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海上远程高精度定位与导航是海洋开发与应用的基础与保障,该文首先介绍了Loran.C技术的发展以及目前存在的问题,并讨论了Loran-C系统的改进,简单分析了大家比较关注的LoraIl-C系统的去留问题,讨论了单独GPS系统海上导航的局限性,重点分析了Loran-C系统和GPS系统的组合,包括组合类型和组合系统的优点,组合系统应用情况等,在此基础上,作者提出一种新的Loran-C系统和GPS系统的组合方案--基于单参考站信息的的区域海上GPS实时定位与导航技术方案,以供同行商榷.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于特征向量算法来估计Loran-C接收机天波延迟的信号处理新技术,为设计具有自适应调节最佳采样点的Loran-C接收机打下良好的基础.建立了基于频谱相除技术的信号模型,简要介绍了特征向量的谱估计算法.研究了此算法估计天波延迟的准确性,并与IFFT技术作了对比.仿真结果显示.特征向量算法比IFFT具有更高的分辨率和尖锐的波峰.最后,通过实测数据的实验验证了这些结论.  相似文献   

一、概述Loran-C 导航系统以天、地波传播标准时间信号。地波沿地面传播,不受电离层变化的影响,定时精度高,当前远距离时间同步多采用这一手段;天波借助于电离层 D 层的反射来实现时间同步,由于电离层周日变化的影响,使天波的时间同步精度低于地波定时精度。本文分析了接收站仅有一台铯钟的情况下,如何计算 Loran-C 地波的定时精度以及利用Loran-C 天波所能达到的定时精度。  相似文献   

根据1990-1994年上海天台(SO)和世界上一些时间中心(国际计量局(BIPM)时间部、美国海军天台(USNO))的时间公报公布的数据,对两种时间传递技术(Loran-C和GPS)确定的国际时间同步的长期结果进行了比较分析。SO时间实验室得到如下一些结果:1、1990-1992年,由Loran-C时间传递技术确定的结果表明:系统差约为600ns,不确定度约为90ns(1σ),准确度估计优于1μs。2、1993-1994年,由GPS时间传递技术确定的结果表明:系统差优于30ns,不确定度约为15ns(1σ),准确度估计优于100ns。这些比较结果充分说明了GPS时间传递技术在国际高水平时间同步的中必须有广泛的应用。  相似文献   

Loran-C定时接收机接收到的脉冲信号,往往是天波和地波混迭的波形。由于天地波之间的相位幅度关系是随外界因素,特别是D层电离层变化而异,因而在某些地区天波和地波的相互作用将直接影响定时、导航的精度。本文在此介绍用微型计算机实时分离Loran-C脉冲天地波的一种方法,并给出具体的实验方案和工作结果。  相似文献   

本回顾了上海天台标准时间频率的有源无线电发播简况(BPV、XSG),叙述了该台原子时频标准以TV、Loran-C和GMS为媒介的传播,在之前,并对时间频率标准的定义及演变作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

根据美国海军天文台与中国科学院陕西天文台、上海天文台、北京天文台合作进行的两次飞行钟实验表明,我国目前广泛采用的长波技术的同步准确度为±1μs,定时精度为0.05至2μs。已经证实美国海军天文台对LC/9970 Loran-C链的时号改正数存在约4μs的系统差。对无源电视同步来说,时间同步的准确度能达到2μs或更好,日校频精度能达(2—20)×10~(-13)。  相似文献   

1987年9月23日发生的日环食期间,由于电离层受太阳活动的突然扰动,Loran-C天波时号传输呈现明显的变化,我们在上海天台对这种影响进行了观测,并对观测数据进行了计算和分析。与通常情况下得到的数据比较,我们发现对时间可能产生1.0-1.5微秒的偏离,而五分钟内的定时精度和校频精度两都降低约50%-100%。在上海区域内,这种影响达到峰值的时刻延迟了约30分钟,这是处于扰动电离层状态中天波反射点变化的反映。  相似文献   

位于东经99°赤道上空的直播电视卫星(714MHz)是静止轨道的同步卫星,陕西天文台和北京天文台合作,同时接收卫星的电视信号,提取规定的某行同步脉冲,记录本地原子钟的秒信号与该脉冲的时刻差,并且利用Loran-C长波定时信号使两天文台的原子钟同步,对卫星比对结果作钟差修正,从而获得卫星信号至两地面站的传播时延差。初步结果表明:卫星信号至陕台、北台的时延差变化范围是60μs,用二次曲线分段拟合,标准偏差(10)在1μs左右。这结果对于卫星定位、研究静止卫星轨道的运动及初步的时刻同步是有意义的。  相似文献   

本文简要地介绍了中国授时工作三年来的工作情况,文章分四个方面进行了介绍。 1.在几个天文台建立了地方原子时,其精度逐年有所提高,秒长的保持主要是利用国产的氢脉泽,秒长的准确度为2×10~(-12),日稳定度优于3×10~(-13)。 2.时间传递:三年来利用各种手段进行大量的时间传递试验。如利用交响乐卫星进行了中、法比对试验,国内搬运钟试验,国内电视同步比对及Loran-C长波比对等,这些试验均取得良好的结果。尤其是利用长波地波模在复杂地面上的传播时延修正达到较高水平,在平滑地面上同步精度为±0.2μs,复杂地面上为±0.5μs。 3.时频设备的研制:研究制做了一系列时频比对设备,达到较好的水平。 4.长、短波时频发播:提高了短波发播控制精度,建立了BPL长波发播台。每日固定时间发播,发播的控制精度优于1×10~(-12),与UTC之差小于2μs。 5.国际联系:多次参加了CCIR第七组会议并向大会提出多篇文稿,邀请美国USNO搬运钟组来华比对。并多次接待来华访问的时频专家。  相似文献   

在导航系统中,基准站配置的优劣直接关系到定位的精度及系统的可用性,对利用卫星电视系统进行导航可能采用的几种基准站配置进行了讨论,并对具体问题进行了分析计算,分析认为解决好基准站配置,合理地组合导航系统,可有效地提高定位的精度及系统的可用性。  相似文献   

罗兰导航系统(Long range navigation)是全球卫星导航系统的有效备份和补充.罗兰信号以地波形式沿地球表面传播,随着传播距离的增加,地波信号受到地面电参数的影响会出现一定程度的传播延时,信号的场强也会逐渐减弱.为分析我国西部罗兰台站的定位性能,从理论角度分析了不同介质类型中二次时延随距离的变化关系,并结合电磁波传播规律计算了场强随距离的变化.根据罗兰接收机最低性能标准,分析了西部台站的覆盖区域以及定位范围,计算了定位区域内的几何精度因子,结果显示定位范围内大部分区域的几何精度因子小于6.在计算区域内仿真西部台站定位误差,分析结果表明:就定位而言,西部台站几何布局较为合理,但是由于二次时延的影响,纬度和经度方向定位误差较大,必须采用差分等抑制观测误差的方法提高定位精度.为扩大西部罗兰台站的定位覆盖区域,接收机的接收能力有待提升.  相似文献   

研究了广播TOC信息时的控制算法和控制方法。在一个罗兰C信道上,可以单一广播TOC信息,也可以与差分GNSS信息交替广播。分析了交替广播时的信息的有效性和可用性。给出了TOC信息帧帧头位置序号的递推公式,并提出了相应的控制方法。  相似文献   

在BPL信道上增加数据广播内容的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了现有罗兰C(包括BPL)在授时方面存在的不足,提出了在BPL信道上实现数据广播的主要目的。详细讨论了各种可能的数据信息的结构,并给出了有关参数和数据的计算方式和公式。认为发播内容的选择是由期望的系统功能决定的,广播内容的编排则与具体实现技术相关。最后给出了在不同调制方法下的传输速率,这是合理编排广播内容的基础。  相似文献   

While the theoretical foundations of modern relativistic cosmology were laid, to a large extent, by European researchers like Einstein, de Sitter, Friedmann, Lemaître, and others, observational cosmology was (and to a large extent, still is) dominated by US astronomers, working at Lick and Mt. Wilson observatories. From today's viewpoint, Hubble appears to dwarf all his – national and international – peers. However, Keeler and Curtis, Fath and Slipher carried put pioneering work in the US, as did Wolf, Wirtz, Lundmark, de Sitter in Europe, both by observation and by statistical analysis of data. European extragalactic research during the early 20th century is outlined and compared with studies in the United States. Reasons for the small impact of European research are a mixture of deliberate and accidental neglect and suppression, as well as the lack of technical and organizational infrastructure, which was especially noticeable after World War I.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the leading mode of atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic region, influencing storm tracks and creating a dipole pattern of precipitation from north to south across Western Europe. This distinct spatial distribution of precipitation provides a framework that can be potentially used to identify and reconstruct patterns of past NAO-forced climate variability. In this study we use tree-ring width series from Western Europe, in conjunction with principal components analysis and advanced spectral methods, to prospect for quasi-periodic climate signals that are forced by the NAO. We identify a robust 25-yr anti-phased synchronization in climate variability between Scandinavia and the Mediterranean during the 17th–20th centuries. The amplitude of the 25-yr beat displays a long-term modulation in northern and southern Europe, with minimum amplitude during the late Maunder Minimum. This amplitude minimum coincides with a maximum in Δ14C, suggesting a potential solar or oceanic influence on the intensity of the 25-yr band of quasi-periodic variability.  相似文献   

The effect of vegetation on the Younger Dryas (YD) climate is studied by comparing the results of four experiments performed with the ECHAM-4 atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM): (1) modern control climate, (2) simulation with YD boundary conditions, but with modern vegetation, (3 and 4) identical to (2), but with paleo-vegetation. Prescribing paleo-vegetation instead of modern vegetation resulted in temperature anomalies (both positive and negative) of up to 4°C in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, mainly as an effect of changes in forest cover (change in albedo). Moreover, changes in precipitation and evaporation were found, most notably during December–January–February (DJF) in the tropics and were caused by the replacement of forests by grasslands. These results are consistent with other model studies on the role of vegetation changes on climate and they suggest that it is important in paleoclimate simulation studies to prescribe realistic vegetation types, belonging to the period of interest. However, in our case the addition of YD vegetation did not improve the agreement with proxy data in Europe, as the temperatures were increasing during winter compared to the YD simulation with modern vegetation. It must be noted that this increase was not statistically significant. The model-data mismatch suggests that other factors probably played an important role, such as permafrost and atmospheric dust. We infer that during the last glacial-interglacial transition, the time lag between the first temperature increase and the northward migration of trees, estimated at 500–1000 years, could have delayed the warming of the Eurasian continent. The relatively open vegetation that existed during the early stages of the last glacial-interglacial transition had a relatively high albedo, thus tempering warming up of the Eurasian land surfaces.  相似文献   

自动成像协会(AutomatedImagingAssociation,AIA)在2013年初发布了用于高速图像数据传输的USB3Vision标准。首先简要介绍了基于该标准的EMCCD相机高速数据传输系统的设计方案,重点介绍了传输系统的构建和图像采集软件的设计。其中,传输系统的构建主要是在QUARTUSII的开发环境下,移植EMCCD相机数字控制器,使用VHDL语言编程设计一个控制器,产生USB3.0芯片USB3014的读写时序以及相关的逻辑信号,并且完成模拟图像产生和针对USB3Vision标准的数据传输格式转换的功能;图像采集软件的编写是在VS2010开发环境下利用CYPRESS公司提供的应用程序接151(API),采用c++语言实现。最后进行了模拟图像的采集实验,并且进行了误码率估算。  相似文献   

The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is an international millimeter-wavelength radio telescope under construction in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. ALMA will be situated on a high-altitude site at 5000 m elevation which provides excellent atmospheric transmission over the instrument wavelength range of 0.3 to 3 mm. ALMA will be comprised of two key observing components—a main array of up to sixty-four 12-m diameter antennas arranged in a multiple configurations ranging in size from 0.15 to ∼18 km, and a set of four 12-m and twelve 7-m antennas operating in a compact array ∼50 m in diameter (known as the Atacama Compact Array, or ACA), providing both interferometric and total-power astronomical information. High-sensitivity dual-polarization 8 GHz-bandwidth spectral-line and continuum measurements between all antennas will be available from two flexible digital correlators. At the shortest planned wavelength and largest configuration, the angular resolution of ALMA will be 0.005″. The instrument will use superconducting (SIS) mixers to provide the lowest possible receiver noise contribution, and special-purpose water vapor radiometers to assist in calibration of atmospheric phase distortions. A complex optical fiber network will transmit the digitized astronomical signals from the antennas to the correlators in the Array Operations Site Technical Building, and post-correlation to the lower-altitude Operations Support Facility where the array will be controlled, and initial construction and maintenance of the instrument will occur. ALMA Regional Centers in the US, Europe, Japan and Chile will provide the scientific portals for the use of ALMA; early science observations are expected in 2010, with full operations in 2012.  相似文献   

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