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为了检验光纤水听器阵列在海洋地震勘探中应用的性能,在南海,使用1024基元的光纤水听器阵列与进口的360道压电水听器海洋地震勘探仪,采用相同的作业方式在同一位置进行海洋地震勘探调查,对两个设备采集的海洋地震勘探资料进行对比。试验结果表明,光纤水听器阵列采集的数据主频范围达到10~120Hz,宽于压电水听器海洋地震勘探仪的主频范围10~80Hz;地震剖面分辨率优于压电水听器海洋地震勘探仪。光纤水听器阵列在经过适应性改进后完全能够满足海洋地震勘探的性能要求。  相似文献   

单道反射地震以其配置灵活、操作简单、高效经济的优势,在海洋区域地质调查、近海工程物探等领域得到了广泛的应用.利用海上作业前期对单道地震系统试验的数据进行分析,获得船舶等背景噪声的频率特征,为室内资料处理提供可靠依据,旨在最大限度地保留有效信号并压制船舶等背景干扰,提高地震资料处理的效率和剖面的质量.根据实际处理结果,得到2点认识:(1)通常情况下,海洋地震勘探中船舶等背景干扰信号的频率低于200 Hz,而电火花震源的主频在200 Hz以上,二者在频域可分开;(2)地震记录的高低频信号各有用处,野外作业时应尽可能采集背景噪声数据,为室内资料处理提供依据,以免去除噪声的同时滤除了有效信号.最后基于分析处理过程中遇到的问题,进一步提出海洋勘探过程中船舶等背景噪声的调查设计,旨在研究船型、航速、水听器拖曳长度等对背景噪声在地震记录中的特征有何影响以及如何控制船速及水听器拖曳长度来使得野外原始记录的信噪比达到最大.  相似文献   

针对混响环境非自由声场中声源测量的问题,本文以消声水池和混响水槽为实验环境,以换能器辐射的声场为研究对象,以水听器阵列为测量前端,进行了混响环境非自由声场中声源对象的测量、分析和重构的实验研究。通过单层水听器阵列对非自由声场进行声压分布测量,并对测量结果作声波分离处理,将分离前后的声压分布和在消声水池中测量的声压分布进行比较,给出了声源频率为5 000 Hz和7 000 Hz时,声场重构的误差分析结果。结果表明,基于单层水听器阵列声压测量的声波分离方法,能够较精确地对混响环境中的声场进行重构。  相似文献   

纳机电矢量水听器根据鱼类听觉器官侧线设计,是一种新型微纳结合的纤毛式水声矢量探测仿生结构。以往关于纳机电矢量水听器的定向研究都是基于单个水听器的,方位角出现了左右舷模糊,波束图的主瓣宽度较宽。为提高水听器的性能,改进了其敏感单元和封装方式,经国防科技工业一级测量站标定,其频率响应范围为20~2 000 Hz,灵敏度为-165 dB。为解决左右舷模糊,采用二元阵进行定向,水听器的两路输出信号被校准一致后,在某开阔水域进行了纳机电矢量水听器二元阵的实验研究,验证了纳机电矢量水听器二元阵水平沿X轴放置时能够唯一确定目标的方位角,但是俯仰角出现了左右舷模糊;对低频信号的定向能力较强;具有可靠的跟踪水下运动目标能力。  相似文献   

调研了近几年光纤传感器在海洋探测方面的研究进展,主要包括测量海水温度、压力、盐度、叶绿素、pH值和溶解氧的相关光纤传感器以及光纤水听器。简要介绍了光纤传感器的基本原理、结构及性能,同时跟踪了国内外相关的最新研究进展,并与传统的测量方法进行了比较,分析得出光纤传感器是对现有传统海洋探测器的重要补充,并在一些探测领域具有独特的优势。文章最后,探讨了光纤传感技术的未来发展趋势,认为在海洋温度、压力、叶绿素、水听器等领域可能会率先突破技术瓶颈并实现商用,同时提出了未来海洋光纤探测技术新的研究方向。  相似文献   

在海洋油气勘探这一过程中,震源设计是关键环节,其性能的优劣直接影响采集信号的质量。气枪以其质量可靠、组合灵活、安全环保等优势成为海洋勘探领域应用最广泛的激发震源,然而,随着勘探环境的复杂化,平面阵列的激发子波难以满足高分辨率勘探需求。因此,在立体阵列的基础上,分析不同容量气枪子波信号与时间关系,通过优化沉放深度,使不同容量单枪激发产生的振幅在接收时同相叠加,达到拓宽频带和压制陷波效应,进而改进震源的性能。将优化的立体阵列与常规阵列进行属性对比,证明宽频立体气枪阵列拥有更强的振幅能量和更宽的有效频带,可明显压制陷波效应,对复杂地质目标有较好的识别效果。  相似文献   

根据仿生鱼类侧线细胞纤毛原理,设计、制造并测试了一种新型双纤毛压阻水听器,用于检测水下声信号.与传统的压电水听器相比,这种水听器具有体积小和矢量性的优点.利用聚氨酯仿生细胞壁作为透声帽,利用硅油模拟细胞液和压阻微梁模拟感觉纤毛三层拾振结构,从而提高纤毛式水听器的可靠性.封装以后的纤毛式水听器采用振动台和矢量水听器校准系...  相似文献   

基于纳机电矢量水听器的水下目标估计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
纳机电矢量水听器是一种新型的声音传感器,根据鱼类侧线听觉仿生学原理设计.文中对这种传感器的定向功能进行了研究,综合国内外各种文献中的几种单矢量水听器定向算法,选取了波束形成法应用于纳机电矢量水听器.并对水听器的测向功能进行了室外水库测试,实验结果表明:在室外水库较复杂的环境中,纳机电矢量水听器能够实现声目标定位,为下一步的海洋真实环境测试打下基础.  相似文献   

针对海洋地震信号幅度小、动态范围大、噪声干扰强等特点,设计了基于高精度32位Δ-Σ(Sigma-Delta)模数转换器(ADC)的海洋多道地震拖缆四通道采集包。该地震信号采集包以STM32L432为核心,使用SPI总线控制4片32位模数转换器完成地震信号采集,采用九轴姿态传感器实时监测拖缆姿态,通过RS485接口将地震数据和姿态数据上传到数传包。测试表明:该装置自噪声小、动态范围大、功耗小、运行可靠,对海洋地震勘探高精度信号采集研究具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对多径条件下相干声源方位估计问题,研究了矢量水听器阵列信号方位估计的MUSIC与ESPRIT方法,并通过空间重采样推广到宽带信号方位估计中.实船噪声的计算机仿真表明:6元矢量水听器阵列可以分辨空间间隔不大于15o的2个目标,并可利用相干信号子空间方法解相干源,在声引信多目标分辨中有应用前景.  相似文献   

The oceanic T-waves of earthquakes associated with the 1992 Cape Mendocino earthquake sequence were recorded and analyzed using fixed hydrophone arrays located throughout the north-east Pacific Ocean. The T-waves of these events were well recorded with high S/N ratios and strong acoustic energy present over a 0–64 Hz bandwidth. The smallest event recorded by the hydrophone arrays from the sequence had a local magnitude of 2.4. The hydrophone records of the three largest shocks in the sequence (ML 6.9, 6.2, 6.5) exhibited both T-waves and lithospheric phases from these events. Low-pass filtering (2 Hz) of the lithospheric phases yielded a clear P-wave arrival for epicentral distances of <10°, but no apparent S-wave. A seafloor cable-break was detected immediately after the second M>6 aftershock, possibly the result of a submarine slide. The direct P-wave hydrophone records from the second large aftershock showed a relatively high-amplitude, high-frequency arrival, consistent with seismic analyses which used this information to infer rupture direction. The rupture direction was toward the location of the cable break, thus rupture directivity possibly played a role in initiating the slide event. Modelling of the T-wave propagation path, using the Parabolic Equation model, produced estimates of the acoustic transmission loss from epicenter to receiver. The transmission loss to the most distant phones is typically 10-20 dB , and can be as large as 50–70 dB for acoustic propagation paths that cross the continental margin. The amount of acoustic energy each earthquake released into the ocean at the seafloor–water interface was estimated applying the transmission loss and instrument response to the recorded T-wave signals. This acoustic source power level was calculated for 41 events with magnitudes over a recorded range of 2.4ML6.9, with 17 of these events having their seismic moment estimates available through the NEIC. Ground displacement spectra were estimated from the acoustic power spectra and showed no indication of a corner frequency. Thus empirical analyses relating source level to magnitude and seismic moment were necessary to quantitatively derive an earthquake's size from hydrophone records. The results of indicator variable regression analyses suggest that T-wave source level increases linearly with the event's local magnitude and seismic moment. Furthermore, the source power level versus magnitude relationships for oceanic and continental earthquakes are significantly different, probably illustrating differences in the seismic and acoustic propagation paths from hypocenter to the hydrophone receivers. The results indicate that acoustic measurements provide a reasonable estimate of magnitude and seismic moment of an oceanic earthquake that was not detected by land-based seismic networks.  相似文献   


For high frequency ocean acoustic modeling applications, seabed reflection loss is a useful alternative input compared to conventional geoacoustic model parameters. Reflection loss can be estimated by comparing the noise intensity of the up and down components of the ambient noise vertical directionality pattern. The potential of this method is demonstrated with experimental data spanning one week, collected off shallow east coast of India using a 21 element vertical hydrophone array. The compact and easily operable vertical array has been designed for high frequency directionality estimation in the band 2–10?kHz. The ambient noise data are beam formed to arrive at the vertical directionality pattern. Further reflection loss values as a function of frequency and grazing angle have been estimated for 1/3 octave bands for a sandy sea bed in warm tropical waters. This has been compared with modeled reflection loss estimates using OASR reflection loss module of OASES. This will serve as inputs to propagation models for applications such as inverse techniques, ambient noise modelling, and sonar system performance prediction.  相似文献   

A compact and relatively low-cost ocean bottom seismograph has been constructed for use in marine seismic research. The instrument is deployed as a free-fall package and can record for 12.5 days. Signals from a vertical geophone, a hydrophone, and a clock are direct recorded on four channels of 6.35×10-3 m magnetic tape. A timed-release system returns the instrument to the surface.  相似文献   

A novel PVDF hydrophone is described which has a sensitivity of -183 dBV/μPa or better and can be made in lengths from 4 cm to more than 1 m, and in diameters from 8 mm to >40 mm. It is based on a piezoelectric PVDF cable which allows considerable design freedom because of its very great mechanical flexibility and high longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient. The design centres on a helical structure which translates a hydrostatic pressure field into a longitudinal compressive strain in the cable and thus makes use of the very sensitive mode. Excellent pressure stability can be achieved, with devices showing a pressure dependency of 0.04 dB/MPa. The device has a flat frequency response from less than 1 Hz to several kHz and a density in the region of 1800 kg/m3, making it suitable for application in low-frequency sonar  相似文献   

Estimates of the travel times between the elements of a bottom hydrophone array can be extracted from the time-averaged ambient noise cross-correlation function (NCF). This is confirmed using 11-min-long data blocks of ambient noise recordings that were collected in May 1995 near the southern California coast at an average depth of 21 m in the 150-700 Hz frequency range. Coherent horizontal wavefronts emerging from the time derivative of the NCF are obtained across the array's aperture and are related to the direct arrival time of the time-domain Green's function (TDGF). These coherent wavefronts are used for array element self-localization (AESL) and array element self-synchronization (AESS). The estimated array element locations are used to beamform on a towed source.  相似文献   

鉴于国内外海洋地震台网的缺乏, 本文介绍了一种面向全球海域应用的漂浮式海底地震接收系统(mobile earthquake recording in marine areas by independent divers, MERMAID)。针对潜浮式地震仪MERMAID浮标的研发过程, 建立了浮标的总体设计要求与典型工作循环流程, 设计了液压式浮力调节系统、机械结构等, 并对比分析了不同转速及负浮力下潜过程, 最后进行了实验室压力检测和千岛湖湖试。试验结果表明, 该浮标能在15MPa压力下保持良好的密封性与稳定性, 利用水听器可以有效地采集到天然地震纵波(P波), 同时计算各模块单个周期的能耗, 以验证设计指标。  相似文献   

阵形估算是水听器阵列应用中的关键问题,基于时延的水下声基阵大地坐标标定方法利用声源发射和声阵接收的CW脉冲之间的时延获得空间中的三个声源发射点到阵元的距离,并以这三个声源发射点为圆心,以声源发射点到阵元的距离为半径做球面,得到的交点即为阵元的大地坐标.通过实验数据分析结果可以得出如下结论:基于时延的球面交汇法得到的阵形标定结果的绝对误差均值为0.13 m,可以把该方法运用于实际的工程测量当中.  相似文献   

在海洋地震勘探中,气枪组合震源得到广泛应用.目前气枪组合震源通常是采用模拟技术,得到震源的远场子波后,通过评价远场子波的参数来评价震源的性能.文章对气枪组合震源性能评价标准进行了简单叙述,对采用震源模拟软件模拟一系列震源进行评价后,优选了3 000 CI,并应用于实际地震勘探中,达到勘探地质目的,取得了良好的资料.  相似文献   

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