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分析、研究华北和邻近的辽宁地区曾发生过的“58.7”、“63.8”、“75.8”和“30.8”等4次罕见特大暴雨,结果表明,它们的气象学成因都是由于热带、副热带、西风带三种不同性质的天气系统的特定配置,引起暖湿气流和干冷气流在本区交绥所致。而这些天气系统的特定配置又与引潮力共振的特定迭加有密切联系。尤其是在暴雨天气形势具备之后,如果华北继续遇引潮力共振减压的迭加,将触发罕见特大暴雨的发生。其中台风在影响本区时(假定台风登陆我国大陆时强度为35m/s),如遇一个引潮力共振减压,当天的最大日降水可达500mm左右;如一天内遇两个引潮力共振减压的迭加,则当天的最大日降水将达1000mm左右。  相似文献   

1992-2011年地球低阶重力场系数J2先后发生了两次异常变化,时间段约为1997-2000年、2007-2010年;根据中国地震台网(CSN)公布的地震目录,收集1990-2012年间发生在中国大陆MS≥3.0的所有地震资料,初步分析了J2异常变化与地震活动的关系。文中分别对浅源(深度范围0≤h≤70 km)MS≥5.0、MS≥6.0和中源(深度范围70≤h≤300 km)MS≥3.0、MS≥3.5、MS≥4.0地震总数进行了统计分析,建立了地震活动频次随时间变化的时间序列。文中将地震频次时间序列与地球低阶重力场系数J2长期变化作对比分析,结果显示:(1)浅源地震活动存在3个明显的峰值,第一个峰值和第二个峰值出现的时间段分别和“98异常”、“07异常”时间段吻合,第三峰值时间段和地球自转速率转变时刻吻合;(2)中源地震活动与浅源地震活动存在差异,前者仅存在两个明显的峰值,第一峰值出现的时间段和“98异常”吻合,第二峰值相对于“07异常”出现后移现象,然而小波多分辨率分析显示地震频次时间序列的小波细节系数发生显著变化的时段和“07异常”非常吻合;(3)中国大陆发生的7级以上的地震,62.5%位于J2异常变化期间、纬度集中分布于J2节点线35.3°附近。这些结果表明:J2异常变化可能会对中国大陆地震活动产生较显著的影响;地球自转速率转变的时刻对浅源地震活动产生较显著影响,而对中源地震活动影响不明显。最后从地球重力学以及J2变化与地球自转的关系方面分析J2异常变化与地震活动的关系。研究显示:1992-2011年间J2发生的两次异常变化的时间间隔大致为10 a,这和地球自转“10 a起伏”变化相吻合,这些结果对中国大陆地震孕育过程规律的认识以及地震预测研究具有一定的价值。  相似文献   

采用国际地球自转服务中心(IERS)发布的日长变化(Length of the Day,LOD)数据和美国国家地震信息中心(NEIC)公布的地震目录中的震级在5.0级(含5.0级)以上的地震数据,对1973年以来的每日地球自转变化时间序列与地震时间序列之间的Granger因果关系进行检验,结果表明:地球自转变化与地震之间存在着双向Granger因果关系,即地球自转变化可能导致地震发生,地震也会对地球自转变化产生影响,检验结果暗示了两者之间可能存在着复杂的动力机制。  相似文献   

略论引潮力的交变应力效应及其地球动力学意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地球在日、月引潮力作用下,产生周期性引潮力与西向引潮力。周期性引潮力所致构造应力达到104Pa左右的量级,属对称循环交变应力,对应于105Pa量级的静态构造应力,对地震等构造过程能起显著的触发作用。西向引潮力所致西向剪应力达到105Pa左右的量级,属脉动循环交变应力,对应于106Pa量级的静态构造应力,对岩石圈、软流圈水平运动有显著的驱动意义,是构造运动基本驱动力之一。   相似文献   

吴海威 《地质科学》2018,(2):774-780
天长(一天时长)是地球自转速度的直接反映。古生代-中生代化石记录的天长数据表明,古生代-中生代期间的天长随时间呈线性增加。根据角动量守恒定律,这意味着同时段地球自转速度呈线性衰减。如果把这个趋势应用于地球历史的全过程,计算结果为4.519~4.495 Ga,与目前公认的地球绝对年龄4.54 Ga一致。这意味着,从这个时间点起,地球有一种自转速度衰减的总趋势。地球自转速度衰减年龄等值于地球年龄说明:1)所测量的陨石样本生成的时间(表征地球年龄)与地球受月球吸引形成自转减速的时间几乎相同。这意味着地-月体系形成之前的地球比该陨石表征的地球年龄更为古老。2)地球、月球、自转速度衰减时长,三者的年龄呈现等值状态,因而此结果与月球起源于大碰撞的假说可以匹配。  相似文献   

运用相对运动的地球动力学理论,把软流圈以上的岩石圈和软流圈以下的地球内圈,作为两个独立的运动单元来考察它们随地球自转时所发生的变化和各自的运动状态。完整的岩石圈碎裂成岩石块之后,它们各自作为独立的单元,在纬向西漂力、经向离极力和洋底扩张力联合作用下,产生相对运动。  相似文献   

一、引言包括地球在内的任何星体的扁率、自转速度和星体密度都具有内在统一性。地球经过长期的旋转过程,地壳外形和它的内部结构,为了适应固有的重量和离心力联合作用,慢慢形成稳定的“平衡椭球体”。研究表明,在其自转速度基本不变的情况下。地球内部任何部位的密度产生突然变化,会导致地块失稳而产生运动,并由此造成地壳中垂直运动和水平运动的发生,甚至会诱发地震。  相似文献   

本文对比分析了各大地构造学说的特点,认为在地球的各种运动形式中,最重要的是地球的自转。地球在其运动中由于向心力和离心力联合力场作用的结果而形成各个圈层,地球表面形态和各圈层的物质在其旋转过程中发生不同形式的运动,而出现各种地质构造现象及相关的自然现象,诸如大气的流动、海水的进退、岩石的形变、地幔物质运动、各层圈物质交换与变化等等。在地球发展演化过程中,地壳的结构和构造也发生了一系列的变化,板块、构造体系、地槽、地洼、断块、大地波浪等大地构造形迹都是由于地球自转中地壳运动的结果。各种地质现象相互联系的总体,称之谓地质体系。  相似文献   

在中国西部及邻区有一个以中国南北地震带—蒙古东部地震带、喜马拉雅地震带和帕米尔—天山—阿尔泰山—蒙古西部地震带为3条边而组成的巨型中亚三角形地震带,其大地震发生的强度之大、频度之高以及重复率之高、重复周期之短,在世界大陆上绝无仅有。这些大地震在空间上受到大地构造位置、构造应力场-滑移线场、介质力学条件、壳内低阻流变层和先存力学脆弱带等五位一体的复合控制,震中主要分布于3条边与活动断裂带交叉处的中—上地壳中;在时间上存在以21.5 a±为最小单元的多种周期。印度板块的持续顶撞和推挤,是该带大地震孕育的能源,而太阳黑子活动和地球自转速率变化可能是该带地震的触发因素。以2001年昆仑山大地震和2008年汶川大地震为标志,中亚三角形地震带可能进入了一个新的107.5 a活动中周期。果真如此,则未来数十年内在该三角形的3条边及其周缘,可能分别发生若干个M≥8.0级大地震和多个M≥7.0级强地震。  相似文献   

岩石隧道围岩变形时空效应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岩石隧道围岩变形具有时空效应特征。根据围岩变形速率,岩石隧道围岩变形一般可划分为3个阶段,即急剧变形阶段、稳定变形阶段和流变阶段。通过总结分析围岩变形3阶段的特点,结合中梁山隧道D-5H量测剖面的实测数据,对围岩变形的空间效应和时间效应进行了分析。空间效应集中发生在急剧变形段,空间效应段主要靠围岩自身以及初次支护克服围岩发生破坏变形,时间效应则主要体现在流变段。以华蓥山隧道等76个隧道实例为统计样本,分别对围岩变形时空效应与围岩类别和塌方事故的关系进行了相关性分析。结果表明:80%以上的塌方发生于急剧变形段,13%发生在稳定变形段,只有7%左右的塌方发生在流变段。其中Ⅳ类和Ⅴ类围岩在3个阶段都可能发生塌方,Ⅲ类围岩则很少在流变段发生塌方。Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类围岩则基本不会发生较大规模的塌方。对深入了解隧道围岩的变形规律,为隧道灾害防治、选择恰当的支护时机和支护方式很有意义。  相似文献   

Kent Brooks 《Geology Today》2017,33(3):94-100
The Mt St Helens eruption of 1989 created world news and called forth expressions from journalists such as ‘the unbelievable power of Nature’ and ‘incredible powers of destruction’. Yet, this eruption pales into insignificance in the light of earlier volcanic events. Mt St Helens is estimated to have produced 1.2 cubic kilometres of solid material. Laki, in Iceland, is the most voluminous eruption in historic times and is estimated to have produced around 14 cubic kilometres of lava in 1783 to 1784. However, geologists know of older single eruptions that produced hundreds or even thousands of cubic kilometers of solid material and here I tell of a volcanic event that resulted in between one and ten million cubic kilometres of material in just a couple of million years or so. If this occurred at the present day it would almost certainly wipe out mankind and, indeed, earlier mass extinction events are ascribed to similar phenomena which have happened several times in the past. These events created ‘Large Igneous Provinces’ (LIPs) and here I concentrate on part of one of these to give an impression of their nature, examining what might be the cause of such enormous amounts of magma.  相似文献   

爆炸式喷发过程中,火山碎屑物气孔记录了挥发分出溶、膨胀和合并等信息,其大小、形态、数量密度、空间分布等局域特征是推断火山喷发动力条件的重要参考。文章基于天池火山三期喷发(50 000年前大喷发的黄色浮岩、千年大喷发的灰白色浮岩和1668年八卦庙期喷发的黑色浮岩)野外地质工作,以非线性火山喷发动力学为指导,开展了火山通道内气泡生长的流体动力学研究,揭示出岩浆流体黏性力和界面张力的共同作用对于岩浆减压和气泡生长过程的约束。在浮岩气孔结构的定量化分析基础上,进一步研究了天池火山三期喷发的浮岩气孔参数,通过气泡生长流体动力学方程得到了千年大喷发灰白色浮岩毛细管数Ca值为253, 明显高于50 000年前大喷发黄色浮岩(Ca值为94)和八卦庙期喷发黑色浮岩(Ca值为111),表明了千年大喷发曾发生过明显的成分变化,推测可能与幔源基性岩浆注入有关;而50 000年前大喷发黄色浮岩气孔不规则形态参数(1-Ω)值为0.098,大于后两期喷发(分别为0.052和0.064),可能意味着天池火山系统动力学平衡的弛豫周期变小或浮岩气泡生长受动力学、流变学改造过程减弱,这可为进一步研究天池火山活动规律提供参考。三期浮岩毛细管数Ca量级为102,气孔不规则形态参数(1-Ω)量级为10-1,从动力学上首次证实了天池火山属于普林尼型或超普林尼型喷发。  相似文献   

Explosive volcanic eruptions are known to be a leading cause of natural climate change. There has been a growing recognition that there is a measurable climate system response even to moderate-sized volcanic eruptions. In this study, we investigated the hindcast skills of the Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) using the hindcast experiments based on the near-term climate prediction system DecPreS developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP)(hereafter DP-EnOI-IAU experiments). The DP-EnOI-IAU experiments were run for initial years from 1960 to 2005. These hindcasts took into account observed stratospheric aerosol concentrations that included the four large tropical volcanic eruptions during that period. The time evolution over the entire hindcast period for skill in predicting the patterns of the 3~7 year prediction averages for Pacific SSTs showed that there was statistically significant skill for most years except for a dramatic drop in skill during the 1980s and 1990s. Decadal hindcast skill is reduced if the post-eruption model response deviates the internal El Niño variability in the observations. The simulations showed a post-eruption SST of a La Niña-like pattern in the third northern winter after the 1982 El Chichon eruption and a El Niño-like pattern after the 1991 Pinatubo eruption, which were opposite in sign to what was in the observations. This lead to the loss of hindcast skill for years in the 1980s and 1990s affected by the eruptions. Agung (1963) happened to have post-eruption Pacific SSTs more similar to the observations and thus did not degrade prediction skill in the hindcasts.  相似文献   

火山灾害与监测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
世界各地几乎都有火山分布,平均每年约有50次喷发。火山喷发在给人类创造财富的同时也带来许多灾害。火山灾害取决于火山喷发的类型、性质、规模和所处的地点等因素。火山喷发动力作用引起冲击波、地震、海啸、滑坡、泥石流等灾害,火山喷出的气体、灰烬、碎屑流和熔岩流等也会造成很大灾害。由于火山造成的灾害严重又来得突然,因此必须采取有效的防范措施,认真监测以掌握火山活动的脉搏。火山监测工作主要有两方面,一是基础地质调查,二是火山活动指标的监视和测量。在中国,具有潜在危险的火山主要分布在长白山、五大连池、台湾、雷琼、腾冲以及西昆仑阿什库勒等地,其中潜在危险最大的是长白山火山。  相似文献   

It is proposed to regard the terminal Cretaceous event as similar to the radiolarian extinction event in the late Eocene: the result of a volcanic eruption or series of eruptions on the moon. Some glassy ash, lapilli and blocks from these eruptions fell to the earth; some, in geocentric orbit, formed clouds around the earth. In accordance with current theory, it is found that the clouds in orbit would evolve into sets of rings, which would last a few hundred thousand to a few million years, and would perturb the climate of the earth. One such eruption apparently included iridium-bearing material, perhaps from the deep interior of the moon.The hypothesis permits a reconciliation between the evidence for the catastrophic intervention of extra-terrestrial masses in the earth environment, and the evidence for gradual (though rapid) change of flora and fauna at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. The formation of the E-ring of Saturn by ejecta from the Saturnian satellite Enceladus may have been analogous. The theory might be tested by studies of diurnal layering in molluscan shells.  相似文献   

We present for the first time a self-consistent methodology connecting volcanological field data to global climate model estimates for a regional time series of explosive volcanic events. Using the petrologic method, we estimated SO2 emissions from 36 detected Plinian volcanic eruptions occurring at the Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) during the past 200,000 years. Together with simple parametrized relationships collected from past studies, we derive estimates of global maximum volcanic aerosol optical depth (AOD) and radiative forcing (RF) describing the effect of each eruption on radiation reaching the Earth’s surface. In parallel, AOD and RF time series for selected CAVA eruptions are simulated with the global aerosol model MAECHAM5-HAM, which shows a relationship between stratospheric SO2 injection and maximum global mean AOD that is linear for smaller volcanic eruptions (<5 Mt SO2) and nonlinear for larger ones (≥5 Mt SO2) and is qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with the relationship used in the simple parametrized approximation. Potential climate impacts of the selected CAVA eruptions are estimated using an earth system model of intermediate complexity by RF time series derived by (1) directly from the global aerosol model and (2) from the simple parametrized approximation assuming a 12-month exponential decay of global AOD. We find that while the maximum AOD and RF values are consistent between the two methods, their temporal evolutions are significantly different. As a result, simulated global maximum temperature anomalies and the duration of the temperature response depend on which RF time series is used, varying between 2 and 3 K and 60 and 90 years for the largest eruption of the CAVA dataset. Comparing the recurrence time of eruptions, based on the CAVA dataset, with the duration of climate impacts, based on the model results, we conclude that cumulative impacts due to successive eruptions are unlikely. The methodology and results presented here can be used to calculate approximate volcanic forcings and potential climate impacts from sulfur emissions, sulfate aerosol or AOD data for any eruption that injects sulfur into the tropical stratosphere.  相似文献   

火山喷发形式与挥发分含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾祖冰  夏群科  田真真 《岩石学报》2014,30(12):3701-3708
火山喷发是由地球深部物质发生部分熔融产生的岩浆上涌至地表所形成的一种地质现象,是地球内部能量释放的主要途径之一。有些火山喷发极为猛烈,产生的大量火山灰能够在长达几个月的时间内影响当地气候环境,甚至可以在一瞬间掩埋整座城市;而有些火山喷发时只有大量的熔岩从火山口中静静地溢出,人们甚至可以在不远处进行观赏。火山喷发具有何种程度的破坏力取决于其喷发形式,而挥发分含量是影响喷发形式的重要因素之一。本文简述了几种常见的喷发形式及其相互之间可能存在的转化关系,着重论述了挥发分含量在其中所起到的作用,同时介绍了几种可能的去气模型及常见的测量岩浆挥发分含量的方法。其中使用单斜辉石斑晶来反演大陆玄武岩原始岩浆水含量的方法预计会在未来的研究中得到普及。  相似文献   

火山射气岩浆喷发作用研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
孙谦  樊祺诚 《岩石学报》2005,21(6):1709-1718
射气岩浆喷发是一种特殊类型的火山活动,水在这类火山活动中起到至关重要的作用,且其喷发产物——低平火山口和基浪堆积物在我国乃至全世界都有广泛的分布。国际上对射气岩浆喷发的研究始于1921年,迄今为止已有80余年的历史。国内外许多学者运用火山地质学、岩石学、沉积学、物理火山学及数值模拟等多学科研究手段,对射气岩浆喷发作用及其产物进行详细的野外观测描述,并探讨其成因机制。本文在前人研究基础上,以我国南方北部湾周边第四纪火山区大量存在的射气岩浆喷发成因的低平火山口和基浪堆积物为研究对象,深入讨论了基浪堆积物的地质特征、射气岩浆喷发形成的基本条件、喷发过程的动力学机制以及基浪流的搬运过程等几方面重要问题,并对已有的研究成果进行了概括和总结,提出有待解决的难点,揭示了这类火山活动特有的属性。  相似文献   

A critical factor in successfully monitoring and forecasting volcanic ash dispersion for aviation safety is the height reached by eruption clouds, which is affected by environmental factors, such as wind shear and atmospheric instability. Following earlier work using the Active Tracer High Resolution Atmospheric Model for strong Plinian eruptions, this study considered a range of eruption strengths in different atmospheres. The results suggest that relatively weak volcanic eruptions in the moist tropics can trigger deep convection that transports volcanic material to 15–20 km. For the same volcanic strength there can be ~9 km difference between eruption heights in moist tropical and dry subpolar environments (a larger height difference than previously suggested), which appears consistent with observations. These results suggest that eruption intensity should not be estimated from eruption height alone for tropospheric eruptions and also that the average height of volcanic eruptions may increase if the tropical atmospheric belt widens in a changing climate. Ash aggregation is promoted by hydrometeors (particularly liquid water), so the smaller modelled eruptions in moist atmospheres, which have a relatively small ash content for their height and water content, result in a relatively small proportion of fine ash in the dispersing cloud when compared to a dry atmosphere. This in turn makes the ash clouds much more difficult to detect using remote sensing than those in dry atmospheres. Overall, a weak eruption in the tropics is more likely to produce a plume above cruising levels for civil aviation, harder to detect and track, but with a lower concentration of fine ash than a mid-latitude or polar equivalent. There is currently no defined ‘acceptable’ concentration of ash for aircraft, but as these results suggest low-grade encounters in the tropics from undetected clouds are likely, it would be desirable to explore that issue.  相似文献   

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