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We describe the coordinate transformations that can be used to convert the velocity components measured by a set of sonic anemometers with time-dependent tilt fluctuations into a single, time-independent coordinate system. By applying the planar fit method (PFM) to each anemometer dataset, it is possible, for planar flows, to locate the flow plane at each measurement point and compare its orientation with the topography. Installation on a ship is also considered. An application of this method to intercomparison data has led to the detection of an instrument error due to a misalignment between the assembly of the sonic transducers and the anemometer pedestal. If this error occurs, pedestal levelling does not guarantee that measurements are unbiased. A correction method is proposed and the results of two experiments are shown. Flow planarity at different levels and flow distortion caused by the mast are highlighted. The influence of the error on the evaluation of the Reynolds stresses using PFM or the double rotation method and the triple rotation method is discussed and the tilt corrected stresses calculated using the three methods compared.  相似文献   

Wind, temperature and humidity fluctuations have been recorded using a sonic anemometer-thermometer, a thrust anemometer, and a La humidiometer. The two anemometers agree in wind speed and stress. Exchange coefficients for momentum, heat and moisture are found to agree with values measured over other bodies of water.Contribution 391, Bedford Institute of Oceanography.Project 75 BL, International Field Year for the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

城市冠层中湍流运动的统计特征   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
对1997 年夏天和冬天北京湍流运动的各种统计特征量进行了初步的统计分析。结果表明,城市冠层中湍流运动的各种统计特征量与平坦下垫面条件下边界层湍流运动的相比, 有不同的地方也有相似的地方; 无论白天还是夜晚, 垂直方向的湍流强度和湍流脉动风速标准差均小于水平方向的, 水平方向的相应湍流特征量则总是接近相等; 城市冠层中湍流脉动强度和标准差几乎均大于平坦下垫面边界层的; 平均风速u≥1 m /s 时的湍流统计特征量与u< 1 m /s 时的有所不同; 城市冠层的阻力系数较大, 可达00625,Panofsky 等提出的公式σw /u* = 13 (1- 3z/L)1/3在城市冠层中并不适用。  相似文献   

An infrared device designed to measure simultaneous fluctuations of atmospheric CO2 and water vapor concentrations is described. The measuring frequency is 30 Hz. The sensing path length is 20 cm. It is compatible with the path length of the standard type of a sonic anemometer. The noise level of the device is equivalent to fluctuations of about 0.8 ppm peak-to-peak for CO2 and 0.02 g kg-1 peak-to-peak for water vapor. Field tests have showed that the device is suitable for simultaneous measurement of turbulent fluxes of CO2 and water vapor in conjunction with a sonic anemometer.  相似文献   

The frequency response of different types of sonic anemometers due to spatialaveraging of turbulent fluctuations along the sonic path is investigated byapplying modeling procedures and by sonic measurements. The data wereobtained simultaneously at up to 4 heights over extreme smooth andhomogeneous terrain during stationary situations, varying fromslightly stable to unstable. It is shown thatcorrections for the variance of the vertical wind component areneeded for measurements close to the ground. A correction procedure, based ona response function for the vertical wind and on parameters derived frompower spectra, is applied to the measurements. At a height of about onemetre, the variance of the vertical wind component is typicallyunderestimated by about 10%. The error decreases with increasing height. It isalso shown that in the height range down to one metre other turbulencequantities, as for example the variances of the horizontal wind components andthe turbulent fluxes of momentum and sensible heat, are not markedly affectedby the sonic spatial response. Experimental data support these findings.  相似文献   

The spatial resolution of a sonic anemometer is limited by the distance between its transducers, and for studies of small-scale turbulence and theories of turbulence, it is desirable to increase this spatial resolution. We here consider resolution improvements obtainable by treating the sonic anemometer as a small tomography array, with application of appropriate inverse algorithms for the reconstruction of temperature and velocity. A particular modification of the sonic anemometer is considered when the number of its transducers is doubled and the time-dependent stochastic inversion algorithm is used for reconstruction. Numerical simulations of the sonic anemometer and its suggested modification are implemented with the temperature and velocity fields modelled as discrete eddies moving through the sonic’s volume. The tomographic approach is shown to provide better reconstructions of the temperature and velocity fields, with spatial resolution increased by as much as a factor of ten. The spatial resolution depends on the inverse algorithm and also improves by increasing the number of transducers.  相似文献   

超声风温仪测温的误差订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用同步进行的风速、温度、湿度湍流观测资料,对超声风温仪温度测量结果作了水平风速和湿度的订正。结果表明:由于超声风温仪测温受空气湿度和水平风速的影响,对其作相应的订正是十分必要的。|z/L|<1时,湿度和风速对超声风温仪温度方差和感热通量测量值所引起的误差是不可忽视的。而在|z/L|>1区间,仅计入湿度影响,已够精确。对于温度谱密度,当nSθ(n)/σ2θ低于0.01时,有一高频的噪声频率阈值,高于此频率,nSθ(n)/σ2θ与无因次频率f呈+1次幂关系。  相似文献   

Many new types of sonic anemometer obtain sonic temperature from an average value of temperature measured along three paths, unlike previous sonic anemometers that generally used one path. New equations are derived to calculate temperature variance from sonic temperature variance and sensible heat flux from buoyancy flux considering the influence of a crosswind. These equations can be applied to CSAT3, Solent R2, R3, R3A, HS, and USA-1 sonic anemometers with the corresponding correction factors given in this paper. The equations are verified by data measured by a CSAT3 sonic anemometer in the LITFASS-1998 field study.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory and atmospheric experiments have shown that turbulence influences the surface temperature in a convective boundary layer. The main objective of this study is to examine land-atmosphere coupled heat transport mechanism for different stability conditions. High frequency infrared imagery and sonic anemometer measurements were obtained during the boundary layer late afternoon and sunset turbulence (BLLAST) experimental campaign. Temporal turbulence data in the surface-layer are then analyzed jointly with spatial surface-temperature imagery. The surface-temperature structures (identified using surface-temperature fluctuations) are strongly linked to atmospheric turbulence as manifested in several findings. The surface-temperature coherent structures move at an advection speed similar to the upper surface-layer or mixed-layer wind speed, with a decreasing trend with increase in stability. Also, with increasing instability the streamwise surface-temperature structure size decreases and the structures become more circular. The sequencing of surface- and air-temperature patterns is further examined through conditional averaging. Surface heating causes the initiation of warm ejection events followed by cold sweep events that result in surface cooling. The ejection events occur about 25 % of the time, but account for 60–70 % of the total sensible heat flux and cause fluctuations of up to 30 % in the ground heat flux. Cross-correlation analysis between air and surface temperature confirms the validity of a scalar footprint model.  相似文献   

A method for measuring the two-dimensional distribution of wind velocity vectors near a surface exposed to solar radiation, by tracking brightness temperature images instead of particle images, is proposed. It is based on time-sequential thermography with the algorithm used for particle image velocimetry. This thermal image velocimetry (TIV) was tested on a full-scale building wall covered by polystyrene boards attached side-by-side over a vertically elongated area measuring 22.2 m by 2.73 m. A thermal infrared camera was installed 8 m from the test wall to capture the wall-surface temperature at 30 Hz frequency. A sonic anemometer was also installed 35 mm from the surface used for validation of the TIV. The advection velocity estimated from thermal infrared imagery had a linear relationship with the wind velocity measured by the sonic anemometer, irrespective of the wind speed and direction. This linear slope was multiplied by the advection velocity of the thermal infrared image to rescale it to the wind velocity, and the term ‘TIV velocity’ was then used. A histogram and power spectra of the TIV velocity showed quantitatively good agreement with the velocity measured by the sonic anemometer, except for the high-frequency region of the spectra, where the TIV velocity was overestimated compared with that of the sonic anemometer. The method was also tested on ground covered by artificial turf to demonstrate its application to a horizontal plane with a wider area, extending for more than 80 m by 60 m.  相似文献   

A calibration equation and some results of the field performance of an infrared instrument, which is designed to measure simultaneous fluctuations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor, are described. Field observations show that the instrument is suitable for simultaneous measurement of turbulent fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapor in conjunction with a sonic anemometer. Measured values of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes show diurnal variations characterized by crop activity with respect to assimilation, respiration and evapotranspiration. Carbon dioxide is transferred downward during the daytime and upward at night, while latent heat and sensible heat are transferred in the opposite sense. The non-dimensional gradient of carbon dioxide is expressed in the following form under weak unstable conditions: c = (1 – 16 v )-1/2. Here, v is the Monin-Obukhov stability parameter including the humidity effect. This relation was originally proposed for temperature and humidity. Thus, the results indicate that the turbulent mechanisms of carbon dioxide fluctuations are similar to those of other scalar entities. This is strongly supported by the high correlation coefficient found between fluctuations of carbon dioxide and temperature or humidity in the air layer over crop fields.  相似文献   

We investigate the coherent structure of atmosphere turbulence over very large roughness within a fully rough, high Reynolds number turbulent flow. The horizontal distributions of coherent turbulence were determined by multipoint measurements of velocity fluctuations using sonic anemometers in a comprehensive outdoor scale model experiment for urban climate (COSMO). COSMO is made up of 512 cubical obstacles, each 1.5 m on a side, arranged in a rectangular pattern on a flat 50 m × 100 m concrete plate. A total of 15 sets of sonic anemometers were aligned horizontally within the logarithmic layer above this site. The velocity fluctuations observed in COSMO were decomposed into active and inactive contributions by applying a spatial-filtering method, and which used a simple moving average along the spanwise direction of the predominant flow as a filter function. The size of the filter should be between the sizes of the active and inactive fluctuations. This method potentially eliminates the considerable portion of low frequency modes included in the horizontal velocity fluctuation, while preserving well the Reynolds stress. The structural characteristics of the active turbulence were qualitatively similar to those measured over various surface configurations. Overall, the observed structures of the active turbulence are composed of very large streaks of low momentum fluid elongated in the streamwise direction with some sub-structures included in the streaks. The sub-structures were the main cause of the ejections, which accompany horizontal vortices. The active motion, including the streaky structures, did not reproduce the lower frequency peak of the bi-modal distribution of the horizontal velocity spectra, but reproduced the higher frequency mode that robustly follows inner-layer similarity (i.e. Monin–Obukhov similarity).  相似文献   

Kochendorfer et al. (Boundary-Layer Meterol, 145:383–398, 2012) conducted an experiment to evaluate azimuth and angle-of-attack dependent errors of sonic anemometer measurements. Several questions are raised regarding the experimental design and the presented results. The finding that instruments with non-orthogonal sonic paths underestimate fluctuations of vertical wind speed and consequently also scalar fluxes by about 10 % is compared with the results of a hitherto unpublished side-by-side field comparison and other past intercomparison experiments. Scale considerations are presented that raise considerable doubts on the validity of the implicit assumption of Kochendorfer et al. (2012) that the turbulent wind vector is highly correlated across a distance of 1.2 m at a height of 2.5 m over flat grassland, which corresponds to the separation between the sonic anemometers tested in their experiment. Nevertheless, new developments in sonic anemometer design to minimize transducer-shadow effects are desirable.  相似文献   

Another look at sonic thermometry   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
In this note we reassess the role of sonic thermometry in boundary-layer studies. The sonic temperature signal, when corrected for crosswind velocity contamination, very closely approximates the virtual temperature of air. This variable is needed for many boundary-layer calculations. We describe preliminary tests with a new sonic anemometer-thermometer that performs the velocity correction in real time. Our test results offer new insights into the nature of the velocity error on temperature standard deviations and fluxes. They also draw attention to the high noise threshold that appears as an f +1 rise in the fS(f) spectrum when spectral levels drop below 10-4 °C2.  相似文献   

Methods of correcting the temperature output of a sonic anemometer-thermometer are examined. The errors in the temperature variance and flux are evaluated as a function of stability and examples given of correcting the sonic-derived temperature point by point. It is concluded that, in general, both humidity and crosswind corrections must be included.  相似文献   

A rapid response drag anemometer for measuring streamwise and lateral components of horizontal windspeed is described. Theory of operation, design and calibration are discussed with emphasis on the electronic preconditioning of signals and problems associated with using a mechanically resonant system as a sensor. Field comparisons showed half-hourly means and standard deviations of the streamwise component to be within 8% and 5% of respective values obtained from a 3-dimensional sonic anemometer. The lateral component from the drag anemometer was significantly more noisy than that from the 3-D sonic due to induced oscillations arising from vortex shedding. After mechanical and electronic filtering, half-hourly standard deviation comparisons agreed to within 6% for this component. Friction velocities obtained from the drag anemometer in combination with a 1-D sonic, agreed with measurements from the 3-D sonic anemometer to within 4% over a measured range of 0.05 to 1.2 m s-1  相似文献   

Townsend's attached eddy hypothesis states that the turbulent structure in the constant stress layer can be decomposed into attached and detached eddy motion. This paper proposes and tests a methodology for separating the attached and detached eddy motion from time series measurements of velocity and temperature. The proposed methodology is based on the time-frequency localization and filtering capabilities of the orthonormal wavelet transforms. Using a relative entropy statistical measure, the optimal wavelet basis is identified first. The turbulence time series measurements are then transformed into the wavelet domain where the contribution of specific events in the time-frequency domain is identified. The filtering scheme utilizes a recently constructed Lorentz thresholding methodology that successfully eliminates all wavelet coefficients associated with the detached eddy motion. While this filtering scheme lacks the compression efficiency of the classical Donoho and Johnstone's universal thresholding model, it conserves the higher-order statistics and important turbulence interactions related to the Reynolds stresses. Following the filtering scheme, the attached eddy motion time series is re-constructed by an inverse wavelet transform of the non-zero wavelet coefficients. The proposed partitioning methodology for attached and detached eddy motion is tested using 56 Hz triaxial sonic anemometer velocity and temperature measurements above a uniform dry lake bed in Owens valley, California, for a wide range of atmospheric stability conditions. Validation that the wavelet filtered time series represents the attached eddy motion is also discussed in the context of conservation of turbulence energy and surface fluxes.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface pressure fluctuations and the velocity field associated with turbulent coherent structures is examined for flow within and above a deciduous forest. Measurements were taken with tower-mounted sonic anemometer/thermometers at six heights, Lyman-alpha humidiometers at three heights, and a pressure sensor at the forest floor. We find a strong, near-linear relationship between the mean square turbulent velocity and the standard deviation of the high-pass-filtered pressure fluctuations. Lagged cross-correlations between vertical velocity fluctuations and those of pressure show maximum correlations of ± 0.5 but with a phase offset. Examination of surface pressure during the passage of coherent structures, which are characterized by a transition from ejection to sweep, reveals a period of overpressure about 20 s in duration roughly centered on the time of passage of the scalar microfront at the top of the canopy. Pressure patterns associated with coherent structures appear to be largely responsible for the form of the correlations stated above.Pressure patterns calculated from an integrated Poisson equation, using observed velocity and temperature signals during coherent structures, match the main features of the observed pressure. Retrieval of the pressure fluctuations in this manner reveals that the mean wind shear/turbulence interaction term is dominant, but that important contributions arise from two other terms in the equation. Buoyancy effects are negligible. We show that the surface pressure signal is mainly created by the velocity field near the top of the forest, and present evidence to suggest that features of the sub-crown air movement result directly from this pressure field.  相似文献   

This note reports on the influence of aircraft wake vortices on the estimation of the turbulent energy dissipation rate using sonic anemometer measurements near the runway threshold. The wake vortex traces, which are generated at a height of about 65 m and subsequently evolve in ground effect, are clearly visible in the velocity components and temperature. The observed temperature increase of 1 K appears related to the stably stratified atmospheric surface layer. The dissipation rate is estimated from the longitudinal velocity power spectrum for a sample in a nocturnal boundary layer with and without a wake vortex signal. In both cases an inertial subrange is found. For the analyzed sample the estimated dissipation rate is a factor of ten larger compared to the undisturbed sample. Implications for operational wake avoidance systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Eddy fluxes of CO2 estimated using a sonic anemometer and a closed-path analyser were, on average, 16% lower than those obtained with the same anemometer and an adjacent open-path CO2 analyser. Covariances between vertical windspeed and CO2 density from the closed-path analyser were calculated using data points for CO2 that were delayed relative to anemometer data by the time required for a parcel of air to travel from the tube inlet to the CO2 sensor. Air flow in the intake tube was laminar. Densities of CO2 that had been corrected for spurious fluctuations arising from fluctuations in temperature and humidity were used in the flux calculations. Corrections for the cross-sensitivity of CO2 analysers to water vapour were also incorporated. Spectral analysis of the corrected CO2 signal from the closed-path analyser showed that damping of fluctuations in the sampling tube at frequencies f > 0.1 Hz caused the apparent loss in flux. The measured losses can be predicted accurately using theory that describes the damping of oscillations in a sampling tube. High-frequency response of the closed-path system can be improved substantially by ensuring turbulent flow in the tube, using a combination of high volumetric flow rate and small tube diameter. The analysis of attenuation of turbulent fluctuations in flow through tubes is applicable to the measurement of fluxes of other minor atmospheric constituents using the eddy covariance method.  相似文献   

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