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近年来,挪威渔业的电子化、自动化程度不断提高,各种先进的电子仪器相继产生,并在生产中得到应用。 例如,新的网位仪可测2000米距离内的网位状况。它能测出拖网的网口是否对准鱼群、进网鱼群的数量和鱼群在网上网下通过的情况,还可显示出拖网上纲离水面、下纲离海底的距离。又如囊网渔获指示器有四个传感器分  相似文献   

为促进我国海洋渔业"走出去",进一步发展远洋捕捞业,文章调查西南大西洋乌拉圭近海双船拖网捕捞的渔具和渔法等,并提出生产建议。研究结果表明:双船拖网的渔具包括渔船、网具、纲索和属具,网身采用加目和减目编缝的方式缝合而成;渔法包括放网准备、放网、曳网、起网和网具养护等环节;针对渔场、渔期和捕捞对象,应把握捕捞产量、成本和航次的关系,并结合主捕对象的生活习性,合理规划生产。  相似文献   

1仪器基本原理及主要技术指标SHWY-1型中层同位仪是由水下两个声发射器和船上声接收机组成的水声遥测仪器。两个声发射器分别安装在网具的上、下纲上,接收水听器悬挂在曳纲上,位于水深3~5m处,并通过电缆连接置于船上驾驶室的接收机。图1分别为单船拖网和双船拖网作业时,声发射器Tr及接收水听器Hy的安装示意。由于海洋信道物理场的时一空一频变性,强多途效应和噪声等,严重影响信号的传输和检测。研制这类水声遥测设备的技术关键,是如何提高系统对噪声及多途的抗干扰能力,从而提高系统的可靠性,保证测量数据的准确度…  相似文献   

基于船位监控系统的拖网捕捞努力量提取方法研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了基于船位监控系统提取拖网捕捞努力量,通过统计航速获得3个峰值,拖网作业在第2个峰值,即1~2.1 m/s,拖网作业航向差一般在–50°~50°。利用航速、航向差阈值设定,把拖网船状态划分为慢速、作业、航行,然后提取出捕捞作业状态点,1 423艘拖网船共提取到处于捕捞状态的点318 433个,合计拖网捕捞时间15 921 h,利用反距离加权插值法生成捕捞强度分布变化趋势图。捕捞努力量在渔业资源研究中是重要的参考值之一,与传统的捕捞努力量计算方法相比,该方法具有实时、大范围、快速、分辨率高的特点,能够用于辅助渔业资源保护。  相似文献   

过洋性渔业是我国远洋渔业的重要组成部分,伊朗阿曼湾渔场是我国新开发的过洋性渔场,单船底拖网是主要的作业方式。文章从过洋性渔业生产的推力、阻力以及过洋性拖网渔具存在的问题出发,分析目前单船底拖网油耗偏高的问题,并针对阿曼湾渔场的特点,在网型、网衣尺寸、网板以及拖网的自动化和智能化等方面进行改进与探讨。同时提出4点建议:提高网口高度,增加侧身力纲;增大网目尺寸和网口周长,确定合理的身周比;采用柔性网板;采用瞄准捕捞技术以及网囊实时监测、自动脱落和提网技术。拖网性能的提高对我国远洋渔业的发展至关重要,对实现海洋强国目标具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

为支撑《全国海洋捕捞准用渔具目录》的实施与管理,本文利用套网法在黄海区海州湾海域开展了黄海双船变水层疏目拖网网囊选择性研究。在分析渔获的基础上,运用相对重要性指数(IRI)、Logistic模型等分析方法,获得了双船变水层疏目拖网渔获物种类组成、优势种和主要渔获物竹荚鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)和带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)的选择性曲线。研究显示,随着网囊网目尺寸的增加,渔获物质量和逃逸率均逐渐增加;竹荚鱼、小黄鱼和带鱼的50%选择体长(L_(0.5))逐渐增大,且L_(0.5)与网囊网目尺寸呈线性关系;双船变水层疏目拖网网囊最小网目尺寸按照底拖网54 mm网目尺寸标准执行偏小。根据试验结果,结合小黄鱼、竹荚鱼和带鱼最小可捕规格,变水层疏目拖网网囊最佳网目尺寸分别为65.78、78.82和67.36 mm。在目前渔业资源状况下,为保护小黄鱼等中小型经济鱼类,建议将双船变水层疏目拖网网囊最小网目尺寸(网目内径)设定为66 mm。研究结果可为我国近海捕捞渔具管理以及渔业资源的可持续发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

一、前 言 作为海洋渔业生产的一个重要环节──渔场安排和船只调度合理与否,直接关系到捕捞效果和经济收益,这是海洋捕捞企业生存和发展的前提,然而要合理地作出渔场安排和船只调度,必须对生产海域的海况环境变化及时有所了解,而卫星遥感图象所提供的海况环境要素变化的信息,在同步、及时、宽广性上无疑是得天独厚的,因此引起国内外渔业界的高度重视。美国、日本、加拿大等国已将卫星遥感信息应用于中上层渔业生产,对指导渔民寻找金枪鱼、鲱鱼和鲐黪鱼渔场取得了良好的效果。然而我国目前海洋渔业生产的主要捕捞对象是近底层鱼类,主要作业方式是对船底层拖网。在黄、东海生产的近千艘渔轮,90 %是从事底拖网作业的,沿岸4万多条群众机帆渔船亦以底拖网生产为主。因此能否在以底曳网生产占主要成分的我国海洋渔业中,应用卫星红外云图提供的遥感信息,是广大水产工作者十分关心的问题。它关系到遥感信息渔业应用的发展前途。 本文目的在于通过对黄、东海海洋环境要素变化特征和卫星红外遥感信息与渔场相关性的分析,论证卫星红外云图在我国底拖网渔业生产中应用的可行性及其作用。  相似文献   

山东省寿光市的拖网作业至今已有近百年历史,长期的生产实践曾经形成了扒贝和拖网两大生产优势,并成为寿光市海洋捕捞的支柱之一。然而,自2000年以来,近海渔场各种捕捞作业发展迅速,捕捞强度增大,作业之间竞争激烈。另外,中日、中韩渔业协定的大力实施,又限制了寿光市渔船的作业范围。目前因海水污染贝类资源大量  相似文献   

本文用计算确定双拖网曳纲的空间形状与张力,估算在一定拖速下两船间距、水深与网具水平扩张的关系。根据模型试验测出的水平与垂直扩张值,换算出双拖网网口高度并与实测结果比较。可针对各级渔轮和生产条件,广泛计算并列出图表,以便在生产中用于双拖网调整。  相似文献   

近5年来,海洋捕捞技术已取得突出进展,能在200海里以外海域进行捕捞的大型渔船数量急剧增长,已占世界100总登记吨位商业渔船总数的41%(占总资本价值的45%),而且其技术市场庞大。中水层大型拖网的捕捞目标现在已包括鲱鱼、金枪鱼等大大小小的远洋鱼类。大型远洋延绳钓能挂40000个鱼钩,能在  相似文献   

捕捞压力在改变南海鱼类种类演替和生物量波动方面所起的作用大于气候和环境因素是一个普遍的、有争议的假设。根据1959~2010年南海北部北部湾口底拖网的调查数据,报告了该海域鱼类种类组成、优势类群的丰度比例、生物量的季节和年际变化。建立了鱼类生物量与捕捞压力和气候变化外部因素之间的广义加性模型。结果表明,捕捞压力驱动底层渔业资源急剧下降的主要因素,并随着时间的推移,高值鱼类被低值鱼类所取代。1993年和1998年期间鱼类生物量的突然减少与同期厄尔尼诺事件相对应,气候变化可能是渔业拖网捕捞中中上层鱼类比例变化的主要驱动因素。为了更好地了解鱼类群落动态,需要区分捕捞压力和环境驱动因素对不同生活史策略鱼类物种的影响。  相似文献   

Proponents of catch share-based fisheries have claimed ecological stewardship can result from the assignment of individual catch quotas. This claim is examined by analyzing the distribution of benthic habitat protection measures adopted by quota-owning industry sectors within the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of the U.S. (Alaska), New Zealand, and high seas seamounts within the Southern Indian Ocean Deepsea Fishers Association (SIODFA) competence area. Results suggest the protection of both benthic ecosystems and essential fish habitat (EFH) are marginal at best when quota owners have primacy in determining the boundaries of bottom trawl closures. The majority of the areas in these three regions that are closed to trawling are too deep to fish, may not contain vulnerable marine ecosystems, and do not have high abundances of commercially important species. “Freezing the footprint” of bottom trawling is not the best method for benthic habitat protection in areas where the fishing industry is actively fishing vulnerable habitats. Analytical methods should be applied to help determine boundaries of future bottom trawl closures rather than allowing the fishing industry to place benthic protection areas (BPAs) in areas where they are not interested in fishing.  相似文献   

黄海夏季不同取样网具渔获物组成比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据 2 0 0 0年夏季双拖渔船和“北斗”号专业调查船对应站位拖网调查资料 ,进行了两种不同取样网具情况下渔获物组成的比较分析 ,结果表明 :渔船的单位扫海面积渔获量、几种重要种类的长度范围、平均个体长度、5 0 %选择长度、重量计优势度均高于“北斗”号 ,而渔获种类数则少于“北斗”号 ,且两者种类组成相似性较低 ,仅为 0 .4 5 8;而且“北斗”号的底层、近底层鱼类和无脊椎类占总渔获量的比例高于渔船 ,这主要是由于渔具的选择作用造成的。结果说明应用渔船针对渔业生产进行的渔业资源监测 ,对带鱼、小黄鱼、鱼等重要生产种类是适合的 ,能够反映其资源量状况 ,但对群落结构、生物多样性等生态系统水平上的研究却存在着明显的不足  相似文献   

In a context of growing fishing pressures and recommendations for an ecosystem approach to fisheries, there is a need to monitor changes in fish communities over time. In this study, we analysed data from scientific trawl surveys carried out on the continental shelf off Guinea between 1985 and 2012. We performed factorial analyses and calculated biodiversity indices to characterise the changes in the structure and composition of fish communities that occurred over the 28-year period in this area, particularly given intensive fishing activities. We show that, over the study period, fish communities on the Guinean shelf were structured primarily according to spatial factors, with temporal changes being less pronounced than expected. However, a temporal analysis of biodiversity indices and species dominance showed that the intensification of fishing had significant effects on the general ecological features of the fish assemblages under study. There was a decrease in fish density and in mean trophic level. In addition, there were changes in species dominance, whereby large, slow-growing species with high commercial value were gradually replaced by smaller, fast-growing species of lesser commercial interest. These results from field observations are in line with some conclusions from previous modelling studies in the same geographical area, and provide further support for the hypothesis of a progressive ‘ecosystem effect of fishing’ occurring in Guinean waters.  相似文献   

A bottom trawl survey was used to determine the position of a nursery ground for snapper, Chrysophrys auratus, in the North Taranaki Bight, New Zealand, and so indicate what area should be protected from potentially harmful fishing techniques. A nursery ground for trevally, Caranx georgianus, was also identified. The growth rate of snapper from the North Taranaki Bight is shown to be much faster than Hauraki Gulf and East Cape stocks, but quite similar to Tasman Bay fish. The onset of sexual maturity appears to be related to fish size rather than age, with about 80% of snapper being mature at a fork length of 25 cm. Recruitment success varies greatly between years, and successful recruitment may be related to warm spring temperatures.  相似文献   

Long-term variations in population structure, growth, mortality, length at median sexual maturity, and exploitation rate of threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus) are reported based on bottom trawl survey data collected during 1960–2012 in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Laboratory-based analyses were conducted on 16791 individuals collected quarterly in eight different sampling years. Average body length, estimated asymptotic length, and percentage of large individuals have decreased significantly with the growth of marine catch and fishing power, indicating individual miniaturization of this fish species. Estimated exploitation rates indicate that the N. virgatus stock in the Beibu Gulf was moderately exploited in 1960 and 1962 and overexploited after 1992. This stock was taking a good turn in status in 2012, with the lowest exploitation rate since 1992 and ceased downward trend in length indexes. These results suggest that management measures to reduce fishing pressure may have a positive influence on the biological characteristics of this commercial fish species. Biological characteristics of most commercial fish species have phenotypic plasticity and might change over years in response to fisheries management. Therefore, attentions should be paid on variations in fish biological characteristics, when evaluating the effectiveness of current measures to control the total catch for all fisheries.  相似文献   

参照渔业生物学、渔业资源解析学、数量遗传学等有关理论模型,并应用数值模拟方法,对长期选择性捕捞(重点为渔具选择性)是否参与造成了渔业资源的生物学变化(体长、性成熟等)进行某些基础性探索。设计了一个具有一定体长遗传特征的模拟鱼类种群,并利用一种具有固定选择性参数的拖网对其进行长期捕捞。结果表明,多年的持续的捕捞压力使得模拟种群中鱼类体长逐渐减小,减小的幅度随开发率的增大而增大,而终止捕捞后种群的体长并没有发生恢复的迹象,说明这种变化很可能伴随种群遗传的变化,具有自然不可逆性。  相似文献   

The life spans of demersal species of fishes occurring in deep-waters are much longer and their potential growth rates much lower than those of related shallow water species. As a result, deep-sea demersal fish species are more vulnerable to exploitation. This is because low growth rates relative to the available market discount rate for capital makes it desirable for fishing firms to mine, rather than sustainably exploit, these resources even in the absence of fisheries subsidies. However, it is common knowledge that governments around the world do provide subsidies to their fishing industries. The objective of this contribution is to estimate the global amount of subsidies paid to bottom trawl fleets operating in the high seas, i.e., outside of the Exclusive Economic Zones of maritime countries. Our study suggests that fisheries subsidies to these fleets stand at about US$152 million per year, which constitutes 25% of the total landed value of the fleet. Economic data for bottom trawlers suggest that the profit achieved by this vessel group is normally not more than 10% of landed value. The implication of this finding is that without subsidies, the bulk of the world's bottom trawl fleet operating in the high seas will be operating at a loss, and unable to fish, thereby reducing the current threat to deep-sea and high seas fish stocks.  相似文献   

The trawl fishery, which targets Cape hake Merluccius spp. and Agulhas sole Austroglossus pectoralis, takes chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii as by-catch. Catch and effort data from the trawl fishery for the period 1978–1996 are used to obtain annual estimates of catch rate (catch per unit effort cpue) for that period. Examination of the cpue trend shows a sharp decline in the early 1980s and, in order to identify factors that could have influenced that decline, the distribution of fishing effort is investigated both temporally and spatially. There is a possible change in the incidence of squid-directed catches over time, but their overall scarcity could have had only a small impact on the annual cpue trend. Further, using distribution of fishing effort to evaluate the effects of possible changes in fishing patterns, rather than changes in resource abundance, on the trend in trawl cpue, it became clear that there had been a contraction of the trawling grounds and changes in fishing patterns in relation to depth over time. Finally, a general linear model (GLM) is developed to quantify the effect on cpue of factors such as vessel characteristic, depth and position of the drag, season and target species, so obtaining a standardized trawl cpue index of chokka abundance. Analysis of that trend reveals a mean 7.7% annual decline for the period investigated, which should be interpreted as a strong sign of resource decline.  相似文献   

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