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韩非  张永祥等 《地质论评》2001,47(1):102-108
莱洲湾南岸地下水在咸水入侵条件下发生了较大的变化,从山前冲洪积平原至海岸带共存在6种类型的地下水。本文对研究区地下水化学成分的区域分布进行了研究,并通过水文地球化学调查与室内试验,结合同位素测定资料与PHRQPITZ的模拟结果,对各种类型地下水的形成原因做了深入探讨。指出在咸、淡水过渡带发生了阳离子交换。此外还揭示出卤水形成过程中发生了石盐、泻利盐的溶解。  相似文献   

在分析研究区地质及水文地质条件的基础上,根据对各类水样资料的研究,发现在洛河下游,对于相对惰性的组分,河水的化学成分由河水与地下水混合形成,并且从水化学的角度验证了在该区段补给河水的那部分地下水主要来自洛河以南的地下水;但对于易发生化学反应的组分,河水在向下游运动的过程中,其化学成分明显受到了化学反应的影响。论文使用Cl^-质量平衡方法,计算出洛河上游河水中地下水的补给比例在20~30%左右,下游地下水补给比例约占70%左右;并且根据研究区的具体条件及矿物饱和指数的计算结果,确定了石膏、方解石的溶解和白云石的沉淀以及碳酸平衡是河水化学成分形成的主要化学作用,通过对化学反应量的计算,恢复了河水与地下水仅发生了简单混合作用的混合水的成分。  相似文献   

五、地下水与岩石间的相互作用及其对地下水成分形成的影响 根据目前研究成果,可以得出,要解决地下水成分形成课题,不能仅仅停留在对因素,作用与环境诸方面的研究上的结论。因为地下水成分的形成是水在地壳中存在的全部时间内进行的复杂过程。因此,应该了解这些作用随时间而发生的变化。例如,溶解或水解作为化学过程并不是在水与岩石相互作用的所有  相似文献   

在分析研究区地质及水文地质条件的基础上,根据对各类水样资料的研究,发现在都思兔河中段,对于相对惰性的组分,河水的化学成分由湖水与地下水混合形成;但对于易发生化学反应的组分,湖水在向下游运动的过程中,其化学成分明显受到了化学反应的影响。论文使用Cl-质量平衡方法,计算出该段河水中地下水的补给比例在50%以上;并且根据研究区的具体条件及矿物饱和指数的计算结果,确定石膏的溶解、方解石和白云石的沉淀以及CO2逸出是河水化学成分形成的主要化学作用,通过对化学反应量的计算,恢复了湖水与地下水仅发生了简单混合作用的混合水的成分。  相似文献   

【研究目的】长春莲花山地区地下水中富含Sr和偏硅酸,查明地下水中锶及偏硅酸的形成机理具有重要意义。【研究方法】通过Piper三线图法及对研究区矿泉水形成的物质基础、水动力条件、水化学条件的深入研究。【研究结果】研究发现长春莲花山地区发育的松散岩、碎屑岩、火成岩是该地区地下水中锶及偏硅酸的富集的物质基础;大气降水与地表水入渗补给等为地下水长期与周围岩石(矿物)发生水解和溶滤作用、为地下水最终富锶及偏硅酸创造了条件。【结论】区域地层中存在16.3~80 m巨厚的基岩风化带,使富锶及富含偏硅酸的地下水呈面状分布,部分区域两种地下水同时存在,这一点不同与以往在基岩构造带上发现的线状分布的矿泉水源;前人在此区域上没有发现富含锶及偏硅酸的矿泉水,这一发现为地方经济发展提供了新的空间。  相似文献   

由于地下水开采破坏了原先的平衡状态,地下开采量大于补给量时,在开采区附近形成地下水水位持续下降,当埋深到达8 m以上的时候,就会形成地下水降落漏斗区。通过对华北平原形成的第一个地下水漏斗区(青风岭漏斗、郇封岭漏斗区)形成前后大尺度的跟踪研究,对地下水漏斗的形成原因与机理有了进一步的探讨,当地下水开采率大于100%时,地下水开发利用程度一直维持在较高水平是导致地下水位的持续下降、地下水降落漏斗面积不断扩大的主要原因。  相似文献   

氟是人体的必须元素之一,饮水中氟元素过量会导致地氟病。高氟地下水的形成机制一直是水文地球化学研究的一个热门话题。利用在张掖盆地开展1∶5万水文地质调查所获得的大量水位、水质资料,运用水化学和氘氧同位素方法,在较高精度水平上探讨了龙首山前高氟地下水的形成机制。研究结果表明,龙首山前地下水中的F-主要来源于龙首山含氟岩石,通过季节性洪水的方式补给到盆地的第四系含水层中,并与盆地上游来源的低氟地下水发生混合,使龙首山前地下水分为三个条带。  相似文献   

地壳表层砷的循环与污染地下水模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地监测和预测地下水砷污染,揭示由自然原因引起的地下水砷污染规律和机制,通过多年来对内蒙古河套平原地下水砷污染的调查研究,在充分了解和掌握砷的化学与地球化学性质以及世界各国地下水砷污染状况与分布特征的基础上,总结了砷在自然环境中的分布和污染地下水的机理。文章阐述了4种地下水砷污染类型的形成机理,并提出了地壳表层砷的循环与污染地下水模式,通过该模式在基本掌握某一地区地质环境背景的情况下,可以初步预测其可能发生地下水砷污染的地段。地下水砷污染是砷在地壳表层循环过程中发生的一种环境水文地球化学现象,污染区的分布与特定的地质、地理背景和环境条件有关。在还原解吸污染类型中,封闭的环境、硫元素和有机碳的存在是地层中砷溶出的主要控制因素。今后应加强对封闭的冲积或湖积平原、河流入湖或入海三角洲等地区地下水砷污染的调查与监测。  相似文献   

地下水降落漏斗是抽水井开采地下水必然产生的物理现象,在其不同的发展阶段与不同的工程地质和水文地质条件结合,会产生截然不同的环境地质问题或是地质灾害.从地下水降落漏斗发生、发展及产生的地质灾害可能性分析出发,按照形成时间、开采井数量、危害程度和发展趋势对地下水降落漏斗进行了分类,旨在帮助人们加深对地下水降落漏斗本质的认识和理解,有助于对地下水资源的科学管理.  相似文献   

某傍河研究区的地下水化学分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为研究常见地表污染源对地下水造成的影响,开展了某傍河区域的研究。在对傍河研究区开展野外调查、钻探取样分析等工作的基础上,从水化学角度对研究区地下水进行了系统分析,揭示了研究区内污染河水与地下水并没有明显的水力联系,深、浅含水层水力联系微弱;浅层地下水化学成分的形成以溶滤作用为主,并存在阳离子交换作用,易受到地表污染源及人为活动的影响;深层地下水化学成分的形成主要受到大区域水文地质环境演化的影响。  相似文献   

Hydrochemistry and salt-water intrusion in the Van aquifer,east Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Groundwater in the Van coastal aquifer is one of the main sources of potable, industrial and irrigational water in Van City, because of its semi-arid climate. Groundwater extraction has been in excess of replenishment owing to increased agricultural and economic activities and a growing population during the last 20 years. A hydrochemical survey of the Van aquifer provided data on the groundwater chemistry patterns and the main mineralization processes. The main processes influencing the groundwater chemistry are salinisation from salt-water intrusion, silicate mineral dissolution, cation exchange and human activity. Deterioration in water quality has resulted from intrusion of the salt water of Lake Van along the coastal regions into the Van plain. At present, the mixing rate of salt water in the Van aquifer is between 1 and 5.5% and salt water has already invaded about 5 km inland in the iskele and the airport region.  相似文献   

晚更新世以来潍河古河道沉积及其对现代咸水入侵的控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在莱州湾潍河古河道沉积区选取4条典型的地质剖面,对典型钻孔岩芯进行粒度、^14C及热释光测年分析,结合野外实地考察及100余个地质钻孔资料的分析,揭示了潍河晚更新世以来古河道的沉积特征。沉积剖面自下而上沉积物粒度逐渐减小,潍河以东古河道砂层厚30-50m,连续性好;潍河以西古河道砂层厚度小于20m,连续性较差。沉积特征的不同导致潍河以东地区咸水入侵发生早,后期变缓,为上淡下咸二层水文地质体;潍河以西地区咸水入侵主要是20世纪70年代末期以来在人类活动的干预下大规模的入侵,沿古河道入侵距离可达9-10km,为淡-咸-淡三层水文地质体。研究古河道沉积与咸水入侵的关系,为咸水入侵的发展趋势及防治措施的研究提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   

In this study, combining interpretations of conservative dissolved ions and environmental isotopes in water were used to investigate the main factors and mechanisms controlling groundwater salinization and hydrogeochemical processes in the Eastern Nile Delta, Egypt. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic study has been carried out for 61 water samples from the study area. Total dissolved solid (TDS) contents of groundwater are highly variable rising along flowpath from the south (410 mg/L) to the north (14,784 mg/L), implying significant deterioration and salinization of groundwater. Based on TDS and ionic ratios, groundwater samples were classified into three groups. In low-saline groups, water chemistry is greatly influenced by cation exchange, mineral dissolution/precipitation, anthropogenic pollutants and mixing with surface water. Whilst, in high-saline groups, water chemistry is affected by salt-water intrusion, reverse cation exchange and evaporation. The chemical constituents originating from saline water sources, reverse ion exchange and mineral dissolution are successfully differentiated using ionic delta and saturation index approaches. The δ18O–δ2H relationship plots on a typical evaporation line, suggesting potential evaporation of the recharging water prior to infiltration. Isotope evidence concludes that the groundwater have been considerably formed by mixing between depleted meteoric water recharged under different climatic conditions and recently infiltrating enriched surface water and excess of irrigation water. The δ18O data in conjunction with chloride concentrations provide firm evidence for impact of dissolution of marine-origin evaporite deposits, during past geologic periods, on groundwater salinity in the northern region. Moreover, the relation between 14C activities and Cl? concentration confirms this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The groundwater quality detoriation due to various geochemical processes like saline water intrusion, evaporation and interaction of groundwater with brines is a serious problem in coastal environments. Understanding the geochemical evolution is important for sustainable development of water resources. A detailed investigation was carried out to evaluate the geochemical processes regulating groundwater quality in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu, India. The area is entirely underlined by sedimentary formations, which include sandstone, clay, alluvium, and small patches of laterite soils of tertiary and quaternary age. Groundwater samples were collected from the study area and analyzed for major ions. The electrical conductivity (EC) value ranged from 962 to 11,824 μS/cm, with a mean of 2802 μS/cm. The hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in the study area starts from Mg-HCO3 type to Na-Cl type indicating the cation exchange reaction along with seawater intrusion. The Br/Cl ratio indicates the evaporation source for the ion. The Na/Cl ratios indicate groundwater is probably controlled by water-rock interaction, most likely by derived from the weathering of calcium-magnesium silicates. The plot of (Ca+Mg) versus HCO3 suggests ions derived from sediment weathering. The plot of Na+K over Cl reflects silicate weathering along with precipitation. Gibbs plot indicates the dominant control of rock weathering. Factor analysis indicates dominance of salt water intrusion, cation-exchange and anthropogenic phenomenon in the study.  相似文献   

环境同位素特征对滨海岩溶地区海水入侵过程的指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大连大魏家水源地位于中国北方典型滨海岩溶地区。近30年来,地下淡水的不合理开采造成的地下水位降落漏斗引发了严重的海水入侵。以大魏家水源地为研究对象,通过大量的水文地质调查和水化学及同位素采样测试分析,探讨海水入侵形成的水动力条件,通过分析滨海岩溶含水层中地下水主要水化学和多种同位素(δ2H-δ18O,δ34S,δ13C)组成特征,识别了海水入侵过程中发生的主要水文地球化学作用,并对其进行了定量模拟,从而阐明了岩溶含水层中的海水入侵机理。研究结果表明:大连大魏家海水入侵主要通道为大魏家地区存在的导水断裂、岩溶裂隙以及第四系松散地层。对δ2H-δ18O同位素的组成分析表明,研究区地下水主要来自大气降水补给,结合Cl-浓度分布,认为除海水入侵淡水含水层后增加了地下水中的盐分外,浅层地下水的蒸发也对地下水中盐分的累积起到了重要作用。根据不同水体中δ34SSO4,δ13CHCO3等同位素特征,结合水化学成分(如SO2-4,Cl-)分析认为,研究区微咸水和咸水并不是地下水淡水和海水简单混合而成。利用反向水文地球化学模拟揭示了控制滨海岩溶含水层中水化学演化的主要水文地球化学反应有方解石、蒙脱石和石膏的溶解作用,伊利石的沉淀作用以及Ca-Na离子交换作用,伴随着CO2的释放。  相似文献   

 The Gaza Strip coastal aquifer is under severe hydrological stress due to over-exploitation. Excessive pumping during the past decades in the Gaza region has caused a significant lowering of groundwater levels, altering in some regions the normal transport of salts into the sea and reversing the gradient of groundwater flow. The sharp increase in chloride concentrations in groundwater indicates intrusion of seawater and/or brines from the western part of the aquifer near the sea. Simulations of salt-water intrusion were carried out using a two-dimensional density-dependent flow and transport model SUTRA (Voss 1984). This model was applied to the Khan Yunis section of the Gaza Strip aquifer. Simulations were done under an assumption that pumping rates increase according to the rate of population growth, or about 3.8% a year. Model parameters were estimated using available field observations. Numerical simulations show that the rate of seawater intrusion during 1997–2006 is expected to be 20–45 m/yr. The results lead to a better understanding of aquifer salinization due to seawater intrusion and give some estimate of the rate of deterioration of groundwater. Received, September 1997 Revised, January 1998, July 1998 Accepted, August 1998  相似文献   

A seawater-intrusion study was conducted at an oil-refinery site located on the coast in the lower Esino Valley, Italy. A steady-state density-dependent flow model was used in order to understand the position of the freshwater/salt-water interface, as influenced by the hydrogeologic structure and the presence of industrial activities and a river. Collected data and model results showed that in a large part of the area, the salt-water interface is steep and can penetrate only a few meters inland. On the other hand, close to the river mouth, seawater represents the main saline source for the aquifer. The river, in connection with the sea, can enhance seawater encroachment into the coastal aquifer; a long-term survey of river level and chloride concentrations in groundwater is recommended to further improve the physical model and to obtain a better calibration. At the refinery site, two “secondary” sources of saline water were identified and were demonstrated to have had a great influence on the presence of brackish waters in the unconfined aquifer: leakage from the fire-extinguishing system (network of pipes containing seawater) and rough sea events. This confirmed that groundwater contamination by chloride can result from means other than seawater intrusion.  相似文献   

广西北海市海城区西段含水层海水入侵地球化学过程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚锦梅  周训  谢朝海 《地质学报》2011,85(1):136-144
广西北海市海城区西段地下含水层出现过海水入侵.海水入侵过程中可能发生哪些地球化学作用是人们关注的问题.本文运用绘制Piper图、理论混合线(TML)、计算离子delta值和饱和指数SI以及水文地球化学模拟等方法研究了该区含水层在海水入侵后发生的地球化学作用.通常海水入侵后地下水含水层容易发生白云岩化作用,要通过模拟计算...  相似文献   

A water resources database was developed and used to characterize the geological and hydrogeological settings of groundwater aquifers in the northern part of the United Arab Emirates. An intensive 2D Earth Resistivity Imaging (ERI) survey was conducted in selected areas to assess the available groundwater resources and delineate the salt-water intrusion. Drilling information of the existing monitoring wells as well as their records of water table elevations and groundwater salinity were used to measure the horizontal and vertical variations in lithology, degree of saturation, and groundwater salinity and thus to improve the interpretation of ERI data. The results of the chemical analyses of water samples collected from the wells along with the 2D ERI survey profiles were used to obtain an empirical relationship between the inferred earth resistivity and the amount of total dissolved solids. This relationship was used along with the true resistivity sections resulting from the inversion of 2D ERI data to identify and map three zones of water-bearing formation (fresh, brackish, and salt-water zones) in the coastal areas. The results indicated that the depth to the fresh-brackish interface exceeded 50 m at the upstream of the wadies and was in the order of 10 m or less in the vicinity of shoreline. Because of the high resistivity contrast between dry and water saturated fractured rocks; this method was very successful in detecting water-filled fractures and cavities in the carbonate aquifer. The application of this method was unsuccessful in clayey aquifers as it was not possible to isolate lenses of gravel and/or saturated with saline or brackish water from the surrounding clayey materials.  相似文献   

The Quaternary aquifer of Wadi Ham, UAE has been overexploited during the last two decades to meet the increasing water demands. As a result, the dynamic balance between freshwater and seawater has been disturbed and the quality of the groundwater has deteriorated. In this paper, a 2D earth resistivity survey was conducted in Wadi Ham in the area between Fujairah and Kalba to delineate the seawater intrusion. Existing monitoring wells were used to measure the horizontal and vertical variations in water salinity and thus to improve the interpretation of earth resistivity imaging data. Results of vertical electrical soundings and chemical analyses of collected water samples were used to obtain an empirical relationship between the inferred earth resistivity and the amount of total dissolved solids. This relationship was used along with the true resistivity sections resulting from the inversion of 2D resistivity data to identify three zones of water-bearing formation (fresh, brackish, and salt-water zones). Along the four 2D resistivity profiles, the depth to the fresh-brackish interface exceeded 50 m at the western part of the area and was in the order of 10 m or less in the eastern side near the shoreline. Depth to the brackish-saline water interface reached about 70 m in the western side and was in the order of 20 m in the eastern side. The thickness of the fresh water zone decreases considerably in the farming areas toward Kalba and thus the degree of seawater intrusion increases.  相似文献   

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