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Gas falling quasi-spherically on to a black hole forms an inner accretion disc if its specific angular momentum l exceeds l ∗∼ r g c , where r g is the Schwarzschild radius. The standard disc model assumes l ≫ l ∗. We argue that, in many black hole sources, accretion flows have angular momenta just above the threshold for disc formation, l ≳ l ∗, and assess the accretion mechanism in this regime. In a range l ∗< l < l cr, a small-scale disc forms in which gas spirals fast into the black hole without any help from horizontal viscous stresses. Such an 'inviscid' disc, however, interacts inelastically with the feeding infall. The disc–infall interaction determines the dynamics and luminosity of the accretion flow. The inviscid disc radius can be as large as 14 r g, and the energy release peaks at 2 r g. The disc emits a Comptonized X-ray spectrum with a break at ∼100 keV. This accretion regime is likely to take place in wind-fed X-ray binaries and is also possible in active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

We present analytic models for the local structure of self-regulated self-gravitating accretion discs that are subject to realistic cooling. Such an approach can be used to predict the secular evolution of self-gravitating discs (which can usefully be compared with future radiation hydrodynamical simulations) and to define various physical regimes as a function of radius and equivalent steady state accretion rate. We show that fragmentation is inevitable, given realistic rates of infall into the disc, once the disc extends to radii >70 au (in the case of a solar mass central object). Owing to the outward redistribution of disc material by gravitational torques, we also predict fragmentation at >70 au even in the case of low angular momentum cores which initially collapse to a much smaller radius. We point out that 70 au is close to the median binary separation and propose that such delayed fragmentation, at the point that the disc expands to >70 au, ensures the creation of low mass ratio companions that can avoid substantial further growth and consequent evolution towards unit mass ratio. We thus propose this as a promising mechanism for producing low mass ratio binaries, which, while abundant observationally, are severely underproduced in hydrodynamical models.  相似文献   

We consider the influence of magnetic fields on the model of neutrino-dominated accretion flows (NDAFs) for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) via the assumption that the accretion rate of the disc is totally caused by the torque of the Lorentz force, i.e. the magnetic braking of large-scale magnetic fields and magnetic viscosity of small-scale magnetic fields. We calculate the structure, composition, luminosity of neutrino emission and the Poynting flux, and the rate of mass loss driven by neutrino heating or launched centrifugally by large-scale magnetic fields, based on the physical condition of the magnetized NDAFs. It is shown that the magnetized disc is favourable to interpret the diverse prompt emissions as well as the X-ray flares observed in the early afterglow of GRBs.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional calculations of the hydrodynamics produced by nuclear starbursts, taking into consideration the accretion or infall of disc matter on to the heart of the starburst, are here shown to lead to stationary solutions that naturally account for the kpc-scale biconical X-ray and optically detected filamentary structure. The calculated flows are critically compared with former models and with observations of nuclear starbursts. For the infall models, we find that the mechanical energy power of the nuclear cluster must exceed a threshold value, imposed by the rate of disc mass accretion, to undergo blowout. This, combined with an initial mass function (IMF), is shown to regulate the minimum amount of mass that a starburst needs to generate kpc-scale outflows.  相似文献   

The structure of accretion discs around magnetic T Tauri stars is calculated numerically using a particle hydrodynamical code, in which magnetic interaction is included in the framework of King's diamagnetic blob accretion model. Setting up the calculation so as to simulate the density structure of a quasi-steady disc in the equatorial plane of a T Tauri star, we find that the central star's magnetic field typically produces a central hole in the disc and spreads out the surface density distribution. We argue that this result suggets a promising mechanism for explaining the unusual flatness (IR excess) of T Tauri accretion disc spectra.  相似文献   

We examine the physical processes of radiatively driven mass accretion on to galactic nuclei, owing to intensive radiation from circumnuclear starbursts. The radiation from a starburst not only causes the inner gas disc to contract via radition flux force, but also extracts angular momentum owing to relativistic radiation drag, thereby inducing an avalanche of the surface layer of the disc. To analyse such a mechanism, the radiation–hydrodynamical equations are solved, including the effects of the radiation drag force as well as the radiation flux force. As a result, it is found that the mass accretion rate owing to the radiative avalanche is given by M ˙ ( r )= η ( L */ c 2)( r / R )2 (Δ R / R )(1 −  e −τ) at radius r , where the efficiency η ranges from 0.2 up to 1, L * and R are respectively the bolometric luminosity and the radius of the starburst ring, Δ R is the extent of the emission regions, and τ is the face-on optical depth of the disc. In an optically thick regime, the rate depends upon neither the optical depth nor the surface mass density distribution of the disc. The present radiatively driven mass accretion may provide a physical mechanism which enables mass accretion from 100-pc scales down to ∼ parsec scales, and it may eventually be linked to advection-dominated viscous accretion on to a massive black hole. The radiation–hydrodynamical and self-gravitational instabilities of the disc are briefly discussed. In particular, the radiative acceleration possibly builds up a dusty wall, which 'shades' the nucleus in edge-on views. This provides another version of the model for the formation of an obscuring torus.  相似文献   

We present 2.5D time-dependent simulations of the non-linear evolution of non-relativistic outflows from the surface of Keplerian accretion discs. The gas is accelerated from the surface of the disc (which is a fixed platform in these simulations) into a cold corona in stable hydrostatic equilibrium. We explore the dependence of the resulting jet characteristics upon the mass loading of the winds. Two initial configurations of the threading disc magnetic field are studied: a potential field and a uniform vertical field configuration.
We show that the nature of the resulting highly collimated, jet-like outflows (steady or episodic) is determined by the mass load of the disc wind. The mass load controls the interplay between the collimating effects of the toroidal field and the kinetic energy density in the outflow. In this regard, we demonstrate that the onset of episodic behaviour of jets appears to be determined by the quantity     which compares the speed for a toroidal Alfvén wave to cross the diameter of the jet, with the flow speed v p along the jet. This quantity decreases with increasing load. For sufficiently large N (small mass loads), disturbances appear to grow leading to instabilities and shocks. Knots are then generated and the outflow becomes episodic. These effects are qualitatively independent of the initial magnetic configuration that we employed and are probably generic to a wide variety of magnetized accretion disc models.  相似文献   

Recent VLBA observation indicates the existence of an elongated (jet) structure in the compact radio source Sgr A*. This is hard to explain in the context of advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) model for this source. On the other hand, the mass accretion rate favoured by ADAF is 10–20 times smaller than that favoured by the hydrodynamical simulation based on Bondi capture. If the latter were adopted, the predicted radio flux would significantly exceed the observation. A similar situation exists in the case of nearby giant ellipticals, where the canonical ADAF model – the widely assumed standard model for these sources – also significantly overpredicts the radio flux. Based on these facts, in this paper we propose a truncated ADAF model for Sgr A* and three ellipticals M87, NGC 4649 and NGC 4636. We assume that the accretion disc is truncated at a certain radius R tr within which the jet forms by extracting the energy of the disc. The radio flux is greatly suppressed owing to the radiative truncation of the disc and the fits to the observational data are excellent. For example, for Sgr A*, the model fits the observational spectrum very well from radio including the 'excess' below the break frequency to hard X-ray under a high accretion rate near the simulation value, and the predicted size-frequency relationship is also in excellent agreement with the observation; for M87, the predicted upper limit of the jet location is 24 R g, in excellent agreement with the observational result that the jet is formed on scales smaller than 30 R g, and the ≈20 per cent variability at ∼1 keV – which is hard to explain in another model that succeeded in explaining the low radio flux of M87 – is also marginally interpreted. The success of the model supplies possible evidence for the disc rather than the hole origin for the powering of jets.  相似文献   

The power of jets from black holes is expected to depend on both the spin of the black hole and the structure of the accretion disc in the region of the last stable orbit. We investigate these dependencies using two different physical models for the jet power: the classical Blandford–Znajek (BZ) model and a hybrid model developed by Meier. In the BZ case, the jets are powered by magnetic fields directly threading the spinning black hole while in the hybrid model, the jet energy is extracted from both the accretion disc as well as the black hole via magnetic fields anchored to the accretion flow inside and outside the hole's ergosphere. The hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both the Blandford–Payne and BZ mechanisms, while avoiding the more controversial features of the latter. We develop these models more fully to account for general relativistic effects and to focus on advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) for which the jet power is expected to be a significant fraction of the accreted rest mass energy.
We apply the models to elliptical galaxies, in order to see if these models can explain the observed correlation between the Bondi accretion rates and the total jet powers. For typical values of the disc viscosity parameter  α∼ 0.04 –0.3  and mass accretion rates consistent with ADAF model expectations, we find that the observed correlation requires   j ≳ 0.9  ; that is, it implies that the black holes are rapidly spinning. Our results suggest that the central black holes in the cores of clusters of galaxies must be rapidly rotating in order to drive jets powerful enough to heat the intracluster medium and quench cooling flows.  相似文献   

The central engines of active galactic nuclei (AGN) contain cold, dense material as well as hot X-ray-emitting gas. The standard paradigm for the engine geometry is a cold thin disc sandwiched between hot X-ray coronae. Strong support for this geometry in Seyferts comes from the study of fluorescent iron line profiles, although the evidence is not ubiquitously airtight. The thin disc model of line profiles in AGN and in X-ray binaries should still be benchmarked against other plausible possibilities. One proposed alternative is an engine consisting of dense clouds embedded in an optically thin, geometrically thick X-ray-emitting engine. This model is also motivated by studies of geometrically thick engines such as advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). Here we compute the reprocessed iron line profiles from dense clouds embedded in geometrically thick, optically thin X-ray-emitting discs near a Schwarzschild black hole. We consider a range of cloud distributions and disc solutions, including ADAFs, pure radial infall and bipolar outflows. We find that such models can reproduce line profiles similar to those from geometrically thin, optically thick discs and might help alleviate some of the problems encountered from the latter. Thus, independent of thin discs, thick disc engines can also exhibit iron line profiles if embedded dense clouds can survive long enough to reprocess radiation.  相似文献   

We consider the power of a relativistic jet accelerated by the magnetic field of an accretion disc. It is found that the power extracted from the disc is mainly determined by the field strength and configuration of the field far from the disc. Comparing it with the power extracted from a rotating black hole, we find that the jet power extracted from a disc can dominate over that from the rotating black hole. However, in some cases, the jet power extracted from a rapidly rotating hole can be more important than that from the disc, even if the poloidal field threading the hole is not significantly larger than that threading the inner edge of the disc. The results imply that the radio-loudness of quasars may be governed by its accretion rate, which might be regulated by the central black hole mass. It is proposed that the different disc field generation mechanisms might be tested against observations of radio-loud quasars if their black hole masses are available.  相似文献   

I show in this paper that two types of magnetic torques can appear in the interaction between an accretion disc and a magnetic accretor. There is the well-known torque resulting from the difference in angular velocity between the accretion disc and the star, but in addition there is a torque coming from the interaction between the stellar magnetic field and the disc's own magnetic field. The latter form of magnetic torque decreases in strength more slowly with increasing radius, and will therefore dominate at large radii. The direction of the disc field is not determined by the difference in angular velocity between the star and the disc as in the Ghosh &38; Lamb model, but rather is a free parameter. The magnetic torque may therefore either spin up or spin down the star, and the torque changes sign if the magnetic field in the disc reverses. I suggest that this mechanism can explain the torque reversals that have been observed in some disc-fed X-ray pulsars.  相似文献   

We consider the shape of an accretion disc whose outer regions are misaligned with the spin axis of a central black hole and calculate the steady state form of the warped disc in the case where the viscosity and surface densities are power laws in the distance from the central black hole. We discuss the shape of the resulting disc in both the frame of the black hole and that of the outer disc. We note that some parts of the disc and also any companion star maybe shadowed from the central regions by the warp. We compute the torque on the black hole caused by the Lense–Thirring precession, and hence compute the alignment and precession time-scales. We generalize the case with viscosity and hence surface density independent of radius to more realistic density distributions for which the surface density is a decreasing function of radius. We find that the alignment time-scale does not change greatly but the precession time-scale is more sensitive. We also determine the effect on this time-scale if we truncate the disc. For a given truncation radius, the time-scales are less affected for more sharply falling density distributions.  相似文献   

We find a new two-temperature hot branch of equilibrium solutions for stationary accretion discs around black holes. In units of Eddington accretion rate defined as 10 L Edd c 2, the accretion rates to which these solutions correspond are within the range ̇ 1≲ ̇ ≲1, where ̇ 1 is the critical rate of advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). In these solutions, the energy loss rate of the ions by Coulomb energy transfer between the ions and electrons is larger than the viscously heating rate and it is the advective heating together with the viscous dissipation that balances the Coulomb cooling of ions. When ̇ 1≲ ̇ ≲ ̇ 2, where ̇ 2∼5 ̇ 1<1, the accretion flow remains hot throughout the disc. When ̇ 2≲ ̇ ≲1, Coulomb interaction will cool the inner region of the disc within a certain radius ( r tr∼several tens of Schwarzschild radii or larger depending on the accretion rate and the outer boundary condition) and the disc will collapse on to the equatorial plane and form an optically thick cold annulus. Compared with ADAF, these hot solutions are much more luminous because of the high accretion rate and efficiency; therefore, we call them luminous hot accretion discs.  相似文献   

Episodic ejection of plasma blobs has been observed in many black hole systems. While steady, continuous jets are believed to be associated with large-scale open magnetic fields, what causes the episodic ejection of blobs remains unclear. Here by analogy with the coronal mass ejection on the Sun, we propose a magnetohydrodynamical model for episodic ejections from black holes associated with the closed magnetic fields in an accretion flow. Shear and turbulence of the accretion flow deform the field and result in the formation of a flux rope in the disc corona. Energy and helicity are accumulated and stored until a threshold is reached. The system then loses its equilibrium and the flux rope is thrust outward by the magnetic compression force in a catastrophic way. Our calculations show that for parameters appropriate for the black hole in our Galactic centre, the plasmoid can attain relativistic speeds in about 35 min.  相似文献   

We present XMM-Newton European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) observations of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG–6-30-15, focusing on the broad Fe K α line at ∼6 keV and the associated reflection continuum, which is believed to originate from the inner accretion disc. We find these reflection features to be extremely broad and redshifted, indicating an origin in the very central regions of the accretion disc. It seems likely that we have caught this source in the 'deep minimum' state first observed by Iwasawa et al. The implied central concentration of X-ray illumination is difficult to understand in any pure accretion disc model. We suggest that we are witnessing the extraction and dissipation of rotational energy from a spinning black hole by magnetic fields connecting the black hole or plunging region to the disc.  相似文献   

The broad X-ray iron line, detected in many active galactic nuclei, is likely to be produced by fluorescence from the X-ray-illuminated central parts of an accretion disc close to a supermassive black hole. The time-averaged shape of the line can be explained most naturally by a combination of special and general relativistic effects. Such line profiles contain information about the black hole spin and the accretion disc, as well as the geometry of the emitting region, and may help to test general relativity in the strong gravity regime. In this paper we embark on the computation of the temporal response of the line to the illuminating flux. Previous studies concentrated on the calculation of reverberation signatures from static sources illuminating the disc. In this paper we focus on the more physically justified case of flares located above the accretion disc and corotating with it. We compute the time-dependent iron line, taking into account all general relativistic effects, and show that its shape is of a very complex nature, and we also present light curves accompanying the iron line variability. We suggest that present and future X-ray satellites like XMM or Constellation-X may be capable of detecting features present in the computed reverberation maps.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the process of alignment of a spinning black hole and a surrounding misaligned accretion disc. We use a simplified set of equations, that describe the evolution of the system in the case where the propagation of warping disturbances in the accretion disc occurs diffusively, a situation likely to be common in the thin discs in active galactic nuclei (AGN). We also allow the direction of the hole spin to move under the action of the disc torques. In such a way, the evolution of the hole–disc system is computed self-consistently. We consider a number of different situations and we explore the relevant parameter range, by varying the location of the warp radius R w and the propagation speed of the warp. We find that the dissipation associated with the twisting of the disc results in a large increase in the accretion rate through the disc, so that AGN accreting from a misaligned disc are likely to be significantly more luminous than those accreting from a flat disc. We compute explicitly the time-scales for the warping of the disc and for the alignment process and compare our results with earlier estimates based on simplified steady-state solutions. We also confirm earlier predictions that, under appropriate circumstances, accretion can proceed in a counter-aligned fashion, so that the accreted material will spin-down the hole, rather than spinning it up. Our results have implication in a number of different observational features of AGN such as the orientation and shape of jets, the shape of X-ray iron lines and the possibility of obscuration and absorption of X-ray by the outer disc as well as the general issue of the spin history of black holes during their growth.  相似文献   

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