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为分析均质地基中各参数变化对土体振动响应和空沟隔振效果的影响,通过有限元软件建立二维均质地基计算模型,分析空沟尺寸、激振频率等对土体的影响,研究了不同土体弹性模量、密度及泊松比下的振动加速度差异。结果表明,空沟深度为重要影响因素,空沟深度越深,隔振效果越好;空沟宽度对隔振效果几乎无影响;弹性模量对空沟隔振效果的影响较密度大,且弹性模量越大,隔振效果越差;密度对土体振动加速度和振幅衰减系数的影响较小;泊松比对空沟隔振效果的影响大于密度,但低于弹性模量,泊松比越大,振动加速度越小,隔振效果越差;激振频率越大,空沟隔振效果越好。  相似文献   

刘晶磊      刘鹏泉      王洋      尚康君     《世界地震工程》2022,38(2):230-238
为了探究均质地基和双层土地基条件下环形沟几何参数变化对其隔振区域的影响规律,及环形沟在不同地基土层中隔振效果的差异,本文建立缩尺比为1: 15的模型试验,以地基土类型、环形沟深度、宽度及圆心角为研究变量,通过开展具体试验进行探究。结果表明:在均质地基和双层土地基环形沟隔振中,环形沟宽度变化对其隔振效果影响较小,环形沟深度及圆心角是影响其隔振效果的重要参数,且深度和圆心角越大,隔振效果越好,但当地基土为成层土地基,环形沟深在临近土层分界面深度增大时,环形沟隔振效果相对减弱;在均质地基和双层土地基中,相同参数条件下,均质地基土较双层地基土具有更好的隔振特性;振源与环形沟之间及环形沟末端位置区域由于振动波的传播特性存在振动增强区域。  相似文献   

刘晶磊  刘鹏泉  尚康君  王洋 《地震工程学报》2021,43(6):1394-1401,1418
为探究层状地基环形沟隔振中几何参数对其隔振效果的影响规律,文章采用振幅衰减比Ar值进行评价分析,并定义沟后Ar≤0.4区域为有效隔振区域,通过改变环形沟的几何参数,得到其对有效隔振区域影响变化规律,从而确定环形沟不同几何参数对其隔振效果的影响。结果表明:层状地基土中环形沟深度位于土层分界面附近时,环形沟隔振效果相对较弱;当宽度参数在0.01~0.35之间不断增大时,有效隔振区域占比变化幅度仅为4.8%,即环形沟宽度变化对环形沟隔振效果影响较小;随着环形沟弧长的增加,有效隔振区域面积的扩大速率减缓,弧长参数达到2.20以后,隔振效果趋于稳定;振源与环形沟之间及环形沟末端位置区域存在振动放大区。  相似文献   

刘晶磊      张业荣      张冲冲      周玮浩     《世界地震工程》2022,38(3):162-170
本文采用模拟试验的方法,对分层土地基中双排隔振屏障对振动波的动力响应进行了探讨,并研究了桩长与土层分界面位置关系、激振频率对其隔振效果的影响作用,得出结论:(1)屏障前振动强度远大于屏障后振动强度,并随着振源距、激振频率、桩长的增加而下降,且屏障前出现明显振动增强现象,在激振频率80 Hz时产生振动峰值,振动强度在高频时基本稳定,继续增加激振频率,振动强度并不会发生明显变化。(2)屏障后中线左右2倍桩长范围内为整个隔振区域的薄弱区,其他区域则由包络线围成一个封闭有效隔振区。(3)屏障对中频和高频有更好的隔振效果,且桩长越大有效隔振面积越大,当桩长超过土层分界面时,有效隔振面积可达到53.25%~69.78%,但此时有效隔振面积增幅由原来的14.29%下降到11.64%,增幅降低了约3%。(4)未设屏障区振动强度较小,随激振频率小范围内浮动,在激振频率为30 Hz和80 Hz时取得振动峰值,且随着屏障布置方向减小,即靠近屏障一侧振动强度较强,远离屏障一侧振动强度较弱。  相似文献   

肖慧娟  董尘 《地震工程学报》2021,43(6):1419-1428
为研究高速列车作用下,层状地基中空沟对场地振动的隔振效果,基于车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论及有限元法,对建立完善高速车辆-无砟轨道-地基耦合系统动力学模型进行仿真计算,分析设置空沟对场地振动的影响,并探讨了空沟的深度、位置、宽度以及列车速度的影响。结果表明:设置空沟加强了沟前场地的振动,但可使空沟后方地基的竖向和水平振动水平大幅减小,但在特定位置存在振动放大区,引起隔振效果减弱;过浅或过深的空沟均不能达到最优隔振效果;对于在线路旁需要特殊隔振的场地,存在一个适用于其本身的空沟最佳位置;空沟的宽度对隔振效果无明显影响;空沟对更高速度运行列车引起场地竖向和横向振动的隔振效果更明显。  相似文献   

郁雯  刘杰  刘航  李凯 《震灾防御技术》2021,16(1):157-164
为探究高速铁路两侧隔振屏障隔振效果,采用有限元与无限元边界结合的方式进行分析,研究不同连续型隔振屏障及布置形式对隔振效果的影响。通过现场试验与同尺寸、同属性有限元模型对比试验,验证有限元模型合理性。计算结果表明:不同连续型隔振屏障中,空沟隔振效果最优,空沟隔振措施适合高速列车隔振;隔振屏障宽度为0.6~2.5倍波长时,其对隔振效果的影响较小,随着宽度的改变,隔振效果变化幅度较小;隔振屏障深度为3.8~15.2倍波长时,其对隔振效果的影响较明显,随着深度的增加,隔振效果增强;屏障位置对隔振效果的影响较大,建议屏障应靠近路基布置;连续型隔振屏障对高频的隔振效果优于低频。  相似文献   

动力机器运行和车辆行驶等会产生振动污染,危及邻近建筑物安全和干扰精密仪器设备正常运行等。这些振动污染可通过在地基中设置空沟的方式来降低或消除。针对饱和地基上明置动力机器基础的环境振动影响及空沟近场隔振问题,进行了饱和地基上空沟近场隔振的现场试验,并对试验结果进行了无量纲化分析;基于饱和土半解析边界元法,分别推导了动力机器基础环境振动影响和空沟近场隔振的边界元方程;在此基础上,详细研究了空沟对动力机器基础振动影响的隔振效果,分析了空沟深度、宽度和距振源距离对其隔振效果的影响。结果表明:空沟能够有效的降低动力机器基础的环境振动影响;空沟宽度对其隔振效果影响相对较小,而空沟深度对其隔振效果影响较大,为获得较好的隔振效果,空沟深度建议取1倍Rayleigh波波长;空沟距振源距离对其隔振效果也有较大影响,距离越远则隔振效果也越好,当被保护建筑距振源较远时,建议空沟在被保护建筑附近设置。此外,在某些特殊情况下,空沟隔振系统会由于共振现象而出现隔振效果劣化的现象,在工程设计中应予以注意。  相似文献   

为评价轨道交通连续型隔振屏障的隔振效果,通过Abaqus有限元数值方法,对空沟、填充沟等连续型屏障的隔振效果及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:隔振屏障前侧振动加强,屏障后侧存在较好地隔振效果,屏障参数的变化对屏障前振动加强效果的影响较小,部分屏障参数的变化对屏障后侧隔振效果存在影响;屏障的隔振性能随屏障深度的增大而增强,受屏障宽度的影响较小;橡胶板墙隔振性能较差,空沟和混凝土板墙的隔振性能较强,空沟的隔振效果强于混凝土板墙;屏障距离路基越近隔振效果越好,建议工程上应用屏障隔振时,屏障靠近路基设置。  相似文献   

高铁运行产生的振动对周边环境的影响不容忽视,空沟填充沟是高速铁路有效的屏障隔振方式之一。文中以饱和土2.5D有限元理论为基础,考虑轨道和路基的动力相互作用,建立轨道-路基-填充沟数值计算模型,编制FORTRAN计算程序,分析列车在低速和高速运行条件下填充沟的隔振性能及设计参数对隔振效果的影响。计算表明:填充沟对沟后区域隔振效果较好,且高速列车的隔振效果优于低速列车;隔振后振动频段范围变化不大,但原频段振动竖向加速度幅值有较明显衰减;隔振后加速度振级下降约20 dB,加速度衰减系数衰减至隔振前的0.1倍;填充沟的弹性模量、埋深以及埋置位置对隔振效果均有较大影响。  相似文献   

双线地铁运营隔振沟屏障性能研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究双线地铁运营时隔振沟的减振效果,基于2.5维有限元法建立双线地铁列车-轨道-地基土体耦合分析模型。模型克服现有研究将轨道结构简化为弹性地基欧拉梁的缺陷,引入实际钢轨动力学参数,实现双线地铁列车荷载下隔振沟对周围地基的隔振效果分析,比较空沟、填充沟两种不同隔振措施的减振特性,并对填充沟隔振影响因素进行系统的参数分析。研究结果表明:双线运营地铁荷载下,空沟隔振作用体现在沟后范围内,填充沟减振范围更广且效果更好,相比空沟更具工程实用性;填充沟在沟深较小时也能发挥良好的减振作用,增大沟深、沟宽均可有效提高减振效果。研究成果可为今后双线地铁隔振设计与施工提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Wenbo  Yang  Yingchao  Shang  Dexiong  Liu  Tao  Zou  Qixiang  Yan  Yong  Fang  Chuan  He 《地震工程与工程振动(英文版)》2020,19(3):779-790
This paper presents a study of the isolation performance of trenches on train-induced ground-bore vibration from underground tunnels. A series of model tests was conducted to perform the study. Both train loads and sinusoidal sweep loads were applied to the model tunnel invert by a shaker. The response of the soil at the surface of the ground was measured by accelerometers. Three types of isolation trenches, i.e., an open trench, an expanded Polystyrene(EPS)-filled trench, and a Duxseal-filled trench, were modelled in the experiment. The results showed that the open trench and the EPS-filled trench increased the dynamic response of the surface soil in front of the trench, but the Duxseal-filled trench had little effect on the dynamic response of the soil on the surface in this area. Although all three types of isolation trenches reduced the response of the soil behind the trench, the open trench and the Duxseal-filled trench were clearly more effective. The test results also showed that, as the excitation frequency increased, the vibration isolation trench was more effective in the near field. The effects of the width, depth, and position of an open trench on isolation performance also were examined in the tests.  相似文献   

The problem of vibration isolation by rectangular open trenches in a plane strain context is numerically studied using a finite element code, PLAXIS. The soil media is assumed to be linear elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous subjected to a vertical harmonic load producing steady-state vibration. The present model is validated by comparing it with previously published works. The key geometrical features of a trench, i.e., its depth, width, and distance from the source of excitation, are normalized with respect to the Rayleigh wavelength. The attenuation of vertical and horizontal components of vibration is studied for various trench dimensions against trench locations varied from an active to a passive case. Results are depicted in non-dimensional forms and conclusions are drawn regarding the effects of geometrical parameters in attenuating vertical and horizontal vibration components. The screening efficiency is primarily governed by the normalized depth of the barrier. The effect of width has little significance except in some specific cases. Simplified regression models are developed to estimate average amplitude reduction factors. The models applicable to vertical vibration cases are found to be in excellent agreement with previously published results.  相似文献   

Vibration isolation of structures from ground-transmitted waves by open trenches in isotropic, linearly elastic or viscoelastic soil with a shear modulus varying continuously with depth is numerically studied. Both an exponential and a linear shear modulus variation with depth are used in this work. Waves produced by the harmonic motion of a rigid surface machine foundation are considered. The problem is solved by the frequency domain boundary element method employing the Green's function of Kausel-Peek-Hull for a thin layered half-space. Thus only the trench perimeter and the soil-foundation interface need essentially to be discretized. The proposed methodology is first tested for accuracy by solving two Rayleigh wave propagation problems in nonhomogeneous soil with known analytical solutions and/or for which experimental results are available. Then the method is applied to vibration isolation problems and the effect of the inhomogeneity on the wave screening effectiveness of trenches is studied.  相似文献   

The isolation of vibrations from the surroundings is one of the important problems in the design of machine foundations. The use of open trenches, infilled trenches, single and multiple pile rows have been widely studied. In this paper, the vibration screening efficiency of an inclined secant micro-pile wall positioned as an active vibration barrier is investigated. The study is performed using three-dimensional time domain finite element analyses. Various parameters such as barrier depth, inclination, barrier distance and load excitation frequency were studied. The results show that inclined secant micro-pile walls are a viable vibration isolation option for a multitude of vibration problems. It is shown that varying barrier inclination angle from 90° to 120° improved vibration isolation performance as high as 44% relative to the vertical barrier for the active isolation case. The effectiveness of the barrier increases as its depth increases and also as the excitation frequency increases. The orientation of the inclined barrier towards or against vibration source is shown to be a fundamental design consideration.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional boundary element method in frequency domain is used to investigate the screening effectiveness of the open trench–wall barrier system on reducing vibration generated by a footing. Sheet piles or diaphragm walls are on both sides of the open trench as a vibration barrier in this study. The results showed that screening effectiveness of the open trench without siding is greater than that of the open trench–wall barrier system, which is essential for stabilizing the excavation surface in practice. The trench depth of the barrier system appears to govern the screening efficiency of the barrier, and increase in depth results in better vibration-screening effectiveness. The influence of the open trench width, the embedded length of the trench wall and the distance between the vibration source and the barrier are proven to be insignificant. The screening effectiveness of an open trench barrier with walls increases with the frequency of the vibration.  相似文献   

Trains running in built-up areas are a source to ground-borne noise. A careful design of the track may be one way of minimizing the vibrations in the surroundings. For example, open or infilled trenches may be constructed along the track, or the soil underneath the track may be improved. In this work, the influence of the track design and properties on the level of ground vibration due to a vehicle moving with subsonic speed is examined. A coupled finite element-boundary element model of the track and subsoil is employed, adopting a formulation in the moving frame of reference following the vehicle. The computations are carried out in the frequency domain for various combinations of the vehicle speed and the excitation frequency. The analyses indicate that open trenches are more efficient than infilled trenches or soil stiffening–even at low frequencies. However, the direction of the load is of paramount importance. For example, the response outside a shallow open trench may change dramatically when horizontal load is applied instead of vertical load.  相似文献   

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