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地震海啸及其对上海的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震海啸曾对某些沿海国家造成巨大灾害,其规模大小是与地震震级(≥7)、震源深度(≤40 km)、波源区水深(≥1000 m)以及沿岸地形是否有利于能量集中等要素有关。本文在丰富的史料基础上,对比我国沿海及世界6级以上地震后认为,我国文献中的海啸绝大多数属气象海啸,地震海啸仅有9次,对我国沿海地区的影响微弱,上海虽有数次波及,规模(m)均≤0,未引起任何灾害。因此,就地震海啸而言,上海是安全的,勿需采取相应的防御对策。  相似文献   

陈运泰 《地学前缘》2014,21(1):120-131
2004年12月26日苏门答腊-安达曼MW9.1地震及印度洋超级海啸,以及2011年日本东北MW9.0地震及海啸与核泄漏,给人类带来了巨大的灾难。这两次灾难的接连发生充分暴露了迄今我们对于地震发生规律的认识水平还是很低的,启示我们需要继续加强对地震发生的规律性与地震预测预报的研究。在地震危险性评估中,要努力克服经验性方法的局限性,加强地应力测量以确定断层接近破裂的程度,更直接地估计地震危险性;要最大限度地运用地震、大地测量、地质、地貌等所有可资利用的资料,尽快将学术研究成果应用于防灾减灾实践。要重视不同观测资料的整合集成。要加强学科与学科之间的交叉渗透,自然科学与社会科学之间的合作交流,以及科学界与决策者和社会公众的相互沟通。要加强在海域对地震、海啸的多学科、多手段的监测工作,加强地震破裂过程复杂性的理论与应用研究,提高对地震、海啸(包括局地海啸)的监测、预测预报与预警水平。  相似文献   

群芳 《山东地质》2010,(8):12-12
利用声爆,英国科究人员分析了苏门答腊两次地震震源区的海底岩层特性。研究发现,地震引发的海啸与沉积层有关。这一研究成果发表在最近出版的《科学》杂志上。英国南安普敦大学科研人员利用两次地震得出上述研究成果:第一次是2004年12月26日发生的苏门答腊大地震,引发了一场移动迅猛的海啸,整个印度洋盆地遭受了灭顶之灾。  相似文献   

试用地球系统科学观解读2004年印度洋地震海啸   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕林素 《地球学报》2007,28(2):209-217
2004年印度洋地震海啸是本世纪初全球发生的最为惨重的自然灾害.这次地震海啸涉及地球的岩石圈、水圈、大气圈和生物圈,甚至还有地外星球和月球的作用,造成能量与物质之间的相互转化与传递,说明地球是一个完整的统一整体.因此,对地震海啸等自然灾害必须采用地球系统科学观进行分析和研究,找出彼此之间的相互关系、形成机制和演化规律,并用信息化、全球化和可持续发展的地球科学观来研究和防御地震海啸.  相似文献   

马宗晋  叶洪 《地学前缘》2005,12(1):281-287
2004年12月26日在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西侧海域发生的地震是自1964 年阿拉斯加大地震以来最大的地震,震级达到9级或9级以上。它是由印度洋板块向缅甸微板块底下俯冲过程中的逆断层作用造成的。印度洋板块以每年6~7 cm的速率向北北东方向运动,与南亚板块发生斜向聚敛俯冲,此运动在该地区解耦为印度洋板块沿巽他海沟的正向俯冲及缅甸微板块东侧的右旋走向平移运动。主震破裂模型研究的结果表明,破裂是由南向北传播的,地震破裂带长达1 200余km,宽度约100 km,最大位移约为20 m,地震断层向上穿透海沟底面,估计约有10 m左右的错距。这次大地震的同震效应导致地球自转轴摆动、地球自转加速,日长缩短。据目前统计,地震引发的大海啸造成305 276人死亡,被此次海啸夺走生命的人数超过了有史以来历次大海啸灾难中死亡人数的总和。  相似文献   

苏门答腊地震对柴达木地方震的触发作用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
2004年12月26日印度尼西亚苏门答腊西北海域发生40年来最强烈的地震,造成巨大伤亡和财产损失.大地震在4000km外的柴达木盆地西部地区狮子沟地震台阵网上有长达1000多秒的明显记录,也触发柴西地区地方震的发震频率在大地震之后一天内提高了10倍.从大地震触发的地方震活动分布来看,触发地震的发震断裂是英雄岭南侧花土沟断裂和红柳泉断裂.   相似文献   

海啸作为五大海洋自然灾害之一,严重威胁着人类生命财产安全。近些年来,国内外学者对地震海啸进行了大量研究,主要针对海啸的生成、传播、爬高和淹没的数值模拟,以及古海啸沉积物进行研究,但是对于海啸地震震源机制的研究还比较欠缺,尤其是缺乏对震级小于6.5的海啸地震的研究。针对我国的地震海啸研究现状,强调震级小于6.5地震引发海啸的问题不容忽视。本文归纳整理了全球766次地震海啸,利用三角图分类基本法则对海啸地震震源机制解进行分类,并对其中341个发生在1976年后的海啸地震进行震源机制解分析,对其中633次海啸浪高进行统计学方法分析研究。本文认为逆冲型、正断型、走滑型和奇异型机制地震均能引发海啸,逆冲型地震引发的海啸占比最大,震级小于6.5级地震引发的海啸的浪高也有高达10 m的情况,也能产生巨大破坏性。逆冲型、正断型、奇异型地震可直接引起海底地形垂向变化,进而引发海啸,而走滑型地震引发海啸则可能有两种原因,一种是走滑型地震并非纯走滑型而是带有正断或逆冲分量从而引发海啸,另外一种是走滑型地震引发海底滑坡导致海底地形变化进而产生海啸。从海啸地震震源深度分析,能产生海啸的地震震源深度97%以上都是浅源地震,主要集中在30 km深度以内,但是也有中深源地震海啸。本文综合海啸地震的震源特点、我国地理位置以及以往海啸发生的情况,认为未来我国沿海地区威胁性的地震海啸主要集中在马尼拉海沟和台湾海峡区域,在今后海啸预警方面需要格外重视这些区域,通过建立完善海啸预警系统来减少损失。  相似文献   

2004年12月26日,由于欧亚板块的碰撞,40年以来最大的地震灾害发生在印度洋。地震诱发的海啸影响到Nangroe Aceh Darussalam省的许多城市,包括省会城市班达阿齐。在这地区共有超过12万人死亡,100万人无家可归。基于遥感数据的分析表明,有12万亩的土地受到了灾害。在班达阿齐市,鱼塘、住宅用地和保护区的变化是这一地区最显著的土地利用/覆盖变化,受灾前后这些用地类型的面积相应的变化了61.5%、57.8% 和77.6%。目前,印度尼西亚中央政府正在计划一个新的海岸带土地利用规划,在原来密集的海岸带建立一个缓冲区(约距海岸带2 km)。政府已经要求许多海岸带的社区代表与非政府组织参与到决策的过程中。 为了选择并采取最佳的土地利用方式,海啸灾害后的海岸带规划应该包括一些重要的基本要素。本研究主要关注作为该省社会经济活动中心的班达阿齐市。检测了由于海啸灾害造成的土地利用/覆盖变化(包括物理破坏),特别是农业用地和居住区用地的变化,并且分析了受灾村落的不同类型及灾害对社会经济活动造成的影响。此外,还为政府以及当地居民在灾后的规划中选择更为可持续的空间布局方案提出了建议。  相似文献   

海啸,主要是海底发生较大地震(>615级)引起。海底火山爆发及山崩也可能引发,但规模小,危害不大。海洋中大于615级的地震很多,能引发海啸的约占1%。其中环太平洋地震带中约占80%,印度洋、大西洋约各占10%。过去认为世界上受海啸威胁的仅是环太平洋地震带中的夏威夷、智利、日本等少数国家。没有料及印度洋的印度尼西亚、斯里兰卡、马尔代夫、泰国等会受海啸的威胁。1868年8月8日智利—秘鲁边界大地震、1877年5月7日智利伊基克大地震、1933年3月2日日本三陆大地震、1946年4月1日阿留申群岛尼马克大地震、1960年5月21日智利大地震、1964年3月28…  相似文献   

2004年12月26日(北京时间)印尼苏门答腊西北近海发生8.9级地震造成了20多万人的死亡和巨大的财产损失,2005年3月29日(北京时间)印尼苏门答腊西北近海又发生8.6级地震。两次大地震的发生,有可能对全球地震活动格局的变化产生或预示重大影响,两次大地震参数见表1,表2是其断层面解。表中资料均取自美国哈佛大学的网站资料。  相似文献   

Local Tsunami Warning in the Pacific Coastal United States   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Coastal areas are warned of a tsunami by natural phenomena and man-made warning systems. Earthquake shaking and/or unusual water conditions, such as rapid changes in water level, are natural phenomena that warn coastal areas of a local tsunami that will arrive in minutes. Unusual water conditions are the natural warning for a distant tsunami. Man-made warning systems include sirens, telephones, weather radios, and the Emergency Alert System. Man-made warning systems are normally used for distant tsunamis, but can be used to reinforce the natural phenomena if the systems can survive earthquake shaking. The tsunami warning bulletins provided by the West Coast/Alaska and Pacific Tsunami Warning Centers and the flow of tsunami warning from warning centers to the locals are critical steps in the warning process. Public knowledge of natural phenomena coupled with robust, redundant, and widespread man-made warning systems will ensure that all residents and tourists in the inundation zone are warned in an effective and timely manner.  相似文献   

Both seismic and tsunami hazards design criteria are essential input to the rehabilitation and long-term development of city of Banda Aceh Post Sumatra 2004 (M w=9.3) disaster. A case study to develop design criteria for future disaster mitigation of the area is presented. The pilot study consists of probabilistic seismic and tsunami hazard analysis. Results of the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis indicates that peak ground acceleration at baserock for 10 and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years is 0.3 and 0.55 g, respectively. The analysis also provides spectral values at short (T=0.2 s) and long period (T=1.0 s) motions. Some non-linear time-domain earthquake response analyses for soft, medium, and hard site-class were conducted to recommend design response spectra for each site-class. In addition, tsunami inundation maps generated from probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis were developed through tsunami wave propagation analysis and run-up numerical modeling associated with its probability of tsunamigenic earthquake source potential. Both the seismic and tsunami hazard curve and design criteria are recommended as contribution of this study for design criteria, as part of the disaster mitigation effort in the development process of the city. The methodology developed herein could be applied to other seismic and tsunami disaster potential areas.  相似文献   

The 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami unfairly hit the different ethnic groups of Aceh, Indonesia. About 170,000 Acehnese and Minangkabau people died in the Northern tip of Sumatra while only 44 Simeulue people passed away in the neighbouring Simeulue island located near the earthquake epicentre. Such a difference in the death toll does not lie in the nature of the hazard but in different human behaviours and ethnic contexts. The present study draws on a contextual framework of analysis where people’s behaviour in the face of natural hazards is deeply influenced by the cultural, social, economic and political context. Questionnaire-based surveys among affected communities, key informant interviews and literature reviews show that the people of Simeulue detected the tsunami very early and then escaped to the mountains. On the other hand, Acehnese and Minangkabau people, respectively in the cities of Banda Aceh and Meulaboh, did not anticipate the phenomenon and were thus caught by the waves. The different behaviours of the victims have been commanded by the existence or the absence of a disaster subculture among affected communities as well as by their capacity to protect themselves in facing the tsunami. People’s behaviours and the capacity to protect oneself can be further tracked down to a deep tangle of intricate factors which include the armed conflict that has been affecting the province since the 1970s, the historical and cultural heritage and the national political economy system. This paper finally argues that the uneven impact of the 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Aceh lies in the different daily life conditions of the ethnic groups struck by the disaster.  相似文献   

A tsunameter (soo-NAHM-etter) network has been established in the Pacific by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Named by analogy with seismometers, the NOAA tsunameters provide early detection and real-time measurements of deep-ocean tsunamis as they propagate toward coastal communities, enabling the rapid assessment of their destructive potential. Development and maintenance of this network supports a State-driven, high-priority goal of the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program to improve the speed and reliability of tsunami warnings. The network is now operational, with excellent reliability and data quality, and has proven its worth to warning center decision-makers during potentially tsunamigenic earthquake events; the data have helped avoid issuance of a tsunami warning or have led to cancellation of a tsunami warning, thus averting potentially costly and hazardous evacuations. Optimizing the operational value of the network requires implementation of real-time tsunami forecasting capabilities that integrate tsunameter data with numerical modeling technology. Expansion to a global tsunameter network is needed to accelerate advances in tsunami research and hazard mitigation, and will require a cooperative and coordinated international effort.  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature trends in Kuwait Bay,Arabian Gulf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnitude 8.1 earthquake and subsequent tsunami killed 52 people when it hit the Solomon Islands on 2 April 2007. That number would have likely been considerably higher were it not for the appropriate reaction of the indigenous coastal populations and a helpful physical geography. Buffering coral reefs reflected some wave energy back to sea, reducing the power of the wave. Hills a short distance behind the coastal villages provided accessible havens. Despite this beneficial physiography, immigrant populations died at disproportionately high rates in comparably damaged areas because they did not recognize the signs of the impeding tsunami. The indigenous population of Tapurai, which lacks a steep barrier reef to reflect the incoming energy, experienced a much more powerful wave, and the population suffered heavy losses. Indigenous knowledge as an integral tool in basin wide tsunami warning systems has the potential to mitigate disasters in the near field. Community-based disaster management plans must be cognizant of educating diverse populations that have different understandings of their environment.  相似文献   

Indonesia is one country in the world featuring a complex tectonic structure. This condition makes earthquakes often occur in many areas of this country and as an earthquake rages beneath the sea, it will potentially trigger tsunami. One of the areas in Indonesia with a high seismic activity is Sulawesi region particularly in the Sulawesi Sea subduction zone, making it important to carry out a study on the potential tsunami at this location. The purpose of this study was to analyze the existing huge potential energy in Sulawesi Sea subduction zone and to identify tsunami modeling likely to occur based on the potential energy of the region. The approach used in assessing the tsunami disaster was the calculation of the potential energy of an earthquake and tsunami modeling based on the potential energy. The method used in this research was the least squares method for the calculation of potential energy, and near-field tsunami modeling with the assistance of TUNAMI-N2 COD. The research finding has shown that the Sulawesi Sea subduction zone has potential energy of 1.35469?×?1023 erg, equivalent to an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 Mw. The tsunami modeling made shown the average wave propagation reaching ashore within 12.3 min with a height varying between 0.1 and >?3 m. The tsunami modeling also indicated that there are seven sub-districts in Buol District, Central Sulawesi, which is affected by a significant tsunami.  相似文献   

The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) Steering Committee consists of representatives from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the states of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. The program addresses three major components: hazard assessment, warning guidance, and mitigation. The first two components, hazard assessment and warning guidance, are led by physical scientists who, using research and modeling methods, develop products that allow communities to identify their tsunami hazard areas and receive more accurate and timely warning information. The third component, mitigation, is led by the emergency managers who use their experience and networks to translate science and technology into user-friendly planning and education products. Mitigation activities focus on assisting federal, state, and local officials who must plan for and respond to disasters, and for the public that is deeply affected by the impacts of both the disaster and the pre-event planning efforts. The division between the three components softened as NTHMP scientists and emergency managers worked together to develop the best possible products for the users given the best available science, technology, and planning methods using available funds.  相似文献   

地震与海啸关系探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文探讨了海啸、地震和它们的成因。作者认为,破坏性地震常伴生着破坏性海啸,但地震不会直接引发海啸。构造地震和地壳变动型海啸之间不是因果关系,而是伴生或共生关系。此外,本文还探讨了破坏性海啸的形成条件和控制地震震级的主要因素。  相似文献   

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