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Sediment grains in a bedrock‐alluvial river will be deposited within or adjacent to a sediment patch, or as isolated grains on the bedrock surface. Previous analysis of grain geometry has demonstrated that these arrangements produce significant differences in grain entrainment shear stress. However, this analysis neglected potential interactions between the sediment patches, local hydraulics and grain entrainment. We present a series of flume experiments that measure the influence of sediment patches on grain entrainment. The flume had a planar bed with roughness that was much smaller than the diameters of the mobile grains. In each experiment sediment was added either as individual grains or as a single sediment pulse. Flow was then increased until the sediment was entrained. Analysis of the experiments demonstrates that: (1) for individual grains, coarse grains are entrained at a higher discharge than fine grains; (2) once sediment patches are present, the different in entrainment discharge between coarse and fine grains is greatly reduced; (3) the sheltering effect of patches also increases the entrainment discharge of isolated grains; (4) entire sediment patches break‐up and are eroded quickly, rather than through progressive grain‐by‐grain erosion; (5) as discharge increases there is some tendency for patches to become more elongate and flow‐aligned, and more randomly distributed across the bed. One implication of this research is that the critical shear stress in bedrock‐alluvial channels will be a function of the extent of the sediment cover. Another is that the influence of sediment patches equalizes critical shear stresses between different grain sizes and grain locations, meaning that these factors may not need to be accounted for. Further research is needed to quantify interactions between sediment patches, grain entrainment and local hydraulics on rougher bedrock surfaces, and under different types of sediment supply. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional(2 D) computational model for simulation of incipient sediment motion for noncohesive uniform and non-uniform particles on a horizontal bed was developed using the Discrete Element Method(DEM).The model was calibrated and verified using various experimental data reported in the literature and compared with different theories of incipient particle motion.Sensitivity analysis was done and the effects of relevant parameters were determined.In addition to hydrodynamic forces such as drag,shear lift and Magnus force,the particle-particle interaction effects were included in the model.The asymptotic critical mobility number was evaluated for various critical particle Reynolds numbers(R*) in the range of very small and very large R*.The obtained curve is classified into four regions.It was found that in the linear region,the drag force has the principal role on the initiation of motion.Moreover,the critical mobility number is independent of particle diameter.A procedure for estimating the critical shear velocity directly from the information on particle diameter and roughness height was developed.Finally,the mechanism of incipient motion for the different regions was studied and the effect of different forces on the incipient particle motion was obtained.It was found that the maximum effects of lift and Magnus forces were,respectively,less than ten and twenty percent of the total force.The drag force,however,was typically the dominant force accounting for majority of the net hydrodynamic force acting on sediment particles at the onset of incipient motion.  相似文献   

Coarse bedload transport dynamics are investigated utilizing hydrodynamic and sediment transport data obtained in an extensively instrumented study reach located in Squaw Creek, Montana, USA. During 1991 and 1992, a number of discrete bedload transport events associated with the daily rise and fall in stream discharge were investigated. Data show that initiation of sediment transport was accompanied by a reduction in bed roughness and by changes in bulk hydraulic parameters. For larger discharges, coarser fractions of the bed material mobilized, and bedload transport rates and average hydraulic parameters stabilized. As discharge reduced, mobile coarse particles became less frequent and deposited fine particles were removed, resulting in an increase in bed roughness. These observations are attributed to the downstream translation of bar sediments during the passage of a hydrograph. Bedload pulses were aperiodic but spatially variable. Flow turbulence and velocity profile data obtained during low flows allowed comparison between average bed shear stress and apparent bed roughness estimates obtained using different approaches. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riffle–pool sequences are maintained through the preferential entrainment of sediment grains from pools rather than riffles. This preferential entrainment has been attributed to a reversal in the magnitude of velocity and shear stress under high flows; however the Differential Sediment Entrainment Hypothesis (DSEH) postulates that differential entrainment can instead result from spatial sedimentological contrasts. Here we use a novel suite of in situ grain‐scale field measurements from a riffle–pool sequence to parameterize a physically‐based model of grain entrainment. Field measurements include pivoting angles, lift forces and high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) acquired using terrestrial laser scanning, from which particle exposure, protrusion and surface roughness were derived. The entrainment model results show that grains in pools have a lower critical entrainment shear stress than grains in either pool exits or riffles. This is because pool grains have looser packing, hence greater exposure and lower pivoting angles. Conversely, riffle and pool exit grains have denser packing, lower exposure and higher pivoting angles. A cohesive matrix further stabilizes pool exit grains. The resulting predictions of critical entrainment shear stress for grains in different subunits are compared with spatial patterns of bed shear stress derived from a two‐dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the reach. The CFD model predicts that, under bankfull conditions, pools experience lower shear stresses than riffles and pool exits. However, the difference in sediment entrainment shear stress is sufficiently large that sediment in pools is still more likely to be entrained than sediment in pool exits or riffles, resulting in differential entrainment under bankfull flows. Significantly, this differential entrainment does not require a reversal in flow velocities or shear stress, suggesting that sedimentological contrasts alone may be sufficient for the maintenance of riffle–pool sequences. This finding has implications for the prediction of sediment transport and the morphological evolution of gravel‐bed rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The interaction between particle weathering and surface armouring and its effect on erosion has been investigated. The effect of soil armouring is to decrease sediment transport with time by preferentially stripping away fine particles. On the other hand the effect of weathering, which breaks down the particles in the armour, is generally believed to increase erosion. By extending an existing armouring model, ARMOUR, and using a variety of published weathering mechanisms this interaction has been explored. The model predicts that while this is generally true, in some cases erosion can be decreased by weathering. When the particles generated by weathering were approximately of equal diameter, erosion increased while armouring decreased. When weathering produced very fine particles by spalling, erosion increased and armouring also increased. When weathering produced a range of particles from fine to coarse, the armour layer broke down and erosion decreased relative to the no‐weathering case. This latter decrease in erosion was due to the high entrainment of coarser transportable materials from the bed decreasing the sediment transport capacity of the flow. In these studies clear regimes could be identified where erosion was limited by either the energy of the flow alone (i.e. ‘transport‐limited’), or the rate of weathering (‘weathering‐limited’); however, for some mechanisms there was an interaction between the two, which we called ‘weathering/transport limited’. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The porosity of a bimodal sediment mixture is affected by the filling of fine particles in the voids of coarse particles when the particle size range is wide. The classical ideal packing models tend to overestimate the filling, and, thus, underestimate the porosity of the mixture. In this study, an existing random filling model is improved by considering a three-dimensional packing configuration, and a new model is developed by considering how many fine particles are required and how many are available to cover the surface of coarse particles in the sediment mixture. The developed models are validated using measured data and compared with existing models. The new model can reproduce well the variation trend of the mixture porosity as the fraction of fine particles varies.  相似文献   

Retrogressive erosion is a high-speed erosion process that usually occurs during the rapid release of stored water in reservoirs built on sandy rivers.Retrogressive erosion has been utilized in the practice of reservoir sedimentation control,but accurate prediction of the bed deformation process by numerical models has rarely been reported.The current study presents a one-dimensional morphodynamic model for simulating the evolution process of retrogressive erosion induced by high-velocity flows on steep slopes.The governing equations apply a Cartesian coordinate system with a vertically oriented z axis.The bed surface gradient and friction terms in the flow equations include correction factors to take account of the effects of high slope on flow movement.The net vertical sediment flux term in the sediment transport and bed deformation equations is calculated using an equation of erosion velocity.Particularly,this equation is based on an empirical relation between the sediment entrainment rate and the Shields parameter in contrast to the traditional sediment transport capacity,and the critical Shields parameter is modified by taking into account the permeability of the sediment layer and the stability of particles on a slope.The feedback of scoured sediment on the flow movement is considered by additional terms in the governing equations.Flume experiments of retrogressive erosion in literature were simulated to validate the model.The temporal variations of the longitudinal profiles of the free surface and channel bed and the sediment transport rate were well predicted.The algorithm calculating sediment entrainment in the proposed model also was validated for an experiment measuring entrainment rate from the literature.More importantly,it was found that the morphodynamic model using the sediment transport capacity equation predicts the trend of cumulative erosion contrary to the measurements,while results of the proposed model can follow a similar trend with the observed data in the retrogressive erosion process.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION To data, there are about 100 formulae for the incipient motion of sediment, among which, only about ten are convenient and practical. In 1936, using nondimensional drag force and the sediment’s Reynolds number, Shields (1936) presented the…  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and numerical models for the motion of saltating particles close to stream beds are constituted of three sub-models: a) a set of equations describing the particle “free flight”, b) a sub-model to calculate the post-collision particle velocity, and c) a mathematical representation of the bed roughness. In this paper, a comprehensive three-dimensional (3-D), theoretical/numerical model for bedload motion at large Reynolds numbers is presented. By using geometric considerations and stochastic parameters to characterize collisions with the wall, five new sub-models for representation of bed roughness are, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, proposed and implemented. The emphasis of this paper is on the particle model, for which Basset, Magnus, drag, submerged weight, virtual mass, and lift forces are included. For the range of particle sizes (sands) analyzed herein, it is found that the stream-wise contribution of the Basset force, compared to other forces, may be as large as 60%. Whereas in the wall-normal direction, the Basset force is equally important as the drag force, and it is exceeded only by the submerged weight. It is also found that the best agreement between numerical and experimental results in terms of jump length, jump height, and stream-wise particle velocity is achieved for restitution and friction coefficients of 0.65 and 0.1, respectively. Important conclusions are obtained regarding the lack of realistic prediction with available “roughness” models with small ranges of angles.  相似文献   

Cohesive sediment dynamics in mountainous rivers is poorly understood even though these rivers are the main providers of fine particles to the oceans. Complex interactions exist between the coarse matrix of cobble bed rivers and fine sediments. Given that fine sediment load in such environments can be very high due to intense natural rainfall or snowmelt events and to man‐induced reservoir or dam flushing, a better understanding of the deposition and sedimentation processes is needed in order to reduce ecohydrological downstream impacts. We tested a field‐based approach on the Arc and Isère alpine rivers combining measurements of erosion and settling properties of river bed deposits before and after a dam flushing, with the U‐GEMS (Gust Erosion Microcosm System) and SCAF (System Characterizing Aggregates and Flocs), respectively. These measurements highlight that critical shears, rates of erosion, settling velocities and propensity of particles to flocculate are highly variable in time and space. This is reflective of the heterogeneity of the hydrodynamic conditions during particle settling, local bed roughness, and nature and size of particles. Generally the deposits were found to be stable relative to what is measured in lowland rivers. It was, however, not possible to make a conclusive assessment of the extent to which the dynamics of deposits after reservoir flushing were different from those settled after natural events. The absence of any relationships between erosion and deposition variables, making it impossible to predict one from another, underlined the need to measure all of them to have a full assessment of the fine sediment dynamics and to obtain representative input variables for numerical models. While the SCAF was found to be effective, an alternative to the U‐GEMS device will have to be found for the erodibility assessment in cobble bed rivers, in order to make more rapid measurements at higher shears. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel simulations of the effect of non-erodible roughness elements on sediment transport show that the flux ratio q/qs, shear velocity U*, and roughness density λ are co-dependent variables. Initially, the sediment flux is enhanced by kinetic energy retention in relatively elastic collisions that occur at the roughness element surfaces, but at the same time, the rising surface coverage of the immobile elements reduces the probability of grain ejection. A zone of strong shearing stress develops within 0·03 to 0·04 m of the rough bed because of a relative straightening of velocity profiles which are normally convex with saltation drag. This positive influence on fluid entrainment is opposed by declining shear stress partitioned to the sand bed. Similarly, because the free stream velocity Uf is fixed while U* increases, velocity at height z and particle momentum gain from the airstream decline, leading eventually to lower numbers of particles ejected on average at each impact. When the ratio of the element basal area to frontal area σ is approximately equal to 3·5, secondary flow effects appear to become significant, so that the dimensionless aerodynamic roughness parameter Z0/h and shear stress on the exposed sand bed Ts decrease. It is at this point that grain supply to the airstream and saltation drag appear to be significantly reduced, thereby intensifying the reduction in U*. The zone of strong fluid shear near the bed dissipates.  相似文献   

A model was developed for the prediction of the entrainment rate of non‐uniform sediment considering the movement of bedforms. Laboratory experiments were conducted to advance the formulations of the proposed model and to validate and estimate the model parameters. The model parameters were related to the hydraulic conditions of the flow and the properties of the sediment mixtures using dimensional analysis and gene expression programming. The model incorporated four parameters on its formulation, namely the Shields stress and critical Shields stress to describe the hydraulic and sediment conditions of the flow, the Kramer coefficient of uniformity to describe the grain size distribution of a particular sediment mixture, and the relative position of a particular grain size fraction to the geometric mean to describe the entrainment rate of that fraction within the sediment mixture. The proposed model provided satisfactorily predictions with a deviation less than 25% between the measured and predicted values for most of the fractions, which confirms the validity of the proposed approach and model in predicting of the entrainment rates of various fractions. The model predictions were also compared with other models available for the prediction of the entrainment rate of non‐uniform sediment. The model predictions were within the same order of magnitude of the other models’ predictions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The problem of impact–entrainment relationship is one of the central issues in understanding saltation, a primary aeolian transport mode. By using particle dynamic analyser measurement technology the movement of saltating particles at the very near‐surface level (1 mm above the bed) was detected. The impacting and entrained particles in the same impact–entrainment process were identified and the speeds, angle with respect to the horizontal, and energy of the impacting and entrained sand cloud were analysed. It was revealed that both the speed and angle of impacting and entrained particles vary widely. The probability distribution of the speed of impacting and entrained particles in the saltating cloud is best described by a Weibull distribution function. The mean impact speed is generally greater than the mean lift‐off speed except for the 0·1–0·2 mm sand whose entrainment is significantly influenced by air drag. Both the impact and lift‐off angles range from 0° to 180°. The mean lift‐off angles range from 39° to 94° while the mean impact angles range from 40° to 78°, much greater than those previously reported. The greater mean lift‐off and especially the mean impact angles are attributed to mid‐air collisions at the very low height, which are difficult to detect by conventional high‐speed photography and are generally ignored in the existing theoretical simulation models. The proportion of backward‐impacting particles also evidences the mid‐air collisions. The impact energy is generally greater than the entrainment energy except for the 0·1–0·2 mm sand. There exists a reasonably good correlation of the mean speed, angle and energy between the impacting and entrained cloud in the impact–entrainment process. The results presented in this paper deserve to be considered in modelling saltation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical models of fine sediment transport depend on different approaches to parameterize the erosion properties of surficial sediment strata. These properties, namely the critical shear stress for erosion and the erosion rate coefficient, are crucial for reproducing the short-term and long-term sediment dynamics of the system. Methods to parameterize these properties involve either specialized laboratory measurements on sediment samples or optimization by model calibration. Based on observations of regular patterns in the variation of suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) over the tidal cycle in a small, narrow estuary, an alternate approach, referred to as the entrainment flux method, for quantifying the erosion properties of surficial bed strata is formulated and applied. The results of this method are shown to be analogous to the erosion data used to formulate the standard linear erosion formulation developed by various authors. The erosion properties inferred from the entrainment flux method are also compared to direct measurements of erodibility on sediment samples from the same site using the Gust microcosm apparatus. The favorable comparison of the two approaches suggests that the entrainment flux method can be used to infer and quantify the erodibility of surficial sediment strata in similar small and narrow estuaries. This method has certain advantages, chiefly its ease of implementation and the fact that it uses SSC time series which would typically be expected to be available for the study of or for model application at a given site. Guidelines for selecting the appropriate dataset for the application of the method are also presented.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to study the nature of granular interaction in running water by examining the influence of fine grain inputs to a coarser sediment bed with a mobile surface. Video recordings of grain sorting by both kinetic sieving and spontaneous percolation are used to diagnose the critical processes controlling the overall bed response. Kinetic sieving takes place in the mobile bed surface, with the finer sediment moving to the bottom of the bedload transport layer at the interface with the underlying quasi‐static coarse bed. We show that the behavior at this interface dictates how a channel responds to a fine sediment input. If, by spontaneous percolation, the fine sediment is able to infiltrate into the underlying quasi‐static bed, the total transport increases and the channel degrades. However, if the fine sediment input rate exceeds the transport capacity or is geometrically unable to infiltrate into the underlying bed, it forms a quasi‐static layer underneath the transport layer that inhibits entrainment from the underlying bed, resulting in aggradation and an increase in bed slope. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantification of river bedform variability and complexity is important for sediment transport modeling as well as for characterization of river morphology. Alluvial bedforms are shown to exhibit highly nonlinear dynamics across a range of scales, affect local bed roughness, and vary with local hydraulic, hydrologic, and geomorphic properties. This paper examines sediment sorting on the crest and trough of gravel bedforms and relates it to bed elevation statistics. The data analysed here are the spatial and temporal series of bed elevation, grain size distribution of surface and subsurface bed materials, and sediment transport rates from flume experiments. We describe surface topography through bedform variability in height and wavelength and multiscale analysis of bed elevations as a function of discharge. We further relate bedform migration to preferential distribution of coarse and fine sediments on the troughs and crests, respectively, measuring directly surface and subsurface grain size distributions, and indirectly the small scale roughness variations as estimated from high resolution topographic scans.  相似文献   

Bed-load transport plays a critical role in river morphological change and has an important impact on river ecology.Although there is good understanding of the role of the variation of river bed grain size on transport dynamics in equilibrium conditions,much less is understood for non-equilibrium conditions when the channel is either aggrading or degrading.In particular,the relative role of different grain sizes in the promotion and hindering of the transport of coarse and fine fractions in a degrading channel has yet to be investigated.The current study attempts to provide new understanding through a series of flume experiments done using uniform and graded sediment particles.The experiments revealed coarser grain-size fractions for a poorly-sorted sediment,relative to uniform-sized sediment,reduced the transport of finer grains and finer fractions enhanced the transport of coarse grains.This hinderingpromotion effect,caused by relative hiding and exposure of finer and coarse fractions,increased with bed slope and decreased with relative submergence.In particular,as relative submergence increased,the graded fractions tended towards behaving more like their unifo rm-sized counterparts.Also,the bed-load parameter of the graded fractions increased more with a rise in bed slope than observed for the uniformsized counterparts.These results revealed,for degrading channel conditions,such as downstream of a dam,bed-load equations developed for uniform bed sediment are inappropriate for use in natural river systems,particularly in mountain streams.Furthermore,changes in river bed composition due to activities that enhance the input of hill-slope sediment,such as fire,logging,and agricultural development,are likely to cause significant changes in river morphology.  相似文献   

Elaborate experiments were performed in a 30 m long, 0.5 m deep and 0.2 m wide laboratory flume to study the process of infiltration of fine sediment into the pores of coarse sediment forming the channel bed material. Different concentrations of suspended load of fine sediment of size 0.064 mm were passed over the channel bed made up of three different types of coarse sediments; two uniform and one nonuniform. The proportion of fine sediment infiltrated into the pores of bed material for each equilibrium concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow was studied during several experimental runs. The proportion of fine sediment within the pores of bed material increased with an increase in the equilibrium concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow. This process continued till the pores within the coarse sediment bed were filled up to the capacity with the fine sediment transported by the flow in suspension. The theoretical value was identified for limit for maximum proportion of fine sediment that can be present within the pores of bed material. On further increase in the concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow, deposition of fine sediment occurs on the surface of the flume bed in the form of ripples of the fine sediment. This condition is defined as 'depositional condition'. Experimental observations on these and related aspects are presented herein.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment is supplied from river bed sediment in Hiyamizusawa Brook, Hokkaido, Japan, during the early snowmelt season. The stirring up of fine grains from the river bed is an important control of the time variation of suspended-sediment flux. In this stream, about 10 per cent of the river bed is covered with sand sediment, 80 per cent with cobbles and/or pebbles and the remaining 10 per cent is exposed bedrock. A model previously used to explain the stirring up of fine grains within a cobble and pebble bed is applied to a sand bed, with the modification that fine grains in a sand bed are assumed to be stirred up from the tractive layer formed on the surface, whereas those in a cobble and pebble bed are assumed to be stirred up from the gaps formed by the selective movement of pebbles on the river bed. The lift force acting at the river bed is estimated from the bed shear stress, and the maximum grain size capable of being stirred up was calculated from the lift force. Consequently, the amount of fine material stirred up from the river bed is estimated from the grain size distribution of river bed sediment, and the suspended-sediment flux is thus calculated. All stirred-up fines are assumed to become suspended sediment. The simulated time variation of suspended-sediment concentration was similar to that obtained in the field study. The calculated grain size of suspended sediment was also equivalent to the field data.  相似文献   

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