brushite is anisotropic, with the largest expansion along the b axis due principally to the effect of the O(1)···D(4) and O(3)···D(2) hydrogen bonds. Expansion along the c axis, influenced by the Ow1···D(5) interwater hydrogen bond, is also large. The high temperature limits for the expansion coefficients for the unit-cell edges a, b and c are 9.7(5) × 10–6, 3.82(9) × 10–5 and 5.54(5) × 10–5 K–1, respectively, and for the cell volume it is 9.7(1) × 10–5 K–1. The angle displays oscillatory variation, and empirical data analysis results in = 1.28(3) × 10–6sin(0.0105 T) K–1, within this temperature range. The evolution of the thermal expansion tensor of brushite has been calculated between 50 T 400 K. At 300 K the magnitudes of the principal axes are 11 = 50(6) × 10–6 K–1, 22 = 26.7(7) × 10–6 K–1 and 33 = 7.0(5) × 10–6 K–1. The intermediate axis, 22, is parallel to b, and using IRE convention for the tensor orthonormal basis, the axes 11 and 33 have directions equal to (–0.228, 0, –0.974) and (–0.974, 0, 0.228) respectively. Under the conditions of these experiments, the onset of dehydration occurred at temperatures above 400 K. Bond valence analysis combined with assessments of the thermal evolution of the bonding within brushite suggests that dehydration is precipitated through instabilities in the chemical environment of the second water molecule.  相似文献   

The assemblage paragonite + quartz is encountered frequently in low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks. With rising grade of metamorphism they react mutually to yield the condensed assemblage albite + Al2SiO5.The univariant curve pertaining to the equilibrium paragonite + quartz=albite + andalusite + H2O has been located experimentally. The reversed P H 2 O-T data are: 1 kb: 470–490° C 2 kb: 510–530° C 3 kb: 540–560° C 4 kb: 560–580° C 5 kb: 590–600° C The univariant curve pertaining to the equilibrium paragonite + quartz=albite + kyanite + H2O runs through the following P H 2 O-T-intervals: 5 kb: 570–625° C 6 kb: 600–630° C 7 kb: 620–640° C Thermodynamic calculations of S 298 0 , H f,298 0 and G f,298 0 of the phase paragonite from the experimental data presented above and those obtained from the equilibria of the reaction paragonite=albite + corundum + H2O (Chatterjee, 1970), agree within the limits of uncertainty. This prompts the idea that Zen's (1969) suggestion of a possible error of approximately 7 kcal in G f,298 0 of the Al2SiO5 polymorphs may in fact be due to an error of similar magnitude in G f,298 0 of corundum.A best estimate of S 298 0 , H f,298 0 and G f,298 0 of paragonite based on these considerations yield: S 298 0 : 67.61±3.9 cal deg–1 gfw–1 H f,298 0 : –1411.4±2.7 kcal gfw–1 G f,298 0 : –1320.9±4.0 kcal gfw–1 These numbers will be subject to change when better thermochemical data on corundum and albite are available.In medium-grade metamorphic rocks the assemblage paragonite + quartz is commonly found in stable coexistence with such other phases as muscovite, staurolite, andalusite, kyanite, but not with cordierite or sillimanite. However, the assemblage paragonite-sillimanite has been reported to be stable in the absence of quartz. All these petrologic observations can be explained on the basis of the stability data of the phases and phase assemblages concerned.  相似文献   

Grenville dolomitic marbles and calc-silicates at Stephen Cross Quarry, Québec, underwent contact metamorphism and metasomatism associated with the intrusion of the Wakefield syenite at ambient pressures of 0.4GPa at 1090–1070Ma. Fluid infiltration produced exoskarns, calcite+periclase+forsterite±diopside±orthoclase assemblages in the marbles, and quartz±calcite±wollastonite±diopside±anorthite assemblages in the calc-silicates. Phase-equilibria in the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2 system suggest that fluid infiltration occurred close to the thermal peak of contact metamorphism (715–815°C) and that the fluids hadXCO20.15. In the metasediments, 18O values of calcite (Cc) are as low as 8.6, suggesting that the fluids were in isotopic equilibrium with the syenites (18O =8.8–10.2). Marble 13C(Cc) values are-0.1 to-3.2; the lack of correlation between 13C(Cc) and 18O(Cc) is consistent with the infiltration of water-rich fluids. The resetting of stable isotopes and the mineralogical changes can be explained by time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 110 m3/m2 (4×106 mol/m2), corresponding to actual fluxes of 3×10-11 to 3×10-12 m3/m2-s and intrinsic permeabilities of 10-18 to 10-20 m2 for fluid flow lasting 0.1-1Ma. Marble 18O(Cc) values do not correlate well with distance from the syenite, and fluids were probably channelled across lithological layering. The correlation between the degree of resetting of marble 18O(Cc) values with the abundance of submillimetre-wide veins, suggests that fluid focussing may have resulted from variations in fracture density. Late, lower temperature (<500°C), fluid flow formed serpentine (Serp) and brucite (Br) from periclase and forsterite. 18O(Br) and 18O(Scrp) values correlate with 18O(Cc), suggesting that retrogression involved only limited volumes of fluid. The observation that 18O(Cc-Br) and 18O(Cc-Serp) values are higher in marbles that have lower 18O(Cc) values is interpreted as indicating that fluid flow persisted to lower temperatures in those rocks due to higher intrinsic permeabilities. Calcite in the syenite was also formed by the influx of fluids during cooling. Syenite 18O(Cc) values are approximately in isotopic equilibrium with the high-temperature silicate minerals, suggesting that again only minor volumes of fluid were involved. In detail fluid flow was prolonged and complex, creating problems for the application of quantitative fluid flow models.This paper is a contribution to IGCP 304, Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   

The eclogite-facies metasedimentary rocks in the Münchberg gneiss complex (T=630±30° C/P17–24 kbar) locally contain CO2–N2-rich fluid inclusions of extremely low molar volumes (32 cm3/mol) in quartz. These fluid compositions are mainly found in rocks intercalated with calcsilicate bands. Densities were determined from low-temperature phase transitions like stable or metastable homogenization (L+VL), partial homogenization (S+L+VS+L) and the transition S+LL (L = liquid, V = vapour, S = solid). The high fluid densities are in agreement with eclogite-facies pressure and temperature and subsequent amphibolite facies. CO2–N2 inclusions were not observed in adjacent eclogites nor in non-calcareous metasediments. These rock types contain predominantly H2O-rich inclusions correlating with amphibolite-facies conditions. The variation of fluid composition with lithological differences indicates local fluid gradients and speaks against a pervasive fluid flow during eclogite-facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

Ijolites from the type locality at Iivaara, Finland, form a continuous series of magmatic rocks ranging from urtites to melteigites. Both Ni and Cr, but also the large ion lithophile light-rare-earth elements, Zr, Hf, Nb, Rb, Sr and Ba are low in concentration. The Nd contents equal those of the neighboring fenites, Sr is distinctly less abundant, and there is no significant Eu anomaly. The 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr of the ijolites demonstrate a systematic covariation between the data of carbonaties from the Kola Alkaline Province (Sr – 13.8, Nd + 5.6) and those of the fenites at Iivaara (Sr + 132.9, Nd – 24.7) with Sr varying from +0.3 to +23.9 and Nd varying from-9.2 to-19.3. The trace element abundances and the isotopic data give evidence for a crystallization of the rocks from a liquid generated by melting (rheomorphism) of high-grade fenitized country rocks rather than from a primary mantle-derived magma which was contaminated at crustal levels. The fenitization of wall rocks preceding the ijolite magma formation was clement selective. Mixing of elements during the fenitization process between the designated components carbonatite (or derivative fenitizing fluid) and wall rock should have been dynamical depending on the stability of the wall rock mineral assemblages in contact with the fenitizing fluids, the migration velocity of these fluids, and their capacity of the respective elements. Such dynamical mixing explains best the variation of the isotope ratios withont systematic covariation of the respective element concentrations.  相似文献   

The Ascutney Mountain complex of eastern Vermont, USA, is a composite epizonal pluton of genetically related gabbro to granite intrusives. Nd isotopic data are reported for mafic rocks, granites, and nearby country rock. The parental mafic magma producing the complex 122 m.y. ago had 87Sr/86Sr=0.7039, 143Nd/144Nd=0.512678 ( Nd=+3.8) and 18O=6.1, indicating a mantle source with time-integrated lithophile element depletion. Uniform initial radiogenic isotope ratios for granites, which are undistinguishable from those for the most primitive gabbro, suggest that the granite magma evolved from the mafic magma without crustal contamination and that the increase in 18O, to about 7.8, is the result of fractional crystallization. Mafic rocks show a large range in initial 143Nd/144Nd ratio, from about 0.51267 to 0.51236 ( Nd= +3.7 to –2.5), which is correlated with elevated 87Sr/86Sr ratios and 18O. These data substantiate the production of mafic lithologies by fractional crystallization of the parental magma accompanied by assimilation of up to about 50% crust. The local country rocks include gneiss and schist and assimilation involved representatives of both rock types. The isotopic and chemical relationships preclude derivation from a single batch of magma undergoing contamination and indicate that a large magma body at depth evolved largely by fractionation with batches of melt issued from this chamber being variably contaminated at higher levels or at the level of emplacement.The Precambrian gneisses of the Chester dome and overlying lower Paleozoic schists have essentially identical Nd isotope systematics which suggest a crustal formation age of about 1.6. b.y. The parental sediments for the schists were apparently derived from a protolith similar to the gneissic basement without appreciable Sm/Nd fractionation.  相似文献   

The Mount Lofty Ranges comprises interlayered marbles, metapsammites, and metapelites that underwent regional metamorphism during the Delamarian Orogeny at 470–515 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions increased from lowermost biotite grade (350–400°C) to migmatite grade (700°C) over 50–55 km parallel to the lithological strike of the rocks. With increasing metamorphic grade, 18O values of normal metapelites decrease from 14–16 to as low as 9.0, while 18O values of calcite in normal marbles decrease from 22–24 to as low as 13.2 These isotopic changes are far greater than can be accounted for by devolatilisation, implying widespread fluid-rock interaction. Contact metamorphism appears not to have affected the terrain, suggesting that fluid flow occurred during regional metamorphism. Down-temperature fluid flow from synmetamorphic granite plutons (18O=8.4–8.6) that occur at the highest metamorphic grades is unlikely to explain the resetting of oxygen isotopes because: (a) there is a paucity of skarns at granite-metasediment contacts; (b) the marbles generally do not contain low-XCO2 mineral assemblages; (c) there is insufficient granite to provide the required volumes of water; (d) the marbles and metapelites retain a several permil difference in 18O values, even at high metamorphic grades. The oxygen isotope resetting may be accounted for by along-strike up-temperature fluid flow during regional metamorphism with time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 5x109 moles/m2 (105 m3/m2). If fluid flow occurred over 105–106 years, estimated intrinsic permeabilities are 10-20 to 10-16m2. Variations in 18O at individual outcrops suggest that time-integrated fluid fluxes and intrinsic permeabilities may locally have varied by at least an order of magnitude. A general increase in XCO2 values of marble assemblages with metamorphic grade is also consistent with the up-temperature fluid-flow model. Fluids in the metapelites may have been derived from these rocks by devolatilisation at low metamorphic grades; however, fluids in the marbles were probably derived in part from the surrounding siliceous rocks. The marble-metapelite boundaries preserve steep gradients in both 18O and XCO2 values, suggesting that across-strike fluid fluxes were much lower than those parallel to strike. Up-temperature fluid flow may also have formed orthoamphibole rocks and caused melting of the metapelites at high grades.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304 Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   

Kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province of Turkey are related to the Upper Cretaceous felsic lavas and pyroclastic rocks, and associated with clay and carbonate alteration zones in the footwall and hangingwall lithologies. A complete upward-vertical section of a typical orebody consists of a stringer-disseminated sulfide zone composed mainly of pyrite and chalcopyrite; a massive pyrite zone; a massive yellow ore consisting mainly of chalcopyrite and pyrite; a black ore made up mainly of galena and sphalerite with minor amounts of chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite and various sulfosalts; and a barite zone. Most of the deposits in the province are associated with gypsum in the footwall or hangingwall. The paragenetic sequence in the massive ore is pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, bornite, galena and various sulfosalts, with some overlap between the mineral phases. Massive, stringer and disseminated sulfides from eight kuroko-type VMS deposits of the Eastern Black Sea province have a 34S range of 0–7 per mil, consistent with the 34S range of felsic igneous rocks. Sulfides in the massive ore at Madenköy (4.3–6.1 per mil) differ isotopically from sulfides in the stringer zone (6.3–7.2 per mil) suggesting a slightly increased input of H2S derived from marine sulfate with time. Barite and coarse-grained gypsum have a 34S range of 17.7–21.5 per mil, a few per mil higher than the 34S value of contemporaneous seawater sulfate. The deposits may, therefore, have formed in restricted basins in which bacterial reduction of sulfate was taking place. Fine-grained, disseminated gypsum at Kutlular and Tunca has 34S values (2.6–6.1 per mil) overlapping those of ore sulfides, indicating sulfide oxidation during waning stages of hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

A comprehensive Sr–Nd–Pb–O isotopic study is reported for rhyolites from the Maroa Volcanic Centre in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) of New Zealand. The Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the rhyolites (87Sr/86Sr=0.705236 to 0.705660 and Nd = 2.0 to 0.2) are intermediate between those of primitive basalts (87Sr/86Sr=0.70387 and Nd = 5.3) and the Torlesse basement (87Sr/86Sr=0.709 and Nd = -4.5). The relatively low mantle-like oxygen isotopic compositions of 18 O = 7 ± 0.5 are consistent with the Nd-Sr isotopic constraints in that they can be accounted for by 15% to 25% crustal contamination of a basaltic parent by relatively 18 O-rich Torlesse metasediment. High precision Pb isotopic analyses of plagioclase separates from the Maroa rhyolites show that they have essentially the same compositions as the Torlesse metasedimentary terrane which is itself distinctive from the Western or Waipapa metasediments. Due to the high concentration of Pb in the Torlesse metasediments (>20 ppm) compared to the basalts (<2 ppm), the Pb isotopic composition of the volcanics may be controlled by relatively small amounts (>10%) of crustal contamination. All these results are shown to be consistent with derivation of the rhyolites by 15% to 25% contamination of relatively primitive basaltic magmas with Torlesse metasedimentary crust, followed by extensive, essentially closed system fractionation of the basalt to a magma of rhyolite composition. It is argued that the processes of assimilation and fractionation are separated in both space and time. The voluminous high silica rhyolites, which make up >97% of the exposed volcanism in the continental margin back-are basin environment of the TVZ, therefore appear to be a product of predominantly new additions to the crust with assimilation-recycling of pre-existing crust being of secondary importance.  相似文献   

18O values of unaltered olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts in boninites from several areas range from 5.8 to 7.4 and indicate that the source for most boninites is more 18O-rich than MORBs and other oceanic basalts. The source for oxygen and other major elements is most likely a refractory portion of the mantle having a 18O value of up to 7.0 to which must be added a small amount of H2O-rich fluid to induce partial melting. This fluid, which is derived from subducted crust, is the vehicle for LREEs including Nd. The variable, normally low Nd values typical of boninites do not correlate with the 18O values.Post eruptive exchange of oxygen in the glass of boninites with that of sea water at low temperatures (<150° C) produces 18O values of >10 in optically fresh glass. Hydration of the glass has increased the water contents of most boninites from estimated magmatic values of 1–2 wt% to 2–4 wt% and produced D values of < –80, which may be lower than the original magmatic D values. In contrast to most submarine pillow basalts, the magmatic volatile composition of boninite lavas has been extensively modified as a result of post eruptive interaction with seawater.  相似文献   

The high-pressure behaviour of a synthetic P21/c ferrian magnesian spodumene, M2 (Li0.85Mg0.09Fe2+ 0.06)M1(Fe3+ 0.85Mg0.15)Si2O6, has been investigated using in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. No phase transition has been observed within the pressure range investigated. The isothermal equation of state up to 7 GPa was determined. V0, KT0 and K, simultaneously refined with a Murnaghan equation of state, are: V0= 415.66(7) Å3, KT0=83(1) GPa and K=9.6(6). The magnitudes of the principal unit-strain coefficients were calculated and their ratios 1:2:3=1.00:1.85:2.81 at P=6.83 GPa indicate a very strong anisotropy. Monitoring of the intensity of b-type reflections (h+k= 2n+1) confirms that from room conditions up to 7 GPa the primitive lattice is maintained. Raman spectra have been collected up to 7.4 GPa. No change in the number of observed vibrational modes occurs in the pressure range investigated. At high frequency, the Raman doublet relative to the Si–O–Si vibrations of the two distinct tetrahedral chains is a broad band at room pressure, however, the frequency difference between the two modes increases with increasing pressure.Operating system: Windows NT  相似文献   

18O/16O and D/H ratios have been measured in rocks and mineral separates from the basal complexes of Fuerteventura, Gomera and La Palma. These complexes comprise alkali plutonic rocks ranging from olivine gabbros to syenites and dikes of various mineralogy cutting them, all metamorphosed under greenschist conditions. K-Ar determinations gave ages from 48 to 17 My. The 18O's and D's of these rocks range from –1,4 to +11 and –113 to –45 respectively, with a majority of rocks depleted in heavy isotopes relative to normal, deep seated values. These values do not correspond to those found in ophiolitic sequences, which, for a comparable temperature range, give minimum 18O's>3. These values are explained in terms of water-rock interactions involving limited amounts of meteoric waters from high elevations. This implies the existence of a very important volcanic edifice over Fuerteventura in the Miocene Oligocene period with elevations between 2,500 and a maximum of more than 4,000 m.  相似文献   

Isothermal crystallization experiments on basalt have been carried out using an infrared heating furnace to investigate the effect of stirring. When stirring was not applied (static experiment), the results agreed well with previous experiments. But when stirring was applied and a flow of Reynolds number=10–3–4 was present (dynamic experiment), considerably different results were obtained, especially in respect to the nucleation rate and the morphology of crystals. At T=25° C essentially similar results were obtained on the nucleation rates and morphologies of crystals in both static and dynamic experiments. However, at supercoolings larger than 45° C, nucleation density increased drastically in dynamic experiments reaching up to ten times as large as that in static experiments. Crystals of plagioclase and clinopyroxene were small and adapted acicular morphology regardless of T in dynamic experiments, and hyalopilitic textures were formed. A TTT-diagram shows that the nucleation incubation time is shorter in dynamic experiments than in static experiments. No compositional difference in major elements was found in plagioclase and clinopyroxene produced in both static and dynamic experiments. However, minor element concentrations, e.g., Mg in plagioclase and Ti, Al in clinopyroxene, were found to increase with both T and flow velocity. All these results imply that although chemical diffusion in the melts did not play an important role in the dynamic experiments, interface kinetics were important. It is suggested that hyalopilitic texture commonly seen in natural basalt is mainly due to flow in magma.  相似文献   

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