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西澳大利亚州铁矿分布规律及矿床成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西澳大利亚州铁矿资源主要分布在北部皮尔巴拉和南部的伊尔岗两个太古宙克拉通。皮尔巴拉克拉通BIF型铁矿在汤姆普赖斯山、恰那和布鲁克曼的矿石矿物组合为假象赤铁矿一微板状赤铁矿,马拉曼巴的为赤铁矿一针铁矿,CID型铁矿在罗布河和杨迪矿石类型主要为褐铁矿;伊尔岗克拉通BIF型铁矿在库里阿诺的矿石矿物组合为针铁矿一假象赤铁,比温和曼迪尕的为磁铁矿±假象赤铁矿和针铁矿±赤铁矿。BIF型铁矿为浅生一变质成矿,而CID型铁矿则是先前形成的BIF经侵蚀、搬运、沉积和埋藏作用形成。  相似文献   

Three major types of economic secondary iron ores occur in Western Australia, mainly in the banded iron-formation (BIF)-rich Hamersley Province of the Pilbara:
  1. the dominant BIF-hosted bedded iron deposits (BID; ~40 billion tonnes (Bt); 58–65 wt% Fe); and the detrital ores, mainly in the three province-wide Cenozoic sequences that include coeval non-ore sediments:

  2. Miocene channel iron deposits (CID; ~>15 Bt; 54–58 wt% Fe) of the Cenozoic Detritals 2 (CzD2); and

  3. Eocene CzD1 and Pliocene CzD3 detrital iron deposits (DID; ~3.5 Bt; 40–60 wt% Fe).

Striking differences exist between the massive CID resources and the much smaller underlying and overlying DID. CID are essentially riverine alluvial ooidal rocks with abundant small fossil wood fragments and variable peloids, but with only extremely rare, recognisable lithic remnants. The original matrix is typically ramifying layered goethite. Eocene DID are mainly alluvial with only minor pisoids, whereas Pliocene–Quaternary DID are dominantly coarse colluvial gravels, with minor pisoids, both derived from and largely retaining the original textures of BID, hardcap or variably ferruginised surface BIF. The coluvial DID matrix is typically ferroan-aluminous soil, resulting in canga where replaced by goethite, which may be dehydrated to hematite in part by exposure. The Cenozoic deposits described in detail in this paper occur in two dominant geomorphological environments: the southern Marra Mamba to Brockman Iron Formation strike valleys (MBSV), containing all three Cenozoic sequences; and the much later northern Brockman IF plateau valleys (BPV) that include only the Miocene and Pliocene sequences. Minor basinal/deltaic alluvials occur in the Proterozoic. The Cenozoic detritals formed in different climatic regimes, with an extended dry period forming a prominent province-wide dehydrated carapace on the Eocene DID. The Miocene ‘optimum’ followed with its thick scrub-covered deep regolith that produced the fossil wood-rich CID, succeeded by the arid cool period of the Oakover limestone/calcrete. A major renewal of exposure and erosion in the Pliocene resulted in the extensive iron gravels of the Pliocene–Quaternary.  相似文献   

The Wiluna West small (~ 130 Mt) high-grade bedded hematite ore deposits, consisting of anhedral hematite mesobands interbedded with porous layers of acicular hematite, show similar textural and mineralogical properties to the premium high-grade low-phosphorous direct-shipping ore from Pilbara sites such as Mt Tom Price, Mt Whaleback, etc., in the Hamersley Province and Goldsworthy, Shay Gap and Yarrie on the northern margin of the Pilbara craton. Both margins of the Pilbara Craton and the northern margin of the Yilgarn craton were subjected to sub-aerial erosion in the Paleoproterozoic era followed by marine transgressions but unlike the Hamersley Basin, the JFGB was covered by comparatively thin epeirogenic sediments and not subjected to Proterozoic deformation or burial metamorphism. The Joyner's Find greenstone belt (JFGB) in the Yilgarn region of Western Australia was exhumed by middle to late Cenozoic erosion of a cover of unmetamorphosed and relatively undeformed Paleoproterozoic epeirogenic sedimentary rocks that preserved the JFGB unaltered for nearly 2 Ga; thus providing a unique snapshot of the early Proterozoic environment.Acicular hematite, pseudomorphous after acicular iron silicate, is only found in iron ore and BIF that was exposed to subaerial deep-weathering in early Paleoproterozoic times (pre 2.2 Ga) and in the overlying unconformable Paleoproterozoic conglomerate derived from these rocks and is absent from unweathered rocks (Lascelles, 2002). High-grade ore and BIF weathered during later subaerial erosion cycles contain anhedral hematite and acicular pseudomorphous goethite. The acicular hematite was formed from goethite pseudomorphs of silicate minerals by dehydration in the vadose zone under extreme aridity during early Paleoproterozoic subaerial weathering.The principal high-grade hematite deposits at Wiluna West are interpreted as bedded ore bodies that formed from BIF by loss of chert bands during diagenesis and have been locally enriched to massive hematite by the introduction of hydrothermal specular hematite. No trace of chert bands are present in the deep saprolitic hematite and hematite–goethite ore in direct contrast to shallow supergene ore in which the trace of chert bands is clearly defined by goethite replacement, voids and detrital fill. Abundant hydrothermal microplaty hematite at Wiluna West is readily distinguished by its crystallinity.The genesis of the premium ore from the Pilbara Region has been much discussed in the literature and the discovery at Wiluna West provides a unique opportunity to compare the features that are common to both districts and to test genetic models.  相似文献   

Precambrian iron ores of the Singhbhum-North Orissa region occur in eastern India as part of the Iron Ore Group (IOG) within the broad horse-shoe shaped synclinorium. More than 50% of Indian iron ore reserves occur in this region. Massive-hard, flaky-friable, blue dust and lateritic varieties of iron ores are the major ore types, associated with banded hematite, jasper and shales. These ores could have formed as a result of supergene enrichment through gradual but extensive removal of silica, alumina and phosphorus from banded iron formations and ferruginous shale. Attempts for optimal utilization of these resources led to various ore characterization studies using chemical analysis, ore and mineral petrography, XRD analysis, SEM and electron probe micro analysis (EPMA). The ore chemistry indicates that the massive hard ores and blue dust have high iron, low alumina and phosphorus contents. Because of high quality, these ores do not require any specialized beneficiation technique for up-gradation. However, flaky-friable, lateritised and goethitic ores are low in iron, high in alumina and phosphorus contents, requiring specific beneficiation techniques for up-gradation in quality. XRD, SEM and ore microscopic studies of massive hard ores indicate the presence of hematite and goethite, while flaky and lateritic ores show a higher concentration of goethite, kaolinite, gibbsite and hematite. EPMA studies show the presence of adsorbed phosphorous as fine dust in the hard ores. Sink and float studies reveal that most of the gangue minerals are not completely liberated in the case of goethitic and lateritic ores, even at finer fractions.  相似文献   

The Madoonga iron ore body hosted by banded iron formation (BIF) in the Weld Range greenstone belt of Western Australia is a blend of four genetically and compositionally distinct types of high-grade (>55 wt% Fe) iron ore that includes: (1) hypogene magnetite–talc veins, (2) hypogene specular hematite–quartz veins, (3) supergene goethite–hematite, and (4) supergene-modified, goethite–hematite-rich detrital ores. The spatial coincidence of these different ore types is a major factor controlling the overall size of the Madoonga ore body, but results in a compositionally heterogeneous ore deposit. Hypogene magnetite–talc veins that are up to 3 m thick and 50 m long formed within mylonite and shear zones located along the limbs of isoclinal, recumbent F1 folds. Relative to least-altered BIF, the magnetite–talc veins are enriched in Fe2O3(total), P2O5, MgO, Sc, Ga, Al2O3, Cl, and Zr; and depleted in SiO2 and MnO2. Mafic igneous countryrocks located within 10 m of the northern contact of the mineralised BIF display the replacement of primary igneous amphibole and plagioclase, and metamorphic chlorite by hypogene ferroan chlorite, talc, and magnetite. Later-forming, hypogene specular hematite–quartz veins and their associated alteration halos partly replace magnetite–talc veins in BIF and formed during, to shortly after, the F2-folding and tilting of the Weld Range tectono-stratigraphy. Supergene goethite–hematite ore zones that are up to 150 m wide, 400 m long, and extend to depths of 300 m replace least-altered BIF and existing hypogene alteration zones. The supergene ore zones formed as a result of the circulation of surface oxidised fluids through late NNW- to NNE-trending, subvertical brittle faults. Flat-lying, supergene goethite–hematite-altered, detrital sediments are concentrated in a paleo-topographic depression along the southern side of the main ENE-trending ridge at Madoonga. Iron ore deposits of the Weld Range greenstone belt record remarkably similar deformation histories, overprinting hypogene alteration events, and high-grade Fe ore types to other Fe ore deposits in the wider Yilgarn Craton (e.g. Koolyanobbing and Windarling deposits) despite these Fe camps being presently located more than 400 km apart and in different tectono-stratigraphic domains. Rather than the existence of a synchronous, Yilgarn-wide, Fe mineralisation event affecting BIF throughout the Yilgarn, it is more likely that these geographically isolated Fe ore districts experienced similar tectonic histories, whereby hypogene fluids were sourced from commonly available fluid reservoirs (e.g. metamorphic, magmatic, or both) and channelled along evolving structures during progressive deformation, resulting in several generations of Fe ore.  相似文献   

Enrichment iron ore of the Hamersley Province, currently estimated at a resource of over 40 billion tonnes (Gt), mainly consists of BIF (banded iron-formation)-hosted bedded iron deposits (BID) and channel iron deposits (CID), with only minor detrital iron deposits (DID). The Hamersley BID comprises two major ore types: the dominant supergene martite–goethite (M-G) ores (Mesozoic–Paleocene) and the premium martite–microplaty hematite ores (M-mplH; ca 2.0 Ga) with their various subtypes. The supergene M-G ores are not common outside Australia, whereas the M-mplH ores are the principal worldwide resource. There are two current dominant genetic models for the Hamersley BID. In the earlier 1980–1985 model, supergene M-G ores formed in the Paleoproterozoic well below normal atmospheric access, driven by seasonal oxidising electrochemical reactions in the vadose zone of the parent BIF (cathode) linked through conducting magnetite horizons to the deep reacting zone (anode). Proterozoic regional metamorphism/diagenesis at ~80–100°C of these M-G ores formed mplH from the matrix goethite in the local hydrothermal environment of its own exhaled water to produce M-mplH ores with residual goethite. Following general exposure by erosion in the Cretaceous–Paleocene when a major second phase of M-G ores formed, ground water leaching of residual goethite from the metamorphosed Proterozoic ores resulted in the mainly goethite-free M-mplH ores of Mt Whaleback and Mt Tom Price. Residual goethite is common in the Paraburdoo M-mplH-goethite ores where erratic remnants of Paleoproterozoic cover indicate more recent exposure.

Deep unweathered BIF alteration residuals in two small areas of the Mt Tom Price M-mplH deposits have been used since 1999 for new hypogene–supergene modelling of the M-mplH ores. These models involve a major Paleoproterozoic hydrothermal stage in which alkaline solutions from the underlying Wittenoom Formation dolomite traversed the Southern Batter Fault to leach matrix silica from the BIF, adding siderite and apatite to produce a magnetite–siderite–apatite ‘protore.’ A later heated meteoric solution stage oxidised siderite to mplH + ankerite and magnetite to martite. Weathering finally removed residual carbonates and apatite leaving the high-grade porous M-mplH ore. Further concepts for the Mt Tom Price North and the Southern Ridge Deposits involving acid solutions followed, but these have been modified to return essentially to the earlier hypogene–supergene model. Textural data from erratic ‘metasomatic BIF’ zones associated with the above deposits are unlike those of the typical martite–microplaty hematite ore bodies. The destiny of the massive volumes of dissolved silica gangue and the absence of massive silica aureoles has not been explained. Petrographic and other evidence indicate the Mt Tom Price metasomatism is a localised post-ore phenomenon. Exothermic oxidation reactions in the associated pyrite-rich black shales during post-ore removal by groundwater of remnant goethite in the ores may have resulted in this very localised and erratic hydrothermal alteration of BIF and its immediately associated pre-existing ore.  相似文献   

The BIF-hosted iron ore system represents the world's largest and highest grade iron ore districts and deposits. BIF, the precursor to low- and high-grade BIF hosted iron ore, consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Algoma-type BIF (e.g., Serra Norte iron ore district in the Carajás Mineral Province), Proterozoic Lake Superior-type BIF (e.g., deposits in the Hamersley Province and craton), and Neoproterozoic Rapitan-type BIF (e.g., the Urucum iron ore district).The BIF-hosted iron ore system is structurally controlled, mostly via km-scale normal and strike-slips fault systems, which allow large volumes of ascending and descending hydrothermal fluids to circulate during Archean or Proterozoic deformation or early extensional events. Structures are also (passively) accessed via downward flowing supergene fluids during Cenozoic times.At the depositional site the transformation of BIF to low- and high-grade iron ore is controlled by: (1) structural permeability, (2) hypogene alteration caused by ascending deep fluids (largely magmatic or basinal brines), and descending ancient meteoric water, and (3) supergene enrichment via weathering processes. Hematite- and magnetite-based iron ores include a combination of microplaty hematite–martite, microplaty hematite with little or no goethite, martite–goethite, granoblastic hematite, specular hematite and magnetite, magnetite–martite, magnetite-specular hematite and magnetite–amphibole, respectively. Goethite ores with variable amounts of hematite and magnetite are mainly encountered in the weathering zone.In most large deposits, three major hypogene and one supergene ore stages are observed: (1) silica leaching and formation of magnetite and locally carbonate, (2) oxidation of magnetite to hematite (martitisation), further dissolution of quartz and formation of carbonate, (3) further martitisation, replacement of Fe silicates by hematite, new microplaty hematite and specular hematite formation and dissolution of carbonates, and (4) replacement of magnetite and any remaining carbonate by goethite and magnetite and formation of fibrous quartz and clay minerals.Hypogene alteration of BIF and surrounding country rocks is characterised by: (1) changes in the oxide mineralogy and textures, (2) development of distinct vertical and lateral distal, intermediate and proximal alteration zones defined by distinct oxide–silicate–carbonate assemblages, and (3) mass negative reactions such as de-silicification and de-carbonatisation, which significantly increase the porosity of high-grade iron ore, or lead to volume reduction by textural collapse or layer-compaction. Supergene alteration, up to depths of 200 m, is characterised by leaching of hypogene silica and carbonates, and dissolution precipitation of the iron oxyhydroxides.Carbonates in ore stages 2 and 3 are sourced from external fluids with respect to BIF. In the case of basin-related deposits, carbon is interpreted to be derived from deposits underlying carbonate sequences, whereas in the case of greenstone belt deposits carbonate is interpreted to be of magmatic origin. There is only limited mass balance analyses conducted, but those provide evidence for variable mobilization of Fe and depletion of SiO2. In the high-grade ore zone a volume reduction of up to 25% is observed.Mass balance calculations for proximal alteration zones in mafic wall rocks relative to least altered examples at Beebyn display enrichment in LOI, F, MgO, Ni, Fe2O3total, C, Zn, Cr and P2O5 and depletions of CaO, S, K2O, Rb, Ba, Sr and Na2O. The Y/Ho and Sm/Yb ratios of mineralised BIF at Windarling and Koolyanobbing reflect distinct carbonate generations derived from substantial fluid–rock reactions between hydrothermal fluids and igneous country rocks, and a chemical carbonate-inheritance preserved in supergene goethite.Hypogene and supergene fluids are paramount for the formation of high-grade BIF-hosted iron ore because of the enormous amount of: (1) warm (100–200 °C) silica-undersaturated alkaline fluids necessary to dissolve quartz in BIF, (2) oxidized fluids that cause the oxidation of magnetite to hematite, (3) weakly acid (with moderate CO2 content) to alkaline fluids that are necessary to form widespread metasomatic carbonate, (4) carbonate-undersaturated fluids that dissolve the diagenetic and metasomatic carbonates, and (5) oxidized fluids to form hematite species in the hypogene- and supergene-enriched zone and hydroxides in the supergene zone.Four discrete end-member models for Archean and Proterozoic hypogene and supergene-only BIF hosted iron ore are proposed: (1) granite–greenstone belt hosted, strike-slip fault zone controlled Carajás-type model, sourced by early magmatic (± metamorphic) fluids and ancient “warm” meteoric water; (2) sedimentary basin, normal fault zone controlled Hamersley-type model, sourced by early basinal (± evaporitic) brines and ancient “warm” meteoric water. A variation of the latter is the metamorphosed basin model, where BIF (ore) is significantly metamorphosed and deformed during distinct orogenic events (e.g., deposits in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero and Simandou Range). It is during the orogenic event that the upgrade of BIF to medium- and high-grade hypogene iron took place; (3) sedimentary basin hosted, early graben structure controlled Urucum-type model, where glaciomarine BIF and subsequent diagenesis to very low-grade metamorphism is responsible for variable gangue leaching and hematite mineralisation. All of these hypogene iron ore models do not preclude a stage of supergene modification, including iron hydroxide mineralisation, phosphorous, and additional gangue leaching during substantial weathering in ancient or Recent times; and (4) supergene enriched BIF Capanema-type model, which comprises goethitic iron ore deposits with no evidence for deep hypogene roots. A variation of this model is ancient supergene iron ores of the Sishen-type, where blocks of BIF slumped into underlying karstic carbonate units and subsequently experienced Fe upgrade during deep lateritic weathering.  相似文献   

Banded iron formation (BIF)-hosted iron ore deposits in the Windarling Range are located in the lower greenstone succession of the Marda–Diemals greenstone belt, Southern Cross domain, Yilgarn Craton and constitute a total hematite–martite–goethite ore resource of minimum 52 Mt at 60 wt.% Fe (0.07 P). Banded iron formation is interlayered with high-Mg basalts at Windarling and precipitated during episodes of volcanic quiescence. Trace element content and the rare earth element (REE) ratios Y/Ho (42 to 45), Sm/Yb (1.5), together with positive La and Gd anomalies in ‘least-altered’ hematite–magnetite–metachert–BIF indicate the precipitation from Archean seawater that was fertilised by hydrothermal vent fluids with a basaltic HREE-Y signature. Hypogene iron ore in sub-greenschist facies metamorphosed BIF formed during three distinct stages: ore stage 1 was a syn- to post-metamorphic, syn-D1, Fe–Ca–Mg–Ni–Co–P–REE metasomatism that produced local Ni–REE-rich Fe–dolomite–magnetite alteration in BIF. Hydrothermal alteration was induced by hot fluid flow controlled by brittle–ductile reactivation of BIF-basalt margins and crosscutting D1 faults. The Ni–Co-rich content of dolomite and a shift in REE ratios in carbonate-altered BIF towards Archean mafic rock signature (Y/Ho to 31 to 40, Sm/Yb to 1 to 2 and Gd/Gd* to 1.2 to 1.4) suggest that high-Mg basalts in the Windarling Range were the primary source of introduced metals. During ore stage 2, a syn-deformational and likely acidic and oxidised fluid flow along BIF-basalt margins and within D1 faults leached carbonate and precipitated lepidoblastic and anhedral/granoblastic hematite. High-grade magnetite–hematite ore is formed during this stage. Ore stage 3 hydrothermal specular hematite (spcH)–Fe–dolomite–quartz alteration was controlled by a late-orogenic, brittle, compressional/transpressional stage (D4; the regional-scale shear-zone-related D3 is not preserved in Windarling). This minor event remobilised iron oxides, carbonate and quartz to form veins and breccia but did not generate significant volumes of iron ore. Ore stage 4 involved Mesozoic(?) to recent supergene oxidation and hydration in a weathering environment reaching down to depths of ~100 to maximum 200 m below surface. Supergene ore formation involved goethite replacement of dolomite and quartz as well as martitisation. Important ‘ground preparation’ for supergene modification and upgrade were mainly the formation of steep D1 to D4 structures, steep BIF/basalt margins and particularly the syn-D1 to syn-D2 carbonate alteration of BIF that is most susceptible to supergene dissolution. The Windarling deposits are structurally controlled, supergene-modified hydrothermal iron ore systems that share comparable physical, chemical and ore-forming characteristics to other iron ore deposits in the Yilgarn Craton (e.g. Koolyanobbing, Beebyn in the Weld Range, Mt. Gibson). However, the remarkable variety in pre-, syn- and post-deformational ore textures (relative to D1 and D2) has not been described elsewhere in the Yilgarn and are similar to the ore deposits in high-strain zones, such as of Brazil (Quadrilátero Ferrífero or Iron Quadrangle) and Nigeria. The overall similarity of alteration stages, i.e. the sequence of hydrothermal carbonate introduction and hypogene leaching, with other greenstone belt-hosted iron ore deposits supports the interpretation that syn-orogenic BIF alteration and upgrade was crucial in the formation of hypogene–supergene iron ore deposits in the Yilgarn Craton and possibly in other Archean/Paleoproterozoic greenstone belt settings worldwide.  相似文献   

Several iron-ore deposits hosted within Mesoarchean banded iron formations (BIFs) are mined throughout the North Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. Among these, significant goethite±martite deposits (total resources >50 Mt at 55.8 wt% Fe) are distributed in the Wodgina district within 2 km of the world-class pegmatite-hosted, tantalum Wodgina deposits. In this study, we investigate the dominant controls on iron mineralisation at Wodgina and test the potential role of felsic magma-derived fluids in early alteration and upgrade of nearby BIF units. Camp-scale distribution and geochemistry of iron ore at Wodgina argue against any significant influence of identified felsic intrusions in the upgrade of BIF. Whereas, the formation of BIF-hosted goethite±martite iron ore at Wodgina involves: (i) early (ca 2950 Ma) metamorphism of BIF causing camp-scale recrystallisation of pre-existing iron oxides to form euhedral magnetite, with local enrichment to sub-economic grades (~40 wt% Fe) within or proximal to metre-wide, bedding-parallel shear zones, and (ii) later supergene lateritic enrichment of the magnetite-bearing BIF and shear zones, forming near-surface goethite±martite ore. The supergene alteration sequence includes: (i) downward progression of the oxidation front and replacement of magnetite by martite, (ii) local development of silcrete at ~40 m below the modern surface caused by the lowering of the water-table, (iii) intensive replacement of quartz by goethite, resulting in the goethite±martite ore bodies at Wodgina, and (iv) late formation of ferricrete and ochreous goethite. Goethitisation most likely took place within the hot and very wet climate that prevailed from the Paleocene to the mid-Eocene. Goethite precipitation was accompanied by the incorporation of trace elements P, Zn, As, Ni and Co, which were likely derived from supergene fluid interaction with nearby shales. Enrichment of these elements in goethite-rich ore indicates that they are potentially useful pathfinder elements for concealed ore bodies covered by trace element-depleted pedogenic silcrete and siliciclastic rocks located throughout the Wodgina mine.  相似文献   

在苏丹东部地区新元古代地层中,新发现的BIF铁矿是与火山岩密切相关的Algoma型铁矿,矿石品位TFe 37.78%,对进一步研究努比亚地盾的形成时代和古地理环境有一定的参考意义。苏丹79区块发现的含铁石英砂岩,呈北东向带状分布, 角度不整合于努比亚地盾之上,通过与西澳CID型铁矿对比,存在交错层理和底砾岩等明显的再生沉积特征,矿石品位TFe 31.91%~39.33%;通过对BIF型铁矿、CID型铁矿和努比亚杂砂岩三者部分元素及氧化物含量的分析对比,以及控矿地质因素分析, CID型铁矿是由BIF铁矿风化剥蚀后搬运沉积于附近古河道内;苏丹努比亚地盾区CID型铁矿的发现,为今后找矿工作提供了新目标,具有十分重要的找矿意义。  相似文献   

Banded iron formations of the Iron Ore Group (Archean greenstone belts) of Jharkhand-Orissa region, India host a good number of large iron ore deposits (Fe wt %> 62). Iron ore mineralization of Gandhamardan hill is one of them where iron ores occur in two stratigraphic horizons. One is strictly confined within banded iron formation (stratabound mineralization) with irregular geometry, and show fracture filling and replacement vein-type mineralization along the fringes of hard massive ores of the core. This type of mineralization is exposed along the western slope of the hill. Hard massive and laminated ores dominate this mineralization. The other type occurs as low dipping sheet like body above banded iron formation and covered by laterites forming the top of the hill. Flaky ores dominate this mineralization with formation of hard goethitic crust near the top. Both the mineralizations contain mineralized banded iron formation corestones surrounded by hard massive or flaky iron ores. Hard massive ores are entirely represented by martite-microplaty hematite mineralogy. Hard laminated ores contain microplaty hematite and few martite grains representing early magnetites of the banded iron formation. Flaky ores are high porosity ores produced by leaching of silica, martite and microplaty hematite. Hard goethitic ores are developed due to replacement of martite and microplaty hematite or precipitation of goethite in the pore spaces.  相似文献   

国内外铁矿石价格对标基准多采用离岸价或到岸价,而非盈亏平衡运营成本,难以揭示我国铁矿石所面对的真实市场承压价格。为了厘清国际一线生产商的铁矿石盈亏平衡运营成本价格,本文对世界上最重要的条带状铁建造(BIF)矿产地——西澳哈默斯利盆地高品位赤铁矿矿床的矿化特征及代表性铁矿石产品展开系统研究,同时引入巴西铁四角地区的铁英岩型赤铁矿矿石作为对照,分析全球典型高品位赤铁矿矿石经济指标。结合前人研究成果,将西澳哈默斯利盆地与BIF相关的高品位赤铁矿的富集矿化类型划分为假象赤铁矿-针铁矿、微板状赤铁矿与河道沉积型赤铁矿,巴西铁四角主要为铁英岩型赤铁矿。上述各矿化类型对应的铁矿石产品的铁元素含量均高于56%;在杂质元素含量上,假象赤铁矿-针铁矿的磷含量高,微板状赤铁矿的磷、硫含量较高,河道沉积型赤铁矿的磷、硫含量较低,铁英岩型赤铁矿含锰。经定量估算,西澳力拓、必和必拓、FMG和巴西淡水河谷的铁矿石盈亏平衡运营成本价格分别为34.66、36.76、47.35、38.07美元/干吨,可为中国海外权益铁矿项目开发提供运营成本的参考。  相似文献   

游家贵  宋普红  徐春生 《贵州地质》2011,28(3):211-214,226
贵州省三都县丰乐铁矿位于都匀以南,矿体呈层状、似层状产状,含矿岩系产于泥盆系大河口组,岩性为铁质砂岩、含铁砂岩、泥质砂岩等,脉石矿物主要为石英、白云石等,矿石品位较低,属贫铁酸性铁矿石。认为其属于"宁乡式"铁矿床,赤铁矿鲕粒以胶体化学方式沉积,成因类型系同生沉积成因。  相似文献   

赵振明 《地质与勘探》2013,49(3):417-428
开心岭地区位于青藏高原腹地北羌塘构造区,在该地区二叠纪地层中新发现含砾晶屑岩屑铁矿化沉积凝灰岩,对该地层完整采样,并对采集的样品进行专门的实验测试分析。样品显微镜薄片鉴定,具玄武质岩屑,凝灰质岩屑,晶屑主要为石英和长石;化学分析结果TFe为13.80%;X射线衍射分析结果,赤铁矿6%,针铁矿17%,石英16%,斜长石47%,伊利石3%,方解石6%,闪石2%,绿泥石2%。光谱半定量检测分析结果,Ti为0.7%;电子探针检测分析结果,赤铁矿:形态为完整或不完整的几何体和沿其它矿物边部成封闭与局部的丝带,钛铁矿为相对规则的棒状,磷灰石为规则的六边形和已经磨圆的半圆形。激光拉曼光谱分析结果,针铁矿,含磁铁矿。对上述分析结果研究认为,二叠纪开心岭地区可能存在重要的岩浆喷发作用,原始岩浆含铁较高,这可能是该地区金属矿床的物质来源,下一步宜加强该地区的找矿工作。  相似文献   

通过对惠民式和疆峰式铁矿的研究,认为它们都是受变质中基性火山岩建造控制的海相火山-沉积型铁矿床,前者兼有条带状含铁建造(BIF)和粒状含铁建造(GIF)的特征,而后者则为条带状含铁建造.它们均具备元古代条带状铁硅建造铁矿的特征,满足形成前寒武纪大型条带状含铁建造的“大型海洋热液供应系统、作为沉积仓储的大陆架体貌及有能力...  相似文献   

The ironstone succession at El Gedida-Ghorabi-Naser area of El Bahariya depression is subdivided into lagoonal manganiferous mud and fossiliferous ironstone consisting mainly of hematite and goethite-hydrogoethite. The application of the ASD field spectroradiometer measurements (spectral range) in the ASTER data led to the interpretation of the presence of ferruginous units as quartzitic sandstone, gluconitic sandy clay, and pink marly limestone. The existing iron ore minerals in the iron ore localities were also classified into high Mn hematite, low Mn hematite, goethite, hydrogoethite as well as low- and high-grade Hematite and Barite. Quartz, feldspars, rutile, and clay minerals (e.g., kaolinite and illite) are mainly associated with the iron ore. Accessory minerals of manganese, e.g., psilomelane and pyrolusite, were also present. The Barite mineral is recorded as a common mineral association with the iron ore deposits at El Gedida and Ghorabi localities. The stratigraphical units investigated in the study area include the oldest gravely clayey sandstones of the Bahariya Formation overlain by the fossiliferous and oolitic limestones of the El-Hamra, Qazzun, and Naqb Formations. Quartztic sandstones and clayey sandstones of the Radwan Formation and youngest Quaternary sediments of sandy-clayey materials were often found as intermittent cover and overburden in unconformity surfaces over the iron ore bands.  相似文献   

Effective exploration for polymetallic ore deposits in the Cobar region is hampered by incomplete knowledge of the mineralogical controls on element dispersion in the different regolith-landform settings throughout the area. A detailed mineralogical and geochemical study of regolith profiles over two major mineralised shear zones in a strongly weathered but dominantly erosional setting has delineated the important host minerals for a range of base metal cations. Iron oxides/oxyhydroxides, particularly goethite and to a much lesser extent hematite, are major hosts for Pb, Cu, and Zn as substituted/adsorbed cations and as constituents of associated or intergrown minerals, probably including members of the jarosite–alunite group. Correlations between elements and major regolith minerals suggest that goethite is also a host phase for As, Bi and Sb. Minor manganese minerals, including lithiophorite and cryptomelane group minerals, also host base metals in appreciable amounts. No clear association was found between gold and any particular secondary mineral. It is likely that gold is present largely as elemental gold particles associated with a range of minerals.Sampling strategies for geochemical exploration in variably leached and stripped regolith in the Cobar area should take into account the relative abundance of goethite and manganese oxides/oxyhydroxides within the profiles and overlying lag. Goethite would appear to be the preferred sampling medium for base metals. Highly ferruginous lag has a high proportion of hematite with variable maghemite and very low manganese oxide contents. Most of the base metal content in this surface material is strongly bound to the crystalline oxides/oxyhydroxides. More work is required to understand the effects of surface transformation of goethite to hematite and maghemite on the mobility and distribution of base metal cations in soil and ferruginous lags.  相似文献   

The abandoned pillars in iron mines in Lorraine show that the oolitic ore underwent several chemical-mineralogical transformations. The first one is a rapid alteration of the diagenetic siderite and berthierine cement promoted by a bacterial flora. The oolites of goethite pack down and get loaded by deviatory-type stresses; they desquamate, get deformed and become powdery; the ore looses its cohesion. A second step, featuring recrystallisation–neoformation of berthierine in the previously formed micro-cavities, then the formation of a cavernous goethite–hematite crust, leads to a low cohesion to the crumbled ore; this anthropic-origin ageing may be one cause of mine collapsing. To cite this article: G. Dagallier et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 455–462.  相似文献   

The Nkout deposit is part of an emerging iron ore province in West and Central Africa. The deposit is an oxide facies iron formation comprising fresh magnetite banded iron formation (BIF) at depth, which weathers and oxidises towards the surface forming caps of high grade hematite/martite–goethite ores. The mineral species, compositions, mineral associations, and liberation have been studied using automated mineralogy (QEMSCAN®) combined with whole rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and mineralogical techniques. Drill cores (saprolitic, lateritic, BIF), grab and outcrop samples were studied and divided into 4 main groups based on whole rock Fe content and a weathering index. The groups are; enriched material (EM), weathered magnetite itabirite (WMI), transitional magnetite itabirite (TMI) and magnetite itabirite (MI). The main iron minerals are the iron oxides (magnetite, hematite, and goethite) and chamosite. The iron oxides are closely associated in the high grade cap and liberation of them individually is poor. Liberation increases when they are grouped together as iron oxides. Chamosite significantly lowers the liberation of the iron oxides. Automated mineralogy by QEMSCAN® (or other similar techniques) can distinguish between Fe oxides if set up and calibrated carefully using the backscattered electron signal. Electron beam techniques have the advantage over other quantitative mineralogy techniques of being able to determine mineral chemical variants of ore and gangue minerals, although reflected light optical microscopy remains the most sensitive method of distinguishing closely related iron oxide minerals. Both optical and electron beam automated mineralogical methods have distinct advantages over quantitative XRD in that they can determine mineral associations, liberation, amorphous phases and trace phases.  相似文献   

Iron ore deposits are generally described in terms of size, grade and chemical composition rather than the mineralogical and microstructural characteristic of different ore types. It is essential, however, to know the morphology, microstructure and chemical composition of individual minerals for optimum mineral processing. Goethite is reported to occur as a ubiquitous phase in many iron ore types and is particularly abundant in the Precambrian banded iron ore formation of north Orissa, India. Goethite from the Bonai–Keonjhar Belt in Orissa has been examined in terms of its morphology and microstructure in relation to chemical composition. Electron microscopy indicated several goethite morphotypes including botryoidal, nodular, spheroidal, platy, stalactitic and flaky. These different morphotypes display intergranular, intragranular, wedge, reniform, comb, prismatic, cavity-line and bead microstructures. In situ analysis using electron probe microanalyzer indicated a wide compositional variation among the different morphotypes and microstructures. Goethite replacing hematite is generally devoid of deleterious elements while re-precipitated goethite generally contains adsorbed alumina, silica and/or phosphorus. Nodular goethite commonly has a high phosphorus level while botryoidal, spheroidal and platy goethite often contains increased combined alumina and silica. Goethite having a reniform, wedge, intergranular or intragranular microstructure is highly water bearing and cryptocrystalline in nature. During dehydration, bead, comb, cavity-lined or prismatic goethite develop, which are more crystalline and which have a higher iron concentration. Goethite with a wedge, prismatic or bead-type microstructure has a higher adsorption of silica (2–4%), while goethite having an intergranular, bead or prismatic microstructure invariably contains appreciable phosphorus, generally at levels deleterious to processing.  相似文献   

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