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The mountain-plains solenoid(MPS) and boundary-layer inertial oscillation(BLO) are two typical regional forcings at the diurnal time scale. Their relative role in regulating the diurnal variations of summer rainfall over North China and their change under different monsoon conditions are studied using a 19-yr archive of satellite rainfall and reanalysis data. It is shown that both a strong MPS and BLO can increase nocturnal rainfall in the North China plains but exhibit evident regional differences. The MPS-induced nocturnal rainfall is relatively confined to the plains adjacent to mountains from late night to morning, due to the upward branch of the nighttime MPS. In contrast, the BLO-induced nocturnal rainfall strengthens from early evening and is more extensive in early morning over the open plains further east. The contrasting effect in the evening is related to the convergent(divergent) easterly anomaly in the plains under the BLO(MPS). The BLO also induces the relatively strong enhancement of moisture convergence and high humidity by the southerly anomaly at late night. On strong monsoon days, the nocturnal rainfall amount associated with the MPS and BLO increases considerably in the plains.Both regional forcings become effective in regulating the rainfall diurnal cycle with enhanced moisture convergence under monsoon conditions. Their induced diurnal amplitudes of moisture convergence can be comparable to the daily mean by monsoon flow. The regional forcings thus couple with monsoon flow to strengthen rainfall in the plains, particularly from late night to morning. The results highlight that a combination of regional and large-scale forcings can strongly regulate the warm-season climate.  相似文献   

Based on the previous statistical analysis of mesoscale convective systems(MCSs)over the second-step terrain along Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley,eight representative long-lived eastward-propagating MCSs are selected for model-based sensitivity testing to investigate the initiation and evolution of these types of MCSs as well as their impact on downstream areas.We subject each MCS to a semi-idealized(CNTL)simulation and a sensitivity(NOLH)simulation that neglects condensational heating in the formation region.The CNTL experiment reveals convection forms in the region downstream of a shortwave trough typified by persistent southwesterly winds in the low-to midtroposphere.Upon merging with other convective systems,moist convection develops into an MCS,which propagates eastward under the influence of mid-tropospheric westerlies,and moves out of the second-step terrain.The MCS then merges with pre-existing local convection over the plains;the merged convection reinforces the cyclonic wind perturbation into a mesoscale vortex at 850 hPa.While this vortex moves eastward to regions with local vortex at 850 hPa,another vortex at 925 hPa is also intensified.Finally,the vortices at 850 and 925 hPa merge together and develop into a mesoscale convective vortex(MCV).In contrast,MCSs fail to form and move eastward in the NOLH experiment.In the absence of eastward-propagating MCSs,moist convection and mesoscale vortices still appear in the plains,but the vortex strength and precipitation intensity are significantly weakened.It is suggested the eastward-propagating MCSs over the second-step terrain significantly impact the development and enhancement of moist convection and vortices in the downstream areas.  相似文献   

This study investigates influencing weather systems for and the effect of Tibetan Plateau (TP)’s surface heating on the heavy rainfall over southern China in June 2010, focusing on the four persistent heavy rainfall events during 14-24 June 2010. The ma jor weather systems include the South Asian high, midlatitude trough and ridge, western Pacific subtropical high in the middle troposphere, and shear lines and eastward-moving vortices in the lower troposphere. An ensemble of convection-permitting simulations (CTL) is carried out with the WRF model for these rainfall events, which successfully reproduce the observed evolution of precipitation and weather systems. Another ensemble of simulations (SEN) with the surface albedo over the TP and its southern slope changed artificially to one, i.e., the surface does not absorb any solar heating, otherwise it is identical to CTL, is also performed. Comparison between CTL and SEN suggests that the surface sensible heating of TP in CTL significantly affects the temperature distributions over the plateau and its surroundings, and the thermal wind adjustment consequently changes atmospheric circulations and properties of the synoptic systems, leading to intensified precipitation over southern China. Specifically, at 200 hPa, anticyclonic and cyclonic anomalies form over the western and eastern plateau, respectively, which enhances the southward cold air intrusion along the eastern TP and the divergence over southern China;at 500 hPa, the ridge over the northern plateau and the trough over eastern China are strengthened, the southwesterly flows along the northwestern side of the subtropical high are intensified, and the positive vorticity propagation from the plateau to its downstream is also enhanced significantly;at 850 hPa, the low-pressure vortices strongly develop and move eastward while the southwesterly low-level jet over southern China strengthens in CTL, leading to increased water vapor convergence and upward motion over the precipitation region.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to reveal a long-distance-relayed water vapor transport(LRWVT) east of Tibetan Plateau and its impacts. The results show that from August to October, east of Tibetan Plateau, there exists a unique LRWVT,and the water vapor from the South China Sea and the western Pacific can affect the Sichuan Basin, Northwest China and other Chinese regions far from the tropical sea through this way. From August to October, the precipitation of the region east of the Plateau is closely linked both in the intra-annual and inter-annual variations, and the LRWVT from the South China Sea and the western Pacific is an important connection mechanism. The large-scale circulation background of the LRWVT impacting the precipitation of the region east of the Plateau is as follows: At high levels,the South Asian High is generally stronger than normal and significantly enhances with its northward advance and eastward extension over the region east of the Plateau. At mid-level, a broad low pressure trough is over Lake Balkhash and its surroundings, and the Western Pacific Subtropical High(WPSH) is northward and westward located, and the western part of Sichuan Basin and the eastern part of Northwest China are located in the west and northwest edge of WPSH.  相似文献   

Recent Progress in the Impact of the Tibetan Plateau on Climate in China   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Studies of the impacts of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on climate in China in the last four years are reviewed. It is reported that temperature and precipitation over the TP have increased during recent decades. From satellite data analysis, it is demonstrated that most of the precipitation over the TP is from deep convection clouds. Moreover, the huge TP mechanical forcing and extraordinary elevated thermal forcing impose remarkable impacts upon local circulation and global climate. In winter and spring, stream flow is deflected by a large obstacle and appears as an asymmetric dipole, making East Asia much colder than mid Asia in winter and forming persistent rainfall in late winter and early spring over South China. In late spring, TP heating contributes to the establishment and intensification of the South Asian high and the abrupt seasonal transition of the surrounding circulations. In summer, TP heating in conjunction with the TP air pump cause the deviating stream field to resemble a cyclonic spiral, converging towards and rising over the TP. Therefore, the prominent Asian monsoon climate over East Asia and the dry climate over mid Asia in summer are forced by both TP local forcing and Eurasian continental forcing.
Due to the longer memory of snow and soil moisture, the TP thermal status both in summer and in late winter and spring can influence the variation of Eastern Asian summer rainfall. A combined index using both snow cover over the TP and the ENSO index in winter shows a better seasonal forecast.
On the other hand, strong sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau in spring contributes significantly to anchor the earliest Asian monsoon being over the eastern Bay of Bengal (BOB) and the western Indochina peninsula. Qualitative prediction of the BOB monsoon onset was attempted by using the sign of meridional temperature gradient in March in the upper troposphere, or at 400 hPa over the TP. It is also demonstrated by a numerical experiment and theoretical study that the heating over the TP lea  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian from 1960 to 2005 show that typhoon precipitation in Fujian province occurs from May to November, with the most in August. There has been a decreasing trend since 1960. Typhoon precipitation gradually decreases from the coastal region to the northwestern mainland of Fujian and the maximum typhoon precipitation occurs in the northeast and the south of Fujian. Typhoon torrential rain is one of the extreme rainfall events in Fujian. High frequencies of typhoon torrential rain occur in the coastal and southwest regions of the province. With the impact of Fujian’s terrain, typhoon precipitation occurs more easily to the east of the mountains than to the west. Atmospheric circulation at 500 hPa over Asia and sea surface temperature anomalies of the equatorial eastern Pacific are analyzed, with the finding that they are closely connected with the anomaly of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian, possibly mainly by modulating the northbound track of typhoons via changing the atmosphere circulation to lead to the anomaly of typhoon precipitation over the province.  相似文献   

Based on the infrared black body temperature (TBB) observed by the geostationary meteorological satellite FY-2E from 2010 to 2014, the seasonal migration, occurrence frequency, and intraseasonal variability of summer convection over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and its surrounding areas are analyzed. The results show that in May, convection mainly occurs over the eastern edge of the TP;in June, following the onset of the Asian summer monsoon, the strongest (severe) convection occurs in the southeastern part of the TP;and in July-August, strong southwesterly winds transport abundant moisture to the eastern and central areas of the TP, leading to formation of an active convection belt over southeastern TP. The results also show that in the western TP, the area with convection frequency greater than 6% occupies the southern plateau around the 37th pentad, and gradually moves northward until the end of July;in the central plateau, convection (severe convection) becomes active since early (mid) June, and maintains through the entire late summer with three major northward movements until reaching 34°N;and in the eastern TP, the convection is relatively active since the beginning of May and its northward stretching is slightly later than that over the central plateau. Overall, summer convective activities are unevenly distributed over the TP, with frequency of convection decreasing from south to north;and they also exhibit considerable intraseasonal variability, the maximum of which is found over the middle reach of the Yarlung Zangbo River and the southeastern plateau. EOF analysis of summer convection frequency over the TP reveals two leading modes, with the first mode being a dipole variation pattern between the Indian monsoon region and the southeastern TP, and the second mode a tripole pattern over the western TP, the Indian continent west of 80°E, and the South Asian continent east of 80°E.  相似文献   

A Study of the Extratropical Transformation of Typhoon Winnie (1997)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The complicated evolutive process of how a tropical cyclone transforms into an extratropical cyclone is still an unresolved issue to date, especially one which arises in a weakly baroclinic environment. Typhoon Winnie (1997) is studied during its extratropical transformation stage of extratropical transition (ET) with observational data and numerical simulations. Results show that Winnie experienced its extratropical transformation to the south of the subtropical high without intrusion of the mid-latitude baroclinic zone. This is significantly different from previous studies. Analyses reveal that the cold air, which appeared in the north edge of Winnie circulation, resulted from the precipitation drag and cooling effect of latent heat absorption associated with the intense precipitation there. The cooling only happened below 3 km and the greatest cooling was below 1 km. With the cold air and its advection by the circulation of Winnie, a front was formed in the lower troposphere. The front above is related not only to the cooling in the lower level but also to the warming effect of latent heat release in the middle-upper levels. The different temperature variation in the vertical caused the temperature gradient over Winnie and resulted in the baroclinicity.  相似文献   

Parallel back-building convective lines are often observed extending to the southwest of some mesoscale convective systems(MCSs)embedded in the mei-yu front in China.The convective lines with echo training behavior can quickly develop into a stronger convective group of echoes,resulting in locally heavy rainfall within the mei-yu front rainband.The initiation mechanism of the back-building convective lines is still unclear and is studied based on high-resolution numerical simulation of a case that occurred during 27?28 June 2013.In the present case,the new convection along the convective lines was found to be forced by nonuniform interaction between the cold outflow associated with the mei-yu front MCSs and the warm southerly airflow on the south side of the mei-yu front,which both are modified by local terrain.The mei-yu front MCSs evolved from the western to the eastern side of a basin surrounded by several mesoscale mountains and induced cold outflow centered over the eastern part of the basin.The strong southwest airflow ahead of the mei-yu front passed the Nanling Mountains and impacted the cold outflow within the basin.The nonuniform interaction led to the first stage of parallel convective line formation,in which the low mountains along the boundary of the two airflows enhanced the heterogeneity of their interaction.Subsequently,the convective group quickly developed from the first stage convective lines resulted in apparent precipitation cooling that enhanced the cold outflow and made the cold outflow a sharp southward windshift.The enhanced cold outflow pushed the warm southerly airflow southward and impacted the mountains on the southeast side of the basin,where the roughly parallel mountain valleys or gaps play a controlling role in a second stage formation of parallel convective lines.  相似文献   

In this study, the observed CMORPH precipitation data from 1998 to 2015 are used to analyze diurnal variation of global precipitation. The results reveal that the strong diurnal signals of precipitation occur over equatorial continental areas where the annual precipitation centers are located. The phase of diurnal variation of global precipitation reveals a distinct land-sea contrast with nocturnal peaks at sea and afternoon maxima over continents. The analysis of six selected area reveals that precipitation peak over equatorial land areas occur in afternoon and maximum diurnal signals appear in autumn or winter. Eastern equatorial Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) barely shows diurnal signals in the entire year. Precipitation over Sichuan Basin and northwestern Pacific shows nocturnal peak and the maximum diurnal amplitude in summer. Precipitation over coastal areas off eastern China shows an afternoon peak and the largest diurnal amplitude in summer.  相似文献   

本文对江淮流域持续性暴雨事件(PHREs)的多尺度物理模型和能量转换特征以及青藏高原东部对流系统东移影响下游地区降水的研究成果进行了总结。从欧亚大陆Rossby波列能量频散的角度揭示了江淮流域PHREs中纬度系统槽脊稳定的机制,定量分析了冷暖空气的源地和输送路径,提出了江南型和江北型PHREs的多尺度物理模型。从天气尺度和次天气尺度之间的能量转换角度呈现了不同尺度系统相互作用的物理图像,指出背景场的能量供给是直接触发暴雨的次天气尺度系统维持的最重要因子,尤其是在对流层的低层,动能的降尺度级串(即能量由背景场传递给次天气尺度系统)最强。研究表明青藏高原东部对流系统东移影响江淮流域的降水是一系列天气系统配合和活跃的结果,主要由青藏高原和四川盆地、二级地形和东部平原之间的热力环流、西南涡、二级地形以东中尺度涡旋和对流系统的共同影响。除了本文总结的内容,还有一些影响PHREs的因子值得深入研究,多尺度相互作用中的Rossby波源及其波列如何影响天气系统,中尺度系统对其背景场的能量反馈等。  相似文献   

夏季南亚高压(SAH)中心呈青藏高原和伊朗高原双模态分布,表现为东—西振荡的形式。同时,SAH的东缘还存在规律性的向东亚地区东伸或西退至青藏高原,表现为另一种形式的东西振荡。本文利用NCEP1逐日再分析资料、APHRODITE逐日降水数据以及印度地区逐日降水数据,研究了SAH这两类东—西振荡的联系以及它们对亚洲地区环流和天气影响的差异。结果表明,SAH中心的双模态东—西振荡位相可显著影响其东缘东伸/西退的发生及其幅度。尽管在SAH中心呈青藏高原和伊朗高原模态时,均可以出现SAH东缘的向东亚东伸,但青藏高原模态下发生东伸的频率明显高于伊朗高原模态;在伊朗高原模态时则更容易出现SAH东缘的西退。而且,在青藏高原模态下发生的SAH东缘东伸的幅度也比伊朗高原模态时更大。进一步研究发现,SAH中心的双模态东—西振荡主要与印度北部及整个青藏高原地区的降水异常型密切联系,并与异常降水有关的热力和动力作用变化相耦合。而SAH东缘的东伸/西退则通过引起西太副高的西进/东退,与东亚地区偶极子型的降水异常(青藏高原中东部、长江与黄河之间的中下游地区的降水异常与长江以南地区的相反)相联系。此外,SAH中心为青...  相似文献   

李祥  杨帅  杨书运 《大气科学》2023,47(1):34-52
由观测和数值模拟结果分析发现,2019年8月5~6日中国西南部的东移型致灾暴雨事件中存在三涡(南北双高原涡、西南涡)相继发展并导致暴雨加强和移动的现象。借助数值试验,研究了多尺度地形因子(青藏高原、横断山脉和四川盆地三大地形)各自对涡旋演变的作用。结果表明,横断山脉对西南涡的形成起关键作用,四川盆地影响着西南涡的位置和强度。对于高原涡(南侧高原涡)的移动,四川盆地地形只影响涡旋强度演变,但不会改变高原涡的移动路径。一旦横断山脉被移除,高原涡的东移现象随之消失。进一步分析青藏高原和四川盆地交界处的陡峭地形坡度改变对涡旋发展的影响发现,发现坡度越陡,高原涡移动速度越快,且盆地内二涡合并后的西南涡强度越强。最后借助于倾斜涡度发展理论,解释了不同坡度对涡旋强度演变的影响:随着坡度变陡,倾斜涡度发展系数沿涡旋下滑路径快速减小,对垂直涡度局地倾向的强迫作用,加剧了涡旋的快速加强。  相似文献   

利用逐小时风云卫星TBB资料、逐小时中国自动站与CMORPH降水产品融合数据以及国家级地面观测站24小时累积降水量,统计分析2010~2016年夏季,伴随下游地区(104°E以东)降水的青藏高原云团东传过程以及东传过程中镶嵌于云团中的中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,简称MCS)特征。结果表明,共出现120次伴随下游降水的高原云团东传过程,6月出现最频繁,但持续时间较长的过程多出现在7月。云团向东传播的主要三条路径是平直东传、沿长江折向东传和复合东传。其中路径二——沿长江折向东传中的过程是高影响过程,因为过程次数较多(46次),过程平均持续时间较长(62小时),在下游地区引发的降水日数和暴雨日数最多。属于东传过程的MCS在7月形成最多,集中分布在青藏高原东坡、云贵高原东部、长江沿岸及其以南地区。高原MCS影响长江中下游地区降水主要是通过向东传播的形式实现,因为即使生命史更长的中α尺度对流系统(Meso-α Convective System,简称MαCS)也鲜少直接移动至110°E以东地区。不同区域的中α尺度持续性拉长形对流系统(Permanent Elongated Convective System,简称PECS)的日变化特征显示,东传过程MCS更容易在夜间从高原东坡向东传播至下游地区。在三条路径中,路径二中的东传过程MCS数量最多、在下游地区发展最旺盛并与降水日数和覆盖范围存在更好的对应关系。  相似文献   

With a decadal long period (1998–2010) climate simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting model at convection-permitting resolution (4 km) (WRF_CPM), the diurnal cycles of precipitation amount (PA), frequency (PF) and intensity (PI) and their related large-scale atmospheric circulations over eastern China are analyzed. The simulations are further compared against the CN05.1, CMORPH v1.0 and the ECMWF Re-Analysis Interim (ERAIN). Results show that WRF_CPM can reasonably represent the observed seasonal rainfall and the atmospheric circulations. As for the features at a sub-daily scale, WRF_CPM is superior at reproducing the diurnal amplitude of PF that is similar to PA in terms of the spatial distribution. Moreover, the diurnal peak timing of summer PF and PA over the three sub-regions, i.e., North China (NC), Yangtze-Huaihe River basin (YHR) and South China (SC), can be properly reproduced by WRF_CPM. The observed precipitation systems exhibit obvious eastward propagation from the Plateau to its downstream, which may be due to the solenoid circulations associated with the low-level anomalous wind and moisture convergence. However, they are almost overestimated by WRF_CPM and in turn causing overestimated precipitation along YHR. The early morning precipitation in WRF_CPM has a larger fraction than CMORPH, which is related to the overestimated nocturnal low-level jet. Whereas, due to the solar heating and the land-sea breezes, the late-afternoon precipitation peak is mainly located along the coasts of eastern China, which matches well with the vertical motion in WRF_CPM.  相似文献   

高原东移对流系统对西南低涡形成的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Based on the temperature of the black body (TBB), station observed and NCEP reanalysis data, the impacts of the eastward propagation of convective cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau on the southwest vortex (SWV) formation that occurred at 1800 UTC on 29 June 2003 are analyzed by using the Zwack-Okossi (Z-O) equation to diagnose the thermal and dynamic processes. It is found that, in summer, severe convective activities often occur over the Tibetan Plateau due to the abundant supply of moisture. The convective cloud near the east edge of the plateau could move eastward with a short-wave trough in the westerly. The divergent center that is induced by latent heat release, which is associated with severe convective activities, moves out with the convective cloud and contributes to the low level decompression which is favorable for the formation of plateau edge cyclogenesis (PEC). The Z-O equation indicates that, in this case, the latent heat release and convergence are the two most important factors for SWV formation, which amounts to about 42% and 15% of the term TOTAL, respectively. It is implied that the thermal process effect was more important than the dynamic process during SWV formation.  相似文献   

陈军  何为  杨群  雷霆  李小兰  杜小玲 《湖北气象》2020,39(2):158-166
利用常规观测资料、地面加密自动站资料、雷达探测资料与NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料等,对低层偏东气流影响下贵州铜仁梵净山东侧4次强降水天气过程进行了分析,重点探讨了在低层偏东气流与地形共同作用下的强降水形成机制,并归纳低层偏东气流影响下的梵净山东侧强降水概念模型。结果表明:(1)高空槽、低层切变线、地面中尺度辐合线是影响梵净山东侧强降水的主要天气系统;(2)低层浅薄偏东气流对梵净山东侧强降水起着关键作用,当低空气流u分量随高度减小时,地形迎风坡气流辐合上升,而气流v分量随高度增加时,地形迎风坡会产生与山脉垂直的水平涡管,在地形抬升作用下涡管向上凸起形成两个涡管环流圈,涡度垂直分量使山脚附近上升气流加强而有利于山脚产生强降水;(3)梵净山东侧强降水区的形成存在三种机制,即迎风坡山脚多次触发对流形成雨量叠加效应、地面中尺度辐合线自身触发组织对流、回波沿地面中尺度辐合线东移形成“列车效应”,三种机制产生的降水带与地面中尺度辐合线走向一致。  相似文献   

梅雨锋急流暴雨日变化的地理原因研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
包括急流暴雨在内的梅雨降水存在显著日变化。过去曾从低空急流日变化等一些梅雨系统的内部联系寻求解释,但通过实例分析和气候比较认为:梅雨降水日变化的根本原因是东亚低层大气温度场日变化的区域性差异。造成这种差异的基本原因又包括两个方面,一是东亚特殊的地形构造,二是梅雨期特殊的云区分布。由于梅雨云带的存在,梅雨锋低槽内温度日变化很微弱;又由于高大地形的存在,梅雨锋低槽南北两侧温度日变化非常明显,使副高和中纬度变性高压在夜间增强,梅雨锋低槽也在夜间变深变窄,改变了早、晚时刻梅雨系统的相对强度和降水功能,导致降水日变化。低空急流系统的日变化是梅雨气压场形势出现日变化后发生的众多中间变化之一。而低层温度场日变化的区域性差异是东亚梅雨季节经常存在的一种气候现象。  相似文献   

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