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Madeira Island is a hot-spot originating from a mantle plume. K-Ar age determinations indicate that the emerged part of the island was generated during Post-Miocene times 6000–7000 years B.P. Groundwater occurs in perched-water bodies, spring discharge from them is high, about 3,650 l/s; in dike-impounded water and basal groundwater. Basal groundwater is exploited by tunnels (1,100 l/s) and wells (1,100 l/s). Hydraulic gradients range from 10–4 to 10–2 and transmissivity ranges from 1.16×10–2 to 2.89×10–1 m2/s, indicating the heterogeneity of the volcanic aquifers. Water mineralisation is variable, and electrical conductivity ranges from 50 to 3,300 S/cm. There is a difference between groundwater discharging from perched-water bodies (43–201 S/cm) and from basal groundwater (109–3,300 S/cm). Groundwater average pH is 7.37, with waters acid to slightly alkaline (6.13–8.4), and generally cold. Nevertheless, a few samples associated with fault zones can be classified as thermal waters.
Resumen La Isla de Madeira tuvo origen en un punto caliente proveniente de una pluma del manto. Las dataciones K – Ar, indican que la parte emergida de la isla se formó durante en Post—Mioceno, hace unos 6000–7000 años. El agua subterránea se encuentra en acuíferos colgados, cuya descarga a través de manantiales es alta, alrededor de 3650 l/s; también como agua retenida en diques o bien como agua subterránea propiamente dicha. Esta última es explotada por túneles (1100 l/s) y pozos (1100 l/s). Los gradientes hidráulicos varían desde 10–4 hasta 10–2 y la transmisividad varía desde 1.16×10–2 hasta 2.89×10–1 m2/s, indicando la heterogeneidad de los acuíferos volcánicos. La mineralización de agua es variable y la conductividad eléctrica varía desde 50 mS/cm hasta 3300 mS/cm. Hay una diferencia entre el agua subterránea proveniente de acuíferos colgados (43–201 mS/cm) y aquella del acuífero principal (109–3300 mS/cm). El pH promedio para el agua subterránea es 7.37; con variación desde ácida hasta ligeramente alcalina (6.13–8.4), y es generalmente fría. Sin embargo unos pocos ejemplos asociados con zonas de falla, pueden ser clasificados como agua termal.

Résumé Lîle de Madeira est un point chaud, provenant dun panache mantélique. Les datations par la méthode de K-Ar indiquent que la part émergée de lîle a été générée pendant le Post Miocène, il y a 6000–7000 ans. Les eaux souterraines sont cantonnées dans des aquifères perchées qui se déchargent par des sources à grands débits, avec des valeurs dapproximativement de 3500 l/s, ainsi que dans les dikes. Une importante quantité des eaux souterraine se trouve sur la forme deau de fonds, formant une nappe basale, qui est exploitée par des tunnels (1100 l/s) et par des puits (1100 l/s). Les gradients hydrauliques ont des valeurs dans lintervalle de 10–2 à 10–4, tandis que les transmissivités se rangent entre 1.16×10–2 m2/s et 2.81×10–1 m2/s, ce quindique la hétérogénéité de laquifère volcanique. La minéralisation des eaux est aussi variable avec des conductivités électriques qui se rangent ente 50 mS/cm et 3300 mS/cm. Il y a une différence entre la conductivité des eaux provenant des aquifères perchées (30–201 mS/cm) par rapport à la conductivité les eaux de la nappe basale (109–3300 mS/cm). Le pH moyen est de 7.37 avec des valeurs de 6.13 pour les eaux acides et de 8.4 pour les eaux à faible alcalinité. En général il sagit des eaux froides, mais quelques échantillons provenant des zones faillées peuvent être classifiés comme des eaux thermales.

Basalt contamination by continental crust: Some experiments and models   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Chemical interaction between molten basalt and felsic minerals of the continental crust (quartz, K-feldspar, and oligoclase) was examined in static and dynamic experiments at 1,200°–1,400° C. Under circumstances of continuous stirring at 1,400°, -quartz dissolves in tholeiite melt at a rate of 3.3×10–6 g/s per cm2 of contact area; at 1,300°, the solution rate is 1.5×10–6 g/cm{cm2}s. The feldspars are molten at the experimental conditions, and interact with contacting basalt melt by diffusion in the liquid state. This is a complex process characterized by rapid initial diffusion of alkalies to establish a distribution between felsic melt and basalt similar to that observed in cases of actual two-liquid equilibrium (both alkalies reach concentrations in the felsic melt 1.5–3 times those in the basalt). Alkali diffusion may be uphill or downhill, depending on which direction of net flux is required to produce a two-liquid type distribution. Once this distribution is attained, subsequent diffusion of all melt species is slow and apparently limited by the diffusivity of SiO2, which is 10–9-l0–10 cm2/s at 1,200° C. Interdiffusion experiments involving molten basalt and synthetic granite confirm the behavior illustrated by the feldspar/basalt results, and give similar SiO2 diffusivities.The solution rates and interdiffusion data can be used to model basalt contamination processes likely to occur in the continental crust. For the restricted case of solid quartzitic xenoliths, the uptake of SiO2 in a well-mixed basalt magma is quite fast: appreciable SiO2 contamination may occur over exposure times of only days to years. If basalt magma induces local melting of crustal rocks, the assimilation process becomes one of liquid-state interdiffusion. In this case, the varying diffusivities of ions and their differing preferences for silicic relative to basaltic melts can produce marked selective contamination effects. Selective contamination of ascending basaltic magmas is particularly likely in the case of K2O, which may be introduced in substantial amounts even when other elements remain unaffected. The Na2O content of mantle-derived magmas is buffered against contamination by crustal materials, and K2O is buffered against further increases once it reaches a level of 1–1.5 wt.%.  相似文献   

Volatile production and transport in regional metamorphism   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Calculations show that H2O and CO2 produced during devolatilization of an average pelite will occupy 12 vol. % of the rock at 500°C and 5 kb. Because the tensional strength of well foliated rock at metamorphic conditions is vanishingly small, such a volume of fluid having any vertical extent will fracture the rock and escape upward owing to its lower density.In a simplified model of a sudden increase of heat flow from 0.8 to 2.5 H.F.U., the average pelitic rock will have a rate of fluid production averaging 9.4×10–10 g cm2 s–1 between 400°C and 600°C. The escape of this fluid can be accomodated by a single fracture 1 cm long and 0.2 wide per cm2 of rock. If the fracture is reduced to 0.02 then 1,000 cm of fracture per cm2 would be required. This width is the minimum original width as calculated from the volume of fluid observed in fluid inclusions trapped along annealed fractures within quartz in metamorphic terrains. Fluid flow will be laminar if the fracture is <0.025 cm wide. Additional calculations show that grain boundary diffusion is not an effective means of fluid transport in regional metamorphism.The commonly observed quartz segregations in pelitic terrains appear to mark the site of major channelways for fluid escape. In this case the bulk of escaping fluid is not able to react pervasively with rocks higher in the metamorphisc pile. Regionally metamorphosed rocks will have a discrete fluid phase only when devolatization reactions are actually taking place. At other times only an absorbed surface monolayer of volatiles on the minerals will be present.Died April 2, 1980  相似文献   

Mg–Fe interdiffusion rates have been measured in wadsleyite aggregates at 16.0–17.0 GPa and 1230–1530 °C by the diffusion couple method. Oxygen fugacity was controlled using the NNO buffer, and water contents of wadsleyite were measured by infrared spectroscopy. Measured asymmetric diffusion profiles, analyzed using the Boltzmann–Matano equation, indicate that the diffusion rate increases with increasing iron concentration and decreasing grain size. In the case of wadsleyite containing 50–90 weight ppm H2O, the Mg–Fe interdiffusion coefficients at compositions of Mg/(Mg + Fe)=0.95 in the coarse-grained region (about 60 m) and 0.90 in the fine-grained region (about 6 m) were determined to be a DXmg = 0.95 (m2 s–1)=1.24 × 10–9 exp[–172 (kJ mol–1)/RT] and DXmg = 0.90 (m2 s–1)=1.77 × 10–9 exp[–143 (kJ mol–1)/RT], respectively. Grain-boundary diffusion rates were estimated to be about 4 orders of magnitude faster than the volume diffusion rate. Grain-boundary diffusion dominates when the grain size is less than a few tens of microns. Results for the nominally dry diffusion couple in the present study are roughly consistent with previous studies, taking into account differences in pressure and grain size, although water contents of samples were not clear in previous studies. We observed that the diffusivity is enhanced by about 1 order of magnitude in wadsleyite containing 300–2100 wt. ppm H2O at 1230 °C, which is almost identical to the enhancement associated with a 300 °C increase in temperature. It is still not conclusive that a jump in diffusivity exists between olivine and wadsleyite because water contents of olivine in previous diffusion studies and effects of water on the olivine diffusivity are uncertain.  相似文献   

Crystal size distribution (CSD) theory has been applied to drill core samples from Makaopuhi lava lake, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide size distribution spectra were measured and population densities (n)were calculated and analyzed using a steady state crystal population balance equation: n=n 0 exp(-L/G). Slopes on ln(n) versus crystal size (L) plots determine the parameter G, a. product of average crystal growth rate (G) and average crystal growth time (). The intercept is J/G where J is nucleation rate. Known temperature-depth distributions for the lava lake provide an estimate of effective growth time (), allowing nucleation and growth rates to be determined that are independent of any kinetic model. Plagioclase growth rates decrease with increasing crystallinity (9.9–5.4×10–11 cm/s), as do plagioclase nucleation rates (33.9–1.6×10–3/cm3 s). Ilmenite growth and nucleation rates also decrease with increasing crystallinity (4.9–3.4 ×10–10 cm/s and 15–2.2×10–3/cm3 s, respectively). Magnetite growth and nucleation rates are also estimated from the one sample collected below the magnetite liquidus (G =2.9×10–10 cm/s, J=7.6×10–2/cm3 s). Moments of the population density function were used to examine the change in crystallization rates with time. Preliminary results suggest that total crystal volume increases approximately linearly with time after 50% crystallization; a more complete set of samples is needed for material with <50% crystals to define the entire crystallization history. Comparisons of calculated crystallization rates with experimental data suggests that crystallization in the lava lake occurred at very small values of undercooling. This interpretation is consistent with proposed thermal models of magmatic cooling, where heat loss is balanced by latent heat production to maintain equilibrium cooling.  相似文献   

Divariant oxide plus metal assemblages potentially make useful redox sensors for use in hydrothermal and other high pressure experiments. Here we report the calibration of the (Ni, Mn)O/Ni redox sensor in which the Ni/NiO (NNO) oxygen buffer is displaced to lower oxygen chemical potentials (O2), by the solid solution of MnO in the oxide phase. This assemblage was chosen because: (1) it covers a useful range of O2; (2) the system can be calibrated very accurately. Values of O2 defined by the (Ni, Mn)O/Ni assemblage were determined electrochemically, from 900 to 1300 K, using calcia-stabilized zirconia solid electrolytes. The oxide compositions (8 in total, ranging from 0.1X NiO0.8) were analysed afterwards by electron microprobe, and were checked for internal consistency by measuring the lattice parameters (a0), using powder XRD. The accuracies of the measurements, both assessed theoretically and established empirically, are (1): ±80J/mol in O2, ±0.0002 Å in a0 and ±0.002 to 0.005 in X NiO. Activity-composition relations were fitted to the Redlich-Kister formalism. There is a slight asymmetry (corresponding to a subregular model) across the solution with A 0 G =9577(±45) J/mol, and A 1 G =–477(±80) J/mol. The experimental data were also used to derive the parameters Vex, Hex and Sex. There is no obvious relationship between excess volumes and enthalpies of mixing, nor between excess volumes and excess entropies. The experimental data from this study have been used to formulate the (Ni, Mn)O/Ni redox sensor expression: O2 = 2(NNO) + 2RTlnX NiO + 2(1 – X NiO)2[11483 – 1.697T] – 477(4X NiO – 1)(900 < T(K) < 1300) where O2(NNO)=–478967+248.514T–9.7961 T In T, from O'Neill and Pownceby(1993a).  相似文献   

The unit-cell and atomic parameters of perdeuterated brushite have been extracted from Rietveld analysis of neutron powder diffraction data within the temperature range 4.2 to 470 K. The thermal expansion of brushite is anisotropic, with the largest expansion along the b axis due principally to the effect of the O(1)···D(4) and O(3)···D(2) hydrogen bonds. Expansion along the c axis, influenced by the Ow1···D(5) interwater hydrogen bond, is also large. The high temperature limits for the expansion coefficients for the unit-cell edges a, b and c are 9.7(5) × 10–6, 3.82(9) × 10–5 and 5.54(5) × 10–5 K–1, respectively, and for the cell volume it is 9.7(1) × 10–5 K–1. The angle displays oscillatory variation, and empirical data analysis results in = 1.28(3) × 10–6sin(0.0105 T) K–1, within this temperature range. The evolution of the thermal expansion tensor of brushite has been calculated between 50 T 400 K. At 300 K the magnitudes of the principal axes are 11 = 50(6) × 10–6 K–1, 22 = 26.7(7) × 10–6 K–1 and 33 = 7.0(5) × 10–6 K–1. The intermediate axis, 22, is parallel to b, and using IRE convention for the tensor orthonormal basis, the axes 11 and 33 have directions equal to (–0.228, 0, –0.974) and (–0.974, 0, 0.228) respectively. Under the conditions of these experiments, the onset of dehydration occurred at temperatures above 400 K. Bond valence analysis combined with assessments of the thermal evolution of the bonding within brushite suggests that dehydration is precipitated through instabilities in the chemical environment of the second water molecule.  相似文献   

Aerobic mineralisation of Corg in surface sedimentsof the deep (>2000 m water depth) eastern Mediterranean Sea has been quantified by analysis of detailedbox core Corg concentration versus depth profiles and the modelling environment for early diageneticproblems MEDIA. The reactive fraction comprises 60–80% of the total Corg reachingthe sediments and is largely oxidised within the surficial 10 cm. A non-reactive C orgfraction (GNR) dominates at depths >10 cm, and makes up20–40% of the total C org flux to the sediments. First-order rateconstants for decomposition of the reactive fraction calculated from theC org profiles range from 5.4 × 10-3 to8.0 × 10-3 y-1 to 8.0 × 10-3 y-1. Total mineralization rates in thesurface sediment are between 1.7 and 2.6 mol C cm-2 y-1 and thus are typical for oligotrophic, deep-seaenvironments. The low fluxes and rapid remineralisation of C org are accompanied by210Pbexcess surface mixed layers which are only 2 cm deep, among the thinnest reported for oxygenated marine sediments.Model results indicate a mismatch between the C org profiles and O2 microprofileswhich were measured onboard ship. This can be attributed to a combination of decompression artefactsaffecting onboard measurement of the O2 profiles or the leakage ofoxygen into the core during handling on deck. Furthermore, the used Db values, based on 210Pb, may not befully appropriate; calculations with higher Db values improve the O2 fits. The surficial sediment13C org values of -22 become less negative with increasing depth and decreasing C orgconcentrations. The major 13C change occurs in the top 3 to 4 cm and coincides with the interval weremost of the organic carbon oxidation takes place. This indicates that the reactive fractionof organic matter, commonly assumed to be marine, has a more negative 13C orgthan the refractory fraction, usually held to be terrestrial. Palaeoproductivity estimates calculated from thesediment data by means of literature algorithms yield low surface productivities(12–88 gC m-2 y-1), which are in good agreement with field measurements of primary productivity in otherstudies. Such values are, however, significantly lower than those indicated by recent productivitymaps of the area derived from satellite imagery (>100 gC m-2 y-1).  相似文献   

Bulk diffusion of iron in synthetic dunites containing 1–6 vol.% fluid or melt at 10 kbar (1 GPa) and 900°–1300° C was examined by encapsulating the samples in platinum, which served as a sink for iron. The rate of iron loss from the dunite was found to depend strongly upon the identity of the fluid, which was varied from CO2 and H2O to melts of basaltic and sodium carbonate composition. Carbon dioxide in amounts up to 4 vol.% has no effect upon bulk iron diffusion because it exists in the dunite are isolated pores. The interconnected nature of H2O, basaltic melt, and carbonate melt, on the other hand, results in marked enhancement of bulk-rock Fe diffusion that is correlated with the diffusivity and solubility of olivine components in the fluid. At 1300° C, 4–5 vol.% of either water or basaltic melt increases the effective bulk diffusivity from the fluidabsent value of 10-10 cm2/s to 10-8 cm2/s. A single experiment involving a similar volume fraction of carbonate melt yielded a minimum bulk diffusivity of 10-7–10-6 cm2/s. This remarkably high value is attributable to the concurrent high diffusivity and high solubility of olivine components in molten carbonate H2O has a high diffusivity, estimated at 10-4 cm2/s in this study, and basaltic melt can dissolve large amounts of olivine, but neither possesses these two qualities in combination. Bulk transport of Fe in dunite containing <2 vol.% of pure H2O is independent of olivine grain size for samples having an average grain diameter of <10 m to 60 m. This is probably because bulk diffusion specifically in these H2O-bearing samples is ratelimited by the flux (which is proportional to concentration) of olivine components in the fluid. Given a constant fluid volume fraction, the effect of reducing the grain size is to increase the number of fluid-filled channels, but at the same time to decrease their average aperture, thus keeping constant the cross-sectional area through which the diffusional flux occurs. (Independence of bulk diffusivity from grain size is not anticipated for rocks containing melt, in which the silicate components are much more soluble.) In numerical (finite difference) simulations of selected laboratory experiments, the bulk Fe transport process was modeled as diffusion in fluid-filled tubules of triangular cross-section that are supplied by volume diffusion from contacting olivine grains with which they are in surface equilibrium. Applying a tortuosity factor of 1.7 brings the numerically computed diffusional loss profiles for experiments containing basaltic melt into near-coincidence with the experimentally-determined curves. This success in reproducing the experimental results lends credence to the interpretation of the bulk diffusional loss profiles as composites of gradients due to volume, grain-boundary and fluid-phase diffusion.  相似文献   

Calcareous hornfelses and marbles all contain calcite+K-feldspar+quartz+sphene±diopside±plagioclase ±scapolite±clinozoisite. In addition, rocks on one side of a fault contain combinations of biotite, amphibole, and muscovite while those on the other side contain combinations of grossular, wollastonite, and axinite. At bars, mineral-fluid equilibria in biotite and amphibole-bearing rocks record T= 440° C and garnet-bearing rocks record T=540° C and Conventional volumetric fluid-rock ratios were calculated using measured progress of prograde decarbonation reactions and the conditions of metamorphism: marbles, 0–0.4; amphibole-bearing hornfelses, 1.0–1.4; garnet-bearing hornfelses, 2.8–6.7. Decarbonation reactions were driven by pervasive infiltration of rock by reactive aqueous fluids. Differences in fluid-rock ratio between interbedded marble and hornfels and lack of correlation between fluid-rock ratio and whole-rock Cl-content, however, argue for channelized fluid flow along lithologic layers. A new analysis of reaction progress allows estimation of time-integrated fluxes for a specified temperature gradient along the direction of flow. Results are: marbles, 0–0.1×105 cm3/cm2; amphibole-bearing hornfelses, 0.8–1.3×105 cm3/cm2; garnet-bearing hornfelses, 1.2–2.5 × 105 cm3/cm2. Fluid flowed from regions of low to regions of high temperature. Using a simple thermal model for the area, the duration of contact metamorphism was estimated as 105 years. Assuming the time of fluid flow was the same as the duration of the thermal event, the first measurements of average metamorphic fluxes (q) and permeabilities (k) are: average marbles, q=0–0.3×10–8 cm/s and k =2×10–6 darcy; hornfels, q=3–8×10–8 cm/s and k =20–53×10–6 darcy. Estimated premeabilities are within the range of values measured for metamorphic rocks in the laboratory. Fluxes, permeabilities, and whole-system fluidrock ratios are similar to those estimated for the Skaergaard hydrothermal system by Norton and Taylor (1979).  相似文献   

Groundwater from a shallow aquifer in Mobara, a city in a natural gas field in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, was found to contain a significant amount of dissolved methane (<3.1 mM) along with nitrate, phosphate and methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs, <9.9×106 MPN ml–1) which can degrade trichloroethylene (TCE). This water exhibited high methanotroph growth activity and rapid degradation of TCE. This water was introduced into a TCE-contaminated aquifer. The concentration of TCE at the monitoring well 2 m down-gradient of the injection pit decreased from 128 g L–1 before the injection to less than the lower detection limit of 12.5 g L–1 after the injection, while it decreased only slightly (to 86 g L–1) when control water was injected. These results demonstrate the feasibility of utilizing a natural groundwater resource containing methane and methanotrophs without any additives for bioremediation of a TCE-contaminated site.  相似文献   

The assemblage NiO+Ni-Pd alloy has been calibrated as a precise oxygen fugacity sensor in the temperature range 850–1250 K at 1 bar, using an electrochemical technique with oxygen-specific CSZ electrolytes, and Ni+NiO and Cu+Cu2O as the reference electrodes. Nine compositions were studied, ranging from 0.12 to 0.83 X Ni alloy . Steady EMFs, implying equilibrium, were rapidly achieved in all cells, and were found to be reversible on increasing and decreasing temperature with a precision approaching 0.1 mV. The estimated accuracy of the measurements on each cell is ±0.2 mV (1, corresponding to ±0.003 log-bar units in fo2 at 1273 K). Compositions of the Ni-Pd alloys were measured after each run by electron microprobe, and these compositions were then checked for internal consistency by measuring the lattice parameter by X-ray diffraction. Nickel-rich alloys show positive deviations from ideality and endothermic enthalpies of mixing, but palladium-rich compositions have exothermic enthalpies of mixing and strong negative deviations from ideality. The excess entropies of mixing are positive for all compositions, and correlate approximately with the excess volumes of mixing. The highly asymmetrical deviations from ideality are well described by a polynomial expression of the Redlich-Kister form, with three terms for the enthalpies, and two for the excess entropies and volumes of mixing. The experimental data from this study have been used to re-formulate the Ni-Pd oxygen fugacity sensor to give an expression; O2 ss = O2 NNO – 2RT ln X Ni alloy – [2 · (1 – X Ni alloy )2 · [(–2165–7.958 · T) + (9409 – 0.888 · T) · (4 X Ni alloy – 1) + 2089 · (6 X Ni alloy – 1) · (2 X Ni alloy – 1)]](850<T<1300) where O2 ss is in J mol-1, T is in kelvins, and the expression for O2 NNO is that given by O'Neill and Pownceby (1993). Values in terms of log fo2 may be obtained from the above by dividing by RT ln 10. The estimated standard error in O2 ss is on the order of ±200 J mol-1, which is approximately ±0.01 log-bar units in fo2 at 1273 K.  相似文献   

High temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry was used to study the energy associated with dislocations in quartz by comparing undeformed and deformed single crystals of synthetic quartz. Samples were deformed at 698 K, 1000–1500 MPa at a strain rate of 10–5 sec–1. Two sets of calorimetric measurements were made: (i) using a Pt capsule as a container for powdered sample, and (ii) using pellets made from sample powder without any container. For the first set of measurements, the undeformed sample with a dislocation density of enthalpy is sum of heat content H 973-H 295 and enthalpy of solution in molten lead borate at 973 K of 39.22 ± 1.00 kJ mol–1, while the sample deformed in the dislocation creep regime with a dislocation density of 6 × 1010 to 1 × 1011 cm–2 gave an enthalpy of 38.59 ± 0.78 kJ mol–1. For the second set of measurements the measured enthalpy of the undeformed sample was 38.87 ± 0.31 kJ mol–1, and that of a deformed sample with a dislocation density of 3 × 1010 to 1 × 1011 cm–2 was 38.24 ± 0.58 kJ mol–1.The present study and previous theoretical calculations and estimates are consistent and suggest that the energy associated with dislocations in quartz is 0.6 ± 0.6 kJ mol–1 for a dislocation density of 1011 cm–2; a precise value is difficult to determine because of the overlapping errors. These results indicate that for geologically realistic dislocation densities, the maximum excess energy due to dislocations would be 0.5 kJ mol–1 for most minerals; the exact value would depend on the Burgers vector as well as the shear modulus.  相似文献   

This paper describes the distribution of Fe and Ni between the octahedral and tetrahedral sites in pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8. The dependence of the distribution on pressure and temperature and the activation energy of the cation exchange reaction were determined through annealing experiments. Synthetic crystals were annealed at 433–723 K and pressures up to 4 GPa, and natural crystals were annealed at 423, 448 and 473 K in evacuated silica capillary tubes for various durations. The cation distributions in the synthetic crystals were determined with an X-ray powder method employing the anomalous dispersion effect of CuK. and FeK radiations, while those of natural crystals were calculated from the cell dimensions. The values of U, S and V for the Fe/Ni exchange reaction are –6818 J mol–1, 20.52 J K–1 mol–1, and 6.99 × 10–6 m3 mol–1, respectively. The dependence of the Fe/Ni distribution on pressure (Pa) and temperature (Kelvin) was determined as lnK = 2.47+8.20 × 102 T –1+8.41 x 10–7 T –1 P, where K = (Fe/Ni)octahedral /(Fe/Ni)tetrahedral. The activation energy of the cation exchange reaction was 185 kJ mol–1.  相似文献   

Subseabed disposal of radioactive waste applies a multiple-barrier concept with the sediment being the most important barrier for preventing a release of nuclides into the biosphere. While many investigations have been carried out to analyze the risk potential in this type of disposal, the effects of sediment consolidation and associated fluid flow have not fully been taken into consideration. Here, possible effects of consolidational fluid flow in the penetrator disposal option and possible consequences to the transport of nuclides in the sediment are analyzed. Results of numerical experiments demonstrate that consolidation contributes to the transport of radioactive nuclides released from containers buried in the sediment and to the release of nuclides at the sediment-water interface. Both depend on geological conditions and to a large extent on possible alterations of hydraulic conductivity i of the sediment in the vicinity of the entry path of a penetrator.Symbols c concentration ml m–3 - c a concentration of adsorbed solute mg kg–1 (relative to dry weight of sorbing substance) - c in solute concentration of source q mg m–3 - c 0 initial concentration mg m–3 - ID dispersion tensorm 2s–1 - ID * diffusion tensor m2s–1 - D coefficient of dispersion m2s–1 - d 0 coefficient of molecular diffusion m2s–1 - d coefficient of effective diffusion m2s–1 - g gravity m2s–1 - h piezometric pressure m - k hydraulic conductivity m2s–1 - m mass kg - p pressure Pa - q source/sink m3s–1 - S 0 specific surface m2m–3 - t time s - v velocity m s–1 - x, z cartesian coordinates m - compressibiliy of sediment m2N–1 - L longitudinal dispersivity m - effective porosity (decimal fraction) - density kg m–3 - s density of sediment kg m–3 - w density of water kg m–3 - decay constant per s - kinematic viscosity m2s–1  相似文献   

Soil samples collected from various places in and around Mysore were analyzed for the total trace elements such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd. The results of the analysis indicate that the concentration of lead and cadmium in soils is below 2.5 g ml–1 and 0.2 g ml–1, respectively, which are the minimum detection levels, whereas the concentration of iron, manganese, copper, and zinc in most of the samples is within the global average ranges of 3%, 500–1000 g g–1, 15–40 g g–1, and 50–100 g g–1, respectively. The investigated area has the presence of gneisses and schists, in which partly there are igneous intrusions and pegmatitic intrusions. There are amphibolite enclaves in gneisses that account for the higher concentration of trace elements. The lower concentration may be attributed to the presence of silicic type of rock.  相似文献   

The study area is 35 km east of the city center of Mu, Turkey. The rock units in the area include Paleozoic Bitlis Metamorphites, Cenozoic flysch and Solhan Volcanities and Pliocene formations. A long-term discharge change was monitored in the Karasu spring. The amount of water discharged by the spring during June 3 and October 11, 2002 was 7.18×106 m3 while its storage capacity during May 26 and November 11, 2002 was 4.42×106 m3.NH4 – N, NO2 – N, NO3 – N, total PO4 – P, SO4 and total organic carbon (TOC) contamination were determined in the recharge area of the spring and other well and spring waters in the vicinity. NH4 – N, NO2 – N, NO3 – N, total PO4 – P, SO4 and total organic carbon contamination around the Budak, ivbai, Gölbai, Sazlikbai and Altinova villages are well above the drinking water standards of the Turkish Standard Institute (TSE) and World Health Organization (WHO) (1984). Similarly, water samples of K4, K5 and K6 branches of the Karasu spring and S1, S2, S3 and S4 points in the swamp area yielded concentrations much more than limit values.  相似文献   

Frenchmans Bay, on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, has been negatively impacted by eutrophication in the last 50 years through urbanization and the use of chemical fertilizers. Eutrophication began with wholesale land clearance and agricultural practises beginning in the mid-nineteenth century and reached a peak with urbanization after World War II. Eutrophication and the effects of land-use changes on the watershed were investigated by a combined analysis of the sediment magnetic properties and arcellacean (thecamoebian) microfauna. Micropaleontological analyses were conducted on two 2-m-long cores (FMB1 and FMB2) every 10 cm (42 samples) and magnetic susceptibility was measured at 2-cm intervals. Both cores showed a distinct correlative transition at 60 cm and 110 cm that was marked by a rapid increase in thecamoebian concentrations (from approx. 10×103 to 30×103 specimens per cc) and a large increase in Cucurbitella tricuspis (from approx. 10–20% to 40–70%). This transition correlated with a marked increase in magnetic susceptibility (150–200×10–8 m3 Kg–1) at the same depth, which was attributed to elevated levels of detrital magnetic minerals derived from land clearance and soil erosion in the watershed. It was indicated by 210 Pb dates indicate that there was a gradual onset of eutrophication in the mid-nineteenth century (AD 1850±56) and a more rapid rise in the mid-1940s to late 1950s. The initial increase in eutrophication was due to land clearing, agricultural development and increased nutrient loadings. The major eutrophication increase in the 1950s was from urbanization and storm sewer discharge loaded with high yield chemical fertilizers from lawns and gardens. This high concentration of nutrients has led to an unprecedented level of eutrophication within the wetland.  相似文献   

The formation of paragonite at the transition from the low-grade to the medium-grade matamorphism and its breakdown in the presence of quartz in the upper medium grade in common metapelites is investigated.The microprobe work on the white micas from the low and medium-grade rocks yields compositional differences in respect to the celadonite substitutions and the paragonite content. The low-grade white micas are phengites having Si[4] 6.25 to 6.44 and Altot 4.89 to 5.20. The paragonite component in solid solution in the phengites ranges from 11 to 17 mole %. In the transition from the low-grade to the medium-grade metamorphism, concomitant with the breakdown of chlorite, the phengites change to muscovites having Si[4] 6.07 to 6.16 and Altot 5.36 to 5.56. At the same time, the amount of paragonite in solid solution increases up to 22±2 mole % and paragonite makes its first appearance as a separate mineral. The increase of the percentage of paragonite in solid solution in the muscovites is due to the drastical modal decrease of muscovite in the course of the breakdown of chlorite. The formation of paragonite is readily explained by the muscovite-paragonite solvus. Paragonite forms thin lamellae (1–20 m) interlayered with muscovite lamellae (1–40 m). The average composition is Pg88.5Ms7Mar4.5. Paragonite occurs together with staurolite+biotite, kyanite+biotite, cordierite +biotite, and andalusite+biotite. In the presence of quartz, it breaks down in the lower part of the andalusite zone to andalusite and albite-rich plagioclase. At the same time, the amount of paragonite in solid solution in the muscovites decrease to 11–15 mole %. The basal spacings d(002) of the phengites and muscovites investigated show a clear dependence on the Na+ content and the celadonite substitutions.  相似文献   

In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments were conducted using the SPEED-1500 multi-anvil press of SPring-8 on stishovite SiO2 and pressure-volume-temperature data were collected at up to 22.5 GPa and 1,073 K, which corresponds to the pressure conditions of the base of the mantle transition zone. The analysis of room-temperature data yielded V0=46.56(1) Å3, KT 0=296(5) GPa and K T =4.2(4), and these properties were consistent with the subsequent thermal equation of state (EOS) analyses. A fit of the present data to high-temperature Birch-Murnaghan EOS yielded (KT /T) P =–0.046(5) GPa K–1 and = a + bT with values of a =1.26(11)×10–5 K–1 and b =1.29(17)×10–8 K–2. A fit to the thermal pressure EOS gives 0=1.62(9)×10–5 K–1, ( K T / T) V =–0.027(4) GPa K–1 and (2P /T 2) V =27(5)×10–7 GPa K–2. The lattice dynamical approach by Mie-Grüneisen-Debye EOS yielded 0=1.33(6), q =6.1(8) and 0=1160(120) K. The strong volume dependence of the thermal pressure of stishovite was revealed by the analysis of present data, which was not detectable by the previous high-temperature data at lower pressures, and this yields ( K T / T) V 0 and q 1. The analyses for the fictive volume for a and c axes show that relative stiffness of c axis to a axis is similar both on compression and thermal expansion. Present EOS enables the accurate estimate of density of SiO2 in the deep mantle conditions.  相似文献   

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