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鲍媛媛 《大气科学》2021,45(5):994-1006
对比强厄尔尼诺次年2016年和1998年长江中下游梅雨季风环流异同点,并探讨其物理机制,结果表明:(1)2016年梅雨集中期和1998年两段梅雨期季风环流有诸多相似特征:西北太平洋副热带高压(副高)偏强偏西、南亚高压偏强偏东、孟加拉湾到南海西南季风偏弱;此外,华北东部到江淮均有冷槽维持;副高持续稳定地将西南季风引导至长江中下游形成强西南暖湿气流,并与来自冷槽的北方南下干冷空气辐合,在高层辐散形势配合下形成强降雨。(2)三段梅雨期,青藏高原附近均为高压脊控制,受暖平流及高原热源、梅雨凝结潜热等因素影响,青藏高原到江南、华南一带大气中高层呈大范围强温度正距平;印度尼西亚群岛附近洋面为海温正距平,对流和热源偏强;这是季风环流相似特征形成的两个重要因素。(3)2016年梅雨集中期,青藏高原暖脊最强,东部冷槽最浅,海温正距平范围最大最北,因而南亚高压和副高位置最北,梅雨雨带也最北;梅雨集中期的结束与冷空气减弱以及台湾以东洋面等海域海温正距平显著增强引起超强台风“尼伯特”登陆有关;7月第4候之后,菲律宾以东洋面、南海及东海海域海温正距平增强,对流活跃,导致7月21日之后副高显著偏北;因而没能出现第2段梅雨集中期。(4)1998年7月中旬至8月初,青藏高原上空高压脊较浅,北部呈位势高度负距平,冷空气势力较强,温度偏低,东部冷槽深,西北太平洋海温正距平区域维持不变,故南亚高压和副高异常偏南,从而出现第2段梅雨。  相似文献   

利用中国2374个站点的日最高气温资料、NCEP/NCAR大气环流资料以及NOAA海表温度资料,分析了中国南方盛夏高温的主要类型,比较了各类型高温对应的大尺度环流以及与海表温度异常信号的联系。结果表明:中国南方地区年高温日数有明显的增多趋势,利用聚类分析将中国南方盛夏高温分为江淮型、华南型和华中型3类。江淮型高温中心区域位于江淮地区,该类型高温空间范围大、发生频次高,典型的环流系统为高、低空呈现异常反气旋,西太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)偏强偏西,南北位置略偏北。该类型高温是西太副高直接控制下的高温类型,与前冬到夏季中部型厄尔尼诺衰减和春季赤道大西洋地区海温偏高有关。华南型高温中心区域在江南南部到华南地区,典型的环流系统是东亚副热带急流的位置偏南,西太副高偏强、偏西和脊线偏南,华南型高温也是西太副高直接控制下的高温,且伴随着西南季风的减弱,干热特征明显,该类型高温与东部型厄尔尼诺衰减及其与之相联系的印度洋“电容器”效应密切相关。华中型高温主要位于湖北和湖南两省,对应的环流型为西太副高偏弱、偏东,在中高纬度与北大西洋-欧亚遥相关型类似,是大陆高压控制下的高温,使得水汽条件比另两类高温好。北大西洋-欧亚遥相关型是华中型高温的可能信号源。   相似文献   

利用1980-2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和美国NOAA向外长波辐射(outgoing longwave radiation,OLR)资料,根据关键区500 hPa位势高度的变化定义了西太平洋副高东西位置指标,利用该指标围绕东亚夏季风系统开展分析,详细对比了夏季6月、7月副高东西向活动异常时,季风区相应的环流及对流活动差异.结果表明:副高东西位置的年际变化反映了亚洲夏季风的强弱变化,副高偏西(东)年,南海夏季风偏弱(强),副热带夏季风偏强(弱);副高的东西进退与东亚夏季风系统成员之间相互影响、相互制约;副高偏西年,南亚高压偏东、偏强,季风槽不发展、强度偏弱,西风带长波槽发展加深,南半球马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压减弱,越赤道气流减弱,而副高偏东年情况则反之.  相似文献   

段廷扬 《气象学报》1994,52(2):194-200
由于青藏高原500hPa层出现高压系统的活动,使高原大气产生"上高下高"的气压场结构,从而东亚大气环流也发生某些相应的变化。本文统计分析了高原500hPa高压的散度与垂直速度分布、高原大气热源的演变和100hPa层涡度、纬向风以及经圈环流的变化等。结果认为,由于夏季高原500hPa高压的活动,使高原上空垂直上升运动和对流加热受到抑制,100hPa南亚高压强度减弱、位置北抬、有向西部型过渡的特征.高原北侧西风急流减弱,东风急流南支与北支合并后位于原北文东风急流位置以南,侵入高原南麓的西南季风减弱。与此同时,孟加拉湾上空上升运动有所增强,其对流加热对维持东风急流乃至南亚季风将起重要作用。  相似文献   

春季青藏高原感热对中国东部夏季降水的影响和预测作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1980-2012年青藏高原中、东部71个站点观测资料、全中国756站的月降水资料、哈得来中心提供的HadISST v1.1海温资料以及ERA-Interim再分析资料,综合青藏高原的感热加热以及全球海温,研究了春季青藏高原感热对中国东部夏季降水的影响,并建立预报方程,探讨了青藏高原春季感热对中国降水的预报作用。结果表明,青藏高原春季感热与中国东部降水关系密切,青藏高原春季感热异常增强伴随着长江流域中下游同期降水增多,后期夏季长江流域整流域降水也持续偏多,华南东部降水偏少。春季青藏高原感热的增强与环北半球中高纬度的罗斯贝波列密切相关,扰动在北太平洋形成的反气旋环流向西南方向延伸至西北太平洋,为长江流域输送大量的水汽,有利于降水的发生。夏季,伴随着前期青藏高原感热的增强,南亚高压位置偏东,西北太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)位置偏西偏南,西太副高北侧为气旋式环流异常。在西太副高的控制下,华南东部降水减少;西太副高西侧的偏南气流为长江流域带来大量水汽,并与来自北部气旋式环流异常西侧的偏北风发生辐合,降水增多。青藏高原春季感热异常是华南和长江流域夏季降水异常的重要前兆信号。加入青藏高原春季感热后,利用海温预报的华南、长江流域夏季降水量与观测值的相关系数有所提高,预报方程对区域降水的解释方差提高约15%。   相似文献   

热带太平洋-印度洋海温异常综合模对南亚高压的影响   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
杨辉  李崇银 《大气科学》2005,29(1):99-110
从综合考虑热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常特征出发,研究了热带太平洋-印度洋海温异常综合模对南亚高压的影响.当热带太平洋-印度洋海温异常综合模为正位相(西印度洋和东太平洋海温距平为正,东印度洋-西太平洋海温距平为负),南亚高压偏弱,位置偏东偏南;当热带太平洋-印度洋海温异常综合模为负位相(西印度洋和东太平洋海温距平为负,东印度洋-西太平洋海温距平为正),南亚高压偏强,位置偏西偏北.热带太平洋-印度洋海温异常综合模影响南亚高压主要通过三种机制:一是通过影响亚洲季风从而影响了降水潜热形成的大气加热场分布,在正(负)位相年,青藏高原大气热源为负(正)异常,因此青藏高原上空空气上升减弱(加强),南亚高压偏弱(偏强);南海季风和热带辐合带加强(减弱),菲律宾附近的大气热源加强(减弱),有利于上空青藏高原东南侧反气旋(气旋)式的距平环流,因此南亚高压偏东偏南(偏西偏北).二是热带太平洋-印度洋海温的纬向热力对比引起赤道纬向垂直(Walker)环流异常,必将引起高空纬向风异常,在正(负)位相年,南亚高压南部的印度洋高空会出现西(东)风异常,导致南亚高压偏弱(偏强).三是综合模的正(负)异常加强(减小)西印度洋经度范围的区域Hadley环流,其北侧伊朗高原上的异常下沉(上升)支,造成南亚高压偏弱(偏强),位置偏东偏南(偏西偏北).  相似文献   

夏季南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压的相关性分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用1951—2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料研究夏季南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)的相关性。结果发现,夏季南亚高压与西太副高的联系密切,年际尺度上强度指数之间的显著正相关关系相对稳定,两者同时偏强(简称同强)与同时偏弱(简称同弱)的模态超过70%。当南亚高压与西太副高同强(同弱)时,西风急流偏强(偏弱),高纬度地区大气环流呈经向(纬向)型,太平洋EAP遥相关为正(负)位相。贯穿对流层中上层的中纬度纬向西风与高压强度异常有密切的联系,西风急流可作为中纬度地区连接两者作用的纽带。青藏高原与太平洋地区对流层的温度差异分布对当地的环流系统造成很大影响,高原热力异常和海温异常联系着高压系统的演变。南亚高压、西太副高的异常影响了整体东亚大气环流的配置,是了解不同纬度系统相互作用的又一着眼点。  相似文献   

基于近57 a (1961—2017年)西藏雅鲁藏布江中游河谷地区(简称雅江河谷)4个站(拉萨、日喀则、泽当和江孜)盛夏(7—8月)月平均降水和同期NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用合成、相关分析等统计诊断方法,分析了雅江河谷盛夏降水的年际变化特征及其与大气环流的联系。结果表明:1)近57 a雅江河谷盛夏降水无显著线性趋势,降水主要以3~4 a显著周期的年际振荡为主。2)雅江河谷盛夏降水年际波动与区域内水汽收支的变化直接相关,其中印度半岛-东南亚异常反气旋引起的水汽输送通量和水汽在高原腹地辐合上升的动力过程是盛夏降水年际变化的主要原因。3)对流层中低层印度半岛-东南亚异常反气旋环流是该地区盛夏降水年际异常的重要水汽输送通道,该通道将西太平洋、南海和孟加拉湾等地水汽不断输送到高原,期间西太副高和伊朗高压等大尺度系统异常对水汽输送过程起到了重要作用,同时高原盛夏季风低压和南亚高压异常给水汽在高原腹地辐合抬升提供了动力条件。  相似文献   

利用2006年西南地区东部37个测站逐日降水量、气温资料和NCEP/NCAR R2再分析日平均资料,通过相关分析和合成分析,研究分析了高原夏季风季节内变化特征,讨论了高原夏季风强弱变化特征及其与西南地区东部夏季气候的关系。结果表明:高原夏季风的变化和西南地区东部夏季气候变化关系密切。当高原夏季风偏强(弱)时,南亚高压、中高纬度环流、西太副高、西风带环流、低层流场以及垂直运动等均有显著变化,进而影响到西南地区东部夏季气候。高原夏季风的季节内变化与青藏高原大气热源呈显著正相关关系,青藏高原热力作用对高原夏季风的异常变化有重要作用。  相似文献   

利用19512012年NCEP/NCAR全球2.5°×2.5°日平均及月平均再分析风场、高度场资料,分析了青藏高原季风强弱与西风带位置变化的关系,并探讨了西风带位置变化的原因。结果表明:(1)西风带位置变化的早晚与高原夏季风的强弱相关,季风强年西风带北跳和南撤时间分别为第30候(提早1候)和第59候;季风弱年则分别为第33候(晚2候)和第63候(晚4候),并且这种现象是全球性的。(2)西风带北跳期间,高原季风强年相较于常年南亚高压加强北上,贝加尔湖西部槽加强,高原经度范围内的槽加深,促使西风带北跳时间偏早,季风弱年则相反。(3)西风带南撤期间,高原季风强年相较于常年副热带高压位置偏南,东亚大槽加深加强,有利于西风带南撤,季风弱年则相反。  相似文献   

Extreme precipitation events in the upper Yangtze River Valley (YRV) have recently become an increasingly important focus in China because they often cause droughts and floods. Unfortunately, little is known about the climate processes responsible for these events. This paper investigates factors favorable to frequent extreme precipitation events in the upper YRV. Our results reveal that a weakened South China Sea summer monsoon trough, intensified Eurasian-Pacific blocking highs, an intensified South Asian High, a southward subtropical westerly jet and an intensified Western North Pacific Subtropical High (WNPSH) increase atmospheric instability and enhance the convergence of moisture over the upper YRV, which result in more extreme precipitation events. The snow depth over the eastern Tibetan Plateau (TP) in winter and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) over three key regions in summer are important external forcing factors in the atmospheric circulation anomalies. Deep snow on the Tibetan Plateau in winter can weaken the subsequent East Asian summer monsoon circulation above by increasing the soil moisture content in summer and weakening the land–sea thermal contrast over East Asia. The positive SSTA in the western North Pacific may affect southwestward extension of the WNPSH and the blocking high over northeastern Asia by arousing the East Asian-Pacific pattern. The positive SSTA in the North Atlantic can affect extreme precipitation event frequency in the upper YRV via a wave train pattern along the westerly jet between the North Atlantic and East Asia. A tripolar pattern from west to east over the Indian Ocean can strengthen moisture transport by enhancing Somali cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

The boreal summer season could be divided into two periods in terms of the variability of western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) based on the El Ni?o influence. The correlation analysis indicates that the WNPSH in the period of pentad 32?C37 (June 5 to July 4, first period) is not affected by El Ni?o, while that in the period of pentad 40?C45 (July 15 to August 13, second period) is strongly affected by sea surface temperature in the equatorial eastern Pacific in the previous winter. The different response of low-level circulation over the western North Pacific (WNP) to the El Ni?o forcing between two periods seems to be due to the difference of mean climatological fields over the WNP and the East Asian regions. The WNPSH in the first period is closely connected to the variability of North Pacific subtropical High. In the second period, on the other hand, the WNPSH variability is dominantly controlled by the convective activity over the WNPSH region and it is related with the El Ni?o forcing. The composite analysis on the relationship between the WNPSH and the East Asian summer monsoon exhibits distinct contrasts between two periods. In the first period, the East Asian stationary front exists all the time regardless of the strength of the WNPSH. On the other hand, in the second period the East Asian stationary front appears only when the WNPSH is strong, while there is no obvious East Asian frontal zone when it is weak.  相似文献   

Mechanisms determining the tropospheric temperature gradient that is related to the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon are examined in an intermediate atmospheric model coupled with a mixed-layer ocean and a simple land surface model with an idealized Afro–Eurasian continent and no physical topography. These include processes involving in the influence of the Eurasian continent, thermal effects of the Tibetan Plateau and effects of sea surface temperature. The mechanical effect on the large-scale flow induced by the Plateau is not included in this study. The idealized land–sea geometry without topography induces a positive meridional tropospheric temperature gradient thus a weak Asian summer monsoon circulation. Higher prescribed heating and weaker surface albedo over Eurasia and the Tibetan Plateau, which mimic effects of different land surface processes and the thermal effect of the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, strengthens the meridional temperature gradient, and so as cold tropical SST anomalies. The strengthened meridional temperature gradient enhances the Asian summer monsoon circulation and favors the strong convection. The corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward and northeastward and creates variations of the monsoon rainfall anomalies in different subregions. The surface albedo over the Tibetan Plateau has a relatively weak inverse relation with the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon. The longitudinal gradient of ENSO-like SST anomalies induces a more complicated pattern of the tropospheric temperature anomalies. First, the positive (negative) longitudinal gradient induced by the El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies weakens (strengthens) the Walker circulation and the circulation between South Asia and northern Africa and therefore the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon, while the corresponding monsoon rainbelt extends northward (southward). The El Niño (La Niña)-like SST anomalies also induces colder (warmer) tropospheric temperature over Eurasia and warmer (colder) tropospheric temperature over the Indian Ocean. The associated negative (positive) meridional gradient of the tropospheric temperature anomalies is consistent with the existence of the weak (strong) Asian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风强弱年大气环流和热源异常对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据黄刚等定义的东亚夏季风指数, 对强、弱东亚夏季风年大气环流、大气热源和外强迫源SST的差异进行分析, 结果表明:强 (弱) 东亚夏季风年前期冬季到夏季, 太平洋SSTA为La Ni?a (El Ni?o) 型分布, 西太平洋暖池SST暖 (冷), 使得暖池附近对流活动较强 (较弱)。与此同时, 南亚大陆从印度半岛、青藏高原南部、中南半岛至华南大气异常加热 (变冷), 并且海陆热力对比加强 (减弱), 有利于出现强 (弱) 的东亚夏季风。此外, 由于暖池附近对流活动强 (弱), 该地区上升气流较强 (弱), Walker环流增强 (减弱), 当强 (弱) 的东亚夏季风向北推进时, 副热带西风急流北撤位置偏北 (南), 副热带高压位置也偏北 (南), 7月至8月华北 (江淮流域) 位于副热带西风急流南侧, 降水偏多, 江淮流域 (华北) 降水偏少。并给出与东亚夏季风年际变异有关的大气环流和SST异常的物理图像。  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of the Asian monsoon were explored by applying the atmospheric general circulation model R42L9 that was developed recently at the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LASG/IAP/CAS). The 20-yr (1979-1998) simulation was done using the prescribed 20-yr monthly SST and sea-ice data as required by Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP)Ⅱ in the model. The monthly precipitation and monsoon circulations were analyzed and compared with the observations to validate the model‘s performance in simulating the climatological mean and seasonal variations of the Asian monsoon. The results show that the model can capture the main features of the spatial distribution and the temporal evolution of precipitation in the Indian and East Asian monsoon areas. The model also reproduced the basic patterns of monsoon circulation. However, some biases exis tin this model. The simulation of the heating over the Tibetan Plateau in summer was too strong. The overestimated heating caused a stronger East Asian monsoon and a weaker Indian monsoon than the observations. In the circulation fields, the South Asia high was stronger and located over the Tibetan Plateau. The western Pacific subtropical high was extended westward, which is in accordance with the observational results when the heating over the Tibetan Plateau is stronger. Consequently, the simulated rainfall around this area and in northwest China was heavier than in observations, but in the Indian monsoon area and west Pacific the rainfall was somewhat deficient.  相似文献   

The western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) is a crucial component of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) system and significantly influences the precipitation in East Asia. In this study, distinguished role of WNPSH on the EASM and Indian Ocean monsoon (IOM) are investigated. Based on the boreal summer mean field of 850-hPa geopotential height and its interannual variability, the WNPSH index (WNPSHI) is defined by the areaaveraged geopotential height over the region [110°–150°E, 15°–30°N]. The WNPSHI is significantly related to the precipitation over the East Asian monsoon (EAM) region [105°–150°E, 30°–40°N] and IOM region [70°–105°E, 5°–15°N]. Rainfalls over these two regions have good correlation with WNPSH developments and the geopotential height fields at 850 hPa related to the EAM precipitation and IOM precipitation have remarkably different teleconnection patterns in boreal summer. These features exhibit that EAM and IOM precipitations have different type of development processes associated with different type of WNPSH each other. Focusing on the relationships among the EAM precipitation, IOM precipitation, and the WNPSH variabilities, we assume that WNPSH and EAM precipitation are usually fluctuated simultaneously through the sea surface temperature (SST)-subtropical ridge-monsoon rainfall feedback, whereas the IOM precipitation varies through the different process. To clarify the relationships among WNPSH, EAM, and IOM, two cases are selected. The first one is the case that all of WNPSH, EAM, and IOM are in phase (WE(+)I(+)), and the second one is the case that WNPSH and EAM are in phase and WNPSH/EAM and IOM is out of phase (WE(+)I(?)). These two cases are connected to the thermal forcing associated with SST anomalies over the eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean. This different thermal forcing induces the change in circulation fields, and then anomalous circulation fields influence the moisture convergence over Asian monsoon regions interactively. Therefore, the monsoon rainfall may be changed according to the thermal conditions over the tropics.  相似文献   

This study depicts the sub-seasonal prediction of the South China Sea summer monsoon onset (SCSSMO) and investigates the associated oceanic and atmospheric processes, utilizing the hindcasts of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2). Typically, the SCSSMO is accompanied by an eastward retreat of the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH), development of the cross-equatorial flow, and an increase in the east-west sea surface temperature (SST) gradient. These features are favorable for the onset of westerlies and strengthening of convection and precipitation over the South China Sea (SCS). A more vigorous SCSSMO process shows a higher predictability, and vice versa. The NCEP CFSv2 can successfully predict the onset date and evolution of the monsoon about 4 pentads (20 days) in advance (within 1–2 pentads) for more forceful (less vigorous) SCSSMO processes. On the other hand, the climatological SCSSMO that occurs around the 27th pentad can be accurately predicted in one pentad, and the predicted SCSSMO occurs 1–2 pentads earlier than the observed with a weaker intensity at longer leadtimes. Warm SST biases appear over the western equatorial Pacific preceding the SCSSMO. These biases induce a weaker-than-observed WNPSH as a Gill-type response, leading to weakened low-level easterlies over the SCS and hence an earlier and less vigorous SCSSMO. In addition, after the SCSSMO, remarkable warm biases over the eastern Indian Ocean and the SCS and cold biases over the WNP induce weaker-than-observed westerlies over the SCS, thus also contributing to the less vigorous SCSSMO.  相似文献   

The East Asian summer monsoon: an overview   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
Summary The present paper provides an overview of major problems of the East Asian summer monsoon. The summer monsoon system over East Asia (including the South China Sea (SCS)) cannot be just thought of as the eastward and northward extension of the Indian monsoon. Numerous studies have well documented that the huge Asian summer monsoon system can be divided into two subsystems: the Indian and the East Asian monsoon system which are to a greater extent independent of each other and, at the same time, interact with each other. In this context, the major findings made in recent two decades are summarized below: (1) The earliest onset of the Asian summer monsoon occurs in most of cases in the central and southern Indochina Peninsula. The onset is preceded by development of a BOB (Bay of Bengal) cyclone, the rapid acceleration of low-level westerlies and significant increase of convective activity in both areal extent and intensity in the tropical East Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. (2) The seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon displays a distinct stepwise northward and northeastward advance, with two abrupt northward jumps and three stationary periods. The monsoon rain commences over the region from the Indochina Peninsula-the SCS-Philippines during the period from early May to mid-May, then it extends abruptly to the Yangtze River Basin, and western and southern Japan, and the southwestern Philippine Sea in early to mid-June and finally penetrates to North China, Korea and part of Japan, and the topical western West Pacific. (3) After the onset of the Asian summer monsoon, the moisture transport coming from Indochina Peninsula and the South China Sea plays a crucial “switch” role in moisture supply for precipitation in East Asia, thus leading to a dramatic change in climate regime in East Asia and even more remote areas through teleconnection. (4) The East Asian summer monsoon and related seasonal rain belts assumes significant variability at intraseasonal, interannual and interdecadal time scales. Their interaction, i.e., phase locking and in-phase or out-phase superimposing, can to a greater extent control the behaviors of the East Asian summer monsoon and produce unique rythem and singularities. (5) Two external forcing i.e., Pacific and Indian Ocean SSTs and the snow cover in the Eurasia and the Tibetan Plateau, are believed to be primary contributing factors to the activity of the East Asian summer monsoon. However, the internal variability of the atmospheric circulation is also very important. In particular, the blocking highs in mid-and high latitudes of Eurasian continents and the subtropical high over the western North Pacific play a more important role which is quite different from the condition for the South Asian monsoon. The later is of tropical monsoon nature while the former is of hybrid nature of tropical and subtropical monsoon with intense impact from mid-and high latitudes.  相似文献   

Two types of three-dimensional circulation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) act as the coupling wheels determining the seasonal rainfall anomalies in China during 1979–2015. The first coupling mode features the interaction between the Mongolian cyclone over North Asia and the South Asian high(SAH) anomalies over the Tibetan Plateau at 200 hPa. The second mode presents the coupling between the anomalous low-level western Pacific anticyclone and upperlevel SAH via the meridional flow over Southeast Asia. These two modes are responsible for the summer rainfall anomalies over China in 24 and 7 out of 37 years, respectively. However, the dominant SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the North Atlantic Ocean fail to account for the first coupling wheel's interannual variability, illustrating the challenges in forecasting summer rainfall over China.  相似文献   

2004年台风“艾利”与“米雷”路径异常变化分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
2004年西北太平洋上生成的台风"艾利"和"米雷"开始都是向西北方向移动,当快要进入东海时两个台风的路径均发生变化,"艾利"转向西南方向,形成倒抛物线形的路径,而"米雷"突然向东北方向转折。通过对这两个台风的不同时间尺度环境场及其与台风相互作用的分析表明,对于西南转向的"艾利",副热带高压(副高)西伸明显,台风位于副高的南侧,天气尺度风场对副高低频分量的涡度平流,使得台风西北侧出现负涡度,同时由于罗斯贝波能量频散,台风东南侧出现负涡度,与负涡度相联系的天气尺度异常环流导致台风西北侧和东南侧的天气尺度引导气流的作用相互抵消,台风主要在低频环流引导下向西南方向移动;对于突然向东北转向的"米雷",副高位置偏东,转向时刻只有东南侧增强的天气尺度西南风,天气尺度引导气流导致台风向东北转折。  相似文献   

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