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中国水库农村移民安置方式比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水库移民的安置方式多种多样,不同的安置方式产生不同的社会、经济和生态效应。目前中国水库移民安置的重点是农村移民,利用文献综述法和实证研究对中国各地典型的水库农村移民安置方式进行比较分析,得出各种方式的优点和不足以及可能适用的时期、地区和人群。在此基础上,根据移民安置方式选择需要考虑的因素,结合建设社会主义新农村和加速乡村城镇化进程的基本国策,提出了符合当前中国国情的水库农村移民安置方式,为农村移民因地制宜、因人而异地选择合理的安置方式提供参考。  相似文献   

Resettlement of people displaced by dam projects is an important development issue. Land lost due to the Three Gorges reservoir inundation and the adjustment of land-use policy in China resulted in land-use changes, and impacted on the human carrying capacity of the land and the land availability for resettlement. The Chinese government has implemented a ‘development-oriented resettlement’ policy and a ‘near resettlement’ approach to relocating rural dwellers affected by the Three Gorges Project (TGP). Based on recent land-use survey and population data of the case study area and using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis in land-use planning, this study analyses the characteristics and changes of land use in both the inundation and resettlement areas. Undeveloped land is scarce in both areas. The non-flooded cultivated land is distributed mainly on steep slopes (over 25 degrees). There is a discrepancy between the amount of land required by those being resettled and what is available in the designated resettlement communities. This study suggests that resettlement should consider the human carrying capacity of the land and, from a community standpoint, sheds light on the interplay between land-use planning and resettlement, and provides constructive suggestions for TGP resettlement strategies.  相似文献   

Over the next two decades, China, the country with the world’s largest urban population, is orchestrating the urbanization of some 300 million rural people. In its National New-Type Urbanization Plan (2014) the State Council has outlined a range of strategies to grow its cities not least of which is rural-to-urban migration. This plan will have significant effects on other types of displacement, particularly, the forced displacement and resettlement of those living in the path of large dams. This paper reviews what is known about New-Type Urbanization Approach to Reservoir Resettlement. Then, based on a longitudinal study of 145 resettled households at the Three Gorges Dam, the livelihood effects of rural-to-urban resettlement are unpacked to provide lessons for its use in advancing urbanization. It finds that rural-to-urban resettlers have lower incomes than their urban-to-urban and rural-to-rural counterparts, and higher rates of food and income insecurity.  相似文献   

中国近期农村人口迁移态势研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
王国霞  鲁奇 《地理科学》2007,27(5):630-635
采用第四次、第五次人口普查所获得的人口迁移数据,分析了中国农村人口迁移在全国总迁移人口中的地位变化的省际总体特征和个体特征,探讨了各省级单元农村人口迁移在总人口迁移中的地位在20世纪80年代和90年代随时间变化的原因。进一步重点研究了中国农村人口迁移的时空分布格局,分别从省际、省内两个空间尺度,分迁入、迁出两个角度对中国农村人口迁移的规模和流向态势进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

陈勇  李青雪  曹杨  徐玉梅 《地理科学》2020,40(12):2085-2093
以受汶川“5.12”地震和“7.10”特大山洪泥石流灾害严重影响的汶川县原草坡乡为例,从农户风险感知现状出发,考察风险感知对搬迁意愿和搬迁行为的不同影响。研究结果表明:农户对自然灾害风险感知越强、对搬迁安置风险感知越弱,其搬迁意愿越强;较高的自然灾害风险感知会提高农户搬离灾害隐患点或风险区的概率,较强的搬迁安置风险感知会降低农户全家搬迁的可能性;搬迁安置风险感知对未搬迁和部分搬迁农户的影响程度超过自然灾害风险感知的影响。基于汶川县原草坡乡的实证研究,提出避灾搬迁安置决策中的“双重风险感知”假说。  相似文献   

城镇化中后期中国人口迁移流动形式的转变及政策应对   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
林李月  朱宇  柯文前 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):2054-2067
人口迁移流动形式是构成人口迁移流动特征的一个关键要素。在中国进入人口城镇化中后期后,准确判断和把握人口迁移流动形式的转变是一项十分重要的工作。论文基于人口迁移流动形式转变的相关理论与国际经验,考察现阶段中国人口迁移流动形式转变的进程和特点及由此产生的问题与挑战。研究发现,中国人口迁移流动形式已发生转变,并突出表现为人口回流现象不断增多、省际和省内人口迁移流动此消彼长的趋势日益明显;城—城流动显著增加,人口的城-城间流动将渐成常态化;流动人口户籍城镇化进程开始加快,其城乡两栖生计的重心向城镇转移;住房驱动下的流动人口就地、异地城镇化渐成趋势等。同时,人口迁移流动形式转变过程中面临着人口回流推动的就近就地城镇化发展可持续性不足;城—城流动向东部少数省市聚集的态势明显;以户籍城镇化主导的农业流动人口市民化面临多重障碍等问题与挑战。最后,从流动人口城镇化的空间载体构建、城市治理方式转变、中西部小城镇自我可持续发展能力提升等方面提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

Fuks LP 《Soviet geography》1987,28(10):756-776
"[This] paper devoted to the settlement system and the problem of rural population loss in that portion of West Siberia having a significant agricultural base takes issue with some implicit assumptions incorporated within the General Scheme of Settlement within the USSR. More specifically, policies calling for the deliberate, i.e., forced, resettlement of rural population in selected villages in order to provide economies of scale in rural services provision are criticized on two major counts: (1) that such 'enlarged' settlements will still be too small to be allocated the necessary range of functions according to standard city-planning formulae, and (2) that they accelerate rural depopulation by serving as spring-boards for migration to still larger centers."  相似文献   

The role of organizations in migration has received less attention than warranted; individual choice has typically been emphasized. As an in‐depth illustration, we consider refugee resettlement in the United States, post–World War II, wherein intermediary organizations play(ed) a major role. Central to this system are voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) and community organizations, but secondary migration also is critical. Attention is given to all refugees between 2000 and 2010, and in greater detail to Somalis. The latter provides deeper understanding through state refugee coordinators and case studies of Columbus, Ohio, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Lewiston, Maine. Aside from process, it is evident that the geography of the foreign‐born settlement has been altered. While refugee resettlement and subsequent migration is the example, we broaden that to argue that migration studies have neglected the derived nature of movement via intermediary organizations; directed migrations and/or similar interventions have played a significant, if not dominant, role in population redistribution; and organization‐led migration should be considered in terms of general aspects, not simply as discrete case studies.  相似文献   


Environmental change in small islands may be associated with migration as a means of adaptation. Both Manam and the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have experienced rapid- and slow-onset changes, respectively. These have been accompanied by the forced migration and ‘temporary’ resettlement of the Manam population and attempts at resettlement by Carteret Islanders. Neither has proved successful, thwarted by ‘host’ landowners, the impossibility of gaining adequate access to land and land rights, and government inactivity. Settlers have been perceived as outsiders and rival claimants to valuable coastal resources. Inability to resettle in national contexts raises issues of ambiguity, identity and citizenship. The problems experienced by quite small population groups moving short distances in similar cultural contexts are indicative of the potential future problems facing environmental migrants in other contexts.  相似文献   


The relationship between climate change and human displacement is an important topic of global concern. China is a special case due to a high level of government control enforcing the ecological migration of millions of people since the mid-1980s. Little research has addressed how resettled people adapt to climate impacts in ecologically vulnerable resettlement areas and what factors influence their intentions to relocate again or adapt locally. Employing a social-ecological system approach, this study builds a conceptual econometric framework which differentiates two steps that drive migration intention at the household level. The study uses this approach to examine the role of both contextual and household factors in motivating the migration intentions of resettled people in the largest environmental resettlement area of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, where household survey data were collected in 2012. This framework enabled an analysis, first, of how local contextual factors and household factors shape the severity of climate impacts on households and, second, how these factors interact with the experience of climate impacts to further influence a household’s migration intention as a response to climate impacts. The results show that some contextual factors (such as limited use of water-saving techniques, little practice of cultivating aridity-resistant crops, and lack of government support), strong local social networks and being in receipt of low rates of financial remittances have significant associations with adverse climate impacts experienced by resettled households, and also with their anticipated further relocation to respond to these impacts.  相似文献   

针对水电开发中移民农业安置的困境,以及社会发展趋势,从农村劳动力转移理论和模型出发,着重对农村剩余劳动力"开流断源"的模型进行介绍,以向家坝电站绥江县为案例分析该库区非农就业的必然性和艰巨性。基于"开流断源"的模型对非农就业的几个方面进行思考,提出:(1)从人的生产与消费两面性,以及剩余劳动力的角度而言,移民安置需要考虑库区人口规模的控制,以及趋向于增加就业的人口结构调整;(2)特定区域背景和不同移民人群对于非农就业的预期目标不同,区域发展规划和劳务输出设计需要相应地做出反映;(3)政府的移民工作需要将教育和培训方面的服务纳入重点,以提高个体预期目标部门的非农就业概率;(4)从教育、培训、基础设施建设和社会保障制度等方面,政府可以为农村劳动力向非农化转移提供支持,并在移民安置中得到具体体现。  相似文献   

Although China was one of the countries with the fastest-growing aging population in the world, limited scholarly attention has been paid to migration among older adults in China. The full picture of their migration in the entire country over time remains unknown. This study examines the spatial patterns of older interprovincial migration flows and their drivers in China over the period 1995 to 2015, using four waves of census data and intercensal population sample survey data. Results from eigenvector spatial filtering negative binomial regressions indicate that older adults tend to migrate away from low cost-of-living rural areas to high cost-of-living urban and rural areas, moving away from areas with extreme temperature differences. The location of their grandchildren is among the most important attractions. Our findings suggest that family-oriented migration is more common than amenity-led migration among retired Chinese older adults, and the cost-of-living is an indicator of economic opportunities for adult children and the quality of senior care services.  相似文献   

采用质性研究方法,以中部地区湖北的“毛嘴模式”为例,围绕武汉汉正街与仙桃毛嘴镇的城乡联系问题,研究人口回流及返乡创业所带动的地方发展,解析其对乡村振兴的重要作用。研究发现:①劳动力回流受家庭需求、家乡发展环境等多重因素影响;资本回流的主要影响因素是雇佣“本地化”劳动力,也涉及城市更新及其“外部性”效应的间接影响;②技能型劳动力回流以及企业家在城-乡间的高频流动,有利于发挥流动人口的“桥梁”作用;③回流人口主要从事与之前就业相关的行业,倾向于在镇区或市区购买商品房,促进了乡村经济转型,同时利于社会资本的培育,重塑了乡村社会空间。  相似文献   

随着新时代乡村振兴战略的实施,中国已经进入乡村转型发展的快速转型阶段,人口迁移出现了新的分化与趋势。科学认知国内外人口迁移对乡村转型发展影响的研究进展对实施乡村振兴战略、调整城乡人口发展格局具有重要意义。系统梳理国内外城乡人口迁移研究的主要内容与研究视角基础上,从农村劳动力迁出与回流、逆城市化视角阐述了人口迁移对乡村转型发展影响的研究进展,最后基于新时代乡村振兴战略需求,提出了人口迁移与乡村转型发展关系的研究展望。  相似文献   

中国人口迁移的区域差异与流场特征   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:36  
通过2000年人口普查省际迁移数据的分析,揭示了当代中国人口迁移的区域分异性,以及不同原因的流场新模式。研究发现,中国人口迁移进入高活性、高能力的新阶段;东中西部人口迁移的不平衡性不断加剧,“中部塌陷”不仅是经济意义上的,而且也是社会意义上的;人口省际迁移的辐合流场与辐散流场在进一步发展,珠江三角洲是最大的迁移辐合中心;东北与山东的对流渐趋消失,西北取代东北成为非沿海区域新的人口引力中心;以秦岭-淮河线东段和黑河-腾冲线南段为界,人口迁移分裂为东南和西北两大“流域”。就业迁移的优势程度在进一步加大,市场取代计划成为人口和人才流动的第一动力;婚姻迁移的主流方向是西南贫困山区指向华东农村,形成了西南“喀斯特新娘输出区”。  相似文献   

劳动力回流的驱动因素与就业行为研究进展   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
殷江滨 《地理科学进展》2015,34(9):1084-1095
全球化与经济一体化的深入促使劳动力的空间流动更为频繁,并呈现外出与回流并存的格局。作为发展中人口大国,中国的劳动力回流现象不断增多,流动“双向化”趋势日趋明显。本文从劳动力回流理论、回流动因、回流者的就业行为与影响机制入手,对国内外已有文献进行梳理分析,发现在回流理论中,主张成功/失败的经济理论长期占据主导地位,但这一分析范式开始受到社会学理论的挑战。回流决策不仅受外出者自身经济因素所驱使,而是在社会联系、地方经济政策环境等因素的综合影响下产生的。回流劳动力并不是简单的经济上的“失败者”,他们通过物质资本和人力资本积累,表现出更强的就业能力,通过自主创业等活动,促进了家庭收入的增加和家乡经济多元化。但由于制度环境及经济发展特点的差异,中国国内劳动力回流的动因与就业行为具有自身特点。最后,从回流理论、回流的空间效应及新生代农民工回流等方面对中国未来的回流研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Although there has been rapid rural-urban migration in rural China since the 1980s, the total grain production of China saw a continuous increase. As of today, the relationship between labor migration and grain output growth remains partial and contradictory. The main aim of this empirical study is to examine some specific measures adopted by peasants to deal with labor shortage and maintain grain output growth. Using tracking survey, participatory rural appraisal methods, and land plot investigation, we investigate 274 households and 1405 arable land plots in four villages in two stages in Jinchuan county, southwestern China. The results show that continuous emigration of labor from the four villages caused the abandonment of a small amount of land, decreased labor intensity, and reduced multiple cropping index, shifting from “corn-wheat” multiple cropping pattern to the “corn” cropping pattern, which means labor shortage in some households. At the same time, owing to surplus labor in the villages, the peasants utilize a series of means to offset the negative impacts of labor migration on grain output, such as cropland transfer, labor exchange in the busy seasons, and the substitution of capital and technology for labor. The econometric analysis also shows that labor migration boosts grain production. This study provides a reasonable explanation of grain output growth under rural-urban migration.  相似文献   

Local Economic Development is (LED) an activity of increasing importance in the developing world as globalisation produces new roles for local governments. As compared to a growing number of urban initiatives for LED, rural LED initiatives are relatively undeveloped. In this paper, the focus is upon South Africa, where the post‐apartheid government has sought to encourage both urban and rural LED initiatives. Programmes of land reform and restitution in South Africa result in the resettlement or return to the land of communities formerly dispossessed under apartheid. A critical element of planning for successful resettlement is the implementation of LED programmes. Schmidtsdrift in Northern Cape is examined as an example of participatory LED in a developing rural context. Rural LED in South Africa is distinguished by its focus upon poverty alleviation in the context of addressing the legacies of apartheid.  相似文献   

Although there has been rapid rural-urban migration in rural China since the 1980 s, the total grain production of China saw a continuous increase. As of today, the relationship between labor migration and grain output growth remains partial and contradictory. The main aim of this empirical study is to examine some specific measures adopted by peasants to deal with labor shortage and maintain grain output growth. Using tracking survey, participatory rural appraisal methods, and land plot investigation, we investigate 274 households and 1405 arable land plots in four villages in two stages in Jinchuan county, southwestern China. The results show that continuous emigration of labor from the four villages caused the abandonment of a small amount of land, decreased labor intensity, and reduced multiple cropping index, shifting from "corn-wheat" multiple cropping pattern to the "corn" cropping pattern, which means labor shortage in some households. At the same time, owing to surplus labor in the villages, the peasants utilize a series of means to offset the negative impacts of labor migration on grain output, such as cropland transfer, labor exchange in the busy seasons, and the substitution of capital and technology for labor. The econometric analysis also shows that labor migration boosts grain production. This study provides a reasonable explanation of grain output growth under rural-urban migration.  相似文献   

欠发达农区外出务工规模及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对河南省农区十村11251 户农户的入户调查资料,认为农民外出务工的数量与规模是经济因素、家庭 因素和环境因素综合作用的结果。多元回归模型显示:①外出务工经济收益与成本、家庭人口状况、农户家庭经营 地、农户家庭生活性支出等正向影响农户外出务工的规模;②农区家庭劳动力文化状况中,初中及以下学历人数正 向影响农区外出务工的规模,高中及以上学历人数负向影响农区外出务工的规模;③环境因素中,经济水平因子对 农区外出务工规模的影响是正向的,地形、通达性和土地类型等三个因子对农区外出务工规模的影响是负向的。  相似文献   

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