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台风"海鸥"激发地脉动源区的联合台阵定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用台风所激发的P波地脉动信号,地震学家近年来开始尝试通过地震学方法定位、监测台风.由于单台阵定位精度的局限性(主要取决于台站数目、孔径和结构等),本文提出了将台阵至源区的距离作为归一化权重因子、结合反卷积技术的双台阵联合定位方法,并利用中国喜马拉雅二期台阵(ChinArray II)和日本高灵敏度地震台网(Hi-net)的连续波形数据,对 2014年西北太平洋强台风"海鸥"所激发的 P波地脉动源区进行了定位测试.联合定位结果与理论模拟源区具有较好一致性:台风"海鸥"位于菲律宾海时,其激发海浪与台风"风神"遗留涌浪相互作用而激发的P波地脉动源区偏离"海鸥"移动轨迹;而当"海鸥"进入南海后,其激发的P波源区则紧随台风中心.与单台阵定位结果的对比分析表明,本文所提出的方法能够有效降低以下方面影响:(1)单台阵响应函数强旁瓣导致定位结果出现"伪影"、不聚焦;(2)台阵至源区距离小于~26°时,P波沿复杂浅地层传播时实际走时与基于理想地球模型的理论预测走时存在较大偏差导致近场定位误差增大;以及(3)上地幔三重震相的干扰等.因此,该方法有效提升了定位结果的聚焦性与稳定性,实现对"海鸥"激发P波地脉动源区的全程、稳定定位追踪,为发展基于地震学的台风监测新方法提供支持.  相似文献   

地震背景噪声特性及噪声源的分布研究逐渐成为深化背景噪声层析成像的关键问题.海岛地区由于特殊的地理位置,其背景噪声具有相对独特的特征.地脉动(约0.003~1 Hz)是地震背景噪声中能量最强的分量,其激发与特性被认为与海浪运动和固体地球之间的相互作用有关,但海岛地区地脉动特征与海洋波浪场之间的关系尚未被充分研究.本文利用西北太平洋海岛地震台站的连续记录数据、波浪浮标的实测数据以及WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ海浪模式的数值模拟结果,通过地震学和海洋学的交叉,分析海岛地区地脉动信号的时频特性及其与海洋波浪场之间的相关性,从海洋学角度对地脉动信号的特征及激发进行探讨与解释.结果表明,海岛地区地脉动信号相对于内陆地区更强,并具有明显且稳定的季节性变化特征:高频地脉动信号(0.12~0.32 Hz)在夏秋季节(5月-10月)相对较弱,而在冬春季节(11月-次年4月)相对较强,与北半球海洋活动季节性变化相一致.此外,海岛地区地脉动主要受周边海域波浪场影响,与周边海域波浪能功率密度及实测和数值模拟所得的有效波高均具有很好的互相关性.该研究结果同时表明可进一步发展利用地脉动观测数据反演海表波浪场的可能,为海洋科学研究中海表波浪场连续观测数据的获取提供地震学上的支持.  相似文献   

因其简便、经济的独特优势,地脉动台阵方法在场地剪切波速结构探测中得到了广泛应用.为了兼顾探测深度和探测精细程度,地脉动方法通常需要布设多个不同尺寸的台阵.传统的有线测试系统极大地影响了地脉动台阵的现场布设和工作效率.文中介绍了一种地脉动无线测试系统和现场测试方法.该系统采用了无线控制加固态记录方案,在中心观测点无线控制采集系统的开始、结束采集、保存和传输地脉动采集数据号,极大地降低了现场地脉动台阵测试的工作强度、提高了测试效率.在一实际工程场地进行的应用表明,利用该系统采集的地脉动台阵数据提取的瑞利波频散曲线和反演的场地剪切波速结构有较高的精度.  相似文献   

汶川地震前地脉动信号的单台法研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
汶川地震前,我国及周边地区地震台站记录的地脉动信号显著增强,对这段时期内的地脉动信号进行频谱分析发现,它们的能量主要集中在0.20Hz附近.通过单台法对该频段信号进行定向,发现多个大陆和海岛台站记录的地脉动信号来源方向均指向我国东部海域,且方向变化与同期的威马逊台风路径保持很好的一致性.结合已有的地脉动信号强度随与台风...  相似文献   

介绍了地脉动的原理、测试方法及其影响因素,通过工程实例,阐述了场地卓越周期的测定及其在场地及场地土判定与评价中的应用,分析了不同场地条件对地脉动频谱特性的影响.结果表明通过地脉动测试确定场地卓越周期的效果较为理想,其在场地及场地土判定与评价中的结果与利用剪切波速和覆盖层厚度划分结果基本一致;场地岩土层结构直接影响地脉动的频谱特性,二者的变化相对应.  相似文献   

袁媛  方国庆  尹京苑 《地震学报》2017,39(5):725-737
通过对佘山台四分量钻孔应变仪在台风“浣熊”(Neoguri)和“海葵” (Haikui)经过期间所记录的信号进行小波分解、连续频谱分析以及优势振动方向计算,监测到台风对近岸造成显著低频扰动,并分析了扰动信号在时间空间频率域的影响特征,在此基础上探讨了扰动的激发机制.分析结果显示:在台风发育过程中,覆盖周期为2—16分钟的3个频段能量呈现显著的上升—峰值—下降规律,且这种升降变化与台风中心到台站之间的距离具有良好的相关性,其中周期2—4分钟为扰动的优势频段,能量幅值则随周期的增大而不断减弱.四分量钻孔应变仪在两次台风逼近期间的优势振动方向均为160°左右.通过对比风速数据,结合海岸地形,认为风对陆地的作用并不是引起低频扰动的主要原因,更可能是台风以海浪为介质,通过不断与呈光滑凹形形态的杭州湾北部海岸线的反射作用,进而激发自由振荡频段的低频扰动信号.   相似文献   

Rayleigh面波地震背景噪声成像技术已被成功运用到全球范围不同尺度的地球内部结构的研究中,并以背景噪声场是时空均匀分布为前提假设.然而真实的噪声源分布的时空非均匀性将导致经验格林函数提取存在偏差,最终影响噪声成像结果的精准性.近年来,噪声源分布特征研究逐步成为提高噪声成像精准度、深化地震背景噪声成像的关键问题.本文利用频率-波束域分析法对中国西北地区的一个大孔径台阵(WuTan Array,简称WTA)在2014全年的垂直分量连续记录做了聚束分析,研究了Rayleigh波噪声源分布特征.结果显示:WTA台阵成功探测到了10~20s周期范围的来自于全球不同方位的Rayleigh波噪声信号,其源区分布具有明显的季节变化特征:冬季集中分布在北大西洋方位,而夏季则转为印度洋方位噪声信号最强.此外,Rayleigh波噪声源区空间分布还表现出一定的频率依赖性,即在较低频段(0.0488~0.0635Hz)在北大西洋、北太平洋、印度洋及西太平洋四个方位均有分布;而在频率较高频段(0.0928~0.1025Hz)则集中分布于西太平洋方位.Rayleigh波噪声源时空分布特征和频率依赖性与海洋活动本身的季节性变化和频谱特征有关.并初步推测本文所观测到的Rayleigh波是由加剧的海浪运动直接作用于海岸、大陆架或海底而激发产生的第一类地脉动噪声信号.  相似文献   

长周期地脉动观测在西安地区地下构造调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对西安两个区域(西安交通大学校园、市区东西与南北轴线)进行长周期地脉动观测、数据采集与分析,得到西安地区地下构造固有频率特性,进而推断出观测区地下软土层厚度分布趋势。经过对数据进行Nakamura法处理可以清晰看出:地基土层起着滤波器作用,有选择地滤掉某些成分,放大了某些频谱成分,使谱型局部受到改造;不同场地土质对地脉动的响应具有频率依赖性以及频率选择效应。同时探明观测区长周期地脉动的空间变化规律,了解了沉积层厚度以及横向变化规律,可为西安地区工程抗震提供参考依据。  相似文献   

西准噶尔地区地震背景噪声源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
西准噶尔是我国大陆远离海岸带最远的地区.利用频率域聚束(或称f-κ分析)方法对布设在西准噶尔地区的两个不同尺度的三分量宽频地震台阵61天和31天的连续记录分别进行了低、高频背景噪声源分析.通过台阵响应函数的计算,确定了分析背景噪声源的最佳频带范围分别为0.04~0.1 Hz和0.5~3 Hz.对于低频背景噪声,分析了初次地脉动的震源,结果说明西准噶尔大尺度台阵(WJLA)在观测时间范围内可以接收到来自亚欧大陆周边几个海洋活动强烈的海岸带的背景噪声,尤其以来自北太平洋西海岸带和北大西洋东海岸带的信号最强.通过分析由两个强温带气旋引起的北大西洋的海浪剧烈运动产生的地脉动信号,证明了这两个强温带气旋与北大西洋东海岸带相互作用的区域有所不同,并发现了当这两个强温带气旋结束后,该海域依然会在较长的一段时间内保持活跃状态.对于高频背景噪声,在1~2.5 Hz频带范围内有一个持续而稳定的噪声源,来自于西准噶尔小尺度台阵(WJSA)中心北偏东60°方向,主要由克拉玛依市区及附近的人类活动产生;除此之外,在较低频段有时还会在270°~300°方位产生一个能量相对更强的噪声源,其信号传播速度更快,分析认为该类震源为测区西北部的多个矿山的采矿活动.本项实验研究证明:即使在远离海岸带的我国西北部地区,背景噪声仍具有足够强的信号,但噪声来源存在强烈的方向性,因此在该地区利用背景噪声对地球内部进行成像时,需要考虑噪声源方位特性对成像的影响.  相似文献   

汶川大地震前非台风扰动现象的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
为了区分汶川大地震的震前扰动现象中的台风因素和非台风因素,本文研究了中国大陆宽带地震仪在汶川大地震前记录到的异常扰动信号的时频特征.研究结果表明汶川大地震的震前扰动主要由两种扰动构成,二者动态特征完全不同.其中优势频率为0.2~0.25 Hz的扰动主要与台风Rammasun有关.这种台风扰动在沿海地区较强,在内陆地区较弱,其震动源在靠近台风运动路径的海底.另一种优势频率为0.1~0.18 Hz的扰动与台风无关,这种非台风扰动在地震发生前约10 h突然急剧增强,其最大值出现在地震爆发时刻.非台风扰动在靠近震中的地区较强,在沿海和西部地区较弱.震源扰动扫描算法计算初步定位的结果显示其震动源不在海底,而是分散在震中附近的内陆地区.汶川大地震前的非台风扰动是否与汶川大地震有关,值得进行更深入的研究.  相似文献   

Typhoon-induced waves and surges are important when predicting potential hazards near coastal regions. In this paper, we applied a coupled modeling system for ocean–wave interaction to examine prediction capabilities for typhoon-induced waves and surges around the Korean Peninsula. To identify how ocean–wave coupling impacts wave and surge simulations during typhoon conditions, a set of comparative experiments was performed during Typhoon Bolaven (2012): (1) a fully coupled ocean–wave model, (2) a one-way coupled ocean–wave model without surface current feedback and ocean-to-wave water levels, and (3) a stand-alone ocean model without considering wave-based sea surface roughness (SSR). When coupled with the ocean model, the surface current reduced significantly the wave height on the right-hand side of the advancing typhoon track and improved prediction accuracy along the southern coast of Korea. Compared with the observed surge levels, the simulated surge height yielded improved results for peak height magnitude and timing compared with the uncoupled model. For wave-to-surge feedback, we found that wave-induced SSR plays an important role by modulating wind stress in the surface layer. The modulated wind stress directly affected the surge height, which improved surge peak prediction during the typhoon.  相似文献   

我国地震海浪初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了我国地震海浪的25次记录,在做初步分析后认为我国的地震海浪多由近海海洋地震引起,其多发地区为渤海沿岸与东南沿海一带.随着对沿海地区开发的深入,这类记载逐渐增多,受灾程度加大.另外分析了在社会历史变迁中,国家对海洋的开发政策、沿海开发下城市近海地理位置、沿海港口及海洋贸易的规模与地震海浪受灾程度之间的关系.  相似文献   

Ocean-generated microseismic noise located with the Gräfenberg array   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The main cause for mid-period seismic ground distortions are ocean waves generated by atmospheric disturbances. These act upon the earth through different mechanisms. The microseismic wavefield can be divided into primary (T =12–18 s) and secondary (T = 6–9 s) noise. Classical theory tells that the origin of these induced ground distortions depends on the location and the intensity of the low pressure region. A considerable part of the microseismic wave field reaches the GRF-array in southern Germany with high coherency and almost constant amplitudes. Thus it is possible to locate the generating areas using frequency-wavenumber analysis. Five discrete generating areas for secondary microseisms and three generating areas for primary microseisms could be determined in the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea by investigating broadband continuous recordings over four months in winter 1995/96. An essential result is the long-time constancy of the backazimuths of the coherent part of the microseismic wavefield with respect to the origin areas, independent of the location of the moving low pressure zone. Results from a triangulation using additionally broadband data from the NORSAR-array and an independent estimation of the distance of the source region with water wave dispersion data indicate an origin of the secondary microseismic wavefield near the north-Norwegian coast for the strongest source. The array analysis of a temporary network of ten three-component broadband stations in south-east Germany shows that the ratio of energy between coherent Love and Rayleigh waves is much higher for the primary than for the secondary microseismic noise wavefield. This indicates differences in the source mechanisms.  相似文献   

Barotropic responses of the East China Sea to typhoon KOMPASU are investigated using a high-resolution, three-dimensional, primitive equation, and finite volume coastal ocean model. Even the fact that the typhoon KOMPASU only brushed across the brink of China mainland without landing, it still imposed great influence across China's east coastal area, where storm surges ranging from 35 to 70 cm were intrigued during this event and a large wake of water setdown due to the outward radial transport driven by the cyclonic wind stress was generated after the KOMPASU traveled across the Yellow Sea. Analysis of the numerical results reveals that the barotropic waves propagating along the coast after the typhoon's landing can be identified as Kelvin wave and the currents associated with the storm are geostrophic currents. A series of model runs are initiated to diagnose the effects of wind stress, atmospheric pressure, and storm track variation on the surge's spatial distribution in the East China Sea. The barotropic waves affected by the atmospheric disturbance due to the typhoon in deep Pacific Ocean travel far more rapidly, arriving at the coastal regions at least 60 h ahead of the typhoon. The wave amplitudes are merely 0.2–0.4 cm and damp gradually due to friction. The model experiments also confirm that the surge levels in nearshore regions are highly dominated by winds, whereas the water level variations in deeper areas are controlled by the atmospheric pressure forcing during typhoon events in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

Giant earthquakes generate rich signals that can be used to explore the characteristics of the hierarchical structure of the Earth’s interior associated with the eigenfrequencies of the Earth.We employ the spectral element method,incorporated with large-scale parallel computing technology,to investigate the characteristics of global seismic wave propagation excited by the2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake.The transversely isotropic PREM model is employed as a prototype of our numerical global Earth model.Topographic data and the effect of the oceans are taken into consideration.Wave propagation processes are simulated by solving three-dimensional elastic wave governing equations with the seismic moment tensor obtained from the Global Centroid Moment Tensor Catalog.Three-dimensional visualization of our computing results displays the nature of the global seismic wave propagation.Comparative analysis of our calculations with observations obtained from the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology demonstrates the reliability and feasibility of our numerical results.We compare synthetic seismograms with incorporated and unincorporated ocean models.First results show that the oceans have obvious effects on the characteristics of seismic wave propagation.The peak displacement and peak velocity of P waves become relatively small under the effect of the ocean.However,the effect of the ocean on S-waves is complex.The displacement and velocity of S waves decrease rapidly over time using an unincorporated ocean model.Therefore,the effects of the ocean should be incorporated when undertaking quantitative earthquake hazard assessments on coastal areas.In addition,we undertake comparative analysis on the characteristics of the Earth’s oscillation excited by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman,2008 Wenchuan,and 2011Tohoku earthquakes that incorporate the effect of the Earth’s gravitational potential.A comparison of the amplitude spectra of the numerical records indicates that energy released by the three big earthquakes is different.Our comparative analysis realizes that the computing results can accurately reproduce some eigenfrequencies of the Earth,such as toroidal modes 0T2 to 0T13and spheroidal modes 0S7 to 0S31.These results demonstrate that numerical simulations can be successfully used to investigate the Earth’s oscillations.We propose that numerical simulations can be used as one of the major tools to further reveal how the Earth’s lateral heterogeneities affect the Earth’s oscillations.  相似文献   

基于上海佘山台四分量钻孔应变仪在6次西太平洋台风期间的观测记录,利用小波分解、优势振动方向等处理方法提取出台风所激发的显著低频扰动信号,并详细分析扰动信号在时频域及空间域的表现特性.结果显示:在低频区间,台风激发的扰动信号优势周期为2~4 min,信号能量随台风进程而变化,并主要与台风量级、台风中心的位置(海上或陆域)...  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distributions of Antarctic sea ice play important roles in both the generation mechanisms and the signal characteristics of microseisms. This link paves the way for seismological investigations of Antarctic sea ice. Here we present an overview of the current state of seismological research about microseisms on Antarctic sea ice. We first briefly review satellite remote-sensing observations of Antarctic sea ice over the past 50 years. We then systematically expound upon the generation mechanisms and source distribution of microseisms in relation to seismic noise investigations of sea ice, and the characteristics of Antarctic microseisms and relationship with sea ice variations are further analyzed. We also analyze the continuous data recorded at seismic station BEAR in West Antarctica from 2011 to 2018 and compare the microseism observations with the corresponding satellite remote-sensing observations of Antarctic sea ice. Our results show that:(1) the microseisms from the coastal regions of West Antarctica exhibit clear seasonal variations, SFM with maximum intensities every April-May and minimum intensities around every October-November; while DFM intensities peak every February-March, and reach the minimum around every October. Comparatively, the strong seasonal periodicity of Antarctic sea ice in better agreement with the observed DFM; and (2) microseism decay is not synchronous with sea ice expansion since the microseism intensity is also linked to the source location, source intensity (e.g., ocean storms, ocean wave field), and other factors. Finally, we discuss the effect of Southern Annular Mode on Antarctic sea ice and microseisms, as well as the current limitations and potential of employing seismological investigations to elucidate Antarctic sea ice variations and climate change.  相似文献   

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