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We derive astrophysical and structural parameters of the poorly studied open clusters NGC 6866, NGC 7062, and NGC 2360 based on filtered 2MASS (J, J ? H) diagrams, and stellar radial density profiles. The field star decontamination technique is utilised for selecting high-probability cluster members. The E(B ? V) reddening values of the three clusters derived from 2MASS JHKs agree with those inferred from UBV and uvby ? β photometries. We find that the core mass function slopes are flatter than the halo’s for the three clusters. The large core and cluster radii of NGC 6866 and NGC 2360 indicate an expanded core, which may suggest the presence of stellar mass black-holes. NGC 2360 is located in the third quadrant (? = 229°.80), where Giant Molecular Clouds are scarce that, together with its relatively large mass (~1800 m), might explain its longevity (~1.8 Gyr) in the Galaxy.  相似文献   

It has been revealed recently that, in the scale free range, i.e. from the scale of the onset of nonlinear evolution to the scale of dissipation, the velocity and mass density fields of cosmic baryon fluid are extremely well described by the self-similar log-Poisson hierarchy. As a consequence of this evolution, the relations among various physical quantities of cosmic baryon fluid should be scale invariant, if the physical quantities are measured in cells on scales larger than the dissipation scale, regardless the baryon fluid is in virialized dark halo, or in pre-virialized state. We examine this property with the relation between the Compton parameter of the thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect, y(r), and X-ray luminosity, Lx(r), where r being the scale of regions in which y and Lx are measured. According to the self-similar hierarchical scenario of nonlinear evolution, one should expect that (1) in the y(r) ? Lx(r) relation, y(r) = 10A(r)[Lx(r)]α(r), the coefficients A(r) and α(r) are scale-invariant; (2) The relation y(r) = 10A(r)[Lx(r)]α(r) given by cells containing collapsed objects is also available for cells without collapsed objects, only if r is larger than the dissipation scale. These two predictions are well established with a scale decomposition analysis of observed data, and a comparison of observed y(r) ? Lx(r) relation with hydrodynamic simulation samples. The implication of this result on the characteristic scales of non-gravitational heating is also addressed.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the long-term evolution of outbursts in the neutron star soft X-ray transient GRS 1747–312. Observations taken from ASM/RXTE, in the 1.5–12 keV passband, are utilized. We reveal a cyclic behavior in the residuals of the outburst recurrence time with respect to the mean value of TC = 136 ± 2 days. The profile of this cycle is approximately sinusoidal; the remaining cycle-to-cycle fluctuations possess a considerably smaller amplitude. We find that, although the peak flux of the outbursts displays a significant scatter at a given phase of the cycle, the most luminous outbursts occur after the longest TC. The fluence displays a large scatter for the individual outbursts and tends to decrease with time. We argue that although the cycle-length of ~5.4 yr is compatible with that of the presumed magnetic activity of the late-type donor, it cannot be explained by variations of the mass outflow from the donor to the disk. In our interpretation, the stellar activity is translated to variations of TC via interaction of the magnetic field of the spots on the donor with the magnetic field of the disk. This gives rise to a variable efficiency of the removal of the angular momentum from the quiescent disk during the activity cycle of the donor. This mechanism can be strengthened by accompanying variations of the radius of the optically thin advection-dominated accretion flow in quiescence. We show that the peak mass accretion rate onto the neutron star in the individual outbursts of GRS 1747–312 is considerably more stable than in two other similar systems with frequent outbursts, Aql X-1 and 4U 1608–52; this allows the cyclic modulation of TC to show itself in GRS 1747–312.  相似文献   

We have analysed the available spectra of WW And and for the first time obtained a reasonably well defined radial velocity curve of the primary star. Combined with the available radial velocity curve of the secondary component, these data led to the first determination of the spectroscopic mass ratio of the system at qspec = 0.16 ± 0.03. We also determined the radius of the accretion disc from analysis of the double-peaked Hα emission lines. Our new, high-precision, Johnson VRI and the previously-available Strömgren vby light curves were modelled with stellar and accretion disc models. A consistent model for WW And – a semidetached system harbouring an accretion disc which is optically thick in its inner region, but optically thin in the outer parts – agrees well with both spectroscopic and photometric data.  相似文献   

Gas to Dust Ratio (GDR) indicates the mass ratio of interstellar gas to dust. It is widely adopted that the GDR in our Galaxy is 100~150. We choose three typical star forming regions to study the GDR: the Orion molecular cloud — a massive star forming region, the Taurus molecular cloud — a low-mass star forming region, and the Polaris molecular cloud — a region with no or very few star formation activities. The mass of gas only takes account of the neutral gas, i.e. only the atomic and molecular hydrogen, because the amount of ionized gas is very small in a molecular cloud. The column density of atomic hydrogen is taken from the high-resolution and high-sensitivity all-sky survey EBHIS (Effelsberg-Bonn HI Survey). The CO J = 1 →0 line is used to trace the molecular hydrogen, since the spectral lines of molecular hydrogen which can be detected are rare. The intensity of CO J = 1 →0 line is taken from the Planck all-sky survey. The mass of dust is traced by the interstellar extinction based on the 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) photometric database in the direction of anti-Galactic center. Adopting a constant conversion coefficient from the integrated intensity of the CO line to the column density of molecular hydrogen, XCO = 2.0 × 1020 cm?2 · (K · km/s)?1, the gas to dust ratio N(H)/AV is calculated, which is 25, 38, and 55 (in units of 1020 cm?2 · mag?1) for the Orion, Taurus, and Polaris molecular clouds, respectively. These values are significantly higher than the previously obtained average value of the Galaxy. Adopting the WD01 interstellar dust model (when the V-band selective extinction ratio is RV = 3.1), the derived GDRs are 160, 243, and 354 for the Orion, Taurus, and Polaris molecular clouds, respectively, which are apparently higher than 100~150, the commonly accepted GDR of the diffuse interstellar medium. The high N(H)/AV values in the star forming regions may be explained by the growth of dust in the molecular clouds because of either the particle collision or accretion, which can lead to the reduction of extinction efficiency per unit mass in the V band, rather than the increase of the GDR itself.  相似文献   

The reflex motion of a star induced by a planetary companion is too small to detect by photographic astrometry. The apparent discovery in the 1960s of planetary systems around certain nearby stars, in particular Barnard’s star, turned out to be spurious. Conventional stellar radial velocities determined from photographic spectra at that time were also too inaccurate to detect the expected reflex velocity changes. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the introduction of solid-state, signal-generating detectors and absorption cells to impose wavelength fiducials directly on the starlight, reduced radial velocity errors to the point where such a search became feasible. Beginning in 1980, our team from UBC introduced an absorption cell of hydrogen fluoride gas in front of the CFHT coudé spectrograph and, for 12 years, monitored the radial velocities of some 29 solar-type stars. Since it was assumed that extra-solar planets would most likely resemble Jupiter in mass and orbit, we were awarded only three or four two-night observing runs each year. Our survey highlighted three potential planet hosting stars, γ Cep (K1 IV), β Gem (K0 III), and ? Eri (K2 V). The putative planets all resembled Jovian systems with periods and masses of: 2.5 years and 1.4 MJ, 1.6 years and 2.6 MJ, and 6.9 years and 0.9 MJ, respectively. All three were subsequently confirmed from more extensive data by the Texas group led by Cochran and Hatzes who also derived the currently accepted orbital elements.None of these three systems is simple. All five giant stars and the supergiant in our survey proved to be intrinsic velocity variables. When we first drew attention to a possible planetary companion to γ Cep in 1988 it was classified as a giant, and there was the possibility that its radial velocity variations and those of β Gem (K0 III) were intrinsic to the stars. A further complication for γ Cep was the presence of an unseen secondary star in an orbit with a period initially estimated at some 30 years. The implication was that the planetary orbit might not be stable, and a Jovian planet surviving so close to a giant then seemed improbable. Later observations by others showed the stellar binary period was closer to 67 years, the primary was only a sub-giant and a weak, apparently synchronous chromospheric variation disappeared. Chromospheric activity was considered important because κ1 Cet, one of our program stars, showed a significant correlation of its radial velocity curve with chromospheric activity.? Eri is a young, magnetically active star with spots making it a noisy target for radial velocities. While the signature of a highly elliptical orbit (e = 0.6) has persisted for more than three planetary orbits, some feel that even more extensive coverage is needed to confirm the identification despite an apparent complementary astrometric acceleration detected with the Hubble Space Telescope.We confined our initial analyses of the program stars to looking for circular orbits. In retrospect, it appears that some 10% of our sample did in fact have Jovian planetary companions in orbits with periods of years.  相似文献   

Planetary magnetic fields could impact the evolution of planetary atmospheres and have a role in the determination of the required conditions for the emergence and evolution of life (planetary habitability). We study here the role of rotation in the evolution of dynamo-generated magnetic fields in massive Earth-like planets, Super Earths (1–10 M). Using the most recent thermal evolution models of Super Earths (Gaidos, E., Conrad, C.P., Manga, M., Hernlund, J. [2010]. Astrophys. J. 718, 596–609; Tachinami, C., Senshu, H., Ida, S. [2011]. Astrophys. J. 726, 70) and updated scaling laws for convection-driven dynamos, we predict the evolution of the local Rossby number. This quantity is one of the proxies for core magnetic field regime, i.e. non-reversing dipolar, reversing dipolar and multipolar. We study the dependence of the local Rossby number and hence the core magnetic field regime on planetary mass and rotation rate. Previous works have focused only on the evolution of core magnetic fields assuming rapidly rotating planets, i.e. planets in the dipolar regime. In this work we go further, including the effects of rotation in the evolution of planetary magnetic field regime and obtaining global constraints to the existence of intense protective magnetic fields in rapidly and slowly rotating Super Earths. We find that the emergence and continued existence of a protective planetary magnetic field is not only a function of planetary mass but also depend on rotation rate. Low-mass Super Earths (M ? 2 M) develop intense surface magnetic fields but their lifetimes will be limited to 2–4 Gyrs for rotational periods larger than 1–4 days. On the other hand and also in the case of slowly rotating planets, more massive Super Earths (M ? 2 M) have weak magnetic fields but their dipoles will last longer. Finally we analyze tidally locked Super Earths inside and outside the habitable zone of GKM stars. Using the results obtained here we develop a classification of Super Earths based on the rotation rate and according to the evolving properties of dynamo-generated planetary magnetic fields.  相似文献   

We have observed the massive star formation region W75N in 12CO J = 3 ? 2 with KOSMA. The profile of 12CO J = 3 ? 2 indicated that besides the 9 km s?1 component, there is another component of ?3 km s?1, which is associated with another star formation region, DR21N, located to the north of DR21. We derived the physical and dynamical parameters of the core and high velocity gas associated with the two components separately. Star forming activities were investigated, including outflows and infall analysis. The two regions overlap in space and are not connected in velocity. We found that the cloud–cloud collision scenario may not apply for the DR21/W75N case.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry in the Washington system C and T1 passbands down to T1  19.5 magnitudes in the fields of Czernik 26, Czernik 30, and Haffner 11, three poorly studied open clusters located in the third Galactic quadrant. We measured T1 magnitudes and C ? T1 colors for a total of 6472 stars distributed throughout cluster areas of 13.6′ × 13.6′ each. Cluster radii were estimated from star counts in appropriate-sized boxes distributed throughout the entire observed fields. Based on the best fits of isochrones computed by the Padova group to the (C ? T1, T1) color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), we derived color excesses, heliocentric distances and ages for the three clusters. These are characterized by a relatively small angular size and by a high field star contamination. We performed a firm analysis of the field star contamination of the CMDs and examined different relationships between the position in the Galaxy of known open clusters located within 1 kpc around the three studied ones, their age and their interstellar visual absorption. We confirm previous results in the sense that the closer the cluster birthplace to the Galactic plane, the higher the interstellar visual absorption. We also found that the space velocity dispersion perpendicular to the Galactic plane diminishes as the clusters are younger. The positions, interstellar visual absorptions, ages, and metallicities of the three studied clusters favor the hypothesis that they were not born in the recently discovered Canis major (CMa) dwarf galaxy before it was accreted by the Milky Way.  相似文献   

We present the results of a statistical study of the star formation rates (SFR) derived from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) observations in the ultraviolet continuum and in the Hα emission line for a sample of about 800 luminous compact galaxies (LCGs). Galaxies in this sample have a compact structure and include one or several regions of active star formation. Global galaxy characteristics (metallicity, luminosity, stellar mass) are intermediate between ones of the nearby blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies and Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at high redshifts z>2–3. SFRs were corrected for interstellar extinction which was derived from the optical Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra. We find that SFRs derived from the galaxy luminosities in the far ultraviolet (FUV) and near ultraviolet (NUV) ranges vary in a wide range from 0.18 M ?yr?1 to 113 M ?yr?1 with median values of 3.8 M ?yr?1 and 5.2 M ?yr?1, respectively. Simple regression relations are found for luminosities L(Hα) and L(UV) as functions of the mass of the young stellar population, the starburst age, and the galaxy metallicity. We consider the evolution of L(Hα), L(FUV) and L(NUV) with a starburst age and introduce new characteristics of star formation, namely the initial Hα, FUV and NUV luminosities at zero starburst age.  相似文献   

We obtained multi-colour light curves of the overcontact binary system HH Boo and analysed the orbital period variation of the system. Our analysis tentatively indicates either mass transfer from the secondary to the primary or mass loss from the system at a rate of -5.04 × 10−7 M per year. Through a combined analysis of the published radial velocity curve and light curves, we determined an inclination (i) of 69°.71 ± 0°.16 and a semi-major axis (a) of 2.246 ± 0.064 R for HH Boo. The masses of the primary and secondary components were found to be 0.92 ± 0.08 M and 0.58 ± 0.06 M, respectively. The radius determined for the primary was 0.98 ± 0.03 R, while that determined for the secondary was 0.80 ± 0.02 R. We demonstrated that HH Boo is most likely a member of the A-type subclass of W UMa binaries.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):446-453
Using reliable trigonometric measurements, we find that the absolute magnitude of cataclysmic variables depends on the orbital period and de-reddened (J  H)0 and (H  K s)0 colours of 2MASS (Two Micron All Sky Survey) photometric system. The calibration equation covers the ranges 0.032d < Porb  0.454d, −0.08 < (J  H)0  1.54, −0.03 < (H  Ks)0  0.56 and 2.0 < MJ < 11.7; It is based on trigonometric parallaxes with relative errors of (σπ/π)  0.4. By using the period-luminosity-colours (PLCs) relation, we estimated the distances of cataclysmic variables with orbital periods and 2MASS observations and compared them with distances found from other methods. We suggest that the PLCs relation can be a useful statistical tool to estimate the distances of cataclysmic variables.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of a rotating star with a mass of 16M and an angular momentum of 3.25 × 1052 g cm2 s?1, along with the hydrodynamic transport of angular momentum and chemical elements in its interiors. When the partial mixing of matter of the turbulent radiative envelope and the convective core is taken into account, the efficiency of the angular momentum transport by meridional circulation in the stellar interiors and the duration of the hydrogen burning phase increase. Depending on the Schmidt number in the turbulent radiative stellar envelope, the ratio of the equatorial rotational velocity to the circular one increases with time in the process of stellar evolution and can become typical of early-type Be stars during an additional evolution time of the star on the main sequence. Partial mixing of matter is a necessary condition under which the hydrodynamic transport processes can increase the angular momentum of the outer stellar layer to an extent that the equatorial rotational velocity begins to increase during the second half of the evolutionary phase of the star on the main sequence, as shown by observations of the brightest stars in open star clusters with ages of 10–25 Myr. When the turbulent Schmidt number is 0.4, the equatorial rotational velocity of the star increases during the second half of the hydrogen burning phase in the convective core from 330 to 450 km s?1.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(2):117-123
Both V701 Sco and BH Cen are two early-type short-period overcontact systems (P = 0.d762 and P = 0.d792, respectively). V701 Sco is a member of the young galactic cluster NGC 6383, while BH Cen is a component of a younger galactic cluster IC 2944 where star formation is in process. They provide good opportunity to understand the formation and evolution of binary stars. In the present paper, orbital period changes of the two binaries are investigated. It is discovered that the orbital period of BH Cen shows a long-term increase with a rate of dP/dt = +1.70(±0.39) × 10−7 days/year while it undergoes a cyclic oscillation with a period of 44.6 years and an amplitude of A3 = 0.d0216. For V701 Sco, its O-C curve reveals a periodic change with a period of 41.2 years and amplitude of A3 = 0.d0158. The mass ratio of BH Cen is 0.84, but V701 Sco contains twin B1-1.5V type stars with a mass ratio of unit. The continuous period increase of BH Cen is caused by the mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one at a rate of dM2/dt = 3.5 × 10−6 days/year.The cyclic period changes of both systems can be plausibly explained as the results of light-travel time effects suggesting that they are triple systems. The astrophysical parameters of the unseen tertiary components in the two systems have been determined. We think that the invisible tertiary components in both binaries played an important role in the formations and evolutions of the overcontact configurations by bringing angular momentum out from the central systems. For BH Cen, this process created the initial short period and will support its evolution into an overcontact configuration via a Case A mass transfer within the life time of the extremely young cluster IC 2944. For V701 Sco, two identical zero-age main-sequence components in an overcontact configuration suggest that it may have been formed by fission, possibly by the fission of the third body. The fact that no long-term continuous period variations were found for V701 Sco may suggest that an overcontact binary with the mass ratio of unity can be in an equilibrium revealing that the original configuration of the binary was overcontact as is its present state. It has been reported that faint stars in the two extremely young clusters are relatively scare. From the present study, it is shown that faint stars in young clusters are usually formed as companions of OB stars (including binaries). It is very difficult to detect them because of their low luminosity when compared with the more luminous OB stars.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(7):590-596
We assume that the helium-I lines emitted by the massive binary system η Carinae are formed in the acceleration zone of the less-massive secondary star. We calculate the Doppler shift of the lines as a function of orbital phase and of several parameters of the binary system. We find that a good fit is obtained if the helium lines are formed in the region where the secondary wind speed is vzone = 430 km s−1. The acceptable binary eccentricity is in the range 0.90  e  0.95, and the inclination angle (the angle between a line perpendicular to the orbital plane and the line of sight) is in the range 40°  i  55°. Lower values of e require higher values of i, and vice versa. The binary system is oriented such that the secondary star is in our direction (closer to us) during periastron passage. The orbital motion can account in part to the Doppler shift of the peak in X-ray emission.  相似文献   

We numerically solved the two-dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamic problem of the explosion of a low-mass neutron star in a circular orbit. In the initial conditions, we assumed a nonuniform density distribution in the space surrounding the collapsed iron core in the form of a stationary toroidal atmosphere that was previously predicted analytically and computed numerically. The configuration of the exploded neutron star itself was modeled by a torus with a circular cross section whose central line almost coincided with its circular orbit. Using an equation of state for the stellar matter and the toroidal atmosphere in which the nuclear statistical equilibrium conditions were satisfied, we performed a series of numerical calculations that showed the propagation of a strong divergent shock wave with a total energy of ~0.2×1051 erg at initial explosion energy release of ~1.0×1051 erg. In our calculations, we rigorously took into account the gravitational interaction, including the attraction from a higher-mass (1.9M) neutron star located at the coordinate origin, in accordance with the rotational explosion mechanism for collapsing supernovae. We compared in detail our results with previous similar results of asymmetric supernova explosion simulations and concluded that we found a lower limit for the total explosion energy.  相似文献   

We present new B- and V-band photometry of the W UMa-type binary system QX And, which is a member of the open cluster NGC 752. Revised orbital period and new ephemerides were given for the binary system based on the data of times of light minima. The result of a period analysis reveals that the system is undergoing a continuous orbital period increase during the past decades. The rate of period increasing turns out to be about 2.7 × 10?7 d yr?1. With the Wilson–Devinney code, a photometric solution is computed. It yields a contact configuration for the system with a filling factor of 0.361. Combining the results from the photometric solution along with that from the radial-velocity observations, we have determined the absolute parameters for the two components of the system. The masses, radii and luminosity of the primary and secondary stars are calculated as 1.43 ± 0.04 M, 1.45 ± 0.09 R, 2.87 ± 0.40 L and 0.44 ± 0.02 M, 0.87 ± 0.05 R, 0.99 ± 0.13 L, respectively. The evolutionary status and physical nature of the contact binary system were discussed compared with the theoretical models.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks (ANN) have different applications in Astronomy, including data reduction and data mining. In this work we propose the use ANNs in the identification of stellar model solutions. We illustrate this method, by applying an ANN to the 0.8M star CG Cyg B. Our ANN was trained using 60,000 different 0.8M stellar models. With this approach we identify the models which reproduce CG Cyg B’s position in the HR diagram. We observe a correlation between the model’s initial metal and helium abundance which, in most cases, does not agree with a helium to metal enrichment ratio ΔYZ = 2. Moreover, we identify a correlation between the model’s initial helium/metal abundance and both its age and mixing-length parameter. Additionally, every model found has a mixing-length parameter below 1.3. This means that CG Cyg B’s mixing-length parameter is clearly smaller than the solar one. From this study we conclude that ANNs are well suited to deal with the degeneracy of model solutions of solar type stars.  相似文献   

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