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为解决LBS技术中组件式地理信息服务在车辆监控应用中研发成本和应用门槛较高的问题,基于第三方地图服务,研究分别从数据层、中间处理层与用户交互层出发,实现坐标系统转换、空间数据筛选与图形叠加等监控数据地图可视化关键技术,将数据层中不同源空间数据筛选转换成用户层中图形可视化交互信息。研究实现实时位置追踪与车辆行驶轨迹等基础功能,验证了监控数据地图可视化技术的可行性;并测试空间数据筛选技术的有效性,数据筛选率最高为30%。  相似文献   

视频具有表达直观、信息丰富、动态实时等特点,将其与GIS有机集成形成地理视频(GeoVideo),可更加形象的表达地理空间.该文利用视频分割技术将视频分割为具有不同摄像机运动状态的视频片段,针对摄像机运动的视频片段,采用摄像机跟踪(Camera Tracking)技术求算视频帧对应的摄像机内外参数,并基于地理视频数据模型,采用KML/XML描述视频帧、摄像机位置、摄像机姿态等之间的时空映射关系.最后,设计了原型系统,在网络环境中聚合地理信息服务、视频流媒体服务与KML文档服务等,实现了视频与三维地理场景的交互与融合.实验表明,基于该地理视频数据模型,利用视频数据可实现对地理场景的增强表达,使用户能更形象的认知地理空间.  相似文献   

地理表达研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地理表达是地理学的一个基本问题,也是地理信息科学研究面临的一个重大挑战.从地理表达机理、内容和形式的角度,对近期地理表达研究进行了总结.本质上,地理表达是一个空间认知、信息转换与信息传输的交互过程.地理表达内容涉及地理实体及其空间关系、不确定性、地理动态及地理本体等方面.地理表达形式经历了从自然语言、地图到GIS的演变...  相似文献   

环境信息科学可视化表达与交互研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灵活的科学可视化表达与交互手段能有效地展示隐藏在数据背后的空间特性及空间关系.在分析科学可视化概念和特点的基础上,探讨其在动态环境信息表达、环境信息可视化交互探索分析方面的应用,并以江苏省城市空气质量评价专题为例,采用ArcGIS Server基础平台,利用rich internet application(RIA)技术,对Web环境下环境信息的科学可视化进行实例研究.  相似文献   

Maplnfo是美国Maplnfo公司的桌面地理信息系统软件,是一种数据可视化、信息地图化的桌面解决方案。它依据地图及其应用的概念、采用办公自动化的操作、集成多种数据库数据、融合计算机地图方法、使用地理数据库技术、加入了地理信息系统分析功能,形成了极具实用价值的、可以为各行各业所用的大众化小型软件系统。  相似文献   

马成源 《地理教学》2000,(12):38-39
学生学会从地图上了解各种地理事物,并不代表学生已形成读图技能,只有学会分析地图,用地图上直观表达的显性信息去挖掘出一些隐性信息,才达到了较高层次的读图要求。因此教学中要让学生善于用显性的、零碎的信息去寻找隐含的信息,找出地理事物之间内在的联系,培养学生分析地理原理、总结地理规律的能力,形成以图明理的技能。  相似文献   

目前的问卷调查方法不关注空间地理信息,向决策者提供的信息多数为简单的统计分析结果,不能充分挖掘问卷中隐含的信息。该文提出了空间移动问卷调查方法,将每个"问卷"样本看做融"空间、时间、属性"于一体的"空间对象",通过引入GIS地图,将所有问卷样本进行空间可视化表达,并通过空间数据探索分析进一步揭示问卷属性信息背后潜藏的与社会、经济、人文等诸多因素相关的空间地理特征信息,也可针对问卷中的属性信息进行深入空间化研究。以空间问卷调查系统为例,以Android操作系统为平台,在客户端、用户操作流程、功能模块方面进行了构架。初步应用表明,该系统不仅丰富了问卷调查的内容,也为问卷调查工作的数字化、智能化、空间可视化提供了重要参考,但在系统的灵活性和实用性方面仍需强化。  相似文献   

李智 《地理教学》2014,(2):28-31
正现代教育技术的进步和教育信息化的发展,特别是"三通两平台"的建设,为地理教学改革带来了新的活力。许多地理教师已经能够将教材中的地图制作成jpg图片,展示在屏幕上,教学有效性有了明显提高。但jpg图片是静态的,有没有办法制作具有动画效果的地图呢?答案是肯定的。一、动感教学地图的开发与制作1.动感教学地图的主要教学功能按介质分,地图可分为纸质地图、电子地图和其它介质地图。电子地图按屏显方式,可分为静态地图、动态地图和动感地图。动态地图是反映自然和人文现象变迁和运动的电子地图。动态地图虽表现了地理事象动态形迹,但在视  相似文献   

地图信息度量是现代制图学与地理信息科学领域的一个重要研究问题,已初步应用于地图综合选取标准与质量评价、移动地图服务与可视化、地图信息传输、多尺度地图级联更新等方面。为更深入系统地针对此问题开展研究,该文对各学科领域的信息定义进行了分析,进而明确了地图信息的内涵;分析了地图信息的类型,主要包括统计信息、几何信息、拓扑信息和专题信息;在此基础上阐述了现有的地图信息度量方法,并从地图信息度量的角度、层次、内容、方法及规范性方面进行了归纳总结;最后简要阐述了地图信息度量的初步应用及未来该方面研究的发展趋势和思路。  相似文献   

地理信息Web检索系统体系结构、原理及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了地理信息Web检索系统的含义、体系结构及基本原理,并重点阐述地理信息检索系统的发展,包括该领域两个重要的研讨会:GIR和GeoCLEF;讨论了地理信息Web检索系统与Google Maps等通用地理类搜索工具的区别,并对一个有代表性的地理信息Web检索系统SPIRIT做了详细说明;指出地理信息Web检索系统目前面临的挑战包括:地理本体的建立,页面地理信息的抽取,空间索引的建立,主题和空间双重搜索模型的运用,搜索结果的排序及搜索结果的地图可视化。  相似文献   

地理信息可视化中的二元方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩雪培  李满春  徐建刚 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1087-1096
作为一种方法论的探索,以二元分析为基本方法,初步探讨和形成了地理信息可视化二元概念模型 ,力求构建一个简单的、易于被人们理解和接受的地理信息可视化理论框架。文章首先从地理学、语言学、哲学等方面阐述了二元方法论的理论基础,然后以符号语言学为范式,从地理信息可视化的所指与能指两个方面展开,阐述地理信息可视化二元方法论的主要内容;最后得出结论。研究表明:①地理信息具有二元性,它包括时间与空间二元 、瞬时与历时二元、空间几何与空间属性二元、定性与定量二元;②地图设计也具有二元性,它们是地图整体样式与个体符号二元、符号外观与内在二元、形状与尺寸二元、色彩与纹理二元。  相似文献   

Perceptions of colors of individual map symbols are affected by simultaneous contrast, or induction, from surrounding colors. In an experiment with human subjects, reaction times were significantly slower, with significantly more errors, for test maps on which an induction model predicted that colors would be misinterpreted. Reaction times and error rates improved significantly with map color adjustments that the model predicted would remove induced confusions. These results represent progress toward establishing objective guidance for the design of effective color schemes in computer-assisted mapping environments common in cartography, geographic information systems, and scientific visualization.  相似文献   


Perceptions of colors of individual map symbols are affected by simultaneous contrast, or induction, from surrounding colors. In an experiment with human subjects, reaction times were significantly slower, with significantly more errors, for test maps on which an induction model predicted that colors would be misinterpreted. Reaction times and error rates improved significantly with map color adjustments that the model predicted would remove induced confusions. These results represent progress toward establishing objective guidance for the design of effective color schemes in computer-assisted mapping environments common in cartography, geographic information systems, and scientific visualization.  相似文献   


Significant interaction challenges arise in both developing and using interactive map applications. Users encounter problems of information overload in using interactive maps to complete tasks. This is further exacerbated by device limitations and interaction constraints in increasingly popular mobile platforms. Application developers must then address restrictions related to screen size and limited bandwidth in order to effectively display maps on mobile devices. In order to address issues of user information overload and application efficiency in interactive map applications, we have developed a novel approach for delivering personalized vector maps. Ongoing task interactions between users and maps are monitored and captured implicitly in order to infer individual and group preferences related to specific map feature content. Personalized interactive maps that contain spatial feature content tailored specifically to users' individual preferences are then generated. Our approach addresses spatial information overload by providing only the map information necessary and sufficient to suit user interaction preferences, thus simplifying the completion of tasks performed with interactive maps. In turn, tailoring map content to specific user preferences considerably reduces the size of vector data sets necessary to transmit and render maps on mobile devices. We have developed a geographic information system prototype, MAPPER (MAP PERsonalization), that implements our approach. Experimental evaluations show that the use of personalized maps helps users complete their tasks more efficiently and can reduce information overload.  相似文献   

This paper explores the way in which GIS, Virtual Reality (VR) and the Internet are closely integrated through the link of Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) for spatial data visualization, analysis and exploration. Integration takes advantage of each component, and enables the dynamic 3D content to be built, visualized, interacted with and deployed all on the Web. To accomplish this, a hybrid approach that merges the conventional client-side and server-side methods is proposed, which offers the best of both worlds in terms of flexibility and capability, as well as the rational use of computing resources. Based on this approach, a Web-based prototype toolkit is designed and implemented by using an affordable desktop GIS through its macro language together with Java, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and HTML programming. This toolkit comprises a 3D visualization tool, a 3D analysis tool, and a Java/VRML interface, which are respectively used for the creation of VRML models from 2D maps, surface analysis (e.g. profile creation and visibility analysis), and interaction (e.g. selecting and querying) with the output VRML worlds of 3D visualization and analysis. It is demonstrated that this toolkit provides an integrated environment, facilitating users to gain insights from the interaction with virtual environments that are built from existing GIS databases.  相似文献   

All geographers use and may create maps in their professional activities. While perceived by some as merely tools to present spatial information, maps are actually complicated communication mechanisms. Many geographers spend tremendous amounts of time learning about verbal and written communication (how to speak, listen, read critically, and write effectively). But to many, one of the basic tools of geographic communication, the map, is a general source of unknown. Many previous papers have focused on how to create effective maps; this paper focuses on how people read and use navigation maps. Everyone completes map‐reading tasks, uses (often different) strategies, and processes information through cognitive processing. Geographers may benefit from understanding how they, as well as their map‐viewing public, process the information contained on their maps. This paper addresses terms and issues addressed in navigational map reading, specifically including tasks and strategies as well as the governing cognitive processes.  相似文献   

The improvement of geospatial thinking is essential for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines. Training based on the geovisualization and interpretation of landforms can develop the relief interpretation skill. The research reported here focuses on the study of relief visualization and interpretation, using results from a workshop performed with forty-six university students using different displays of geovisualization in a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) geoportal: LiDAR digital surface model, HillShade digital terrain model, digital elevation model, slope model, high-resolution orthophoto, and topographic map. The results are compared with those of another workshop on the same topic carried out with augmented reality (AR) technology. The relief interpretation skill improvement was measured before and after each of the workshops using the Topographic Map Assessment test. The results with the SDI geoportal showed a significant gain in relief interpretation skill between pretest and posttest scores but less than the gain obtained with AR. No differences were found due to the gender of the participants in either case. Key Words: augmented reality, geospatial thinking, landform interpretation, relief interpretation skill, Spatial Data Infrastructure.  相似文献   

地学知识可视化概念特征与研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地学知识可视化是将知识可视化研究的理论、技术、方法引入地学研究领域,形成一个新的研究方向。通过分析地学知识可视化国内外研究现状,在总结其研究特点的基础上,对地学知识可视化的定义进行阐述,讨论其概念特征、理论基础以及表达方法,并对其应用研究现状与发展趋势进行概括总结。  相似文献   

This paper discusses world patterns of geographic literacy and illiteracy based on the quality of sketch maps of the world drawn by university students in first-year geography classes. The study, sponsored by the International Geographical Union and funded by the National Geographic Society, contains 3,568 sketch maps of the world collected from 75 sites in 52 countries. For the purposes of this paper, geographic literacy is equated with the number of nations and continents included on the sketch maps. The individual map scores are aggregated to determine the average number of items per map for each site and nation. Our set of maps provides a baseline of world variations in geographic literacy just prior to the end of the Cold War. The sketch map techniques can be used to monitor changes in geographic literacy.  相似文献   

Collaborative spatial decision‐making environments in which group members individually and collectively pursue solutions to semi‐structured problems have a unique set of geographic visualization requirements. Group members often pursue diverse strategies as they attempt to solve such problems. As a consequence, numerous mapped representations of alternative solutions are generated. It is difficult to compare and synthesize these results, especially when decision‐makers have little or no previous cartographic training. In this paper, we derive several map types that synthesize representations of alternative solutions to location‐selection problems. These synthetic maps, designed to be accessible to group members, are created by decomposing solutions into a collection of atomic elements that are then placed into an accounting framework. Network map algebra operations are performed within this framework, and the results are accumulated and displayed as maps. Group members can use these maps to identify similar and dissimilar elements of alternative solutions to a problem. Such maps are intended to promote discussion and support group consensus‐building activities.  相似文献   

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