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中国东北平原及毗邻地区古水文网变迁研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述东北平原及毗邻地区黑龙江中游的第四纪水文网变迁与时代。首次完整、系统提出下松花江溯源侵蚀切穿佳~依分水岭,袭夺了上松花江、牡丹江形成松花江的袭夺水系。黑龙江中游由于三江平原平均每年以1~6 mm速度下沉,下黑龙江溯源侵蚀,切穿了中俄境内的小兴安岭,形成萝北—嘉荫峡谷,袭夺了上黑龙江、结雅河和布列亚河,形成黑龙江袭夺水系。根据依兰达连河煤矿钻孔岩芯岩相分析,发现在古近纪和新近纪时在达连河—祥顺地区有一古大湖,上松花江和牡丹江流向该大湖,沉积了厚700~1000多米的湖河相碎屑岩含煤地层。后因伊通—依兰裂谷上升,下松花江溯源侵蚀,袭夺了流向该大湖的上松花江和牡丹江。所以松花江和牡丹江从来没有向西流向松嫩平原。松花江和黑龙江袭夺水系的形成时期是在上新世末—早更新世初。此后,松辽平原偏西区域从早更新世至中更新世末形成古大湖,周围河流流向该大湖,呈向心状水系,从松辽平原湖相黏土层分布和古地磁测年确定,至中更新世末该古大湖衰亡。晚更新世以来松辽平原进入河流发展时期,松辽分水岭缓慢上升,并不断北移。黄、渤海在20年内下沉了60 mm,辽河溯源侵蚀,袭夺了东、西辽河。从此形成了辽河与松花江水系的基本格局。  相似文献   

淮河作为中国7大江河之一,有关其形成时代的研究相对匮乏且存在较大的争议。论文通过梳理淮河流域内已有的研究工作,综合层状地貌面和沉积地层记录探讨了淮河不同河段的形成时代。新生代期间,淮河流域内的水系曾经历2次较大的调整,分别发生在古近纪末和上新世末。古近纪和新近纪期间,淮河流域曾广泛发育湖泊沉积,以河湖相沉积环境为主。而第四纪期间,流域内古地理环境逐渐过渡为以河流相沉积环境为主。现代淮河河湖体系的形成发生在早至中更新世,其后经历不断的演变至今。构造活动和气候变化是驱动淮河流域水系演变的主因。上新世末至早更新世初的青藏运动导致了淮河流域内新近纪水文体系的解体,而晚新生代以来气候的转冷可能是湖泊萎缩、河流作用增强的诱因。  相似文献   

三江并流区地貌与环境演化研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
滇西北三江并流区地理环境演化既受青藏高原隆升的影响,同时又具有自己形成演化的特点,还以纵向岭谷地貌、水系形成演化等影响本区及周边的生态环境.三江并流区经历了古新世中新世地表夷平准平原阶段,中新世末第四纪初的岭盆谷形成发展阶段(高原发育期),更新世晚期以来的现代水系峡谷、纵向岭谷和垂向气候形成等几个时期的发展,形成了现今西南纵向岭谷区的主要组成部分,导致了生态环境的通道阻隔效应,形成了独具特色的自然地理区域.  相似文献   

金沙江石鼓-宜宾段河谷-水系演化研究综述与讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关金沙江形成演化研究的历史已有百年之久,近十年来更是地学界研究热点之一,产出成果颇为丰硕。该文在对一个多世纪以来有关金沙江研究成果分析基础上,勾绘出金沙江石鼓-宜宾段上新世以来的河谷形成演化过程,基本观点为:全新世之前该区存在数条并列南流水系;上新世末-早更新世初,湖泊广泛发育;早更新世中后期,金沙江经丽江-鹤庆,于金江街附近汇入昔格达古湖;早更新世末期,昔格达古湖被切穿泄空,金沙江下游袭夺连通;中更新晚期,石鼓以南的东西向隆起使金沙江南流受阻,被动袭夺至水洛河,并于三江口与下游川江连通,至此形成真正具有现代意义的金沙江。  相似文献   

4000米山顶面高程等值线,可定为高原东南部与外围地区间的地貌界线。低于山顶面的高原面的形成与上新世一早更新世古谷地、盆地的加积相关。元谋运动以来,地貌边界带的发展与高原整体的隆升同步,1500米大河河床高程等值线环绕高原分布,现代水系相继发育。金沙江与长江贯通后东流入海,这是中国大陆地势最终转变为西高东低的标志。  相似文献   

晚新生代金沙江形成时代与过程研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
在多次的野外考察和充分的室内分析的基础上,对金沙江地区河谷层状地貌系列和断陷盆地相关沉积进行了分析,系统地研究了金沙江自晚新生代以来的形成和演化。晚新生代金沙江水系的形成和演化经历了四个阶段:①3.40MaB.P之前,为高原面形成期间的古水系阶段;②3.40~2.00±0.20MaB.P,为金沙江水系孕育阶段;③2.00±0.20~1.54±0.178MaB.P,为金沙江水系调整阶段;④1.54±0.178MaB.P以来为现代金沙江水系形成与发展阶段  相似文献   

许仲路 《地理研究》1995,14(2):41-48
区域地壳隆升或地槽回返褶皱成山后,斜坡上出现平行状水系.随着河流的溯源侵蚀,分水岭后退,水系适应内外力条件演变成不同型式,并发生河流袭夺.导致河流发生袭夺的决定性原因,一是袭夺河的快速溯源侵蚀,二是位于分水岭反面的高位被袭夺河的河床下与古分水岭下潜蚀作用和块体运动.湔江支流之一海子河在早更新世末依次袭夺了古花园沟河(已消失)和古银厂沟河(原石亭江右支流)等河.  相似文献   

区域地壳隆升或地槽回返褶皱成山后,斜坡上出现平行状水系。随着河流的溯源侵蚀,分水岭后退,水系适应内外力条件演变成不同型式,并发生河流袭夺。导致河流发生袭夺的决定性原因,一是袭夺河的快速溯源侵蚀,二是位于分水岭反面的高位被袭夺河的河床下与古分水岭下潜蚀作用和块体运动。湔江支流之一海子河在早更新世末依次袭夺了古花园沟河(已消失)和古银厂沟河(原石亭江右支流)等河。  相似文献   

长江第一湾成因新探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
长江第一湾成因是一个复杂而重大的科学问题,近百年来已经进行了大量的研究工作,但至今还悬而未决.根据前人的研究资料和该区有关的地质、地貌、湖泊沉积等研究的最新成果,在分析滇西北晚新生代以来水系演化和金沙江河谷发育的基础上提出:石鼓附近的长江第一湾是古金沙江支流水洛河汇入古金沙江的河汉;早更新世末期老君山一带东西向隆起的阻挡作用,使古金沙江沿其支流水洛河下游段逆向北流,在三江口与已袭夺了水洛河的川江汇合,至此,现代意义上的金沙江形成了,石鼓附近的古金沙江与其支流汇合处也成为名副其实的“长江第一湾”,而三江口附近的“长江第二湾”则是川江袭夺古金沙江支流水洛河形成的袭夺湾.  相似文献   

河西黑河(弱水)水系的变迁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冯绳武 《地理研究》1988,7(1):18-26
中更新世晚期以来黑河流量逐渐减少,由外流河变为内流河,由统一水系变为各自的独立水系,中、下游由地面水和地下水相互转化,不少河道随流量变化及新构造运动影响而改道,从而沿岸新老绿洲互不相连。  相似文献   

新疆主要尾闾湖演变的构造环境   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
亚洲中部大地构造格局及地貌轮廓均以山盆体系为特征,所有封闭性盆地中都发育有尾闾湖。晚第三纪以来印度大陆与欧亚大陆强烈碰撞和右旋挤压,将板内构造激活并以冲断、走滑方式将早第三纪晚期准平原化的大部分山地和相关地段再次抬升,形成了现代亚洲中部的山盆体系,同时导致了湖盆的形成演化和湖泊的变迁。湖盆演化包括湖盆联合、分解、迁移和变形等。湖泊不仅随湖盆的构造演化而变迁,而且构造对水系的调控也直接影响湖泊的物理、化学、水文和生态特性。亚洲中部尾闾湖在新构造作用下的演变具有区域同步性和地域差异性。许多尾闾湖,如艾丁湖、艾比湖、玛纳斯湖等都明显受活动构造的影响。  相似文献   

The Basin of Ubaté–Chichinquirá (5°28′N, 73°45′ W, c. 2580 m altitude) includes the Fúquene Valley and is located in the central part of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. Rocks and sediments were folded and faulted during the Miocene, uplifted during the (late) Pliocene, and affected by glaciers during the Pleistocene. Successive glacial and interglacial periods left significant marks in the landscape which were used to reconstruct six stages in the development of the landscape along a relative chronology. During early Pleistocene episode 1 glaciers formed U-shape valleys. Evidence of the impact of ice sheets has been found as far downslope as ca. 2900 m elevation. During episode 2 moraines developed which were cut by the present San José River. During episode 3 abundant sediment was produced by glacial erosion. It accentuated the sculpturing of hard rock and deepening of the drainage basin. The ancestral Ubaté–Suarez River constituted a dynamic erosive system that gave rise to deep V-shaped valleys and progressively formed a set of intricate valleys with a high sediment production. Finally, intense glacial and fluvio-glacial erosion led to a geomorphological system with high energy levels and intensive sediment transport leading to wide valleys. During episode 4 the Ubaté–Suarez River eroded and deepened its valley until it captured the old El Hato–San José Valley. It caused intense erosion of the moraine and the fluvio-glacial gravels. Deep V-shaped valleys stabilized in the high areas of the main drainage system and these valleys form the present-day fluvial sub-basins. During episode 5 the deep valley in the northern part of the Basin of Ubaté–Chichinquirá developed. During middle Pleistocene episode 6 colluvial sediments formed the Saboya dam and a lake was formed in the river valley of which the present Lake Fúquene is only a small remnant. Lithological changes indicate fluctuating water levels and Lake Fúquene must have expanded periodically up to an area 5 to 10 times the present-day surface.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence (TL) dating of surficial deposits of the Riverine Plain of south‐eastern Australia has revealed a record of fluvial, aeolian and lacustrine deposition during the last 100,000 years (100Ka). At the end of the last interglacial the Plain was networked by low sinuosity, bedload‐dominated prior streams which declined in activity after about 85Ka. A subsequent phase of prior stream activity in the northern Murrumbidgee region dates at between 50 and 40Ka and corresponds with a period of high lake levels in southern Australia. Local tectonism on the southern part of the plain confuses an interpretation of riverine response to changing Pleistocene climate. TL dates show that drainage diversion in response to tectonic movement along the Cadell Fault near Echuca began as early as 60Ka but that the damming of the Goulburn River to produce Lake Kanyapella did not occur until about 30Ka. Hydrologic changes on the Riverine Plain correlate broadly with those documented elsewhere in Australia, notably in the Lake Eyre Basin and numerous inland playa systems.  相似文献   

In the western part of the Canadian Prairies, there are thousands of small, closed-basin saline lakes. Most of these lakes are ephemeral, filling with water during the spring and drying completely by late summer. Ceylon Lake, located in southern Saskatchewan, is typical of many of these shallow ephemeral lacustrine basins. The stratigraphic sequence recovered from this salt playa can be subdivided into six distinct facies types: (a) icelaid gravelly clay loam diamicton; (b) fluvial massive bedded to laminated sand; (c) lacustrine laminated calcareous clay and silt; (d) lacustrine laminated gypsiferous clay and silt; (e) lacustrine black, anoxic, nonlaminated, organic-rich mud; and (f) lacustrine salt. The crystalline salt facies, which can be up to 9 meters thick, is comprised mainly of sodium and sodium + magnesium sulfates, with smaller and more variable proportions of other sulfates, halides, carbonates, and insoluble clastic detritus.Although a variety of postdepositional processes have significantly altered the nature and stratigraphic relationships in the basin, the sediment fill does record, in a general way, the fluctuating depositional, hydrological, and geochemical conditions that existed in the basin since deglaciation. The Ceylon Lake basin originated about 15 000 years ago as meltwater from the retreating glacial ice cut a major spillway system in the drift and bedrock. The initial (early Holocene) phases of lacustrine sedimentation in Ceylon Lake occurred in a relatively deep freshwater lake. By about 6000 years B.P., the lake had become much shallower with numerous episodes of complete drying and subaerial exposure. The most recent 5000 years of deposition in the basin have been dominated by evaporite sedimentation. The composition of the soluble salts deposited during this time indicates some degree of cyclic sedimentation superimposed on an overall gradual shift from a sodium dominated brine to one of mixed sodium and magnesium.  相似文献   

高照山 《地理研究》1988,7(4):40-47
达来诺尔是在汗克拉源水头两个新生代断陷盆地、古地貌、新构造运动的影响下,几经变迁发育而成.中更新世中期该湖出现在好鲁厍一带,末期湖面扩大;晚更新世中期湖水占据现代分水岭两侧宽广地带,末期湖水越过分水岭超复全区;全新世地壳上升,湖水退缩在区内景低位置.  相似文献   

There is a wide diversity of landforms in China. The topography of three major terraces, decreasing in height stepwise from west to east, was formed by the early Miocene. With the commencement of the Great Northern Hemisphere Glaciations (GHGs) and the glacial-interglacial cycles in the Pleistocene, thick loess deposits accumulated in north China, and fluvial terraces were formed and lakes expanded and contracted in eastern and central China. The earliest evidence of hominins in China is dated to ~1.7 Ma; they occupied the monsoon-dominated region for a long interval, until the late Pleistocene, ~50 ka. In this study, we investigated a large area rich in the relics and artifacts of early man. The results indicate that the early humans occupied riverine areas, especially medium-sized fluvial basins, and lake shores. Even in the relatively recent geological past, the occupation and abandonment of settlements were directly forced by the shifting of sand dune fields in the desert-loess transitional zone, which in turn was closely associated with variations in the monsoon climate and vegetation patterns. Our observations indicate that landforms were one of the main determinants of early human behavior, in that loess tableland, large alluvial plains, desert-Gobi areas, and the Tibetan Plateau, were not suitable environments for early human settlement. We infer that the early humans in China adapted their behavior to specific landforms and landform processes. The monsoon climate, which shapes the large-scale step-like pattern of fluvial landforms, promotes vegetation coverage and dominates soil formation, provides a crucial context for early human adaptation. The adaptation of early humans to earth surface processes in East Asia is investigated for the first time in this study. Future investigations will provide further information that will increase our understanding of the linkage between early human behavior and landform processes in East Asia.  相似文献   

Lake Ohrid, located on the Balkan Peninsula within the Dinaride–Albanide–Hellenide mountain belt, is a tectonically active graben within the South Balkan Extensional Regime (SBER). Interpretation of multichannel seismic cross sections and bathymetric data reveals that Lake Ohrid formed during two main phases of deformation: (1) a transtensional phase which opened a pull‐apart basin, and (2) an extensional phase which led to the present geometry of Lake Ohrid. After the initial opening, a symmetrical graben formed during the Late Miocene, bounded by major normal faults on each side in a pull‐apart type basin. The early‐stage geometry of the basin has a typical rhomboidal shape restricted by two sets of major normal faults. Thick undisturbed sediments are present today at the site where the acoustic basement is deepest, illustrating that Lake Ohrid is a potential target for drilling a long and continuous sediment core for studying environmental changes within the Mediterranean region. Neotectonic activity since the Pliocene takes place along the roughly N–S‐striking Eastern and Western Major Boundary Normal Faults that are partly exposed at the present lake floor. The tectono‐sedimentary structure of the basin is divided into three main seismic units overlying the acoustic basement associated with fluvial deposits and lacustrine sediments. A seismic facies analysis reveals a prominent cyclic pattern of high‐ and low‐amplitude reflectors. We correlate this facies cyclicity with vegetation changes within the surrounding area that are associated with glacial/interglacial cycles. A clear correlation is possible back to ca. 450 kyrs. Extrapolation of average sedimentation rates for the above mentioned period results in age estimate of ca. 2 Myrs for the oldest sediments in Lake Ohrid.  相似文献   

巢湖凌家滩遗址古人类活动的地理环境特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对巢湖凌家滩文化遗址的野外勘查、采样和室内磁化率、烧失量、化学元素及光释光年代分析,结合巢湖湖泊岩芯记录的中全新世环境特征、研究区较高分辨率遥感影像和文物考古成果,综合研究表明:古凌家滩人生活于中全新世气候适宜期,其文化的发展和繁荣处在气候由温暖湿润向温和略干转换的过渡阶段;晚更新世末期堆积形成的地面(OSL年代11.6 ±1.0 ka B.P.)是古凌家滩人生活的地貌面,本区古地貌面海拔以及拔河高度与现今不同,这与该区新构造运动沉降和气候-水文因素作用有关;中全新世温暖湿润的气候条件下,太湖山南麓台地被进一步切割为山前长条形岗地与河流相间的地貌形态,遗址所在的长岗岗地是东、西、南三面临水的"半岛"环境,河川相连,便于水运交通、渔猎和水稻种植。  相似文献   

The Nysa K odzka river drainage basin in the Sudeten Mts., SW Poland, preserves a complex late Cainozoic succession that includes eight fluvial series or terraces and deposits from two glacial episodes as well as local volcanic rocks, slope deposits and loess. Fluvial sedimentation took place during the Late Pliocene and from the early Middle Pleistocene (Cromerian), with a long erosion phase (gap) during the Early Pleistocene. Fluvial series are dated to the Late Pliocene, Cromerian, Holsteinian, late Saalian/Eemian, Weichselian, and the Holocene. Glacial deposits represent the early Elsterian and early Saalian stages. Almost all these stratigraphic units have been observed in all geomorphic zones of the river: the mountainous K odzko Basin, the Bardo Mts. (Bardo gorge) and in the mountain foreland. The main phase of tectonic uplift and strong erosion was during the Early Pleistocene. Minor uplift is documented also during the post-early Saalian and probably the post-Elsterian. The post-early Saalian and post-Elstrian uplift phases are probably due to glacio-isostatic rebound. The Quaternary terrace sequence was formed due to base-level changes, epigenetic erosion after glaciations and neotectonic movements. The Cromerian fluvial deposits/terraces do not indicate tectonic influence at all. All other Quaternary terraces indicate clear divergence, and the post-early Saalian terraces also show fault scarps. The fluvial pattern remained stable, once formed during the Pliocene, with only minor changes along the uplifted block along the Bardo gorge, inferring an antecedent origin for the Bardo gorge. Only during the post-glacial times, have epigenetic incisions slightly modified the valley.  相似文献   

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