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通过对六盘山群中上部湖相沉积中一层黑色页岩年代(113.45~112.98 Ma)及其下部泥灰岩的元素地球化学特征研究发现,黑色页岩形成于干热而相对湿润气候背景下的缺氧还原环境中,与典型缺氧事件黑色页岩的地球化学特征基本一致,说明该黑色页岩记录了六盘山地区对全球白垩纪大洋缺氧事件OAE1b (约113~111 Ma)的响应,可能指示该期大洋缺氧事件是一次全球性的气候变化事件。  相似文献   

白垩纪大洋缺氧事件:研究进展与未来展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
白垩纪古海洋中分别在.Aptian-Albian、Cenomanian-Turonian和Coniacian-Santonian期间发生多次大洋缺氧事件(Oceanic Anoxic Events,OAEs),分别被称为OAE1、OAE2和OAE3,而OAE1又可以划分为OAE1a,1b,1c和1d四次,其中OAE1a和OAE2达到全球规模.白垩纪大洋缺氧事件一般对应海相碳酸盐岩的碳同位素正偏、海洋生物的快速更替和富有机质黑色页岩的大规模分布,指示了大范围的古环境、古气候变化.虽然历次大洋缺氧事件在成因上具有一定的差异,但是一般认为其与白垩纪时期海底大规模火成岩省的活动有关.大规模火成岩省活动将带来大气-海洋系统中CO2的上升,地表风化和水循环的加速,从而造成海洋中营养元素的过剩输入,引发海洋生产力的升高,诱发海洋中缺氧条件的发生.大洋缺氧条件下,由于碳-氧-硫-磷等元素之间的耦合循环关系,在大洋缺氧和海洋生产力之间形成快速的正反馈关系,有可能是白垩纪大洋缺氧事件得以达到全球规模的促进因素(如OAE1a和OAE2).不同时期的大洋缺氧事件对白垩纪大气-海洋系统的发展具有不同的意义:OAE1a标志着白垩纪中期极端温室气候的开始,OAE2前后是温室气候的高潮时期,而OAE3的发生则伴随白垩纪温室气候的减弱.由于历次大洋缺氧事件产生的大规模有机碳的埋藏,对大气-海洋系统产生了深刻的影响,其主要作用是导致大气海洋系统中CO2下降、O2上升,以及伴随而来的全球变冷和海洋氧化能力的增强.虽已历经30多年的研究,白垩纪大洋缺氧事件的前因和后果还未完全阐明,后续研究中将继续对重点的缺氧事件如OAE1(a,b,c,d)、OAE2和OAE3,开展多学科的研究,获取缺氧事件发生期间的古大气CO2浓度、海水温度、营养状况、生物种类及其海平面变化等方面的信息.大洋缺氧事件的陆相响应方面的研究也已经陆续开展,我国科学家可望在这方面有所作为.  相似文献   

白垩纪世界与大洋红层   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:36  
白垩纪代表着地质历史中的一种极端的温室气候,已被国际地球科学界视为研究地球系统科学的典型范例。文中在评述白垩纪沉积作用、古气候、古海洋研究中取得的重要进展基础上,重点介绍推动白垩纪研究核心问题之一的黑色页岩和大洋缺氧事件以及由中国学者提出的白垩纪大洋红层和富氧作用。大洋缺氧事件与大洋红层的研究因其与碳氧循环、古气候和古海洋变化的紧密关系,已经成为国际白垩纪研究中的热点问题,并在今后一段时期内继续引领着白垩纪古海洋、古气候变化研究的不断深入。  相似文献   

白垩纪中期异常地质事件与全球变化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
胡修棉 《地学前缘》2005,12(2):222-230
白垩纪中期(125~90 Ma)是地质历史中一个极端温室时期,集中出现一系列异常事件。异常事件是地球系统内各圈层相互耦合的产物,事件相互之间不是孤立的,单个事件引起的全球变化对其他事件起着明显的正/负反馈机制作用。文中基于对白垩纪中期异常事件的深入解剖和分析,包括大规模海底火山事件、大洋缺氧事件、生物异常更替与绝灭、白垩纪超静磁带、大洋红层出现等,在探讨白垩纪中期各个事件特征基础上,重点阐述异常事件所引起的全球变化及其对海洋、气候的影响;提出异常事件之间的相互关联与反馈机制。研究发现,大规模海底火山作用是引起白垩纪中期异常海洋和气候的最根本原因,直接促进大洋缺氧事件、生物绝灭与更替、沉积记录的转变等事件的发生。  相似文献   

沈建忠 《地球学报》1999,20(2):121-128
从地球环境动力学和地球内部动力学2个方面介绍国际大洋钻探计划研究方向与钻探目标,前者主要试图了解地球气候变化历史与规律、海平面变化的原因与影响以及通过沉积物、液体和细菌等研究了解全球碳循环、气水合物形成和深海生物资源等重要问题;后者主要试图探测地球深部热与物质的转换、调查岩石圈变形与地震形成过程。同时,也介绍了ODP提出的3个挑战性项目,即自然气候变化和气候剧变原因、地质过程的现场监测和大陆边缘与洋壳深部结构探测。  相似文献   

科学大洋钻探与全球气候变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章简要地回顾了科学大洋钻探的发展历程。深海钻探计划(DSDP)革命性地改变了地球科学家们对地球动力作用的认识。DSDP的后继者,即大洋钻探计划(ODP)正在全球各大洋收集有关这些作用在几万至几十万年时间尺度上变化的高分辨率记录,并已在与全球气候有关的下述领域取得了重要进展:地质历史时期气候变化的幅度、速度及原因,按轨道调谐的新生代(10Ma前以来)地质年代表,高纬度地区冰盖形成及演化历史,造山运动与长期气候变化之间的相互关系,气体水合物与全球气候变化的相互制约关系。DSDP和ODP的成就使地球科学家们相信,在全球年轻的大洋底实施钻探以取得连续的沉积记录和录井记录,是研究过去全球气候的长期、短期变化的有效而重要的手段,并将给未来全球变化的研究带来启示  相似文献   

白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目“白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化”,将以白垩纪与碳循环相关的重大地质事件和温室气候变化的关系为主线,以大洋缺氧事件—富氧作用转变过程和机制研究为突破口,进行海陆相整合研究,重点追溯东特提斯洋和我国大陆地球表层系统重大地质事件的记录,探讨这些事件与碳循环、快速气候变化的正/负反馈机制。项目将充分利用中国大陆发育完好的白垩纪海相、陆相地层及古生物记录,通过松辽盆地白垩系科学钻探全岩芯取样和多学科综合研究的途径,着眼于厘定反映地质事件和气候变化的层位及标志和时间格架,解决高分辨率海、陆相沉积事件的精确对比,分析地层记录中气候标志和古生物类群的地理分布,集中研究陆地和海洋环境对同一事件的响应机制,重溯白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件过程及成因,探究陆相烃源岩大规模形成、陆地生物群更替与温室气候变化和碳循环之间的正/负反馈关系和机制等科学问题,为预测全球长时间尺度上的气候变化趋势提供科学依据。  相似文献   

白垩纪大洋缺氧事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白垩纪黑色页岩相地层出现在世界主要大洋及地表露头中,一般表现在三人时期:巴雷姆晚期—阿普特期—阿尔布期;赛诺曼晚期—二仑早期及康尼亚克期—三冬期。这些时期海相地层的岩性、动物群及地球化学特征均有变化,并以赛诺曼晚期—二仑早期变化最为明显,表明当时世界海洋处于氧极度损耗的条件。这种条件被称为大洋缺氧事件(OAE)。赛诺曼期—三仑期大洋缺氧事件的发生与当时的海侵高峰期是一致的。海平面的上升可使上升流加强,使表层生物生产率增高,进而导致海洋水体溶解氧的消耗及有机碳的保存。  相似文献   

综合大洋钻探计划(Integrated Ocean Drilling Program,IODP)是一项旨在通过研究海底沉积物和岩石来探索地球历史和结构的宏大国际研究计划。其前身国际大洋钻探计划(Ocean Drilling Program,ODP)和深海钻探计划(Deep Sea Drilling Project,DSDP),是20世纪地球科学领域规模最大、历时最久的国际合作研究计划,所取得的科学成果证实了海底扩张、大陆漂移和板块构造理论,极大地推动了20世纪地球科学的革命。  相似文献   

综合大洋钻探计划(IntegratedOceanDrillingProgram,IODP)是一项旨在通过研究海底沉积物和岩石来探索地球历吏和结构的宏大国际研究计划.其前身国际大洋钻探计划(OceanDrillingProgram,ODP)和深海钻探计划(DeepSeaDrillingProject,DSDP),是20世纪地球科学领域规模最大、历时最久的国际合作研究计划,所取得的科学成果证实了海底扩张、大陆漂移和板块构造理论,极大地推动了20世纪地球科学的革命。  相似文献   

王先美 《地质学报》2008,82(9):1258-1273
鲁西隆起区发育有大量的北西向脆性断裂.依据野外断裂构造的几何学、运动学详细解析,认为北西向断裂系经历了早期的右行压剪、右行张剪,以及后期的左行压剪等不同性质的构造活动.由与北西向断裂活动相伴生的同期侵入岩体的 K-Ar测试结果分析,北西向断裂系在距今约160 Ma及距今130~110 Ma分别经历了右行压剪与右行张剪构造活动;通过分布在隆起区不同样品的磷灰石裂变径迹数据分析、冷却史反演,厘定鲁西地体在距今90~80 Ma存在一次区域性快速冷却构造事件,该构造事件与北西向断裂系的左行压剪构造活动相对应.  相似文献   

王先美 《地质学报》2008,82(1):1258-1273
鲁西隆起区发育有大量的北西向脆性断裂。依据野外断裂构造的几何学、运动学详细解析认为,北西向断裂系经历了早期的右行压剪、右行张剪,以及后期的左行压剪等不同性质的构造活动。由与北西向断裂活动相伴生的同期侵入岩体的 K-Ar测试结果分析,北西向断裂系在距今约160 Ma及距今130~110 Ma分别经历了右行压剪与右行张剪构造活动;通过分布在隆起区不同样品的磷灰石裂变径迹数据分析、冷却史反演,厘定鲁西地体在距今90~80 Ma存在一次区域性快速冷却构造事件,该构造事件与北西向断裂系的左行压剪构造活动相对应。  相似文献   

古新世—始新世最热事件(PETM, Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum)是发生在古新世—始新世交界时的一次全球性的气候突变事件。它造成了大洋环流模式的突然倒转和海水盐度、大气湿度的迅速上升。海洋表层生态系统和陆地生态系统生产力迅速上升,许多属种的植物、动物、微生物生活范围向高纬区扩大;大洋底栖微生物发生集群灭绝。现代哺乳动物的主要属种(灵长类、奇蹄类及偶蹄类)产生,哺乳动物演化进程发生重大改变。地球表层碳循环系统发生不同程度的碳同位素负偏移,全球碳循环系统发生大规模搅动。对于PETM的触发机制,主流的观点认为是海底天然气水合物突然释放造成巨量甲烷迅速进入表层系统引发的碳循环系统内部反馈。而对于甲烷释放的原因,又存在着减压释放和热释放两种解释;此外还有科学家用岩浆作用和地外星体撞击来解释PETM的发生。  相似文献   

We performed a detailed study of the stratigraphic transition of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a (OAE1a) to oceanic red bed 1 (ORB1) from the classic Gorgo a Cerbara section in the Umbria region of central Italy. We focused on a 25.5-m-thick stratigraphic succession, from which we analyzed 305 samples for total organic carbon (TOC), CaCO3, magnetic susceptibility, diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry and the stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of both bulk samples and organic matter. In the Gorgo a Cerbara section, the Selli Level of OAE1a (∼1.81 m thick) consists of laminated to bioturbated dark gray to black mudstones and shales with medium to dark gray radiolarian-rich silty to sandy layers and a maximum TOC content of 20.22%. The carbon isotopic values show a negative excursion (C3 stage, ∼0.14 m) at the base of the Selli Level, followed by a stepwise positive excursion (C4–C6 stages, ∼1.67 m) in the upper part of the Selli Level. The transition from OAE1a to ORB1 (∼3.19 m thick) is characterized by bioturbated greenish gray cherty limestones and marly limestones with subordinate marls, corresponding to stable carbon isotopic C7 stage and lasts for ∼0.75 Ma. The ORB1 interval (∼13.15 m) consists of reddish marly claystones, dark-red marlstones, red marly limestones and red calcareous shales which indicate a highly oxic environment. Our results reveal a stepwise transition from a predominantly mesotrophic and dysoxic to anoxic environment at the time that the OAE1a black shales were deposited to an oligotrophic and oxic environment during the transitional interval and finally to highly oxic conditions during the ORB1 interval. The nannoconid crisis occurs at the top of the C2 stage, just 0.34 m below the negative excursion in δ13C isotopic values. The massive CaCO3 dissolution phase occurs 0.25 m above the negative excursion; it persisted for 0.85 Ma and probably resulted from excess CO2, ocean acidification, and carbonate compensation depth (CCD) shoaling. Deposition of massive black shales occurs at the base of the C6 stage and lasted for 0.4 Ma.  相似文献   

对我国业已发现的白垩纪大洋缺氧事件进行了对比研究.结果显示,我国河北滦平盆地高等植物叶腊碳同位素正偏,是weissert缺氧事件的陆地响应,weissert缺氧事件可能是全球性缺氧事件,而不是区域性的缺氧事件.叶腊烷烃单分子碳同位素正偏有两种不同的机制:早白垩世分子碳同位素正偏主要反映的是大气CO2水平增加;晚白垩世分子碳同位素正偏主要反映的是陆地植物类型的变化.  相似文献   

通过介绍J.P.Kennett为代表的“洋流说”阐述了大洋钻探25年来约10个航次研究所揭示的南极地区显生宙晚期气候演变的历史。晚白垩世时南极地区和全球一样暖和无冰,末期变冷,古新世开始后不久又转暖,早始新世-中始新世早期达顶峰,以后变冷。渐新世为主要冷却期,南极东部形成冰盖,中,晚中新世为另一重要冷却期,南极西部以至全部南极在中新世晚期-上新世早期最终形成稳定冰盖。德雷克海峡打开,环南极洋流(A  相似文献   

陈曦  王成善  黄永建 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):171-176
古新世—始新世极热事件(LPTM或PETM)是地球历史中最强烈的全球升温事件之一,又因其温室气体的排放与当前工业废气排放水平相当,因而在全球变化与地球系统科学研究中具有重要的研究意义。Gaia理论强调生物通过负反馈作用调节全球系统,使之趋于稳定。在前人研究资料的基础上,对比分析了分布于全球不同地区大洋钻孔与陆地剖面P/E界线附近的δ13C变化,综合了P/E极热事件对全球碳循环的影响以及事件的成因。认为P/E极热事件之后,地球系统在生物作用下逐渐恢复平衡。如果将生物与地球作为整体来看,那么这个整体是一个具有自我平衡能力的系统。地球历史中,其他与碳循环扰动有关的地质事件,应该也可以用Gaia理论的思路,从生物调节环境的角度分析碳循环的变化以及地球系统的平衡机制。  相似文献   

Detailed investigations of high latitude sequences recently collected by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) indicate that periods of rapid climate change often culminated in brief transient climates, with more extreme conditions than subsequent long term climates. Two examples of such events have been identified in the Paleogene; the first in latest Paleocene time in the middle of a warming trend that began several million years earlier: the second in earliest Oligocene time near the end of a Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene global cooling trend. Superimposed on the earlier event was a sudden and extreme warming of both high latitude sea surface and deep ocean waters. Imbedded in the latter transition was an abrupt decline in high latitude temperatures and the brief appearance of a full size continental ice-sheet on Antarctica. In both cases the climate extremes were not stable, lasting for less than a few hundred thousand years, indicating a temporary or transient climate state. Geochemical and sedimentological evidence suggest that both Paleogene climate events were accompanied by reorganizations in ocean circulation, and major perturbations in marine productivity and the global carbon cycle. The Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum was marked by reduced oceanic turnover and decreases in global delta 13C and in marine productivity, while the Early Oligocene glacial maximum was accompanied by intensification of deep ocean circulation and elevated delta 13C and productivity. It has been suggested that sudden changes in climate and/or ocean circulation might occur as a result of gradual forcing as certain physical thresholds are exceeded. We investigate the possibility that sudden reorganizations in ocean and/or atmosphere circulation during these abrupt transitions generated short-term positive feedbacks that briefly sustained these transient climatic states.  相似文献   

Analysis of sediments deposited at different latitudes around the world during the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ∼56 Ma) have revealed a globally profound warming phase, regionally varying from 5–8 °C. Such records from Europe have not yet been obtained. We studied the variations in sea surface and continental mean annual air temperatures (SST and MAT, respectively) and the distribution patterns and stable carbon isotopes of higher plant derived n-alkanes in two proximal PETM sections (Fur and Store Bælt, Denmark) from the epicontinental North Sea Basin. A negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) of 4–7‰ was recorded in land plant derived n-alkanes, similar to what has been observed for other PETM sections. However, differences observed between the two proximal sites suggest that local factors, such as regional vegetation and precipitation patterns, also influenced the CIE. The presence of S-bound isorenieratene derivatives at the onset of the PETM and increased organic carbon contents points to a rapid shift in depositional environment; from well oxygenated to anoxic and sulfidic. These euxinic conditions are comparable with those during the PETM in the Arctic Ocean. SSTs inferred from TEX86 show relatively low temperatures followed by an increase of ∼7 °C across the PETM. At the Fur section, a remarkably similar temperature record was obtained for MAT using the MBT′/CBT proxy. However, the MAT record of the Store Bælt section did not reveal this warming.  相似文献   

Evidence for glaciation during the mid-late Neoproterozoic is widespread on Earth, reflecting three or more ice ages between 730 Ma and 580 Ma. Of these, the late Neoproterozoic Marinoan glaciation of approximately 635 Ma stands out because of its ubiquitous association with a characteristic, microcrystalline cap dolostone that drapes glacially influenced rock units worldwide. The Marinoan glaciation is also peculiar in that evidence for low altitude glaciation at equatorial latitudes is compelling. Three models have been proposed linking abrupt deglaciation with this global carbonate precipitation event: (i) overturn of an anoxic deep ocean; (ii) catastrophically accelerated rates of chemical weathering because of supergreenhouse conditions following global glaciation (Snowball Earth Hypothesis); and (iii) massive release of carbonate alkalinity from destabilized methane clathrates. All three models invoke extreme alkalinity fluxes into seawater during deglaciation but none explains how such alkalinity excess from point sources could be distributed homogeneously around the globe. In addition, none explains the consistent sequence of precipitation events observed within cap carbonate successions, specifically: (i) the global blanketing of carbonate powder in shallow marine environments during deglaciation; (ii) widespread and disruptive precipitation of dolomite cement; followed by (iii) localized barite precipitation and seafloor cementation by aragonite. The conceptual model presented here proposes that low latitude deglaciation was so massive and abrupt that the resultant meltwater plume could extend worldwide, physically separating the surface and deep ocean reservoirs for ≥103 years. It is proposed that cap dolostones formed primarily by microbially mediated precipitation of carbonate whitings during algal blooms within this low salinity plumeworld rather than by abiotic precipitation from normal salinity seawater. Many of the disruption features that are characteristic of cap dolostones can be explained by microbially mediated, early diagenetic dolomitization and cementation. The re-initiation of whole ocean circulation degassed CO2 into the atmosphere in areas of upwelling, triggering localized, abiotic CaCO3 precipitation in the form of aragonite fans that overlie cap dolostones in NW Canada and Namibia. The highly oxygenated shallow marine environments of the glacial and post-glacial Neoproterozoic world provided consistently favourable conditions for the evolutionary development of animals and other oxygenophiles.  相似文献   

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