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中国高等地理教育改革发展的趋势与问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对我国高等院校地理科学类专业及相关专业的设置情况统计,反映我国高等地理教育改革发展的四大趋势,发现我国高等地理教育改革发展的五个问题并剖析其产生的原因,提出高等地理教育改革发展的四条途径:①提高地理科学的社会认知度;②改善专业结构,扩大专业规模;③加强高等地理教育研究;④深化高等地理教育课程体系与教材改革。  相似文献   

法国是十分重视地理教育的国家,十九世纪末已开始为基础教育阶段开设地理课程,在长时期地理教育的实践过程中,法国在地理课程标准的制定和地理基础教育方面积累了丰富的经验。我国的地理新课程改革仅启动于20世纪90年代中期,目前已完成实验期并开始逐步进行修订和完善。  相似文献   

在学校设置地理课程,我国始于清朝后期,清代以后,地理学科教育逐步从其他学科分化,地理教育开始变得清晰和明朗起来.地理课程、地理教材和地理教学方法也慢慢拓展,地理教育不断从大教育中汲取营养,形成相对独立和成熟的学科教育系统。  相似文献   

随着以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育成为我国迈向21世纪教育的共识,地理教学观念正在不断更新,全面优化地理教学的改革也在不断深入。分析我国近年来在地理教学改革中的成功经验和存在问题,对照当今国际国内课程、考试制度和教学模式的多样化类型及其发展趋势,我们提出了面向创新教育的地理教学调整策略。  相似文献   

我国高校世界地理课程改革与发展再认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文简要回顾与反思我国高校世界地理课程发展历程以及全球化,信息化形势下课程改革与发展态势。从教育理念创新,课程结构创新,教材内容创新,教学方法创新等不同维度,探讨世界地理课程改革策略与方法,以其科学教育与人文教育的融合,以及自身丰富的科学。文化,生活内涵和个性化特色,推进课程教学创新与可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国地理教育:继承与创新   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:32  
面对国内外高度重视创新人才培养的形势,以及培养在中国市场经济体制下地理各专业人才的就业竞争力,中国地理教育在继承优良传统的基础上必须创新;中国地理教育必须对基础地理教育和高等地理教育进行全面的改革。为此提出实施地理学跨越式发展的三条对策,即在地球系统科学与可持续发展科学的框架下,构建中国地理教育的新体系;在国家标准和适应国际规范的前提下,规范高等地理教育的学科划分和课程体系;在国家自然科学名词审定前提下,规范高等地理教育中的地理科学术语。  相似文献   

新一轮基础地理教育改革,以地理课程改革为缘起,引领新世纪地理教学发展,并将通过地理教学改革实践,实现地理课程改革目标。没有地理课程改革,地理教学改革就没有方向;没有地理教学改革,地理课程改革也就失去了存在的意义.  相似文献   

上海初中地理教材的新探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新一轮课程改革中,上海又编出了一套初中地理新教材。上海市初中地理教材编写的依据是《上海市中学地理课程标准(试行稿)》,由华东师范大学组织编写,陈澄教授任主编,上海教育出版社、中华地图学社出版。整套教材包括课本(含练习部分)、地理图册、光盘(《地理景观》光盘和《地图》光盘)和教学参考资料。教材于2001年开始在部分学校试验,2005年在上海市各中学推开使用。  相似文献   

正地理课程改革本身是一个传播过程,它包含两个通道,一是教育系统内部的传播,以师生教学为主,二是教育系统外部的传播,以大众传播为主。在高中地理课程标准修订的背景下,批判与反思大众传播视野中的地理课程知识,聆听公众对地理课程的愿景,循迹大众传播背后的精义,有利于形成广域的地理课程改革反思,推进地理课程改革民主进程,最终提升地理课程质量。一、地理课程的重读——大众传播视野中地理课程的进展所谓大众传播,即专业化的媒介组织运用先进的  相似文献   

本世纪进入90年代以来,学校地理教育在国际上出现了不少新动态,其中有以下几方面值得重视与研究。一、多数发达国家的学校地理课程改革。更加注意教育思想的增强和学科内容的更新。他们普遍重视通过人文地理教育,培养青少年一代的全球观念、合作意识以及保护人类生存环境的责任感;重视通过各种地理学习活动,发展学生掌握与运用地理知识技能的能力。随着自然科学人文化趋势的日益发展,出现了兼蓄多种学科知识的地理科学课程。  相似文献   

Whereas the global march towards the professional development of geography teachers in schools was, perhaps, the major achievement in geography education of the twentieth century, promoting the professional development of faculty teaching geography in higher education is one of the major challenges that faces us in geography education for the twenty‐first century. What little educational development is currently provided for faculty teaching in universities is largely generic. There is a need for a disciplinary specific component in educational development, both for the initial training of faculty and for their continuing professional development. This article explores how the professional development of faculty is related to the international debate about developing the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. It reviews some recent initiatives, particularly from the United States and the United Kingdom, and examines the role of national associations and international networks in supporting faculty teaching geography in higher education. Some of the challenges involved in professionalizing teaching geography in higher education are discussed. The article ends with some suggestions for promoting lifelong professional development in geography in higher education nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

Chris Taylor 《Area》2002,33(4):368-381
The geography of education remains an under-researched area, particularly in light of major transformations in education provision over the last two decades. This paper reaffirms the position of a geographical approach to studying the education system by focussing upon the differential impact of two major features of national policy reforms on secondary school admissions in England: the desire to enhance choice and diversity in the provision of schooling.  相似文献   

The author, an upper secondary teacher in geography, has conducted various surveys and questionnaires among pupils every year, for 30 years. The article examines his pupils' knowledge of geography when they start upper secondary school. During their first lesson in geography they are presented with a questionnaire designed to test their knowledge of concepts, places, and causal relationships. In addition, they are asked about their perceptions of geography and expectations when they start to study a new subject. The author finds it valuable and important as a teacher to know what his pupils have learned during their lower secondary education because such information could be used to adapt upper secondary education in geography to the pupils' abilities. Further, it is important to motivate, create expectations, and develop awareness of geography. In addition to discussing pupils' knowledge of geography, the article shows briefly how school curricula and geography teaching have changed in Norwegian lower secondary schools since the early 1970s.  相似文献   

中国经济地理学发展困境与对策刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
焦连成  陈才 《地理科学》2007,27(5):624-629
探讨了当前中国经济地理学发展中出现的哲学、分支体系、理论、方法论、研究方向和高等教育等6方面问题,并从中国经济地理学学科建设角度,分别对中国经济地理学的哲学、学科分支、理论体系、方法论和研究领域进行了梳理,对各自发展作了展望。  相似文献   

国外教育地理研究回顾与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育地理研究作为地理学和教育学的交叉研究出现于20世纪中叶,早期教育地理研究主要是借助地理学的视角和工具解决教育的空间问题,包括教育规划、教育土地利用、学校选择以及与居住地相关的教育机会和结果差异等;1990年代以来的教育地理研究注重从社会空间的角度来解析教育,关注教育与社会、经济、政治和文化等的内在联系,并建立起了以尺度为框架的研究体系。在最初的研究中,教育空间被当作既定的客观空间;1990年代以来,受社会科学空间转向的影响,教育空间被看成是与经济、社会、文化、政治等相互塑造的空间。当前,教育地理研究已经建立起了知识体系和研究框架,研究尺度包括微观(学习者、学习空间、学校与社区等)、中观(区域、国家等)和宏观(国际)的空间尺度研究,教育地理的研究范围得到扩展。国内教育地理研究可以从不同尺度上加强空间的研究以及空间之间的联系讨论,扩展非正式教育这一广阔的领域,加强教育公平的社会空间解释。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the state of higher education human geography in contemporary Malaysia in relation to four main challenges: defending the unity of identity of higher education geography as a coherent and distinct discipline; ensuring the institutional survival of geography in higher education; enhancing the visibility of geographers as public intellectuals; and fostering the internationalization of human geography in Malaysia. It also suggests possible measures in responding to these. Moreover, while sharing the problems of developing higher education human geography experienced in other countries, Malaysia suffers most from national education policies that place lesser importance on the teaching of geography in schools, that stipulate a non‐English (Malay) medium of instruction, and that have been late in espousing an outward looking research university concept. In summing up the prevailing conditions as depicting a mixed bag of benign contentment, hard‐nosed pragmatism and continuing frustrations, it is uncertain whether recent policy changes to advance research environments in public universities can appreciably alleviate the fourfold challenges mentioned above.  相似文献   

Despite having a long-standing relationship, teacher education and geography in primary and secondary education in Norway has received little attention as a research field within academic geography until recently. The author asks: How has Norwegian school geography related to geography taught at universities? Where does research on school geography and geographical education stand today and where should it go from here? She examines the development of the role played by academic geographers in the field from the 1970s until the present. Some potential future venues for this emerging research field are suggested on the basis of an examination of what themes are current focal points for research and comparing them to what other countries consider essential in their teacher education.  相似文献   

沈小平 《地理学报》2000,55(3):365-374
区域地理是地理学教育与研究的一个重要组成。在当今经济与环境的全球化过程中,对区域地理课程的需求有了明显上升。区域地理教育的重要性也引起了方面的重视。美国大学区域地理教育的发展与变迁主要受两方面的影响:一是地理教育在国民教育中的地位;二是某个区域在国际事务中的重要性以及与美国的关系。在过去30年中,随着近年来亚洲经济的高速发展和它在国际中的地位日益提高,以及亚洲与美国贸易额的的迅速增长,亚洲地理课在  相似文献   

人文主义与后现代化主义之兴起及西方新区域地理学之发展   总被引:50,自引:5,他引:45  
马润潮 《地理学报》1999,54(4):365-372
近40年来,西方人文地理学发生了巨大的变化。50年代末期开始计量革命。70年代初开始,人文主义、行为主义、结构主义与后现代化主义等观念涌现,它们对西方地理界起了不同程度的影响。演变至今,人文地理学可说是一个百花齐放的多元化时代。人文主义与后现代化主义在70年代与80年代期间,先后出现于西方地理学。二者与上列其他观点有根本不同。在地理学上,它们强调各地情况都有其特性。同时,批判性的社会理论也在地理学  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(8):465-472

This paper outlines the experimental programs of the Commission on Geography and Afro-America in its attempt to develop a multi-phased graduate training and assistance program leading toward the improvement of geography programs at predominantly black institutions of higher education. Comments on the status of geography at black colleges and universities are made as well as an assessment of the black college role in higher education. The commission's objectives, its varied activities and programs are also discussed. Throughout the paper, an attempt is made to informally evaluate progress to date and to speculate on the commission's future programs and directions.  相似文献   

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